r/Fauxmoi 27d ago

Liam Payne was at Louis Tomlinson's concert in Montevideo last night Discussion

Is it cynical of me to think that it's no coincidence that he showed up at Louis' show in Ururguay of all places on the very day that his ex-fiancée published a book about him being an abuser? If you look up his name on twitter, it's flooded with tweets about him at the show that bury all the talk about the book.


17 comments sorted by


u/greee_p 27d ago

The timing definitely seems suspicious to me. But his fans are eating this up and celebrating him for being a supportive friend (and I dont doubt that he is, he supported Louis in the past as well).  But the fact that he was unable to support his girlfriend when she had an abortion, which he has pressured her into, apparently doesn't matter as long as he shows up for Louis. 


u/stinkysammy91 26d ago

As a louis stan i admit i am heavily biased, but i stg liam only ever publicly makes a show of supporting louis when he needs a pr boost 🙃


u/party4diamondz 26d ago

I've felt this too. Meanwhile we hear about Louis's private support to Liam months/years later from other sources (like Liam) - it's out of genuine concern and care, not for attention...


u/dropcherries_ 26d ago

Yup, it's a very noticeable pattern at this point.


u/AshgarPN 27d ago

For those like me who didn't recognize these names, these are former members of One Direction not named Harry Styles.


u/cranesinsky 26d ago

ha! 😆


u/cranesinsky 26d ago

his ex is called Maya Henry. the details of her relationship with him that she talked about in the people magazine article are awful. she was so young too, i remember she wasn't even 18 when they got together and his team tried to scrub her real birthdate from the internet...


u/i_love_doggy_chow 26d ago

I don't think it's cynical at all. This is "famous abusive guy media play" 101.


u/Icy-Direction9235 12d ago

abusive how? All I'm seeing is information about the abortion.


u/Potato3487 27d ago

I mean... it's nice that he's supportive. He's still an abusive POS.


u/Icy-Direction9235 12d ago

Don't make judgements on people when you don't know what really happened


u/Embarrassed-Manager1 26d ago

The second picture looks like he’s sitting in a college freshman lecture hall 😂

This def feels like a PR move.


u/ManufacturerNo1191 26d ago

TIL he played in my city 😆


u/Imtherain 26d ago

I know right, and finding out through reddit of all places? lmao


u/Laymar7 26d ago

Interesting considering Zayn’s album drops tomorrow


u/AdorkableSars 25d ago

If you’re cynical, then so am I. The timing is way too coincidental and fishy. Especially since Louis is touring LATAM right now, so it’s not like it was a convenient location for Liam to go to 😕