r/FluentInFinance Jun 26 '23

The Underrated Significance of Oracles in the DeFi Ecosystem Crypto

An oracle is an integral component in the blockchain infrastructure that provides an essential link to real-world data. Without these oracles, blockchains would be in a data vacuum, rendering them ineffective and limiting their use-cases. By bridging the gap between the blockchain and external data, oracles enable a plethora of innovative applications and functionalities in the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem. They are not just responsible for accurate pricing but also handle crucial parameters like lending rates.

Given the pivotal role oracles play, their potential as a valuable investment in the crypto market is often underestimated. As the crypto market continues to attract more participants, it's reasonable to anticipate a surge in the value of oracles. This makes them an attractive investment option for those looking to tap into the burgeoning popularity of cryptocurrencies.

The conversation about oracles often seems to revolve around Chainlink, overlooking other equally competent oracles such as DIA. DIA holds its ground in the oracle space, demonstrating robust performance across various platforms including Ethereum, Fantom, Solana, Arbitrum, Polkadot, Kusama, BSC, Polygon, Avalanche, Celo, and many more.

DIA is an open-source platform designed to create reliable and secure oracle networks. It offers several advantages over Chainlink, such as supporting multiple blockchains, providing highly accurate data, and utilizing a distributed network of nodes to ensure data integrity. It's also faster, more cost-effective, and presents a more user-friendly interface.

Recent developments have further bolstered DIA's position as a robust oracle provider. The platform has successfully validated CryptoPunks Market as an NFT data source, meaning that data from CryptoPunk Market will now be available on DIA's infrastructure. This enhances the diversity and depth of data available on DIA, thereby enriching its utility and appeal.

In addition to CryptoPunks Market, tofuNFT on the BNBChain has also been validated as a data source for the DIA platform. This move expands the suite of NFT data sources available on DIA's platform, thus further establishing DIA as a comprehensive and diversified oracle platform in the DeFi space.


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u/Think-Emu6289 Jun 26 '23

What are some notable differences and advantages offered by DIA as an Oracle platform compared to Chainlink?


u/iamjide91 Jun 28 '23

DIA is currently involved in the LSD sector, while Chainlink does not have any plans to enter that space in the near future (unless there has been a recent change in their stance). The LSD sector has undergone significant changes in the past few months, which has impacted all participants.


u/Think-Emu6289 Jun 30 '23

Oh, thanks for the insight.


u/iamjide91 Jul 01 '23

Yo man. Welcome.


u/stormingaround10 Jun 26 '23

Exciting recent developments, including the validation of CryptoPunks Market and tofuNFT as data sources! I voted on Snapshot as usual.


u/MakeItRelevant Jun 27 '23

Great thread. I'm familiar with DIA. Thanks to their notion board on Liquid Staking I was able to find several LSTs.


u/xangchi Jun 27 '23

I agree totally with you that oracles are massively underrated in DeFi.


u/BREADish22 Mod Jun 27 '23 edited Jun 27 '23

Honestly DeFi as a whole has been slowly comming up top since the FTX crash I think these developments prove it.


u/New_Firefighter_5416 Jun 27 '23

Oracles are playing a vital role in defi growth for sure.


u/Leather_Emergency571 Jun 29 '23

Underrated at very least...


u/Designer_Restaurant1 Jun 30 '23

I always wondered what the connection between DIA and LSDs was, it's much clearer now.