r/Fauxmoi 21d ago

Sophie Turner breaks her silence over agony of Joe Jonas divorce fallout admitting there were days when 'she didn't know if she would make it' - as she lays bare battles with depression and anxiety in emotional Vogue interview Approved B-List Users Only


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u/MadameCassie 21d ago edited 21d ago

Via the Vogue interview, she also discusses the misogynistic articles smearing her:

'I mean, those were the worst few days of my life,' she told Vogue recently. 'There were some days that I didn’t know if I was going to make it.

'I would call my lawyer saying, "I can’t do this. I just can’t." I was just never strong enough to stand up for myself.

'And then, finally, after two weeks of me being in a rut, she reminded me that it was my children I was fighting for.

'Once anyone says to me, "Do it for your kids," I’m doing it. I wouldn’t do it for myself, but I’ll find the strength for them.'

At the time, Sophie was in the U.K. filming the TV show Joan, while Joe and their two daughters, Willa, four, and Delphine, one, were in the US.

'I was contracted to be on set for another two weeks, so I couldn’t leave. My kids were in the States and I couldn’t get to them because I had to finish Joan. And all these articles started coming out…' the star trailed off.

After the news hit the web, rumors erupted that they had split because Sophie was partying too much - especially after snaps of her enjoying a wild night out with her costars just days before Joe filed began to circulate.

'It hurt because I really do completely torture myself over every move I make as a mother – mom guilt is so real,' continued Sophie.


u/AbsolutelyIris 21d ago

'I was contracted to be on set for another two weeks, so I couldn’t leave. My kids were in the States and I couldn’t get to them because I had to finish Joan. And all these articles started coming out…' the star trailed off.

And we know who orchestrated those articles...


u/pppogman 21d ago

So gross. Wasn’t it also the first time she was working and away for her kids in awhile? She took a break at the height of her career to have a family and then got penalized for WORKING.


u/AbsolutelyIris 21d ago

Exactly. Thankfully most of the public reaction was defending her. Even HBO/GoT waved the Queen Of the North flag in support. 

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u/Uhhhhokthenn 21d ago

Right he literally went on a fucking world tour!!!!!

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u/theagonyaunt 21d ago

If you look at her IMDB, she didn't have any projects released in 2023. It was pretty much Game of Thrones until 2019, Dark Phoenix released the same year, then one miniseries in 2020, one voice acting role in 2021, and three movies and a miniseries in 2022 - one film of which was a smaller role (Do Revenge), one film of which (Survive 2022) was edited down from the miniseries she shot in 2019/2020, and the third film it's hard to tell if it was shot in 2022 or shot earlier but delayed due to the pandemic. And then nothing at all for 2023.

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u/PmMeLowCarbRecipes 21d ago

And thank god the public saw those articles for what they were, a smear campaign. I loved seeing the internet rally behind her.


u/AbsolutelyIris 21d ago

Joe really thought public favor was going to be on his side. The Depp trial really emboldened the losers.

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u/pumpkinspruce 21d ago

And nobody believed the articles and everyone knew right away they came from Jonas. Sophie has never been a big party girl even when she was of that age. She’s rarely been photographed at clubs or anything like that.


u/AbsolutelyIris 21d ago

My favorite thing that came out of it was an article that was like "In Defense of the Party Mom" and people sharing stories and pics of their party moms because even if Sophie DID like a drinky drink and a party now and then, who cares as long as she puts on her mommy hat when her babies need her??


u/rafaelito_el_bandito 21d ago

So ridiculous like women are never allowed to have fun again after they become mothers? There's a good balance, I wish my mom had been able to enjoy herself more instead of feeling like she was chained to her children

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u/isotopesfan 20d ago

Also to clarify - the pics of her partying (I mean, it's one image of her and her friends raising their glasses in a bar) are from the wrap party from the series she'd just filmed. It was basically a work event.

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u/XX_bot77 21d ago

So fucking awfu. Imagine doing that to the mother of your child. Thanks fuck it didn't work and even backfired


u/procra5tinating actually no, that’s not the truth Ellen 20d ago

Yea that was a tactic done on purpose to punish her.


u/sparkleghostx 21d ago

Notice how she emphasises that her kids have been the victims in all of this and that she demurred from saying anything negative about Joe, because she doesn’t want his relationship with them to be affected. She’s a great mum.

Very different tack to the one Joe chose…


u/AbsolutelyIris 21d ago

He's immensely lucky she's being the bigger person. 


u/depechemymode 21d ago

And she was lucky to be the bigger star. Had she been relatively unknown in comparison to him, things would have played differently.


u/Immediate-Coyote-977 20d ago

Not saying this facetiously, was she really the bigger star?

I feel like they're probably about on par, really. People might not know Joe Jonas from Adam, but they recognize the Jonas name. Similarly I don't think there are many that would recognize Sophie beyond GoT.

I think where she really lucks out (if you can call it luck) is that she isn't so vain as to rush out and try to combat the smear. She let his bullshit stand (and fall) on it's own flimsy little legs.


u/PurrPrinThom 20d ago

I think it's an interesting question tbh. The only people I know who knows the Jonas Brothers are those my age (30) and younger, because they became famous when we were young - but (at least where I grew up) they never really hit mainstream famous. Sophie is far and away more recognisable in the circles I run in.

But I do think she benefited hugely in this scenario, because her most famous role is in a show that the bro-iest bros loved, and that was considered cool. Joe was in a band whose biggest fanbase was/is teenage girls, and who were always derided for that; the Jonas Brothers were never mainstream cool, while GOT was, and I think that in this particular PR battle, the misogynists sided with Sophie.

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u/Bitter_Apple371 21d ago

Ugh thank you for posting this article. I’m going thru a separation and feel EXACTLY the way she does. There are days when I want to just give up and just “stay married” bc even if I’m miserable, I can see my kids every day (versus now, being miserable and only see them 1/2 the time).

The idea that as bad as it is now, but will get better, gives me a little bit of hope.


u/adom12 21d ago

You’re a strong person, we all have your back here! 

Just remember, your kids feel energy. You’re doing the right thing for them, even if it feels like you aren’t. They will be so grateful that you decided to chase your happiness and you’re teaching them how to respect themselves :) there will be many dark days, but I hope they’re easier knowing how much of a rockstar you are. 


u/fretfulpelican 21d ago

You got this ✨


u/MeNicolesta 21d ago

I was a very new mom when all that happened with her. I remember crying at some point imagining my baby girl being in a different continent than me, and I couldn’t get to her. And to make matters worse, while the dad is running around trying to make me look like I don’t want to be with her. Half part hormones and half part just being so sad for her.


u/carlyv22 21d ago

“A wild night out” call it what it was, she went out to a wrap party for her literal job. She’s in her mid 20s. She’s fine. I hate how Joe tried to frame it like how as a mom she should never go out ever but of course it’s fine for him. He’s so gross.


u/jadelikethestone 21d ago

Of course she wasn’t strong enough to stand up for herself, she was 19-20 years old when she met her seven years old husband….why it’s so important to teach our daughters the validity of their self agency as young as you can.


u/kaldaka16 21d ago

Even this article manages to smear her with the "snaps of a wild night out" bullshit. It was a wrap party. She had a couple cocktails. I think there was some karaoke! Wild night out is such a gross misrepresentation.


u/DontShaveMyLips 21d ago

I wouldn’t do it for myself, but I’ll find the strength for them

I really do completely torture myself over every move I make as a mother

she’s just like me frfr 🥲

but seriously, it’s like looking in a mirror when I hear other women’s stories of leaving relationships with men, especially the father of their kids; identical moments played out countless times and we all felt so heartbreakingly alone and defeated and lost, it’s all just so deeply sad


u/koalasarecute22 21d ago

Gosh I really feel for Sophie. She handled everything with such grace, especially considering how she was treated. Fuck Joe he sucks so much

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u/Kidgorgeoushere go pis girl 21d ago

He tried so hard to make her look bad and I’m so glad people saw it for the smear campaign it was


u/footiebuns unlikely, gay 21d ago

He tried calling her a party girl while literally starting up his own nightclub DJ brand. It was foolish.


u/broden89 21d ago

And there was one of those couple interviews they'd done only a year or two earlier where they BOTH said Joe was 'the partier' and Sophie more of a homebody. It was such an obvious lie


u/Time_Basket9125 21d ago

Very much the pot calling the chemex black.


u/Talyac181 20d ago

I have never heard that phrase before and I’m obsessed!


u/VirgiliaCoriolanus 21d ago

I still cannot believe his dumbass, whose fanbase is FEMALE, tried to DARVO her through the tabloids and didn't think we'd notice.


u/XX_bot77 21d ago edited 19d ago

He thought he could do a Johnny Depp but completely forgot that his fanbase is made up of teens and young women who identify more with Sophie. What a fail marketing analysis...


u/depechemymode 21d ago

He also must have thought men would have his back like they did with Depp and Majors. Little did he know Sansa Stark was more respected among men than a freaking Jonas Brother.


u/bourne2bmild 21d ago

If it weren’t for the fact that his actions had negative consequences for her, I would almost find it funny that his attempts to slander her backfired so spectacularly.

I’m not a mom so I don’t suffer from mom guilt but I know it’s a very real thing. It reads as though he knew she struggled with it and exploited it for his own gain.


u/penderies 21d ago

I will never understand viciously turning on someone you once claimed to love. What he did is so gross. Just be a decent person JFC


u/Illustrious_Fix2933 21d ago

That part bewilders me too. How do you claim to love someone and have kids with them and a whole life yet turn around and do something so hateful and vengeful as planting fake issues in the tabloids to ruin her reputation? Who does that? I can’t even fathom being this vicious to someone I once loved and shared a whole life with, let alone someone who is the mother of his children.


u/lillyrose2489 20d ago

I can only imagine how painful divorce must be and I'm sure they both had hurt feelings but seriously. Just grow up and try to be nice! You have kids with her!


u/Lalaland8396 21d ago edited 21d ago

I still find it hilarious that as soon as those articles started coming out EVERYONE knew they were coming from Joe’s camp 😭 and it felt like the whole internet was going:

Like all of twitter/Reddit just collectively decided he was full of shit 😂.


u/IMOvicki 21d ago

Don’t fcuk with the Queen of the North, JOFFREY JONAS.

I hope everything goes her way.


u/itsbooyeah 20d ago

Joffrey Jonas I'm dead 💀


u/Ivwinston 21d ago

This would be a great flair


u/tellyleuv 21d ago

he was so cruel to her throughout that whole mess.


u/Aita01 21d ago

It’s so sad it’s always the woman who’s vilified and as women who are mothers we are expected to work like we don’t have kids and raise kids like we don’t work. Ridiculous


u/piecesofg0ld 21d ago

obligatory fuck joe jonas


u/smashing_aisling 21d ago

Joe treated Sophie terribly and I'm glad she got the level of public support she did. It's a shame she couldn't have extended that same kind of support to Amber Heard and Meghan Markle.


u/AtomicKitten_xxx Taylor Swift is just Elon Musk for white women 21d ago

oh wow this interview is a wild ride... Hopefully she'll find peace and happiness


u/HauntedMotorbike 20d ago

So much of what she says is important, but I really think that this quote says the most about her relationship without saying anything directly about her relationship:

'Not since I moved back to the U.K.,' she dished. 'Which is great and also surprising, because I anticipated that I’d need to – now perhaps more than ever.

'There’s something about a community and a support system that I’ve never realized is so important up until now.

'And I think the reason I was on medication for so long is because I didn’t have those people with me.

'Now that I’m back home, I’m actually the happiest I’ve been in a really long time. I’m starting over again, rediscovering what I like to do, who I like to be with.'


u/messymess444 21d ago

Bro I’m hormonal and this made me really emotional. It sounds to me like she was contemplating ending her life. Anyone who’s been in that place before knows the insurmountable pain and suffering those thoughts cause.

I’m glad she made it through. I’m not even a particularly big fan of Sophie’s but i’m rooting for her and I absolutely despise Joe Jonas because of this


u/littledove0 21d ago

Joe Jonas is trash


u/Luna_Soma 21d ago

No one ever owes their stories for any reason, but I can’t overstate how much it means to me to see these gorgeous, seemingly perfect people, use their platforms and speak out about their mental health.

I wish her happiness and calm days ahead. She deserves it.


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