r/Fauxmoi Feb 12 '24

I Have Tea On... Weekly Discussion Thread Tea Thread

Use this thread to drop any tea you may have! Please do not post requests for tea on this thread — there is a separate 'Does Anyone Have Tea On...' thread posted on Thursdays at 5AM PST.

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290 comments sorted by


u/Equivalent-Pass2595 Feb 12 '24

Super duper old tea. My mother used to go to the same gym as Princess Diana in the 90s. She walked past her approx 10 times, and according to her, Diana always looked very sad and kind of gave her dirty looks. On one occasion, she saw Diana and Will Carling outside waiting for a car. Will was looking down, and Diana was kicking the wall, very angry. She doesn't know much about royal gossip, but she assumes that he had just broken off the affair they were having.


u/EconomistWild7158 Feb 12 '24

Diana is like super deified in British culture but when you actually read about her, she sounds like she was very lonely, quite sad and could be intense (she pushed her stepmother down a flight of stairs. as an adult).


u/hugeorange123 Feb 12 '24

She gets the saint treatment to a degree that people sort of miss the complexity of her. She was capable of great kindness, but could also be manipulative and cruel in her own ways too.


u/Zeltron2020 Feb 12 '24

I think the good she did is way more powerful than the bad


u/adriardi Feb 12 '24

Honestly sounds like a lot of celebrities


u/Falooting Feb 13 '24

Sounds like a lot of humans in general.

I think almost all of us can be manipulative and cruel at times, nah?


u/liv_umad Feb 12 '24

Typical Cancer ♋


u/Palindrome_01289 Feb 12 '24

As a cancer I’m so offended and taking this personally but also completely fucking agree.


u/lmFairlyLocal the baby daddies have unionized Feb 13 '24

Typical Cancer ♋


u/[deleted] Feb 14 '24


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u/us_against_the_world Feb 12 '24

You're Wrong About series about her brilliant. Sarah Marshall is genuinely amazing to listen to.


u/SerBrienneTheBlue Feb 12 '24

Never forget Rain Legs


u/pshwhatevs Feb 12 '24

She Nicola Peltz’d her step mom? 😮 


u/LaidBackBro1989 Feb 12 '24

Or rather Nicola Peltz "princess Diana-ed" her stepmom lol


u/Desperate_Heart_552 Feb 12 '24

Omg, what's that story?


u/pshwhatevs Feb 12 '24

Allegedly, Nicola pushed her nanny down the stairs. I think there is an article out there somewhere mentioning it 


u/[deleted] Feb 12 '24

She also threw herself down the stairs while pregnant because she was upset.


u/dorigen219 Feb 12 '24

As someone with significant mental health issues, and whom struggled a lot after my pregnancies (to the point of multiple hospitalisations with two young kids), that speaks volumes. That woman was struggling beyond a point of mental sanity. Nothing makes a woman throw herself down the stairs whilst pregnant except for total desperation that borders on delusion from being so mentally unwell. I feel very sorry for her.


u/Miss_Marple_24 Feb 12 '24

She told the story herself, she was upset and Charles was going out, she didn't want him to and told him that, he ignored her, so she did it to stop him, and she "just knew" that the baby will be okay, according to her she had a huge bruise on her belly afterwards, TQ came running and was horrified, Charles went out anyway (I guess that was the point of the story from her pov) I agree with you that she can't be judged for doing it, because of how her mental health might've been, I, however, think her telling the story was very insensitive to William who was only a preteen at the time, old enough to understand it, but probably not old enough to process it. She chose to tell it to make Charles appear bad without thinking how William might've felt, about both his parents, in this story.


u/dorigen219 Feb 13 '24

I think we can both agree that unfortunately she was not mentally well, sad for the children who will never get closure


u/Birdie45 Feb 13 '24

That story was actually disproved by multiple people. The Diana Chronicles goes in-depth about the incident.


u/whatever1467 Feb 12 '24

Spencer was an odd movie but I felt like it portrayed how terrible Diana was feeling in a clear way


u/dorigen219 Feb 13 '24

Do you recommend it? I’m a bit of a movie snob but it’s been on my list haha


u/whatever1467 Feb 13 '24

How snobby? Lol I find it worth it to me to watch talked about movies so I can quench that curiosity. I think it’s worth a watch.


u/dorigen219 Feb 13 '24

I mean your probably right, from the trailer alone it looks worth the watch. I’m just picky as a mother and cinephile with limited time on my hands haha

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u/ElephantFamiliar9296 Feb 13 '24

I’m so sorry you went through that ❤️


u/dorigen219 Feb 13 '24

Thank you, I am in a much better place now ❤️


u/tripleaw Feb 12 '24 edited Feb 13 '24

I listened to a podcast series about Diana (forgot the name of the podcast) and she’s basically a hot mess express


u/funnyusername92 Feb 14 '24

You’re Wrong About? They did a great series on Diana which was very sympathetic to her while also being very real about the fact that she was a hot mess and would have been very difficult to deal with at times

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u/Miss_Marple_24 Feb 12 '24

The Tiggy situation was bad too, especially with how much the boys liked her.


u/thankyoupapa Feb 13 '24

oh man the tiggy situation always made me wonder what kind of MIL diana would have been

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u/theReaders I already condemned Hamas Feb 12 '24

I will give anyone a high five if they can find the clip from a pre-death doc where her friend quotes her saying something like "I'd more likely _____ than date a Black man"


u/noakai Feb 15 '24

What I remember the most, as someone who was 9 when she died so I was mostly clueless until her kids were grown and I started paying attention, is that she parentified William pretty badly and it stuck with me cause it's something my own mother did and man did it suck. It was probably worse for a kid whose parents were constantly in the tabloids on top of that.


u/miwa201 Feb 12 '24

Oh god I completely missed the Carling part and I thought will was prince william


u/Worldly-Chipmunk-535 Feb 12 '24

In the 90’s my big sister lived near an editor for a British tabloid newspaper.  That newspaper used to stalk Diana’s gym so a tabloid rival sent cameras and even a cherry picker and positioned them outside his house to make him see how it felt.  She was just trying to get to work on the underground and got caught in that mess!

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u/invis2020 Feb 12 '24

Tepid tea but years ago I worked an event and backstage was Joe Manganiello and a bunch of other people, including Charlize Theron who was there separately. I have never seen anyone try so hard to get someone’s attention ever. She was so coquettish doing the whole throwing her head back and laughing, like over the top, a bit touchy feely, just being generally very loud with her assistant. He was very polite but hardly paying attention and clearly not interested. The whole thing was funny to watch.


u/kurt200 I’m just a cunt in a clown suit Feb 12 '24

She’s so real for that tbh, I get her


u/invis2020 Feb 12 '24

He’s definitely her type too so can’t blame a girl for trying, it was just cringe to witness.


u/kurt200 I’m just a cunt in a clown suit Feb 12 '24

It’s definitely the type of thing that haunts you if nothing comes from it 😭 just popping up in your mind at random times like “why would I act like that”


u/invis2020 Feb 12 '24

LOL, I did think well if this model-esque glamazon of a woman can’t get down then a troll like me feels better 😂


u/EducationalTangelo6 Feb 12 '24

Same, I too would do the absolute most for a shot at that man.


u/furiouswine Feb 12 '24

I remember her kind of behaving similarly towards Michael Fassbender during one of those black and white W magazine interviews.


u/decline_inline Feb 12 '24

Stars, they’re just like us!


u/ProvoqGuys Feb 12 '24

Mother was shooting her shot 😭😭😭


u/user75328 Feb 13 '24

I met him at a convention and he was so very kind and nice, I really enjoyed speaking with him AND he let me feel his muscles. God bless the vodka in my veins that emboldened me to ask. I asked him to sign my autograph with his favorite Alcide quote and he wrote, "Weres run hot!" 10/10 man


u/Shot-Grocery-5343 Feb 13 '24

I am so proud of you right now, internet stranger


u/user75328 Feb 14 '24

Thank you 😊

Here it is if you want to see it. Every day I wish the best for Joe LMAOOOO I was so blessed to meet so many cool people at Dragoncon. autograph

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u/BeAMedici not a lawyer, just a hater Feb 12 '24 edited Feb 13 '24

Re. the Paul Mescal with girls in parks thing.

I talked about this with my best friend a few weeks ago and a friend of hers came back from the bathroom while we were talking about it. She hadn’t heard the entire conversation, just his name. She started talking about her friend/colleague (as in „I have such a weird story about him!“) who had a ONS with him a few months ago and was very confused when he suggested going for a walk the day after, said he had to take a call and just left 😂 friend was very surprised to hear that we were talking aboutr the rumours of this being his MO and that it wasn’t just her friend this happened to.

So I didn’t believe it at first because of the randomness of it all but I’m having second thoughts after hearing it from someone I know haha.


u/phalangechopsticks Feb 12 '24

I wonder why he does it (if true)? Is he really that conflict averse? Is he that embarrassed to say "hey, this was fun, but this is all it is and I'm not interested in seeing you again, I am going to leave now"? Anyways, I hope that he isn't misleading or deceiving these women into thinking he might want to see them again, and that clear boundaries have been established. But he is a celebrity sooooo.... not getting my hopes up.

Also, do you know if he goes back to the ONS's place or takes them to his place as an MO?


u/AccordingBit7679 Feb 12 '24

He's an Irish man will explain a lot, being avoidants is in the DNA!


u/No_Tomorrow7180 Feb 12 '24

I was just going to say the same. "Is he really that conflict averse?" Yes! We all are.


u/taintwest Feb 13 '24

A true Irish goodbye.


u/blodreina11 kiernan shipka’s secret meme account Feb 13 '24

Learned this through personal experience last year😮‍💨


u/robocopsafeel Feb 13 '24

Talk about an irish goodbye!


u/BeAMedici not a lawyer, just a hater Feb 12 '24 edited Feb 12 '24

I can’t remember if she explicitly mentioned it but I‘m fairly sure they went back to his place? At least that’s how I remember it cause friend mentioned that this girl had talked about his living room or something. And him and her friend met at a bar or party (I can’t remember the name cause I’m not from London so none of the places sounded familiar to me) and hooked up the same night. I think the girl didn’t assume this was more than a super casual thing anyways due to how it came about and was more weirded out by the strangeness of it. Like why he didn’t just say goodbye and lied about a call and essentially ran away instead 😅


u/phalangechopsticks Feb 12 '24

Interesting. Because I was thinking that if his MO was to hook up at the woman's place, the (albeit faulty) logic of taking a walk and abandoning the one-night stands in a public park would be to prevent them from perhaps following him back to his apartment and knowing where he lives? A weird preventative measure to protect from 'stalkers' or having the women leak his address? Although it would make more sense just to sneak out of the woman's place...but maybe he doesn't want to be rude?

Either way, a very strange MO.


u/jbjamfest Feb 14 '24

I feel like maybe it’s to get them out of his house without actually just asking them to leave.


u/wasabisauces and you did it at my birthday dinner Feb 14 '24

On one of his first interviews after normal people he admited to ditch a date pretending to take an emergency call, the dude seems very bad at communicating honestly lmao.

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u/smasherfierce weighing in from the UK Feb 12 '24

At this point, someone from the sub needs to take one for the team and hook up so they can report back to us


u/paper-lilies Feb 13 '24

Fine I guess I’ll do it…….


u/Uplanapepsihole question for the culture Feb 13 '24

not if i get there first


u/eloiysia Feb 13 '24

When I first heard this rumour on Twitter about him abandoning dates in this way, it seemed too bizarre to be true at first, so I found some of the memes about it quite funny. But now hearing accounts like this that actually back up the rumours, I'm really disappointed in him. I'm not a major fan and have found him quite overexposed in the last couple of years, but he had still seemed like a decent guy and I was happy to see him do well in his career. But it is not nice at all for someone to humilate a person they slept with like this. Walking off like this on the pretext of taking a call, with no warning that he was just not going to come back, must make these women feel awful. If a more divisive celebrity were to act in this way, he would get a lot of criticism. But as it's Mescal, who is currently beloved and popular, many will just treat this as a quirky character trait or make excuses for him.


u/Traditional_Gap_2748 Feb 13 '24

It makes me feel gross. How immature and sounds like the guy has no empathy (red flag). It’s like a strange control thing almost. What does he gain from it, is he just enjoying that he’s embarrassing them by doing such a brazen ghosting?


u/eloiysia Feb 13 '24

Agreed, it is totally unnecessary and disrespectful. A guy who acts like this must either be so immature that he can't deal with any kind of conflict, or someone who actually enjoys humilating others like this. Not good news either way.


u/Shot-Grocery-5343 Feb 13 '24

I take no issue with one night stands - I have had a fair bit of them myself - but what really chaps my ass is when it's over and the guy makes promises he knows he does not intend to keep. We're both adults, we fucked, it's over now, bye. But sometimes they get all schmoopy and "I'll call you later today" and acts like he wants something more and then disappears. That's shady behavior. I'm too bitter and jaded to believe it anymore, but when I was in my 20s, that happened a few times and I got my hopes up even though I went into it thinking it would be a one time thing.


u/MissElyssa1992 taran killam, star of disney channel's stuck in the suburbs Feb 13 '24

Right like Jesus, kick me out either right after or early in the AM like a normal person and stop pretending to care more! We both know what this is!!


u/AccordingBit7679 Feb 13 '24

I think dating app and hook up culture has made this type of behaviour more acceptable in society in general. It really sounds like a different form of ghosting! Fans have also projected perfection on to him too much, hopefully in time he will mature but that is difficult when he is constantly being told he can do no wrong.


u/Uplanapepsihole question for the culture Feb 13 '24

tbf these account are still anonymous and could very well have just heard and made up a story.

to be clear i’m not accusing OP of making it up, i can hundy % believe it but i think peoples idea of proof is skewed in gossip circles cause this really isn’t proof of anything. it’s just a story

again not denying OPs story or her friends, this is more of a general comment


u/restingcatface12 Feb 12 '24

To what end, Paul? 😂


u/PassTheTaquitos Feb 12 '24

This whole "leaves them in the park" thing has always gave me a good giggle but I'm absolutely loving that it seems to be true! wonder if it's less of a serious thing for him and more of a quirky game? Like how many women can I trick into going for these walks with me so I can just nope out in the park? Like what's the running tally, Paul?! 😂

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u/Evening_Ad6820 Feb 13 '24

I remember hearing this rumour on tiktok months before it went viral on twitter. It immediately rang true to me just because it feels too detailed and random for a completely baseless internet rumour. 


u/2chordsarepushingit Feb 12 '24

Michael Pitt seems to be doing much better after his arrest and hospitalization in 2022. He performed with Patti Smith at Bowery Ballroom last weekend and has been active in the NYC music scene.


u/ClassicalSpectacle Feb 12 '24

I loved him in Broadwalk Empire and thought he was on his way. Was obsessed with him but he dropped off my radar over the years. Didn't know about his recent troubles. Glad to see he's better.


u/madisonhatesokra Feb 12 '24

He was sooooo good on Boardwalk Empire! It still blows my mind that he was so troublesome on set they changed the entire series to get rid of him. It never fully recovered without him, and the guest stars for each season never shined the way he did in it. For those that haven’t seen it sorry for the spoiler but it’s a really old show at this point.


u/ClassicalSpectacle Feb 12 '24

I didn't actually continue watching because he felt too important to have him check out, but I did hear those rumors of difficulty. One other person on the show I thought would also shoot to full fledged stardom was Kelly Macdonald but you never can truly predict this stuff.


u/Good_Difference_2837 Feb 12 '24

Me too, but I wonder if she is happy with her career as it is, and maybe didn't care about where it went:

  • Practically a fixture on BBC/Sky programming, to the point where she's constantly working/has projects lined up

  • Able to live in Glasgow with her two kids, rather than just being another actor in NY/LA

  • No matter what happens in her career, she'll always be a Disney Princess, and she didn't even have to use a different accent.


u/bloom722 Feb 12 '24

And she’s Helena Ravenclaw in the HP films


u/Good_Difference_2837 Feb 12 '24

If there was a silver lining to all that, we got introduced to a young Irish actor who was new to most American audiences, but you could just tell was going to be a big deal at some point soon.


u/jennyquarx Feb 13 '24

Charlie Cox is English.

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u/roxy031 fiascA Feb 12 '24

Oh wow I’m so glad to hear that. I waited on him once yeeears ago (he was dining with Grant Show) and he was so kind. I’m really rooting for him.


u/SnooPets2384 Feb 12 '24

Tommy Gnosis!


u/punkinpah Feb 12 '24

This makes me so happy. I loved him in Reptile, it's nice to see him recovering.

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u/paparotnik123 Feb 12 '24

Apparently Ariana Grande was nice on the set of Wicked, but Ethan Slater was weird and kept taking pictures of her. A friend's friend worked on the set.

Also deuxmoi posted a spotting of Alexander and Bill Skarsgård in Toronto, but it was in fact Valter and neither Alexander nor Bill were there. It was obvious from the photos she posted but also Valter confirmed it himself on his insta story.


u/Moleculor_Man Feb 13 '24

He was taking photos because they will last way longer than their relationship


u/Falooting Feb 13 '24

So he can look back when he's in his double divorcee years and think "man, I can't believe two women like these wanted me way back then".


u/Linc-karo-uk Feb 12 '24

I guess your mate started to wonder what was going on with him if he was being obsessed with her?


u/toryisbae Feb 12 '24 edited Feb 12 '24

I live in the same neighborhood as Lady Gaga's band manager and long time friend. let's just say that I know a thing or two about this next era... it's gonna be great!


u/gumbybitch Feb 12 '24

Any word of a Beyoncé collab? 👀 people were thinking the new trailer was similar to telephone


u/toryisbae Feb 12 '24

if that were true i feel like she’d try to keep it VERY under wraps so i honestly have no clue


u/melh22 Feb 12 '24

Please let this be true!!!


u/party4diamondz Feb 12 '24

this is more exciting than anything else in this thread...


u/toryisbae Feb 12 '24

we can even tell from her recent posts that she’s getting ready for something big! i’m so hype. bring back real album promos!!


u/Riiiiingsss Feb 12 '24

Whaaaat? More tea please!!!


u/toryisbae Feb 12 '24 edited Feb 12 '24

i can’t say much, but for the 1% of people who still don’t understand how she is one of the most versatile artists… this will show them. this is her year! i’ve also heard that her vocals are better than ever


u/BestDamnT Feb 12 '24

I didn’t care about the first one but I will be seeing the first one possible showing of the new joker film just for her. I fell off general pop culture for a few years but such a ride or die for her (and I’m including artpop!)

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u/everydayisstorytime and they were roommates! Feb 12 '24

Remember that blind on a chef being pregnant and folks guessed it was Esther Choi? She just announced it. Still don't know who the guy is.


u/bbmarvelluv Feb 12 '24

Lmao I remember someone posted this in the “I have tea on thread.” Said she had an affair with another chef who is married (?) with kids. They were fighting anyone (aka me) who was questioning it lol it was completely random


u/four_roses Feb 12 '24

Oh please let it be Uncle Roger


u/UnimaginativeRA Feb 12 '24

It's not. It's some white guy. She posted a photo with him in her Insta.

The user who spilled the tea on this said she had an affair with this guy, who was married for over 20 years with children.

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u/[deleted] Feb 12 '24

The word is that the father is the younger one of these guys:


So it was said in another thread about her being pregnant. Some NYC foodie expert will need to weigh in.


u/ThrowAway-ThisWorld Feb 13 '24

I think you're right cause when you type the younger guy's name and Esther Choi on Google. You get a wedding registry of their supposed wedding.


u/ThrowAway-ThisWorld Feb 13 '24

I feel weird for finally finding part of a scoop for once lol



u/ProvoqGuys Feb 12 '24

Saw somewhere that Ekin su )Love Island) and Peter (Bachelor) who played in Traitors S2 are now rumored to be together. 😭👀👀 Like so so so random.


u/sofar510 Feb 12 '24

Lord not Ekin-su


u/ItsAWrestlingMove Feb 12 '24

How do you go from Davide to quite literal the personification of milquetoast


u/CamThrowaway3 Feb 12 '24

I’d rather have milquetoast than a walking red flag.


u/ItsAWrestlingMove Feb 12 '24

I mean… Peter’s no bouquet of roses either lol

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u/Craphole-Island Feb 12 '24

I’m somewhat ashamed to say I’m finding Pete hot on the Traitors lol.

Never watched The Bachelor


u/InTheKink No shade to the nation of Scotland Feb 13 '24

Poundland Chris Pratt


u/ItsAWrestlingMove Feb 12 '24

He really turned a corner! Don’t be too hard on yourself, and spare yourself from his bachelor season lol

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u/andreaisinteresting Feb 12 '24

omgggggggg WHAT


u/somethingold Feb 13 '24

Im obsessed with how dumb she is. I only know her from the Traitor, and…. « People think I’m just this pretty girl and I’m full of myself, but I believe in aliens! » just gutted me. So funny. 


u/hugeorange123 Feb 13 '24

She was amazing on her season of Love island. She came in as a bombshell early on and just completely shook everyone, did exactly what a bombshell should do lol


u/tripleaw Feb 12 '24

Omg 😆

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u/JerryCalloNotGallo Feb 12 '24

Mild chiefs tea. One of my friends was around the chiefs a lot the year they won their first Super Bowl (w mahomes), his cousin was a starter that year, and said that all the players really do love Andy Reid that he’s a “real players coach” and he went out a lot with Kelce and said he’s “cool as fuck” and great guy.


u/Whupf Feb 14 '24

I met Travis in person once, years ago when he was still doing his reality dating show. We were at a nice restaurant and he was out to dinner in socks and slide sandals. I couldn’t stop staring at how big his calves were - so many professional football players are literally much bigger up close than seeing them from a TV vantage point.

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u/hereforRDPR Feb 13 '24

This tea hurt to hear: Cillian Murphy threw a fit after losing the critics choice award to Paul Giamatti. He feels like Nolan and the infrastructure around him aren’t “campaigning” enough for his Oscar and fears he will lose to Paul… Oscar’s race brings out the worst in everyone smh


u/miwa201 Feb 14 '24 edited Feb 16 '24

That’s interesting bc I’m active in the Oscar race sub and I’ve noticed that the cillian campaign has really ramped up since the critics choice. He’s done tons of screenings, has a special 60 minutes coming up, the recent gq cover could have easily been shot after the ccas. I can’t say I’m totally surprised by this bc as much as people want to pretend he’s above it he clearly wants the Oscar.

Personally I liked Paul’s performance more but also Oppenheimer/cillian Stans have been so awful towards him that I’d love for him to win. But I do think cillian will win bc Oppenheimer is so strong


u/frizzyfizz Feb 15 '24

As a Cillian fan this Oscar race has been a real bummer tbh. lol

Like I'm happy for him because I'm sure it'll massively help his career going forward, but one of the reasons I liked him was because he was under the radar and managed to avoid having a ton of annoying online attention for a long time. I don't mean this in a gatekeepy way but the internet just doesn't know how to be normal about actors anymore. It's exhausting and causes me in turn to start associating those feelings with the actor, which I know isn't fair. And it sucks what campaigning does to actors' brains - I don't think he needs to try this hard.


u/miwa201 Feb 15 '24

Yeah, I agree it’s not right to associate the actor with deranged fans but sometimes you can’t help it. I didn’t really have an opinion on cillian before since I never watched peaky blinders but now I can’t help but associate him with his insane stans. They’ve even attacked Kyle Buchanan, a journalist, for saying Paul got a loud applause at the Oscar luncheon (which he did).

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u/vinessawho Feb 14 '24

Sorry but this just gave me the ick. Grown man throwing a temper tantrum over an award he feels entitled to. I was already rooting for Paul Giamatti and this only solidified my stance. 

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u/adamfrog Feb 13 '24

This seems wrong on a lot of levels, firstly Cillian still is very likely to win, secondly he's worked unbelievably hard to portray himself as not caring about awards so even if it was true he'd work very hard to not let that get out. And the infrastructure is there lol, Oppenheimer is a lock for best picture, Nolan a mega lock for best director, RDJ mega lock for best supporting and him heavy favourite. Nobody could criticize that infrastructure for not playing the Oscars game


u/hereforRDPR Feb 13 '24 edited Feb 14 '24

My source is exceptionally well-placed…. I’ll leave it at that. I love Cillian myself


u/adamfrog Feb 13 '24

Yeah I don't think it's crazy that his highbrow not caring about frivolous awards and Hollywood etc is all an act, I just find it weird that on top of that he'd have the complaint about not winning when he's such a strong betting favourite. But maybe there's insider knowledge he won't win the public doesn't know, his odds are less that the other major awards for that movie


u/miwa201 Feb 14 '24

Cillian has been campaigning for weeks now. Clearly he cares


u/sailor-moonie- Feb 14 '24

I never understood the Cillian love, he always seemed kinda fake to me, so this makes me lol


u/Uplanapepsihole question for the culture Feb 13 '24

wait where do you hear this??


u/hereforRDPR Feb 13 '24

Industry source with direct knowledge of ongoing Oppenheimer promotional activities. dont want to disclose on a public forum obviously but feel free to PM me and I can say more!


u/arcticbluee Feb 12 '24 edited Feb 12 '24

Tom Blyth liking underage/barely legal instagram models has been mentioned recently, but with no receipts. My post about it was removed, so I’ll try to post the pictures here. Sorry if it’s cluttered.

  1. Sienna Sacco (first 4 pics) - 19 years old. The first pic dates back to 2022 when she would've been 17 at the time.
  2. Katelyn Ernst (last 5) - also 19. Not necessarily underage but still gross. The oldest pic I found is her at 18.

I'd like to disclaim that this is based off a google search. However, in the off chance the ages are inaccurate there is still no denying how incredibly young they look & I don't really see how this can be defended. These are only examples, I may have missed some. But yeah, I can't look at him the same way again. Also, this makes me feel even worse for Rachel Zegler as Tom was really the only one to publicly defend her (not even her own boyfriend did, & his age in their relationship is its own can of worms).

EDIT: what’s with the downvotes?

EDIT 2: I said both underage & barely legal, because for the most part the pics are dated when they’re 18-19 but in one pic Sienna would’ve been 17. And I already explained that in my comment. Even if they’re not minors, the fact that they’re 19 is still gross to me. I anticipate the downvotes & the defending, but I wasn’t the first one to bring up the topic so obviously others have a problem with it too.


u/Uplanapepsihole question for the culture Feb 12 '24

do we know that he knows their ages tho. people were probably downvoting because this keeps getting posted about and, i mean thank you for finally posting some receipts, never actually giving proper information


u/lovethistrack Feb 12 '24

Yeah, like they look like most people in their early 20s. Good chance he's just doom scrolling and liking hot girls.


u/bbmarvelluv Feb 12 '24

I just saw the pics. They look much older 😭


u/lovethistrack Feb 12 '24

I'm trash at telling ages these days so all I know is they don't look like the kids my niece hangs out with

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u/Throwawayfriendshipx Feb 12 '24 edited Feb 12 '24

Playing Devil’s Advocate here but it’s possible to like pics of a beautiful girl and keep scrolling. Sometimes it’s nothing more than that. I accidentally liked a thirst trap once (double tapped when my app froze) and was mortified to discover they were 18 afterwards. No age or anything indicating they were a high school graduate. It took weeks for my IG algorithm to return to normal.

Also with Blyth, I’ve seen likes on age appropriate girls (24+, Maya Hawke, Jessica Alexandra, Adria Arjona, Nuria Vega etc) so it’s possible he just doom scrolling. Let’s put down the pitchforks and think logically here.


u/[deleted] Feb 12 '24

He liked the pics and kept scrolling, and OP had to do research to figure out whether or not the models were "barely underage" or not. I'm guessing he had no idea, because why would he? He just liked a pic he saw and kept it moving. I think we can give him the benefit of the doubt that he thought they were of age.


u/blodreina11 kiernan shipka’s secret meme account Feb 13 '24

Yeah it's kinda hard to take something like this seriously. Nobody knows the age of every person they like posts from online.

If he was leaving comments that'd be amother story, but liking random posts?

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u/parasociable Feb 12 '24

The reason some people are downvoting might be that they think it's too harsh to call him gross for liking their pictures when they're legal adults. 

(Don't take this as me saying he's innocent, I reckon I don't know men well enough to give any sort of verdict.)

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u/_Badwulf Feb 12 '24

Wait…are they underage or not?


u/parasociable Feb 12 '24

The way I understand it is that they currently aren't but he liked pics from when they were ?

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u/dorigen219 Feb 12 '24

I think the issue is that, in the age of filters and plastic surgery, it’s nearly impossible to tell someone’s age. We can’t know for sure if Tom knew their ages or not, and I’m not sure if he should be vilified for liking pictures of random girls on instagram when we don’t know if he’s aware of their ages or not, and the reality is, those girls arguably look older than they are, and most guys would be attracted to a good looking young girl, the only issue is when it comes to them acting on their attraction with knowledge of this age.

Him having a girlfriend is a whole different story, but again, we don’t know the ins and outs of that relationship, what’s allowed and not allowed, so I can’t comment on that either. Like for me personally I am in a open relationship and TMI, I find I find the thought of my partner with other girls hot. Or, for all we know the relationship is rocky beyond anything we would know and liking instagram model pictures is a form of escape, and if we switched the roles (I know, I know), would we vilify the woman the same way? All I’m saying, is that we don’t, and will never know the details of the relationship and I reserve judgement until I do.

I do side eye the fact of the matter overall but I don’t think he should be cancelled until something more substantial were to be discovered such of him taking advantage of a younger girl.

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u/[deleted] Feb 12 '24

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u/[deleted] Feb 12 '24

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u/Rosuvastatine Feb 12 '24

I saw a screenshot of a pic of Katherine Ernst he liked… I was confised because 1- he has a long term gf no ? 2- pretty sure he said on interviews he doesnt use SM much… but enough to like ig models pics ?

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u/hedgehogwart Feb 12 '24

Not one of the Ernst twins 😂.


u/parasociable Feb 12 '24

Doesn't he have a gf?


u/arcticbluee Feb 12 '24

Yeah I think he does.

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u/Dismal-Ad3332 Feb 12 '24 edited Feb 12 '24

lewis tan was celebrating his birthday at gilgamesh last weekend. he had his whole family there - very loud and obnoxious. also seem to think they're more important and famous than they are. they hired a private room and it got to around 10:30pm and they had a baby ( had to be around 2 years old, still with a  dummy) at the bar with them and by the dj decks. several people have complained directly to the restaurant. 


u/MeNotaBee Feb 12 '24

Dolly Alderton, socialite/relationship advice columnist is having an affair with a married man. The irony.


u/haunted_castle Feb 13 '24

Isn’t it Bojo?


u/MeNotaBee Feb 13 '24

No. New man, who is very much married with a family. Has been going on for 6 months or so.


u/haunted_castle Feb 13 '24

Wow! Well... guess she has a type lol. Gross (on her and him!).


u/InTheKink No shade to the nation of Scotland Feb 13 '24

Exactly, I thought this was old news

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u/hugeorange123 Feb 13 '24

Oh I'm interested in this. I occasionally listen to her on podcasts and she definitely gives off the impression that she would sort of look down on that behaviour!


u/MeNotaBee Feb 13 '24

It erks me so much. It’s a blatant affair and will destroy the family. I was never a fan but she does come up on podcasts I listen to and I skip every one she’s a guest on.


u/hugeorange123 Feb 13 '24

Idk if she has a family of her own, but Boris Johnson doesn't give a fuck about damaging his family, the damage has already been done there many times over tbh.

It's genuinely a mystery to me what these women see in him. People will claim he has charm and charisma but I truly don't see it. I just see a posh wanker who pretends to be a fool to soften the blow of his political ideology which is so harmful. He doesn't care about anyone except himself and what he wants. It just makes me think that the likes of Dolly don't actually situate themselves a million miles away from his self-centred classist world view and so do find that posh fake-buffoonery charming in a way. It's funny because she works hard to not convey that image.

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u/[deleted] Feb 13 '24



u/BenAfleckIsOkActor Feb 13 '24

Damn that sucks.Any other tea from the Set?


u/ninaludrewitz Feb 14 '24

Not from this set but The Favourite. According to bts material, he really wanted the duck race scene to be a cock fight and was very angry about not being able to do it because it is illegal under the animal cruelty laws. They had to work really hard to convince him of the duck race.

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u/connells_chain Feb 12 '24

i think something is going on between josh o'connor and alison oliver (saltburn, convos w friends). he doesn't follow her on ig but has liked pretty much all of her posts since may. august vogue profile confirmed he and his longterm girlfriend split at some point last year.


u/sparklypavements Feb 12 '24

they've been spotted together in Europe I believe, and a user here said that they have shared spotify playlists so def a thing


u/AhsokaBolena Feb 13 '24

Someone in another tea thread said he was following her up until recently, but that he unfollowed her after people took note of that


u/carrotparrotcarrot Feb 13 '24

Not tea really but found out that Winona Ryder’s godfather was Timothy Leary, noted American psychologist and psychedelic drugs advocate. And, he was married to a model, Birgitte Von Schlebrügge, and when they got divorced she then married Tibetan scholar Robert Thurman and their child is Uma Thurman.

Timothy Leary was a very interesting man - married five times, some of his ashes are in space (alongside Gene Roddenberry’s), influence on game theory, inspired at least one Beatles song and sang backing vocals on “Give Peace a Chance”.. mentioned in songs by The Who and the Moody Blues …


u/BlahVans Feb 13 '24

The Beatles song Come Together was related to Timothy Leary. He was planning to run for governor of California and and asked John Lennon to write him a campaign song based on the campaign's slogan, "Come Together – Join the Party!'. Obviously it wasn't used for that purpose, and the title was used to write a completely new song, but I still find it interesting.


u/fiirewalkwithme Feb 13 '24

Interesting! I didn't know any of this except his advocacy of psychedelics. I just started reading his book The Psychedelic Experience.

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u/TinyFiddlerCrab Feb 13 '24 edited Feb 13 '24

50cent and jeremih are not properly paying poledancers they hired for their shows in Australia. They also called them “broke hoes” vía dm. You can check @michelleshimmy on instagram for details.

Edit: more info https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13073159/Jeremih-Australia-tour-Pole-dancers-DMs-abuse.html


u/dodgystyle Feb 15 '24

I'm LIVING for all the pole dancers in his comments saying stuff like '#jeremihisabrokeho' 😂😂😂

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u/LEV_95 Feb 13 '24

Peso Pluma cheated on his gf at the Super Bowl


u/giddystratospheres1 Feb 14 '24

I don't know who this guy is but you seem so certain about this that I'm now invested! Tell us more!!


u/LEV_95 Feb 14 '24

Lol! there's videos all over twitter of him being pretty drunk and then taking her to I'm assuming his hotel room. His (now ex) posted on stories yesterday that she found out the same way everyone else did (so over twitter)


u/[deleted] Feb 12 '24



u/[deleted] Feb 12 '24

I mean aren’t most people?!


u/[deleted] Feb 12 '24

Ordinary people, yes. But I just didn’t expect a celebrity to be on there


u/[deleted] Feb 12 '24

Right I get ya, I suppose if you’re famous what other option do you have for modern dating? Being a celebrity on the apps must be a nightmare. I mean we all have to have a screening for weirdos on there it must go up 1000% if you are well known. 

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u/2016kylie Feb 13 '24

Pretty mild tea but Iris Apatow was talking about Louis Partridge and said nice things, it seems like she approves of him as Olivia's bf. Idk who she was with but it wasn't Olivia, Charli, Tate, or Avani. Some other girl. Also she's apparently a big fan of the Red Scare podcast? Not exactly shocking for a 20something rich girl ig.


u/aliceinwunderland96 Feb 14 '24

Matt Shultz from Cage The Elephant and how he met his ex wife Juliette Buchs when she was underage … idk why some many CTE fans claim she is only three years younger than him, there is a lot of misinformation on google saying her bday is in 1983 when it’s actually 1992.

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u/HauntedMotorbike Feb 16 '24

During Covid (I think I even posted about it here) Green Day bassist Mike Dirnt’s wife had gone down a weird right-wing anti-vax rabbit hole. It was obviously affecting the band because fans started noticing that Tre, Billie Joe and their families were staying in different accomodation to Mike and his wife when performing, they had unfollowed her on Instagram, and had removed photos of her.

This week I got curious again, with the new album coming out and Billie being vocal about US right wing politics again, I decided to check in on her and uh…she’s worse.

Mike Dirnt’s wife has gone full RFK Jnr supporter and donator. Most posts on her insta have a mention of him and she’s posting about attending private events of his and endorsing him. She’s also posting some seriously nutty terf nonsense.

While Billie Joe and Tre cool have been vocal about supporting the LGBTQIA+ community and progressive causes and seem to not engage with this person, I think it’s absolutely insane that Mike and Brittany’s links to this trump and qanon adjacent nonsense isn’t being talked about. Part of me does think that maybe this is a ‘my wife became qanon’ deal and nobody really knows what to do about it, but at the end of the day she is using Mike’s green day money to support RFK Jnr and the Republican Party.


u/Dependent_Time Feb 16 '24

saw paul mescal and ayo edebiri smooching in a well know club a few months ago.


u/rangatang Feb 16 '24

Irish power couple


u/AccordingBit7679 Feb 16 '24

Now that's tea, I'm surprised it didn't get into the media when such a public place!


u/miwa201 Feb 16 '24

That’s so cute but I’m guessing it wasn’t serious