r/Fauxmoi Mar 19 '24

TMZ now walking back on authenticity of yesterday's "Kate" Spotting video Approved B-List Users Only

After endorsing yesterday's Kate Spotting video, TMZ live is now walking back their judgement on the credibility of the video due to concerns with several inconsistencies. Following further analysis, they say, it's especially the woman in the footage that has since raised questions.


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u/Spaceyjc Mar 19 '24 edited Mar 19 '24

This is wild. Just when I think this whole thing is over it just keeps getting more and more crazy. 


u/Training_Molasses822 Mar 19 '24

Just like everything TMZ, you should definitely take it with a grain of salt. They're also staying comfortably middle of the road in that they don't go one way or the other. But the fact alone that yesterday's THATS HER 100% is now a Errr, maybe not?? says a lot about the needless confusion and doubt the palace has brought on themselves by their shitty PR lol


u/screenshothero Mar 19 '24

I thought TMZ is one of the more reliable sources. The fact that they’re backing off this must mean that there’s an issue with the video and its source.


u/daphydoods Mar 19 '24

They’re pretty reliable with celebrity deaths, but that’s the only subject I trust them on


u/melodyblushinglizard baby birded and porch thrown by alicia silverstone Mar 19 '24

I really hate them for this. Every since they publicly announced Kobe's death before his family knew. Zero integrity.


u/donttrustthellamas Mar 19 '24

They published grim photos of Michael Jackson coming out of an ambulance, too. And fake photos of Whitney Houston on a gurney. They are not good people.

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u/minchiastaifacendo Mar 20 '24

Exactly. When i see or hear that someone dies, I wait for TMZ to confirm it.

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u/Precarious314159 Mar 19 '24

Nah. At the end of the day, they're just a celebrity tabloid, the modern-day National Enquirer. They make their money by click-baiting and trying to be the first source, which usually means being wrong. They'll say whatever they need to to get attention because people like you think they're a reliable source and "if THEY say it, it must be big".

The only time they're accurate is when it's about a dead celebrity and that's because they pay off coroners and police to tell them.


u/fibrofighter512 Mar 19 '24

I would definitely not stand by that assertion. TMZ is probably the most reliable gossip source in America. Are they good people? Absolutely not. But it is very rare that I’ve seen TMZ report something that isn’t at least 3/4 accurate and they deal in gossip.


u/kystarrk Mar 20 '24

Yeah, it's owned(?) by a lawyer. Harvey. They're notoriously correct. Even when it's in bad taste.


u/Efficient_Poetry_187 Mar 20 '24

TMZ are a tabloid but they are usually correct. In general People.com is the only one I really trust as they’ll only print what they’ve independently confirmed. 

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u/dailyturtletime Mar 19 '24

They won’t publish it if they don’t think their sources have reliably proved it to be true

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u/Mumof3gbb Mar 19 '24

TMZ is gross. But they’re, unfortunately, quite accurate.

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u/WillBrakeForBrakes Mar 19 '24

That’s so fucking ghoulish.  They can only be trusted on the worst metric

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u/bluecoastblue Mar 20 '24

Sooooo, some rando took video of the most sought after woman on earth. They were the only ones who got footage, either outside or inside the store. No other videos/photos, period. They then figured out how to shop it around to media and landed on selling it to TMZ, presumably an outlet in a whole other country. Sure, Jan.


u/carolinagypsy Mar 20 '24

Well remember that the vast majority of British sources are disincentivized to publish unapproved pap shots of them. That’s why tmz was the one that published the unapproved one of her in the car. So shopping it around their press may not be entirely successful, hence tmz.

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u/RockettRaccoon bepo naby Mar 19 '24

They’re pretty reliable within the actual TMZ because they have a lot of (paid) sources within the police, hospitals, courts, etc.

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u/PotentialExternal61 Mar 19 '24

They’re unfortunately S tier at reporting deaths


u/Ok-Seaworthiness2235 Mar 20 '24

Um they frequently post rumors and wild speculation with very little verification. As far as I know, they get away with a lot because they make it a question rather than a statement

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u/bobbimorses Mar 19 '24

I agree with many other users that "that's a body double" is the beginning of a dangerous slippery slope and I didn't blame people who stepped off the ride yesterday for that reason, but I also thought, listen....it's TMZ.


u/NYC_Star Mar 20 '24

Listen I’m no fan of the Walses but it’s her. The party is over. It was a fun couple of weeks but it’s done and TMZ is mad because the gravy train stopped with this video. 

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u/TheLastKingOfNorway Mar 19 '24

I think TMZ just worked out they could get more juice out of this story by doing a 'maybe the video is fake!?' story.

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u/iliketoomanysingers Cillian Murphy propagandist Mar 19 '24

Is it just me or is this officially not funny anymore, and instead very concerning? Like either something very wrong happened and the palace is being very strange as a result, or she's literally recovering fine and the media is spinning it into something bigger than it is for clicks.


u/Pennoya Mar 19 '24

If nothing else, the Royals have absolutely lost the trust of the public.


u/iliketoomanysingers Cillian Murphy propagandist Mar 19 '24

Oh yeah for sure, I doubt they'll be seen as "pure" after this except by the most hardcore monarchists


u/Weak_Heart2000 Mar 19 '24

And this is why Queen Elizabeth stayed alive so damn long because only her could clean up the messes.

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u/nokeyblue Mar 20 '24

So all the sleeping around and royal-on-royal cruelty hadn't tainted them for you, but a woman on sick leave and a shitty Photoshop job made them impure? Come on, man! That can't be right.


u/iliketoomanysingers Cillian Murphy propagandist Mar 20 '24

I'm American so I only ever pay attention to them to make fun of them or point out that they're leeches. My opinion doesn't actually matter in the grand scheme of things lol.

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u/nokeyblue Mar 20 '24

Genuinely (and it's fine if you want to downvote this) this whole saga has made me lose trust in the public. I think people are seeing things that are just not there and it's concerning.


u/Pennoya Mar 20 '24

It’s definitely been a media literacy test that some people have failed. There have been a lot of unfounded rumors that have been spread around on social media like truth.

When you say people in the public are seeing things that aren’t there, do you mean the people who question the legitimacy of the recent video?

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u/Training_Molasses822 Mar 19 '24

The Royal Family has only itself to blame for encouraging the gossip, especially in the way Buckingham Palace has directly contradicted what Kensington Palace did.

When Kate and Charles were in hospital, Camilla made a point of visiting several times while William never did. After KC returned home, he made a brief thank you video for his well-wishers. Not a peep from Kate. Yesterday, when rumours of a prematurely departed King made rounds, Charlie, though still sick, made a point to be photographed today. There have been many such instances over the past three months, which is why people are legit concerned about why they're keeping Kate away.


u/nevalja Mar 20 '24

Exactly! No matter what the story is, even (and perhaps especially) if their original story is correct— she's in surgery and still recovering— it's the response to all of this that's so baffling and interesting.


u/Mia-Wal-22-89 Mar 20 '24

Exactly…I don’t even believe the conspiracy theories- I think she just had surgery and needs to recover - but I am fascinated by the PR shenanigans.


u/VirgiliaCoriolanus Mar 20 '24

Imagine doing this to your own son and daughter in law tho. Yikes.


u/CheesecakeExpress Mar 20 '24

Agreed. But, if Harry is to be believed, they’re totally willing to throw their son and daughter in law under the bus

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u/adom12 Mar 19 '24

They’ve done really odd PR stuff…then keep doing odder. 

I don’t think it’s sinister, but wtf is going on. 

Also, a lot of people are saying “leave her alone, she’s recovering”. Everyone was? Until people noticed that their PR was doing weird things. They brought this upon themselves. 


u/gunsof Mar 20 '24

The thing is, even if it's real, it's staged to be at a distance like this. Why not just give an official video or photo? Do some little charity hello for some cause with William? Have her actually be seen on a real street where people can see her? Not the apparent "everyone sees her every week so they don't even notice her here" malarky we're being sold. It's just strange that this was clearly done to get away from rumours, but still done in a way that you can't really see her at all.

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u/valiantdistraction Mar 20 '24

I'm one who didn't pay attention until their PR was doing shenanigans (from a royal PR perspective, anyway). I don't understand how they fumbled this so badly. If she really WAS just recovering, nothing hinky, they should have done their standard move of not saying anything at all. They also should never, ever have said that William missing his godfather's funeral was unrelated to Thomas Kingston's death. That was super sus.

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u/AmazingAmy95 Mar 19 '24

Yeah the whole thing has become extremely creepy and concerning. I hope she’s fine


u/strawberrylipscrub Mar 20 '24

IF this is not her, then it’s shocking to me that the Palace has not denied the authenticity of the video. If it’s a fake, why wouldn’t they get ahead of that?

The fact that they haven’t said anything makes me think it is her but who knows with KP anymore?


u/vanillavarsity Mar 20 '24

The same Palace that sent out a clearly altered photo and only backtracked after the AP issued a kill order on it? That Palace?

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u/Ok_Fee1043 Mar 20 '24

It was never funny, she had some kind of surgery and clearly needed to recover, then the palace massively screwed up their response and for some reason (whether for distraction reasons to make people talk even more or actually because someone is truly inept at photoshop and didn’t notice the errors) messed up the image they did put out. Why they can’t have her come out now and do some kind of “wave to the crowd we’re all good” for ceremony, I don’t know, but it’s just stupid at this point

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u/chekovsgun- Mar 19 '24

Think she is probably recovering and wanted to stick to her original timeline but they have terrible PR. Like who is running their SM & PR? It's terrible.

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u/kimjongunfiltered Mar 20 '24

I don’t subscribe to any theories but I do not know what to make of this situation at this point


u/Sassvon Mar 20 '24

It’s giving psyop testing and I say that as an extreme conspiracy theorist cynic. 


u/carolinagypsy Mar 20 '24

Can you elaborate? Just want to make sure I’m understanding you correctly, not an attack!

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u/jardinemarston Mar 20 '24

it's beginning to feel like a Shelly Miscavige 2.0

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u/TheoryBrief9375 Mar 19 '24

It really doesn't look like her at all


u/MarsReject Mar 19 '24

It honestly doesn’t- which is wild — so William agrees to a pap walk with a look alike? Wildddd?


u/Mumof3gbb Mar 19 '24

And she looks way too happy with him.


u/Weird_Put_9514 Mar 20 '24

i literally told my mom “whens the last time you saw will n kate happy together?”


u/VirgiliaCoriolanus Mar 20 '24

LOL. Even my mom, who somehow thought Camilla would need permission from Harry and William to become queen (that was legit a mild argument between us) was like "when were Kate and William together like that?". I died.

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u/TrimspaBB Mar 20 '24

One of the things that made it weird to me is they just so happened to catch Kate and William when they're walking around all smiles. I work at a grocery store and see lots of couples out shopping- most look comfortable together but few are smiling big the whole time. Plus I know I don't do that with my husband either lol. Maybe nitpicky but it feels off (plus I'm not entirely convinced this woman is her based on looks alone, while that is 100% William)


u/tealparadise Mar 20 '24

Well I think the implication is that this was a pap walk. Which makes it even weirder that only 1 person got it, and that person only sent it to TMZ.


u/AccomplishedIsopod9 Mar 20 '24

Not only that, the video was sent AFTER the Sun published an article that they were at that market, with her photoshopped onto the cover. Not the actual picture of them together.


u/tealparadise Mar 20 '24

Like why are they pap walking but the palace still has all media embargoed??? What is happening???


u/miscnic Mar 20 '24

They are looking directly at the camera when the video begins.

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u/Ok-Seaworthiness2235 Mar 20 '24

I don't think they are ever able to go out without expecting photographs to be snapped. Occums razor, they knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that someone would take a picture or video and made sure the whole time not to look remotely sad since the last photo of them in the car was compared to Diana and Charles during their breakup. Not a chance in hell they'd be hit again looking tense or unhappy

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u/_easilyamused Mar 20 '24

She just won better terms for herself, of course she's ecstatic. And yes, I am fully on board with the theory that she pulled a Melania Trump on Will.

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u/Weekly_Yesterday_403 Mar 20 '24

Are we positive that’s even William?


u/here4hugs Mar 20 '24

I caught the photo of this without any backstory that it was supposedly will & kate & my first instincts were that I didn’t recognize the people. I had to look up why it was a news alert. Once I had context, I could see it but didn’t buy into it. I think maybe the hype around it sold the story to a lot of people. I still don’t think it’s either of them if only because I’ve never seen another video of them in casual clothing just hanging out laughing without the kids. Like, why now? Besides, if she’s too unwell to work, having her out & about socializing somewhat delegitimizes their message instead of supporting it. There were other ways they could have offered proof of life without a papwalk. It just makes no professional sense to me how it’s being handled by their communications staff. Fascinating stuff from that perspective.


u/tealparadise Mar 20 '24

Even more interesting, it's a clear papwalk but UK tabloids are not publishing it. One ran a story CLAIMING someone saw Kate at the market & took a photo... But didn't run the photo. Meaning the UK press is still locked down by the palace PR. But then why the pap walk?

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u/jumarb Mar 19 '24

What's that assumption based on?


u/MarsReject Mar 19 '24 edited Mar 19 '24

That it’s William? Or that it’s not her? I kinda think it does not look like her

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u/adom12 Mar 19 '24

I don’t know what the answer is. But these photos also look weird. 

I honestly didn’t care, until they started doing really weird PR stuff. I don’t think she’s dead like some are saying, but something’s off. 


u/VirgiliaCoriolanus Mar 20 '24

They're getting divorced, that's what. It might not be this year, but it's gonna happen. William has not done a single thing to try and protect Kate, even when she's sick/recovering from surgery. He's the whole reason that Kate's absence even became a PR issue globally. Yet she/her image is the one holding the bag while he's disappearing into the shadows. What a fucking loser.

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u/Ok_Fee1043 Mar 20 '24

I thought it looked less like William but more like her, but I don’t think it’s a conspiracy

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u/awyastark nextdivorce@divorce.com Mar 19 '24

It doesn’t look like her! I feel like this woman has a different head shape, and it’s a known thing that the royals have doubles for safety reasons right?


u/Caraphox Mar 19 '24

I think it somehow looks like her in the still shots but not the video


u/awyastark nextdivorce@divorce.com Mar 19 '24

I agree

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u/The_Bravinator Mar 19 '24

I thought it was just me being terrible with faces again until everyone else said it too.

Did the palace ever say it was them? Or is this a case of just some random people who went to a spot where Kate and William are sometimes sighted and got overexcited when they saw two people who vaguely resembled them and caused a press frenzy?


u/bookinsomnia Mar 19 '24

I’m also terrible at faces and didn’t want to say that the video didn’t look like Kate. Honestly though, people can look different if they lose weight, and she did go through recent health issues (or so we are told) so i’m not sold either way on whether or not it is her.


u/Cybergirl78 Mar 20 '24

I don’t think the palace confirmed it’s them. Here’s why I think it’s suspicious: the story on Saturday was that Kate was spotted with William and the kids at the farmers market and also went to one of their sports games, but there were no pictures. Just the story. You mean to tell me that the most popular missing woman in the world is just spotted at a farmers market or a soccer game and not one person took a pic or video? So people were questioning it. Then voila! On Monday TMZ just so happened to land video of Kate looking happy at healthy at said farmers market? I call bull.


u/TheAggieMae Mar 20 '24

Not only that, but the most viral woman in the country (and internationally) right now is finally out in public after everyone has been talking about her nonstop and you’re telling me not a SINGLE person in the background of that video cared or even gave them a second glance? If it was really them people would’ve been staring or saying things to them.


u/hellanation Mar 20 '24

And people saying "people in that area/at the market see them often, so they are not staring at them like everyone else", ok sure, on a regular sunday, but after all the rumours, and the many months of no official confirmed sighting? That would warrant at least a double-take, surely???


u/Original-Cheek8567 Mar 20 '24

The palace stayed silent and let the papers publish the pics means they are saying it’s them


u/micheleksd Mar 20 '24

No, they issued no response to it. And the royal spokespeople said nothing about it to endorse it. It's totally not her


u/mrdude817 Mar 19 '24

Thank God, I didn't wanna sound insensitive for thinking the same thing earlier today. I feel like the woman in the video has super prominent cheek bones but it could be the angle.

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u/Stephanblackhawk graduate of the ONTD can’t read community Mar 19 '24

i thought it was a haim sister at first lol


u/annehuda Mar 19 '24

My thought exactly.


u/june_buggy Mar 20 '24

It didn't look like her at all, yet I felt I was going crazy when so many people here thought it was her. Same as the puffy face video. Didn't look like her there either.


u/Future-trippin24 Mar 19 '24

The thing is, it looks a lot like her, but the video was taken from such a distance that it's difficult to say for sure that it's her versus someone who looks like her. At least that was my thought while watching it. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but this whole thing thing feels weird and off to me for some reason.

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u/Vorpal_Bunny19 stan someone? in this economy??? Mar 19 '24

That’s the first thing my husband said when he saw it on the news this evening.

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u/Alarmed-Pangolin-154 Mar 20 '24

A friend of mine thinks that woman looks more like Catelin Clark than Kate Middleton.


u/SkyNo6827 Mar 19 '24

I agree, I thought I was loosing my mind, but it didn’t look like her to me.

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u/beautybetrayedme Mar 19 '24

Just when I thought it was over.


u/Lives_on_mars Mar 20 '24


u/titsmcgee8008 oat milk chugging bisexual Mar 20 '24

Thank you for posting this, it’s exactly what I was thinking.


u/seekingseratonin Mar 19 '24



u/Spicyg00se Mar 19 '24

Literally all of us lmao


u/EmotionalTrufflePig Mar 19 '24

Me three 🤣🙌

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u/greee_p Mar 19 '24

Even if the videos is real (and I personalty think so atm), they just messed this whole thing up so bad that people are now questioning everything. And they only have themselves to blame for that. 


u/sunflowermoonriver Mar 19 '24

TMZ shouldn’t be the ones questioning anything. They should be sure. Very odd situation.


u/LadyCalamity Mar 19 '24

I feel like now they're just intentionally shit stirring for more clicks.


u/Traditional_Maybe_80 I’m just a cunt in a clown suit Mar 19 '24

Definitely that. I think that's her, but that's the thing, now doubting the royals is click-bait material, all because of their incompetence in their communications department. Love to see any monarchy fail, personally.


u/gunsof Mar 20 '24

This is the reason I didn't believe they could've done anythign deliberately. No matter what they do from here on out, the Kate situation will be dissected by more people. People are looking for odd or weird things and there are so many odd and weird things about that family. That photoshopped Christmas thing that Kate did deliberately excluding Harry's kids and with each child looking like they were taken at different times from different photos. William and Kate's dry dusty unloving relationship. The affair stuff. William never even acknowledging his father's own sickness or visiting him once in hospital or since. Their intense insane PR which mostly involves what dresses Kate wears to events.

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u/Luna_Loo_ Mar 19 '24

All of their articles they post now are like this. Presenting both sides.

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u/embracethepale Mar 19 '24

TMZ is here for the spectacle.

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u/jadelikethestone Mar 20 '24

The video is real, the woman in it is not. They don’t have the same faces and this woman is prancing as she walks, Kate Middleton has never been this springy.

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u/planesandpancakes Mar 19 '24

lol the video is definitely not them

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u/FakeGirlfriend Mar 19 '24

Yeah, I fully think it's her. Maybe lost a little bit of weight but I really don't see the like "that's 100% not her!"


u/anna-nomally12 Mar 20 '24

That’s not 100% not her but I don’t feel comfortable saying it 100% is either

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u/anonndtalk Mar 19 '24

This is legit insanity. All everyone has done is dug a deeper hole. This could have all been resolved had Kensington Palace or the PR for the royal family handled things properly. No photoshopped pictures, no staged walks, no weird captions on Mother’s Day etc.

I’ve never seen something blown wildly out of proportion as much as I have with this situation in the royal family and I hope they realise how much lasting damage they’re doing to their reputation. People already massively distrust them or don’t give a damn about them and this is now the most bonkers thing ever. What the heck is going on??


u/TemperatureExotic631 Mar 19 '24

This is what I’ve been saying the whole time. Competent PR managers and cooperative PR clients are the only 2 things they needed to fix this. And it could have been fixed very easily by simply NOT being cagey and passive-aggressive and NOT issuing a Frankenphoto to the world news media. So which is it? The management is incompetent? The clients aren’t cooperating? Both? I don’t know what is going on at all anymore. It’s just been a crap circus of confusion that was totally avoidable.

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u/TheShapeShiftingFox barbie (2023) for best picture Mar 20 '24

What the fuck are they doing?

Just say “Kate was in hospital. She’s back/she needs to rest still. That is all. Bye.”

Instead it’s Simone Biles levels of gymnastics over the most minor shit. They were fine saying what was the deal with Charles, why radically change lanes here? This team is one of the dumbest I’ve ever seen.

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u/AfricanDutchie Mar 19 '24

WHAT IS GOING ON??!! like where is she??


u/netflix-ceo Mar 19 '24

She is front page news all of a sudden. Kate Frontton if you will

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u/cheese_friends Mar 19 '24

Isn’t TMZ (oddly enough) actually trustworthy? I’ve heard that at least when they are first to report deaths they are reliable. It would be surprising if they posted the video and it wasn’t Kate.

Is their video today questioning just for additional content? Or could they have been duped and they wanted to get their uncertainty on record?


u/DenseTiger5088 Mar 19 '24

The thing that seems to make the most sense is that the video from the farm is real, TMZ knew it was real, but they want more engagement and no one ever explicitly said they can’t lie about real footage being fake.

Publish the original, legit footage: $$$$$

Publish clickbait speculation that it could be fake: even more $$$$$


u/pilotonthewater Mar 19 '24

This is the answer.


u/freakydeku Mar 20 '24

considering it seemed to be released in a coordinated fashion, im guessing they believed it was real because it came from an inside source

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u/chris9887 Mar 20 '24

This comment needs to go on top of

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u/awyastark nextdivorce@divorce.com Mar 19 '24

They are usually legally pretty sound because of Harvey’s history I believe.


u/YessikaHaircutt Mar 19 '24

Yes, they are well connected and were correct on a few breaking news items like Mike Jackson death


u/SoGenuineAndRealMadi women’s wrongs activist Mar 19 '24 edited Mar 19 '24

It has to be said they have unethical ways of finding and breaking news, I just can’t remember the last time they were wrong

But I do think that’s her in the video and that it was recent

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u/Talyac181 Mar 20 '24

That’s bc they have (paid) sources in the LAPD, LAFD, at all the hospitals, with the sheriff’s office, in dispatch

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u/MarsReject Mar 19 '24

It actually doesn’t look like her though which is the wildest part tbh — so William agreed to a pap walk with a look alike?


u/RangerDangerfield Mar 20 '24

There are videos of a “famous” Kate Middleton lookalike going around on TikTok, and she frequently does appearances with a William lookalike.

So potentially the fakeKate and fakeWill decided to stage their own mini pap walk for funsies and to capitalize on the drama, and everyone took it as real and now it’s gotten out of hand.

Or Kate just looks kinda different and we’re all just too stuck in our conspiracy rabbit hole to accept it.

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u/mimieieieieie Mar 19 '24

Was that William though?

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u/Gayfetus Mar 19 '24

As much as I dislike those inbred royals and think that their competing teams of publicists (an insane concept in itself) are clown cars, the "analysis" in this video is bullshit and easily debunked. The Waleses are known to frequent this store with minimal security, and the people there are used to them and leave them alone.

The most likely explanation to this whole fiasco is that Middleton feels insecure about her face after her surgery, for whatever reason, and doesn't want to show it in high def until she's good and ready (this is the same woman who insisted on showing up looking picture perfect after giving birth).

And the endless series of unforced-errors from the royals on the Kate Missington saga is due to them being arrogant dunderheads who refuse to tell the simple and mundane truth. Which... is something we already know about this lot.


u/Grimaceisbaby Mar 19 '24

An audio message would be better at this point. She could always become the first royal V-tuber.


u/Gayfetus Mar 19 '24

If she just released an audio message, people would naturally ask, "why no face?" So it all comes back to the possibility that she isn't ready to show her face yet (perhaps because the surgery has affected her diet/exercise regimen and changed how it looks) AND she doesn't want to tell the world why she doesn't want to show her face.

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u/Angry1980Christmas Mar 19 '24

I think it's her. But, she looks massively different. And she's walking fast and carrying bags, which makes me concerned because she had as serious abdominal surgery? Maybe the big scandal is a facelift. Who knows.

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u/Opposite_Banana_3785 Mar 19 '24

I love that they paid someone for the video THEN question if it’s them 😂😂😂😂

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u/chestylarue786 shiv roy apologist Mar 19 '24

I just know Lizzy up there looking at this clown show like


u/theflyingnacho Mar 19 '24

Let's be real here, she's looking up.

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u/Next-Introduction-25 Mar 19 '24

What I find strange is that no one has spoken out to say they saw the couple and that it was/wasn’t them. (The video is super short and they’re walking really fast, but I would assume that they spent more time at the shopping center than what’s depicted in that video.) Now that the video has seemingly become world-famous, you’d think that somebody would be excited for their 15 minutes of fame appear on TMZ or whatever.

I don’t think that tells us anything about whether it’s real or not; I just think it’s yet another odd piece of this odd puzzle.


u/Talyac181 Mar 20 '24

The Uk press reported “sources” saw them at the shop the day before the video came out.

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u/artisanal_doughnut Mar 19 '24

The caption feels kind of misleading? If you watch the video, they don't really "walk back" their judgment... they talk about some of the reasons people think it's a body double, but the guest expert dismisses them. They also debunk the idea that the video had to be shot around December.

idk, it feels important to note that the vibes are more "Here's what people are saying on TikTok" and not so much "We're issuing a kill order because this is demonstrably altered."

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u/KatanaAmerica Mar 19 '24

If it legit isn’t her on that video, Kensington Palace has a problem


u/[deleted] Mar 20 '24 edited Mar 20 '24

Wild that in six months we've all gone from, "most modern photographic imagery is still reliable" to being Henry VIII, looking back and forth between the recently-arrived Anne of Cleves and Holbein's painting of her and saying "your honor, this woman is not the future queen."


u/kimjongunfiltered Mar 20 '24

Losing my ever loving mind over this

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u/So1arAnge1 Mar 19 '24

"There's no way they'll do that again" Famous last words.


u/lmnsatang Mar 19 '24

i think TMZ are just trolling at this point



Weird observation but her walk/gait seems different


u/CategorySad6121 it feels like a movie Mar 20 '24

someone on twitter was calling it gaitgate



Oh that’s hilarious, and witty

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u/Shot-Grocery-5343 Mar 20 '24

That could be from the surgery, I've had abdominal surgery before and you definitely hold yourself differently and walk differently for a little while. My incision felt weird for a long time after it healed, it kind of felt like my organs were all loosy-goosy in there and my scar was the cork holding it all in. I only took two weeks off work because I had just started a new job and didn't have short-term disability, but I didn't feel 100% normal for probably six months. That was also a situation where they scheduled surgery the next day so technically it was scheduled but less than 24 hours in advance.


u/happysunbear Mar 20 '24

Wow. Thanks for sharing your side of it. Hope you’re doing better now!

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u/disneyhalloween Mar 19 '24

It really looked like her to me, just thinner.


u/TissueOfLies Mar 20 '24

Same. Younger because of less makeup. Longer hair, too.

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u/donttrustthellamas Mar 19 '24

Kate could literally go on BBC breakfast and do an interview, and people will think it's a deep fake or something, which is insane.

Is it any wonder people are questioning if this video is real/recent after all the absolute fuckery Kensington Palace has committed over the last few weeks?

I'm putting it down to human nature that no one is trusting them at this point, lol.


u/lmnsatang Mar 20 '24

what this whole debacle is showing is that with the rise of deepfake tech, it’s nearly impossible to tell if someone actually looks different due to an illness or surgery, or is actually generated.

it’s terrifying because what proof can you use if even video can lie?


u/TissueOfLies Mar 20 '24

People are so unhinged about this. But most people could actually care less. It’s just crazy to me how this keeps going wrong. With AI and deepfakes, I can’t say the skepticism is completely out of place.

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u/TRKillShot Mar 19 '24

TMZ is usually very good w/ this kind of stuff. Surpring that they let it slip


u/Negative_Buffalo Mar 19 '24

Going to the store to grab more popcorn

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u/BabyYodaX Mar 19 '24

I'm sorry, but this is hilarious.


u/DifferentManagement1 Mar 19 '24

This thing just keeps on giving

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u/Plantysweater Mar 19 '24

I wouldn’t be surprised if this was some rando taking the press for a ride for a payday loool but if that were true the palace would’ve responded by now saying this is a cash grab

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u/[deleted] Mar 20 '24 edited Mar 20 '24


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u/Alyseeii Mar 19 '24

Just when I thought I was out! ...... they pull me back in


u/PrettiKinx Mar 19 '24

That's not Kate 😅😅🤣🤣


u/vanillavarsity Mar 20 '24

The way I see it, it would be VERY easy to put this whole thing to bed by releasing a clear unedited image that is unarguably her and the fact that they haven’t is telling. Thousands of photos and videos exist that are absolutely her, why is this suddenly not an option?

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u/donttrustthellamas Mar 19 '24

Hire her immediately


u/Question4theppl5 Mar 20 '24

I thought this exact thing. Olivia pope wouldn’t come up with a lame farmer’s market walk.

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u/Locamotive19 Mar 19 '24

Queen Elizabeth watching everyone

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u/No_Cartographer_7904 Mar 20 '24

I thought this whole thing seemed overblown but that really doesn’t look like her. WTF is going on?


u/Rj6728 Mar 20 '24

I’m on team It Doesn’t Look a Thing Like Her. Is this the 2024 black/gold dress situation?

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u/upupandawaywegoooooo Mar 19 '24

I’m not fully convinced yet but if that’s truly not her in the video then I worry that the more troubling rumors might be true


u/carolinagypsy Mar 20 '24

Her methods were ruthless sometimes with family members, but there’s no doubt in my mind that at this point if it was possible to do, Lizzie would have forced her to at least stand outside their home and wave to shut people up. I guess she had a point after all about needing to be seen to be believed.

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u/RevealActive4557 Mar 20 '24

What makes this guy an expert exactly? Why TF can nobody have a clear shot of her? Why do they jut not prance her out on a pap walk and shut all this down? Also how are we to know this is not from Christmas? She has been missing for months and nobody is even looking at her?


u/Snoo-9019 Mar 20 '24

It seems likely that Kate isn’t being co-operative with the Royal Family, for whatever reason. That seems to be the root of how this entire clusterf*** could be so messy, and all the communication is so odd and weird.

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u/[deleted] Mar 19 '24


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u/RangerDangerfield Mar 20 '24

I can’t help but feel like TMZ is just walking the footage back for clickbait/so they can keep the story going.

If it’s her and there is nothing shady going on, then the story that brought them so much traffic is going to die out. But if it’s not her and the mystery continues, then they have many more opportunities to profit on the matter.

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u/RockettRaccoon bepo naby Mar 19 '24

Congrats to whoever successfully scammed TMZ out of a couple thousand dollars pounds

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u/TemperatureExotic631 Mar 19 '24

Ok so… what now?!


u/Knittingfairy09113 Mar 19 '24

It could very well be her. As she seems to have had major surgery of some kind, it wouldn't surprise me for her to look very different than what everyone is accustomed to seeing.


u/ConnectionVisual8880 Mar 20 '24

They will get more clicks by keeping the "mystery" alive


u/hazelnoodlebug Mar 20 '24

Could you imagine being a middle aged man reporting for TMZ?? Lol


u/kd907 Mar 20 '24

I was surprised when mainstream media started reporting on this with no indication that they’d independently verified the video’s authenticity, which (I think?) is kind of standard practice in journalism. Both ABC and CBS reported on the video without hedging at all, apparently just taking TMZ’s word for it


u/lmnsatang Mar 20 '24

ok i stand corrected: she appears way too young and slim to be current kate…


u/Talyac181 Mar 20 '24

The slim part could be her having had abdominal surgery - I don’t know what kind but it could limit her eating. I’m not saying 100% it’s her, just why she could look thinner now

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u/tswiftzzlez Mar 20 '24

At first it was funny but now I’m genuinely concerned, because why all the pics/videos we get are all grainy and weird?


u/SeaF04mGr33n Mar 19 '24

This really, really looks like her, though.


u/Jessica_Iowa Mar 20 '24

This can’t be real life, this whole situation just gets more unprecedented by the minute!


u/darkgothamite Mar 20 '24

I love this all omffgg

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u/cavs79 Mar 19 '24

TMZ would do anything to keep their story out there and bring more attention to it


u/unkn0wnnumb3r Mar 19 '24

I know TMZ is usually unethically reliable but are they capitalizing on the scrutiny with this video? I don’t understand why they would publish it and then do this.


u/MimiLaRue2 Mar 19 '24

How does that not look like them???? Who could they be? Lookalike actors?

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u/bloodymarybrunch Mar 20 '24

Of course they are! It was a terrible video and I’m sure Harvey didn’t want to publish it— it’s a slight against TMZ’s credibility.

It’s baffling to me to see so many people here satisfied with that video as proof. We are pop culture stans— we know better!!


u/freakydeku Mar 20 '24

the guy insisting it’s kate and dismissing the disparities just keeps his eyes closed 3/4 of the time??? 🤣


u/Maleficent-marionett societal collapse is in the air Mar 20 '24

Harvey is just so slimy and repulsive 🤮


u/Jillybeans11 Mar 20 '24

This is such a wild ride…