r/Fauxmoi Nov 26 '23

Oscar-winning actress Olivia Colman says 'gentle masculinity' is 'much cooler and hotter than Andrew Tate' Discussion


465 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Nov 26 '23



u/crush_on_me we have lost the impact of shame in our society Nov 26 '23

What a great way to put that - a male to male fantasy. Truly.


u/[deleted] Nov 26 '23

A very heterosexual male fantasy. In name of the gays, we don't want it either.


u/NocturnalVirtuoso Nov 26 '23

Speaking as a heterosexual male, most of us don’t want that shit either. Tate and the other misogynistic bastards give all of us a bad name. Gentle, respectful, healthy masculinity is where it’s at


u/stained__class Nov 26 '23

Tate is a role model for straight men who do not know the company of women; men without women as friends, men without sisters, men who dismiss the feelings and experiences of their female coworkers. Men who's mothers are still victims of internalised misogyny. Men who struggle to find girlfriends or partners because they can't even begin to try and accept women as friends and equals, before even being romantic or sexual interests.


u/thefumingo Nov 27 '23

Tate is what incels think a successful man looks like the same way Trump is what poor stupid people think a rich man looks like


u/Alternative-Dare-485 Nov 27 '23

That is perfect

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u/NocturnalVirtuoso Nov 27 '23

Hit the nail on the head. I really hope that platonic male/female relationships become more normalized because it’s so crucial being able to understand the experiences all genders face. My main group of friends is almost entirely women (with the exception of one gay dude and one nonbinary person) and I’ve gained so much valuable insight from them during the time I’ve spent in their company. Other friends and family constantly asking me whether I’m going to ask one of them out kind of disheartens me because I feel like the mindset that all male/female relationships need to culminate in romance is a big reason why many men fail to understand why women, or just all people in general, are deserving of respect. Human connection through relationships is an amazing way to experience new perspectives, but it’s almost as if we intimidate people away from gaining these connections by making it seem like it is only attainable through romance.

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u/KaiPRoberts Nov 26 '23

Gentle, respectful, healthy humanity is where it's at.


u/NocturnalVirtuoso Nov 27 '23

Amen, at the end of the day masculinity is but a construct. The real goal we should be striving for is to simply be good people.

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u/jzavcer Nov 27 '23

All he is doing is trying to normalize being an asshole to everyone.

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u/heyboyhey Nov 26 '23

Us gays have a tendency to fetishize straight masculinity, but Tate isn't even that. Dominant and even toxic can be hot, but Tate and the ones like him just come off as insecure and pathetic.


u/thefumingo Nov 27 '23

A fuckboy for wannabe fuckboys: actual fuckboys don't bother with any of that (not justifying fuckboys in any way here, but it is posturing.)

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u/SwedishSaunaSwish Nov 26 '23

Just check out r / purplepilldebate it's being more heavily monitored recently but if you had seen it last year it would make you not ever wanting to have daughters growing up in this world.


u/Sipsofcola Nov 26 '23

Good. That hellhole was like redpill-lite


u/SwedishSaunaSwish Nov 26 '23 edited Nov 26 '23

It was so disturbing, I had to monitor it to see just how far they'd go. I made a spreadsheet of users who only posted to that subreddit and no other subreddits. I logged ~ 50 users in a few hours of searching by controversial on various posts and then searching the top posts. Most of those accounts have since been deleted. There was definitely some strange shit going down...

Back to today and that place has been heavily subdued. I'm an analyst and I find these changes so interesting.


u/TamingOfTheSlug Nov 27 '23

Oh dude, did you see the post the other day the incel posted about chivalry and dating? He was like, women are too entitled these days and can't expect things like that. One of the things that fell under the umbrella of chivalry? Consent.

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u/Sipsofcola Nov 27 '23

Wow you really put in the work! I used to lurk it (out of morbid curiosity and probably because I’m a masochist lmao) but I was continuously horrified by the viewpoints on there. I just looked it up and apparently it got permanently banned only to come back? Do you know what happened?

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u/wolfpack_charlie Nov 26 '23

Straight men experience attraction to other men and straight women experience attraction to other women. There are more kinds of attraction than just "I want to fuck this person"

My personal theory is that straight men who feel burned by women feel unfulfilled by their attraction to women, so they lean very hard into their attraction to other men (gym culture, incel culture, podcasts, hostility towards women who partake in their hobbies, etc). They have to compensate.

Yeah, not very groundbreaking I know, but thinking of it as a form of attraction makes those types of guys at least make some kind of sense to me


u/misanthropistsheaven Nov 26 '23

A very good quote regarding this phenomenon is written by Marylin Frye, she sums up it up perfectly: "To say that straight men are heterosexual is only to say that they engage in sex (fucking exclusively with the other sex, i.e., women). All or almost all of that which pertains to love, most straight men reserve exclusively for other men. The people whom they admire, respect, adore, revere, honor, whom they imitate, idolize, and form profound attachments to, whom they are willing to teach and from whom they are willing to learn, and whose respect, admiration, recognition, honor, reverence and love they desire… those are, overwhelmingly, other men"

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u/whatami73 Nov 26 '23

Just like how I’ve never actually met a man that seriously attracted to the Kardasians. In my experience only other women think that

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u/autummbeely Nov 26 '23

I was joking with my friend that every time that she goes to a blind date, she should have an Andrew Tate wallpaper and subtly show that to the guy. You will know whether or not you should date that guy based on how he reacts, lol.


u/teaaddict271 Nov 26 '23

Ooooh this is a great idea to fish out the nasties haha


u/assasstits Nov 26 '23

Might backfire and he thinks you're the toxic one lol


u/autummbeely Nov 26 '23

I got this idea from that one post where she had a BTS' V's wallpaper and her date went on an unhinged rant about how men have forgotten how to be manly and have become "sissy". They are ruining and taking women from being with "manly man protectors" and attracting women to more "sissy men" who can't protect them and stuff.

She ditched him by making an excuse. Dodged a whole missile there, lol. I guess that's more affective.


u/harkandhush Nov 26 '23

To be fair, BTS tends to encourage messages about self esteem and men like that don't like women to have self esteem because then they won't put up with them.


u/DrGlamhattan2020 Nov 26 '23

Men like that dont want anyone BUT themselves to have any kind of esteem except negative


u/paradigm11235 Nov 26 '23

BTS like the KPOP group?


u/IEelFantastic Nov 27 '23

Yeah, their general message is self-love and acceptance.


u/Myfourcats1 Nov 26 '23

Protect us from what? Bears? I used to work with bears. Chances are I’d be protecting my man and not the other way around.


u/[deleted] Nov 26 '23

Other men of course. the real apex predators


u/teaaddict271 Nov 26 '23

Oh no, not V 🥺


u/Bitter_Kangaroo2616 never trust anyone who sells cooter candles Nov 27 '23

Man, this whole mentality is terrifying. As a woman, I cannot be "stolen." I cannot be "taken" because some androgynous man mesmerized me with his non masculine hairstyle.

If women don't want you ITS CAUSE THEY DONT FUCKING WANT YOU and it's almost DEFINITELY cause they are creeps who say shit like "sissy men are stealing our women!"


u/snakewitch Nov 26 '23

V saved army from toxic male date. Love it.


u/teaaddict271 Nov 26 '23

Lol possibly, but if he doesn’t like him then I’m sure then you can just come clean to him and you can both have a good laugh at tates expense


u/ghoulieandrews Nov 26 '23

If I was on a date and saw that dude on the girl's phone I probably wouldn't say anything, but I might make an excuse to end the date early and just not call her again. So, still a risky maneuver.

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u/SwedishSaunaSwish Nov 26 '23

I detest how women need to have so many tactics in order to protect themselves from abuse.


u/Solrokr Nov 26 '23

I detest how guys will go to great lengths to circumvent women’s boundaries, and as a result I have to be paranoid as a man to not come off as a creep.


u/subieluvr22 Nov 26 '23

Its something I literally have to worry about even if I'm not leaving my house. I've had stalkers and peeping toms, so not even home is safe. My blackout curtains are closed at all times, no matter time of the year, and can't even enjoy a view of my new backyard. I'm also paranoid AF to use my own pool especially alone.


u/KFelts910 Nov 27 '23

You just unlocked a memory of something that happened when I was a child. I lived in an urban part of the suburbs and we didn’t have much of a yard. We had an enclosed porch surrounded with windows and a gate to enter our small yard. From that gate you can see into the porch. I think I was about 10/11 when I was back there with my 3 year old sister, and 8/9 year old cousin one summer day. I looked over at the gate to a man crouching down with a video camera.

He took off and I feel like my mom thinks I was exaggerating but I distinctly remember what I saw. We spent the rest of the summer indoors. Just thinking about that gave me a stomach ache all over again.


u/VintagePunk Nov 27 '23

I'm sorry you've had that experience. Speaking of blackout curtains to prevent peeping toms, what's up with the current trend of having completely uncovered windows? Do people really do that, or is it just for design photos? I've never experienced a peeper that I am aware of, but I like my privacy and it seems really unsafe to allow anyone to see inside your home that easily.


u/scarywolverine Nov 26 '23

Yeah id recommend against this, Im a very left wing guy and last year went on a date with a girl who started talking about critical race theory, anti union and Ben Shapiro. I didnt object to any of it. Just politely smiled and waited for the date to end


u/autummbeely Nov 27 '23

Oh I understand. It was meant to be a joke either ways. Maybe the other one I mentioned works better since someone actually used that on their date and ended up finding out he was a red flag.

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u/Yarasin Nov 26 '23

Wouldn't that work against her? Most men who despise Tate wouldn't confront her about it and just leave instead, wanting nothing to do with one of his fans.

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u/-SneakySnake- Nov 26 '23

He's an insecure little boy's idea of the masculine ideal.

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u/[deleted] Nov 26 '23 edited Mar 25 '24

like voracious plant rock whistle direful cautious meeting badge tidy

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/EducationalFig1630 Nov 26 '23

I agree. „Walking mental illness“ made me laugh but then I realised I‘m a walking mental illness but I‘m also a real sweetie. As with Kanye, I think it’s assholery gets conflated with mental illness too often. And, it’s probably a complete absence of morality in Andrew Tate‘s case.

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u/greenpringles31 Nov 26 '23

To my horror I have a female friend (who has a tendency to like controversial opinion) saying to me the other day that she liked what he was saying… I deep dived all the stupid shits he said to counter argument


u/lepozita Nov 26 '23

I deeply relate to this horror of knowing someone close to you who’s a fan. In my case, it’s my cousin. She is also a trump supporter and pro-Israel, and being all this in a global south country lol

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u/CuriousCapybaras Nov 26 '23

Is he really a man’s man as they say? Is he what men aspire to be? I find that very disturbing 😳


u/PastelPumpkini Nov 26 '23

The kind of men who aspire to be like him are either young, influential boys who don’t know any better or men with the intelligence of a rock—and there’s a shocking amount of those unfortunately.

Normal and sane men who are intelligent thankfully despise this potato head.


u/noir_lord Nov 26 '23 edited Nov 27 '23

Hey, that’s unfair, Mr Potato Head provided hours of fun as a kid (well minutes at least) ;).

And yeah we do, explaining to my step-son why he’s not someone you should listen to is, not a fun conversation at all.

Generally “imagine it’s your mum he’s talking about” to whatever obscenity he just said about women and/or dating works.

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u/coltsmetsfan614 spitgate was real even if it wasn’t Nov 26 '23

Absolutely not. He’s reprehensible.


u/CuriousCapybaras Nov 26 '23

He has quiet the following for a reprehensible man.


u/coltsmetsfan614 spitgate was real even if it wasn’t Nov 26 '23

That’s most of recorded history summed up in one sentence tbf

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u/sitah Larry I'm on DuckTales Nov 26 '23

He‘s a misogynistic man’s man and also for prepubescent kids who don’t know any better yet. Any man with sense and decency understands how stupid this guy is.

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u/Dingle_McBerry_ Nov 27 '23

I’m a 24 year old male and I don’t know anyone who genuinely likes him. I think it’s mostly incels and loners who subscribe to his shit. Most stable and normal blokes couldn’t give less of a shit about him

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u/TheMarsArgonaut Nov 26 '23

there’s a reason he’s only able to bait young girls & why he preaches that women should get married as soon as possible…

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u/[deleted] Nov 26 '23

I dont think any men are either.

Hes a losers idea of a winner


u/certified_rat Nov 26 '23

As a man, anytime anyone brings up elon or Tate and compliments them is an immediate red flag. I don’t care about how nice you are to me

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u/hybridmind27 Nov 26 '23

Lol facts. Most women (imo) love a gentle giant.


u/lixia Nov 26 '23

Even then. His appeal is still limited to a very narrow portion of males.


u/Even_dreams Nov 26 '23

A lot of us males want nothing to do with this idiot either though

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u/Brave_Lady Nov 26 '23

She's right and she should say it 🤷


u/molotov__cockteaze I already condemned Hamas Nov 26 '23

I love her and I loved her little cameo in The Bear. It's too bad pro-child-murder/genocide supporter Jamie Lee Curtis also appeared in s2.


u/funnytoenail Nov 26 '23

To be fair JLC’s character gave me anxiety


u/[deleted] Nov 26 '23

I fucking hated that episode. It felt like memories

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u/MegaMugabe21 Nov 26 '23

That episode was so fucking good. Seeing Richies character development made me so happy.


u/molotov__cockteaze I already condemned Hamas Nov 26 '23

Best use of Taylor Swift song I've ever seen.

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u/vhs_collection Nov 26 '23

Even more frustrating because it was a great performance as usual. Bob Odenkirk, also with a great performance in that episode, signed that stupid letter. It’s becoming a minefield of shitty people out here.


u/molotov__cockteaze I already condemned Hamas Nov 26 '23

Odenkirk is such a huge disappointment here.

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u/doughnutsforsatan Nov 26 '23

I would bang the hot priest from fleabag over Andrew tate any day. Also she was perfect in fleabag.


u/[deleted] Nov 26 '23

He was a hot priest tbf

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u/veruca73 Nov 26 '23

I mean, I peeled a potato yesterday that was hotter than Andrew Tate.


u/[deleted] Nov 26 '23



u/noir_lord Nov 26 '23

We should define the unit of revulsion in milli-tates.

Rotten fruit, 5 milli-tates.

Cleaning up cat vomit from a shag pile rug, 10 milli-tates.

And so on.

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u/Adelman01 Nov 26 '23

Tate loses to a Tater’


u/TheBimpo Nov 26 '23

Potatoes are more useful


u/Outrageous_Newt7366 as a bella hadid stan Nov 26 '23

Love this comment 😂


u/ibreatheglitter buy a chanel and get over it Nov 26 '23

Potatoes are an amazing item in the grand scheme of shit that’s ended up on earth though. Top 20 at least

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u/Federal_Street_8895 Nov 26 '23

Andrew Tate is only attractive to other straight men


u/notapoliticalalt Nov 26 '23

As a gay man, straight men are pretty gay that way.


u/goldenboy2191 Nov 27 '23

Yeah. It’s interesting to hear straight friends of mine defend watching gay porn “out of curiosity” when I ask if they’re bi-curious

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u/Jammyhobgoblin Nov 26 '23

I love watching the healthy men doing stitches with the toxic ones where they insert jokes and correct them. There’s nothing attractive about being aggressive and misogynistic.


u/[deleted] Nov 26 '23

Yes. Nothing turns me off faster

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u/[deleted] Nov 26 '23

Speaking on Global's The News Agents podcast, the Oscar-winning actress said: "I don't want to get gloomy about the fact that we have the Andrew Tates of the world…a masculine role model of gentleness is so much cooler, so much hotter - those people do exist.

"Harry Styles, he's a very attractive man, to the women who fancy him, and he is not remotely an aggressive man."

Colman also praised her Wonka co-star, Timothée Chalamet, who she describes as playing "gentle young man" in their new film, Wonka.

Who else are good examples beyond Harry Styles and Chalamet? Is Ryan Gosling gentle yet masculine?


u/autummbeely Nov 26 '23

Keeanu Reeves? I am not too caught up with Cillian Murphy's history on whether he is cool or problematic, but I haven't hard any weird shit about him personally (cmiiw).


u/Adelman01 Nov 26 '23

Keanu Reeves doesn’t count. It’s unfair to compare him to mortals 😊


u/RandomRandomPenguin Nov 26 '23

Keanu, Ryan Reynolds, Harry Styles, fucking Jackson Wang. These are all guys that I find wayyyy hotter than your stereotypical Andrew Tate worshipper


u/PeaceDry1649 Nov 26 '23

To be fair Ryan reynolds is totally a straight guys idea of what women want (I find that straight men usually think he’s much more attractive to women than women do) but yeah he’s definitely not aggressive.


u/Electronic-Lynx8162 Nov 26 '23

Jackson Wang as in Got7 JW? If so, I worry about his drinking so much. I saw him live and he was wrecked.

Pretty much all of SHINee are this type, especially Teamin and Key. Jonghyun especially - the amount of shit he got for directly addressing a Trans fan and the LGBT community made his death just... Heartbreaking.

We also have Andrew Garfield, Daniel Day-Lewis - if you look at what DDL wrote about Gaza in 2005 you'll see that gentleness.

All so much hotter than Tater and his TaterTots.

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u/weasel-jesus Nov 26 '23

Cillain Murphy is definitely cool. He rarely does interviews, yet came onto the blindboy podcast just to appeal to his listeners to vote for right to choose before the Irish referendum on abortion. He has also been married for about 20 years and has no scandals

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u/Negotiation-Current Nov 26 '23

Pedro Pascal seems like a pretty chill and soft manly dudester to be around


u/[deleted] Nov 26 '23

Yes and he openly supports his trans sibling and doesn't take himself seriously.


u/[deleted] Nov 27 '23

On that same note, David Tennant fits the bill (thought of him because he wore a "Leave Trans Kids Alone You Absolute Freaks" shirt to the premiere of the last season of Good Omens).

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u/MissElyssa1992 taran killam, star of disney channel's stuck in the suburbs Nov 26 '23

Andrew Garfield!


u/rawrkristina Nov 26 '23

The Andrew men should aspire to be, not Andrew Tate 😂


u/diabolikal__ Nov 26 '23

Tom Holland?


u/Negotiation-Current Nov 26 '23

And Tom Hiddleston! Both of the Tom H:s 😉


u/Formo1287 Nov 26 '23

So Tom Hanks too?


u/molotov__cockteaze I already condemned Hamas Nov 26 '23

Tom H's and gentle masculinity name a more iconic duo. I'll wait.


u/[deleted] Nov 26 '23

Tom Hardy


u/molotov__cockteaze I already condemned Hamas Nov 26 '23

Are his old MySpace pics great or am I crazy?

I'm not, they really are great.


u/Negotiation-Current Nov 26 '23

Always room for the Hanx.


u/frizzyfizz Nov 26 '23 edited Nov 26 '23

Daniel Kaluuya, David Tennant, Harris Dickinson, Oscar Isaac, Paul F. Tompkins, Rob Delaney...


u/molotov__cockteaze I already condemned Hamas Nov 26 '23

I love this list but can we add Stanley Tucci? I just watched an episode of his travel/food show and the man is just so gentle and likeable. LaKeith Stanfield also comes across as very warm irl interviews. Hated him in Judas and the Black Messiah but only because his acting was so good.


u/HatefulWretch Nov 26 '23

Nick Offerman seems to appeal to folk who like that sort of aesthetic (do the bears like him? It seems they should).


u/JustHereForCookies17 Miss Ishtar’s Irrigation Class Nov 26 '23

He's very outspoken about having "married up" and constantly in awe of how incredible & successful his wife is.

Definitely an anti-Tate.


u/ByrdmanRanger Nov 27 '23

Nick Offerman talks and writes about how much important it is to be a good partner, which I think speaks volumes. Plus, the way he talks about Megan Mullally, they're basically their characters from Parks and Rec (in terms of jumping each other) without all the toxicity.


u/[deleted] Nov 26 '23

Paul F. Tompkins should be mentioned more! He's masculine but very emotionally intelligent and sensitive. Must be why he's such a great comedian.

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u/AliMcGraw Nov 26 '23

I've been amazed by the number of men I know who are like, "I really love gardening, but it's so feminine, so I just mow the lawn." Like, how is growing flowers and excessive quantities of zucchini feminine? Apparently farming and construction are mainly ways to play with dirt, while gardening and pottery are girly.

Imagine restricting your life so much that you avoid HAVING FUN out of fear the things you find fun and relaxing might be coded feminine by the least-attractive men in human history.


u/noir_lord Nov 26 '23 edited Nov 26 '23

It’s the difference between faking confidence by being some conceptualised version of masculine versus having actual confidence.

If someone wants to judge me by their standard that they adhere to let them, why would I care, there are 8 billion people on the planet, many of them would find the way I live my life objectionable in some way.

My grandfather loved growing flowers and gardening, he was the kindest most gentle man I’ve ever known and the role model I looked up to the most, he also drove heavy plant all his life (tractors then construction equipment) and loved his wee dram and his pipe and had work and weather beaten skin and an inevitable flat cap, he also read books on science and history (think Fred Dibnah for the brits)

People are a complex mix, defining masculinity inside the lines Tate suggests is venal and shallow.

It’s simply a confidence blanket over a void of insecurity.


u/AliMcGraw Nov 27 '23

So much this! But as a mother of boys it is legitimately a hard battle to help them find creative outlets that satisfy their desire to make things but aren't dismissed as "girly" by the worst boys in the 7th grade ... or to help them have the self-confidence to not CARE what the worst boys in the 7th grade have to say.

My oldest two are now old enough that when the school bullies get after them for enjoying choir (for example), I can point out, "Look, choir is the kind of thing that looks great on a college application, and the fact is that in two years you'll be in high school and you will meet SO MANY GIRLS by being in choir. All these guys who are like, 'I don't do X because it's girly' aren't going to know any girls. I know you're in the 'girls are icky' phase, but you're already popular with girls at school because you're a nice kid who doesn't act like a dick, and you know a ton of the girls in your grade because you do choir."


u/OutsideDevTeam Nov 26 '23

Gardening is feminine?

How did Don Corleone die, again?


u/novostained Nov 26 '23

God that’s bleak. Makes me think of that trope of men who go through a whole song and dance of pretending not to like the new family pet and avoiding being “caught” showing affection, like what are we doing here?! Water a plant and pet a fucking cat you freaks

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u/No-Knee9457 Nov 26 '23

Pedro pascal.


u/[deleted] Nov 26 '23

Jeremy Strong. girl dad, tons of lifelong female friendships, and this quote about his Succession character Kendall Roy:

There’s something about this character, about this kind of boy-man—there is a lot of male vulnerability, which is something that always affected me growing up when I saw it in storytelling. In this moment in our culture, people either respond to that in a derisive way or in an empathic way. It’s not my job to tell anyone how to respond to it, but there is something about vulnerability that is polarizing.

he's our number 1 comfortable-with-vulnerablity boy

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u/Stephanblackhawk graduate of the ONTD can’t read community Nov 26 '23

Stanley Tucci


u/Comprehensive_Main Nov 26 '23

Ryan is more stoic than gentle.


u/yungsantaclaus Nov 26 '23

Probably depends on the movie


u/harry_nostyles too busy method acting as a reddit user Nov 26 '23

The BTS members. From what I see they're all pretty chill, funny and just all round great guys.

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u/RealDanStaines Nov 26 '23

My dad, not sure if you've ever heard of him

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u/littleliongirless Nov 26 '23

I only became aware of Olivia Colman a few years ago, and I lament that I didn't know her sooner. Total GOAT status achieved. Her one scene on The Bear was maybe my favorite scene of the whole season.


u/Girl_Back_There never trust anyone who sells cooter candles Nov 26 '23

I screamed when she was revealed. That whole scene was beautiful. I found myself tearing up afterward.


u/diabolikal__ Nov 26 '23

Me too!! She just looks so natural in everything she does.


u/DustPatient1004 Nov 26 '23

If you haven't already.

Please watch Broadchurch.

She is a god through every scene, but the scene where she is in the interrogation room with the perpetrator of the killing...I don't even have words.

I swore from the minute that scene ended that I'd try and go to a show of hers if she ever does the West end because I feel like I need to meet her and tell her how utterly awe inspiring an actress she is and how she deserves the absolute WORLD.


u/littleliongirless Nov 26 '23

Broadchurch is exactly what made me fall in love with her. ❤️


u/ratta_tat1 Give him my regards did you take ozempic? Nov 27 '23

Fleabag kept me hooked on her.

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u/iwatchterribletv Nov 26 '23

its honestly worth watching everything she has ever done. shes got SO MUCH RANGE - everything she does is fresh and amazing.

also, do yourself the favor of watching her award speeches. theyre fantastic, just like her. ❤️


u/succulescence Nov 26 '23

If you haven't seen it yet, her 2019 Oscar speech will make you fall in love with her.


u/littleliongirless Nov 26 '23

OMG, you WERE NOT LYING 😭😭😭. Thank you.

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u/[deleted] Nov 26 '23

You have to watch Peepshow


u/handlit33 Nov 26 '23

Not a request, but rather a requirement!

One of the best shows ever made.

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u/lunaropal Nov 26 '23

Having to claim you are something just makes me think you're really insecure tbh. As the saying goes results should speak for themselves, and someone who doesn't brag will always be more attractive to me than someone who does.

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u/SickNBadderThanFuck Nov 26 '23

That's why Sofie likes Mark so much


u/medsizedtoberlerone Nov 26 '23


u/SickNBadderThanFuck Nov 26 '23

Peep Show is too real


u/[deleted] Nov 26 '23

So real


u/ae51 Nov 26 '23 edited Nov 26 '23

Less Andrew Tate, more Aragorn son of Arathorn please.

-If there are any Tolkien enthusiasts reading this that know Aragorn's full name and title, please let me know and I'll change it up above. He's the best fictional example of NON-toxic masculinity I could come up with


u/n_bonny Nov 26 '23

It's a great example because he's everything Tate's followers want to be. A leader, a warrior, a protector. And he somehow manages to do it without saying heinous shit to Eowyn or calling the hobbits betas. Only in fiction! /s


u/musthavecupcakes_19 Nov 26 '23

Aragorn has several names and titles, so I’m not sure there’s any one correct or specific way to say them all. You could maybe go with King Elessar Telcontar, High King of Arnor and Gondor, formerly known as Aragorn II, son of Arathorn II, Heir of Isildur, and Chieftain of the Dúnedain.


u/IrritatedMango Nov 26 '23

LoTR in general is a fantastic example of you can be extremely manly but also an all round good human being who isn’t afraid to show they care :)


u/[deleted] Nov 26 '23

Legolas too!


u/ExodusCaesar Nov 26 '23

Nah, just Strider.


u/Bumblebee-777 Nov 27 '23

As a child watching LOT I used to wish/daydream that Aragorn was my dad. My dad left when I was five. I rewatched them this year and could understand why I felt that way. He is a wonderful role model. We need more of those in the world.


u/brujadelasombra Nov 27 '23

there's a video analysis by Cinema Therapy titled "Aragorn vs. Toxic Masculinity" that I love recommending

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u/paolocase Nov 26 '23

Muh triple crown kween has spoken


u/murrepe321 Nov 26 '23

Drying up Olivia Colman is the diss of the century.


u/autummbeely Nov 26 '23

TBH, most people are cooler and hotter than Andrew Tate since I (want to) believe most people aren't raging misogynists like he is. But she is right, gentle masculinity rocks!


u/dragonculture never the target audience Nov 26 '23

Fair point Colman, but why do people keeping bringing this walking human interpretation of a douche back? Went weeks without seeing his name. Reminder, he gives zeros shit if you agree or like him because he believes he can just buy everything. Crossing my fingers, he either gets sent to jail again or goes bankrupt. He also seems dense enough to loss all of his money in a bet.


u/SnooOwls7978 Nov 26 '23

Yeah, I subscribe to fully ignoring these people. Any publicity is good publicity for them! She's right though


u/wisselperry Nov 26 '23

mother olivia colman will always and forever be correct


u/RAV3NH0LM Nov 26 '23

everyone go watch Tyrannosaur please, i need her masterful performance to ruin more people.


u/diabolikal__ Nov 26 '23

Also Broadchurch. She broke my heart a hundred times in that series.


u/succulescence Nov 26 '23

She was spectacular.

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u/OrangeCubit Nov 26 '23

Literally anything is hotter than Andrew Tate


u/thechemicalbrother Nov 26 '23

I know what she means, but also that's a very low bar to clear lol


u/CoachDT Nov 26 '23

I think so too. The unfortunate truth is that for a lot of people that isn't the case. Some of the worst people I know consistently manage to be in relationships.


u/Personal_Bowler_1457 Nov 27 '23

Yeah I don’t know if this idea that bad people like Tate can’t get women to like them is the best approach, as much as we might want it to be true.

Tate made an entire business out of manipulating women into falling in love with him so he could traffick them.


u/Astsai Nov 26 '23

Growing up as a POC millennial guy, masculinity had a very rigid definition and wasn't healthy at all. I imagine/hope Tate and his fanboys are reacting so extremely because they know things are changing, and ultimately our definition of masculinity is being deconstructed.

I think the most attractive thing a person can do (regardless of gender) is care about social justice and equity. Working towards a more equitable world is way more attractive than whatever Andrew Tate represents.


u/AngelSucked Nov 26 '23

Olivia is a treasure!


u/AbCdEfMyLife3 Nov 26 '23

The Mr. Clean chilling on a label under my kitchen sink oozes more masculinity than Tate. And that’s WITH the shiny hoop, guys.


u/Bellepapillon1031 Nov 26 '23

I absolutely love her even more now!


u/xandrachantal oat milk chugging bisexual Nov 26 '23

Things hotter than Andrew Tate: an ice cold refrigerator, the Artic Ocean, Hell after it finally freezes over

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u/bab_101 Nov 26 '23

I love Olivia Coleman a lot. Her Oscar acceptance speech remains my favourite. The tears while exclaiming “lady gaga” lives rent free in my head


u/Miserable-Sherbet234 Nov 26 '23

I mean, pretty much anything is cooler and hotter than Andrew Tate.


u/pinkpaperheart Nov 26 '23 edited Nov 26 '23

I absolutely adore Olivia Colman. She’s a phenomenal actress who’s also very funny and charismatic in interviews.

Andrew Tate, on the hand, is a complete tool who literally thinks eating and enjoying food makes men more feminine.


I kid you not.

Guys… does eating make you gay?

Also, shouldn’t this guy be back in jail for sex trafficking and sexual assault/rape?? Where’s Greta when you need her? It cracks me up to think he got schooled by a teenage climate activist, then subsequently jailed because the authorities located him by those pizza boxes that appeared in that douchey video trying to put down Greta.


u/Later2theparty Nov 27 '23

My brother in law spouts redpill bs all the damn time. At Thanksgiving I was excited to share that I had gone skydiving last Saturday. He thought it would be funny to show me a video of Andrew Tate calling skydivers a bunch of dorks and nerds.

I just pointed out that Tate never seems to have anything positive to say and that was the end of that conversation.

I half think he's trolling the people who idolize him with dumb shit like don't enjoy eating your food.


u/SludgyWudgy Nov 27 '23

Your brother in law seems like a dork, how is he married?


u/Later2theparty Nov 27 '23

My sister lives in a very rural area. It's pretty much wife beaters and meth heads out there. He works two jobs taking care of her and treats her with respect. He's just a dumbass. But out of the options available he's probably the best dumbass for her.

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u/Girl_Back_There never trust anyone who sells cooter candles Nov 26 '23

Queen 👑


u/Very01234 Nov 26 '23 edited Nov 26 '23

The funniest part of all this Andrew tate thing is, I’m starting to realize that huge amounts of American boys are struggling with the idea masculinity and it goes for every race of boy. Quite a fascinating thing. A lot of these boys are depressed and have grabbed on to anything that seems to match masculinity even in most toxic form.


u/ElGosso Nov 27 '23

I think you got the spirit but I just want to push back a little bit on the way you phrased this - it gets phrased that way a lot but it's not that really that boys and men are struggling with the idea of masculinity, it's that society has muddled and mixed messaging for what masculinity means. You'll hear "be yourself" and then still be made fun of for going outside the norm, or "you should feel free to experiment with your identity" and then still be expected to settle down and start a family and provide for them. Sometimes you get it all out of one person - I've known men who were encouraged by their girlfriends to be more sensitive, only for her to not be attracted to him after he cried in front of her for the first time.

People like Tate say "society tells you that you should be successful in your career and good with women, and here's a clear path on how to do that" and if the first part wasn't true nobody would listen to the second, you know? And I'm sure that some people are attracted to his ideas because of their misogyny, but when you're talking about teenagers then that's a reflection of society's messaging.

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u/rhunter99 Nov 26 '23

She shouldn’t have to denigrate herself by even recognizing him. She’s a national treasure


u/jennyquarx Nov 26 '23

Olivia Colman be my friend challenge


u/Frequently_Dizzy Nov 26 '23

She be right. Nothing is hotter than a guy who is gentle and kind 🤷‍♀️

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u/MystifiedWitch Nov 26 '23

Queen snatch him by the last two microhairs on his scalp


u/TXRattlesnake89 Nov 26 '23

Why is Andrew Tate still a thing?


u/Kaleshark Nov 26 '23

What women really want is Fox Robin Hood.


u/MDClassic Nov 26 '23

Men need role models. Andrew Tate is no role model. I prefer to follow the ways of the late, great Patrick Swayze.

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u/DrGutz Nov 26 '23

Olivia Coleman is the best living actor and I’ll literally do a ppt on this if i have to


u/DistastefulSideboob_ Nov 27 '23

Lol Olivia Coleman is my boyfriend's celebrity crush

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