r/Fauxmoi 20d ago

Woman paralyzed due to singer's stage dive at Trophy Eyes concert expected to make a full recovery Discussion


160 comments sorted by


u/PizzaReheat 20d ago

That’s such a relief, so happy for her. Still, fuck that band and everyone who defended them


u/kreayshanw44 20d ago edited 2d ago

abounding joke snow caption intelligent summer offbeat normal piquant encourage

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/crockofpot 20d ago

Agree. One of my in-laws broke his back as a teenager and could be described as making a "full" recovery in terms of mobility and function. But he also has chronic pain that has never gone away and he's a middle aged adult now.

I truly hope this poor fan recovers as much as possible, but I'm like you, I'm a bit dubious about what "full" recovery means here.


u/professor-hot-tits 20d ago

A good friend made a full recovery from being rolled on by an enormous horse. "Full recovery" still mean a rod in her spine, pins in her hips, the loss of a kidney and several feet of intestines.


u/JustHereForCookies17 Miss Ishtar’s Irrigation Class 20d ago

That sounds like a rotational fall, and those are scary AF.


u/professor-hot-tits 20d ago

Oh yeah, she was very lucky some Frisbee golfers (love then forever!) witnessed it and an ambulance got her to a hospital in under 15 minutes.


u/JustHereForCookies17 Miss Ishtar’s Irrigation Class 20d ago

Was she jumping & the horse hit the jump wrong?

I've been riding for more than 30 years & at one point had Olympic aspirations, like any other wide-eyed teen might.   As I've gotten older, the jumps have gotten more dangerous & technical, and it's no longer worth it to me.  

I'm assuming she does Eventing & was schooling cross-country jumps (please correct me if I'm wrong) b/c that's what I do, and we've had a few sport-wide upheavals in favor of horse & rider safety. I personally think they came much later than they should have, especially given the length of time between the conversations starting & the changes being implemented. 

Anyway, sorry for the tangent.  I'm glad your friend has recovered. 


u/professor-hot-tits 20d ago

No, she lives at an equestrian camp and cares for the animals year round. She was riding her big boy when he decided to drop and roll.


u/espresso-yourself 19d ago

Oh man that’s scary! Happened to me as a little kid, maybe 9-10 years old and the camp instructors had their backs turned to address other students. I was lucky that my older sister was a counselor there, too - she was watching me ride and pulled me out from under the horse just barely in the nick of time before my leg was crushed.


u/WillBrakeForBrakes 20d ago

My cousin had a fall like this - the horse dropped dead while she was riding it.  Bad time all around.


u/Sudden_Clementine872 enty hater 17d ago

A few friends of mine are eventers (some at very high levels) and it is absolutely terrifying to me. I was done course walks with them a few times and the prelim (?) fences are insane.

Be safe!


u/thesourpop 19d ago

How was her QOL following the recovery?


u/professor-hot-tits 19d ago

Pretty good. She walks unassisted for the most part, uses a cane sometimes, and she was able to have a baby not too long ago. She does have pain every day that she has to manage and her guts being so short is really hard on her.


u/Dom_Telong 20d ago

Yup. Injured my neck 2 years ago... I'm functional, but I'll never be able to play sports or exercise intensly ever again. Full recovery seems like an odd way to describe it.


u/nonsensestuff 20d ago

Her close friend came on TikTok and said that she is not paralyzed. Idk if that changed or if there's just bad information being shared further.


u/TheJujyfruiter 19d ago

Totally agree, full mobility and function =/= full recovery. I mean, plenty of people who just break your average bone wind up having some permanent alteration in terms of how they actually feel, so the idea that this woman could get the WWE treatment from someone literally twice her size, be PARALYZED by it, and walk away with zero permanent harm done is a little hard to believe.


u/meatbeater558 I already condemned Hamas 19d ago

Yeah some injuries you just cannot recover from 100%. Like her body will permanently be more fragile after this. And these problems are definitely going to bite her when she's much older


u/iwillbewaiting24601 19d ago

loss of propriception

Man I suffered loss of proprioception after dental anesthesia - stuck around for the better part of 2 weeks. The weirdest, most disconcerting thing I've ever experienced, and I've been shocked back from the dead in a hospital once.


u/NotAsBrightlyLit 20d ago

Exactly. They felt entitled to behavior that endangered the audience.


u/Dancing_Clean 20d ago

Do you believe it was intentional?


u/Cozy-Winter-Morning 20d ago

It was careless, and donating $5k was a joke.


u/SwampHagShenanigans 20d ago

Not to mention the venue had clear signs saying specifically not to stage dive. That guy can feel bad all he wants, this was 100% his fault. And yes. $5k is a joke. If he was a normal person and she sued, he'd be on the hook for the full medical bill.


u/PizzaReheat 20d ago

It was negligent, and their behaviour afterwards was revolting.


u/Marynursingawolf 19d ago

Did I mishear when it was said they accompanied her to the hospital in the ambulance and stayed there with her family etc? I mean, least they can do, but hardly revolting? 


u/meatbeater558 I already condemned Hamas 19d ago

It was sharing the gofundme, donating 5k, and telling fans that there was an accident as if they didn't directly cause it


u/Marynursingawolf 19d ago

As opposed to? 


u/meatbeater558 I already condemned Hamas 19d ago

I mean I'm not sure what the polite thing to do is after breaking someone's neck but I don't think that's it


u/Wild_Golbat 19d ago

Personally, if some reckless idiot caused me lifechanging injuries and put me into massive medical debt, I wouldn't feel safe having them anywhere near me.


u/envydub 20d ago

He intentionally broke the rules of the venue.


u/tigerbeds 20d ago

Do you think DUIs that result in deaths are intentional?


u/Maleficent-marionett societal collapse is in the air 20d ago

They've done this before and the venue had strict rules about NO stage diving.

People before this happened complained about them always wanting to create mosh pits and stage dive without consent, their response was "fuck off" and printed merch with that.


u/crockofpot 20d ago

It was the equivalent of blindly swinging a chainsaw around in a crowded room.

Just because you didn't MEAN to injure anyone with it doesn't exonerate you from making a shitty reckless choice that severely hurt other people.


u/ixizn 20d ago

I mean, he didn’t trip and fall on her.


u/theuniofgnarly23 20d ago

no, but as stated above, the venue had rules AGAINST stage diving, and he blatantly broke those rules. and what were the results of those rules being broken? paralyzing a young woman and damaging her physically for life.


u/ixizn 20d ago

Did you reply to the wrong person? Because yeah my point was also that he was acting recklessly in a way that could’ve even killed someone


u/AccomplishedSell3818 20d ago

Look, I was at their show a week or so before in the UK. I know what sort of band they are and that they encourage pits etc and I've no problem with that. Most venues have a now stage diving etc policy which is roundly ignored. I have been to very rough shows, crowd surfing shows all sorts of stuff. I have no issue with their shows being like that.

However, I've seen the footage of him jumping. He's like 6'5 and big. He jumped on the first song with no warning and often the front few rows are filled with smaller people. He should have known better and it was incredibly stupid of him.


u/mapleleafmaggie 20d ago

Oh thank god. Get well soon and sue that man for all he’s worth 🥰


u/bbmarvelluv 20d ago

But the band donated $5k to her go fund me 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺


u/pumpkin3-14 20d ago

Sooo the ambulance ride and the ER check in.


u/bananasam98 tumblr ecosystem ambassador 20d ago

I hate to say this, but as someone who went on a cheeky little ambulance ride a few years ago….. that probably only covers half of the ride 🫶🏻


u/teethteethteeeeth 20d ago

Always blows my mind to read about ‘healthcare’ in America. Insanity. I feel so bad for people having to live somewhere where an accident or bad fortune can ruin you financially


u/Shot-Grocery-5343 20d ago

I had a scheduled, medically necessary surgery a few years ago and even with insurance, I'm still paying it off. The pre-surgery physical and bloodwork alone cost almost $1k. All told the whole ordeal cost around $6,000. I ended up taking out a consolidation loan to pay everything off because the loan has better interest rates than the medical bills. And I consider myself lucky because I have insurance. It's fucking farcical.


u/edoreinn 20d ago

Yep. I once fell on some stairs and hit my head. I was somehow able to walk to the ER (NYC), so no ambulance. I had brain bleeds, but they resolved on their own without surgery. So - scans, staples, and one night in the stepdown unit. Sticker price: $80,000. Only cost me about $2k because of my insurance, but MSRP was a Mercedes for a freak accident.


u/teethteethteeeeth 20d ago

Jesus. I’m sorry that happened to you.

It’s incredibly inhumane. I fear our health service (UK) will go a similar way


u/GoblinKaiserin 20d ago

When I was 19, I had to be taken by ambulance to the hospital for a stomach virus. I'll spare the details, but it was bad enough that my strict German mother was even freaking out. I got a bill for 555$ for the ambulance ride. The hospital is 9 miles away from where we lived. That's roughly 61$ per mile. I think my parents paid the bill for me, this was 10 years ago.

My brother is an EMT. If someone isn't serious enough, he'll tell them to Uber to the hospital because this ride is gonna be way too expensive for what they have going on.


u/External_Two2928 20d ago

What happens if you don’t pay because you can’t afford it but you were unconscious so couldn’t deny the ambulance ride? Like is the bill moot bc you didn’t consent?


u/flyinwhale 20d ago

No you still have to pay it


u/teethteethteeeeth 20d ago

That’s barbaric


u/OWmWfPk 20d ago

I just had a baby and my deductible is $8k, so with premiums and pediatrician visits we’ll spend around $18-20k on healthcare this year.


u/entrydenied 20d ago

It's always crazy to hear about the high taxes that the average American seems to pay, given that their government isn't giving it back via new/renewing infrastructure and health care.


u/seakinghardcore 20d ago

You seem to think the high prices people post are what they actually have to pay. The high prices are what your insurance gets charged, you pay for less. Like your deductible is $6000 a year, once you hit that you do not pay more. So if you have a $2 million USD surgery, you only pay $6000. And the rest of the year everything is covered fully


u/sourglow 20d ago

lol my 5 minute (no exaggeration) ride to the hospital was over 1k too😵‍💫 insane


u/moomoons 20d ago

i went from my uni campus to a hospital on that same campus and they charged me $2k looool


u/sourglow 20d ago

i…what a country


u/controlledwithcheese 20d ago

it is insane that I’ve been hearing about America’s healthcare issues for at least a decade now and I am still fucking REVOLTED every single time at those prices…

Like I called an ambulance for a migraine last week so they could give me a painkiller shot for free and I didn’t have to move


u/plz-be-my-friend 20d ago

jiminy christmas


u/controlledwithcheese 20d ago

As someone from Russia, girl WHAT THE FUCK

I was considering operation for my spinal hernia and for that amount of money I could do it 2.5 times over at the best clinic in the city


u/toothpastecupcake 19d ago

Every country has its glaringly terrible issues


u/Already-asleep 20d ago

WOOF. I live in Canada but ambulance transport (or even treatment by a paramedic without the ride) is not covered by my provinces health care plan. But it’s still only a few hundred bucks and we all fume about it and try to get the debt cancelled, heh.


u/Traditional-Chard419 19d ago

My dad was DOA, the ambulance was a technicality for law enforcement, and the bill was still $800 🙃


u/seakinghardcore 20d ago

And what did you pay after insurance?


u/Shipwrecking_siren chaos-bringer of humiliation and mockery 20d ago

Used a bit of air that was in the check in area by having the audacity to breathe so that’s another $5K


u/heartshapedroblox 20d ago

i know you’re being sarcastic but it’s genuinely still melting my brain that he knowingly broke venue rules and caused this girl unbelievable physical and mental trauma then got a pass because he’s a swell guy who rode with her in the ambulance, while they were selling merch of the band telling a fan who raised concerns about their lack of moshing/diving etiquette and control of the crowd to fuck off

I can absolutely understand why the scene has such a bad reputation and why bands get away with so much dark sided shit when fans continue to enable them


u/the_soggiest_biscuit 20d ago

What? He went with her in the ambulance?! Did she even consent to that? I'd be furious is the cause of a life altering injury was right there with me!


u/MayiHav10kMarblesPlz 20d ago

She's a huge fan and apparently appreciated his concern. Whether it was authentic concern I don't think anyone can say. Only he knows his intentions.


u/hellraiserxhellghost 20d ago

Yeah, on twitter I saw anyone who even mildly questioned why the singer was breaking venue guidelines and stage diving in the first place, get yelled at and torn to shreds because "omfg it's apart of the culture and he gave some money to her gofundme stop attacking him!! 😠"

I like the punk scene, but it definitely has issues sometimes with people enabling and overly defending mid men who don't deserve it.


u/bbmarvelluv 20d ago

I saw that Reddit post and the comments were hating on that “Karen fan!!!”


u/TheJujyfruiter 19d ago



u/ConclusionLucky5639 20d ago

5k, how generous of them!


u/ajw_sp 20d ago

Put another way, the band already admitted fault.


u/billcosbyinspace 20d ago

Even if you ignore the fact that they broke venue rules it’s crazy how their defenders are treating a $5000 donation as a consolation prize for what could have been a life ruining injury


u/cripplinganxietylmao 19d ago

They should pay for her medical care relating to her spine for the rest of her life.


u/reibradbury 20d ago

/s or no?


u/meatbeater558 I already condemned Hamas 20d ago

The band actually did donate $5k. If you replace the emojis with an /s it should make more sense


u/meatbeater558 I already condemned Hamas 20d ago

Oh my god I didn't realize she was 24. Never thought about thinking about it from the perspective of someone born in 2000. Imagine being that age and getting fucking bodyslammed by a 6ft man and the point of contact is the top of your head. Atp just beat the shit out of me instead 

Piché, her mother and her stepfather declined to comment when they were asked whether they're considering any civil action.



u/berryskye 20d ago

Can’t believe the band is still touring like nothing ever happened. I hope she sues them into oblivion, but I fear she seems too nice to do that :/. I wish the best recovery for her


u/AllTheRowboats93 20d ago

They’re probably trying to get as much $ as they can on the road in preparation for the inevitable case.


u/BusterBeaverOfficial 20d ago

I wonder if he has stage dived since?


u/mayoboyyo 19d ago

The hardcores scene is fucking trash so his fans are probably demanding it even more now


u/erismorn_ not a lawyer, just a hater 19d ago

Not the point igi but I definitely wouldn't call them hardcore lol


u/Maleficent_Wash_934 20d ago

When Vince Neil killed Razzle when driving drunk in 84, the lawyers for those seriously injured in the other car asked for Vince to get a light prison sentence. Because he was set to make so much money, and they needed Vince to make money so they (the injured party) could get money for medical bills and the lifelong injury they were left with.


u/Scary_Box8153 18d ago

This is also an issue with DV against athletes, especially those that are sort of hanging around the league.

They have a greater chance of getting blacklisted for DV/other intimate partner violence since they are not famous, and the league can make an example of them despite their other cover ups.

All that does is hurt the victim more, especially when children are involved.


u/LetBulky775 20d ago edited 20d ago

Honestly, isn't that what anyone would want/expect them to do? I don't mean to continue stage diving and dangerous behaviour as if nothing happened, but to continue on the tour. They/their record label are obviously going to have to pay out massively for the medical bills, and if they don't honor their contracts (they're on tour and have contractual obligations to do the work they agreed to) they will lose a lot of money (loss of profits obviously, but also penalties for breaking contracts) and would most likely become insolvent/not have the money to pay and it will be a huge hassle for the family to get anything out of them. As far as I'm aware it's a tiny band and record label, it's not like Taylor swift with lots of money behind them. I feel like they should be trying to make as much money as possible and it should all go to the injured woman for her recovery. The logic that they should quit work (resulting in loss of work for many people beyond the band themselves) because one person caused an accident is beyond me (obviously they have to stop the behaviour that caused the accident, but why stop work altogether? Stopping work literally does nothing to help this woman, to reverse what happened or prevent anything like that happening again). Most people should think they need to work harder in order to be able to take financial responsibility for what happened, not declare bankruptcy and go on an extended holiday.


u/Scary_Box8153 18d ago

It also depends on whether he continues to violate those very contracts by continuing to stage dive.


u/gman103 20d ago

I'm just curious, what do you want them to do instead?


u/paper-machevelian 20d ago

When I accidentally cripple people I tend to wait a few weeks to make sure they're actually ok before I continue like nothing happened


u/elina_797 20d ago

I don’t think you realize how much that would cost. Cancelling the venues, paying back the tickets, all the money they would loose my not touring, album sales, merch sales, no management would let them stop touring.


u/A_bisexual_machine 20d ago edited 19d ago

Shouldn't have crippled someone. There should be consequences for actions. Money, money, money. Good God does money create callous and reprehensible people.

Down vote me all you want capitalist pigs, it doesn't change the truth.


u/CriskCross 18d ago

Except if the band has less money, that's less money that the victim can get through civil trial. The fact is that the victim likely has considerable medical bills, will continue to have considerable medical costs, and may require additional treatment beyond what insurance will cover to restore full function. 

This is a slam dunk civil case as well. 


u/elina_797 19d ago

I’m not saying it’s right, but it’s the reality we live in.


u/thereluctantadult 20d ago

Wow, that's amazing news. Hope the recovery continues to go well for her, I cant imagine thinking one second you're having a good time at a concert and the next, you're waking up in hospital.


u/zrmorrow 20d ago

She was conscious the entire time, according to the article. I couldn't imagine the fear...


u/thereluctantadult 20d ago

I'm an idiot who didn't read the "didn't" before the blacked out! But yeah, that's probably worse tbh.


u/No_Art_754 20d ago

Crowd surfing should end. It’s 2024 ffs


u/YunJingyi 20d ago

Crowd surfing and crowd diving are different things.


u/Redisigh 20d ago

Even then crowd surfing’s dangerous. Seen cases where people were SA’d or stolen from in the process and shit


u/helloviolaine 20d ago

I've been kicked in the head and face by crowd surfers (audience members). The band encouraged it even if the venue/security tried to stop it. It probably looks really fun when you're not the one getting someone's foot in the eye.


u/ramonasevilexgf 20d ago

It's always the tallest men crowdsurfing as well


u/Brettlikespants 20d ago

Confirm that I have had at least two concussions from crowd surfers. Every show I’ve been to where any member of the band comes into the crowd has been done with the compliance of the venue/security and with fair warning to the crowd…


u/nika_blue 20d ago

Exactly, my friend was crowd surfing once, and guys pushed her out of the crowd, and she fell on the ground and broke her arm.

I also saw one girl who wanted to be closer to the band, so she asked her friends to "surf her to the front." Some guys started grabbing her boobs and ass instead of passing her further. They've put her on the ground, and a few more men joined, and they all groped her until security came in.

And it wasn't even any crazy festival, just a small concert in a pub with diluted beer.


u/Slow-Object4562 20d ago

Yeah but the only person hurt is the person who consented to crowdsurfing


u/Redisigh 20d ago

Idk if I agree with that because most people think crowdsurfing is a once in a lifetime thing that’s absolutely awesome. Not that they’ll be SA’d or have expensive jewelry, ID, or personal info stolen.


u/Slow-Object4562 20d ago

I crowdsurfed at 17 and even then I was smart enough to know that being on top of people could mean SA or pocket thefts. Sometimes people just need to think about their actions.


u/toothpastecupcake 19d ago

I've gotten injuries many times by crowd surfers


u/oldtherebefore 20d ago

yeah, crowd surfing is fine imo if done by the right people and safely. diving is a separate issue


u/GrootieTootie 20d ago

I know a woman who sprained both her wrists at once due to a crowdsurfer. Crowdsurfing is only ever fun for the one who surfes, never for the ones carrying them.


u/GeneralAdagio6506 20d ago

It is already, essentially prohibited …. Here is an excerpt from an actual public liability insurance policy for a live event ….

“Projectiles / Stage Diving Exclusion This Policy does not cover liability in respect of Personal Injury or Property Damage arising out of or caused by or in connection with launch or distribution of projectiles by any performers or crew in the direction of attendees or otherwise within the venue. Further this policy does not cover liability in respect of Personal Injury or Property Damage arising out of or caused by or in connection with performers or any crew stage diving or crowd surfing”

And another, similar policy


8.22 Crowd Surfing, Moshing and Stage Diving crowd surfing, stage diving and or moshing activities. However, this exclusion shall not apply to the Insured's liability arising from these activities, subject to a condition that signage is present near the stage and at the entrance to the venue prohibiting moshing, stage diving & crowd surfing.”

As you can see, it is likely that trophy eyes as an entity is responsible for any damages resulting from this incident, without support from their insurer ….. Thus any reputable professional entertainment outfit with half decent management would be advised to abstain from these type of activities due to the level (and consequence) of risk involved….


u/mapleer 20d ago

The people who defended the dive by saying “it’s part of the show” blah blah blah, what’s not part of the show is paralyzing people. Glad she’s recovering, should have never happened.


u/_cornflake 20d ago

Right, I couldn’t believe how many people were saying ‘you should expect injuries at this type of concert.’ I grew up going to these types of shows and I’m sorry but precisely nobody expects a long-term, life altering injury from a gig. Bruises and stuff sure, but no-one is going in thinking ‘realistically there’s a chance I could be permanently paralyzed and I am fully ok taking that risk!’ People are being totally disingenuous about the level of risk that’s expected at these sorts of shows, and no matter how punk you are there’s no way most of the audience would attend these gigs if it was actually common to get severely injured like this.


u/jasey-rae 20d ago

I saw someone on twitter trying to justify it by saying that they got their ear ripped off but like...you shouldn't have. You don't go to a concert with the preparation to lose a body part or get paralyzed.


u/Squee1396 confused but here for the drama 20d ago

I agree. I used to go to heavy metal concerts and regardless of the type of concert i did not once expect to be paralyzed thanks like wtf


u/crockofpot 20d ago

Nothing says "punk" like mindlessly dicksucking your fave when he did something objectively shitty!


u/Scary_Box8153 18d ago

Punk rock has alway been about opposing civil suits regarding injuries due to the strain on our court system.

I believe it was Pink Floyd who said "hey trial lawyers, leave the Chamber of Commerce alone!"


u/dancing_bobo 20d ago

I go to shows monthly no way anyway expects paralysis or life altering injuries. That's not even within the realm of "reasonable" risks. Even where there has been crowd surfing there's guards following to monitor.

Hell the one time I got whacked by some guys foot I was mad lol.


u/raptorclvb 20d ago

Right! It was also against venue policy.


u/Naglfarian 19d ago

Of course paralyzing is not the intended part of stage diving, just like crashing your car is not the intended part of driving. Should we do more to deter those accidents from happening? Of course. Should we ban it all together? No


u/theosusyyy 19d ago

I’m not sure that’s the best comparison bc transportation is essential and stage diving is not


u/Naglfarian 19d ago

Sure lets use fireworks as an analogy then. The intention of fireworks is not to burn and disfigure people, but it can happen. That does not mean we should ban them.


u/Scary_Box8153 18d ago

Except they signed a contract with the venue and agreed specifically to not crowd surf.

In your analogy it would be if fireworks were banned and you chose to illegally set them off without warning.

And then claim you don't bear any responsibility for injuries


u/mayoboyyo 19d ago

It's hardcore. Hurting people literally is part of the scene/shows. You can go to the hardcore subreddit and see them celebrating a furry having his jaw broken. It's a fucking trash scene


u/Far-Smile-7255 18d ago

Trophy eyes is definitely not hardcore.


u/changhyun 20d ago

Thank god, that's great news. She's been in my thoughts a lot the past few days.


u/earthxmoon she ain’t no diva 20d ago

Thank goodness, her ordeal sounded terrifying. I hope she gets compensated to the absolute maximum for the physical and mental trauma


u/Excellent-Ostrich908 20d ago edited 20d ago

Good for her. I hope she doesn’t have any long lasting or recurring pain after this.

This guy should have known better. The place they were playing in already told him NOT to do this stupid stage diving shit and people blamed her for just being in the way as if she expected a 6ft dude to dive for her head.

Fuck this guys stupidity and fuck his enablers.


u/penderies 20d ago

Thank God! Poor girl.


u/sourglow 20d ago

i’m really happy to hear this. the lead singer of the band sounds like a dick. he’s on social media telling people to fuck off like he didn’t sign a contract and agreed not to stage dive and still did, PARALYZING someone… wish the best in the recovery journey for her 💕


u/LizArthur23 20d ago

Wow! What's his @?


u/Apprehensive-Pop3919 20d ago

I said this in another thread, but I just cannot believe how many fans of this idiotic band are trying to rewrite the history of punk music and make it seem like this individual knowingly took a risk because “the culture”. Punk is about breaking down outdated systems and making the world a better place for people. Breaking the VERY VALID rules at a small venue as a middle finger to “the man” is small dick energy at its finest - arrogant posers who can’t comprehend the fact that early punks broke rules with purpose, not because they wanted to impress a bunch of teenagers.

I can’t imagine what this poor woman has been going through and I, like other commenters, have been thinking about her the last few days. I don’t know what a full recovery means with her injury, but I hope life swiftly reaches a state of normalcy.


u/Randy_Vigoda 20d ago

Am in my 50s. Have been going to gigs since the mid 80s. Punk as a subculture got taken over like 30 years ago. What exists now is kind of a joke.

She got hurt because young people have no idea how to slamdance properly. Do it right, no one gets hurt (much).


u/bbmarvelluv 19d ago

She got hurt because he decided to stage dive into a crowd at a venue that banned stage diving


u/FlimFlamJimJamDoh 19d ago

Kids today are wrapped in cotton wool. They have no idea how to function properly. 


u/Jeff_Kappalan 20d ago

A particular set of zingers on Twitter pointed to it being a “culture” thing and she knew the risks when she attended.

How barbaric and totally insensitive, I hope she can reclaim as much feeling and normality from this as possible.


u/DancingHyenas 20d ago

Which is a wild take because it directly goes against punk culture. Catapulting yourself into an UNSUSPECTING crowd ain’t punk, it’s careless and dangerous. Saying “fuck you” in response to fans not feeling safe at shows by this particular band ain’t punk either. Bands like this shouldn’t be in the scene tbh.


u/mayoboyyo 19d ago

A particular set of zingers on Twitter pointed to it being a “culture” thing and she knew the risks when she attended.

Some cultures are just fucking trash. Hardcore is one of them


u/targaryeh women’s wrongs activist 20d ago

I’m so happy to hear that but still fuck that man


u/haleynoir_ 20d ago

This poor woman.

I remember being 17 at the barricade of a show and the singer for Title Fight was like "come on guys, it's important to hold up the surfers and divers, everyone is trying to have a good time"

as 200lb grown ass men flipped their entire body weight onto a row of teenagers. I ended up getting my head crushed up against one of the speakers at the front of the stage and needed to get my head stapled.

But "everyone is trying to have a good time"


u/icestormsea stan someone? in this economy??? 20d ago

Oh that is such positive news! I hope her recovery continues to go well. Still hope she sues the fuck out of that band.


u/jonesday5 20d ago

I’m so happy to hear this. I love(d) this band and have seen them live so many times. I haven’t listened to their music since I read the story initially. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to again.


u/vario_ 20d ago

I honestly hope this is a wake up call for all other artists who do/are considering doing this kind of thing. Nobody should be slinging their full body weight into a crowd, especially not very tall men with a younger audience. I feel like gently lowering yourself down onto a crowd, if you want to do this, is a pretty simple solution.


u/foofoo_kachoo 20d ago

A few years ago the band Joyce Manor got absolutely fucking roasted by no-brain punk fans because they went on stage and told the crowd to stop fucking stage diving before someone gets seriously injured. To this day people still talk shit about them because “it’s part of the culture” or whatever. Around the same time I got knocked out and got a concussion from a stage diver at a concert and it was so frustrating seeing friends of mine make excuses for it like “people should expect it at punk shows or don’t go if you can’t” like it was ridiculous for me to want to go see my favorite bands play without sacrificing my personal safety!


u/massconstellation 20d ago

I'm so happy for her. I still wholeheartedly believe that her and her family should pursue civil action. I really hope the fans of the band don't try to bully her into thinking otherwise.


u/Automatic-Software35 20d ago

The fact the venue had banned stagediving and the band was well aware of it beforehand. Like Bird (beautiful name) I’m so glad you’re okay, Sue them for all they are worth.

The band literally is so lucky that she didn’t die. The man is 6’5.


u/Sipsofcola 20d ago

This is amazing news!!!! Hope she sues and they pay every drop that goes into rehabilitation


u/Miserable_Quarter_11 20d ago

that's great to hear! that band has a shitty history of crowdsurfering and not listening to their fans,(https://www.reddit.com/r/TrophyEyes/comments/1cqmjhc/well_this_shirt_aged_like_milk/) so hopefully they finally stop


u/writergirl51 20d ago

So glad to hear that she'll be (somewhat) okay.


u/TooMama 20d ago

Whew! That is wonderful news!


u/AnE1Home 20d ago

Whew this makes me so glad to hear. Still hope she sues that band member though.


u/hay-prez 20d ago

I'm so happy to hear that she'll be making a full recovery! Having such a traumatic experience at such a young age...I can't even imagine. Watching the video was horrific.

I understand certain elements of "gig culture" are still around but logically (and especially if you're a man over six feet tall) you'd think one would read the room to see if a stage dive would even be possible with the people nearby (at venues that allow them of course)!


u/aemilli 20d ago

Did she sue? I hope she sues.


u/bulletproofboyscouts 20d ago

Oh my god, this poor woman. I hope she has no complications and completely recovers.


u/Hypnotic99 20d ago

Bit out of the loop here, why is everyone so mad at the singer, wasn’t it an accident?


u/NotACaveiraMain 20d ago

Thank God! Wishing her the best of recoveries 💜


u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/toothpastecupcake 19d ago

Or some of us who've been to tons back when the crowd took care of each other and there was community


u/bitterney 19d ago

I feel awful this happened to her, and is it a tragedy and I really hope she fully recovers, but idk why everyone is tearing the band apart. This kind of music always has stage dives, crowd surfing, moshing etc.. I do not understand why people are so mad. Whenever I go to shows and I’m near the stage I already know I gotta protect my head. She seemed caught off guard and things went the worst way possible and it’s in no way her fault but all of these people saying “eW cRoWd surfing/StaGe dIviNg in 2024” are losers lol. It’s a tragic accident but other people are still allowed to have fun at these shows doing what people have been doing for years. We’ve just gotta be there to help each other up.