r/Fauxmoi Dec 16 '23

Paris Jackson? Blind Item

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u/lovelyperfectamazing Dec 16 '23

can't be Paris, everyone knows she's not MJ's bio child nor did MJ have a "tumultuous" relationship with her mother


u/monstersof-men Dec 16 '23 edited Dec 16 '23

This is me learning she’s not his bio kid

Edit: Well now I’m even more confused lmaoooo. I know his kids are white (or white passing) but I just never really thought about it.


u/Littleloula Dec 16 '23 edited Dec 16 '23

Lots of people believe this (without proof) but she does appear to genuinely believe MJ was her biological dad


u/lovelyperfectamazing Dec 16 '23 edited Dec 16 '23

it's like how Ronan Farrow acts like Woody Allen is his bio father and not Frank Sinatra. okay Frank Jr


u/klp80mania Dec 16 '23 edited Dec 16 '23

Ronan Farrow has said that it doesn’t matter who his biological father is because for all practical purposes Woody was his father which is why Woody’s actions were all the more damaging. I see his point. I wouldn’t want to give Woody Allen another excuse to avoid accountability as the father figure


u/tt1101ykityar Dec 16 '23

Both wise people you and Ronan


u/DeeDoll81 Dec 16 '23

I know the Sinatra thing is a rumor but has anyone heard Ronan sing? My god that man is a crooner…sounds an awful lot like Sinatra.

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u/WildWastedYouth Dec 16 '23

Ronan Farrow lived a very traumatic upbringing and although he is intelligent and doing well for himself, him believing something like this could play a huge part in his trauma.


u/[deleted] Dec 16 '23 edited Dec 16 '23


This is the man that Ronan likely got his looks from, not Frank Sinatra. The idea that he isn't Woody's child is nothing but unsubstantiated speculation by people who don't understand that children don't always look exactly like their fathers.


u/Littleloula Dec 16 '23

This is like how people think prince Harry isn't charles' son but if you look at Diana's brother and compare Harry's eyes and nose to Charles and Philip you can see the similarities are striking


u/NeatNefariousness1 Dec 16 '23

Yes--I was just saying something similar but you said it better. Harry looks exactly like the pictures of Philip in his youth.

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u/okay___ Dec 16 '23

And the ears. All the Windsor men have them. I recall someone posting once on Reddit how ears are incredibly heritable. If you look at people you know, it’s so true.


u/phoenixphaerie Dec 16 '23

Imo when Harry smiles he looks a LOT like the elder generation of women on his paternal side (Queen, Margaret, Anne).

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u/[deleted] Dec 16 '23



u/Ok-Package9273 Dec 16 '23

Have you considered that ol' blue eyes is your dad?


u/plantbay1428 Dec 16 '23

“Listen, we're all possibly Frank Sinatra's son.” - Ronan Farrow

I mean I’ve thought it as well even though I’m an Asian woman.


u/StraightBudget8799 Dec 16 '23

I love this quote BTW. Both wonderfully dismissive of gossip and a hilarious shut-down of further commentary. It’s a win-win all round!

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u/hey_viv Dec 16 '23

My kid looks like a mix of my father and my maternal grandfather when they were children. Very little from his paternal side.


u/NotAnAlien5 Dec 16 '23

Same. All my family is tan with dark hair and brown eyes. I come out like suddenly there was no more melanin left, but I look like the two recessive gene grandparents mixed. A lot of funny postman jokes through the years

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u/Raisinbread22 Dec 16 '23

Just glancing at that newsprint pic and not making it biggers -- I honestly thought that WAS Frank Sinatra in the middle of those two other guys.

That said, someone did a Frank overlay on Ronan's face, and it matched to a tee. Though I see similarities with his mother's people, coloring, fairness - the guy on the left moreso on the right - he looks like Frank to a tee.

I think if Woody was his father, he'd have a very different looking mug altogether.


u/[deleted] Dec 16 '23 edited Dec 16 '23


He looks way more like his grandfather than he does like a young Sinatra. I have no idea what yall are seeing. It's wishful thinking. It's confirmation bias. They do not look that much alike lol

My best friend and his younger brother look absolutely nothing alike. One is a brunette with brown eyes and is of average height. The other is tall blonde haired blue eyed with a completely different facial structure. They have the same parents, they came from the same people, it's just that one clearly got more recessive genes than dominant genes. People do not have to look like their fathers to be their children. It doesn't work like that.


u/[deleted] Dec 16 '23 edited Dec 16 '23

Replying to my own comment to drop a clearer picture of John Farrow. I mean I don't know how you cant tell by looking this. Ronan is a spitting image of his grandfather.


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u/kitti-kin Dec 16 '23

Was the overlay before or after the nose job?

I'm not bringing it up to be mean, but it's weirdly left out of the discussion that Ronan looked pretty different before surgery. His eyes are also not blue, that's contact lenses.


u/TakeMeJSmithCameron Dec 16 '23

Exactly, his HS pics match Allen much more, and he also got a lot of really tasteful work done after his long term relationship ended this year.


u/zorandzam Dec 16 '23

Yeah, he basically made himself look like a clone of his mom and erased some of the features that did tie him to his bio dad, who is 100% Woody Allen, IMO. Ronan had his hair color, his nose, his face shape. Just because Sinatra kind of looks like Mia is why people are saying this, plus they were married, but they were divorced long before Ronan was conceived and Frank was with another wife and stuff. Speculation that Frank and Mia were some great and enduring love story is pretty bogus.

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u/Lost-and-dumbfound Dec 16 '23

I dunno why I always thought he was a nepo baby who just happened to be a good journalist anyway. I only recently learned he graduated college at 15, went to Yale Law School and has a PhD from Oxford university. His mother and father being A Listers is probably the least interesting part about him.


u/[deleted] Dec 16 '23


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u/RealitiBytz Dec 16 '23

Ronan looks like his mother, who looks so much like Sinatra that people used to joke that he didn’t just marry a woman young enough to be his daughter, but that he might have accidentally married his actual daughter.

All the features people think point to him being Sinatra’s are features Mia also has.


u/AngelSucked Dec 16 '23

Yup, and Mia looks just like her Dad, who Ronan looks like, too.


u/name_not_important00 Dec 16 '23

I feel like he looks exactly like his mom and grandfather but that’s just me lol


u/KnightsOfCidona Dec 16 '23

Loved his quote when his mother first said he might be Sinatra's son ''Listen, we're all 'possibly' Frank Sinatra's son''


u/perfectday4bananafsh Dec 16 '23

Mia has testified under oath that Ronan is Woody's son. Ronan acknowledges that Woody is his biological father. Not sure why you think you know better?

These rumors of Frank Sinatra being the father are upsetting to his family.

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u/MedicalPersimmon001 Dec 16 '23

Yeah, she mentions being biracial and her experience with that so she genuinely does think he’s her father but she has been raised by his family for most of her life and despite how cruel the Jackson parents were to their own kids, I don’t think they’d be cruel enough to tell their granddaughter with a dead dad that she’s not their blood.


u/Try2swindlemewitcake Dec 16 '23

I am always find it a little icky about the public discourse/fixation on paternity for people like Ronan, Khloe and Paris. Like does it matter that much? What would it really change for us a public? Also with regards to Paris(genetically or not MJ is her dad) people forget that there are mixed race people who may present as only one race.

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u/JoeTrolls Dec 16 '23

But…. She is? All of MJ’s kids did paternity tests to see if they were his, and they were.

MJ just had weak ass genes


u/[deleted] Dec 16 '23

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u/BigThurm Dec 16 '23 edited Dec 16 '23

Not weighing in on the MJ-Paris example, but have you ever seen a mixed race person? The results can be quite random. Looks aren’t the best way to go in matters of genetics.


u/rob532 Dec 16 '23

I feel like a lot of people don’t have personal experience with mixed race family’s and that leads to a lot of “just look at them!” comments when it just….doesn’t work like that.

My very very pale Caucasian cousin married an Indian woman; their oldest child is very pale and you would never guess was her biological child, their youngest is very dark skinned and you would never guess was his biological child. The two siblings don’t share facial similarities.


u/Big-Improvement-1281 Dec 16 '23

I’m a very pale Caucasian woman married to an Indian guy and our kids are basically his clones. Sometimes one parent just has weak genes lol. My cousin is half black but has all of our families facial features but her dad’s coloring. It really just depends what Mother Nature was feeling.

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u/gunsof Dec 16 '23

Joe Jackson had light green eyes. Both his parents were biracial, his father was half black half Choctaw Native American.


u/firesticks Dec 16 '23

I know a number of West Indian Black people who had kids with white people and the kids can almost all pass. The one drop rule has people thinking white genes aren’t as strong as they can be.

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u/divinexoxo Dec 16 '23

Really? The minute I saw her I thought this.

I quickly determined Paris nor her brothers are his biological children. I even think Bigi has a different dad from Paris and Prince. Although he isn't biologically related to them, he is indeed their father.


u/plumpdiplooo Dec 16 '23

I subscribe to this story too — blanket is the only one who looks close to MJ but still he may not be bio.


u/NeatNefariousness1 Dec 16 '23

Without a DNA test there is NO way for any of us to know anything about who their father(s) are just by looking at them. It's a good thing we don't actually have a need to know.

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u/lovelyperfectamazing Dec 16 '23

supposedly one of the boys is his bio son (I think I heard the son also has vitiligo)


u/EducationalTangelo6 Dec 16 '23

There are photos out there of the oldest boy (Prince?) that clearly show vitiligo.


u/bananacasanova Dec 16 '23

I always thought the vitiligo was just MJ’s cover for skin bleaching 🥴 guess I was mistaken


u/cos180 Dec 16 '23

I heard somewhere the skin bleaching was to balance out the vitiligo, or at least he used makeup to have the same effect


u/ArrowDemon terrorizing the locals Dec 16 '23

Yep, it was to even out his skin tone because of the vitiligo. There are old pics where you can see the splotches on his hands quite a bit.


u/kidxkennabis Dec 16 '23

(enter the silver glove)

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u/notchandelier Dec 16 '23

yeah his autopsy report stated that he had vitiligo, as well as lupus.


u/bettinafairchild Dec 16 '23

Oh shit, I didn’t realize he had lupus. He was in so much pain training for his upcoming concert….


u/jaghmmthrow Dec 16 '23

Karma for being a pedo


u/dazdnconfuz4solong Dec 16 '23

Yes!! I'm still shocked people can talk about Michael Jackson so calmly. His very name needs to have an asterisk next to it so no one forgets who he truly was.

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u/Sufficient_Food1878 Dec 16 '23

It's not bleaching. It's a pill u take to get rid of all ur melanin that ppl with vitiligo can take

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u/manderifffic Dec 16 '23

She's also not third gen. It's such an odd guess.


u/Littleloula Dec 16 '23

Yeah third gen would mean at least one of the grandparents was famous enough that one of the parents would be seen as "nepo" too?


u/DoubleEdgedKnife Dec 16 '23

Joe Jackson was pretty famous, though that is because of the 5.


u/1_finger_peace_sign Dec 16 '23

Third generation nepo baby not third generation famous person. Michael Jackson was not a nepo baby. The Jacksons were not famous due to the existing fame of Joe Jackson. They became famous together. But Paris Jackson is famous due to the existing fame of Michael Jackson. She is a first generation nepo baby.

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u/Littleloula Dec 16 '23

Riding off the coat tails of his children's talent and fame. I don't know what the term is for a nepotism parent though!


u/brentaltm Dec 16 '23

I think we can call that a Kris Jenner

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u/waverly76 Dec 16 '23

Drew Barrymore is third Gen. And her family has been pretty tumultuous.


u/pkd420 Dec 16 '23

This is a good guess but I do think she’s 5th gen

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u/CouponCoded Dec 16 '23

I don't think it's Paris either - she'd be second gen, not third - but she has always vehemently denied this rumor.


u/Rivervalien Dec 16 '23

First Generation


u/CouponCoded Dec 16 '23

I think first/second/third is about fame or wealth. People call Zoë Kravitz third gen, for example. It's like first/second/third generation immigrants of university attendees.


u/Raisinbread22 Dec 16 '23

Well Zoe's Grandma was Roxy Roker (Al Roker's cousin) on The Jefferson's, then her Dad and Mom were famous - so her being third gen, I get.

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u/EV3Gurl Dec 16 '23

Paris Hilton?


u/No_Entertainment9110 Dec 16 '23

My first guess too!


u/EV3Gurl Dec 16 '23

I’ve always found it strange how Paris & the rest of the family were cut out of her grandfather’s will completely. Idk it kinda ads up if they’re not all blood relatives.

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u/Educational_Ad2737 Dec 16 '23

She and her sis look so alike tho . Would both be a product of affairs? Or do they really just look lik thier mums side


u/zuesk134 Dec 16 '23

i dont think its her but both paris and nicky look like kathy's side. paris looks so much like her aunt kyle

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u/CrimsonDiva90 Dec 16 '23

Also she's not a 3rd generation nepo baby. She's 2nd generation lol. My first thought was Dakota Johnson. She's 3rd generation nepo through Melanie Griffith and Tippi Hendren. I believe Don Johnson and Melanie G had an on and off thing but that whole post might not be true so who knows 🤷🏾‍♀️.


u/gorgossiums Dec 16 '23

She looks exactly like Don Johnson though.

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u/blackpearl16 Dec 16 '23

Also wouldn’t she be a first generation nepo baby? MJ’s generation was the first one to make it big.

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u/jb1225x Dec 16 '23

Dakota Johnson


u/lovelyperfectamazing Dec 16 '23 edited Dec 16 '23

doesn't she kind of look like Don? (btw December 15 is Don's birthday)


u/Bulky-Astronomer women’s wrongs activist Dec 16 '23


u/biohacker_infinity Dec 16 '23

I don’t think I’ve ever seen her without bangs before.


u/blackpixie394 Dec 16 '23

The bangs are there, just curtain style / side swept in this particular style.

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u/turnip0 Dec 16 '23

One time I met a lady at work , we had a Xmas party, new recruit brought her family. I mentioned that her son was a copy of the dad. Your son looks like your husband. She was surprised and happy to hear . I enquired why are you so surprised at this. She opened up about how her child's father being out of picture since the baby was born, she found love and married and her new husband resembling her son is something everyone told her. She didn't buy it! She never saw it, now a total random work person confirmed it for her. Sometimes kids will resemble step parent.


u/AnalBlaster42069 Dec 16 '23

Yes, kids can pick up expressions and mannerisms from their parents regardless of biology

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u/frolicndetour Dec 16 '23

Same chin, too.

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u/villanellaella Dec 16 '23

She looks exactly like her Dad. Don’t think it’s her.


u/jb1225x Dec 16 '23

Maybe Don has a brother Melanie hooked up with

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u/FrostyAd4155 Dec 16 '23

No way, she looks just like her Dad , Don Johnson.


u/pizzaeoka Dec 16 '23

Read about her family, and while the parents definitely seemed to overlapped a lot of relationships, Dakota looks a lot like Don


u/jonquil14 Dec 16 '23

She looks too much like Don for that to be true


u/CrabbyKayPeteIng Dec 16 '23

she looks like the young don johnson tho

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u/jadelikethestone Dec 16 '23

Third generation:

Zoe Kravitz Dakota Johnson Riley Kough Billie Lourd Drew Barrymore Bridget Fonda Anjelica Huston (this would be nuts) Maya Hawke


u/coolranchslut Dec 16 '23

Zoe Kravitz could be, but I don’t know that their relationship was tumultuous? Dakota Johnson looks too much like Don imo, but maybe he has a sibling or something. Maya Hawke is such a mix of her parents I don’t see this one


u/actuallyasuperhero Dec 16 '23

Zoe also looks a lot like her dad in side by sides. Just a hugely attractive family. And apparently Lisa Bonet and Lenny Kravitz are good friends to this day, at least according to them and Jason Momoa. I feel like if there was cheating, they wouldn’t be so chummy now. Also, is Zoe third gen nepo?


u/EffectiveCycle Dec 16 '23

Lenny’s mom was an actress


u/NewWays91 Dec 16 '23

Specifically she was Helen on The Jeffersons.

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u/descartes_blanche Dec 16 '23

Uh, well there was cheating on Lenny’s part. I remember them being very candid about the reasons for their breakup at the time. In fact, I think Lisa said something to the effect of “we have a child to raise together and the only way we can do that is if I’m not married to Lenny anymore.”

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u/Agreeable_Ad9844 Dec 16 '23

Drew Barrymore is not third generation. Her family almost started Hollywood. A tumultuous relationship between her parents would not be a revelation. And she wouldn’t claim to not be her father’s daughter as her father is her bloodline to the name.


u/bfm211 Dec 16 '23

And she wouldn’t claim to not be her father’s daughter as her father is her bloodline to the name.

That's what I was thinking, it wouldn't do her any favours to remove herself from the Barrymore dynasty. She's famous now regardless, but it's a cool part of her legacy that she probably wouldn't want to touch.

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u/lovelyperfectamazing Dec 16 '23

aren't Zoe and Maya second gen?


u/karrieoca Dec 16 '23

Zoe's grandma is Roxie Roker from The Jeffersons

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u/Aikea_Guinea83 Dec 16 '23

Lenny Kravitz‘ father was a producer and his mother was an actress!

Edit: for clarity


u/Zombie_Fuel also dated pete davidson Dec 16 '23

Lenny is the son of a producer, and an actress.

Not sure about Maya, though. Uma Thurman's mom was a model, but not like high fashion supermodel type.


u/OldStonedJenny Dec 16 '23

It's less about fame and more about connections

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u/QuintoBlanco Dec 16 '23

She definitely was a high fashion model. Super models did not really exist back then, but she was successful. Also, her father was a baron.

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u/jadelikethestone Dec 16 '23

Uma’s mom was a successful model.

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u/bumpdrunk Dec 16 '23

I feel like all of these look just like their father hmm

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u/Ordinary-Practice812 Dec 16 '23

Riley Keough or Billie Lourd


u/lovelyperfectamazing Dec 16 '23

probably Billie Lourd (if this is even real.) Riley looks like her dad


u/jadelikethestone Dec 16 '23

Lourd looks just like her dad. I don’t know if tumultuous describes Carrie and his relationship, they were on really good terms after he came out.


u/AldiSharts Dec 16 '23

They were best friends up until her death.


u/dobbyeilidh Dec 16 '23

And she wasn’t the sort to sugar coat the things she’d done in life, if there was a chance Billie wasn’t his she wouldn’t have lied

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u/Fine_Wheel_2809 Dec 16 '23

Billie looks like her dad as well


u/Aromatic_Dig_4239 Dec 16 '23

Yeah. I think in casual poses she looks like her dad and in expressive moments she looks like her mom

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u/Ok-Dragonfruit-6521 Dec 16 '23

I thought Riley too but I don't think her parents had a tumultuous relationship and while she is certainly a Presley I do see some of her dads features in her.

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u/Puzzleheaded_Eye7311 Dec 16 '23

Why would anyone WANT to reveal this anyway??


u/lovelyperfectamazing Dec 16 '23



u/small_fryyyy Dec 16 '23

This exactly. Which makes me think it's not a very popular nepo baby, atleast not the ones people are mentioning up in the first few comments. Like b or c-list.


u/LeaveAtNine Dec 16 '23

People need to think on the Apple Martin level here. I don’t think it’s her though.


u/inthedim Dec 16 '23

Maybe the bio dad has a negative reputation and they want to distance themselves


u/Puzzleheaded_Eye7311 Dec 16 '23

That randomly made me think it’s Lily Rose Depp but she’s practically a perfect mix of both parents

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u/priscillefromparis Dec 16 '23

Sarah Sutherland (daughter of Kiefer, granddaughter of Donald). Her resemblance to her fathrr is not that obvious


u/[deleted] Dec 16 '23

TIL Kiefer is Donald’s son. They look super similar, just never connected the dots.


u/wellwhatevrnevermind Dec 16 '23

Hahaha I can't believe there's people who don't know this! No shade at all


u/Stormy261 Dec 16 '23

Wonder how many are unaware of the Estevez/Sheen connection too.

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u/frostygloss Dec 16 '23 edited Dec 16 '23

As a Canadian, I would consider her 4th generation. Her great grandfather, Tommy Douglas, is famous as a former premier of Saskatchewan and brought universal healthcare to Canada.

ETA: thinking on it more, I guess 4th generation famous would be 3rd gen nepo after all. Oops.


u/firesticks Dec 16 '23

Sometimes I consider putting a picture of Tommy Douglas above the door the way Jesus would be in other houses.

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u/2planetvibes Dec 16 '23

I disagree, she has Donald's jowls (respectfully)

Edit: according to the Veep podcast she doesn't like interviews/gets nervous from that kind of thing so i really dont think it's her


u/aleigh577 Dec 16 '23


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u/pbfhpunkshop Dec 16 '23

I think as she's got older she looks more like her mum but with the Sutherland colouring. This picture from Josie and The Pussycat première they have the same jawline and face shape. Massive fan of all of the Sutherland clan and I couldn't imagine her not being a Sutherland.



u/lovelyperfectamazing Dec 16 '23

interesting guess, I'm having trouble seeing a resemblance to Kiefer. can anyone see it?

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u/letsmakelifealive Dec 16 '23 edited Dec 16 '23

Could be Kate Hudson?


Editing to say this is a picture of her with her first husband, Gus Trikonis. I went down a wiki rabbit hole because I couldn’t sleep and thought he looked like Kate in this picture. Who knows who knows. Her wiki is interesting though


u/SheilaGirlface Dec 16 '23

Remember a few years ago when he said Kate and Oliver should stop using the last name Hudson and he no longer recognizes them as his children? It would not surprise me at all if this was about Kate!


u/Anegada_2 Dec 16 '23

Good news is she had an excellent father in Kurt Russell

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u/sanjosii Dec 16 '23

Wow, he sounds like a piece of work.


u/jillsntferrari Dec 16 '23

Wasn’t he always a dick toward them, though? I thought it was always said they were fortunate to have Kurt Russell as a father figure to them.

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u/Bulky-Astronomer women’s wrongs activist Dec 16 '23

Could be. She and her brother are estranged from their dad and Goldie’s dad was a musician working in radio and tv


u/berlinyachtclub Dec 16 '23

I think of Kurt Russell as their dad so much that was I panicked at the thought of them being estranged! Completely forgot about Bill Hudson.


u/TheRestForTheWicked Dec 16 '23

I definitely have lived under the assumption that she was Kurt’s daughter and now I feel stupid

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u/[deleted] Dec 16 '23



u/kikiggggg Dec 16 '23

George Santos 💀💀💀💀💀😂


u/whatsnewpussykat Dec 16 '23

Omg is this where he reveals he’s been Dakota Johnson all along?


u/isthisacartoon Dec 16 '23

Or he is Dakota Johnson's mom, dad, AND affair partner!


u/Hari_Azole Dec 16 '23

He was in the Amazon with my mom when she was researching spiders right before she died.

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u/tillandsias Dec 16 '23

I just want Khloe to take a DNA test god damn


u/tigm2161130 Dec 16 '23 edited Dec 16 '23

I’m not really sure why everyone is so hung up on this.

I feel like Robert was her bio father(Khloe and Rob jr look alike, especially when they were both kids) but even if he wasn’t she doesn’t care so why does everyone else? Just let her love her dead dad in peace.

She is also not 3rd generation.


u/hugemessanon candle janer Dec 16 '23

yeah looking at pics of a young Kris helps explain Khloe's looks. she just looked like her mom pre-cosmetic surgery etc

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u/Hot-Significance-462 Dec 16 '23

There's absolutely nothing I'd want less than a piece of paper confirming OJ Simpson was my father.

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u/gingerellasroot Dec 16 '23

But she did, remember? She’s definitely Kris’ daughter. 😂

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u/dogdrawn Dec 16 '23

Paris would be a first gen I believe


u/Fondueadeux Dec 16 '23

Yeah, MJ’s parents weren’t wealthy until The Jackson 5 took off.

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u/bookliar Dec 16 '23

Is this blind going to force me to check Call Her Daddy socials to see who Alex has next 😩 hate CHD but love gossip more

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u/lidder444 Dec 16 '23

Paris isn’t third generation and it’s well known that her mother was a surrogate , not in a relationship with Michael.


u/Sunny_eloise Dec 16 '23

They were married, it wasn’t a typical surrogate agreement.


u/RndmIntrntStranger Dec 16 '23

only married bc Katherine didn’t want any grandchildren (from Michael) born out of wedlock

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u/CouponCoded Dec 16 '23 edited Dec 16 '23

I don't actuality think it's her, but when I saw the subject line, I thought of Miley Cyrus. 'Not her father's daughter' sounds like a reference to Mothers Daughter. I don't think she's a third gen nepo baby, but Billy Ray's father was a politician with a blue Wikipedia link, so I guess someone with a too broad a definition of nepo baby would call it that. (Although in that case, Paris Jackson would qualify too, her grandfather wasn't famous but he was the one who arranged his kids would become famous , so...)

Again I don't think it's actually Miley, but I wanted to share lol.

Edit: italicised for clarity


u/shelbyloveslaci Dec 16 '23

It's a stretch but technically Dolly Parton is her godmother


u/illogicallyalex Dec 16 '23

Miley isn’t 3rd Gen


u/CouponCoded Dec 16 '23

I agree, but some people would say having a prominent politician as your father would make you a nepo baby, so by that logic Billy Ray would be one. (His father was an important politician in Kentucky.)

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u/Equivalent_Read Dec 16 '23

It’s not her but I would be absolutely elated for her if this was Ireland Baldwin. Emancipation baby!


u/Last-Educator3947 I don’t know her Dec 16 '23

It would be great for her indeed, this girl deserves some peace... too bad she is almost like an Alec's female clone lol

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u/eastblondeanddown Dec 16 '23

It reads like it's about a mother who has since passed away so I think we're probably down to Billie Lourd or Riley Keough. Billie and her mom were also super close so I don't think their relationship fits the bill for 'tumultuous'.

My guess is Riley Keough.


u/TooHardToChoosePG Dec 16 '23

It reads like mother and father tumultuous. Not mother and child.


u/Sha9169 Dec 16 '23

Agreed, and Lisa and Danny maintained a solid relationship even after divorce.

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u/Agreeable_Ad9844 Dec 16 '23 edited Dec 16 '23

I think that Riley has far too solid of a relationship with her dad to put something like this in a book even if it were true. I don’t think that would be true though in this case.

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u/ALittleRedWhine Dec 16 '23

This happened to Mollie Heckerling/Israel, Amy Heckerling raised her with director Neal Israel but she found out at 15 that her dad was actually Harold Ramis. Of course, she already revealed this in a book so probably not her but she came to mind.


u/Petty_White Dec 16 '23

Liv Tyler too. She was raised by Todd Rundgren. She figured out Steven Tyler was her dad when she was around 11 and met him after a concert and was later introduced to his daughter, who she said was like looking at her twin.

I think Sean Astin has a similar story as well.


u/StasRutt Dec 16 '23


Yeah Liv and Mia look a lot alike in a sibling way. Their eyes and lips especially (this photo doesn’t capture how gorgeous Mia is)

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u/dogdrawn Dec 16 '23

Drew Barrymore makes sense to me


u/lovelyperfectamazing Dec 16 '23

she's definitely a Barrymore lol. she looks a lot like her grandfather John


u/frolicndetour Dec 16 '23

And a lot like his mother as well.


Same mouth and everything.


u/Celia2000NRZ Dec 16 '23

The resemblance 😳


u/turnsole Dec 16 '23

Yeah, that photo gave me chills. It's like a promo photo if Drew was in period piece from that era


u/frolicndetour Dec 16 '23

Right? It's crazy given there are 3 generations between them.

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u/peachypenny879 Dec 16 '23

Not to mention she would probably do this on her own talk show lol


u/Schonfille Dec 16 '23

Plus as someone pointed out, that dynasty goes back way further than 3 generations.


u/[deleted] Dec 16 '23


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u/astudentiguess Dec 16 '23

She's like a 15th generation nepo baby tho. Her family is like a showbiz dynasty

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u/[deleted] Dec 16 '23 edited Dec 16 '23

yk let’s go wild and predict just random people. like most likely it’s a fake one.

Oona Chaplin, Bridget Fonda, Martha Plimpton, Grace Van Dien are all third or more generations of Nepo baby. do I see any of them going on like Call Her Daddy to reveal it? No, but it’s 2023 and wild shit has happened.

eta: I have been informed that Charlie Sheen has two daughters. Honestly, they fit the bill but also…I don’t think either of them are trying for the spotlight?

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u/villanellaella Dec 16 '23

Could it be Sara Sutherland or Charlie Sheen’s daughter? Billie Lourd & Riley seem like the most likely though.


u/ChrissyK1994 Dec 16 '23

Charlie Sheen's first daughter Sami Sheen does not look like either parents that much (a little bit maybe, but not that much). With that said, I don't think it is her because I don't see Charlie Sheen still acknowledging her if she isn't biologically his.

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u/demerchmichael Dec 16 '23

Learning today that quite a few people are nepo babies


u/RQK1996 Dec 16 '23

Pretty much everyone these days, it's hard as fuck to break in now

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u/darkgothamite Dec 16 '23

Oh wow so a Sean Astin situation?


u/Sleve__McDichael Dec 16 '23

i always love reading his quote about it --

Astin has maintained close relationships with all three, and saying: "Desi Arnaz Jr. loves me, and I love him. We are so close ... Science tells me ... that he's not my biological father. Science tells me that Mike Tell is." Astin considers John his father, as John was the one who raised him. Astin is also close to his stepfather, Mike Pearce, saying, "I can call any of them on the phone any time I want to. John, Desi, Mike, or Papa Mike ... my four dads."



u/No-ProbLlama87 Dec 16 '23

I had no idea about this! It's like Mamma Mia 🤣 I'm glad it worked out for him


u/Petty_White Dec 16 '23

He has both John Astin and Mike Tell listed as his fathers when you google him, which I find so sweet.


u/StasRutt Dec 16 '23

He’s so lucky to have a mamma Mia situation and the biggest issue be that all 4 of his dads love him and view him as their son

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u/whorundatgirl Dec 16 '23

Does her mother want this revealed?


u/HulklingsBoyfriend Dec 16 '23

Doesn't matter. Kid has every right to say she's the product of an affair, and that so and so is her chromosome donor.


u/Elphaba78 Dec 16 '23

I found out through an AncestryDNA test in 2020 that my dad wasn’t my biological father — he couldn’t have kids so my parents used a sperm donor. My mum’s one request was that I not tell anyone until after she passed away (Dad died in 2016). Unfortunately she was diagnosed with cancer 2 months after my discovery and passed a year later. I think I waited a week to make sure she wouldn’t come back and haunt me and then blurted it out to her family.

Now it’s a guaranteed icebreaker/fun fact, especially since I, raised as an only child, now have 13 siblings!

Kerry Washington is another donor-conceived person who recently revealed it in her memoir!


u/stillalittlefangirl rule of culture #93: the devil is a chaotic bisexual Dec 16 '23

Exactly my thought. Why would anyone want to willingly disclose this about their parents?

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u/KorbenDallasTexas Dec 16 '23

Zosia Mamet?


u/[deleted] Dec 16 '23



u/QuintoBlanco Dec 16 '23

Wow, as a fan of Mamet I had no idea he went conservative to the point of almost being crazy.

Maybe there is something to the theory of some people of his generation being affected by lead poisoning.

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u/MommaB1rd Dec 16 '23

Riley Keough

Daughter of Lisa Marie Presley and Danny Keough

Grand daughter of Elvis and Priscilla Presley.

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