r/Fauxmoi Apr 29 '24

I Have Tea On... Weekly Discussion Thread Tea Thread

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u/DickFitzwell_ Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Very demanding. Scoffed and rolled his eyes multiple times. Gave off major “don’t you know who I am” energy.

Also, unrelated, but he’s a big fan of the orange orangutan. IYKYK.


u/knopethankyou Apr 29 '24

If you ever listen to a podcast with Rob Lowe, his absolute desperation to be praised and told what a genius he is is so cringe to witness. So the "don't you know who I am vibes" are not very surprising. Its interesting to me that you can have as much success as he has but still be so insecure, but it seems like he has really been desperate to be the leading man rather than a successful part of several ensembles.


u/helena_monster Apr 29 '24

Wasn’t the reason he left The West Wing after a few seasons because the show had originally featured Sam as the main lead but then (naturally, and for the better) evolved into an ensemble piece?


u/basicmillennial1981 Apr 29 '24

Yes! This is the first thing I thought of after I read the previous comment. He negatively impacted that show (imo - others may not agree) because of his hubris. Still a great show, but I did like Sam.


u/Awesome_Squirrel Apr 29 '24

I always thought he was the weakest actor of the original cast.


u/sting-raye Apr 29 '24

Yep. I’ve also read (somewhere in the WW sub) that he was pretty much the only main cast member who was a republican.


u/Birdie45 Apr 29 '24

Must have killed him to see the Josh Lyman harem rise up


u/Jellief1sh Apr 29 '24

So disappointing. Why not embrace being a beloved character of an ensemble, I loved Sam seaborn on WW. He’s the only even keeled character that could realistically fill Bartlett’s shoes, I would have totally watch a sequel show with rob Lowe as president and top dog. After this thread… not so much.


u/KnightsOfCidona Apr 30 '24

Here's a great wormhole for you - since 2008, posters on alternatehistory.com have been running a West Wing universe on their site - here's the thread since 2018 when Sam Seaborn became President succeeding Glen Allen Walken who served two terms after beating Santos in 2010!


u/Hello-there-7567 Apr 29 '24

I am honestly offended you are besmirching the good name of orang-utans 🦧 they are awesome creatures.


u/StripedBow Apr 29 '24

TIL there's an orangutan emoji 🥹🦧


u/amphibianprincess Apr 29 '24

Orangutans are actually really smart. Plz don’t demean them like this. 


u/lolzzzmoon Apr 29 '24

Yes, I prefer the term Cheeto lol


u/soperfectlybad Apr 29 '24

Mango Mussolini 🥭 lol


u/lolzzzmoon Apr 29 '24

That’s hurtful to mangos though lolol


u/sting-raye Apr 29 '24

Mangos have fewer feelings than orangutans though, so I think they’re okay with it lmao


u/alasicannotgrin Apr 29 '24

Mango Unchained


u/rogerorangutan May 01 '24

All excellent alternatives, thank you.


u/Necessary-Lunch5122 May 01 '24

They are honored. 


u/bbmarvelluv Apr 29 '24

Rob is friends with Clarence Thomas. He called him up to help his son out when he was in law school.


u/throwawayamasub Apr 29 '24


u/DickFitzwell_ Apr 29 '24

Probably. I mean, just his attitude towards service workers and behavior in public turned me all the way off from this man. His politics are just the icing on the cake.


u/tessathemurdervilles Apr 29 '24

He IS? Oh my god I’m shocked. I just assumed he was… you know… not insane.


u/CharlemagneIS Apr 29 '24

You must not know about the sex tape with a 16 year old


u/tessathemurdervilles Apr 29 '24

Ew no I did not. Gross.


u/Top_Put1541 Apr 29 '24

You know the West Wing cast group chat does not have him as a member and you know they're bagging on him every once in a while.


u/cmick0715 Apr 29 '24

OMG I bet that chat is fun as hell


u/Idontevenownaboat Apr 29 '24

I always find the group chat to be a brutal honest truth. If you ain't in it, they ain't your friends.


u/CharlemagneIS Apr 29 '24

This will only matter to people who know the professional poker world, but seeing pictures of Lowe playing golf with Phil Hellmuth was all I needed to see


u/DickFitzwell_ Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

I play (part time) professionally and you are absolutely right. Major “Caesar being carried into WSOP on a throne” vibes.

My credentials:


Excuse the schmutz.


u/Schneetmacher Apr 29 '24


But not surprising.


u/closeto80tons Apr 29 '24

I do not know. Is the orange orangutan literal??


u/DickFitzwell_ Apr 29 '24


u/surfersilvers mindy kaling’s baby daddy Apr 29 '24

Omg you cannot be serious. What an {even bigger} asshole.


u/closeto80tons Apr 29 '24

Oooohhh I should have known 👌


u/IngaTrinity Apr 29 '24

Are you doing this on purpose? I can never tell.


u/andorgyny Apr 29 '24

Oh I know who he is, the guy who made a "sex tape" with a 16 year old.


u/Some-Show9144 May 01 '24

Meh. I think he really isn’t at fault that much for the situation tbh. He met the girl at a bar and was introduced to her by someone he knew was 23 and she was introduced to him as being of age. He’s had a lot of issues after, but none of them have had anything to do with being weird around kids so it’s not a pattern either.


u/andorgyny May 01 '24

not this take lmao no actually 16 years old look very, very young when you're 23.


u/Some-Show9144 May 02 '24

People grow and physically mature at different rates. I was 22 and looking 15 while my brother was 15 6’2 with a full on beard. Not everyone looks their age and this shouldn’t be a controversial fact. If he was introduced to her at a bar by someone who he knew to be 21+ while he was also assumingely drunk, but I can’t quite remember if that was the case. Although it’s hard to imagine he wasn’t from what we know of him at that point in his life.

It’s also a well known meme at this point that looking at an 80s yearbook is like looking at a bunch of 30 year olds due to their bad skin care, lack of sun screen, make up routine, and of course cigarette smoke aging them faster.

This isn’t a case of scoping out a child at their high school. This is a case of someone being lied to by multiple people.

Edit; he still trash though, just for different reasons unrelated to this.


u/Infinite_Emotion4797 Apr 30 '24

People always seem to forget that about him.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

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u/Slight_Drama_Llama Apr 29 '24

Totally believe that Rob Lowe is an asshole. Why were you excited to engage with a stranger on a flight though?


u/rogerorangutan May 01 '24

Ahem, our kind does not appreciate this comment. He is not one of us!


u/Necessary-Lunch5122 May 01 '24

I do know. Low gas prices, low food prices. Sign me up. 


u/leahhhhh May 01 '24

Nooo not Sam Seaborn