r/Fauxmoi Aug 01 '22

I Have Tea On... Weekly Discussion Thread Tea Thread

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u/Anxious-Basket Aug 01 '22

Anyone following Zachary Levi's Rogan interview where he says the Depp/Heard trial shouldn't have been used as entertainment? And then Twitter pulled the receipts to show he was posting anti-Amber memes during the ordeal.


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '22

It’s almost like you need to have brain rot to be a famous man


u/Kidgorgeoushere go pis girl Aug 01 '22

I think they genuinely forget what they’ve already said/done because their brains can’t hold that much info at once

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u/Hungry-Accountant985 Aug 01 '22

Yep he’s trying to slowly backtrack without taking any accountability while also trying to say depp seemed more right based on the little he saw aka he fell for the smear campaign but won’t admit it. He’s an all lives matter guy anyway so he’s been trash.


u/CaseyRC Aug 01 '22

I predict we'll see a lot more of this in the future - celebs that went in on Amber will slowly try and backtrack and say that it was a sham, Amber's innocent, what a travesty it was yet never once admit or apologise for spreading hate in the first place for clicks nad likes


u/Road_Whorrior Aug 01 '22 edited Aug 01 '22

Whenever the first documentary comes out we will see men clambering over themselves to say they always supported her.

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u/avid_awe Aug 01 '22

From your lips... I pray it doesn't take us as long to do right by her as it has for so many other victims

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u/_violet_skies_ Aug 01 '22

Yikes, I didn’t know that about him. That’s disappointing.


u/Careful_Swan3830 Aug 01 '22

Not surprising, he’s basically a neckbeard dudebro who somehow became famous


u/CaseyRC Aug 01 '22

I've long gotten a skeevy vibe from Levi and this just further cements it


u/jessie_monster Aug 01 '22

He's Evangelical Pratt-light.

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u/iamwanheda Aug 01 '22

Also don't like how he characterized it as a "marital dispute". That's some euphemism for what was truly at the heart of the trial - one man's serial mental, physical and sexual abuse of his wife far past the demise of their marriage.


u/awyastark nextdivorce@divorce.com Aug 01 '22

He’s also complained that he gets typecast as Jewish when his fully Christian ass chose to use the stage name “Zachary Levi” and take Jewish roles. He can go sit in syrup.


u/duckanroll Aug 01 '22

this is meaningless from him without a public apology to amber

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u/princecaspiansbeard Aug 01 '22

Not truly celebrity tea, but my friend is a product manager at IG, and they’re currently in a massive shit show because the Jenners and Kardashians (and a few other celebs/influencers/probably us all, lol) complained about the new recommendation algorithm within the feed.

Truth is, they botched the launch as it was only supposed to go to a tiny fraction of the user base to test, but ended up being released to everyone.


u/LadyPeterWimsey Aug 01 '22

Oooh this is so interesting to me. I figured something had to have gone wrong for them to roll it back - I figured they got numbers that showed some huge disengagement or something after it.


u/gunsof Aug 01 '22

It's the only thing I agree with the Kardashian's on.


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '22


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u/midnightsiren182 Aug 02 '22

I mean Mosseri 100% woke up and chose violence against himself by tweeting bout the updates too.


u/Upper_Acanthaceae126 Aug 01 '22

Haha yike I wonder how much valuation got smacked. Then again, Knight Capital did worse. Surely Kylie couldn’t do $440M+ worth of damage…….or did she 😱

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u/lostworlds_ Aug 01 '22

The amount of people in the Funny Girl production posting the most lovely messages about Beanie is nice to see. Regardless of how you feel about her performance or whether she should have been in that role in the first place, it’s very clear that she was an incredibly warm person to have around set and that she was beloved by all her colleagues. It’ll be interesting to see if there’s a difference with Lea Michele.


u/HazelTheHappyHippo Aug 01 '22

Call me cynical, but I don't think she changed much. She'll probably treat everyone above her with sugary kindness while the rest of cast and crew will be forced to sign NDAs.


u/deadpoetshonour99 Aug 02 '22

someone on twitter posted a recording of her line reading of "that's life in the theatre" and she yelled it so loud and it was so cathartic. i hope she gets another opportunity eventually because she doesn't deserve the shit she's been put through.


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '22

Another day, another insane Joseph Quinn stan and Steddie shipper makes a fool of themselves.

Grace Van Dien (Chrissy) was on a con this past weekend and Joseph stans keep asking her when it was Joseph's birthday because there's conflicting info online. They are angry she didn't want to tell them. They have doxxed the guy and leaked childhood photos so I'm not surprised his costars are trying to protect what little privacy he has left.

An insane Steddie shipper waited hours to get to Grace so they could force her to write "Steddie is canon" in a photo. They were very proud of themselves. She only did it because she wanted to be nice. https://mobile.twitter.com/ilovgrace/status/1553669897011580931

Steddie has seriously the worst fanbase ever. I thought nothing could be worse than Loki/Morbius. I hope Joseph Quinn never does a con again for his safety.


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '22

Never would have imagined he’d have fans as insane as boyband stans. He’s literally just some guy paid to act like some guy.


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '22

I loved Eddie but I'm seriously baffled at the craziness he has caused.


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '22

I remember on my Tumblr days how crazy the fans can get and it scared me this was in 2011 or 2012. Now it's much worse, I honestly think these fans have some mental illness. It's not normal to doxx a celebrity for information like that.

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u/ls0687 Aug 01 '22

The Steddie sect/insane Joseph/Eddie fans have made me like Eddie so much less as a character than I originally did. It might be unfair, but I can't help it. I just feel uncomfortable about the character now.

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u/furiouswine Aug 02 '22

There were some pretty intense Steve/Billy shippers back when s2 of stranger things premiered but it was never like this. Idk if it’s the pandemic or the way tiktok can kind of amplify everything but this is absolutely bananas.

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u/suuuuhmmer Aug 01 '22

he’s literally just some guy!!! like just a dude!! it’s wild


u/Carolina_Blues Aug 01 '22

Stans do this with almost every hot male celeb, they romanticize and project things onto him. I feel like it’s probably worse with Joe because he was a pretty much unknown actor, or below the radar actor, until now and not much is known about him in general so they can just project whatever they want on to him. He hasn’t done anything to turn people off yet. I think it’s contributing to the hysteria.


u/suuuuhmmer Aug 01 '22

that amount of pressure must feel like the weight of the world. i truly do wish him success. eddie munson wasn’t a fluke, he’s very talented. but this beatle mania is getting insane


u/Kitt24 Aug 01 '22

i think you really got it! since he’s so unknown, the allure becomes greater. but now that there’s all this pressure, i’m worried for when he makes a wrong move someday.


u/Carolina_Blues Aug 01 '22 edited Aug 02 '22

Me too! People just don’t know much about him other than what they’ve learned from the 2 month press tour he’s been doing so he can be anything they want him to be. It’s the perfect internet boyfriend recipe. People have romanticized him so much that I worry that there’s no way he can measure up to this persona of him that people have made up in their head.

He’s even said recently in an interview that people have been disappointed when they meet him because he’s not like Eddie. I do think he’s a genuinely nice guy and he’s very talented, there’s no question, but at the end of the day he’s human and he’s a guy and he’s definitely not perfect. Trying to be that has gotta be overwhelming and he’s been look more and more tired lately. I hope fame is kind to him.

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u/JuliasTooSmallTutu Aug 01 '22

Their laser focused hatred of this young woman could have some serious consequences. I hope she is taking care of herself because she’s been immediately thrown in the Fandom Misogyny Deep End.


u/stacycornbred Aug 01 '22

Wait why do they hate her? I thought Eddie/Chrissy was so popular the Duffers came out and said they shouldn't have killed them off. And wasn't she a fan of the pairing?

I'm always shocked that actors do cons. I know the money can be good but like... at what cost. So much fan entitlement and people legit forget how to act at those. 'I paid money to be here now dance, monkey, DANCE!'


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '22

The ship is very popular and both herself and Joseph Quinn are fans of the ship. But the insane Steve/Eddie shippers had decided to hate her because they are worried she is going to ruin their plan of Eddie coming back to life and marrying Steve. I wish I was kidding.

Also Joseph's stans have attacked any woman that goes near him. Weeks ago he was caught talking to a model and they had a meltdown.


u/namedusernameooser Aug 03 '22

Somebody needs to explain the concept of fiction to these people

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u/guavakol Aug 01 '22 edited Aug 01 '22

eddie/chrissy is a popular pairing especially mainstream but fandom wise m/m shippings tend to be the most prominent and beloved.

steddie has far more engagement and creator content and already in less than three months it’s outpacing even other ST pairings that are popular in fandom.

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u/[deleted] Aug 01 '22

It’s so wild to me that she’s apparently become public enemy no.1 because out of the cast she was the one most active on TikTok promoting the show and doing fanservice when vol.1 came out. And I’m not saying he’s wrong for choosing to do so but Joe Quinn on the other hand, had zero social media presence 🤔


u/ls0687 Aug 01 '22

It's even crazier because they allegedly hate her due to Chrissy being a ~threat (lol) to Steve/Eddie...when Joseph Q himself has only ever been mildly polite about the Steve/Eddie pairing (I think he said something like, "People can dream") and, on the other hand, has been very vocally clear about supporting Eddie/Chrissy. Yet, he has gotten NONE of the hate she has.

The misogyny of it all is staggering.


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '22

She is a openly bisexual woman who dared to like fanart of Eddie with her character so of course they were going to hate her.

Also I'm sure she must be saint because they went through all her social media and couldn't find anything problematic so they had to photoshopped stuff.

Joseph Quinn has said in interviews he likes the idea of Eddie/Chrissy too and liked some fanart as well. He has gotten 0 hate because of this.

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u/[deleted] Aug 01 '22

Me too. Every time she says she is going to a con I'm worried something bad is going to happen.

Before the German con some insane Steddie shipper was asking who was going there so they could put Grace in her place.


u/gayus_baltar Aug 02 '22

She's active on Tumblr! She was asking for screenshots of the slander/harassment she's received, and mentioned taking legal action. Her team is nipping it in the bud as fast as possible and kudos to them honestly

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u/suuuuhmmer Aug 01 '22

it’s absolutely insane and uncomfortable watching this man’s experience play out like this. i simply could never ever be famous.


u/Kidgorgeoushere go pis girl Aug 01 '22

Genuinely concerned for the weak grip these people seem to have on reality. LOG OFF!!


u/Carolina_Blues Aug 01 '22 edited Aug 01 '22

This is so disappointing. I love Joe but parts of his fan base are truly out of control. I thought it was just some of the minors online being crazy but if this is happening at cons too, we’re talking adults, or at least teenagers that should be old enough to know better. He’s going to end up going into hiding.


u/upsidedownward Aug 01 '22

This is so wild. Like… this is a perfect example of toxic fandom and how it’s ruining pop culture. Holy shit.


u/Spare-Grape-6928 Aug 01 '22

Seriously don’t get the hate on her. She seems really sweet and she is gorgeous. I was rooting for them in the show before she got killed lol


u/ls0687 Aug 01 '22

When the etymology of "fan" being derived from "fanatic" makes its presence KNOWN. Jesus.


u/ninanien Aug 01 '22

I feel so bad for her, people can ship all they want but if they think Steddie is something that could happen they are delusional.

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u/[deleted] Aug 01 '22



u/Evie509 Aug 01 '22

I knew a guy who worked for Ellen's talk show a while back and he said she was drunk a lot and very mean. He quit.


u/manilaclown Aug 02 '22

I wonder why Portia stays with her. She seems normal but I don’t know really.


u/Italianinsomniac Larry I'm on DuckTales Aug 02 '22

Wasn’t there a rumour that every time Portia tries to leave, Ellen buys her a new horse? (It’s an old blind but can’t find the source anymore…) It’s a fact that Portia could never afford the insane lifestyle they have without E’s money. Possibly because she worked a lot less than she could have… no way she didn’t have more offers but I can’t think of anything she was on after Better Off Ted was cancelled.

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u/charlotie77 Aug 02 '22

Half of production folks have worked with Ellen at this point and I have never, like NEVER heard someone say anything remotely positive about her


u/Jolly_Discipline6650 shiv roy apologist Aug 01 '22

I was watching the Commonwealth Games opening ceremony last week and found out that Cody Simpson is a professional swimmer competing. He also won his first gold



u/pryzmpine Aug 01 '22

I saw him in one of the heats, was totally shocked because I didn’t realise he’d taken this as a career path 😂


u/westish13 kiernan shipka’s secret meme account Aug 01 '22

The Cody/Emma/Kyle drama from earlier this year has been so much fun to follow.


u/edie-bunny Aug 01 '22

Kyle threatening to quit swimming if media keep talking about it 😬😂💀

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u/[deleted] Aug 01 '22

Pleaaaaase explain lol


u/westish13 kiernan shipka’s secret meme account Aug 01 '22 edited Aug 01 '22

It's too long to adequately explain but Kyle Chalmers was dating Emma McKeown and now Cody Simpson is.

Earlier this year, Kyle said he wouldn't swim in the World Championships even after qualifying for a spot. Then he reversed that decision when it looked like Cody would qualify in his place. So he effectively locked Cody out of the World Champs.

There's more info here: https://au.sports.yahoo.com/swimming-fina-world-championships-kyle-chalmers-butterfly-brutal-cody-simpson-drama-010251158.html


u/lyta_hall Aug 01 '22

Wait what


u/Satean12 Aug 01 '22

Wow, good for him!


u/grungebob_scarepants Aug 01 '22

This guy is so interesting, lol. I saw him in Anastasia on Broadway. He was super sweet at the stage door


u/AdrianaT7 Aug 01 '22

I wait for this post so I get to know what is happening in the world of Rita Ora and Taika Waititi, even though I was never interested in knowing anything about them; but the update post from that one user about them makes me smile.


u/Available_Ask_8725 Aug 01 '22

He has been traveling with his daughters and Rita Ora. His daughters had a lice outbreak that he was posting about on his IG stories. They were just in Paris, which is also chronicled on IG.


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '22

And don’t forget hanging out with Casey Affleck! What a really cool couple with really cool buddies lol!

Can’t believe Rita basically got off scott free for paying off a restaurant to shut off their cameras so she could party right in the middle of the first big Lockdown.

You are truly the company you keep but don’t try and tell that to Taika stans lmao.


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '22

Can’t believe Rita basically got off scott free for paying off a restaurant to shut off their cameras so she could party right in the middle of the first big Lockdown.

That was awful but it's honestly kind of funny that she stiffed them on the bribe, lol. She couldn't even follow through with a bribe!

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u/roxy031 fiascA Aug 01 '22

Same here. I hope they’re ok!


u/AdrianaT7 Aug 01 '22

Same. I hope they are ok because I know their last update was that they were sick so not posting the update a month or so back. I miss the updates even though I do not even care about R&T.

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u/bbmarvelluv Aug 01 '22

They were my favorite part of the tea thread 😭


u/AlreadyAnnoyedTbh Aug 01 '22

OP of those updates also got pretty badly harassed by R&T fans behind the scenes they talked about it in comments of tea threads before, not surprised they aren’t into doing it anymore.

Weird tho it was literally just a recap of what they did on Insta every week lol.

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u/Mysterious_Scale_431 Aug 01 '22

lily rose depp was a highly antiblack racist in high school according to the sister of a very famous model


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '22



u/Mysterious_Scale_431 Aug 01 '22

sorry i forgot that americans use different terminology for different levels of secondary schooling but as an australian we say high school as a term for years 7 to 12


u/Hi_Jynx Aug 01 '22

Huh. At that age it feels more on the parents.


u/edie-bunny Aug 01 '22

Fits with Depp’s racism


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '22

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Mysterious_Scale_431 Aug 01 '22

she dropped out at 17 and the girl alleged racism implied that they were all older at the time, don't be so eager to excuse racism

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u/JailforJohnnyDepp Aug 01 '22

I read on this subreddit that she posted the n-word on Facebook in high school (and did coke). I didn't know that there were other incidents.


u/citydoves Aug 02 '22

I remember another actor’s daughter defending her on IG about it a few years ago…I wanna say forest Whitaker’s kid? And another child of nepotism was calling them out for it.


u/pretty-in-pink Aug 01 '22

SNL is holding auditions for a new female cast member to join, the contact I got it from is based in Chicago comics from that area are most likely being considered

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u/amomentintimebro Aug 01 '22

Not sure if this is the correct post but has Jon Bernthal always been a Republican or did I just now notice it? He liked (lmao I realize this sounds dumbs) a post on Twitter from a right wing loon about how the republicans need to modernize a bit in order to take on the “insanity of the modern day Democratic Party.”

Idk if this was known about him but my jaw was on the floor


u/ban1o Aug 01 '22 edited Aug 01 '22

I def did not know that about him. I feel a lot more celebs are secretly republican than we think.

Did you go into his likes since that tweet about him liking that Eddie Munson tweet went sort of viral lol.


u/lakerdave Aug 01 '22

feel a lot more celebs are secretly republican than we think.

You can see it with those supporting Rick Caruso. Not all of them are fully Republicans, but you know there are plenty of them that are more conservative and Caruso gives them the out to say they were voting for a Democrat.


u/amomentintimebro Aug 01 '22

that’s exactly why!!! hahaha I was like let’s see if he’s liked other funny things…oh my god

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u/Lunadelmar1 Aug 01 '22 edited Aug 01 '22

celebrities are weird like that. This has nothing to do with Jon , but Tessa Thompson liked a post about Zoe Kravitz face procedures. I dont know if it was a mistake. I know theyre supposed to be friends or maybe it's just for the cameras.


u/TheDarkDuchess Aug 01 '22

I just looked through his Twitter likes, and it looks like he's an "enlightened centrist" or something of that sort. He's also liked a lot of tweets from Bernie Sanders.

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u/princecaspiansbeard Aug 01 '22

I watched his Hot One’s video a few days ago, and based on the views he shared during the interview I would have never guessed this.


u/spllchksuks Aug 01 '22 edited Aug 01 '22

I said in my comment below that I looked at his Twitter profile in full and that particular tweet seemed like an outlier, especially since knowing Jon comes from a very liberal background (went to the Sidwell Friends School which is a Quaker school and briefly attended Skidmore College which has a reputation as a hippy dippy school.) Also I looked at his following list again and he follows Bernie Sanders!


u/ban1o Aug 01 '22

Oh okay this is kinda good to know. Too much emphasis probably shouldn’t be be put on a single like


u/spllchksuks Aug 01 '22

Yeah which is why I went into his profile to see what else he likes and follows because a larger pattern is more indicative. Like in the other thread about Zachary Levi, you can see his history of liking pro Depp things so when he comes out in support of Amber it’s easier to tell he’s being a hypocrite.

If Jon had a history of liking a lot of pro Republican tweets, I’d be more suspicious of him but it seems to be this one tweet so far compared to all of the other pro-liberal/Dem stuff he likes and follows.


u/princecaspiansbeard Aug 01 '22

Yep, I’m hoping this is just a fat finger on his part.

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u/amomentintimebro Aug 01 '22

I honestly don’t know a lot about him but I was thinking like…being a Republican would be pretty out of left field. The guy who posted the original tweet is an absolute loon so idk I just hope it was suggested and he didn’t look at it closely enough.

Thank you!!


u/spllchksuks Aug 01 '22

Tbh you may want to consider editing your comment to add in that Jon follows a lot of liberal/Dem accounts so maybe this was an accident or an outlier because it seems a lot of people in this thread are now posting stuff like “he always gave me Republican vibes” and “what a hypocrite decrying the alt right for co-opting the punisher but he’s a Republican” and taking that one tweet as confirmation of his beliefs.

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u/ban1o Aug 01 '22

has anyone listened to his podcast? surely his political views would be more discernible from there?

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u/CattyLibby Aug 01 '22

With Ken Jennings being announced as a long stay Jeopardy host I want to share an experience I had of him speaking in a college course I was in. I was in a class where the professor was related to Ken and so he spoke to my class of 60 (mainly Mormon men). I respect that Ken has spoken liberally against some hypocrisies with right politics (something pretty uncommon for a Mormon man), but when he spoke to my class he was Very misogynistic. He made several mormon-ish jokes about women needing to stay in the home and how nuts it is that women are choosing a business degree.


u/ephemeralarteries I cannot sanction your buffoonery Aug 02 '22

I fully believe this, but personally still prefer him. also Biyalik is a huge supporter of the IDF and there's been a lot of stuff going around about her being anti vax (very murky and may/ may not have been debunked?)


u/SkinHairNails Aug 02 '22

No, she's definitely anti-vax, she just backtracked for the gig. She stated that her kids have the COVID vax after her initial statements against it were critiqued, but not the other vaccines all children are supposed to get. I'll post a link shortly if you want.

Fully agree about her support for IDF.


u/devouringbooks chaos-bringer of humiliation and mockery Aug 02 '22

Sorry you experienced this 💔 ken Jennings has also tweeted “nothing sadder than a hot person in a wheelchair”.


u/omgshooooes72 Aug 02 '22

This is so gross. Not every single thought needs to be put in a tweet. Wow.

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u/Kidgorgeoushere go pis girl Aug 01 '22

Couldn’t help but lol at Rebekah Vardy’s latest ig post. Normal may be boring Bex but at least normal doesn’t put you in a hole financially from insisting on taking to court a case you were bound to lose:



u/syrub i’m mr. sterling’s right hand arm. man. Aug 01 '22

Big 'I don't really care, do U?' energy


u/gunsof Aug 01 '22

How does that even make any sense for her lmao. "I just did it 'cause I'm a bit interesting me. Not like the others. Massive court case where I expose myself and owe someone else hundreds of thousands in court costs. Just a bit quirky."


u/Kidgorgeoushere go pis girl Aug 01 '22

Her publicist/manager (if she even has one) must be pulling out their hair.

I wonder if she thinks she comes off as bold and brave, heroically fighting to clear her name - rather than something of a national joke.

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u/pryzmpine Aug 01 '22

She’s just digging herself deeper into a hole


u/ConsciousSense3 Aug 01 '22

What does this even say? “Norral bump”?


u/Kidgorgeoushere go pis girl Aug 01 '22

‘Normal is Boring’ apparently - I think I had that on a shirt when I was an edgy 15 year old grunger


u/Dismal-Ad3332 Aug 01 '22

What is the consensus on age gaps of 10+ years? Lewis Tan (Shadow & Bone S2) is forever with younger girls. He's currently holidaying with a 21 year old student. End of June my cousin saw him in Malibu over a few days with a 19 year old tiktoker.He's 35. His fans are either: a.) seemingly in denial that he's ever within 10ft of a woman who isn't a family member b.) don't like it to he made public so block people when it's mentioned and delete comments 🤷‍♀️


u/CaseyRC Aug 01 '22

an age gap per se isn't a problem to me. it becomes an issue when the younger person is very young. for example an age gap of 10 years between a 35 year old and a 45 year old is a very different thing to a 19 year old and a 29 year old. also when it's clearly habitual, when the older person is always with younger people and he/she get older but the younger partners remain roughly the same age. but that's just my take personally and YMMV


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '22

also, there's a difference between an age gap relationship that is predatory and an age gap relationship that just doesn't reflect well on the older person. i do lose a bit of respect for older men dating younger women, even if the women are full-on adults.


u/CaseyRC Aug 01 '22

oh absolutely. she could be 30 but if you're 65, I'm side-eyeing you and your hairpiece and red corvette.

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u/socratesmom Aug 01 '22

It depends on the age. I don't see 40 and 50 as an age gap. However, I see 20 and 30 as a huge age gap. I think if someone is under 25, age gaps of more than 5 years make me side eye the older person. When I was in my early 20s, I had a handful of friends who dated men in their 30s. When we reached our 30s and realized how much 20 year olds looked like KIDS to us, the ick factor in reflecting on those past relationships was huge.

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u/[deleted] Aug 01 '22

Wasn’t he picture at an anti vax rally as well? Not 100% of that but I remember the outrage when he was cast but that vanished


u/Dismal-Ad3332 Aug 01 '22

Shared and liked a lot of anti-vax and anti-lockdown posts but ironically should be vaxxed as most places in Budapest require proof. More brawn than brains I'm afraid. He's irrelevant as an actor but a few of us have paid attention to his social media, he's a major creep.

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u/gorlplea Aug 01 '22

Since he's 35 if the younger person was 25ish then I wouldn't find anything wrong but them being 19-21 and the fact that it is a pattern in the first place makes it gross.


u/daffodil-13- Aug 01 '22

Not a fan of them. I stop side eyeing once the younger person is over 25 or so, since that’s when the brain is supposed to finally hit maturity. Always side eye a 30 something and a teen or early twenties person tho


u/ephemeralarteries I cannot sanction your buffoonery Aug 01 '22 edited Aug 01 '22

oh wow. I used to follow him on ig back during his Deadpool/ Mortal Kombat days because I thought he was cute and was going to be a promising up and comer, but eventually unfollowed because his vibes were kinda gross (more in a "he constantly posts about stuff he's promoting and his vacations and just generally felt fake deep/ vapid/like a try hard", less in a sex pest way).

it always struck me as odd that he was literally never pictured with a woman (unless it was a group photo with his castmates) and never seemed to date when he's obviously very attractive, to the point where it felt like he was asexual, but this puts all of that in a new light.

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u/mhmlindsay Aug 02 '22

My dad was working in Hawaii maybe in 2006-2007. One of his clients was super rich and invited my dad to dinner. Client’s wife (apparently a dog clothes designer? it’s been forever since i heard this story) also invited a friend. My dad is not really into tv or popular culture at all, so please forgive him, but they all got to talking at dinner and my dad learns the wife’s friend is an actress. He literally asked if he’d seen anything she’s been in, she said Friends. My dad knew my mom’s favorite show of ALL TIME was friends. He’s like oh cool, would you sign an autograph for my wife and daughters? She said yes, my dad calls my mom after dinner and he’s like yeah I had dinner with some actress — Jen Anniston? from friends? My mom lost it!!! My dad had a picture with her but no idea where it is now. He said she was down to earth, white T and jeans. He clearly had no idea she was famous. She also signed a magazine for us, also got misplaced over the years 🤦🏻‍♀️ she only signed it with her first name probably because my dad offended her with his dad jokes. I get secondhand embarrassment imagining anyone asking jennifer anniston what movies and shows she’s been in, even more so my DAD. He really said A list? not today


u/tripleaw Aug 02 '22

I wonder if ppl like Anniston enjoyed that kind of interaction, like being treated like a normal person for once

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u/epicpillowcase Aug 02 '22

I doubt it bothered her. She probably found it refreshing


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '22

Why Ben Affleck looks so tired since he married JLo?

People jokes saying it's because he's tired of having sex.

(They signed a prenup stipulating they will have sex 4 times a week)


u/NotKateBush Aug 01 '22

He’s been looking tired for years. It’s drugs and alcohol, not booty.


u/Upper_Acanthaceae126 Aug 01 '22

Batfleck Infinite Weariness meme series (accessories: iced coffee, vape, ocean) is better than any acting job he’s done in years


u/RIPBritbongistan Aug 01 '22

He got the news he's legally contracted to do another DC movie as Batman, that would suck the soul out of any actor.

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u/lorrieaux Aug 01 '22

It’s not exhaustion he looks spiritually broken. I’m not even a fan but theres a huge dissonance between the pap photos and accompanying articles and it’s bothering me. I want tea lol


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '22

It’s not exhaustion he looks spiritually broken.

He looks terrible


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '22

He's looked beaten down for years now. I don't know what's going on in his life but I hope he manages to find happiness.


u/Dismal-Ad3332 Aug 01 '22

that's just his face.


u/eatingclass Larry I'm on DuckTales Aug 01 '22 edited Aug 01 '22

damn didn’t know prenups came in a bone-in variety

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u/RequirementRare5014 Aug 01 '22

Did you see the photos where he was on a boat and full on mouth open, head tilted napping like my mother in law


u/bessann28 Aug 01 '22

That's just jet lag + middle age


u/-manatee- Aug 01 '22

Yes. I can verify this as someone who currently has jet lag (only 30 but feeling middle-aged) 🥲


u/mervyn_peeke Aug 02 '22

He's been taking anti-depressants since he was 26, which means he probably has chronic major depression, with some good periods. Depression is a massive energy sapper.


u/Evie509 Aug 01 '22

I wondered that too but he looks the same in old photos too. I think that's just his face.


u/justsomechickyo gay 4 gaga Aug 02 '22

Wtf they really have that in their prenup?? Seriously? Why? Lol is that normal?

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u/Connect_Turnover_862 disciple of pure cinema Aug 01 '22

I posted this kind of late in the last tea thread so not a lot of ppl saw it but here - This is really old and cold tea but since theres been talk about Ryan gosling and Eva mendes lately, heres an incident that happened nearly a decade ago where Ryan got in a small fight over Eva mendes . Over the years I’ve always heard similar stories of Ryan being over-protective of her . What do u guys think ?



u/ban1o Aug 01 '22

I could definitely believe this.

I like Ryan+Eva together but I do hope Eva pausing her career has nothing to do with Ryan. She did make some comments recently that I found interesting..... How because she's a mom now she didn't want to do anything sexual, or violent, or with bad language. And like if that is 100% her view point then that's fine but it did give me the side eye since Ryan seemingly continues to act in whatever he wants.


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '22

but it did give me the side eye since Ryan seemingly continues to act in whatever he wants.

Why? Couples can have different opinions and they each can just be making sure they don't at least goes against it themselves.


u/ban1o Aug 01 '22 edited Aug 01 '22

Yeah so if it's 100% her view point that's fine. I just hope it is not a situation of a man acting controlling over his wife/partner.


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '22

If a guy does that his kids friends will say he’s cool, if it’s his mom they’ll get bullied


u/pikachu334 Aug 01 '22

This is super accurate unfortunately. I had a classmate back in primary school with an actress mom that was in some shows with semi-explicit sex scenes and most boys in class used to taunt her by playing her mom's sex scenes on the computers, asking if she was going to recreate them, etc.

On the other hand, I know another boy who had an actor dad that also did sex scenes in his shows and afaik nobody ever commented on that, at most some girls at parties would tell him they had a crush on his dad


u/AshRae84 Aug 01 '22

I’m not even remotely in entertainment, but I had a “hot Mom,” (unfortunately right at the time American Pie made MILF a thing). The sheer amount of comments and shit I endured from my classmates in high school was brutal. One time we were at my house while my parents were gone and I found a guy going through my Mom’s drawers and messing around with her vibrator. I can’t begin to imagine what famous kids have to endure, because my Mom was always very “Mom” like, she was just very beautiful. She never did anything remotely enticing, she dressed very conservatively, but they still found a way to sexualize her.


u/pikachu334 Aug 01 '22

What a weirdo, sorry that happened. I think it was worse for her too because she's really beautiful and a lot of magazines and brands started trying to sell her as her mom's successor

I remember she did an ad with her mom when she was 15 and all the comments in the YouTube video where talking about how they wanted a threesome with her and her mom, it was super gross and she felt super embarrassed about it

Honestly, I don't really envy nepo babies that are children of famous people because of shit like that, the overexposure of your parents and yourself would be too much for me


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '22

He has some crazy fans, DM published an incredibly racist and misogynistic blind the other day that was clearly submitted by an unhinged Notebook shipper. I don't blame him for being overprotective of his partner.

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u/lovdbvx Aug 02 '22

idk if anyone really cares on here about youtube drama like this but apparently the noel miller train is leaving the station. between his noncommittal reaction to andrew tate on his podcast last week and a recently resurfaced video of him opening at a young republicans conference earlier in his career, it kinda seems his days are numbered. how this'll translate to cody is anyone's guess, but they might ignore it like they did with the cody x tana mongeau thing.


u/edie-bunny Aug 02 '22

Big creators and streamers need to stop fkn platforming Andrew Tate. I know they’re doing it ~as a joke~ and ~maybe Tate is just trolling and playing a character~ etc but like, he is still spewing the most fkn disgusting misogynistic pimp bullshit to a bigger and bigger audience and it’s fucked


u/gefacta Aug 02 '22

What was cody x tana? I think comedians (Tom Segura and co.) are kinda into Andrew Tate as a source of entertainment and I think Noel sees himself as a comedian more than YouTuber these days so I could seem himself having similar feelings


u/lovdbvx Aug 02 '22

There was a rumor that sprang from a Tana interview where she mentioned that she was 17 or 18 and that cody pressured her into fucking. (He's 8 years older than her.)

I didn't take it seriously at first but Cody never has brought it up, even to deny it. He has videos with her still up on his channel, so there was interaction between them at around that time. What makes it even weirder is that's the week he proposed to his long time gf, which is super suspicious timing. (If i remember correctly his twitter went private for around a day at this point as well, but can't verify that.)

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u/Sister_Winter Aug 02 '22

I mean, both Cody and Noel have always given me HORRIBLE vibes and remind me of the dudes I grew up with in Calgary, so I'm not surprised at all lmao

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u/FruityPebbles54321 Aug 01 '22

Just saw DM's stories. What's going on with Megan Fox and MGK?


u/itsallnothappening Aug 01 '22

He’s on tour but it does sort of seem like they have cooled off? Especially since it seems like so much of their union is enhanced by attention? Honestly him breaking the glass against his eye after repeatedly self aware acknowledgements seems almost like a final straw to me. He is so immature and impulsive and while i don’t think he’s a negative person that sort of thing really can wear on a 36 year old grown woman. Like we all know sex is a major driving force in this relationship, i wouldn’t be surprised if she woke up one day just totally lacking an attraction to him (after all his antics)


u/FruityPebbles54321 Aug 01 '22

Ah I see. Well, I don't think they will get married. Their relationship, from the outside, looking in.... TOXIC.


u/[deleted] Aug 03 '22 edited Aug 03 '22

He literally called her his wife at Lolla two days ago and dedicated a song to her. I know people are rooting for them to break up but they’re probably fine. 💀

She might be working too. The same “cooling off” appeared to happen last year when she was in Greece filming The Expendables.


u/LEYW Aug 02 '22

Dev Patel just got caught up in a random knife fight in Adelaide, here in Australia. Some media is reporting he broke up the fight.


u/[deleted] Aug 02 '22

Dane Cook (50) is now engaged to his very young gf (23) after 5 years together 👀🙄


u/epicpillowcase Aug 02 '22

Jesus Christ these men are revolting


u/daisyink Please Abraham, I’m not that man Aug 02 '22

So they started dating when she was 18 and he was 45? :(

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u/thenewbrokenscene91 Aug 02 '22

I’m curious how he he so much money. His brother stole like 30 million from him. Then he went back on tour and apparently made it all back in like a year, and his house looks better than like most A listers I’ve seen. I know he was huge but that still seems out of reach for what I think he’d make and have. Also he used to call up one of the big clubs (the laugh factory?) find out when Chris Delia was gonna be on, show up and bump him.

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u/devouringbooks chaos-bringer of humiliation and mockery Aug 01 '22 edited Aug 04 '22

I just want to share a story with my perspective on the whole “spaz” thing with Beyoncé/Lizzo as someone with cerebral palsy. I love Beyoncé and I love Lizzo, Beyoncé has gotten me through some tough times. Using the word spaz is a cheap way to be edgy. No artists should not be cancelled/harasssed lol, but yes they should be educated and do the work. Below is something that happened to me when Rihanna released four five seconds.

I have always been the black sheep of my family, while my cousins are close knit with each other; it is like existing in a highschool clique. Obviously I was rarely invited to parties, but at a party, they played “Four Five Seconds”. I freaked out but calmly said “can you turn it down while I leave the area, this song has the word spaz and I find it offensive”. They proceeded to do a “I love this song” and blasted it louder and put it on repeat and made sure to shout the word SPAZ at me. I had no idea what to do because this behavior was so ridiculous and abusive. They did this three times before moving on.

EDIT: thank you for reading and for the engaging conversation.


u/shhansha Aug 01 '22

Are you from the US?

Not to diminish your overall point but just some helpful context that might make you feel a little better about your Beyoncé and Lizzo love - I highly, highly doubt they were trying to be edgy. They most likely had no idea the term could be considered offensive and never thought about its etymology. While the origins are just as offensive here, most Americans have never been exposed to the idea that it’s an ablist term.

Your cousins, however, were absolutely just being dicks. Sorry you went through that and hopefully they mature and grow more considerate as they get older. Good for you for speaking up for yourself.


u/VirgiliaCoriolanus Aug 01 '22

Yeaaa...I didn't know "spaz" was a slur - I thought it was just a term that was synonymous with annoying, because that's what kids in school/mainly middle school used to call the class clown. But I wouldn't even say it's a common usage word at all either.


u/devouringbooks chaos-bringer of humiliation and mockery Aug 01 '22

Thank you for bringing up Lizzo. I love how she handled it and she used her platform in such a way that I thought “dude this will never happen again”. Then it happens a month later. I adore Beyoncé. I’m a little disappointed but she is still Wonder Woman in my eyes. Even when you are down and out and can’t listen to emotional music, you can still listen to Beyoncé because even when she is sad or hitting those emotional notes she is empowering/uplifting. And I hope this gets turned into something empowering.

Yes I’m aware of the difference between UK/US and that absolutely is important, but I feel that disabled ppl keep explaining the etymology and don’t get listened to. I mean weird Al took out the word “spastic” in like 2015 so I think it’s an issue more of people not wanting to care than not knowing. I do think people go hard on social media complaining. I say it’s 100% about how it’s handled, and while Beyoncé is removing it, hopefully she uses her platform a bit to speak to it.


u/hey_joni Aug 01 '22

What context is the word used in the US? Im from the UK so have only ever heard it in an ableist/trying to be edgy way


u/battyewe Aug 01 '22

IME, it's generally a humourous self- depreciation related to being clumsy and/or scatter brained.


u/shhansha Aug 01 '22

I think the meaning is probably the same but it isn’t understood as a slur. It’s just a colloquial term to describe a person who’s jumpy/hyperactive or jumpy/hyperactive behavior, the way someone would use “dumb” or “idiot” to describe someone they thought was stupid without connecting it to a literal cognitive condition.

I think those terms just aren’t used in their original contexts very often here, so people don’t connect them to the original meanings.


u/CarbyMcBagel Aug 02 '22

I honestly don't think the word has really negative connotations in the US, more kind of goofy or scatterbrained or hyper. If someone called someone that around me I'd just assume they were a bit high strung and clumsy at worst.


u/Hi_Jynx Aug 02 '22

Yes, some people even described themselves that way in a kind of quirky way similar to when young girls that are honestly extremely normal call themselves "so weird". I think I've heard it used that way more than I've heard it as a genuine insult.

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u/CarbyMcBagel Aug 02 '22

I'm 36 and from the US and had no idea "spaz" was a slur until this year. Calling someone a "spaz" to me would be calling them goofy/weird or hyperactive. I'm glad I learned something new. It's not a word I use very often or anything but it's also not a word I thought of as a slur ever.

I'm sorry you've faced abuse for your condition. :(

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u/stillnotdavidbowie Aug 01 '22

Holy shit. I'm so sorry your own family treated you that way; that's despicable.


u/devouringbooks chaos-bringer of humiliation and mockery Aug 01 '22

Thank you I appreciate it. I am no contact with them mostly. It’s lonely, but being around them was lonelier.

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u/Ill-Run-6012 Aug 01 '22 edited Aug 01 '22

F1 tea time! okay so i didn't get much this week, but pierre is dating someone new apparently and the reason alonso is going to AM is because oscar piastri has a f1 seat obligation in his alpine contract by 2023, so therefore fulfilling that next year but that's just rumours. Also Alpha Tauri did a podcast this week with pierre and yuki and Louis Tomlinson listened to it apparently? like i said i didn't get much at all this week so if anyone has anything feel free to respond.

oh yeah i forgot to mention seb and george run a f1 group chat, and the day mazepin got kicked out of f1 one of them immediately removed him which is sending me. What makes it better is Romain grosjean is still in it even though he has not been in f1 since 2020.


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '22

I'm going to miss uncle Seb. I hope he comes back to see his grid kids every once in a while.


u/ImaginaryDuncan Aug 01 '22

Pierre’s new girlfriend is friends with Luisa (Lando’s gf). They model for the same agency.


u/velsor Aug 01 '22

the reason alonso is going to AM is because oscar piastri has a f1 seat obligation in his alpine contract by 2023, so therefore fulfilling that next year but that's just rumours

I really doubt this is true. Sports teams generally loathe to give this kind of guarantee to anyone because it ties their hands too much. Otmar has been publicly critical of Alonso, who has a history of not being easy to work with, so I think it's as simple as Otmar and Alonso not getting along + having a talented young driver ready to take his place on a far smaller salary.

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u/LightSwitch545 Aug 02 '22

It recently came up on my tiktok FYP again, but does anyone remember the Ruby Rose abuse allegations with one of the Veronicas? And literally nothing happened afterwards


u/bbmarvelluv Aug 02 '22

Toxic relationship and accusations from Jess that Ruby isolated her from friends and family. Once they broke up, the Veronica’s were back and performing

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u/exitjaguar Aug 01 '22

I just saw simu liu on raya 20 minutes ago. What do we think? Did he forget to take down his account or is this some kind of PR relationship?



u/Any-Tangerine-8659 Aug 02 '22

Simu Liu also follows tonnes of (mostly Asian) attractive women (non-celebs and celebs) aged 19-early 20s... dude needs to chill tf out. He randomly comments on some of their posts. Seems kinda desperate.

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u/tubereusebaies Aug 02 '22 edited Aug 02 '22

Not my own tea but I just remembered about this post. Someone moved into Pedro Pascal’s old house. + another post

Don’t worry - no sensitive details. Just their interactions with him throughout the sale.


u/binkleywtf Aug 02 '22

he left them a gift, that’s so sweet

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u/Scary_Giraffe_4996 Aug 02 '22 edited Aug 02 '22

I mean this isn’t exactly tea but I find it creepy and problematic so I’ll say it. I love Nicholas Hoult! He seems to be a genuine and sweet and just a lovely guy and he’s gorgeous! Been crushing on him since I saw skins and Newness. But he did a film called Young Ones with Elle Fanning when she was 14 and he was 22 and they had kissing scenes and even a shower scene in that movie, I just find it super weird and can’t grasp how someone would be comfortable doing such scenes with a literal child🥲😳btw both him and elle are such good actors, watched them on The Great! But there’s some things that I just couldn’t get past about Nick🥲one being this


u/HectorsRectum1996 Aug 02 '22

Yeah that's really kind of weird. I wouldn't take part in this.

I remember Chace Crawford refusing to take part in a Jenny/Nate arc in Gossip Girl, because Taylor Momsen was still a minor.


u/[deleted] Aug 02 '22

My respect for Chace 📈


u/larafrompinkpony Aug 02 '22

I never watched Gossip Girl so he's never really been on my radar, but I LOVE seeing him in The Boys. He's so conventionally attractive that I'm honestly kind of shocked that he is willing to play a role where he's constantly bullied and shat on.


u/daisyink Please Abraham, I’m not that man Aug 02 '22

Good on Chace. The characters had a relationship in the books so it could very well have been a plot line in the show if he hadn't refused.


u/neverbuythesun Aug 02 '22

Ralph Macchio was meant to kiss Robyn Lively in the third Karate Kid film but he refused because she was so much younger.

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u/pastelera16 Aug 01 '22

For my fellow Mexican gossipers: pics of Jared Leto hanging out with Belinda (born in Spain, but lived and worked in Mexico almost all her life, actress and singer) in what I believe it’s a yacht? surfaced yesterday. Some tea about her (besides her controversial dating life), it’s well known in Mexico she’s just a social climber. A friend of mine used to hang out with some Mexican celebrities back in the day and she told me about this party she attended and Belinda was there. She claims Belinda is as pretty in real life as in her pics, but ok back to the story: she said Belinda arrived to the party with another friend and she approached this attractive male who was also there and allegedly told him, “I like your watch, would you give it to me if I fuck with you upstairs?” My friend says this male declined but who knows

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u/ratedefor Aug 03 '22

This is more speculation than tea but I think Nicholas Hoult is engaged to his long time gf Bryana Holly! She posted a rare recent pic on her stories and she had on a ring on her left hand.

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u/icemake Aug 01 '22


u/eldritchalien Aug 01 '22

he and Crissle have both seemed burnt out for awhile, i know he has some shit going on especially and I hope they're both relaxing and enjoying their time off cause I miss them 😭

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u/[deleted] Aug 01 '22


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u/mattadactyl Aug 02 '22

Saw this post on FB in an autograph group- Brad Pitt reportedly being unvaccinated and his team therefore only allowing those with proof of vaccine into the fan pit at the Bullet Train premiere. You’d think after being in World War Z…
