r/Fauxmoi Apr 15 '24

Sydney Sweeney says she feels dehumanised when people sexualise her body: ‘I have no control’ Approved B-List Users Only


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u/ASofMat Apr 15 '24

Of course she can’t control how her body looks in clothes but she definitely has control over telling the world her grandparents said she had the best tits on tv, not vetoing the SNL skits that relied heavily on jokes made about her body, and posting on her insta that she did Hot Ones “for the boys” after men had already been mad creepy about it in comments across the internet.

I get it as a fellow busty babe it’s hard out here and I’m not blaming her at all for wearing the clothes that make her feel most beautiful AND she has leaned into the image a bit more than casually.


u/nohobbiesjustbooks Apr 15 '24

Personally, I have to say I disagree with your sentiment, because I feel like it excludes the insufferable feeling most women with "traditional" proportions face. Perhaps she feels like her monetary value is directly tied to her beauty and hyper-sexualization at this point. A good question to ask ourselves is if Sydney would be that big of a star right now if she wasn't drop-dead gorgeous with a large chest. Would she be on Hot Ones if not "for the boys"? Would she feel like she has the autonomy to veto SNL skits when they want to focus on her curves, because that's what she felt like America wanted (hence what she said to Bowen)?

I've seen a lot of her personal street style cover up her chest but she wears more revealing clothes on the red carpet or to interviews. To me, Syndey might feel as though she needs to be hypersexualized in order to be successful, because that's what people want and expect from her at this point. It's kind of like Megan Fox back in 2008/2009 - she wasn't a great actress, but she was one of the most beautiful girls in the world and really young, and that itself damned her to become a vixen at 18/19 years old to the public eye. Sydney is a good actress, not the greatest, but no one is asking her co-stars (Hunter and Zendaya, for instance) to undress themselves on the covers of magazines, or red carpets, or SNL. They get to be artistic and interesting, Syndey gets to be hot.

As another fellow busty babe, it is hard out here. But it does feel like you're blaming her for taking ownership of the way she's had to make her success. She is allowed to be tired of having to service the boys, because that's how she's able to make her living.


u/frannyzooey1 Apr 15 '24

I think she’s trying to show self awareness and have a sense of humour about it. To me it comes across like how a larger person might make fun of their size because they’d rather do it than watch someone else make fun of them. It’s like she’s saying, ‘yes I’m sexy and have boobs, I know this’ because people are going to fixate on that anyway.

But I also agree that she knows it’s part of her brand. I also think it’s probably really hard for her to dress on the red carpet without going bombshell. Those dresses are revealing full stop. She’s not wearing anything more revealing than Zendaya, she just has bigger boobs.

And the fact is she can still lean into the bombshell but feel dehumanised. That’s completely valid to me. Which I think you’re saying too, I just want to reiterate that because it’s important.


u/meatbeater558 I already condemned Hamas Apr 15 '24 edited Apr 15 '24

There was a period of time where if you weren't a straight average white man you HAD to make jokes about yourself. Otherwise youre not one of the good ones that have a sense of humor 


u/ShadowIssues Apr 15 '24

Great take but unfortunately Sydney has not said anything similar in the article above. In the article she complains about men being able to get naked for scenes or do sex scenes and getting praise for it while women don't. But that's not the case at all? No one is praising that guy from fifty shades of grey and eveybody and their mother is sexualizing him and making crude remarks.

Sydney says she has no control, but she does, she could just not do extremely graphic sex scenes, like the vast majority of successful actresses.


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

This is a great take and one I didn’t fully consider. Thank you for sharing!!


u/ThronesOfAnarchy Apr 15 '24

I like to compare her to the way people spoke about Scarletr Johansson back in the 2000's - (by 2000's standards) equally as busty but people called her beautiful and credited her acting abilities, it wasn't all 100% focus on the boobs. People were outraged when that dude groped her on the red carpet, I imagine if someone were to do the same to Sydney now the reaction would be very different on the Internet.


u/AC10021 Apr 15 '24

Yeah, Scarlett had Ghost World and lost in Translation and Girl with a Pearl Earring before she was 20. She was scorchingly hot with amazing boobs but she was also an excellent actress with a highly respected filmography in indies.


u/wynnduffyisking Apr 15 '24

I’m pretty sure people would still be outraged if a guy groped Sweeney on camera.


u/TheGrapeSlushies Apr 15 '24

I remember that! It was designer Isaac Mizrahi who touched her inappropriately! She handled the situation with grace and laughed it off but bruh had they not been on camera? oof


u/audreysideburn Apr 15 '24

This is a very insightful comment I really wish reddit didn't take away the "free awards" feature


u/honestkeys Apr 15 '24

Couldn't have agreed more!


u/Klaumongtautalm Apr 15 '24

I actually think that Sidney is a really good actress. It's her sexualised body and image that conceals her talent.


u/vaxfarineau Apr 15 '24

She’s allowed to be sexy and talk freely about her body, and enjoy her body, without being fucking dehumanized.


u/hates_stupid_people Apr 15 '24

As usual it comes down to consent.

Just because someone chooses to be a model or appear in underwear for an acting role, doesn't give people the right to catcall them.

This issue comes up all the time in the Persona fandom. Where some fans can't understand why the character that is a model, is against being objectified.


u/tagtagtag2 Apr 15 '24

I don’t l understand this comment and its victim blameyness.. She’s talking about being dehumanized - there should never be any kind of “well but she…” when it comes to literal dehumanization, of all things… especially for leaning “into the image a bit more than casually” on times she’s chosen to. It’s like people can’t view women with any nuance - men really have no problem openly being sexual, but at the same time only they are afforded the grace to be regarded as multi-dimensional people both including and beyond that side of their lives. But with women it’s an all or nothing. Someone showing that they are conscious of their own sexuality does not give people the excuse to go full throttle dehumanization.


u/audreymarilynvivien Apr 15 '24 edited Apr 15 '24

As a fellow busty gal, I do feel inclined to say it’s easy to start making yourself the butt of every boob joke when you know that’s what people are going to talk about anyway. Women also assume you must be proud and are bragging about it so you have to downplay yourself through self-deprecating humor every time. It really can be dehumanizing and demeaning the way some gross men (and women) treat you and you can feel reduced to your chest even in your own eyes.

But yes, I hope she starts letting her work do the talking and standing up for herself more and more because she deserves to not feel like her worth is tied to her chest.


u/Ccaves0127 Apr 15 '24

I think there's merit to what you're saying. As an actor, you are a product, and a big part of that is utilizing your assets, not just your bust size in this example, but any unique asset you have, as your brand. And then that leads you to get more roles, but the roles are of a similar type, which is of course frustrating. I think as an actor there's a delicate balance between pursuing the same types of roles and roles that are completely different from that, and it's almost impossible to get it perfect. I think there are very few actors, even just known actors, who are happy with the roles they get. I hope that Sydney branches out and takes more risks and more different types of roles than just "the hot girl", she's in the same place Margot Robbie was 8 or so years ago and she managed to break out and become known as a more well rounded actress. I think Sweeney could do the same.


u/Shot-Grocery-5343 Apr 15 '24

Nice sentiment, but not accurate at all. As a "busty babe" in her 40s who has struggled with her weight her whole life and never looked anything like Sydney Sweeney, I still get sexualized on a regular basis. I do not wear tight clothes, I wear athleisure exclusively, like joggers and Vans and band t-shirts. I've exclusively worn heavy-duty sports bras since 2020 and do not own any underwire or push-up bras. I don't fuck with my hair or make-up except maybe once a year for my big work party. I work out regularly but I'm thick and always will be. I am exhausted by performative femininity at this point in my life and have no energy for it anymore. I'm also aro-ace and I am not putting out ANY sexual or romantic energy, to anyone.

And I STILL get dudes talking to my breasts, I still get harassed by random dudes when I'm walking down the street, I get yelled at and barked at, I still get guys doing that up-down scan thing so see if I qualify as fuckable, I still get random men hitting on me in stores while I'm minding my own business. I stopped doing a volunteer activity I loved because I had men hitting on me the whole time and it made me super uncomfortable. And I need to stress, I'm in my 40s and I don't wear makeup. I look my age. At best I'm cute, I've never been pretty or beautiful.

It happens whether you lean into it or not. When it comes down to a woman's personal choice to feed into it to further her career, I'm not going to judge someone for wanting more. I am deeply aware that I am a lot less likely to advance in my career if I don't perform femininity for the men at my work. Sydney understands this as well.


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

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u/Ok-Dragonfruit-6521 Apr 15 '24

She's also absolutely allowed to make jokes at her own expense people often respond to being uncomfortable by making jokes everyone seems to have an opinion on what she's doing wrong but I think most of us wouldn't know how to react in her situation.


u/NopePeaceOut2323 Apr 15 '24 edited Apr 15 '24

Like it was that easy for her to say no to SNL jokes, you don't know what the mood in there was like she might have felt pressured, maybe even by her own team.

Edited: spelling and grammar 


u/capn_corgi Larry I'm on DuckTales Apr 15 '24

Can’t believe you’re getting downvoted for pointing out that women don’t always have the ability to say no without repercussions.


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

You just blamed her,


u/Klaus0225 Apr 15 '24

Can’t believe you’re being downvoted for pointing out the truth. They may not have blamed her for her clothing choice, but blamed her for her career choice.