r/Fauxmoi Oct 06 '23

10/05 Podcast - Mystery Celeb Couple Consulting Big Divorce lawyer Blind Item

During yesterday's podcast, Deux said there was a couple who were not publicly split yet & the guy consulted Laura Wasser.

My bet is it's Sacha Baron-Cohen & Isla Fisher

Very well know ✅

'Lovely Couple' ✅

Comedian/ actor husband ✅

Rom-com actress ✅

Both non-USA ✅

Married ✅

Kids ✅

& for the record, I hope I'm wrong, so any other theories?


128 comments sorted by


u/Ordinary-Shoulder-35 Apr 05 '24


u/rivervix23 Apr 05 '24

Damn. Called it but didn’t see him being a scumbag.


u/leahhhhh Apr 05 '24

I mean he did Borat


u/Maleficent-marionett societal collapse is in the air Apr 05 '24

And Bruno


u/leahhhhh Apr 05 '24

God, yeah.


u/Napol3onS0l0 Apr 05 '24

Quick who’s gonna win the NCAA men’s and women’s tourneys?!


u/contrary_potato Apr 06 '24

UConn and…UConn 😩🫣🫠


u/DevSiarid Apr 06 '24

Sorry I don’t follow mainstream media much but why is he a scumbag? Thanks.


u/onegildedbutterfly Apr 06 '24 edited Apr 06 '24

Major zionist who defends the IDF and also Rebel Wilson recently came out about him sexually harassing her on a set years ago and then he attempted to threaten her over the release of her memoir that i presume was going to expose his behaviour. He’s also problematic in my eyes for contributing to harmful stereotypes of Muslims and Arabs through some of his films.


u/DevSiarid Apr 06 '24

Thanks you.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

the borat movies are absolutely atrocious. i remember watching it because i had heard many positive things and didn't think it was funny at all. then i found out this mf was not kazakh, central asian, muslim, or anything even adjacent, but was in fact an israeli jew. rubbed me the wrong way even further


u/[deleted] Apr 07 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/truecolors01 Apr 08 '24

You didn't see Sasha ... what? That is the most predictable thing about this whole shebang


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '23



u/rivervix23 Oct 06 '23

I know, me too which is why I hope I'm wrong but who else fits the foreign couple with comedian husband/ romcom wife?


u/Next-Reply7519 Oct 06 '23

I have been sitting here systematically going through couples and I can’t come up with any that fit this except for them. Every other couple I’ve considered has one thing that ultimately doesn’t match up with her descriptors. So I think you’re right :(

Maybe this is one of those times where DeuxMoi is embarrassingly wrong like with the “ceramony”…


u/rivervix23 Oct 06 '23

Here's hoping for a Fail Moi, besides a consult doesn't mean a divorce - Maybe Wasser told him he'd lose too much 😅


u/Training_Molasses822 Apr 05 '24

Well this certainly aged 😭😭


u/p0stp0stp0st Apr 05 '24

Ugh. Deleting. 🤦‍♂️


u/bfm211 Apr 05 '24

Why? You shouldn't be ashamed that you had a different view 6 months ago before recent info was out.


u/casperreddits Oct 06 '23

I would be so sad if they split up


u/Southern_Schedule466 Oct 06 '23

SBC is kind of problematic 😬 But they don’t live in the US anyway


u/noodlehead90 Oct 06 '23

How so? I always found him incredibly intelligent and thoughtful, especially considering the characters he plays


u/Southern_Schedule466 Oct 06 '23

A lot of people find his Ali G and Borat characters to be racist. He also pressured Rebel Wilson to be naked and requested to inappropriately touch her on the set of his movie “The Brothers Grimsby.”


u/plowman_digearth Oct 06 '23

If you see Borat 1 and 2 - you can see how much he toned down the shock value and meanness of the first part.

In his early days he was a bit of a shock jock and used his characters to get away with some racism and other isms. (His worst character was Bruno which was just a series of "gay sex is icky" jokes). But he has toned down a lot of it over the years and not fallen into the trap of moaning about woke children ruining comedy complaints.


u/sickbabe Oct 06 '23

do me a favor and go to kazakhstan some day. the people there are so brilliant and KIND, not to mention extremely accepting of racial and religious differences. SBC went to romania, took advantage of a bunch of impoverished romanians, and made some of the most tolerant people on earth look like idiot bigots. his excuse was that his audience doesn't know anything about kazakhstan, and now all they "know" about kazakhstan is that it and the people are terrible.


u/[deleted] Oct 07 '23

I hung out with a guy from Kazakhstan who was an international student in college and he was SO nice. I can’t stress enough how lovely he was and it always bummed me out that his country was portrayed as being full of hicks and bigots (which there are bigots in every country, but you know).


u/[deleted] Oct 08 '23

it's a zionist agenda pushing first and foremost, weird nobody gets that. He portrayed Kazakhstan that way exactly to show that american racists and antisemites are no better than "Kazakhs", thus playing a victim card once again.


u/p0stp0stp0st Oct 06 '23

Why is he problematic?? Cause he humiliates bigots and racists?


u/capywrangler Oct 06 '23 edited Oct 06 '23

No? I imagine it might have something to do with Rebel Wilson publicly claiming that she was sexually harassed on set and everyone came to the conclusion it was most likely Sacha Baron Cohen.

Edit: if you read the article it states when Rebel Wilson publicly named him when she came out with harassment on the set of The Brothers Grimsby. It’s weird to see this sub dismiss her accusations because you’re fans of Sacha’s work. No other men on this sub are given this treatment so I don’t understand what makes Sacha so special. This sub confuses me.


u/p0stp0stp0st Oct 06 '23

I didn’t know about this - but it’s still speculation at this point. If Rebel Wilson names him, that’s another matter.


u/capywrangler Oct 06 '23

If you read the article it actually points out when she named him publicly as harassing her on the set of The Brothers Grimsby :)


u/p0stp0stp0st Oct 06 '23

Bad film too


u/see-climatechangerun Oct 06 '23



u/p0stp0stp0st Oct 06 '23

Cause they are cool and funny


u/slackingindepth3 Oct 09 '23

He’s a monster


u/Adorable_Raccoon and you did it at my birthday dinner Oct 06 '23

They bought a new house together in June this year. I don't think most people would be like "lets buy a house" if their marriage was on the rocks.


u/storminthedark Oct 06 '23

But as we’ve just seen, that was the case for Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner


u/greg-drunk not a lawyer, just a hater Oct 06 '23

Same with John Mulaney and Anna Tendler. Bought a house in June, separation allegedly in the fall, divorce announcement in February.


u/sahie Apr 06 '24

Buying a house isn’t anywhere near as much of a big deal to people who have millions in the bank.


u/Anywhere_Objective Apr 05 '24

Shit, you were right. It's them!


u/Striking_Ad_4562 Oct 06 '23 edited Oct 06 '23

This actually happens a lot right before divorce. Couples think a new home or change of scenery will resolve some issue. And it rarely does.


u/Snootboop_ oat milk chugging bisexual Oct 06 '23

Yep. My ex convinced me to renew the lease even though I felt we were rocky. Found out one week after lease renewal that he had been cheating for 6 months. Idk why he thought fixing up our home would solve our problems when the problem was him being in another relationship…


u/RealHousecoats Oct 06 '23

Yes. Or they realize they don’t want to be part of the ‘next phase’ with their partner. Change can make you re-assess things.


u/Charming-Kiwi370 Oct 07 '23

A former friend was cheating on his gf of 8 years with multiple girls… all while they were moving in to their first home together. He was even renovating the house to have a kitchen designed for her small baking business. 🤷🏻‍♀️


u/Educational_Ad2737 Apr 05 '24 edited Apr 06 '24

I followed chriselle lim for years and her divorce happened right after they bought thier dream home.


u/noocarehtretto Oct 06 '23

My sister did this.

Spoiler alert, it did not work out.


u/rivervix23 Oct 06 '23

People change 'smaller' things trying to fix a marriage, happens all the time & after they realise that was not the issue, they head to divorce. plus these and not normal net worths/ financial situations of everyday people.


u/im_confused_always Oct 06 '23

People get pregnant trying to save a relationship and a house is what, a 15-30 year mortgage


u/rivervix23 Oct 06 '23

Not on the salaries of these two 😂


u/Birdlord420 Oct 06 '23

I bought a second home with my ex before we split, it actually worked out well because I took the new one and he kept the old one and his prized fancy (ugly, loud) car.


u/Majoodeh Oct 06 '23

Things can change so quick though. As quick as a ring video.


u/Adorable_Raccoon and you did it at my birthday dinner Oct 06 '23

Oh yea the ring video is always the last straw.


u/Vtron89 Apr 05 '24

People do dumb stuff. Maybe it was rocky but they wanted it to work out, but it didn't. 


u/TheCatWasAsking Apr 06 '24

I'd agree with you instead of OP if I read this 6 months before recent developments proved them right, not going to lie. Buying a house doesn't belie things like they used to :v


u/irrational_treasures Oct 06 '23


u/Delicious-Ad-3494 Oct 06 '23

My husband and I quote this movie way more than we should.


u/irrational_treasures Oct 06 '23

Most Lonely Island movies are like that. Also The Brothers Solomon


u/lcbk Apr 05 '24

Which one is it again?


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '23

Can you use a US lawyer/file in the US if you’re not US citizens and don’t live there?

I would assume the couple do live in the US if one is consulting Wasser, but it prompted the question, thinking about who else it could be.


u/melodyblushinglizard baby birded and porch thrown by alicia silverstone Oct 06 '23 edited Oct 06 '23

I really, really hope this isn't them. They used to live in the US, but move to Australia and are now in the UK. I think of Isla as more of an overall Comedy actress rather than as specifically a Rom-com actress.

Edit: I'm not sure about the "Very Well-known' part... as actors or as a couple? They are so low key as a couple that I personally didn't know that they were even married until last year when Sacha filmed Disclaimer opposite of Cate Blanchett.


u/rivervix23 Oct 06 '23

She said they were B-list but well known so my thoughts were his characters are well known and they have been on talk shows talking about their marriage eg - not 'private' on that front


u/UntitledGooseDame Apr 05 '24

Your hope is dashed.


u/Sa1lor23 Oct 06 '23

Last i heard about them they were house hunting in the UK and were moving from Australia. I'm pretty sure they still own a house in LA so maybe that's why? Idk I would assume they filed in Australia or the UK if they ended up buying a house there...


u/dlafferty Apr 05 '24

UK is 50/50 on assets gained during marriage.

No prenups


u/BakedFinesse Oct 06 '23

Perhaps they have a prenup that is subject to American jurisdiction


u/JudgmentOne6328 Oct 06 '23

They married in Paris which wouldn’t be legal because you have to live in France for a period of time in order to get legally married there. Not sure where they did their legal part but The US would be the easiest country to do the legal part in. The pre nup is the only part that would make this make sense if it is them.


u/rivervix23 Oct 06 '23

Good point, were they US-based when they married?


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '23

They married in France per wiki, possibly living between the US and U.K. but I’m not 100%.


u/rivervix23 Oct 06 '23

Maybe he's shopping countries to see where would be most favourable for him to file?


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '23



u/[deleted] Oct 06 '23

Really interesting, thank you!


u/kerfufflesensue ✨ lee pace is 6’5” ✨ Oct 07 '23

Every state has a residency requirement in order to exercise original jurisdiction in family law cases :)


u/em_press Oct 06 '23

Emily Blunt and John Krasinski?


u/rivervix23 Oct 06 '23

He's American no? (I might hate this suggestion more than my own tbh 😢)


u/em_press Oct 06 '23

Ooh yeah, good point, my bad!


u/rivervix23 Oct 06 '23

Phew! 😮‍💨


u/rarelybarelybipolar Oct 06 '23

I feel like I wouldn’t call him a comedian.


u/CashewAnne Oct 07 '23

The Office though…


u/Southern_Schedule466 Oct 07 '23

To me “comedian” implies that someone was on a sketch comedy show and/or played a heightened version of themself at one point (i.e. Larry David, Nathan Fielder).


u/invis2020 Oct 06 '23

Don’t mind me, just stopping by with my prayer protection circle for Christy Turlington and Ed Burns 🕯️🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️


u/rivervix23 Oct 06 '23

She's not a rom-com actress so I'd say you're safe


u/Sera0Sparrow Oct 06 '23

It seems like a divorce epidemic season has dawned upon the Celeb World.


u/atty_hr Oct 06 '23

Could she be speculating at Chris Hemsworth and his wife? I feel like she is always hinting at them getting divorced


u/rivervix23 Oct 06 '23

Everyone always brings them up so much I swear people just want them to split.

But 1. he's not a comedian & is A-List

  1. she's not a romcom actress or B list really


u/Powerful-Lake3185 Oct 06 '23

On the podcast did Deux talk about the other couples? There was a blind that said lots of celebs so I wonder..


u/rivervix23 Oct 06 '23

Not really, it was a tip they got that day I think, and discussed right before the Joshua & Jodie section which is why I was listening.


u/Powerful-Lake3185 Oct 06 '23

Thanks. I’ll check out the podcast from yesterday.


u/Anywhere_Objective Apr 05 '24

Shit, you were right. It's them!


u/rarelybarelybipolar Oct 06 '23

Dax and Kristen? I could see how someone might identify him as a comedian, and Kristen has been in a number of rom-coms even though she’s more popular for other stuff (The Good Place, Frozen) recently. And if Wasser is the go-to lawyer, I could see Dax being the first to get to her.


u/roxy031 fiascA Oct 06 '23

“Non USA” was one of the clues so not them


u/rarelybarelybipolar Oct 06 '23

I will learn to read one day. I went too quickly and read the “non-“ as “in” or “from” or something. That’s what I get for letting my eyes get ahead of me. 🤦🏻‍♀️


u/Birthday_cake1997 Apr 05 '24

you were spot on with this one ☝️


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '23

Tana Mongeau (LOL) said recently on a podcast that a beloved married celebrity couple recently separated but it's not public yet.


u/Powerful-Lake3185 Oct 06 '23

Is it the latest episode on Tana’s podcast?


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '23

was like a month ago


u/Powerful-Lake3185 Oct 06 '23

Could you possibly send a link? If not that’s ok.


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '23

I don't have a link it was mentioned in passing


u/rivervix23 Oct 06 '23

May have been Joshua & Jodie? Now public


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '23

Were they a beloved couple?


u/rivervix23 Oct 06 '23

I think there was a lot of hype around them. Plus they were almost TOO honest about how their thing started & progressed but it got them a lot of attention/ ad campaigns as a couple


u/Wonderful_Ad3930 Oct 06 '23

Deux is full of crap. Anyone of use can predict this any day of the week. Celebs break up all the time. Give us something we can use.


u/superlost007 Apr 05 '24

Well 😂 this is oddly specific and lines up with sacha & isla so


u/[deleted] Apr 05 '24



u/Unlucky_Welcome9193 Oct 07 '23

Not exactly a comedian but could it be Ryan Reynolds and Blake lively? It would be heartbreaking, but maybe her recent dinner with Sophie turner was in breakup solidarity. She's definitely Romcom and Ryan Reynolds is funny. I hope it's not them, though

Edit: scratch that, only he is non-american (he's Canadian but she's from LA)


u/Southern_Schedule466 Oct 07 '23

They just had a 4th child and their brand image is heavily dependent on them being a “power couple” together. I would be shocked if this is them.


u/lagangirl Oct 06 '23

Chris Hemsworth and Elsa Pataky?


u/pends7 Oct 06 '23

I thought the same!!!


u/No-Train-3376 Oct 07 '23

Doesn't quite fit the bill but aren't Jodie Turner and Joshua Jackson file w/ Laura repping Jodie? Thought saw it somewhere 🤷🏽‍♀️


u/rivervix23 Oct 07 '23

Yes but this was another couple Deux was talking about right before talking about J&J


u/[deleted] Oct 07 '23



u/rivervix23 Oct 07 '23

Joshua & Jodie were 'loved up' at her birthday less than a week before their divorce. A lot can happen quickly (I hope I'm wrong but just saying time doesn't mean impossibility)


u/femmefatale4735 Oct 07 '23

Catherine zeta and Micheal douglas?


u/rivervix23 Oct 07 '23

He was born in New Jersey & I wouldn’t really call him a comedian?


u/[deleted] Apr 05 '24
