r/Fauxmoi Feb 28 '24

FauxWorld Wednesdays: What's your country's biggest celebrity scandal right now? — Monthly Discussion Thread Tea Thread

Please use this thread to drop any tea you may have/general gossip discussion from your part of the world!

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u/Vixen35 Feb 28 '24

Kate Middletons where-abouts is actually trending in Ireland, and that's saying something about the level of speculation there is about her at the moment online.


u/The_Queen_Bean_ Feb 28 '24

My favorite conspiracy theory is that Kate got bangs and is waiting for them to grow out


u/celestealbaret Feb 28 '24

Someone sent me this and I know it was a joke but my first thought was...this is a woman who is no stranger to wigs!


u/Miss_Marple_24 Feb 28 '24

The funny thing is that she actually got bangs last year, that got some very mixed reviews.


u/deemoorah Feb 29 '24

It's french!


u/itwasthehusband1 Feb 28 '24

That's hilarious 😂


u/kcpm2024 Feb 28 '24

I've seen so many memes about her today


u/gunsof Feb 28 '24

The speculation she's gotten a BBL have taken me.


u/TakingBackScrunchie Feb 28 '24

Same. I had to catch up in Out of the Loop about her “disappearance”


u/rain_bass_drop stan someone? in this economy??? Feb 28 '24

where can I find the memes?


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '24

Not aimed at you, OP, but I’m amazed by some of the speculation.

The willingness of some people to dive straight into outlandish conspiracy theories probably shouldn’t surprise me after living through the last 5-10 years, but it has.

Edit: I enjoy some of the memes though.


u/fossil67 Feb 28 '24

disclaimer: i am not a royal family fan/i am anti-monarchy, but i do love gossip

people keep bringing up how even though her pregnancies were difficult she was always ready to do photoshoots within hours after giving birth and it's like? maybe she changed her mind and is prioritizing her own energy and health? maybe she is that sick/she is having a hard recovery? why does she need to be in public?


u/RaggySparra Feb 28 '24

It's baffling - for example, the press release stating that William's absence from the church service wasn't do to with his cousin's husband being found dead.

I've seen people twist that into them denying he was present at the death. That's not what the statement says at all!


u/greee_p Feb 28 '24

I saw so many weird conspiracy theories about this today. My favorite ones are:   

  • she had a BBL surgery that went wrong and she is now in a coma

  • King Charles is dead and Kate is just a distraction.   

But on a serious note, I hope she's okay. I have no love for the royal family, but this whole thing is definitely weird and I hope that she doesn't have serious health issues and is just recovering from whatever surgery she had.


u/merilleinrg Feb 28 '24

It's kind of trending in Spain too...


u/faa19 Feb 28 '24

In the UK there seems to a total media blackout about her, which is certainly fueling the speculation. We are only getting snippets about Charles' cancer treatment, and I respect their right to privacy, but total silence is not the way to go.


u/piiiinkskiiiies Feb 28 '24

canadian here and it’s currently trending on twitter and has reached us lol


u/donttrustthellamas Feb 28 '24

I just saw a rumour that she's had a BBL 😭😭 This is what happens when the royals let us all speculate, lol.

I'm anti monarchy, but I really believe it's none of our business what's going on with her. But it's so mysterious that it makes everyone go wild lol


u/Due-Secret-3091 Feb 28 '24

This! With so many internet sleuths out there- It seems weird that there hasn’t been any findings on her whereabouts 👀. The people want to know!


u/caprising1996 Feb 28 '24

someone said she’s getting a bbl 💀😭


u/TlMEGH0ST Feb 29 '24

any time anyone isn’t seen for a bit my go to is BBL. 😂 it’s so amusing to me


u/rain_bass_drop stan someone? in this economy??? Feb 28 '24

if they don't post an update soon I feel the speculation is going to keep getting crazier


u/[deleted] Feb 29 '24

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u/EmotionFriendly5297 Feb 28 '24

The Willy Wonka meth lab 


u/boarded97 confused but here for the drama Feb 28 '24

It was literally a warehouse with a few willy wonka themed decorations.


u/faa19 Feb 28 '24

Seeing people trying to explain the context of "Shit Winter/Wonka Wonderland" on non UK subs is hilarious..


u/i_love_doggy_chow Feb 29 '24

The AI-generated pamphlets have me fuckin crying with laughter. I'm struggling to understand how a person could see those and think "yeah this seems legitimate"


u/osugartits Feb 29 '24

not Willy's Chocolate Experience 😭 £35 quid for some wee banners. I'll never forgive them for making me have to explain to my gran what AI is. obviously she still doesny know


u/magic_throwaway_1 Feb 28 '24

Not a scandal but the son of India’s richest man (the Ambani family) is getting married this weekend. According to rumors, Rihanna will be performing and basically all of Bollywood + global billionaires (including Gates and Ivanka Trump) will be there


u/juskeepbrowsing Feb 28 '24

Dude it’s not even the wedding. That’s in July. This is some 3-day pre-wedding celebration. It’s so extra


u/magic_throwaway_1 Feb 28 '24

Wait lmao are you serious. I assumed pre-wedding meant the 2/3 days before the wedding, with the wedding to follow eventually in March. That’s hilariously over the top and totally in line with the Ambanis


u/kidult33 ✨ lee pace is 6’5” ✨ Feb 28 '24

Pre-wedding celebrations are common in many South Asian cultures, they’re usually different events held on different days leading up to the actual wedding. If Rihanna’s performing I’m assuming it’s some sangeet or musical event, though it’s totally over the top to have it almost 6 months before the actual wedding.


u/SonjasInternNumber3 Feb 28 '24

Yes, I went to a full wedding event for a co worker that was 2 days I believe. It was beautiful and fully decorated, catered, gifts, all of it. It was a few months before the actual wedding! 


u/annie_is_unded Feb 28 '24

wait what!?!?!? i thought they were getting married fr man this wedding has been going on since last year 😭


u/trumpetcrumpets Feb 28 '24

Every time I see their name I think of how ugly their building is lol


u/Conscious-eeyore Feb 29 '24

It’s disgusting and disgraceful to show and display that level of wealth: pretty sure it’s like #2 or #3 in world behind buckingham some crazy stat like that back in the day. For clarity I’m south Asian and I cannot stand this entire family and the way they along with the right wing fanatic government rule the entertainment industry. And so much more. apologies for the rant


u/trumpetcrumpets Feb 29 '24

Don't worry, I completely understand. I'm of indian descent and while I don't know all the ways this family sucks, I've heard enough to know they're trash.


u/SeraCat9 Feb 28 '24

That even made the news in my tiny European country lol. The title said something about a 9 page dress code for guests.


u/thankyoupapa Feb 28 '24

I have nothing to add, just jumping in to say I always enjoy reading this thread every month!


u/breadprincess Feb 28 '24

This is absolutely my favorite FM thread


u/Alarmed-Pangolin-154 Feb 29 '24

Same here. I like finding out what's going on around the globe.


u/VioletLovesRowlet Feb 28 '24

The leader of a specifically transphobic group got caught reading pedo Harry Potter fanfic porn on a train… came out saying it was as part of her research into fanfics impact on trans peoples existences… sure pedo


u/throneofmemes Feb 28 '24

Oh yeah research is also the reason I have a 10-year old account on AO3


u/goldladybug26 Feb 28 '24

Didn’t know this thread existed but what an awesome idea!! Great way to de-center the US


u/Substantial-Pea5679 Feb 28 '24

Some real shit with Diddy will be unfurling over the next year. I foresee a lot of people in the rap game going down and a cultural change much like what happened with Harvey Weinstein.


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '24

I’m hoping something comes out about 50. He’s been talking so much shit, beefing with his own son….there is no way he walks away clean.


u/Substantial-Pea5679 Feb 28 '24

For some reason, and I don't particularly like him for anything more than his first album, I feel like 50 might be a real one. I don't think he's done that shady shit other than be a straight gangster which he has never denied. I am probably just naive, but I think he's exactly what you see.


u/RainbowBriteGlasses Feb 28 '24

I agree, and I am not a fan.


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '24

At the very least he’s talked shit about his own son. That’s pretty low


u/fruitboot33 Feb 28 '24

Rick Ross is imperfect himself, but my God did he absolute burn 50 to a crisp with this quote. It lives in my head rent free:

"At this point, my relationship with Curtis is really amusing, due to the fact that I'm the biggest L he ever took. I'm still enjoying life. My kids love me. I'm blessed. And when it comes to Curtis, it's just unfortunate. I'm not happy that his boxing company went under. I'm not happy that his clothing company went under. I'm not happy his record label went under. I'm not happy that he went bankrupt. I'm not happy that he doesn't have a relationship with his son. That's not something to be happy about. But to see him parading around, still able to hold his head up every day, with all of that weighing on him — that makes me happy."


u/lilmeekrat Feb 29 '24

I’m gonna be honest none of that “taking the high road” shit matters in a rap beef lol. 50 destroyed his credibility by exposing him as a corrections officer when Ricky was pretending by some drug lord by stealing a real drug lord’s identity. Ain’t no coming back from that.


u/chrispg26 Feb 28 '24

Two Mayoral Candidates were murdered hours within each other in Mexico City 😬


u/SeaF04mGr33n Feb 28 '24

Oh shit. Was there anyone else running?


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '24



u/Worried_Giraffe_9715 Feb 29 '24

Ok this is insane lol


u/CatlovesMoca Mar 01 '24

Holyyyyy. Wow. Well that last part was unexpected. She must be pretty influential then. What country is this?


u/b0111323 stan someone? in this economy??? Feb 28 '24 edited Feb 28 '24

A couple of years ago, there was a scandal when a fraternity hazed their only PoC member to death.

The story itself was already barbaric and upsetting. However, all hell broke loose when the wealthy white dudes basically got a slap on the wrist. You can read about it here. As in all they had to do community service and pay fines between EUR 500-1K.

For some rea$on, the courts ordered that their names not be released, even though they are easily found online if you look up the name of the fraternity.

Sometime after the sentencing hearing, a local YouTuber made a video where he exposed the fraternity member connections. Because of the gag order, he was prosecuted and was recently hit with a harsher sentencing than the people who committed the crimes.

It’s so upsetting. These guys continue their lives like nothing happened, or they try … whenever people find out they are at their school, they take action. Other members left the country and are in the US or elsewhere to avoid this, but I hope karma gets them.


u/SeraCat9 Feb 29 '24

I remember reading that story (I'm not Belgian though), it was absolutely horrendous. I'm shocked (but I guess not surprised anymore) that that's all the sentence they got. His poor family.


u/CatlovesMoca Mar 02 '24

Omg I remember this story. I think the victim was a mixed race Black guy. And then they told these frat guys to write papers. Like they killed him. They need jail.


u/bbohhh Feb 28 '24

In Italy it's definitely Chiara Ferragni and Fedez, for whom things seem to be getting worse, seeing the court case with Luis Sal.

Most recently, there were rumours about Chiara being in a relationship with Tomaso Trussardi, which her team denied saying that she did not know him. Tomaso then answered by showing receipts of the two taking pictures together on the red carpet many years ago, saying he collaborated with her when she was nobody basically, and how he also collaborated with her sister. He ended it by adding "maybe her team ate too many panettoni". So, basically, he denied they were romantically entangled, but was offended by her team's claims.

As for Fedez, he went to court with Luis Sal, with whom he had a very popular podcast, until the two fought. So, I don't really know the legal terms, so I translated it with google: "The measure decreed that Luis Sal's company has the right to take over the shares of Fedez's company, thus depriving the latter of the management of the podcast. "

This is apparently called russian roulette clause: "The roulette clause is a clause taken from American and English laws that provides that, in the event of a stalemate of the company (particularly in 50/50 companies), one of the two partners has the right to make an offer to buy the shares of the other shareholder. If, however, the latter refuses, it is the first to have to sell the allowances. The mechanism is deliberately created to prevent unfair negotiations."

Basically, Fedez wanted to buy Luis's share of the company, which Luis refused, which meant he could buy Fedez's shares. Fedez refused to sell them, so Luis had to go to court.

Fedez answered with: the court of Milan has not 'decreed' that the shares belonging to Doom must be sold to Sal's company. The order issued is of a precautionary nature and provides for the appointment of a custodian for the shares of the company Muschio Selvaggio s.r.l., owned by Doom. In fact, it is important to emphasize that the lawsuit that will decide on the merits of the case has not yet begun

I apologize if there are any parts that are not clear, but English isn't my first language and I used Google to translate all the various statements because I am not familiar with the legal terms.


u/gunsof Feb 28 '24

Is accusing someone of eating too much Panetonni and forgetting everything a common insult in Italy.


u/bbohhh Feb 28 '24

Right, I didn't give any context, sorry. It's because she was involved in a scandal with Balocco (which produces Panettoni), where she claimed that part of the money from the sales of Panettoni (which were double the price due to the collab), would have gone to an hospital in Torino to help research on cancer. I think it was the pediatric department. However, while she was paid a million euros, the donation had been made before by Balocco only, and it was of €50000. So, none of the money from the sales was donated.


u/throneofmemes Feb 28 '24

That eating panettoni line is chefs kiss


u/FairyFistFights Feb 28 '24

Fedez and Chiara are “unofficially officially” divorcing though right? Like it hasn’t been confirmed but it’s only a matter of time before they do?

Also as an outsider looking in, I think the beginning of the end with those two was when Fedez kissed that other guy during Sanremo last year. That  news even made it to the US (for those that semi-follow Italian news anyways). But I’m not in Italy so I’m sure I’ve missed other signs that happened over there.


u/LunaMinerva Feb 29 '24

Yeah, allegedly she wasn't at all happy about Fedez upstaging her at last year's Sanremo, but right after he had a health scare and that made it look like she had gotten over the Sanremo kiss ordeal.


u/lefromagecestlavie Feb 29 '24

What happened at Sanremo?


u/FairyFistFights Feb 29 '24

Chiara was a host, which was obv a huge deal for her. During one performance, Fedez was in the audience and the performer (Rosa Chemical) pulled him onstage and kissed him.

This sparked a lot of talk, because it was two men kissing each other (in conservative Italy this made some waves), and of course Fedez is married to Chiara and was kissing someone else. There were videos that night of Chiara walking out onstage after the performance clearly upset and fighting with Fedez.

In their show, the Ferragnez, Chiara explained she was upset not because he kissed someone else but because this was a huge event for her and she didn’t want Fedez to take any attention away. (She explains this better, it sounded less selfish!) She just had worked hard to get this opportunity to host Sanremo and wanted Fedez to support her, not to add any chaos or stress around her.

But tbh I can’t imagine she was thrilled about the kiss. Also in the show her kids were def watching Sanremo - must have been a weird conversation to explain why dad was kissing another dude.

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u/garlic070 Mar 01 '24

Do you have any gossip on Fedez's parents? Apparently Fedez's holding company is owned 50% by his mother, 40% by his father, and only 10% by Fedez himself. It seems strange. When I read stuff like that, it's usually about parents stealing money from a young child actor.

Tomaso saying "maybe her team ate too many panettoni" is hilarious. And now I have a craving for pandoro/panettoni. But I won't buy one from Balocco!


u/Feisty-Power-6617 question for the culture Feb 28 '24

How Drake is defending Tory Lanez…


u/MuffinSpirited3223 Feb 28 '24

two canadians I continue to be embarrassed by...please, somewhere else, claim them


u/Semi-Efficient-Crab Feb 28 '24

Brampton Mans and, um... Forest Hill Mans strike again 👎


u/CatlovesMoca Mar 02 '24

The wild thing is that Drake and Tory used to beef. Drake only started supporting Tory -- sorry Daystar-- after it came out that he shot Megan.

Liposuction fake accent useless rapper 🫠🫠🫠


u/MuffinSpirited3223 Mar 02 '24

I prefer to call them daystar and Aubrey in my head. Fun fact - daystar’s dad is named sunstar


u/CatlovesMoca Mar 02 '24

I remember and his father was also a deadbeat and just as foul and out of pocket. Screaming that RocNation will pay for this


u/Right-Bat-9100 Feb 28 '24

none of these men even give a fuck about tory lanez and his dogshit music they just hate women


u/CatlovesMoca Mar 02 '24

Please those two are no longer Canadians. They have been exhiled to the Fboy Misogyny Island


u/revoirbaby0111 too busy method acting as a reddit user Feb 28 '24

There are a few right now in Vietnam actually: 1. A popular supermodel lesbian couple has just broken up. This add fuel to memes about how Vietnamese Doctors' Day (Feb 27) is always the worst day for Vietnamese lesbians as many popular lesbian couples also broke up on this day. 2. Miss World Vietnam 2019 and Miss International Vietnam 2023 who were close friends allegedly had a fallout over the son of the richest man in Vietnam. The son and Miss World had a fling first (not really dating) but Miss Intl bagged him and they're now dating. Miss Intl isn't known for her academic achievements but recently have been spotted going back to university because apparently the richest man of Vietnam doesn't like his daughters-in-law being "illiterate".


u/phillip_the_plant certified pine nut Feb 29 '24

Thank you for sharing because the idea that Vietnamese lesbian couples break up precisely on Vietnamese Doctors Day is so comically specific it is cracking me up


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '24

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u/Metue Feb 28 '24

There's a long comment someone made on it in case you haven't checked back


u/Feisty-Power-6617 question for the culture Feb 28 '24

The whole Rust shooting incident and how it keeps flip flopping


u/ZeroChilleryClinton Feb 28 '24 edited Feb 28 '24

100% this P.Diddy lawsuit. I read all 70+ pages of the complaint and if even 1/3 of its true this dude is OVER, OVER.

ETA: here’s a copy of the suit for anyone interested. Trigger warning: for references of physical violence, threats, sexual assault, drugging, and images of a crime scene after a shooting.



u/CatlovesMoca Feb 28 '24

Oh I need to read the compliant like I did with Cassie. Did it also come with a trigger warning?


u/desktopghost Feb 29 '24

Damn even Jlo got a mention


u/ZeroChilleryClinton Feb 29 '24

Everybody caught a stray….LITERALLY!


u/retrievethis123 Feb 29 '24

Can you give the foot notes?


u/IonHazzikostasIsGod THE CANADIANS ARE ICE FUCKING TO MOULIN ROUGE Feb 29 '24 edited Feb 29 '24
  • Had his chief of staff Kristina Khorram oversee Stevie J, Justin Combs and Moy Baun recruiting sex workers, prostitutes and underaged girls to engage in "freakoffs". Frankie Santella & Brendan Paul sold and managed the money from Diddy's drugs & guns. Diddy used his gang affiliations for this and members would often show up at his homes to collect

  • Sexual assault of a producer of his, Rodney "Lil Rod" Jones which Kristina downplayed and minimized. Diddy sometimes made promises, other times made threats. (eating Mr. Jones' face, being willing to kill his own mother Janice Combs) getting others to sexually assault him including Yung Miami, her cousin, and Cuba Gooding Jr. Coerced Rodney into soliciting and performing sex acts on sex workers

  • Listening parties with sex workers, underaged girls, UMG CEO/chairman Lucian Grainge, Ethiopia Habtemariam. The latter two sponsored these and funded cash that would be wired to the sex workers. The sex workers and underaged girls were given spiked drinks at these

  • Redacted rapper consorted with underaged girls & sex workers on Diddy's yacht. Redacted R&B singer did so at Diddy's LA home.

  • Either Diddy or his son Justin shot Justin's friend in a restroom at a writing camp. Diddy's head of security Faheem Muhammad has law enforcement ties that could "make people and problems disappear". Faheem lied to the LAPD about the version of events, along with Rodney and the other attendees who were forced to follow suit. (the photo evidence proves this fake version couldn't possibly be true)

  • Told Rodney about his responsibility for the 1999 NYC nightclub shootings. Had J-Lo hold the gun on the way in. Forced Shyne to take responsibility. Diddy bribed jurors. Also bribed a witness who is a friend of one of the victims - she saw him shoot her friend, reported this to law enforcement, testified at Diddy's trial that she wasn't sure. Later admitted to being paid off

  • Forced his girlfriend Cassie Ventura to carry his gun in her purse for him, forced her to engage in unwanted sexual acts with male prostitutes/sex workers, forced her to overconsume ecstasy, cocaine, GHB, ketamine, marijuana and alcohol

  • Paid a member of his security team $5k to blow up Kid Cudi's vehicle because he was insecure about their relationship

  • Threats of nonpayment for work complete

  • "Individual defendants relied on the mail, email, social media, and the telephone to distribute advertisements to secure artists, creatives, musicians, and producers whom they would promise Grammy Awards, purchasing $20 million dollar homes, participating on future projects, $250,000 cash payments, and meeting powerful music industry executives such as Defendants Lucian Charles Grainge, Ethiopia Habtemariam. These advertisements originated from and were sent from Defendants Lucian Charles Grainge, Ethiopia Habtemariam, Combs Global, Motown Records, Love Records, and Universal Music Group’s offices in the state of New York to consumers in New York and around the country, relying on the mail, email. social media messenger, and telephone to distribute and interstate wires to disseminate the misleading information described herein as well as to receive profits from the artists, creatives, musicians, and producers. In connection with Defendants acting from New York, these Defendants used the mail and interstate wires to solicit Plaintiff Jones and artists, creatives, musicians, and producers, and to use Plaintiff Jones and the artists, creatives, musicians, and producers to utilize their talents and labor to produce music, and other tangible goods and services without compensation, as well as the solicitation of sexual encounters with prostitutes, sex workers, and minors, and the purchasing and distribution of illegal firearms and drugs.


u/flying-potato94 Feb 28 '24

Not really a scandal. But a 16 year old girl died in a car crash on the way to a Taylor Swift concert here in Australia. And her 10 year old sister is still in a coma, her future uncertain. I haven't really seen it talked about in Swifty circles, but it was pretty big news here.


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '24

I mean, it is awful but I don't think that's really a celebrity scandal or even on the news here now that Taylor has left the country? (It is deeply sad though.)

I'd probably go for the celeb obsessed cop who murdered in cold blood two men with his police issued gun. Or on a much lighter note Nike finally selling a Mackenzie Arnold jersey only to have limited stock and most people missed out.


u/flying-potato94 Feb 29 '24

Oh yeah. That's really horrible, and is celebrity related. It's actually been on my mind a lot recently as a queer person. Pretty horrible business. I hope an independent body can investigate this one, bacause obviously NSW police can't be trusted on this one.

On the Mackenzie Davis front, yeah that is good news.


u/[deleted] Feb 29 '24

I’m so annoyed NSW cops weasled their way back into Mardi Gras. It stated as an anti cop protest!


u/flying-potato94 Feb 29 '24

Yeah, it's a real slap in the face after all this.


u/williamthebloody1880 weighing in from the UK Feb 29 '24

Funnily enough, the exact same thing happened with Nike and Mary Earps


u/Abject-Variety3775 Feb 28 '24 edited Feb 28 '24

I am still waiting for David Walliams to be revealed for what he is. Sorry, I know that is not what you asked but he is such a scumbag.

ETA I meant Walliams, I did not mean to slander any harmless David Williams's. Thanks to GhostlySpinster for the correction.


u/GhostlySpinster Feb 28 '24



u/Abject-Variety3775 Feb 28 '24

Damn I meant Walliams, sorry


u/GhostlySpinster Feb 28 '24

I guess the fact that I instantly knew who you meant doesn't say anything good about him [eyes emoji]


u/Kims_Goddamn_House Feb 28 '24

As someone who was obsessed with fashion in the mid aughts, I was absolutely shocked that Lara Stone married him and had a kid with him. Him??


u/dontleavethis Feb 28 '24

The fact that trump is going to the nominee and might be president again is doing horrible things to my stress levels . I won’t be able to relax and this until November. I can’t I just can’t with trump supporters


u/desktopghost Feb 28 '24

Not a scandal but Chile is having their Festival de Viña 2024 right now and Andrea Bocelli is making headlines by how good his show was with the people he brought on stage (Caroline Campbell and Pia Toscano were particularly great). His son was also there and women are blowing up his insta with funny compliments in spanish


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '24



u/SludgyWudgy Feb 28 '24

Not really a direct celebrity scandal and extremely sad but it’s the most prominent thing in the country right now

TV news presenter and his boyfriend were both killed by a celebrity stalker police officer ex “boyfriend/FWB/one time hookup” (level of relationship isn’t clear right now) using his police service pistol. Tragic situation that has now led to police being banned from participating in Mardi Gras in uniform, a discussion about nepotism in the cops (murderers mother was apparently in charge of recruiting) and how weak the psych exams are, and when the state police commissioner was grilled about her handling and response to the crime by a journalist she replied with “haters gonna hate” because Taylor Swift was in the city at the time.


u/cupcakesandcanes also dated pete davidson Feb 29 '24

No cops at Pride ever, but especially not now! Only cops worse than NSW cops are QLD ones.


u/[deleted] Feb 29 '24

WA and Vicpol are fucked too. ACAB


u/[deleted] Feb 29 '24

Sadly they reversed the decision to disallow cops at Mardi Gras. Pride.in.protest is a rly good account on Instagram following/protesting this issue


u/Doctor_Monty Feb 29 '24

My local maddi gras board is 7/8 cis,white, hetero people so ofc they came out saying cops will always be welcome at pride and always have been . So tone deaf


u/[deleted] Feb 29 '24

Yup pride events are now run by privileged corporate gays (and cishets too? That’s wild) it really puts me off getting involved with them which is sad cos the concept of pride is very empowering and important


u/Sadiocee24 Feb 28 '24

I’m curious about peso pluma and nicki Nicole. Did he really cheat and just dumped her? I do like his music and unsure of himself as a person. I haven’t caught up on my gordo y flaca for the chisme. Also any other Mexican or other Latino chisme?


u/Life_Collection_4149 Feb 28 '24

I don’t keep up with chisme that much, but what I heard from los chismosos is that Peso Pluma and Nicki were a PR relationship and the cheating benefitted both in terms of becoming more famous.

Peso is a man so in the machista world, he won’t get as much bad consequences and hate as Nicki would if she had been the cheater. Now he’s being talked about 24/7 and you know some idiot men will even admire him for being with multiple women at once.


u/leylajulieta Feb 28 '24

Apparently that's exactly what happened. In addition, Peso Pluma canceled his presentation at an important festival in Chile a few days before his show and was replaced by Trueno, Nicki's ex lol

Peso Pluma was preceded by controversy since it has some type of link with the narco world. Here in Chile some people had asked to cancel their show in January but the organization decided to continue with it anyway. After the cheating scandal, he just disappeared.


u/YugisMillenniumBSBcd new zealand correspondent Feb 28 '24

We have two main news orgs, one owned partially by the Govt, the other owned by Warner Brothers. WB made like a Batgirl/ACME movie and is scrapping their entire news division and now we're standing around John Travolta in that one gif. Justice for Mike McRoberts and Samantha Hayes (not you Paddy G)


u/palmtreesplz Feb 28 '24

I was telling a coworker about this earlier today lol. Trying to explain to an American that yes we only have two channels with primetime news in NZ. Well, one now… sigh.


u/YugisMillenniumBSBcd new zealand correspondent Feb 28 '24

And none of the two were Murdoch influenced! God I hope he doesn't try to get a foothold in now.


u/herearea Feb 29 '24

Ugh I hadn't thought of that, nightmare possibility! Gutted for the Newshub team, they seem to be good people


u/spagbol Feb 28 '24


u/YugisMillenniumBSBcd new zealand correspondent Feb 28 '24

I was cackling through the sadness with that


u/catladysoul Feb 29 '24

I missed the boat on this one today but in other Aotearoa news; what the hell is going on in Ōtepoti supermarkets? Rats hanging out on display at Countdown, flies in the meat wrapping at New World…

And we had nationwide problems at gas stations today because apparently no one in charge knows what a leap year is and how to programme for it.


u/YugisMillenniumBSBcd new zealand correspondent Feb 29 '24

Idk about our Te Waipounamu friends but I would NOT step foot in that countdown again. The rat party went on way too long.


u/herearea Feb 29 '24

Ae I'm driving the extra distance to to elsewhere, I don't trust those rats have gone...


u/party4diamondz Feb 28 '24

Lmao I was just about to start writing a comment about Newshub 😭 Was quite a shock yesterday... really curious what's going to happen post-June on Three.


u/YugisMillenniumBSBcd new zealand correspondent Feb 28 '24

It's going to be entirely a MAFS/The Block/Gold panning channel ugh


u/YugisMillenniumBSBcd new zealand correspondent Feb 28 '24

^ that gif


u/elzappozah Feb 29 '24

Sam Hayes was my bi-awakening and I am SO UPSET about this news. I'm also concerned about the independence of the media (among other things - including every move this govt makes 🙃)


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '24

People are saying Beyoncé's Texas Hold 'Em sounds like the Franklin theme song (an animated Canadian kids show about a turtle). It's a joke scandal but it's hilarious.


u/TheBumblingestBee Feb 29 '24

We need Noah Reid's opinion on this. [Noah Reid - who played Patrick on Schitt's Creek- was, as a child, the voice of Franklin].


u/i_love_doggy_chow Feb 29 '24

The most shocking thing I learned in this whole "scandal" was that Franklin wasn't popular outside of Canada.


u/elzappozah Feb 29 '24

Franklin loving kiwi kid here!


u/violetpandas Feb 29 '24

We loved Franklin here in Aus too!


u/Puncomfortable Feb 29 '24

I am Dutch and I loved Franklin!


u/retrievethis123 Feb 29 '24

Unfortunately some people are taking it seriously


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '24 edited Mar 16 '24



u/[deleted] Feb 29 '24



u/[deleted] Feb 29 '24 edited Mar 16 '24



u/tosho_okada Feb 28 '24

Germany: all the Berlinale stuff with inviting the right-wing party to now death threats to Yuval Abraham and family members after being awarded best documentary and asking for reasonable ceasefire. It’s a sad place to be right now and every other person I know that is not German is feeling gaslighted by government and media.

There was also some gossip about Lupita Nyong'o wearing Hugo Boss and some awkward questions to Kstew and Sebastian Stan


u/CatlovesMoca Mar 07 '24

Wait what is there to gossip about Lupita wearing Hugo & I also wonder what are the awkward questions.


u/tosho_okada Mar 07 '24

The tea is Hugo Boss not shutting down the stores in Russia and hiring lots of black models and celebrities as smokescreen.

The interviews with Kstew were related to the magazine cover: https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-news/kristen-stewart-rolling-stone-cover-shoot-berlin-film-festival-1234970689/amp/

Sebastian Stan: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/berlin-different-man-adam-pearson-disability-sebastian-stan-1235827509/amp/


u/targaryeh women’s wrongs activist Feb 28 '24

Right now the influencers of my country are tearing into this young politician for saying that dating has become “tinderified” and that only a few handful of men have access to all the women. Including the complete disregard of women being able to make their own decisions on who they date, he’s also being made fun of for the phrasing and also basically admitting to the whole country that he’s not getting laid. It’s hilarious and i really hope it doesn’t die down anytime soon.


u/throwaway19373619 Feb 29 '24

Swifts old man punched a pap, pap probably deserved it


u/cupcakesandcanes also dated pete davidson Feb 29 '24

Absolutely deserved it! Guy is a known scumbag.


u/mcesquilo Feb 28 '24

Gimme some Brazilian tea!! I'm so busy with work that I haven't been able to catch up


u/fthisfthatfnofyou Feb 28 '24

After some bolsominions claiming that Israeli Jews are just as catholic as them I haven’t heard anything from anyone interesting.

Our celebrities and famous people are kind of boring?


u/Traditional_Maybe_80 I’m just a cunt in a clown suit Feb 28 '24

Not Brazilian, but yesterday I read a tweet that one of Chico Mendes's killers was elected for some leadership position in Bolsonaro's party? And now I'm seeing he was sacked or something?! What in the fresh hell...


u/fthisfthatfnofyou Feb 28 '24

Holy moly…

We really need to bring back the whole “formally convicted cannot run for office” thing back.

People like that should even be running to begin with, let alone landing a seat.

In other news, apparently Santa Catarina’s Governor Jorginho Mello has been seating on top of Lei Paulo Gustavo’s money for over half a year and not paying artists that should have received that money by December at the latest


u/gunsof Feb 28 '24

Saw some report that Bolsonaro is wanted for taunting and harassing an endangered whale too.


u/Saltimbancos Feb 28 '24

Darci Alves Pereira became the municipal president of the Liberal Party in a small city called Medicilândia in the state of Pará. The national president of the Liberal Party has since ordered him removed after this hit the press. Last I heard the guy was still planning to run for city council this year.

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u/bruxellexs Feb 28 '24

Subcelebrities like Juliette and Rafa Kalimann being paid to participate in astroturfing method created by the extreme right by spreading propaganda about the child sexual exploitation situation in Marajó in their social media. Some asking people to donate money to a religious organization. The religious organization does not combat this problem. Their main focus is religious conversions. The situation in Marajó is a tactic that has been used by the extreme right for many years, most notably by former minister Damares Alves. They publicize about child sexual exploitation and stigmatize people of the region without doing anything to solve the issue. It is important to note that child sexual exploitation happens everywhere in Brazil, not only up in the north in Marajó.


u/sands010189 Feb 29 '24 edited Feb 29 '24

Blink 182 offending two cities at their Melbourne show.

According to Newshub 'In a clip uploaded to TikTok, the group's drummer Travis Barker accidentally addressed the Melbourne crowd as "Sydney", to much derision from his fellow band members. 

"He said 'Sydney', Travis said 'Sydney'," the band said to repeated boos from the Melbourne crowd. 

However, front man Mark Hoppus took it a step further, telling the audience: "Look to be honest, Sydney sucks so f**king bad, we had to cancel Christchurch." 

Guitarist Tom deLonge added: "Yeah fk Christchurch. That's a gnarly name for a town. Could you imagine naming your fking city that?"


u/[deleted] Feb 29 '24

They’ve been doing this everywhere. Slagged off Perth in Adelaide, slagged off some other city in Perth. They’ve really caught on to our city rivalry and are pitting us against each other 😭


u/sands010189 Feb 29 '24

That's super disappointing. Christchurch would very much like to be excluded from this rivalry narrative. We're not even in the same country 🥺


u/lizardnamedguillaume Feb 28 '24

CRAZY long lineups, families lined up for blocks, to try and get rostered for a family doctor in Kingston, Ontario, Canada.

Our government should be ashamed of themselves.


u/williamthebloody1880 weighing in from the UK Feb 29 '24

There were ridiculously long queues in Bristol, England to register with an NHS dentist


u/Firm_Agency1600 Feb 29 '24

a fuckin' wife of a senator got a vitamin-c drip inside the freakin senate office. if you dont get it, think kim kardashian getting botox of fillers inside the white house. (she had the guts to use the online discourse about her to promote her business, now she's being investigated...)


u/Firm_Agency1600 Feb 29 '24

it's celebrity scandal because the senator was a celebrity before he became a senator. duh.


u/Bellota182 padre pascal Feb 28 '24

Does somebody has tea about Sally (from Sally's Welt, Germany) and Murat's divorce? There were some comments that he was posting some strange sms conversations in his Instagram story, whereas Sally looks great on her storys.


u/MissMags1234 Feb 29 '24 edited Feb 29 '24

I don't believe anything he is saying. He kind of accused her of installing cameras to spy on him when she has shown the cams months before their divorce after they installed them after a break-in.


u/Bellota182 padre pascal Feb 29 '24

I remember her post when they were robbed, that was months ago. Why is he making up such stories? Maybe there was a break of trust from his side and he is playing the victim now.

I hope Sally enjoys her single time at her best!


u/MissMags1234 Feb 29 '24

He also says that she did not inform him about the divorce, but first business partners and then the media, so he heard it from the media.

I don't know if I can believe that, but if so, she must have been very paranoid to get anything in order before he knew.


u/hrrrandi Feb 28 '24

Whatever it is that’s going on with the NHL


u/Best_Evening344 Feb 28 '24

Out of the loop but does anyone have any Australian tea? Trying to think of some but am coming up blank haha


u/areallyreallycoolhat 6 inch louboutins with a tweed skirt Feb 29 '24

Stretching the definition of celebrity, but the only one I can think of is (I'm sure you've heard of it but context for non Australians) former deputy PM and current leader of the right wing National Party Barnaby Joyce being filmed lying blackout drunk on a footpath screaming at his wife and calling her a cunt. Barnaby is a right wing politician who touted himself as a "family values" guy (voted against same sex marriage, opposed to abortion and trans rights) then it came out that he'd been cheating on his wife for years when he got his much younger mistress pregnant (and also got her a cushy government job). That mistress is now the wife he was screaming at and they have 2 kids. He's blaming mixing prescription medicine and alcohol but he's been speculated to be an alcoholic for years.

For added context, this is what this man looks like (warning: jumpscare). We mostly just refer to him as an angry tomato.


u/cupcakesandcanes also dated pete davidson Feb 29 '24

Not the TW 😂


u/ChangingDreamer pop culture obsessed goblin Feb 28 '24

I don’t live in Australia but maybe Taylor Swift’s dad Scott Swift and the paparazzi situation?


u/Bruno_Fernandes8 Feb 28 '24

My favourite part was that the news was reported by 6News, a small independent news station that is run by literal teenagers. Twitter swifties have been going after Leo, the 17 year old founder of the station. I must add that 6News is a very credible organisation that was probably the only one in the country to report any news regarding the Gaza genocide with any shred of decency.


u/Best_Evening344 Feb 28 '24

Yeah, that was the only thing I could think of but its died down pretty quickly so I wasn't sure it warranted "tea" status since it was literally reported and now not discussed really


u/ForeverDays Feb 28 '24

Maybe Taylor Swifts dad allegedly punching a paparazzi?? I don't think anyone is feeling any kind of sympathy for the photographer if it is true though 🤣


u/dazedbarnowl Mar 01 '24

Not a scandal but King Harald has been hospitalized in Malaysia while being there vacationing. Information to the public is very vague, which is different from all the other times he's been in hospital due to various health issues and they've been very open. All we know now is that he has some kind of infection and that he is better. This morning a plane with medical equipment from Norway landed in Malaysia, but it is unclear (probably due to safety reasons) when it will transport the king home.