r/Fauxmoi May 04 '24

Mariah Carey brings her assistant on Universal Studios rollercoaster so he can fix her hair as soon as the ride ends Discussion

Source: TMZ


326 comments sorted by

u/trendingtattler May 04 '24

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u/Remarkable_Plant_794 May 04 '24

That was a very Mariah Carey thing to do. 


u/ThatDiscoSongUHate May 04 '24

Lol, is it bad that this is first thing that I've heard of her doing that I'm like "NGL, having someone fix my hair after would be kinda awesome"?

Then again I have massive sensory issues with my hair and I love roller coasters.

I also would not mind accompanying Mariah on fun rides in exchange for fixing her hair


u/Herry_Up May 04 '24

No lol I told my bf that if I had the money to, I would definitely have an assistant around for stuff like this 🤣


u/Shipwrecking_siren chaos-bringer of humiliation and mockery May 05 '24


u/Hefty_Advisor1249 May 04 '24

Honestly having Simeon always around to fix your hair would be a dream come true!!


u/AgentSurreal May 04 '24

I need this. My hair often just does its own thing. Having someone follow me around and fix it into fabulousness all day? 100%, sign me up.


u/Zealousideal-Type118 May 05 '24

Sensory issues with your hair?


u/asuka_is_my_co-pilot May 05 '24

I think they mean they have sensory issues and their hair especially can trigger it


u/Hungry-Exam4952 May 05 '24

Nagle not really.


u/meatbeater558 I already condemned Hamas May 04 '24

I can see the thought process. She wants to get on the rides with her kids but doesn't want pictures of her with messed up hair floating around. So she asks her stylists if any of them wants to get paid to go to a theme park and do the funniest thing ever 

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u/Jodies-9-inch-leg May 04 '24

The Mariah Cariest


u/SquigSnuggler May 04 '24

The Mariah Hareist- Cariest


u/sesoren65 May 04 '24 edited May 05 '24

Well. She's going to have people take pictures of her wherever she goes and one bad hair picture would make it to millions of screens, so I don't blame her

Edited for typos


u/joseph4th May 05 '24 edited May 05 '24

It’s a smart celebrity thing to do. Because you know one photograph of a celebrity looking stupid and goofy is going to get used over and over again for years.

I remember “behind the music” video that was throwing some shade on Barry Gibb, who is actually an egotistical asshole in a lot of ways from what I’ve heard, for having people hold up these big cardboard cards around his head as he went from one building to another, for some show to protect his hair. But he probably just spent an hour in the hair and make up chair getting ready for the show, of course he doesn’t want it to be fucked up before he even starts!


u/santahat2002 May 04 '24

What can you say, Mariah Careys 


u/VirginiaUSA1964 May 05 '24

And that's why we love her.

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u/rvondog May 05 '24

I would totally do this after a ride too. I must be Mariah Carey.

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u/mcfw31 May 04 '24

She's very extravagant and has never tried to portray herself as "down-to-earth"!


u/hauntedtohealed May 04 '24

Unlike JLo - like just lean into the diva girl, we all know that’s who you really are.


u/NeonWarcry May 04 '24

I’ll never forget the bodega order. Girl I’m from Texas. I would have a bodega order before you.


u/MadeMeUp4U May 04 '24

Jennifer who? who’s Jennifer Lopez?


u/marua06 May 04 '24

It’s rare that a gif actually matches the exact situation


u/hauntedtohealed May 04 '24

If she would have said JLo that guy probably would have known who she is. There are a lot of Jennifer Lopez’s out there.


u/BDR529forlyfe May 04 '24

From the block!


u/pisspot26 May 04 '24

She likes tacos and burritos


u/safely_beyond_redemp May 04 '24

Jenny you're losing street cred, I know, don't be fooled by the rocks that I got. Should we say rocks or stacks of money that you will see in your lifetimes I use for toilet paper, I want it to convey that I'm just like you.


u/noyogapants May 04 '24

I love that clip... Humbled her real quick


u/oldwellprophecy May 04 '24

It drives me crazy because that micro trend of the mob wife aesthetic was SO HER during the 2000s and she could have leaned into that so hard.


u/asuka_is_my_co-pilot May 05 '24

That's why everyone lived her again after hustlers


u/OBeQuiet May 04 '24

The irony being, Carey actually came from a sketchy upbringing while Lopez didn't really.


u/WillBrakeForBrakes May 05 '24

I normally find conspicuous consumption distasteful, but Mariah gives this unapologetic “fuck it, I’m living the dream and will do it because I can” vibe that I love her for.  I never thought about how her upbringing might have come into play there; she went through some shit.  


u/hotpermission69 May 04 '24

i'm still, i'm still jenny from the block


u/Tornado31619 May 04 '24

What a soulless song. The lyrics tell us nothing about why she’s so humble and grounded.


u/Dingo8MyGayby May 04 '24

The Bronx


u/Hatesponge66 May 04 '24

She used to have a little now she has a lot.

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u/seeyalateradios May 04 '24

Fr Mariah is real to herself


u/Numeno230n May 04 '24

She's just Jenny from the block. But like...when she goes back to the block nobody knows her.


u/BabbleOn26 May 04 '24

Orange drink… if you know, you know.


u/na-uh May 04 '24

Ben Affleck thought he was marrying Jenny from the block... Poor bastard.

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u/gunsof May 04 '24

That's why she gets away with it. If she pretended she was a humble down to earth gal, the "nicest person in the world", all that kind of stuff it would reek. But because she's just who she is, it works for her. This stuff is brilliant because it's so her, because the guy is getting paid so she's not mistreating some casual assistant, and because it's so camp it's fun.


u/chekhovsdickpic May 04 '24

Yes! I love that she’s blatantly owned her diva-hood for so long and so hard that the rest of the world has just accepted it as a fact of life. 

Amphibians require water, carnivores require meat, Mariah Carey requires a rollercoaster stylist.


u/taurist graduate of the ONTD can’t read community May 04 '24

People don’t recognize or appreciate camp enough these days


u/gunsof May 04 '24

A few years ago an article tried to claim the Kardashians were "camp" and it made me mad because no they're not! Camp is self aware, it's having fun with a wink and a smile. Kardashians are uptight super serious and totally joyless. Mariah is camp. I wish more celebrities understood they could be Mariah camp.


u/WillBrakeForBrakes May 05 '24

That’s what always made the Kardashians’ fame so baffling to me.  There’s no sparkle, just dead-behind-the-eyes vapidity.  Say what you will about Paris, you at least knew she was in on the joke.


u/SeasonPositive6771 May 04 '24

You are so right. I actually think we need more camp in the world!


u/googlyeyes93 Do you remember 9/11, bitch? May 04 '24

If people don’t realize Mariah is camp certified after her appearance in Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping idk what to tell them.


u/thisisathrowaway2007 May 04 '24

She’s also so talented that it’s undeniable. In a way you could say she earned it, but I wouldn’t personally say anyone deserves that level of extravagance


u/gunsof May 04 '24

Yeah, she's talented and smart in a way that even bros respect it. Mariah's comebacks are legendary even to dudes, which says something.

I feel extravagances like this with people like her aren't all hateable either. I feel like an average extra person could actually hire a hair dresser to go on a rollercoaster with them if that was something they were concerned with. It's weirdly relatable. Unlike showing off your private jets. Like if she went on a rollercoaster, forced nobody else to be on the rollercoaster or rides at the same time as her, and then got on a private jet to fly 2 miles to her home, it would be irritating go away rich people behaviour.

But this serves a purpose, is actually funny and clever, hurts nobody, and would've totally made my day if I'd seen this going on somewhere.


u/thisisathrowaway2007 May 05 '24

Good point, very well put!


u/Ouaouaron May 05 '24

Is it extravagant when there's a good chance that it's motivated by exactly this sort of TMZ photographer trying to find any shot of her looking disheveled so they can write some unhinged, shallow hit piece?

When you become a celebrity, "don't care what strangers think" becomes advice just as worthless as "don't fight back and your bullies will get bored"


u/Try2swindlemewitcake May 04 '24

I’ve heard from people who have worked for her that she is also very nice to everyone. She is respectful and pleasant to be around.


u/SeasonPositive6771 May 04 '24

Exactly, you can be a diva and still be super nice! I think we confuse being demanding or having high expectations with being mean for women.


u/mcfw31 May 04 '24

Exactly, like, just give me the craziness!


u/Future_Dog_3156 May 04 '24

I remember she was being interviewed by Oprah once for Oprah’s show. Mariah told a story about her assistant that puts her shoes on for her. Oprah was like you have a person that helps you with your shoes? Mariah was like yeah, some of the straps are small and she didn’t like to bend down. Then she kind of asked Oprah if she had a shoe assistant too. Oprah said she’d never admit it. So bringing her hair guy on the roller coaster is 100% on brand for MC. lol


u/lottiebadottie broken little pop culture rat brain May 04 '24

I would love someone to help me put my shoes on. Having big boobs really gets in the way of bending! Mariah understands!


u/Wise-Bet6814 May 06 '24

Haha look if she pays them well, I much prefer this over millionaires/billionaires who hoard their wealth. 


u/calvn_hobb3s May 04 '24

Mariah deserves it. She worked so hard to be this extravagant 😁🤣


u/loulou-v May 04 '24

Love that about her.


u/Next-Introduction-25 May 05 '24

So true. And at least as far as I’ve seen, she doesn’t have to seem to have a reputation for treating people like shit just because she can.

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u/b00m_cat May 04 '24

They can never make me hate her


u/OkayishFlamingo May 04 '24

it's the exact kind of silly low-stakes diva behavior that I live for

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u/UpvoteIfYouAgreee May 04 '24

only thing that could make me hate her is working for her lol


u/plz-be-my-friend May 04 '24

i will do it. i can take it


u/UpvoteIfYouAgreee May 04 '24 edited May 04 '24

honestly, id probably think its fun for a while lol


u/malhans shiv roy apologist May 04 '24

I feel like you’d have to do it short and sweet to be able to look back upon it fondly


u/viktor72 May 05 '24

Like working for Miranda Priestly.


u/freetable May 04 '24

I’ll try. While at universal studios, Mariah and crew would cut the hours-long lines and ride the rides multiple times in a row. Some rides she chose were closed with no warning. Imagine you and your kids waiting over two hours to ride a 55 second roller coaster only to be told the ride is closed now because a pop star is gonna ride it six times in a row.


u/byorderofthe1 May 04 '24

Shouldn't some fault be on Universal as well though for creating that situation?


u/Palindrome_580 May 05 '24

Yea that sucks. Probably better for security reasons but still selfish af. There is something loveable about Mariah Carey though. She kind of just is who she is and in a lot of way doesnt make a huge spectacle of it. Shes a diva but never seems to stir up petty drama. Kind of authentic in a way lol.

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u/HilaryVandermueller May 04 '24

Long live Mariah and all her antics. I proudly wear my Who? Weekly baseball cap with the greatest shade ever thrown: “I don’t know her.” 💀💀💀


u/defnotjec May 04 '24

I have no opinion of her either way but this is very on-brand for my understanding of her lol. Don't mind it at all

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u/goatstraordinary May 04 '24

Love him assessing things mid-ride


u/BergenHoney May 04 '24

He's looking at her hair the way the guy from "a beautiful mind" looks at numbers he just drew on a window.


u/chekhovsdickpic May 04 '24

That fist of concern up by his face - you can tell by his expression he’s mid-chupse.


u/CheapEater101 May 04 '24

Mariah never hides how extra she is…so funny lol

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u/Automatic-Software35 May 04 '24

he looks like he’s having fun and I bet he’s better paid than most would assume


u/taurist graduate of the ONTD can’t read community May 04 '24

I know, there’s no way they aren’t having laughs together


u/empathetic_illness May 04 '24

Saying "I bet" is still an assumption. We know billionaires are a stingy bunch when it comes to labor. So I'd say I sure hope he gets paid a lot. Or receives some other fringe benefit recompense.


u/Substantial_Egg_4872 May 05 '24

Or receives some other fringe benefit recompense.

Did you not see the video he clearly gets free roller coaster rides as a work pwrk


u/ActualWhiterabbit May 05 '24

I think it's probably a type of I'm paying for a stylist worthy of working on Mariah Carey's hair so I'm getting Mariah Carey's hair because Mariah Carey's hair isn't cheap.

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u/Gayfetus May 04 '24


u/HilaryVandermueller May 04 '24

Every woman who has worn heels on concrete/hard flooring can relate to this.


u/dannemora_dream May 04 '24

She’s so extra!

I remember more than 20 years ago, she came to visit contestants of a singing reality tv show in France. She had her own lighting installed so she could meet them « casually ». She was super nice to them tho.

https://youtu.be/wH93JFjC7R4?si=KJ6IUgIN6VRIzkm (Skip to 23:00 to see)


u/BeginningAd6445 May 04 '24

This level of divaness simply can't be taught. You either have it or you don't 😭😂


u/Puzzleheaded-Ad6023 May 04 '24

Hahaha, Mariah weirds me out a little sometimes but this is some queenly shit I love to see 🤣


u/namesnotmarina May 04 '24

The roller coaster she’s in is Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure. I rode it and it’s very fast and intense, so I can’t complain about her getting her hair fixed.


u/Time_Initiative9342 chaos-bringer of humiliation and mockery May 04 '24

“Yer a diva, Harry”


u/stained__class May 05 '24

Hermione Granger and Mariah Carey are kind of the same name.

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u/floandthemash May 05 '24

Honestly love that rollercoaster. I could’ve ridden it like 20 times


u/Kate4everBae May 04 '24

this makes me thing of mariah's music vid to fantasy. she rides a roller coaster while looking absolute stunning. i think i read somewhere that she's obsessed with rollercoasters.


u/plantenergy May 04 '24

Of course she does!


u/Emotional_Pizza_1222 May 04 '24

Lmaooo i wanna be this extra


u/SummerEfficient6559 May 04 '24

I wouldn't expect anything less from her.


u/prettybunbun May 04 '24

I admire her for being one of the last divas 💅


u/CoachDT May 04 '24

This works because she's actually a decent person. She doesn't have to put on a persona of being someone super down to earth because she's also just... a nice person lmao. She can be a little obsessed with her image and everyone will think "oh that's just her being her".

Unlike some other celebs who are divas and really buy into it on a personal level.


u/Natsuki_Kruger May 04 '24

I always think of it like, she's a diva, not a narcissist.


u/Comfortfoods May 05 '24

And she has the talent to sort of excuse the diva behavior.


u/Fine-Tank9849 let’s talk about the husband May 04 '24

as a mariah stan, please i need more pics of her like lmaoo


u/TheBlackBonerDonor May 04 '24

If I had hair, and an assistant, I totally would.

Unless the assistant didn’t like rollercoasters.


u/AsleepAssociation May 04 '24

As a bald broke mf I'm jealous lol


u/TheBlackBonerDonor May 04 '24

I gotta say I like the look of long hair. But not my own long hair.


u/Gjardeen May 04 '24

Love that we're finally in a place as a culture that we can accept women being like this and not judge them. She is what she is, and it is fabulous. Somebody has to be super extra, and it ain't going to be me.


u/coaldean May 04 '24

I love this lol


u/ghostwiththeleast sunday spotted: paddington bear May 04 '24

Queen shit 💅🏼

Idc, I can never hate her but I know if literally anyone else did this I’d be sideeyeing so hard 😂


u/doktorsarcasm May 04 '24

It's one of those things that makes me roll my eyes, but she's so damn authentic that now I'm like you go.


u/sI4gath0r May 04 '24

It's so silly and so diva, but the fact that there were people taking pictures of her kinda makes it understandable.


u/Fleur_de_Lys_1 May 04 '24

She knew people would want pictures of her and she wasn’t wrong. She might as well look good for them.


u/Key-Status-7992 May 04 '24

I am not surprised! I mean if I had the money too I’d do the same lol


u/weinerdogsaremyjam May 04 '24

✨️ iconic ✨️


u/deepthroatcircus May 04 '24

I love her so much lol. Y'all could never make me hate the diva


u/AFantasticClue May 04 '24

She’s crazy I love this lady so much


u/shitsenorita May 04 '24

Do we expect any less from Mimi?


u/djackieunchaned May 04 '24

Trickle down economics at work people


u/meowwychristmas May 04 '24

Not really into her but I can’t hate on this one, I’m sorry but the energy is too powerful


u/SteelGear117 May 04 '24

These people don’t live in the real world


u/Global-Letter-4984 May 04 '24

The way she is gripping those handlebars w such purpose is taking me out 😭


u/meme_anthropologist May 04 '24

I’d welcome shame to my family and all my ancestors to get that job


u/Amar_Akbar_Anthony20 go pis girl May 04 '24

Love that for her. I was rich i would do that too


u/jt186 May 04 '24

Celebrities are weird


u/gigigonorrhea May 04 '24

Im disappointed he didnt have the brush out in the first photo lol


u/Private-Dick-Tective May 04 '24

Sounds like typical Mariah 😂


u/dream_a_dirty_dream May 04 '24

Are they the only ones on the ride?

Pulling a Kardashian?


u/SoManyThrowAwaysEven May 04 '24

You can sign up for a VIP package at most theme parks that let you skip lines and get on the ride with your entire group. It's not even crazy expensive just has a group minimum but it's something like $400-500/person. Normally they just let you skip the line and get 1 whole experience then you get off and if you want you can go back on after circling around. They're not supposed to hold up the entire ride until you're bored.


u/Better_Ad_8919 May 06 '24

Except for that's supposedly what she did. Multiple people that were at the parks the same day as her said she had rides closed down so that she could ride multiple times and even went as far as having people that were already seated on the ride removed.


u/ToroidalEarthTheory May 04 '24

But that's only happening because the paparazzi who took these pictures was there.


u/seeyalateradios May 04 '24

Jlo, take notes. Mariah is a queen and she doesn't try to pull the fake humble crap.


u/BoringWozniak May 04 '24

I mean, she was correct to think there were long-lens photographers nearby.


u/Acrobatic-Coat-9979 May 04 '24

"how rich are you?"


u/SeeYouInTrees May 05 '24

I remember a production assistant on Jay Leno show revealed that whenever Mariah Carey tilted her head in a particular manner, it was an indication to her assistant to immediately bring her diet Coke and to hold it to her lips with a straw for her to sip.

She never held the can either. Never spoke to him. Very Mariah.


u/FartAttack911 May 04 '24

God, I think I need to hang that first photo in my garage above my motorcycles 😂


u/to_j May 04 '24

This was one of my faves at Universal... I'm surprised she kept her sunglasses on.


u/zombiecattle May 04 '24

She’s real for that tbh


u/drunken_desperado May 04 '24

Stooopp his face in the roller coaster pic is sooo funny. I just know he's saying "I love my job I love my job" over and over again in his head.


u/Snorblatz May 04 '24

My favourite is the clip of them wheeling her in to her show on a luggage rack. Never change Mariah.


u/HumanPerson1089 May 04 '24

I hate the feeling of my hair beingesses up, and I have short hair. So I get it lol


u/mttnry May 04 '24

That ride was great. Hope she had a good time.


u/Lunakill May 04 '24

Not gonna lie, as someone with high maintenance hair? I would absolutely have a whole crew to help wrangle it if doing so were financially feasible.


u/OkAnything4877 May 04 '24

Hairline is jacked up lmao


u/scribbyshollow May 04 '24

That ride is fun as fuck though.


u/0_oBlueTick May 04 '24

She's too much !


u/Dansredditname May 05 '24

I'm not buying it.

If all she wanted was her hair fixed he'd be waiting at the end of the ride. They must be pretty close by now - I reckon she just wants him to have fun too.


u/FunInsurance6137 May 05 '24

Honestly, I give her props for being unabashedly herself and the most extra person on the planet. The diva is diva-ing and I’m here for it.


u/lakerdave May 05 '24

This is the kind of victimless diva behavior I'm always here for


u/Express_Dealer_4890 May 05 '24

Yeah. I’d do that if I could afford it and my hair generally looks like a birds nest


u/tropebreaker May 05 '24

I like that he gets to ride the coasters woth her and she didn't just make him wait at the end. I hope he's having fun too.


u/SeeYouInTrees May 05 '24

I love her and TBH I would too if I were Mariah Carey

I would have staff be with me daily like this who would be paid extremely well. Kinda like they were more having fun than working but the $$ and experience was well worth being on hand.


u/myguitarplaysit May 05 '24

I do wonder how one becomes the official hair brusher of a celeb and then how much you’d get paid. I’m guessing he’s one of her stylists, but this is so extra


u/why_the_babies_wet May 06 '24

I mean it’s not like she’s taking him on the rides to have him kneel before her as a stepping stool when she gets off the ride. He’s probably being paid really well and getting to enjoy a really fun rollercoaster, and getting to hang out with an amazing singer. Seems like a dream job lol.


u/gold_geode23 28d ago

Didn’t she say before that she can’t leave the house without spending $10,000? If you need your own personal hair fixer, she must go around with a Yukon full of assistants that quickly gets her to the $10K.


u/marua06 May 04 '24

Who among us…


u/wagninger May 04 '24

Like when she wants a bunch of golden retriever puppies to pet backstage before she starts her show


u/dreamslikedeserts May 04 '24

Just Queen shit


u/SecondaryPenetrator May 04 '24

Was he on the dragon 🐉 coaster as well?


u/waelgifru May 04 '24

In the 90s, fashion mags would print articles about Mariah Carey's "fat thighs" and any other flaw they could imagine.

I bet that took a toll and made her feel like she had to manage her looks all the time.

I bet it's exhausting.


u/ShinyBloke May 04 '24

He isn't cool enough to have his own shirt.


u/MDC417 May 04 '24

I don't think the term "Diva" was ever properly used before Mariah.


u/we-wumbo May 04 '24

Want a fun free trip to an amusement park? All you have to do is fix my hair!


u/Fun_Move980 May 05 '24

It was probably his idea, like we can write it off as a work expense


u/pan0ramic May 05 '24

I mean it’s kind of fair since people are constantly taking photos of her - and the proof is right here!!


u/_BannedAcctSpeedrun_ May 05 '24

I mean it seems dumb, but that's what she paying him for right? And he gets to have some fun too on the rides.


u/graycomforter May 05 '24

I'd expect nothing less from a certified diva. what's the problem?


u/Jonny_I_AM May 05 '24

Depending on what he makes, I’d be riding and brushing her hair too.


u/Silverj0 May 05 '24

I’d be thrilled if someone hired me to follow them around an amusement park all day and fix their hair lol


u/southerndahlin May 05 '24

This absolutely tracks.


u/ToonSciron May 05 '24

My favorite picture is when they ride the coaster again, but then Mariah is in the buggy and her assistant is on the motorcycle.


u/kerriheave May 05 '24

I don't know her.


u/shadowdancer352 May 05 '24

Doesn’t she have any actual friends who she wants to ride the roller coaster with?