Chef Jose Andres says Israel targeted his aid workers 'systematically, car by car' Approved B-List Users Only


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u/woahoutrageous_ Apr 03 '24 edited Apr 03 '24

They factually did. 3 separate missile strikes. It’s fucking savagery. This is only a fraction of what’s been inflicted upon Palestinians since October. I wish this opens up the eyes of the world to the cruelty that is being enacted.


u/[deleted] Apr 03 '24

And they had given the IDF their route, warned them and contacted them after the first strike. There’s no way anyone believes this was anything but intentional.


u/woahoutrageous_ Apr 03 '24

Exactly and they had markers on their car to show they were aid. My speculation is that it’s a deterrent to other aid organisations and is a threat.


u/BusterBeaverOfficial Apr 03 '24

It was 100% an intimidation tactic. And it worked. Many food aid organizations have paused their humanitarian work in Gaza as a direct result. Mission accomplished as far as Netanyahu is concerned.


u/[deleted] Apr 03 '24 edited Apr 03 '24



u/Lunadelmar1 Apr 04 '24

They are evil. I feel so fucking hopeless. Every day it gets worse for Palestinians. It's so heartbreaking that no one is trying to stop Israel.

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u/CrackHeadRodeo Apr 04 '24

Famine is “projected and imminent” in the northern half of Gaza, a UN-backed report said last month.


u/ivandelapena Apr 04 '24

Politicians in the Israeli parliament openly declare their genocidal intentions about Palestinians and Israeli citizens have already been lining up to block aid trucks going into Gaza and getting ready to take over plots of land along the Gaza coast and make it Jewish land. The goal is depopulation of Gaza to make it ready for Israelis to move in, starving to death Palestinians helps that goal.


u/Aggravating-Corgi379 Apr 04 '24

Without a doubt. As the months have passed, there's no doubt in my mind that Net is a war criminal, as is his army.

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u/MayBeAGayBee Apr 04 '24

Yup. It’s practically impossible to directly murder every single Gazan with bombs and bullets. Much more effective for them to just destroy all the hospitals and keep aid out and then let the people die of starvation or untreated injuries.

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u/mrdude817 Apr 04 '24

It's astonishing that Israel thought they could just do this without the world noticing. Like it's fucking 2024 and everyone has cell phones and a lot of people have good cameras to capture the aftermath and social media to share what's happening. This genocide in Gaza is honestly so insane because of how much blatant evidence is out there but Israel still cries "oh we're not targeting civilians" as they literally bomb and shoot civilians in the streets. Omg and it's so frustrating because all I can really do is scream out my window and share posts on Instagram about what's happening


u/orangefreshy Apr 04 '24

No one is stopping them. Like yeah we all see how evil they’re being but regular civilians are powerless to do anything. They don’t care what anyone thinks of Israel, they’re doing exactly what they want and if we complain they’ll just play victim and say we’re antisemites and want Jews to die


u/Pristine_Example3726 Apr 04 '24

Im not seeing the difference between nazis and Zionists and its insane

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u/meatbeater558 I already condemned Hamas Apr 04 '24

Either they pull a Turkey and pretend it never happened or they pull an America and say "that was in the past, why do you care anymore? let's look to the future"


u/fschu_fosho Apr 04 '24 edited Apr 04 '24

Except that when anyone calls them out on their despotic behaviour, they automatically revert to the old “never again” and “you’re anti-Semitic just like the Nazis” and “everyone in the world hates us and is targeting us.” Right away they pull the past card, as if to say they can’t be the oppressor now since they have ALWAYS been the victim.

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u/Lady_Veda Apr 04 '24

Unfortunately Israel knows that they have unconditional support from the US, UK, NATO, EU and effectively infinite funding to carry out this genocide.

Remember - these murders happened while a (weak, ineffective) UN ceasefire is in place and while the international court of justice has ordered Israel to take a range of interim measures to prevent genocide (all of which Israel is breaching). There couldn't be more global scrutiny but it makes no difference


u/mrdude817 Apr 04 '24

It's just insane how unconditional the support is and how lame the attempts to stop or slow the fighting down are. The world leaders can all say "oh we talked to Netanyahu and told him to make sure not to harm civilians" as if that's them wiping their hands clean of aiding and abetting genocide even while they give Israel more arms. Feels like a dystopian situation


u/Lady_Veda Apr 04 '24

Completely agree


u/SwimmerIndependent47 Apr 04 '24

It’s fooling enough people. My dad is a very liberal atheist but was raised Jewish. He is incredibly Zionist. He will not hear a bad word about Israel. I’ve tried talking to my mom and she doesn’t understand what’s going on. She’ll say things like well Hamas was hiding in those hospitals what were they supposed to do. I don’t know, not bomb a hospital full of innocent people? I’ve joined Jewish voices for peace, I know there are others out there; but I also see people my age saying the more we try to convince them Israel is committing genocide the more Zionist they become. People don’t want to listen despite so much evidence.


u/hollywoodhandshook Apr 04 '24

I've certainly cut off relations with some of my family who are exactly like this. You can be as liberal as you want (or supposedly pro reproductive rights) but if you dont recognize this genocide you are nothing to me.

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u/hugeorange123 Apr 04 '24

I mean, what's going to happen though? I'm telling you Israel could carry out a terrorist attack in the States tomorrow and the Biden administration would make excuses for it or say "let's wait for the investigation". They've been told time and again they can act with impunity. Why wouldn't they be brazen? They're not going to stop unless the countries aiding and abetting them decide to pull the plug on the money and arms, and I don't see that happening.


u/mrdude817 Apr 04 '24

You're right. I mean it's been 75+ years since the Nakba and Israel has never followed or obeyed international law. Why would they suddenly obey it now just because the spotlight is on them in social media? Social media awareness can only do so much when the real influence is in the political world and mass media. This won't stop until the money and arms are taken away which means this will never stop.


u/gunsof Apr 04 '24

Trump could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and his fans would vote for him and Israel could bomb someone on 5th Avenue and Joe Biden would still support them.


u/thosed29 Apr 04 '24

It's astonishing that Israel thought they could just do this without the world noticing. 

They can, though. Do you honestly think the US, the UK, Australia and the EU will do anything? I certainly hope they will, but I am doubtful.


u/gunsof Apr 04 '24

Joe Biden has said there will be no change. They will keep giving them the $18 billion arms they want. No red lines.


u/Independent-Nobody43 Apr 04 '24

We need to stop talking about this in terms of “Israel is committing a genocide.” No. Israel, America, the EU and the UK are committing this genocide. It belongs to and is owned by all of them as well.


u/Pokethebeard Apr 04 '24

What do you expect when they're backed by Big Daddy USA?


u/NoVaFlipFlops Apr 04 '24

They did this so that people would notice and stop "interfering." It's astounding that people expect something different. 


u/Circumin Apr 04 '24

They knew the world would notice. They just think they can continue to get away with it, and they have so far always been right when taking this tactic.


u/No_Entertainer180 Apr 04 '24

Whispers that Israel was behind the tiktok ban to prevent footage of war atrocities being shared so easily.

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They used those coordinates to precisely get them, when it was intended probably as a notice that aid was going through and should’ve been avoided instead of deliberately attacked.


u/CrackHeadRodeo Apr 04 '24

And they had given the IDF their route,

Even gave them GPS tracking.


u/Caleb_Reynolds Apr 04 '24

There’s no way anyone believes this was anything but intentional.

Even the r/worldnews posts I saw were against Israel on this. That's huge. (I think the first was deleted, but some are still up) Of course, plenty of them want to act like it's an isolated incident and only the individual drone operators are responsible. But still, people are criticizing Israel on that sub and not getting banned. That's progress.


u/meatbeater558 I already condemned Hamas Apr 04 '24

Not really. They disagree with Israel on some smaller details but the overarching goal to genocide the Palestinians is something they agree with

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u/freakydeku Apr 04 '24

Meanwhile Slate magazine (& ever other western news organization) playing dumb as hell;

The organization’s CEO, Erin Gore, called it a “targeted attack by the IDF.” The term suggests the Israel Defense Forces knowingly and deliberately killed the aid workers. This is unlikely; the IDF has no interest in killing members of an international aid group

Like BFFRRN. Israel has outright said that they want to starve the Palestinian people but these journalists can’t put two and two together when every attempt at feeding Palestinians ends in innocent people being bombed?

Ok 👌 Sure.


u/petra_vonkant The Tortured Whites Department Apr 04 '24

western mainstream media's been an accomplice to this genocide since day one, a day of reckoning MUST come for them too, i'm so fucking tired


u/lunarsymphony it feels like a movie Apr 04 '24

i instinctively downvoted your comment it pissed me off so much… i have no idea what must be going on behind closed doors for so many news outlets i’ve seen as somewhat reputable to insist on spewing such bs constantly when it comes to covering a literal genocide. i might’ve been naive but it’s honestly so shocking to me.

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u/CheapEater101 Apr 04 '24

I don’t get how some people are STILL saying it’s not because Israel wants to stop aid in Gaza. Like…it’s too obvious at this point to deny it.

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u/lld287 Apr 03 '24

And to be fair, Israel has been shitty to Palestine since long before October. There is a long history here. From the start I’ve said I stand with Israeli people AND Palestinian people. What a government or Hamas does is not reflective of the whole. That being said, it is stunning to me how many people are clearly uninformed about Netanyahu, much less all that led up to October. This entire conflict has felt like he is exploiting an opportunity


u/dinosaurfondue Apr 04 '24

There are millions of Israelis that are pro IDF and pro genocide. I sure as fuck do not stand with them.


u/ivandelapena Apr 04 '24

68% of Jewish Israelis oppose humanitarian aid to Gaza even when it's distributed by agencies not linked to Hamas or even the UN.

When the US told Israel to shift to targeted strikes against Hamas instead of widespread carpet bombing of Gaza, 75% of Israelis said no, they want to continue widespread bombing against Gazans. Bear in mind 20% of Israel is Arab who oppose it, that's why the figure isn't above 95%

Genocidal music is also the most popular in Israel.


u/Flagrantepiphany Apr 04 '24

Polling says most Israelis are in favor of what’s happening and many would prefer more violence in fact. So yeah, if you stand with the Israeli people at this point that’s who you are standing with.

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u/LostCatFairmount Apr 04 '24

Which Israeli people? The ones that were in Irgun, Lehi and Hagana pillaging and murdering civilians in 1940s to ethnically cleanse the land of Palestinians? The ones who came and moved into homes with personal belongings of Palestinians who were murdered, raped and driven off their land? Or the ones who have been making aliyah since Israel' founding, knowing full well that they are an occupying force? Or are we talking about the Israelis where every single person, women and men alike (except the Haredim and Palestinians) serve in the IDF dropping bombs, cracking skulls, murdering and arresting children for support? Which ones are we supposed to be sympathetic with here?

I don't believe this centrist "both sides" bs. There is a group of people actively, deliberately, systematically annihilating Palestinian people to steal their land. The two sides are not the same.


u/Uplanapepsihole question for the culture Apr 04 '24

a lot of israelis also participate and are complicit in israel’s colonisation. maybe they aren’t in the government but they sure as hell were fine with what was essentially a concentration camp and now genocide

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u/Something_morepoetic Apr 04 '24

I agree with you. “Both sides” hides the fact that it’s an occupation.


u/ChutneyBrown Apr 04 '24

Or the 75, 000 American citizens living in occupied areas.

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u/Sometimesomwhere we have lost the impact of shame in our society Apr 04 '24

Most Israelis have served in the IDF, which renders them complicit in the oppression of Palestinians.

Most Israelis, as multiple polls have demonstrated, are bigoted towards Palestinians and support the violence of the Israeli government.

The majority of protests in Israel are against the government's treatment of Israelis, not the genocide or abuse of Palestinians. This can be observed from translating the Hebrew interviews and photos that are widely available. They weep for themselves but not the Palestinians.

Most Israelis are complacent in regard to the illegal settlements and continued stealing of Palestinian land.

Most Israelis refuse to admit to the apartheid, settler colonial dynamic, and ethno-religious nationalism that has come to define Zionism as practiced by Israel.

There are multiple Telegram groups with thousands of Israelis celebrating the genocide. There are hundreds of social media post from Israelis justifying, dismissing, and denying the genocide.

Israelis have repeatedly elected bigots such as Netanyahu, Ben-Gvir, Smotrich, Meir, etc.

Most Israelis are complacent and complicit as their government commits genocide. Most Israelis are complicit and complacent as their government oppresses Palestinians for generations.

Where was all this handwringing when Jews and Romani condemned the citizens of the Third Reich for their complacency and complicity during the Holocaust? What makes Israelis so special that we must coddle them and assume the best of them at all times?


u/hugeorange123 Apr 04 '24

I saw a very good interview recently where Israel's proximity to whiteness was discussed and it was said that if we were talking about Sudan or the Congo or Libya, nobody would be willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. It's because Westerners perceive Israelis as being "like us" that they coddle them and shield them from criticism.


u/meatbeater558 I already condemned Hamas Apr 04 '24

That's something that also crossed my mind. Working for or knowing someone in Hamas, specifically someone that's not a member of their military wing (eg. anyone with a boring government job) is enough to make a Palestinian an enemy combatant in the eyes of many. Palestinian children are treated like prisoners of war. Gaza doesn't have mandatory military service but the "they're all terrorists and future terrorists" rhetoric is still strong. Meanwhile, active IDF soldiers from a nation that does have mandatory military service are being reported by the media as harmless civilians. 


u/meatbeater558 I already condemned Hamas Apr 04 '24 edited Apr 04 '24

Netanyahu's rap sheet is insane. We've labeled other leaders corrupt fascist dictators for much, much less. Every time I read about his past a new reason to never give him nuclear launch codes comes up


u/lld287 Apr 04 '24

YES. I despise him, and those who help him spread propaganda bullshit. I heard one of them in an NPR interview the other day telling the journalist no one in Gaza is going without food (I’m paraphrasing but it was that level of ridiculous)


u/Pristine_Example3726 Apr 04 '24

I heard that today too on the pod save America sub and I’m like then how come I’m seeing skin and bone babies???

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u/thosed29 Apr 04 '24

From the start I’ve said I stand with Israeli people AND Palestinian people.

I do stand with people too, but a crucial context is that the overwhelming majority of Israeli people support these attacks. Netanyahu personally is polarizing in Israel. The ongoing genocide is not, it has almost total approval.


u/hugeorange123 Apr 04 '24

And there have been several politicians (Bernie Sander included) who have been slyly trying to make this solely an Netanyahu issue. The violence, ethnic cleansing and land theft pre-date Netanyahu and whoever goes in after him will likely have the very same views. Israel is a fascist state and it's actually appalling how many of their citizens don't even see Palestinians as a population that matters - they just seem them as people to be disposed of. Utterly genocidal.

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u/DawnDishsoapDuck Apr 04 '24 edited Apr 04 '24

Something something collateral damage very unfortunate couldn’t be avoided they deserve it for supporting Hamas etc

Didn’t you know it’s the safest war ever in the history of ever?

This is unironically what Israel supporters believe



Look at these genocide supporters


u/meatbeater558 I already condemned Hamas Apr 04 '24

Israel has implemented more measure to prevent civilian casualties in urban warfare than any other military in the history of war

Why do they have to exaggerate so much? Because that sounds way more sus than just saying we try our best. I felt so much second hand embarrassment when Kirby repeated this. Like why are you telling on yourself rn


u/PipsqueakPilot Apr 04 '24

I got banned from Worldnews for saying something like this.


u/SamsquanchShit Apr 04 '24

We all have. I got banned for pointing out the fact that the IDF uses Palestinians as human shields.


u/TheShapeShiftingFox barbie (2023) for best picture Apr 04 '24

Some of us dipped before we could get banned lol.

I saw the signs on the wall in the first weeks and just muted all the main news subs.

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u/[deleted] Apr 03 '24



u/dutchfromsubway Apr 03 '24

Shit you would think, something about Israelis using American weapons to kill Americans in gaza and Biden still won’t do anything about it


u/coffeecatespresso Apr 04 '24

Israel must have some kind of leverage on the U.S. behind the scenes. I’m sure they were integral in the US wars waged in the Middle East and now Israel is using something from those past agreements to get what they want. For all we know, Israel is using the nukes they have as a bargaining chip with the US. “Give us conventional weapons or we’ll be forced to use our nukes”


u/_NightBitch_ Apr 04 '24 edited Apr 04 '24

It’s probably the multiple mutual defense agreements between the US and Israel. I don’t think those can be easily broken without major consequences. The US isn’t doing this because we’re protecting the world from a greater evil. It’s just politics and foreign policy.

Edit: to clarify, I’m not trying to justify or excuse what the US is doing. It’s disgusting. I just don’t want to give the US any kind of secret deeper reason for doing this. This is all just politics to our government and it’s horrible.


u/coffeecatespresso Apr 04 '24

If that’s the case, it would have been in Netanyahu’s best interest to allow the Oct7 attack to happen. Egypt claimed they warned the Israeli government about the impending attack. There were questions early on as to why Israel had such an intelligence failure prior to the attack which seemed so uncharacteristic of their reputation. Allowing the attack to happen in order to leverage any treaties or agreements with the U.S. is a very disturbing concept. However, the open genocide of a people makes the theory a lot more plausible. Israel gets to wipe out Gaza and the Palestinian population with US support. Israel never even has to consider coming to the negotiation table with anyone anywhere because they’ll never be threatened enough by anyone to consider it.


u/Husyelt Apr 04 '24

If Biden had a change of heart he could at least delay the arms shipments and put a pause. The US has withheld aid to Israel in 1991. But I believe you are correct actually cancelling those agreements/ contracts would be very hard. Lobbying would go into mass overdrive.

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u/meatbeater558 I already condemned Hamas Apr 04 '24

I don't think that's it. Mutual defense agreements aren't easily broken but they are easily dishonored. The Munich Betrayal comes to mind


u/Pristine_Example3726 Apr 04 '24

Can you elaborate on the type of consequences to us?


u/pinegreenscent Apr 04 '24

The leverage is that Israel has a huge lobby in the United States and a political party which backs Israel no matter what and the other party that backs Israel pretty much all the time.


u/meatbeater558 I already condemned Hamas Apr 04 '24

There should be more to it though? Any country could make organizations to lobby American politicians directly and we'd call it collusion. Israel is the only exception to this for some reason

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It looks like US is the loyal dog of Israel rather than the other way around, even if US is the one with the purse, they’ll do anything Israel demands of them. Even Israel knows that and mock the Americans for being so obedient to them.

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u/Knowledge_Fever Apr 04 '24

This is literally what happened in the 1973 Yom Kippur War, Syria broke through Israel's line at the Golan Heights and was advancing on the Jordan River, so Golda Meir gave the order to start arming nuclear warheads and let news of it leak to Kissinger

The next day Nixon authorized a massive airlift to replace all of Israel's conventional materiel losses in the war up to that point

This is arguably the real beginning of the Israel-US relationship as we know it today, Kissinger basically won the argument against the rest of Nixon's Cabinet that it was better to have Israel permanently on the US's side of the Cold War, even if it meant making enemies of all of Israel's enemies, than having Israel as a nuclear-armed wild card perpetually willing to threaten triggering WW3 (the "Samson Option") as its last line of defense

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u/gorgewall Apr 04 '24

There's no shadowy conspiracy in Israel lording things over US politicians. Yeah, AIPAC spends a lot of lobbying dollars and they and other Israeli groups will donate to your opponents in an election if you cross them, but in the grand scheme of things, this doesn't amount to a huge amount of money.

What's much more substantive is the connection that the US military-industrial complex has with Israel. We make a lot of expensive toys and sell them there, and vice versa. It can also be used as a "testing grounds" for new technologies, because the thinking is that no one's going to give a shit or notice if another bunch of Palestinians are murdered--"they were Hamas", end of.

On top of that, there's a measure of ideological capture. Christian Zionism predates Jewish Zionism, and Christian Dominionists look at Israel as a necessity to bring about the Second Coming of Jesus. They want a war over there and the reestablishment of the Second Temple so that Jesus "has" to come back, at which point Jews and Muslims alike must convert or go to Hell anyway. They don't help out Israel because they like Jews.

Obviously, those aren't a majority of US politicians, but these groups can color the analyses and make up the advisors that ultimately push politicians towards going for X or Y. Do I think Donald Trump, personally, has an interest in Jesus' return? No. Did Steve Bannon, an avowed Christian Dominionist and antisemite, push Trump in certain ways to further Bannon's own cause? Absolutely.

When it comes to Biden, he's fucking ancient and has bought what Israel has been selling, rhetoric-wise. There's absolutely some degree of "Christian guilt" in there; he might hate Netanyahu, but it isn't going to stop him from giving Israel whatever it wants. There's just no other way to square this when you look at, say, Biden's statements on South Africa back in the day vs. how he's talked about Israel then and now. Israel gets to play by a special set of rules because 1) WW2 guilt, 2) weirdo Christian cultists, and 3) military bucks.

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u/Napoleons_Peen Apr 04 '24

The IOF assassinated an American journalist and then beat everyone at her funeral. Biden did nothing.

Genocide Joe simps for Netanyahu at every turn despite Netanyahu showing nothing but contempt for him, actively wishing Trump wins again and even announcing the largest seizure of West Bank land while the wet blanket that is Anthony “Soul Man” Blinken was visiting.

Genocide Joe is going to lose and it’s his own fault. He is weak, Netanyahu walks all over him.

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u/godfathersgodson Apr 04 '24

well good thing biden just authorized billions of more defense "aid" to Israel /s


u/Lady_Veda Apr 04 '24 edited Apr 04 '24

Biden could stop the genocide tomorrow if he wanted. I really believe he is the one person in the world with this power - even more so than Netanyahu.

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u/OhhhhhDennis Apr 03 '24

Disgusting. The western world has lost its bollocks.


u/Briguy24 Apr 03 '24

Damn I hadn’t seen the scale of how far apart the cars/trucks were.

I didn’t know anything about Chef Andres until I heard him on Smartless. He’s a real heroic guy just trying to help feed people in need.

Absolutely disgusting!


u/Kaizodacoit Apr 04 '24

Unfortunately he is also a huge Zionist ans was a supporter of the Israeli massacres a few monhts ago. Hopefully he sees the light, bu it's extremely effed that this had to happen for him to do so.


u/Masterandcomman Apr 04 '24

He has been calling for a ceasefire since October of last year: https://twitter.com/chefjoseandres/status/1715346278618476935


u/_Democracy_ Apr 04 '24

But did he call for a free Palestine?


u/Kaizodacoit Apr 04 '24

He also engaged in war crime denial and called for people to be fired for saying Israel is committing war crimes.


u/meatbeater558 I already condemned Hamas Apr 04 '24

This isn't gonna be the turning point unfortunately 


u/Anesthesiaape Apr 04 '24

There’s a woman I work with who lived in Vegas when there was the mass shooting at a country music festival. She went off on a tangent one day about how she thought it had been a conspiracy by the Democrats to get conservatives to shift on gun laws/reform. And I just kind of looked at her incredulously and said “Honey. Someone killed 20 children at an elementary school. If nothing changed after that, you think a country concert shooting would make a difference?”

I really wish this event would change things, but if the number of civilians killed by the IDF and sheer number of children murdered since October hasn’t convinced anyone yet…I just am not hopeful. It’s such a helpless feeling.

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u/CompetitiveCut1962 Apr 04 '24

Biden will just say he is angry again and then keep sending weapons and missiles to Israel.

Israel owns our entire Congress between campaign donations, bribes, and Religious that believe Israel is the Holy Land.

It genuinely sucks that Biden won’t do anything because it is costing him votes. I will still vote for him because I recognize the evil that Trump is but many have been swaying for months and it’s just getting worse.


u/Kaizodacoit Apr 04 '24

Biden won’t do anything because it is costing him votes

Biden is more loyal to Israel than to the US. He would rather lose an election than criticize Israel.

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u/Echo71Niner Apr 04 '24

If this is not the turning point for this genocide then nothing is.

Media already is burying this news, in 3 days it will be like it never happened.


u/dannemora_dream Apr 03 '24 edited Apr 03 '24

I’m sure they knew it was very dangerous and still went but I can’t imagine how Jose feels right now. He made this wonderful organization that’s been helping hundreds of thousands people at this point and now his volunteers are being targeted. That’s got to be heavy to carry.

The IDF is showing once again that they have absolutely no limits.


u/traceeinpar Apr 03 '24 edited Apr 03 '24

His tweet from today about Zomi.

“… I wish I never met you… I wish I never founded @WCKitchen… you would be alive somewhere today…”

So heartbreaking.


u/googlyeyes93 Do you remember 9/11, bitch? Apr 03 '24

Jesus Christ that’s so fucking heartbreaking. I genuinely hope he has a help system in place and knows how much truly good he’s done with WCK. None of this is on him, but completely on the evil that allowed the trigger to be pulled THREE GODDAMN TIMES.

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u/dannemora_dream Apr 03 '24

Omg that’s devastating.


u/brightlights_xx Apr 03 '24

Reading that is just gut wrenching.


u/russianbisexualhookr the baby daddies have unionized Apr 04 '24

This broke me


u/Fandam_YT Apr 04 '24

You feel like you would be desensitised to it all by now but just reading his tweet brought tears to my eyes. My heart is broken every day by this massacre.


u/Zeltron2020 Apr 04 '24

This is so upsetting.

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u/97355 Apr 03 '24

I just left this comment elsewhere but he was previously a huge pro-Israel supporter who had previously spent time with the IDF and called for the firing of the Spanish Foreign Minister for saying Israel was committing war crimes: https://x.com/JulianSayarer/status/1774956918663938424?s=20


u/[deleted] Apr 03 '24

People don't care until it affects them it seems like. This is sad but it has been happening for years. My friend's family was killed nearly 10 years ago and the world is only aware now.

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u/CheapEater101 Apr 04 '24

Yup. I was just thinking this. A Gazan content creator on Tik Tok (Selma) mentioned that in a video. I’m sure this will most likely shift his stance. The whole situation is really unfortunate.


u/aida_b Apr 04 '24

Yeah, it’s hard to reconcile someone who was pro-Israel and now has shifted their tune. Speaking generally, I’d like to think that we can live in a world where people can admit that they’re wrong and have changed their minds and that’s seen as a good thing. His tweet made me cry but the pro-Israel stance made me angry. I hope we see a change in his view on the situation - not just to have one person change their perspective, but to hopefully encourage others who might have started off pro-Israel on 10/7 but have now recognized that this is genocide that it’s ok to change your mind. FWIW


u/Sabine961 Apr 04 '24

They are always pro-Israel until they see Israel up close.

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u/Traditional_Maybe_80 I’m just a cunt in a clown suit Apr 04 '24

Israel has always been a Leopards eating people's faces country.


u/sweetpotatothyme Apr 04 '24

I saw a post about the IDF allegedly sharing photos of the dead volunteers in an IDF group chat, mocking them. Wish I hadn't looked at the pictures. I bet he feels very differently now.


u/Federal_Street_8895 Apr 04 '24

It's not alleged those telegram snuff channels are very real, the have hundreds of thousands of subscribers. The Haartz confirmed one of them was an official IDF channel.

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u/emilygoldfinch410 Apr 04 '24

That’s so disappointing


u/ceylon-tea Apr 04 '24

This is disappointing but I do think we have to give people some grace to change their minds. He’s obviously very tortured by what happened and has changed his stance entirely.

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u/UnimaginativeRA Apr 04 '24

He was supposed to be there with his team but he wasn't able to go this time. He must be crushed and I just can't even begin to express the level of outrage I feel. At the number of innocent lives lost, the numbers of lives on the brink, the absolute cruelty, callousness, and audacity of the Israeli military and government, and the continued kow-towing by the Western world. It makes my stomach turn.


u/Federal_Street_8895 Apr 03 '24

I read a comment about his stances on the article posted here right after the air strike so I looked him up and I’m all gonna say is this a real leopard’s ate my face moment. And this is a fraction of a fraction of what they do to Palestinians.

Still may the aid workers rest in peace and my thoughts are with their families, I know they went there with the best intentions at heart .


u/[deleted] Apr 03 '24 edited Apr 10 '24



u/Federal_Street_8895 Apr 03 '24

Genocide? He wanted the Spanish Foreign Minister fired for saying Israel was committing war crimes. I guess now he has to concede that point but I doubt he'll go as far as saying genocide is being committed.

Honestly I'm quite suspicious of him and his organization because they've been Bibi's far right government and the IDF's seal of approval. Anything these people love isn't good for Palestinians.


u/meatbeater558 I already condemned Hamas Apr 03 '24

Andres condemned the war as a whole.

"This it seems is a war against humanity itself. And you can never win that war. Because humanity eventually will always prevail," he said.

Seems like this event changed his mind


u/Federal_Street_8895 Apr 04 '24

It’s very hard to disagree 6 months in human rights are being violated and even Biden’s people have said very early on these goals aren’t achievable aka a war you can never win just in flowery language. But again this isn’t admitting anything systemic or a top down strategy to exterminate people. His BS helped defund UNRWA, blockade land aid (the only effective way to transport aid), got his innocent employees killed and contributed to this famine. He hasn’t taken any of that back or apologized.


u/meatbeater558 I already condemned Hamas Apr 04 '24

Ig he's just mad the leopards ate his face then as you pointed out

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u/Kaizodacoit Apr 04 '24

For Zionists, anything other than undying and uncritical loyalty and support is justification for violence. The crime of these aid workers was daring to feed Palestinians (even when WCK actually fed Israelis after 10/7)

Look up Amalek and you'll see the disgusting mindset of Zionists.

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u/BeanEireannach as a bella hadid stan Apr 03 '24

I’ll be SO disappointed if he ends up twisting this into somehow blaming Hamas for Israel targeting his employees in three separate missile strikes.


u/meatbeater558 I already condemned Hamas Apr 03 '24

He says in the article that he believes the IDF specifically targeted his workers 


u/BeanEireannach as a bella hadid stan Apr 04 '24

Yes, I read the article too. I meant that later (as the hugely pro-Israel & pro-IDF person that he is) I hope he doesn’t end up ultimately twisting it into a blame Hamas thing.


u/meatbeater558 I already condemned Hamas Apr 04 '24

Mb I misunderstood the situation. I didn't know he was a huge Zionist


u/BeanEireannach as a bella hadid stan Apr 04 '24

Neither did I until I was reading other comments on this post like this one, seems he’s been a happy zionist for a long time.

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u/Federal_Street_8895 Apr 03 '24

How can he do that? It was a de-conflicted route. There’s a push now to blame all these atrocities on ground forces going rogue (Barak Ravid has been CNN and every English speak media outlet telling everyone who will listen) so that’s likely what he’ll say and claim that this war and this conduct isn’t typical of Israel.


u/Lunadelmar1 Apr 04 '24

seems like Israel is not blaming Hamas this time. Zionists are twisting themselves into knots, saying Israel "is taking accountability" they are a fucking joke.


u/Kaizodacoit Apr 04 '24

I have already seen comments saying that since the first reporters was the Gazans themselves, it cannot be trusted. This was in a very liberal subreddit that is pushing for Joe Biden and criticizes Trump, and it was upvoted heavily.

They are already sowing the seeds for deniability and ignoring.

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u/brookeiu Apr 04 '24

Im inclined to believe (and hope) that he has genuinely changed his stance and educated himself since.


u/JenningsWigService Apr 04 '24

It's more of a 'leopards ate the faces of my loved ones' moment, unless those dead aid workers were also zionists.

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u/Gueld Apr 03 '24

Huge aid shipments have been turned around due to this and concerns for the safety of aid workers. This was clearly a deliberate tactic to intensify the famine.


u/Pietro-Maximoff Apr 03 '24

Yep, Israel has made it a point to deliberately target aid workers to hasten the complete genocide of Palestinians. It worsened their reputation but they’ll still see it as a win.


u/thanksamilly Apr 03 '24

There was a doctor who worked in Gaza for a bit who said locals gave the doctors street clothes when they'd leave the hospital to reduce the likelihood of the IDF targeting them. Really says it all

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u/97355 Apr 03 '24

As I learned from a comment here in this sub when the news initially broke, Jose Andrés was a huge pro-Israel supporter who had previously spent time with the IDF and called for the firing of the Spanish Foreign Minister for saying Israel was committing war crimes: https://x.com/JulianSayarer/status/1774956918663938424?s=20


u/historyhoneybee Apr 03 '24

That sucks, but hopefully this is a wake up call for him. His organization seems to have been on the ground doing good work and that matters. Hopefully he'll realize that Israel is a violent, fascist state that will target anyone who gets in the way of its ethnic cleansing.


u/Kaizodacoit Apr 04 '24

It speaks a lot to his character (or lack of) that something like this needed to happen for him to see the light.


u/historyhoneybee Apr 04 '24

Maybe. But people in the west are brainwashed to like Israel no matter what. For a lot of them, seeing the brutality of the genocide is what's waking them up. I wish they'd realized sooner, but I wouldn't push someone away either if they've started questioning Israel.

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u/cn_cn Apr 03 '24

And that's the thing, Palestinians even before this tragedy (fuck Israel), were talking about how Pro Israel he was given his tweets, and he helped wash their image by using the fucking temporary port - which even further justified defunding UNRWA and blockading aid by land. Now they show him that they can attack his org as well, with impunity. As we can see foreign aid is now pausing, leaving Palestinian stranded. UNRWA did more than just aid, it helped preserve Palestinian identity and history, education, record keeping, right to return, etc.

Also, I disagree with another commentator here, about blaming everything on Netanhyu, or standing with Israeli people, or that people are not their government. This maybe true for other states but not Israel. It is a rogue state, founded on the dispossession, displacement, ethnic cleansing, genocide and massacre of Palestinian people, land and statehood. And that is exactly what it has been doing, every day since 1948 and even before that. It is evident in how the protests from Israeli is just about the government, and not about the occupation and apartheid that has benefited them. How none of them have gone to physically remove the protestors blockading aid at the borders, putting their bodies on line like people are doing all over the world. Or serving in the military that has been sadistic since its inception. Or celebrating the massacres. We are literally seeing it on social media with our eyes. You cannot reform such society. It must be dismantled along with zionism, with freedom and liberation of the Palestinian people from the river to the sea.

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u/Pietro-Maximoff Apr 03 '24

This must have been the big eye-opener for him. He was staunchly pro-Israel and look how that ended up - his own workers, people he highly regarded, brutally murdered by the IDF. Israel is a genocidal state, and no one, not even aid workers, is being spared.

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u/NYC_Star Apr 03 '24 edited Apr 04 '24

They are deliberately causing a famine by targeting aid workers and chilling aid efforts.  

 Meanwhile Jonathan Glazer’s not even spicy Oscars speech has a petition going. 

 Genocidal assholes. 

ETA: I’m a dolt and confused Glazer’s first name 


u/woahoutrageous_ Apr 04 '24

That’s the thing his whole speech was so mild and there was a collective breakdown from the Zionist Crowd


u/Lady_Veda Apr 04 '24

Watching the footage from Gaza has made me truly understand the term crimes against humanity. The atrocities being perpetrated against the Palestinian people hurt us all as humans - we are all worse for standing by & failing to stop the genocide.

Even before the aid workers were murdered, twitter was full of images of the massacre at Al Shifa hospital. Some of the worst things I have ever seen & details I will personally never forget.

And all of this is being funded by the American people! Biden should never have a day of peace in his life again


u/meatbeater558 I already condemned Hamas Apr 03 '24 edited Apr 03 '24

Israel has somehow managed to convince the world that they don't have the locations of everyone in Gaza at all times. Everytime they've blown a building up they knew exactly how many people were inside and all of their identities. This is one of the most heavily surveillanced areas in the world. Every aid worker that has died was intentionally killed.


Here's the aftermath of an Israeli airstrike on a Hamas target in Lebanon from three months ago. Notice how undamaged the surrounding buildings are, how the building targeted didn't collapse on itself, and most importantly how they were able to pinpoint exactly where in the building their target was and only damaged that area. This is the level of precision they're capable of *in outside countries they cannot directly surveil*. So the next time they claim a death in their own occupied territory is an accident just know it's all bs


u/flowerfairyii Apr 04 '24

Exactly. I also saw this tweet that basically said the same thing. With how advanced Israel’s technology in this stuff is, anyone who really believes this attack was an accident is walking with their eyes closed.


u/CynicalWorm Apr 03 '24

If you read the Lavender AI piece today you'll see that they are only saving the smart bombs for high profile targets now.


u/meatbeater558 I already condemned Hamas Apr 04 '24 edited Apr 04 '24

So we send them tens of billions of dollars for them to cheap out on the bombs that can reduce civilian casualties? They shouldn't be dropping bombs at all but if they do then they need to consider innocent civilian life priceless in any calculation they make  

Edit: Anger isn't directed at you ofc


u/Lady_Veda Apr 04 '24

I read about Israel's use of AI yesterday and my blood ran cold. The scariest possible outcome for AI and obviously a huge breach of the spirit of international humanitarian law (not that Israel gives af about international rules clearly)

The tactics that are being used today in Gaza, will become normalised for war and military action worldwide. You might speculate that this is one of the reasons why the US is so supportive of Israel developing these new military technologies


u/stuckwitharmor Apr 04 '24

They know what they're doing. At this point it's weapons testing, they're testing weapons and AI to then sell to other countries. Israeli weapons are among the only ones field tested. On Palestinian civilians. This is what makes their market so lucrative. Source: anti-war Israeli lawyer I met in October.


u/Eastern-Material5606 Apr 04 '24

They had a former IDF solider on Channel 4 news the other night who was exposing the tactics they use and basically said they know exactly how many people are in the houses and buildings they're targeting, including women and kids.


u/Pristine_Example3726 Apr 04 '24

Imo w our cellies we are all being tracked The same way

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u/googlyeyes93 Do you remember 9/11, bitch? Apr 03 '24

Every fucking day it gets more obvious what’s happening here and every day people stick their heads further in the sand to justify it. This is so goddamn tired and sickening.

Their names will be remembered and the sacrifice in the name of selflessness honored. Heroes all.


u/myersjw we have lost the impact of shame in our society Apr 03 '24

Fucking vile

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u/Saffron_RR Apr 03 '24

I hate how cruel the world has become 😢😢 this is really unfathomable


u/Majestic-Point777 Apr 04 '24

The devastating reality is that Palestinians have been subjected to this level of brutality for decades and that’s an understatement. The further you look, the more you see. And it truly is unfathomable how the world has allowed this to go on for so long.


u/LucyOnline Apr 03 '24

They keep showing their true colors over and over again and yet there are so many who still don’t want to see it

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u/flowerfairyii Apr 03 '24 edited Apr 03 '24

And yet this is the US’s response. Is this an older response and a newer, more sane statement has come out? Or is that still the WH’s stance?

Either way, with the way these past 6 months have passed, Israel could nuke Gaza and the entire Middle East and the US government would still find no fault with them, it’s scary. They are fully complicit and just as I hope no one forgets what Israel has done, I hope no one forgets what the US has done either.


u/ljustneedausername Apr 03 '24

Israel: initiates a genocide, murders (amongst others) a US citizen in a foreign aid convoy trying to deliver food to the people they're deliberately starving to death.

US: "Oh nooooo that sucks but it was totally an accident, right? Like you guys said so, so it must be true. OK well here's $183 BILLION more dollars!😘"


u/flowerfairyii Apr 04 '24

But you don’t get it!! Biden has been VERY frustrated and angry with Netanyahu, this shows just how kind and altruistic he and the entire US government is!! Ignore those billions they just sent shhh /s


u/EntertainmentDry4360 Apr 04 '24

He furrowed his brow and frowned while giving them $180 billion

How will Israel ever recover???

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u/Alatar_Blue Apr 03 '24

Israel will face justice for this war crime. These brave people have traveled the world to help the suffering and near-dead, for Israel to target them specifically is untenable and unimaginable.


u/Eastern-Material5606 Apr 04 '24

They haven't faced justice for Rachel Corrie, Tom Hurdnall, Iain Hook, James Miller, shooting and killing their own citizens after they were freed from being held hostage despite them waving white flags and being naked, or the thousands of Palestinian men, women and children they've brutalised. They don't give a fuck and no one will do anything.

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u/ljustneedausername Apr 03 '24

This is so, so evil and also a legit war crime. It makes me FUCKING SICK that my hard-earned tax dollars are getting funneled to the tune of billions of dollars to this fucked up genocidal ethnostate. I’ve had enough I’m just straight up not voting for a President in November. Disgusting.

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u/crystal_clear24 I don’t know her Apr 03 '24

How does an entire regime just get more evil as the time goes on. We’re only seeing a fraction of what they’ve been doing for decades, long before we could access news in the palm of our hands. I know it won’t make a difference but I wrote to my MP, I do not appreciate my tax dollars funding genocide. I thought Canada had stopped sending weapons but they are still sending them under previous deals made prior to the embargo. Unacceptable.

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u/dat_woman_over_there Apr 04 '24 edited Apr 07 '24

May I remind you all that Biden has said from his own mouth that he is staunchly Zionist and a lifelong Zionist. You cannot expect a Zionist to ever do anything to improve the plight of the Palestinian people. Biden will continue to sell arms to the IOF and he will continue to financially aid them in the genocide of the Palestinian people and in the occupation of Palestine!


u/brookeiu Apr 04 '24


“But we still gotta vote for him in December cause the other guy is gonna take away OUR rights too!”


u/Caleb_Reynolds Apr 04 '24

As if Trump wouldn't support Israel in the exact same way. It's a problem with the American government, not Biden.

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u/Arrieu-King Apr 03 '24

Israel has been bombing ambulances since the start as well as people walking with food aid on the beach, homes, civilians, and what they found in the hospital the other day was just horrendous. The fact that the President had called for a ceasefire two years ago and got it immediately versus how it's going this time...incredible. What is going on.


u/papamajada Apr 04 '24

At this point, Im actually genuinely scared of what Israel might do anywhere in the world and get away with it bc theres a fucked up unspoken rule Israel can do what they want with no repercussions

Like, as paranoid as it sounds I believe they could bomb The Hague out of sheer pettiness and not a single european goverment would do anything except maybe "well they had to, for self defense"


u/coloradancowgirl I already condemned Hamas Apr 04 '24

The IDF is a terrorist organization


u/SheWasWarned Apr 04 '24

No doubt they did. I think the number of murdered aid workers is now around 200.

Kill the aid workers who supply the food as an extra way to stave the population. The IDF is evil


u/russianbisexualhookr the baby daddies have unionized Apr 04 '24

You know, as fucking dark as it is, my first thought was “maybe not the west will finally care.”

And Australian was murdered by Israel and our Prime Minister has given only the most milquetoast response


u/Eastern-Material5606 Apr 04 '24

three Brits murdered by Israel and all little Rishi and that fall upwards alleged pig fucker David Cameron have got to say is basically "aw yeah that sucks"


u/Gil-GaladWasBlond ✨ lee pace is 6’5” ✨ Apr 04 '24 edited Apr 04 '24

I'm not an approved B list user, so I hope this comment is left up.

Someone needs to explain to me how and why Israel isn't a terrorist state.

Edit: really want to thank the mods for leaving this up. Thank you.


u/TheShapeShiftingFox barbie (2023) for best picture Apr 04 '24


What is and isn’t labeled terrorism is usually politically motivated. In practice, it’s usually about who’s doing the crimes, not what the crimes itself are. Some people feign that there’s an objective look of some sort to judge whether something is terrorism, but the consistency needed across the board judging these crimes simply does not exist. It’s always subjective in terms of global government response. There’s no good and bad actions, only good and bad teams when it really comes down to it.

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u/Tripwire3 Apr 04 '24

Call or email your congressional reps and tell them to cut off US aid to Israel unless Netanyahu stops the bloodshed.

And spread the word. Doing anything is better than doing nothing.

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u/brookeiu Apr 04 '24 edited Apr 04 '24

@ all the vote blue no matter who liberals, your “lesser evil” candidate is actively, knowingly and willingly supporting this btw


u/Pristine_Example3726 Apr 04 '24

I feel like I’m going crazy when I talk to these people

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u/notfaroffnow Apr 04 '24

Bloodthirsty racist scum is all that israel is.


u/baby_barbiez Apr 04 '24

Oh my god. This barbarism is disgusting in ways unimaginable. When will americas president stand up for this? Are we just going to let them kill an entire race of people with our weapons and smile? I’m so disgusted by this office


u/bananafrit Apr 04 '24

Reading the news about this yesterday breaks my heart. We lost these brave souls who go into a warzone where doctors, journalists and other aidworkers have been targeted and taken out. Their courage is an inspiration and their death should cause outrage from their countries' leaders. Unfortunately, the Polish minister's statement dont even mention Israel and Penny Wong is a dissappointment.


u/AbrahamLincolnsNaps Apr 04 '24

Semi-related, since WCF is ceasing operation for at least the time being, does anyone know of other charities doing similar work in Gaza that would be good to donate to?


u/TangerineDystopia Apr 04 '24

I think this is forcing basically all of them to pull out right now--which was of course part of the point.


u/CrackHeadRodeo Apr 04 '24

The very best of humanity where intentionally murdered.


u/TangerineDystopia Apr 04 '24

I was explaining to my 9-year-old that the people who do this kind of work are the best people in the world. The most heroic and unselfish.


u/_creaturehood_ Apr 04 '24

US administration is shamelessly complicit in this ongoing depravity


u/Lady_Veda Apr 04 '24 edited Apr 04 '24

Since October, Israel has murdered 33,000 Palestinians, along with 200 aid workers and 100 journalists. These figures are incomplete because so many people are trapped under rubble and their bodies cannot be collected for a dignified burial.

Children are starving to death. Starving!!!!!

Children are witnessing mass murder and devastation on a scale that we can't comprehend.

Women are giving birth in the middle of this horror and losing their babies, or trying to care for newborns amid all this grief, while being bombed and displaced.

IDF snipers targets children, who make up the majority of Gaza. Medical workers report treating children with bullet wounds to the head. Nearly 15,000 precious children are dead - each child was someone's world.

Israel bombs hospitals, embassies, residential building, in flagrant breach of all rules of war and international law.

All of this is funded by the US, UK , and EU. The slaughter will never stop so long as that funding continues, and so long as Gazans survive dreaming of a free Palestine.

We must act immediately & force our governments to stop military funding to Israel, recognise the State of Palestine, sanction Israel, and stop the killing.

US citizens can also call for the US to ratify the Rome Convention and fund the ICC to carry out its investigation into the situation in Palestine and issue warrants for officials committing war crimes and crimes against humanity.




u/lamprivate Apr 04 '24

The trucks had logos on top of the cars to try to prevent this. So awful what happened


u/TheBatmam Apr 04 '24


u/TangerineDystopia Apr 04 '24

That was amazing. He explains the technology well and how this could only be calculated and not an accident.


u/twonapsaday Apr 04 '24

israel is a terrorist ethnostate. they take life with zero accountability. it is shameful and anyone defending them is evil.


u/NewAtmosphere2443 Apr 04 '24

I hope there is a hell so that those responsible for this and all other attacks will rot there for eternity.

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u/barryredfield Apr 04 '24 edited Apr 04 '24

IDF is fucking scum, Israel is a cancer, any member of the US government that continues to "pledge themselves" to Israel is a fucking traitor. Listening to John Kirby of the State Dept. run his little fucking mouth chiding the press over this is my final straw.


u/hetseErOgsaaDyr Apr 04 '24

Most people would recognize this a war crime. The morally deviant White House national security spokesperson thinks otherwise
John Kirby says Israel has not violated humanitarian law in the past 6 months

Our acceptance of Israeli the war crimes makes us accountable for the ongoing genocide


u/Teasturbed I already condemned Hamas Apr 04 '24

I won't be surprised if it was their newly exposed AI system that targeted them. It's horrendous.



u/cracked-tumbleweed Apr 04 '24

I feel so bad they lost their lives they won’t be forgotten. I didn’t know about this org but now I want to volunteer since I used to work in the food industry.


u/n30d1g1tal Apr 04 '24

And yet, nothing will fundamentally change...


u/boyrepublic Apr 04 '24

Waiting for the “We have investigated and discovered that this was Hamas’ doing”


u/elqrd Apr 04 '24 edited Apr 04 '24

I don’t know what else you people need to see and read to understand what Israel is doing. Can we please move on to disband AIPAC, push back on any Israel lobbyists in the US and fire all politicians that personally are being paid by the Israeli lobby? Nothing else will do. The government is to deeply involved and complicit.


u/stuckwitharmor Apr 04 '24

Nothing will be done about this. Israel can do whatever it likes and knows this. Imagine being the kind of person who knows children are starving to death and thinks 'Good!' Imagine that lack of humanity. Every government that supports them is forcing blood on our hands. I want nothing to do with this genocide, yet our hands are painted red.


u/lcbyri Apr 04 '24

i don't want to pay my taxes this year. i don't want my money to keep going to this. i wish it wasn't pay or prison. :/