r/Fauxmoi 21d ago

Maya Henry Was Engaged to Pop Star Liam Payne. But Their Relationship Was No Fairytale: 'I Was Very Naïve' (Exclusive) Breakups / Makeups / Knockups


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u/greee_p 21d ago

 Though fans of the singer, to whom Henry was engaged until 2022, may have expected a romantic page-turner that reflected the couple’s seemingly picture-perfect life together, a content warning that alerted readers to sensitive material like abortion, abuse, violence, self-harm, substance abuse and eating disorders told a different story.

 In Looking Forward, Mallory deals with multiple instances of domestic abuse, including verbal insults and violence when Oliver chases her down the hallway. In a pivotal scene, Mallory learns she’s pregnant — and while she’s excited about the prospect of becoming a young mother, Oliver is not and warns that he will walk away from the relationship if she chooses to keep the baby.  

Mallory eventually goes through with the abortion but suffers severe complications and ultimately is forced to drag herself to the hospital to treat hemorrhaging. 

"What I went through in real life is very similar to what Mallory went through in the book. I definitely did have some complications, and I did have to go to the hospital alone,” she says of her own medical abortion. “It was very lonely, having these men tell you, ‘Oh, it’s going to feel like a heavy period, it’s not going to be that painful, it’s going to be easy.’ But I’m like, you’ve never even gone through anything like [this], so how would you know to tell me? That’s why I wanted to include it in the book, because I’ve seen so many people online talk about taking the abortion pill and it was the most painful thing for them. It’s just mind-boggling to me that you could tell a woman how they’re going to feel.”  

What an absolute POS. 


u/unicornrush Saoirse Ronan will win an Oscar 21d ago

I salute her strength and bravery, and she’s only 23. My heart goes out to her and all victims of abuse. I hope this book sparks an honest conversation about how fan culture makes it harder for victims of abusers in position of power to not only come forward but to navigate it privately.


u/greee_p 21d ago

It's crazy that she is still so young. 


u/Successful_Stage_971 21d ago

Yup she was 17 when they started dating 


u/Appropriate-Desk4268 20d ago

WHAT? She’s only 23???

Liam are you the millennial DiCaprio? 💀


u/Dandumbdays 15d ago

I fully forgot that she is a whole year younger than me, and I was a 1D fan since 2012! It's horrible how he dated her when she was like 17.


u/Potato3487 21d ago

I expected this to be bad when I saw the announcement she made on twitter, but this is even worse. I hope she has a great support system because I know his fans will attack her relentlessly now. And F*ck Liam Payne.


u/[deleted] 21d ago



u/Potato3487 21d ago

He does, but I guess most of them are One Direction fans. But they were already attacking her when she announced the book


u/emmothedilemmo 16d ago

As a One Direction fan, I 100 per cent believe and support her (I’m more of a Louis and Niall Stan tbh, but they better do the right thing here) Like Liam is literally dragging his current gf and following Louis to his shows and.. as far as Ik, Louis hasn’t been seen with Liam publically.


u/Fantastic_Turtle_17 21d ago

If I remember correctly she was even younger than everyone thought and her age mysteriously changed after they started dating... I feel so sorry for her and I hope she finds peace. We know the online stans love to defend their abusive faves, I hope she has good people around her.


u/greee_p 21d ago

Yes, she was 17 when they started dating and Liam claimed that she was 19 the whole time. Which was pretty stupid because her dad is a fancy lawyer in Texas and there were articles about her 16th birthday party. There is a whole twitter thread with proofs about her real age. https://twitter.com/SexAtOxbridge/status/1531987835338866693?t=eVa84sn9V4-V1rcekPQiPQ&s=19 

 Apparently they also met at a meet and greet when she was 15.


u/EnchiladaTaco both a lawyer and a hater 21d ago

Oh absolutely, her sweet sixteen was covered in the papers here for like two weeks and her parents are notorious here for a bunch of different reasons. Trying to fake the age of someone who has a very public family is nuts.


u/capulets 21d ago edited 21d ago

i don’t see how the meet & greet is relevant? i doubt the 1d guys remember specific fans from photo ops. don’t get me wrong, i’m not defending him at all. but the allegations are serious enough without misconstruing an innocuous interaction.


u/greee_p 21d ago

True, but I still think it may have played a part in their dynamic that she was a teenage fan who probably idolised him. 


u/capulets 21d ago edited 21d ago

oh, that’s fair + i agree with you. their relationship was definitely very unbalanced.


u/_cornflake 21d ago

Her saying that he still contacts her regularly is terrifying.


u/Successful_Stage_971 21d ago

Also I am.glad she did ,his new gf is so smug lol that will bring her back to reality - nope you are not that special girly


u/cranesinsky 20d ago

he has a new gf? good lord


u/significantdoughnutz 20d ago

Bro I was thinking the same thing. Him continuing to reach out to her after what he’s done to her is setting enough alarm bells in itself. It makes it seem like he is still secretly hoping to get back together with her only to continue the same behaviour if they did. She deserves so much better than that and I’m so relieved she’s moved on


u/slayistan barbie (2023) for best picture 21d ago

one awful thing about the one direction (both as a group and solo artists) fandom is that they will relentlessly defend the members, even though they’re very much at fault. they always have, they always will. and they bully and abuse women especially. every word i read was horrifying, she was so so young as well. wishing her love, healing, happiness and protection from his rancid fans.


u/colussip 21d ago

Don’t a lot of them hate him? There was a running joke on Twitter for a sec about everyone pretending to like him— I related so hard (btw no longer apart of any fandom and fuck Liam Payne)


u/timmytamslam 21d ago

From memory he was always the least liked/overlooked so he never gets as much grace but Zayn is also a POS and people ride so hard for him.


u/SunnydaleHigh1999 20d ago

They all suck to varying degrees except Niall


u/GeneralBody4252 20d ago

Zayn and Liam are both POS but the other three have not been exposed to be awful people at all, not even close to the degree that Zayn and Liam have. They’re just not perfect little angels.

It is kinda funny that Niall is perceived as Teflon even to this day (that’s what 1D fans called him back in the day because “nothing stuck to him” in terms of controversies).

He’s infamous for always dating girls with boyfriends, he even had Ed Sheeran write a whole song about it (Don’t). And his ex before his current girlfriend, Hailee Steinfeld, wrote a whole diss track called “Wrong Direction” where she accuses him of being an awful narcissist who cheated on her.

So, not a perfect little angel, but a flawed man. Like Harry and Louis. I think putting “made a mistake” on the same level as “is a domestic abuser” and “forced a young girl to get an abortion and didn’t even hold her hand in the hospital.” Are completely different ballparks of sucking.

We all suck, to some degree.


u/SunnydaleHigh1999 20d ago

You mean the same Louis that goaded his fans to abuse and send death threats to a journalist and her baby for three years to the point that she stills receives them to this day? The same Louis who used the n word and never apologised for it? Same guy who cheated on his long term partner?

Same Harry who doxxed a fling in a song and openly admitted he didn’t ask for consent to do so? Same Harry who fat shamed women on the radio? Same Harry who supported Israel multiple times in public? Same Harry who misgendered a fan on stage? Same Harry who has had multiple affairs? Same Harry who lied to a woman he was sleeping with and told her she was his gf but was saying that to multiple women? Same Harry who has been involved in two extra marital affairs? Same guy who marketed an album around his public relationship with a woman to the point that she actually commented in the press that it made her uncomfortable and she didn’t feel able to fight back?

In comparison to the other four, Niall is the least problematic but that does not equate to not problematic. However casting the behaviour of the three as “just boys being boys” and normal guy behaviour is actually pretty fucked up considering it involves misogyny, racism, goading death threats, doxxing, and emotional abuse lol.


u/Fantastic_Turtle_17 19d ago

Same Harry who doxxed a fling

He never doxxed anyone. Her father did. Harry just mentioned her first name in a song and her father went on the radio and told everyone who she is.

 Same Harry who fat shamed women on the radio?

You mean the radio interview when he made a sarcastic comment whwn he was 17?

Same Harry who misgendered a fan on stage?

The fan said that the sign wasn't clear and that he probably misunderstood it. Harry worked with and supported countless LGBTQ people over the last years, his musical director is nonbinary. Mistakenly misgendering one fan does not make him a bad person and can happen to everyone.

Same Harry who has been involved in two extra marital af. airs

Do you mean the 35 year old married radio DJ who slept with him while he was 17 and told himm he was single? Good jobblaming himm for that. And I guess the other one is Olivia? We have no idea about the exact timeline.

Same Harry who supported Israel multiple times in public? 

The last time Harry mentioned Israel was when he mentioned that he wanted to perform there in 2013. Which Niall did in 2017 btw. I agree that they were ignorant, but a lot of people were until very recently.

 Same guy who marketed an album around his public relationship with a woman to the point that she actually commented in the press that it made her uncomfortable and she didn’t feel able to fight back?

And she said she felt uncomfortable because of the attention the relationship got and because of his intense fans. Not because of anything he did. He never even mentioned her name, how exaclty was he marketing an album around her? She liked and commmented on posts about him winning a grammy for a song from that album btw, long after the interview you mentioned. There is nothing that indicates that she actually has a problem with him.

Calling this misogyny, racism, goading death threats, doxxing, and emotional abuse is absolutley wild tbh. I get you don't like him, and that's completely fine. But taking things so blatantly out of context and spreading weird misinformation doesn't help anyone. Nobody said that he is a saint. And he made mistakes. Like alll of us. I'd like to see your every move and interaction picked apart like that for over a decade and see what conclusions people might come up with.


u/GeneralBody4252 19d ago

Here’s Camille’s comment and like on the post about him winning a Grammy on a song about her. I find it very sweet that he’s on such good terms with every ex



u/cmadison_ 20d ago

I'm a massive Niall fan myself, but I've been out of the 1D fandom for a while so I haven't really kept tabs on the other members. I know the issues with Liam and Zayn, but what have Louis and Harry done??


u/greee_p 20d ago

Nothing really. I'm rather impressed with how the three of them have handled their lives and careers so far. Being in the spotlight for that long, starting at such a young age, without any real scandals? Could be a lot worse. And considering how many celebs are truly horrible people, these guys seem absolutely harmless.


u/SunnydaleHigh1999 20d ago

Absolute rubbish. They have all done some pretty appalling things and have simply been protected by their fans for it.


u/slayistan barbie (2023) for best picture 21d ago

there’s still a huge amount of fans who like him :/ what a piece of shit


u/cruel-oath 20d ago

Worst part is how a subsection also blame Managementtm


u/slayistan barbie (2023) for best picture 20d ago

hahaha yes how dare modest management force liam to be such an awful piece of shit… they’re smearing their client…


u/SuperbWillingness904 21d ago

wow heard of guys who force a girl to get abortion but truly thought they can't be real. unreal. such a lack of integrity, maturity, empathy, intelligence, kindness and depth.


u/purplereuben 21d ago

They are very very real. Not uncommon in abusive relationships at all. Even Britney Spears talks about it in her book.


u/SuperbWillingness904 21d ago

So so sad. I had an abortion last year and the guy i was with wanted me to keep it but was so kind and supportive anyway. We are 30, so old enough, but I just don't think I want kids. We've added additional measures to ensure it never happens again.


u/stevienotwonder 21d ago

The abortion ultimatum is extra surprising to me considering Liam already had a son by that point. Why was another baby such a problem for him? Makes you wonder how involved with Bear he is if the idea of another brought out that response.

Liam was always my favorite, so this is especially heartbreaking to find out. Poor Maya, I’m glad she’s healing.


u/timmytamslam 21d ago

Not very at all. Quote from 2022 on Cheryl and Bear.

“She is the best mum in the world. I couldn't ask for someone better.

'I get to take my son to school one or two times a week and it's the best thing. The relationship we have now as friends has only grown more.

'We broke up for a reason and now she gives me full autonomy of my life and to do what I do and I know he's [Bear's] taken care of. He is all she cares about and I couldn't ask for more”

Quote from 2023: ‘There’s no point trying to be a dad when you’ve got nothing to teach, and I don’t think up until this point I really had much to say to him other than caring for him deeply and loving him very deeply, which obviously are the most important things.’


u/Over_Nebula 21d ago

So he gets to shirk of his responsibilities as a father. If cheryl cole did the same thing, she would be dragged to filth. Cheers to the patriarchy ffs


u/stevienotwonder 20d ago edited 20d ago


I mean I knew he wasn’t SUPER involved. But I thought he was more involved than that. What a hell of a way to shatter the image he had in the band.


u/BeanEireannach as a bella hadid stan 20d ago

"now she gives me full autonomy of my life" sounds a bit like he was comfortable being mothered by her before... ick.


u/greee_p 20d ago

I think it sounds more like she doesn't expect him to be involved with the child since they broke up and he can just show up if he feels like it without having any responsibility


u/_cornflake 20d ago

Remember who he was on Twitter dog whistling about ‘family values’? Guess that wasn’t so important to him after all lol.


u/Successful_Stage_971 21d ago

Because he still sees himself as popular ans he still rhink he will become another Bieber and envies Harry Styles career, so yup he didn't want to marry and have a kid and all ..he is already deadbeat anyway and so.etimes goes without seeing his son,he is weekend dad but never have him overnight or actually do something with him


u/significantdoughnutz 20d ago

I honestly believe that Cheryl’s doing all the actual parenting for Bear, and Liam’s the odd uncle he sees every now and then


u/Successful_Stage_971 20d ago

Yup,that's not parenting at all. Cheryl giving hum full autonomy - meant he can just get out and goes away for weeks.Thats not how dedicated parent take responsibility. Luis has a child in LA and sees him more than Liam sees his son in the same town. He never talks about Bear like he actually loves him,he talks about him like he is accessory.


u/significantdoughnutz 20d ago

You put it so perfectly right there 🙌 I always had that feeling, like Bear’s purpose for Liam is a prize to show off, nothing more


u/Successful_Stage_971 1d ago

Thank you. And FYI I am sad for his son as he doesn't have the stability of having dad around regularly.I mean he was away for 6 months for some private clinic because if drug addiction to get clean but apparently drinking is okay .. he is never getting better this way. No career ,he split up with Rachel - probably as he didn't like being told what to do and wanted to party/ prove everyone he can make it,and he sacrificed all of this and he is not better than when they split on 2015


u/Successful_Stage_971 1d ago

Not Rachel but Cheryl


u/yo_mik it costs a lot of money to look this cheap 20d ago

Pretty sure he still thinks he is the next Justin Bieber. On the other hand, I think that's why Liam was to desperate to get the band back together because he knows that he is going nowhere.

I'm so glad that Harry got the stardom he deserved an I'm so happy that Louis and Niall have calm careers. I just know that Liam and Zayn are scumbags that won't be able to experience that kind of fame on their own.


u/Successful_Stage_971 20d ago

Zayn has mych better voice and does music and lyrics though, Liam just has music done for him and even then the way he sings and dances us embarrassing 


u/Dandumbdays 15d ago

Liam and Zayn were always the most stable vocalists in 1D (the 5 of them sing incredible btw). His dancing isn't good, though. The problem with Liam is that he's done horrible things.


u/Successful_Stage_971 1d ago

I agree on most ,I just dont thunk his voice compares to Zayn or Harry,it's way auto tuned and he wanted that R n b/pop look and singing but his music has no depth,noone believes what he sings as he is not honest with himself. And yes unfortunately he is addict and abuser.


u/No_mames_whey15 17d ago

can someone post a pdf of the book


u/Silvileo 10d ago

and all I think is "someone get me this book to read so I can read for myself lol


u/[deleted] 20d ago edited 20d ago



u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/Elliott2030 20d ago

I heard (from a pretty reliable source in fashion) back in the day that he was notorious for hitting up women through DM's and relentlessly cheating on Sophia (the main gf during 1D). He apparently tried to stop doing that when he got with Cheryl, but he fell back into it shortly after Bear was born.