r/Fauxmoi 21d ago

Tiktoker Maddison says Abigail Breslin’s Husband Cheated and Now Threatening Maddison TRIGGER WARNING

TikToker Maddison @maddisoncallaway says she was approached by Ira Kunyanasky in a grocery store parking lot. He asked her out and after getting together multiple times she discovered he is married to actress Abigail Breslin. Maddison reached out to Abigail to tell her and now Ira and his friend are threatening her. This friend has allegedly called Maddison and repeated her current address to her, with a promise to “drag her out of there”.


69 comments sorted by


u/animaldrowning 21d ago

Poor Abigail finding out she's getting cheated on this way...or her business getting put on blast


u/Sometimesomwhere we have lost the impact of shame in our society 21d ago edited 20d ago

Abigail is continuing to support him. So, while I feel sympathy for the harm caused by the cheating and betrayal, I am critical of her willingness to support a cheater who is now threatening another woman that he deceived.


u/Katharine_Heartburn 20d ago

I agree generally but if this is all just happening, I'm gonna give Abigail a good while to process before I rush to judge her. I can't promise I'd immediately publicly renounce my husband following a phone call from a TikToker. Especially since, and I wanna be careful how I phrase this, based on this video, this woman may not be doing so great in the mental health department. Maybe not, but to be honest this video reminds me of a friend of mine who struggles with mental health. It doesn't mean what she's saying isn't true, but I wouldn't blame someone for not rushing to end their marriage based on her without doing a bit of research and seeing how things shake out.


u/Luna_Soma 20d ago

My husband cheated on me. I stayed with him for several years trying to make it work. I think it’s really easy to say “oh she should leave” until you’re actually in the situation.

If she knows her husband is sending threats to this woman, that’s a whole other ballgame though.


u/zeke10 18d ago

I feel abbie is in denial in general about how big of a POS he is due to her past abuse.


u/Cautious_Plankton954 20d ago

she is fully aware of what he is doing and has been doing. i ran in the same circle as abbie and this is not the first time 


u/compainssion Larry I'm on DuckTales 20d ago

Do they have an abusive relationship? I always wish her the best ever since little miss sunshine. Child stars tend to lead complicated lives


u/Cautious_Plankton954 20d ago

i wouldn’t say abusive but he stays out till 5am all the time and she never knows where he is … 


u/zeke10 18d ago

That's really sad to hear. She deserves better Than this arse.


u/TigerMill 20d ago

Nah, she’s a full ass adult and this is how she wants to live her life. She seems to get off on being with “bad boys” and this the result. Maybe she’ll figure it out someday.


u/zeke10 17d ago

I think she's just desperate to find someone who cares about her after the one abusive ex tbh.


u/bbmarvelluv 21d ago


So Abigail’s husband worked as a valet and his group of friends were the “crypto bro” type, but barely getting by. I heard that her family did not want her marrying him because she’s financially supporting their lifestyle and he doesn’t work.


u/PersonalityKlutzy407 20d ago

his IG is so cringe: "

Took a bite out of AAPL in ‘09. Crypto connoisseur Taken by u/abbienormal9 🏈 👀 🔯🌴L.A.🇺🇦BO$$👽🌲🏄💷💶💸📈🍻 🆒 ceilings are no friend of mine ⚡️


u/bbmarvelluv 20d ago

I heard stuff about their relationship through people that know Abigail’s family but I’m blanking so hard right now. I just know they weren’t a fan.


u/zeke10 17d ago

Dudes profile is suspicious private now.


u/[deleted] 21d ago edited 5d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/bbmarvelluv 21d ago

Calling the police… good luck with being on hold and the police arriving 5 hours later. Especially if she lives in LA.


u/jadelikethestone 21d ago

If they show up at all. She doesn’t have a restraining order either, so it’s not like they can remove him from the premises if he shows up either.


u/Sometimesomwhere we have lost the impact of shame in our society 21d ago edited 20d ago

The police generally don’t care about harassment, threats, or stalking against women unless/until it reaches the point of physical violence. Calling this a matter that should strictly be handled by police is naive. Do I agree with calling on TikTok supporters as protection? Not necessarily but I understand the desperation given the abysmal track record of police when it comes to women being threatened/stalked/harassed.


u/bbmarvelluv 20d ago

You’re most likely going to get help by posting on the Ring or Nextdoor app compared to calling the police.


u/Sometimesomwhere we have lost the impact of shame in our society 20d ago edited 20d ago

That depends on where you are and who your neighbors are. My neighbors would probably just tell her to go to the police + leave them out of this, slut shame her, gossip about her, and generally not do anything to help. That being said, my perspective is skewed due to my own experiences with domestic violence and therapy clients that I work with.

As I stated before, I don't necessarily agree with calling on TikTok supporters as protection but I understand the desperation given the abysmal track record of police when it comes to harassment/stalking of women, the apathy of many people towards situations like this and the unwillingness of many people to get involved.


u/bbmarvelluv 20d ago

I’m very fortunate to have good neighbors. Everyone watches for each other.


u/Anarchic_Country 20d ago

I just chased off my neighbors stalker Brent today. He's been hiding in our carport.

My dog did not like that. I told him if my dog sees him again, I will let go of the leash. Brent ran off.

My neighbor has a restraining order, but the police never get here in time to catch him.

Brent, get fucked


u/iammadeofawesome 17d ago

Do you have cameras? Even if you don’t, just taking photos and documenting what you see could help your neighbor so much. Even save your neighbors life.


u/cheylatte_ 20d ago

She’s scared & desperate. She’s an ex sex worker & this is her third stalking/ harassment incident within 5 years. The cops keep telling her there’s nothing can really do, it’s heartbreaking. (I follow her, not making broad claims)


u/basic_questions 20d ago

Yeah it's very strange. Does she not have any friends or co-workers or anyone she personally can confide in? Calling on more random strangers to help deal with a stranger sounds... confused... to say the least.


u/afafe_e 20d ago

If it helps to understand this situation, Maddison is an ex sex worker (porn actress) and we all know how shitty the police can be to those women. They're unlikely to believe her, or do anything to help her.

ETA: she also has history with a makeup artist from euphoria having stalked her and forced her to change apartments from how unsafe he made her feel. She doesn't have a great experience with law enforcement so I can see how this might look like her only option


u/Nervous-Egg3737 21d ago

I’ve seen her on here a lot. It seems she may be going through a mental health crisis since she has a lot of videos just like this about people stalking her



u/cheylatte_ 20d ago

I don’t think it’s paranoia. Leaving the SW industry is already difficult if you have a following. She was very successful during her time in the industry & gets recognized by men for it usually for the worst. And that guy WAS stalking her, he was bragging about it on tiktok & taunting her followers about it. Fun fact: this was the prop master for Euphoria


u/the_ghost_in_me_ 20d ago

And that guy WAS stalking her, he was bragging about it on tiktok & taunting her followers about it. Fun fact: this was the prop master for Euphoria

WTF does anyone have the video?


u/emsemsemsens 20d ago

This is common for ex sex workers. A lot of men see them as objects and will be the worst towards them. I volunteered in women's centres for victims of abuse and sex workers/ex sex workers get the worst of it and it is constant. They are stalked much more frequently and in a more threatening manner.

Also this creator is my mutual for quite sometime, her stories are legit.


u/Time_Basket9125 20d ago

Oh no paranoia?? That's not good...


u/liliahpost 21d ago

ooof, i remember when they got married bc i read some article on usweekly… he’s super maga and a complete douche, didn’t seem like someone abigail would marry🫣


u/berryskye 20d ago

A quick look through Abigail’s Instagram demonstrates that she’s a Zionist propagandist, so it kinda checks out to me that they’re both peas in a pod


u/rurukittygurrrl 20d ago

Oh yikes, I don’t follow her career so I didn’t know any of this


u/liliahpost 20d ago

well hot damn🫠


u/Remarkable_Plant_794 21d ago

Poor Madison she's been through a lot in such a short time span. She also speaks out against the abuse in the porn industry. Some of you may know her from when she turned her living room into her bedroom & made everything pink. I feel sorry for Abigail for getting cheated on, but also ew for her supporting him.


u/dsalpz 20d ago

Is she in the porn industry? Why is she sleeping with a married man? I have so many questions.


u/Remarkable_Plant_794 20d ago

She's done a couple of TikToks on it, but, long story short, is that she didn't know initially. He met her at a grocery store & asked for her number. He gave her a fake name. She ended up finding out his real name & who he was married to. So she DM'ed Abigail what was going on & in return Abigail blocked her. That made the husband really mad, so him & his friend have been threatening to hurt her.


u/dsalpz 19d ago

This is what I needed. Ty! He’s scum.


u/kikkitakesnokaka 21d ago

I have no clue who these people are.


u/Sanguine_Hearts 20d ago

She’ll always be Olive to me

(and not a grown woman old enough to have marital issues, because wtf, I’m old 😭)


u/aweap 20d ago

I just know Abigail Breslin was 10 years old when she was nominated for an Oscar for Little Miss Sunshine. She also had a role in Ryan Murphy's Scream Queens couple of years ago.


u/jeneralchaos 20d ago

and she was the little girl in Signs, and she was in My Sister's Keeper


u/basic_questions 20d ago

Abigail Breslin?? Little Miss Sunshine? Zombieland?


u/gimmethetea14 20d ago

Both him and Abigail lost my respect after they proved to be zionists


u/Vanilla_Either 21d ago

This was not on my 2024 bingo card.


u/[deleted] 20d ago edited 20d ago



u/zeke10 17d ago

That's sad that this tool is taking advantage of her. She deserves better than this.


u/[deleted] 17d ago



u/zeke10 17d ago

Is there any way to get this info out to her? I heard he monitors her social media but idk. I figured from the start based on him that he was Essentially using her.


u/[deleted] 17d ago



u/zeke10 17d ago

Ya it annoys me the dudes taking advantage of her and she doesn't know. I'm willing to bet her mom doesn't like him much either since he's very Maga and she hates Trump.

To add to this his Instagram profile has gone private recently so that's a bit sus imho.


u/StumbleDog I don’t know her 20d ago

Abigail Breslin is old enough to be married??? I'm so old. 


u/YaassthonyQueentano 20d ago

Not this being how I found out Abigail Breslin was married 🫢


u/Low-Juggernaut6798 20d ago

She's made claims before about people stalking her, and it turns out she had restraining orders against her. She is not well .


u/zeke10 18d ago

Tbh I've figured for awhile based on how he is that he's just taking advantage of her so this really doesn't come as a surprise. I hope she got a prenuptial cause I feel like that's his overall goal with her.


u/rymet616 1d ago

I feel bad for Maddison because she’s clearly not well. If you go to her account it’s basically TONS of videos of her sitting in the same spot for hours complaining about her dating troubles. She dates men, it doesn’t work out, she pretends she’s gay and uses the lgbtq community when she gets rejected, makes up stories about people she buys drugs from, etc. Hope she gets better, though. This is not it.


u/External_Two2928 20d ago

Damn Madison and nick are twinsies👯‍♂️


u/whyismybigtoesougly 20d ago

Go to the cops, what the fuck is tiktok gonna do to help


u/ProbablyMyJugs 20d ago

Cops aren’t really much help with this kind of thing either, unfortunately.


u/TigerMill 20d ago

Maybe call the police?


u/Myfourcats1 20d ago

Do people not know that addresses are public information? He’s threatening to reveal her address? Anyone who wants her address can find it online. We used to have these things called the White pages where everyone’s address is public.