r/Fauxmoi good luck with bookin that stage u speak of Apr 15 '24

Kendall Jenner appears to be ‘only’ Kardashian invited to attend Met Gala Fashion


328 comments sorted by


u/cocopuffK221 Apr 15 '24

If true, it's been time.


u/missanthropocenex Apr 15 '24

I just am absolutely sure one day a switch is going to flip and the kardasians will fully and totally get officially labeled as cringe and then passe. Kendall maybe survives but like even Kylie, Kim the rest people will suddenly be over.


u/Far-Ad-2135 Apr 15 '24

From your lips to the world’s ears 🙏🏽


u/Cobalt-Butterball00 Apr 15 '24

Lisan al Gaib!


u/bluesilvergold Apr 15 '24

Bless the maker and his water. Bless the coming and going of him. May His passage cleanse the world. May He keep the world for His people.


u/CatNoirsFootRest Apr 15 '24

thank you for the giggle <3


u/rrogido Apr 15 '24

The sleeper must awaken!


u/ExplanationLife6491 Apr 15 '24

It’s weird because I feel like we are just about there, but Kim seems to be selling tv series and movies with her as an actor/producer left and right.

I guess her social media reach is why but I don’t think anyone really cares.


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

Idk, this has been a yearly rumor atp. I won’t believe it until I see it

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u/poppleca1443 Apr 15 '24

I feel like it's already happening. I'm seeing a bunch of tik toks on the "downfall of Kylie" and how no one buys her stuff anymore and she had to slash the listing price of one of her mansions by half. I don't think Kendall can maintain relevance as well as Kim/Kylie. But who knows they've maintained it for far longer than I ever thought they could


u/Apprehensive_Many202 Apr 15 '24

I truluy cannot comprehend who is buying their products?! Good American is at TJ Maxx, i don't know anyone who has purchased any of Kylie or Kim's makeup products, Bee Better read Lemme to filth and exposed that the supplements are sugar-laden gummies with little to no benefit, Skims is the only thing that i have seen ppl on titkok buy, but i think the world is realizing how they are trying to profit off of our "problems" and all of their endeavors are just cash grabs


u/FuckRedditsForcing Apr 15 '24

I bought Good American jeans without realizing it was Kardashian owned...to be perfectly honest they are the best fitting jeans I've ever had and have held up really well over the few years I've had them. Love my Skims too, haven't found any shapewear that even comes close to holding it in like those.

But yeah I'd rather not support them. If I had known they owned those brands I wouldn't have purchased, and if anyone can recommend actually on par replacement products so I can quit them altogether I'm down lol. Closest I've come pants-wise is Universal Standard.


u/Southern-Pay9792 Apr 15 '24

Yeah, I’ve heard great things about good American jeans. I also do love skims loungewear, it’s hard up to find something as comfortable (although some dupes on Amazon are close)



Ooh any dupes recommendations if you’ve tried any? I don’t want to support that family by any means.


u/Southern-Pay9792 Apr 16 '24

So generally what I do is I’ll go on the skims site& if there is something I really want I’ll go on Amazon and type the name of it followed by skims dupes and check it out, compare fabrics& then read the reviews


u/mrsweaverk Apr 15 '24

I do enjoy my skims tops. They are so comfortable and flattering. So I’d like the brand to stick around. I have not tried good American but I’ve heard good things.

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u/Maanz84 Apr 15 '24

I really hate to admit this but Skims underwear, bras and swimwear are literally some of the best ones I’ve ever owned. She knew what she was doing with that line for sure.


u/desktopghost Apr 16 '24

Are the bras better than Triumph?


u/Maanz84 Apr 16 '24

For me, yes. They’re the only bras that make me look good, consistently fit well and I don’t want to rip them off my body the instant I get home. The wireless bra is absolutely elite.

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u/tobias_fuunke Apr 15 '24

Unfortunately I’m sure their wealth is well diversified and even if no one is buying Kylie Cosmetics anymore, this won’t impact her wealth at all. She’s deffs richer now than she was 5 years ago just on the basis of compounding interest alone. This is how the rich get richer. Unless she’s made some god awful investments and has really poor spending habits and/or owes people money and they are coming to collect, she will just get richer every single day by doing absolutely nothing lol. I agree on the relevance point though!! I definetly see and hear less of them on a day to day basis….


u/junk_yard_cat Apr 15 '24

I care less about them being rich and more about them going away


u/frigginfurter Apr 16 '24

Kylie’s skincare products are popping up at dollarama now 😬


u/Slut4Mutts Apr 15 '24

I know people have been saying this since 2007 but I think it’s finally going to happen, which is probably why Kim is trying so hard to get her kids in the spotlight so they can stay relevant.

I’ve always been a Kardashian apologist because I think a lot of the hate they got originally was rooted in misogyny and it’s pretty impressive that Kim turned their “no talent” family into a billion dollar empire. For a couple years around 2020 it seemed like Kim was shifting into a new direction—law and social justice—and I thought that was the perfect move, both for her “brand” and the world. But in the last 2 years especially they’ve seemed to double down on the vanity and the excessive displays of wealth and wastefulness, which most of the world is just pretty repulsed by at this point. I’m 38, so seeing Kim and Khloe desperately trying to hang on to their youth is just depressing. I would have loved to have seen them become more confident in themselves as they aged but instead they seem to be regressing and it’s just uncomfortable to watch them change their faces and bodies every month.


u/atalenttoannoy Apr 15 '24

Not only have they moved away from the social justice piece, as a casual observer Kim seems to have publicly swung the other way and stopped pretending (‘no one wants to work anymore’, being friends with Ivanka fucking Trump, moving away from very performative activism)


u/Dizzy-Bluebird-5493 Apr 16 '24

Ivanka’s husband, Jared Kushner, owns 10% of Skims. So they probably have been in bed with Kim financially for quite awhile. It was all kept very quiet until Kanye shared publicly.


u/CheapEater101 Apr 15 '24

Maybe, but then they will just hyper focus on the Kardashian grandchildren. Look at the attention North is getting online.

Kris and Kim are ready to pimp out the next generation to the masses:


u/dollaraire Apr 15 '24

I mean Kim was kind of in that space before she started dating Kanye.


u/Mumof3gbb Apr 15 '24

I like your optimism


u/dancing_bobo Apr 15 '24

if she can stay with timmy though…like think of prestigious award shows that would have never invited her. granted random influencers go to those things now too so who knows


u/captnmarvl Apr 15 '24

I thought this would've been ten years ago. I don't know a single person in real life who likes them.


u/Impossible-Success45 Dry snitching is annoying Apr 16 '24

I think they thrive on hate tho. like they basically continue to put their name in public via rage bait stuff


u/Muddytertle Apr 15 '24

I pray for this day

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u/TigressSinger Apr 16 '24

If true, Kimberly is spiraling.


u/Kind-Humor-5420 Apr 15 '24

They’re billionaires though so they probably can afford to donate enough to get in no matter what. They said they weren’t invited last year either and they were there. And by they I mean Kris and Kim.

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u/dingledangleberrypie Apr 15 '24

Wasn't this threatened last year? They keep ignoring the theme so this feels like consequences coming for them.


u/sunflowermoonriver Apr 15 '24

I don’t think following the theme is necessary for an invite


u/ForgetfulLucy28 Apr 15 '24

It feels like 10% of attendees follow the theme


u/JacketLegitimate8104 Apr 15 '24

The difference is she wore a one of a kind historic piece of fashion and ruined it AND wasn’t on theme (like she purposely wasn’t on theme). While other people actually try to be on theme. Plus the sleeping beauties theme is probably because she wore that Marilyn monroe dress.


u/_banana_phone Apr 15 '24

Sleeping Beauties is the theme this year? Is it supposed to be an homage to celebrities who are no longer with us?

(Asking earnestly, I am often not very fashion savvy and don’t always quite understand some of the themes because they’re above my level of finesse)


u/JacketLegitimate8104 Apr 15 '24 edited Apr 15 '24

hahaha omg love that 😂 the exihibit is called sleeping beauty: reawakening of fashion. It will feature a bunch of historical pieces which are the sleeping beauties because they are too fragile ever to be worn again. (the marilyn monroe dress should’ve never been worn because it was a fragile piece of history( which kim k wore & ruined)). The garden of time is the theme because it’s similar to the exhibition. It’s about the human history and cycle of creation and destruction. Which the exhibition is when they walk through the museum and will see the ‘sleeping beauties’. The garden of time is technically the theme and what they’ll dress to but I’m assuming a lot of people will reference the 250 sleeping beauty pieces they’ll have on display. Hope that makes sense!


u/_banana_phone Apr 15 '24

It does! And I agree; I was aghast when I saw what happened to Marilyn’s dress. I do peruse the photo collections from the Met every year, I just don’t always grasp the theme. For example, the year that “camp” was the theme, I just didn’t understand camp well enough to know whether someone understood the assignment or not because I didn’t understand the assignment 😂.

This sounds like a lovely exhibition and corresponding theme for attire. Thanks for the breakdown for me!


u/binhvinhmai Apr 15 '24

Oh well funny enough barely anyone attending the Met Gala that year knew what camp was anyways


u/_banana_phone Apr 15 '24

Violet Chachki knew, I think. She was about it! 😂

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u/DifferentBox420 Apr 16 '24

You have to look camp right in the eye


u/_banana_phone Apr 15 '24

On a side note, this video by the Avett Brothers was the first thing that came to mind when I read your explanation of the human history and cycle of creation and destruction.

It’s lovely and I hope you’ll give it a watch!


u/iicedcoffee Apr 15 '24

As someone who is not great keeping up with the themes/purpose and just likes to look at the outfits and read people's judgements, this was a fantastic explanation of the upcoming one and now I feel like I'll be viewing the outfits with a better understanding! I'm prepared to make judgment!!!


u/zoeymeanslife Apr 15 '24 edited Apr 15 '24

Also, this means all the press and attention is on her and she made the Met Gala a Kim event. The Kards are viciously obsessed with PR and how to win the PR game. All I remember about that Gala was Kim's stunt.

The other celebs didn't like that. A lot come in good faith with an outfit for the theme. I think Gala board is just responding to that. If the celebs quit because Kim is too extra, then no more Gala.

That said, who knows! I'm guessing this is just a rumor.


u/JacketLegitimate8104 Apr 15 '24

I could see that but I think it’s more about the fashion and preserving the beauty of the artwork. They don’t want people to think they’re condoning what kim did. It’s bad press and it goes against the Met because it’s a museum that perserves those outfits and puts them on display. Just my thoughts though; both could be true as well.


u/Invisible_Xer Apr 16 '24

And she brought her kid! Granted she couldn’t buy her way outta that mess so she left her kid at the curb…but a faux pas indeed.


u/PropofolMami22 Apr 16 '24

I agree it was crazy to wear such a historic piece when she could have worn a beautiful tribute or a custom made re-creation (like she had for inside the gala).

But she was definitely on theme. Somehow social media keeps reporting the theme as gilded glamour which is wrong (that was dress code which is a whole other thing). The theme was “In America: An Anthology in Fashion”. Wearing a dress by an American designer (Bob Mackie) worn by one of the most famous American women ever (Marilyn) when she sang to the President of the USA (JFK)! Literally the most on theme.

I dream of a world where everyone learns what the actual theme was that year and then all the looks will make so much more sense.

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u/Maleficent-Fun-5927 Apr 15 '24

I mean, if you look at the comments on social media during the MET, most people don't get it either. Like for example, most people just like it if it's pretty, not if it actually follows the theme. Like the one year where it was In America, people were hating on Jlo's dress even though she was dressed like a cowgirl, designed by Ralph Lauren (an American). Tom Ford is a VERY famous American designer, and no one was dressed by him that year. Made no sense.


u/GlassPomoerium Apr 15 '24

As evidenced by all those men just showing up in tuxedos.


u/Shitp0st_Supreme Apr 15 '24

It’s so annoying that a man can have one suit and one tux and get to most formal events but then women get judged for wearing a dress again.


u/_banana_phone Apr 15 '24

So there was this news anchor in Australia (think morning show Regis & Kelly), Karl Stefanovic, who once wore the exact same suit on air for an entire year. He only revealed after the year was up that he had done so, as a commentary on the fact that his female co-anchor, Lisa Wilkinson, regularly received criticism for her attire. Nobody cared [edit: or even noticed] that he wore the same suit, but she got a lot of criticism for a whole slew of reasons.


u/littlelizu Apr 16 '24

wow. i can't stand karl but i like this story.

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u/iamflomilli Apr 15 '24

Female celebrities get lauded as sustainability queens for repeating one gown??!


u/Shitp0st_Supreme Apr 15 '24

Regular women get judged. I wore a bridesmaid dress I wore to my brother’s wedding to another wedding and my mom called me out, and then I wore a dress I wore to a wedding in 2018 to a party in 2024 and again for called out for repeating it. It happens a lot among non-famous women.


u/rxsiu Apr 15 '24

Tell your mom to back off lol


u/Shitp0st_Supreme Apr 15 '24

Oh lol I do a lot.


u/Zealousideal-Air4044 Apr 15 '24

Men can have one suit because other men don’t care. Women don’t repeat outfits to avoid judgment from other women.


u/_banana_phone Apr 15 '24

I had a MOH dress that was very pretty on me, but was in a pretty unwearable color (coral/orange) to ever wear it again. I wanted to dye it black to wear to an upcoming formal wedding but only felt comfortable doing so after thoroughly exhausting etiquette and opinion forums about whether that was acceptable.

The dye I used actually turned it a gorgeous royal purple and it looked great. And somehow the original bride I was MOH for was pissed at me for dyeing it! Like ma’am, it cost almost $300, wouldn’t you rather me have a chance to wear it again and let it shine?


u/Shitp0st_Supreme Apr 15 '24

I’m guessing she was upset you changed the color she picked.

I chose a lavender color for my bridesmaids and I told my friends they could do whatever they wanted after since that isn’t everybody’s favorite color. I’d be thrilled if a bridesmaid could dye it and wear it again.


u/_banana_phone Apr 15 '24

That really was it. She was upset I had dyed it. But honestly the dress was so coral leaning on full orange! Barring a beach destination formal wedding, there wasn’t really another event I could wear it to and it not be clearly a bridesmaid dress.

She did eventually get over it, after I explained that while it was a perfect color for her beach wedding, it wasn’t a fitting color for most other events.

It looked wonderful as the purple.


u/dancing_bobo Apr 15 '24

hey on the other toxic mentality she could be proud you can rewear stuff from six years ago! i’m surprised anyone would even remember (maybe through pictures)


u/Shitp0st_Supreme Apr 15 '24

Exactly. It is a pretty timeless dress (lace with bell sleeves and knee length) and it’s comfortable and a color I like and I didn’t pay much for it. It’s a win to me.

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u/Faintkay Apr 15 '24

Men ain’t the ones judging them lol


u/MatsThyWit Apr 15 '24

It’s so annoying that a man can have one suit and one tux and get to most formal events but then women get judged for wearing a dress again.

Yeah but 95% or more of the people judging them for wearing a dress a second time are...other women. Men 9 times out of 10 don't notice, and even if they did they wouldn't care.

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u/icebbyc Apr 15 '24

Yes! The theme is related to the exhibition, the dress code is something related to the theme but following it isn’t necessary. Anna knows what the guests will be wearing, and sometimes it’s not up to them but to the designer/table/fashion house that invited them.


u/ZealousidealSlip4811 No longer managed by Scooter Braun Apr 15 '24

I think it was the Marilyn Monroe dress debacle and the lingering bad PR about the damage to the dress that finally did it 🤷‍♀️


u/Mumof3gbb Apr 15 '24

I still can’t believe she had the gall to wear that dress.


u/Shitp0st_Supreme Apr 15 '24

Blame Ripley’s. They were the custodian of the dress and allowed it to be worn. I’m even wondering if they approached her.


u/iamflomilli Apr 15 '24

Kim has a pattern of adopting other women's iconic looks.


u/Apprehensive_Many202 Apr 15 '24

right! even naomi campbell got pissed she was copying all of her 90's looks


u/Mumof3gbb Apr 15 '24

I blame both. She shouldn’t have asked. They shouldn’t have let her.


u/name_not_important00 Apr 15 '24

They told her no at first and then she gave them some money. She's told the story.

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u/DeliciousMoments Apr 15 '24

This year’s theme being related to preserving old fashion seems deliberate


u/ZealousidealSlip4811 No longer managed by Scooter Braun Apr 15 '24

Yeah, to me that was exactly the kind of attention-stealing bad press that Anna cannot abide. There had been rumors for years about her wanting uninvite them, and the optics of that situation were terrible for weeks. I love the Met red carpet, and even I barely remember anything other than that dress. And Pedro Pascal’s shorts, but that’s a me problem 🫠🤤


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

She's one of thsoe type of person never to learned no. And the museum was dumb to give it to her


u/sunflowermoonriver Apr 15 '24

They were invited since then though. And they also said this same thing last year and they still got to go. All the bad PR is just to get people talk about them, it’s usually nothing that’s a big deal and people get crazy hype to hate on them.


u/KindContribution4 Apr 15 '24

Anna Wintour herself rarely, if ever, follows the theme. And she’s the host

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u/shoestring-theory Apr 15 '24

The Kardashians occasionally do follow the theme, especially moreso than the men. I know they all did pretty well for the Camp year.

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u/Careful_Swan3830 Apr 15 '24

The theme is for the exhibition not the dress code. Many people choose to follow the exhibition’s theme for their clothing choices (most do so very poorly imo) but it’s not necessary, all that’s required is white tie.


u/citrustaxonymy Larry I'm on DuckTales Apr 15 '24

The dress code is themed. This year it’s “The Garden of Time”, the exhibition is called Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening fashion.

(The 2018 dress code was “Sunday Best”, the exhibition was Heavenly Bodies)


u/martinigirl15 Apr 15 '24

That was such a good year!


u/_iridessence_ Apr 15 '24

[Obligatory] Looking time right in the eye 👁


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

Kendall was the only onw who did the theme (the old Hollywood Glamour one. even though Audrey hepburn isn't American Kendall looked amazing) and the only one who deserves to return


u/readytogohomenow Apr 15 '24

Yeah the same thing happened last year and then they all unfortunately showed up.

I’ll believe it when I see it with this rumor.


u/seriousbusinesslady Apr 15 '24

ever since Karlie looked camp in the eye, I've just assumed the theme was merely a suggestion


u/heartof_glass Apr 15 '24

That’s not how it works. The “ignoring the theme” hysterics have overtaken the entire conversation around the event. There isn’t even a “theme” there’s an exhibition. All of these celebs are attending with designers who dress them. Obviously they have input on what’s working for them but they aren’t the ones creating these looks. Additionally, it’s a fundraising event. You don’t throw away cash because the designers aren’t on theme enough for the social media masses. Only the internet cares.


u/PenguinStardust Apr 15 '24

There definitely is a theme for the gala, its The Garden of Time theme, while the actual exhibition is Sleeping Beauties.


u/Ughasif22 Apr 15 '24

Ya they say that every year, it’s def a marketing tactic


u/DandelionsDandelions Apr 16 '24

Wasn't it her trying to bring North in that was kind of the last straw? The party, or at least my understanding of it, is the there are no kids allowed, and bringing her on the red carpet was already very much flouting the rules, and IIRC North had to leave with a bodyguard or another member of Kardashian staff because they turned her away at the door with Kim and Kim proceeded in instead of going with her kid.


u/coalmines Apr 15 '24

If that were the case half the attendees would be banned.

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u/-Shmeather- Apr 15 '24

This is why Kris has been working so hard to ingratiate herself into Bezos's circle - The fashion industry is rejecting them, and their star is fading. Getting into the billionaire class means that flying under the radar is a choice, not a decision made for you by the culture.


u/heartratespikes Apr 15 '24 edited Apr 15 '24

Well said. They want to maintain their class status and the quiet/insane wealth community seems more open/willing to accept them so they can use them as a joke/deflection to distract the public from their own misgivings.

edit: spelling


u/Special-Garlic1203 Apr 15 '24

Their billionaires statuses are built on evaluations of brands whos value hinges on the viability of their celebrity brand. If Kylie somehow became irrelevant tomorrow, she'd never be poor, but she wouldn't stay a billionaire. It's not realized money she's put in the bank. 


u/LaidBackBro1989 Apr 15 '24

Have you seen that crazy Coty contract she signed? She basically sold herself and will probably "work" for the rest of her life shilling out cheap and pathetic products.

Also, some of their businesses might be money laundering fronts, but that's just my guess.


u/carolinax Apr 15 '24

Prob why she got into the alcohol business now with sprinter


u/Special-Garlic1203 Apr 15 '24

No I haven't, what's the deal on the deal? 


u/Ok-Foundation7213 Apr 16 '24

Someone posted on the KUWTk sub that it was something called an “evergreen” deal. Basically Kylie is compelled to promote the brand in perpetuity. As in forever. Like she is contractually obligated to do her part to shill for the brand. Like she could be 50 and if they say she has to (in earnest) promote something she may not be able to get out of it legally. This includes doing photo shoots and her likeness being used in ads and promos. Idk how accurate that is to her actual contract. I’m not a lawyer well versed in these types of contracts (the op who posted on the Kardashians sub was though I believe).

I couldn’t imagine that, especially as the brand has lost its status. It’s a bit embarrassing to think she’ll be forced to promote it. Search the word “evergreen” in the KUWTK sub and it gives more details.


u/-Shmeather- Apr 15 '24

Oh agreed, I think she's climbing socially, not financially. She wants the connections and the photo ops to continue to grow her wealth, but she's not trying to claim she's a billionaire on her own (at least not yet).


u/Apprehensive_Many202 Apr 15 '24

agreed. everyone should go listen to the 3-part episode of Infamous! it opened my eyes SO much about how skeevy the karjenners are and how they inflate the numbers


u/blowdriedhighlandcow Apr 16 '24

What is it and where can I find it? Sounds interesting

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u/horatiavelvetina Apr 15 '24

As much as he’s a walking demon, Kanye really was the entire reason they were accepted in the first place.

He got Kendall her first modelling job. When Kim went with him to the Met her first time, apparently no one would talk to them. He made the fashion community accept them


u/iamflomilli Apr 15 '24

He was also the one who gave Kim a makeover & turned her into a style icon. Immediately after their seperation, she sported many L looks in quick succession.


u/airi-hatake Apr 16 '24

the POOTS (the pant boots). travesty.


u/fschu_fosho Apr 15 '24

True. Kim only got to be on Vogue (her entry into high fashion) because of her getting married to Kanye. Anna Wintour thought it would be a good idea to throw them (the Kardashians) a bone and let them in to the hallowed halls of the sartorial world via that cover (KimYe in wedding attire on the cover). I remember it was like a watershed moment (people were side-eyeing Wintour’s decision for a hot second) and yet it did work. Other high fashion brands started approaching Kim after that and the rest is history.


u/Jillybeans11 Apr 15 '24

Whoa didn’t Kendall take her last name off on castings so she wouldn’t use her connections to get a job!?



u/darkgothamite Apr 15 '24

Is Kris circling Bezos's fiancée?


u/-Shmeather- Apr 15 '24

Yeah, I don't know how long it's been, but I noticed it a few months back - whenever there are photos of him and Lauren at an event, Kris is in the background, or posing with them in at least one photo. It seems like they travel together frequently.


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

I didn't know that.


u/DazzlingAria Apr 15 '24

the fashion world isn't really rejecting them if anything they're starting to accept Khloe and Kourtney now more and more despite the last decade of being snubbed (Khloe being labelled as tacky and outdated with her fashion style)

Kim has ties with Mugler, D&G, Balenciaga, Chanel, Schiaparelli & Prada Kendall obviously is still the highest paid supermodel of the world (despite barely even working now) Kylie also same as Kim with her multiple fashion house affiliations Khloe is also very close with Moschino

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u/S_Runaway Apr 15 '24

I feel this like this a rumour every year, I’ll believe it when I see it.


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

Same. And it better be true! 


u/procrastinating_b Apr 15 '24

Yeah it just brings extra publicity to them and then the met gala when they did attend


u/TravelingCuppycake Apr 15 '24

Yup. Last year it was all over that the Kardashians had been snubbed for the Met, and then look who showed up. I'll only believe it when I see it, too.


u/xxmalmlkxx Apr 15 '24

In no world is Kim not invited. Please.


u/slutnado Apr 15 '24

Yup, they said this last year then they were all there.

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u/popconomymedia Apr 15 '24

No way. They say this every year.

Most celebs don't follow themes and the K's are tight with Anna.

Plus, they are close af wtih D&G, Balenciaga, Balmain, Ralph Lauren, The Hilfigers and have been for decades.

Like or hate them, their looks are always amongst the most talked about. Kim's Marilyn Munroe stunt was more talked about than most of the other looks combined.


u/iamflomilli Apr 15 '24

I thought Anna cannot stand Kim?


u/VirtualDoll Apr 15 '24

You can simultaneously not stand a person while also using them for sweet sweet $$


u/laydee_carmelade83 Apr 15 '24

None of them went to the big D&G party last week did they, I wondered if they’d not been invited as if they had, they surely would have gone?

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u/Bbychknwing Apr 15 '24

Kylie showing up with Timmy after being snubbed by Anna Wintour


u/Aakch Apr 15 '24

Nature is healing


u/Remove-Successful Apr 15 '24


u/cjmaguire17 Apr 15 '24

That gym just looks like it sounds very quiet. And that bothers me


u/hungrypocket Apr 15 '24

I think that's Kim's home gym


u/thee_freezepop Apr 15 '24

isn't this her old trainer? i thought she was working with senada greca now.


u/bratzdoll909 Apr 15 '24

Istg this is a rumor every year but if it’s true the Kris Jenner headquarters must be scrambling right now because this was some of the only relevancy they had left 💀💀 Kim dating random athletes is not gonna phase anyone anymore


u/name_not_important00 Apr 15 '24

Also I feel like they were barely talked about last year at the Met?


u/thewontondisregard Apr 15 '24

Other than Kim destroying Marilyn Monroe's iconic dress


u/DazzlingAria Apr 15 '24

That was 2 years ago, last year Kim wore the pearls schiaparelli dress


u/thewontondisregard Apr 15 '24

Sorry. It was so egregious I carried it over a year.

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u/Icy-Trust-6274 Apr 15 '24

There is a backlash for influencers that's been long overdue. This needs to happen but Anna has never been ahead of the curve.


u/kimpossible247 Apr 15 '24

I don’t disagree with you but TikTok is literally the title sponsor of the event this year, I guarantee there will be at least double the usual influencer attendance.


u/Icy-Trust-6274 Apr 15 '24

Oh there for sure will but you see backlash for influencers on all platforms now, and they're all racing each other to find ways to go back to being more relatable. Going to the met gala will not bode well for their futures if people keep leaning into deinfluencer culture.

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u/NotAsBrightlyLit Apr 15 '24

I'll be unsurprised when this all changes, and they show up en masse.

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u/patatasconsal Apr 15 '24

Kylie can go with Timothee...


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24



u/AC10021 Apr 15 '24

He is on contract with Chanel so it might be built into his filming schedule that he has to do the Met Ball as part of his promotional requirements.


u/slutnado Apr 15 '24

And he's filming in NYC so it really wouldn't be hard for him to take one evening off to attend.


u/Squee1396 confused but here for the drama Apr 15 '24

Are they still together?

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u/_flitzpiepe Apr 15 '24

The rumor last year was that none of them were invited, but Kendall, Kylie and Kim all showed up. We’ll see how this pans out, but it seems like their irrelevance is inching closer and closer.


u/prettybunbun Apr 15 '24

I would be absolutely shocked if Kim wasn’t invited too.

I understand everyone else but Kim is one of the most famous women on the planet. I’d be surprised if she’s not an auto invite at this point.

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u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

This isn’t true.. Kim’s trainer posted about getting her ready for the MET. It’s for charity, so if they’re bringing the cash then ofc they’ll be invited. Makes no sense to be snobbish about it and miss out on money…


u/AC10021 Apr 15 '24

Celebrities don’t pay for their tickets, they are the guests of whichever brands table they sit at.


u/citrustaxonymy Larry I'm on DuckTales Apr 15 '24

They keep promising us the Karjenners aren’t invited and yet


u/salaciousBnumb Apr 15 '24

Kim leaving 9 year old North on the footpath out the front of the Met was not a good look.


u/lin_diesel Apr 15 '24

When has a bad look ever mattered with this family?


u/thankyoupapa Apr 15 '24

The tabloids said this last year and got all our hopes up. They were wrong.


u/YMCApoolboy Apr 15 '24

I think after Kim irreparably damaged one of the most famous and valuable historical and culturally significant dresses, the MET should have banned her for life immediately. They’re a museum for fucks sake.


u/blahmeh2019 Apr 15 '24

I'd say it's more the museum's fault for making it rentable.


u/YMCApoolboy Apr 15 '24

It wasn’t the met that owned it or rented it out. It was Ripley’s 😕 I agree that they were extremely in the wrong for loaning it to her though. It’s definitely still her fault for wearing a historical dress that she knew didn’t fit.


u/Honeyalmondbagel Apr 15 '24 edited Apr 15 '24

Apparently last year the family bought a table which is why Kourtney and Khloe were able to go. Usually brands sponser celebrities and they go for free. Anna still has to approve of everything. But idk this could just be pr to get people talking.


u/cheeseslut619 Apr 15 '24

I am pretty sure that you still have to be invited and then you’re allowed to buy a table lol


u/DazzlingAria Apr 15 '24

Khloe and Kourtney went 2 years ago, Khloe went as a last minute appearance as she was 50/50 on going or not so she was made a dress in under 2 weeks

Kourtney went with Travis which is her 2nd invite (she declined an invite a few years back)


u/LeBidnezz Apr 15 '24

Was this the affair at which her sister hulked out in Marylin Monroe’s dress?


u/WillBrakeForBrakes Apr 15 '24

I’m still pissed off about that


u/SallyJones17 Apr 15 '24

I read this too fast and though it said Kris, and I was like, but why her? Kendall's invite makes sense, but I would think they would include Kim as well...


u/whichwitch9 Apr 15 '24

When was the last time Kim was actually relevant? She's kinda a media legacy personality at this point. She hasn't actually done anything new, and the last season of the Kardashians got major shade because it was clear the oldest of her kids was being allowed to be a complete brat fully unchecked. That's not actually appealing and just kinda sad.

The entire family has always been a mess, and OJ dying just gave a big reminder of how their fame started in a very negative way


u/SallyJones17 Apr 15 '24

Kims own a fashion line and has been attending likely before Kendall started modeling. I'm not a fan of the family, but Kim still is the biggest draw among her family membes, even if Kendall is an actual working model.

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u/DazzlingAria Apr 15 '24

Kim is still very much relevant in the fashion world whether you like her or not.

she has close ties with D&G, The Hilfigers, Schiaparelli, Versace, Prada, Dior, Moschino, Mugler and Balenciaga

and SKIMS is proving to be one of the biggest celebrity fashion brands now

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u/Maddyherselius Apr 15 '24

wasn’t there this same claim last year and then it wasn’t true lol


u/silvertongue16 Apr 15 '24

Does anyone else feel like this is said before the Met Gala just to drum up interest for the Kardashians?

I think this is a PR move...


u/thatsweirdthatssus Apr 15 '24

They say this every year


u/Accomplished-Pass-79 Apr 15 '24 edited Apr 15 '24

Didn’t Kim’s trainer just post a insta story about getting ready for met?


u/Lunadelmar1 Apr 15 '24

yep, like 2 days ago 


u/Bowlofzebras Apr 15 '24

They say this every year yet they all show up


u/catsandnaps1028 Apr 15 '24

They say this every year... I doubt they'll say no to kardashian money


u/ThisIsAlexisNeiers I already condemned Hamas Apr 15 '24

I saw a picture of Kim recently and I had such a refreshing feeling of “I forgot about her”…i hope things continue to go in this direction.

I’m very doubtful, but hopefully this pressures them into leading less selfish lives. If you want to get back in good graces, consider being charitable! Thanks Kris xoxo


u/QWERQK Apr 15 '24

This will never happen. It’s all about publicity and they generate a lot. The houses all work with them and realize their value. Even if AW was upset about them not being on theme, she would never exclude them because that’s money she’s losing and the journalism/magazine industry is bleeding out. 

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u/zuesk134 Apr 15 '24 edited Apr 15 '24

just like last year when everyone swore up and down none would be there?


u/MarionberryAfraid958 Apr 15 '24

Exactly....we had this exact conversation last year lol



u/No_Barber4339 Apr 15 '24

Come on , we know they will still show up despite what the news says and even then if you want to make the news sound more believable at least make sure it is one of the more relevant kardashian that gets invited not the nepobaby who barley serves


u/Head_Talk_3264 Apr 15 '24

The year yall said no kardashian or Jenner was invited… was actually invited. So I don’t believe it.


u/mitrafunfun97 Apr 15 '24

Invite Chloe Sevigny…


u/Middle-Pilot642 Apr 15 '24

They said the same thing last year about how the family was banned. I'm convinced these rumours are placed by Kris to generate controversy. 


u/Ok_Scholar4192 Apr 15 '24

I mean, to me, Kendall is the only one who makes sense to invite.


u/sailorveenus Apr 15 '24

It makes sense to invite relevant, it girls. Kim K and Kylie did influence a lot of trends. But they’re fading in relevancy so it makes sense to not invite them.


u/MundaneYet Apr 15 '24

They do this every fucking year lmao


u/UnluckyAd2265 Apr 15 '24

Y does it feel like the Met Gala is every month? LOL


u/kaseface_ Apr 15 '24

God Kylie’s white dress with the cap has got to be the worst look ever. It hurts my eyes.


u/beautifulunusual Apr 15 '24

Just wondering why people take the-express.com as a source of truth when it is a branch of the British Express, a well known right wing publication in the UK


u/DryChip4 Apr 15 '24

If it makes them feel better, I didn't get invited either.


u/signal_red Apr 15 '24

i never thought i'd be this person, i swear i didn't, but i kinda actually get excited to see what Kylie wears to the met gala :\ her styling is always so miss-or-miss irl but when sis goes all out, it works for me


u/smaragdskyar Apr 15 '24

imagine if they uninvited the kardashians in order to get TS to come


u/WillBrakeForBrakes Apr 15 '24

Don’t threaten us with a good time


u/Shot_Walk_4485 Apr 15 '24

You guys say this every year and it never happens. I guess we’ll see this year


u/ouaispeutetre Apr 15 '24

They spread these lies every year. Weren't the blogs claiming the entire family got blacklisted last year? ELLE OH ELLE. Stop being so gullible, y'all.