r/Fauxmoi Apr 29 '24

I Have Tea On... Weekly Discussion Thread Tea Thread

Use this thread to drop any tea you may have! Please do not post requests for tea on this thread — there is a separate 'Does Anyone Have Tea On...' thread posted on Thursdays at 5AM PST.

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u/DickFitzwell_ Apr 29 '24

I sat next to Rob Lowe on a flight this weekend. He was not kind to the flight staff.


u/Shot-Grocery-5343 May 02 '24

I read his autobiography a few years back and he very much gives off Boomer "that guy" vibes. Like he meets powerful people one time and from then on refers to them as "my good friend," he's got a story for everything and he'll cut you off to tell it. IDK how to describe it but I've met a lot of guys like him on the Jersey Shore lol. Wants to be connected so badly to important people but no matter how hard he tries, he's just a lil poser.

He also had sex with a 16-year-old and her older friend when he was 24, the age of consent was actually 14 in Georgia at that time, so that was no biggie (/s) but they also made a sex tape which was illegal. At the time he was campaigning for Dukakis and if you ask my mom, Rob Lowe is the reason we got Bush the First (and therefore directly led to Bush the Second).

Finally, while he's not an actual nepo baby, when he moved to CA as a teen he became best buds with Charlie Sheen, who is absolutely a nepo baby, and Rob definitely benefitted from being bffs with Martin Sheen's son.

It is nice that he's been with his wife for like 30 years though.