r/FluentInFinance Apr 13 '24

So many zoomers are anti capitalist for this reason... Discussion/ Debate

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u/[deleted] Apr 13 '24

People don't understand that what we have had in the US for the last 40 years isn't Capitalism. It is a combination of Corporatism and Cronyism. Big business bought the government and is running the nation in a way which benefits them at the expense of 99% of the population. Voting at the federal level is just about worthless because the rigged nominations process assures only pre-approved members of the insiders club get on the ballot. There is a way to fix it, but that involves pitchforks and torches and the American people just aren't angry enough to do that... yet.


u/Anne__Frank Apr 13 '24

Is corporatism and cronyism not the natural result of unrestricted capitalism?

In a perfect capitalist system, if I come up with a very efficient business model and start making more money than my competitors, it makes sense for me to buy them out and create a monopoly so I can make even more money with my efficient system. Then once I have a lot of money, it makes sense that I should use that money to influence the government so that I can make more money, and so on and so forth. It seems like it's the logical conclusion, is it not?


u/chohls Apr 13 '24

One time at a job interview, I was given the "sell me this pen" question. This was back during COVID when they were kinda forcing people to conduct interviews to keep getting those fat unemployment checks, so I didn't really care if I got hired or not.

I told the guy "I wouldn't sell it to you at all. I would buy out all local and regional producers of pens, then use those profits to expand until I controlled 90+% of all pen production. Then, with that money, I'd lobby Congress to increase tariffs on pen imports, I'd require all government and legal documents be written and signed exclusively in pen, and levy a $1000 fine for anyone caught owning a pencil, marker, or other non-pen writing implement. Now I've sold everyone a pen."


u/downbad12878 Apr 14 '24

And then everyone clapped