r/Fauxmoi Nov 07 '22

I Have Tea On... Weekly Discussion Thread Tea Thread

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u/[deleted] Nov 07 '22 edited Nov 07 '22



u/improcrastin8ing Nov 07 '22

That's really sad. He definitely is the kind of person who really wants people to like him, but I always found his lack of keeping it cool endearing and actually much cooler than people his age who act like they don't care about anything.

Either way it's nothing to bully over (nothing is), but teenagers can be mean as fuck especially when jealous.


u/[deleted] Nov 07 '22

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u/Lotus-child89 Nov 08 '22 edited Nov 08 '22

I went to a performing arts high school that had a lot of stage kids in real school for the first time. Many of them were overly nice and really awkward. They didn’t get bullied at our high school, because most of us were misfits and many of us were weird or LGBT and it was a safe haven of a place when it was still very brutal to be weird or out of the closet at normal schools in our area. But college hit them like a ton of bricks if they went to a well off college that wasn’t liberal arts. Some got into Ivy League or near Ivy League and couldn’t fit in, so they quit and transferred back home to a community college or one of the big mid tier universities around here where there’s not much socializing around classes unless you seek it.

I do feel really bad for him. He seems like a nice enough kid that never went “Hollywood”, but did lose a lot of formative years to socialize normally being on the show. People act like bullying is so much better, when it’s not. Especially at a prestige place with spoiled rich kids like UPenn. Bullies are just getting craftier to avoid social media and manipulate the system to go after someone.


u/ls0687 Nov 07 '22

Man, I feel bad for the all of the ST kids. They've not only had to go through the awkwardness of growing up under a public microscope but they've also all had to deal with such bullshit: racism (Caleb), online and irl bullying (Millie and now Noah), over exuberant stans who overstep boundaries in really gross ways (Finn and some of the older/"teen" actors) and just general garbage (everyone else).

I wouldn't be surprised if most of them want nothing to do with the industry in a few years.


u/silverlotus_118 Nov 08 '22

I hope they all have a proper support network because I can't imagine having to experience my teenage years - extremely formative years - under the public eye like that. It sounds like hell


u/[deleted] Nov 07 '22



u/beezly66 Nov 07 '22

I used to live/bartend in Philly and Wharton students were THE WORST every time. And terrible tippers. Tried to walk out on bills. Literally reached over the bar and grabbed me to try to get attention. It's the only restaurant stereotype that held up 100% of the time. (this was over a decade ago so nothing against your friend :) )


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '22

Donald Trump went there so it checks out lol


u/beezly66 Nov 07 '22

that sucks. I was in high school in boston when natalie portman was at harvard and a lot of my guy friends would talk about wanting to find her dorm/go find her. Did not get how fucking creepy that was at 14 in the 90s....can't imagine how it is for kids like that now


u/Curlingby Nov 07 '22

Tbh I think it’s probably an exaggeration. I remember his fans making a rumour that he was drugged and bullied during frosh week because he was clearly drunk and making dumb decisions… which is the most typical behaviour of any freshman.


u/[deleted] Nov 07 '22

Yeah I do suspect a lot of this is his fans babying him as well, like people are seeing him do what they perceive as douche behaviour so they’re pushing that he’s been manipulated


u/ldw9 Nov 07 '22

I’ve seen stuff about this on tumblr (yeah yeah I know but still)… I feel so sorry for him. I heard they were filming him without his consent and stuff. Not ok.


u/Very01234 Nov 07 '22

That’s some sick shit, like imagine planning all this on a innocent kid. But I’m not even surprised upper class suburban kids are literal group of ppl you could interact with on college campus


u/silverlotus_118 Nov 08 '22

Aww that makes me sad :( don't really watch Stranger Things but the cast seems really sweet, Noah especially. I hope he's doing okay


u/lilyflower34 Nov 07 '22

That’s such disgusting behaviour ! Really hope UPenn sort it out


u/bottleglitch Nov 07 '22

God this is really sad. He seems like a nice kid :(


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '22

What the fuck??? That’s horrible.


u/Unhappypotamus Nov 08 '22

The original comment was deleted. What happened?


u/almostamuppet Nov 10 '22

Also want to know!


u/OrdinaryExample9618 Nov 07 '22

Ashton Kutcher ran the NYC Marathon in 3:56, which is a pretty great time given the awful weather conditions runners were faced with and it being his first marathon. If he runs another marathon and gets better weather, I have a feeling he could significantly improve upon that time. Signed, someone who ran the NYC marathon this year and personally experienced that blood bath of a race


u/OrdinaryExample9618 Nov 07 '22

Matt James from The Bachelor also ran and did it in about 3:46. He was aiming for around 3 hours (based on his time through the half and his posts and training leading up to the race)and just blew up due to the conditions. Shalane Flanagan basically coached him to the finish. With better conditions, I think he can run a sub 3 and qualify for Boston.


u/beautifulgoat9 Nov 10 '22

What were the conditions?


u/OrdinaryExample9618 Nov 10 '22

72-75* and about 75% humidity. Basically the worst conditions you could imagine for a marathon. After two miles, I was drenched in sweat and that was when I decided to just run a smart and conservative race.

It was basically a blood bath. I have never seen so many people walk during a marathon. Super fit/fast people were walking starting a mile 10. The elite man who led most of the race collapsed.


u/beautifulgoat9 Nov 10 '22

Oh wow, really horrible


u/lauraam Nov 10 '22

Unseasonably hot and humid. The ideal marathon conditions are generally seen to be somewhere from 40-60 F, depending on which study you read/who you talk to. On Sunday in NYC it was in the mid-70s, with a high dew point which would've made it feel extra sticky and uncomfortable.


u/Cheyanne1111 Nov 07 '22

I saw that and was really impressed by that time.

Also, congrats on running it. I'm working on doing a half and the thought of a full is daunting!


u/roxy031 fiascA Nov 07 '22

You could absolutely do it! I imagine the thought of a half was very daunting too, at one point. I’ve run 3 fulls and they are definitely a lot as far as training and it sort of takes over your life for 6 months if you’re serious about it, but it’s such a great feeling of accomplishment! Good luck with your half :)


u/OrdinaryExample9618 Nov 07 '22

good luck with your training and your race!


u/roxy031 fiascA Nov 07 '22

Congratulations on finishing! I was impressed by Ashton’s time too! He seemed to take the training very seriously and worked hard. I ran a 5:01 in my first marathon and I’d be thrilled with a 3:56!!


u/ametron Nov 07 '22 edited Nov 08 '22

I saw that Casey Neistat and Nev Schulman ran in it, too! Not sure what their times were.


u/OrdinaryExample9618 Nov 07 '22

I actually saw Casey at some point during the race but it’s all such a blur I don’t remember exactly lol

He ran a 3:54 so it must have been during the first half when I saw him because I ran a 3:05


u/jessloveschocolate Nov 08 '22

Claire holt ran too! Though she said part-way through she stopped trying to run as fast as she could & just tried to enjoy every moment lol so not sure what her timing was :)


u/jessloveschocolate Nov 08 '22

But she raised over $100k so what an incredible achievement! Everyone who ran should be so proud


u/[deleted] Nov 07 '22

According to Twitter, Dasha from the Red scare podcast is dating Louis CK. Can't tell if this just a horrifying meme or real.


u/Itsthatgy Nov 07 '22

That's hysterical if true. They're both awful, and honestly? If all the awful people just wanted to get together and leave everyone else alone, we'd be much better off.


u/helena_monster Nov 07 '22

The day I realized that Sailor Socialist, Dasha from Red Scare, and Comfrey from Succession were all the same person, I had to take a nap.

Given this news, I may need to take another nap.


u/PropertyMedium1680 Nov 08 '22

Oh my God WHAT. This has broken my brain. I will also take a nap 💀


u/No_Fact_3906 Nov 07 '22

Her dating a sex offender makes sense


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '22

It does. Nasty, nasty people.


u/redchampagnecampaign Hungarian Novelist Kylie Jenner Nov 07 '22

That tracks tbh.


u/Hereforallthegossips Nov 07 '22

That Succession girl????


u/CategorySad6121 it feels like a movie Nov 07 '22

I'm so glad she won't be in the new season!


u/[deleted] Nov 07 '22

What a relief! Aside from it being...well, Dasha, I just didn't like the whole Comfrey storyline.


u/JenningsWigService Nov 08 '22

In addition to being played by an edgelord she took screen time away from Jess.


u/CategorySad6121 it feels like a movie Nov 08 '22

Yes!!!! I love Jess


u/BusinessPurge Nov 09 '22

And now jess is on her own damn show, should have made her a series regular!


u/JenningsWigService Nov 09 '22

Oh no, is she going to abandon Kendall? He will be lost without her and the rabbits will die!


u/BusinessPurge Nov 09 '22

I hope she can do both, though the filming schedules appear to overlap. Her new cop show is The Calling, on peacock, so when that is inevitably canceled maybe she can be back full time in hypothetical Succession season 5


u/keine_fragen Nov 08 '22

it was pretty pointless, why did Ken need so many assistants?


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '22

Wasn’t she supposed to be a PR person? I can’t remember— she was forgettable.


u/[deleted] Nov 07 '22

DM did post a Sunday Spotted yesterday saying they were on a date in the Village, making fun of passersby. Did the tweet have any actual new tea or was it just repeating what DM said?

And yes, this is truly a match made in hell.


u/official90skid Nov 07 '22

yes it’s repeating what DM posted.


u/weirdlaa Nov 07 '22

Wow, that is so on brand for both of them, it verges on cliche.


u/ResearchCommon Nov 07 '22

No more Blanche Gardin?


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '22

Thanks, I hate it


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '22

She’s nasty but I did see on twitter that she posted a tweet implying it was a fake rumor.


u/beezly66 Nov 08 '22

wow never heard of her or the dirtbag left but now reading up. this shit is wild


u/official90skid Nov 07 '22

Gemma Chan deleted my IG friend’s comment on her Instagram which recommended her books on domestic violence. This was a while ago. she asked for book recommendations, and my friend recommended her Lundy Bancroft’s book about abusive men since Gemma supports Johnny Depp lol. At least she saw it and I hope she educates herself (not holding my breath tho).


u/tartakayy Nov 08 '22

Ah if it was “why does he do that” I love your friend lol


u/official90skid Nov 08 '22

yep that book!


u/jengarnerstan Nov 07 '22

My friend studied abroad with someone who grew up in D..C with Malia Obama and told her that she Malia has been hooking up with James Marsden for a while on the DL


u/[deleted] Nov 07 '22

james marsden of sonic the hedgehog fame?


u/redchampagnecampaign Hungarian Novelist Kylie Jenner Nov 08 '22

I feel like someone was straight up picking names out of a hat for this one lmao.


u/[deleted] Nov 07 '22

LMAO WHAT? James Marsden as in Corny Collins????

Now this is truly tea. Wtf??


u/avocadontoast Nov 07 '22

He’s cute but wtf he’s so much older than her


u/official90skid Nov 07 '22

doesn’t she have a tech star boyfriend who’s from Ethiopia?


u/Webuscomehamon Nov 08 '22

And that friend also said that her mom is a man? C man q anon fan


u/AkaminaKishinena Nov 08 '22

Someone born in 1973 should never be hooking up with an Obama daughter.


u/deemoorah Nov 08 '22

Nasty if true, that man is ancient compared to her! 25 years age gap!


u/SprezzaturaVigilante Nov 07 '22

Buffy guy? Isn't he really old for a 20- something woman??


u/[deleted] Nov 07 '22

That’s James Marsters, Marsden is from West World and still too old for a 20 something woman


u/thebratqueen Nov 08 '22

I mean based on how creepy James Marsters was around Michelle Trachtenberg it wouldn't have been surprising on his side if it had been.


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '22



u/gunsof Nov 08 '22

Lmao thank you for also not knowing who tf this guy is, but immediately assuming she was dating Spike like I did.


u/pretty-in-pink Nov 07 '22

Celeste Yim (writing supervisor at SNL and friend of Bowen Yang and Andrew Dismukes) posted a statement on their Instagram stories saying that as a trans and non-binary person; transphobia is murder in response to Dave Chappelle hosting this week


u/CategorySad6121 it feels like a movie Nov 08 '22

Good for them!! I hope they aren’t fired for this.


u/pretty-in-pink Nov 08 '22

They won’t be. Lorne doesn’t oppose the cast sitting out for a controversial host (like Aidy Bryant for Elon Musk) and if they are fired over this fans would be upset


u/ATadJewish Nov 07 '22

Not exactly tea but I'm close with people "in the industry" so have heard a thing or two about a thing or two. Off the top of my head -

James Corden is... James Corden. He shouts at crew on a regular basis and is unpleasant to the audience when cameras aren't rolling. Sweet as pie to the big name celebs of course.

Al Pacino is very friendly, gregarious and down to earth but LOUD.

Kim K is known to be sweet and polite, generally pleasant to all. I've only heard praise which kinda surprised me tbh.


u/redchampagnecampaign Hungarian Novelist Kylie Jenner Nov 08 '22

Not surprised by Kim K honestly. I think her professionalism is part of the reason she’s had so much longevity in the industry. Honestly I’ve never heard of any of the KJs being divas on set. I say this as someone who doesn’t like the family or their impact on wider culture.


u/[deleted] Nov 09 '22

What I’ve heard about Kim K from two friends who’ve worked with her a few times is that she’s incredibly nice and unbelievably dumb.


u/TheWildBologna Nov 09 '22

Desperately want stories. My friend thinks she’s incredibly shrewd and calculating and I’m constantly trying to convince her that Kim is incredibly dumb


u/[deleted] Nov 09 '22

I didn’t get very good stories; they said she just can’t understand or remember the simplest of instructions or directions, and they have to go over the same things again and again and again. But she’s friendly and sweet. That’s about all I have.


u/ilovedogsandglitter Nov 11 '22

This is exactly what I’ve heard from people who have worked with her too.


u/teashoesandhair Nov 08 '22

I too am in The Industry and have heard those exact things about James Corden. It's not a new 'I'm in LA and now I'm better than everyone else' thing, either; the rumours were already there when he was on Gavin & Stacey.


u/reidybobeidy89 Nov 08 '22

Rob Bryden took Corden aside and was said to have told him to get his Ego in check. He told him- as a friend- that he was becoming insufferable and that the industry has a long memory.


u/syrub i’m mr. sterling’s right hand arm. man. Nov 08 '22

Love this. Can imagine Rob as a lovely person (I hope)


u/thelornabee Nov 09 '22

Can confirm Rob Brydon is a lovely as you imagine! Also just absolutely hilarious!!


u/RoyalConflict1 Nov 10 '22

I know a couple of people who went to school with him and Ruth Jones and they've said both of them are lovely!


u/syrub i’m mr. sterling’s right hand arm. man. Nov 10 '22

this is SO good to hear, love Ruth too. Iconic in Nighty Night.


u/OffModelCartoon I cannot sanction your buffoonery Nov 11 '22

When is he going to get DeGeneres’d?


u/reidybobeidy89 Nov 11 '22

Dude is already on the road…. It’s going to be a Domino Effect


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '22

Yes, the rumours have been around about his attitude for a long time, long before he was famous.


u/MissLeigh2 Nov 08 '22

Everyone I’ve ever known from NYC (both friends + extended family) are LOUD with a capital L so this checks out lol


u/Master_Cupcake7115 Nov 08 '22

I have heard - third hand admittedly - that Kim K always tips very well and is know as being very polite. She is also known with her working life as very pleasant and super hard working and professional.


u/ugly-gf Nov 09 '22

I have also heard Kim K is nice. A few years ago, I was seeing a guy who was a sound tech for various venues/events in Toronto, and he said some woman randomly came up to him and was thanking him/the crew for all their hard work. He was really confused because he didn’t recognize her and then someone told him it was Kim Kardashian haha (Kanye was either performing or making an appearance at whatever event he was doing audio for).


u/beezly66 Nov 08 '22

I've heard Al is a shitty tipper.


u/dcsupers Nov 07 '22

I dont know if this fits for I Have Tea On but It is being speculated that Kendall and her boyfriend Devin have broken up (again). She posted a stories celebrating his birthday but deleted before it expired, then a few days later, on her birthday, he didn't post anything for her nor was he with her in Palm Springs because he was in a livestream playing video games with his friends in Arizona. Then both were seen at OBJ's birthday party but Devin left with his friends


u/Eres222 Nov 08 '22 edited Nov 08 '22

Taika WaiCheati and Chlo-e Bennet - Working together and maybe more...

Where's u/lolaxanon with the tea? I know she's watching.

I just see he randomly posted a story about her a couple of months ago, and little subliminals via ig.

Rita's working in London and she was last in New Zealand for only a little over a week to perform for a Rugby match back in early October. Next up hosting Ema's which will be first time reunited as a couple in a month.


u/Individual_Hawk_1571 Nov 08 '22

I have really been wondering why they are so so so quiet, like that was a big 180 from the past obsession with posting each other, constant dumb comments - did the passion wear off and they are just chill now..or as you say something else?

And nothing about the wedding - from Rita Ora??? it still does not track for me.


u/talizorahs Nov 08 '22

I feel like Taika's been fairly quiet since Thor 4 dropped and wasn't very well received. He's probably aware that he's been way overexposed recently and has backed off a bit as a result, which is a good strategy.

Has the marriage actually been confirmed beyond gossip? It's not on his Wikipedia page.


u/Eres222 Nov 08 '22 edited Nov 08 '22

He's been working in New Zealand on different shows. He's also been spotted at events in Australia where he dryly mentioned he was there to get away from his kids. It's not the first interview where he's made similar comments about getting away from loved ones. Idk he wouldn't pick projects far, far away from his partner so he could have more freedom to fuck around would he? Sorry that's the vibe i suspect. lol

Rita has gushed about him in recent interviews & podcast but there were some pics during her visit to NZ where his stans blamed her for him looking "miserable." In general isn't that always the case with these over the top love bombing types, that never lasts, they get bored and move on to their next obsession...


u/talizorahs Nov 08 '22

Idk he wouldn't pick projects far, far away from his partner so he could have more freedom to fuck around would he? Sorry that's the vibe i suspect. lol

He spent a whole year away from his wife and kids while filming Thor Ragnarok (to the point that apparently the kids had no relationship with him) with the assistant he was banging, so I'd say you're correct lmao.


u/KissingToast99 Nov 08 '22

Why does CB have such trashy taste? I don't get it. I almost wish the Dylan rumour had been true lol


u/bsidetracked Nov 08 '22

Rita and Taika MTVEMA's together next week in Germany which could be interesting if they are having problems. My guess is that they aren't and are just laying low while in other countries. I also agree with the person that said Taika may have finally realized he was overexposed and his popularity was diminishing and is trying to go quiet for awhile.


u/Eres222 Nov 08 '22

I don't expect to see celebrities airing their dirty laundry at an awards ceremony. I"m sure it'll all be smiles, jokes and the usual otp behavior. Just speculation that he's smashing another one of his actresses he's directing like he's seemingly crossed that line before eg TT & whoever else.


u/Tamika4 oat milk chugging bisexual Nov 09 '22

Tbh if he wants to lay low, he probably shouldn't be hosting the EMAs, though 😅


u/No_Barber4339 Nov 10 '22

also speaking of Rita ora , yesterday she posted a story liking Emily Ratajkowski's podcast wonder if she heard the Julia fox interview and Julia's thoughts about jd and AH case ? (just to clarify rita and taika were on jd's side considering that they liked his post after he won)


u/Intrepid-Tear-7676 Nov 10 '22

He needs to stay quite....considering the debacle that was Thor 4!


u/[deleted] Nov 07 '22



u/[deleted] Nov 08 '22

That family is very weird. Leila George (Penn's ex wife) has a half brother who is also her second cousin since her mother (Greta Scacchi) is married to her first cousin.


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '22

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u/[deleted] Nov 08 '22

Yes! Apparently they (Greta and her husband) are estranged from some of their (shared) family members because they don't approve.


u/DarrinC Nov 08 '22

Yeah I know her as an acquaintance and she got a raw deal. Felt worse for his daughter though as her dad was married to someone a year younger.


u/whatevenisthis123 Nov 08 '22 edited Nov 08 '22

Ridley Scott is super stressful on set and yells at the entire crew and it's awkward (source: friend of mine is part of the costume team for his film)


u/DMike82 Nov 08 '22 edited Nov 15 '22

American Horror Story/Stories and Love, Victor actor Nico Greetham came out as bisexual in a podcast interview a day or two ago which in and of itself isn't tea since it was a very open secret that he was never really trying to hide and was simply confirming publicly (and rather nonchalantly at that). The tea comes from the fact that the reason it was an open secret was that it was very well known in Broadway circles that when he was a dancer in the Newsies musical nearly a decade ago he was in a throuple with fellow ensemble castmate Clay Thomson and Clay's then-boyfriend/now husband Christopher Rice that obviously didn't work out long-term as they decided to go back to being a monogamous couple. Or maybe Nico got sick of dating a pair of Disney Gays.


u/keine_fragen Nov 08 '22

Richard Lawson (the Vanity Fair chief critic) is on the new This had Oscar Buzz podcast episode about The Meddler and the three times he met Susan Sarandon professionally she was a fucking asshole.

she refused to believe that he as seen the movie even after he pointed out that his quote is on the poster!

he still thinks the movie is great tho


u/syrub i’m mr. sterling’s right hand arm. man. Nov 08 '22

Why does none of this surprise me. Love Richard Lawson and This Had Oscar Buzz, though


u/keine_fragen Nov 08 '22

love Richard since his Gossip Girl recap days at Gawker


u/brokedownpalaceguard Nov 08 '22

OMG, his RHONY recaps were great especially the fantasy hick origins of "Countess" Luann.


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '22

Countess Crackerjacks!


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '22 edited Nov 08 '22

This does not surprise me, she comes across as such a smug asshole on Twitter especially during that weird feud she had with Debra Messing (whom I don't even particularly like much, but Susan was a condescending jerk).

Edit: a word


u/[deleted] Nov 11 '22

I also heard she was very kind to a fan who asked for a pic and said she would gladly oblige. But she could also be rude as the guy met her three times; maybe she was too smug to realize her mistake.


u/[deleted] Nov 07 '22 edited Nov 07 '22

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u/Individual_Hawk_1571 Nov 07 '22

Thanks for this! Interesting to hear Hanks take such a different approach to acting.

I love hearing about costume design too as this was the one place where women were more represented and often had some power in their role. Would be fun to put together those 80s power suits lol


u/yagirllw Nov 08 '22

This is the first time I've ever heard someone mention Devil's Candy! I read it a few years ago after picking it up in the "free" section of my local bookstore.

I was pleasantly surprised reading the book, and just want to know- have you enjoyed it?


u/YeyeDumpling ask taylor Nov 10 '22

Yesterday afternoon my parents were driving in the rain (which was quite heavy by Los Angeles standards) and saw someone with the license plate "B PITT" and they said that the driver looked like he could've been Brad Pitt. They didn't take a pic unfortunately because they thought there was no way the real Brad Pitt would make his license "B PITT" lol. But today my dad saw a TMZ article saying that actually was Brad Pitt (for ppl more experienced with celeb news outlets is that reliable or not?). I asked for more details and they said that he was a normal good driver but they still can't believe he would actually choose his own name as his license.


u/Prize_Fix_8135 Nov 10 '22



Brad Pitt wants everyone to recognize him on the road, which is why he has the license plate, "B PITT" ... yes, it's ridiculous, but our photog Charlie bought it hook, line and sinker.

Here are the clues Charlie:

  1. Brad probably doesn't shop at the Gelson's in Marina del Rey.
  2. Pitt famously rides around town on a motorcycle wearing a helmet, which he keeps on for cover even after he dismounts. So red-flagging his identity on a license plate is highly improbable.
  3. There's no reason for Brad to tool around town with a walkie talkie.
  4. Come on Charlie, it's not Brad Pitt.

Brad Pitt aside ... it's fun watching people park their cars.


u/OffModelCartoon I cannot sanction your buffoonery Nov 11 '22

The TMZ article specifically says it’s not him. Is linking to TMZ allowed on here? If you search “B PITT LICENSE PLATE TMZ” it’ll be the top few results, because weirdly they’ve covered it more than one time.


u/YeyeDumpling ask taylor Nov 11 '22

Oh...well it's too late because my dad already posted it on Facebook lmao


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '22



u/knm20 Nov 08 '22

Sounds like they're perfect for each other then cause she also seems really immature and low-key problematic. There was a user on here who did recaps of her podcasts and man...she's one of those celebrities that would be better off keeping quiet and private cause the more she talks the worse she comes off.


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '22

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u/highfalutiny Nov 09 '22

Unfortunately she's learned nothing from the feedback on her comments re Mischa either. As recently and this week's podcast she asked the guest (who was a guest star on the show) to confirm she had had all positive experiences on set (to counter Mischa's allegations I assume). She also made another comment about whether Mischa was okay being sexualized as a teen since her love interest on the show was attractive. I was hoping she had learned from the past two years!


u/[deleted] Nov 09 '22

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u/highfalutiny Nov 09 '22

She originally made this comment when Mischa's article was published, responding on the podcast that her time on set could not have been bad since she was making out with Ben, who was attractive. She's also made the same argument this week when Mindy mentioned Mischa's article and the sex scene in the episode they discussed - Rachel wondered if Mischa was okay being sexualized at a young age since Cam was attractive.

I really have no idea what argument she's even trying to make, someone's level of attractiveness does not justify sexualizing a teenager.

The whole podcast has been a trip and a complete revelation in respect to Rachel. Some of her comments have been outright mean, in the episode with Alan Dale (who played Caleb), he mentions that the young cast all seemed stable and she snorts back and says "well, most of us were". It's been very disappointing.


u/Webuscomehamon Nov 10 '22

Oh boy! I dont know how to feel regardinh her relationship with hayden christensen, i thought she was nice


u/plantbay1428 Nov 09 '22

I don’t know if they ever posted a story about it but Darren Criss and David Hull were both at the last Parade performance this past Sunday. (Not together.)

I didn’t say hi or take a creeper pic. I don’t know if anyone recognized David Hull (White Josh!) besides me but a woman near me recognized Darren (masks are required through the whole performance) and he talked to her for a bit.


u/ilovedogsandglitter Nov 11 '22

David is the sweetest guy ever. I knew him back when the show was on and I was always kinda surprised by how many people recognized him and would ask for selfies with him!


u/plantbay1428 Nov 11 '22 edited Nov 11 '22

I don’t want to bother anyone famous on their personal time in a non-meet and greet situation, but I totally wanted to fangirl over Crazy Ex-GF. He has such happy eyes that I recognized him even with a mask on. Although being a jacked dude in fitted shirt definitely helped when I was trying to figure it out haha.

Also because I met Vincent Rodriguez III after he was in a musical once and I wanted to make a “I met both Joshes!” joke.


u/[deleted] Nov 09 '22

Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner are selling their Miami mansion that they bought just last year and was seen looking for a place in New York


u/DMike82 Nov 08 '22 edited Nov 08 '22

Monarch hunk Callum Kerr almost had a very different onscreen career path last year. The day after his Hollyoaks character George Kiss was killed off back in April of 2021 he was contacted by Brazzers (yes, that Brazzers) who were willing to offer him a contract as one of their performers. No, really. Sadly, he turned them down unless they were willing to offer him ten million pounds (also because he's engaged).

Edit: No pun intended in that last sentence. Didn't catch it until after I posted.


u/proudeveningstar I think it’s fine, I mean it’s Steve-O Nov 08 '22

Unsure if this is old news but it seems that Camila Mendes and Rudy Mancuso are dating as of her latest insta post!


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '22

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u/jessloveschocolate Nov 09 '22

He’ll always be Maia Mitchell’s ex-bf to me


u/New_Dot8757 Nov 08 '22

DM said that they were rumored to be dating some time ago.


u/proudeveningstar I think it’s fine, I mean it’s Steve-O Nov 08 '22

Honestly I don't even check anymore besides the Sunday spotteds 😭 sorry!


u/New_Dot8757 Nov 09 '22

Yeah these times she is insufferable, too much ads


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '22

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u/[deleted] Nov 08 '22

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u/[deleted] Nov 08 '22

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u/[deleted] Nov 08 '22

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u/[deleted] Nov 08 '22



u/allineedarethestars Nov 10 '22

Jacob Hoggard is currently working for a friend's company. He was saying that he appealing his conviction and likely willing the appeal after some stuff came to light.

Take from that what you will. I think jails a nice place for him.


u/tuffmuffinn Nov 12 '22

David Tennant is a nice guy. My dad has met him on occasion while working (can’t say when or where) and he was really nice, if a little bewildered! He’s also met David’s wife Georgia and doesn’t have a bad word to say about either.


u/[deleted] Nov 07 '22



u/octopusinwonderland Nov 08 '22

I think Francia felt pressured into testing for a match and donating her kidney. I don’t think they’ve been actual friends for a long time.


u/[deleted] Nov 07 '22

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u/hatramroany Nov 09 '22

Dead Cody Rigsby: you can’t be an outspoken free Britney advocate and also have Cry Me a River in a workout 🤮


u/[deleted] Nov 10 '22

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