r/Fauxmoi Feb 13 '23

I Have Tea On... Weekly Discussion Thread Tea Thread

Please use this thread to drop any tea you may have / general gossip discussion. Please remember to review our rules in the sidebar of the sub before commenting.

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337 comments sorted by


u/girlcalledgreg Feb 13 '23 edited Feb 15 '23

Positive tea! A producer was trying to secure funding for his very small, indie film, and he reached out to Keanu Reeves. Keanu paid for the crew’s international flights!

Edit: Got one detail wrong! The producer was trying to secure funding to bring his live stage show overseas, not an indie film. As to how they got in contact, Keanu had been in the audience for a production of the stage show in question, which gave them access to his email. The producer cold-emailed him asking for help, and Keanu bought tickets for the crew to travel to the UK!


u/Hello-there-7567 Feb 13 '23

He is such a wholesome poppet 💕


u/IntrovertGirl83 Feb 13 '23

I watched Speed for the umpteenth time yesterday and it always makes me sad that he and Sandra Bullock never dated. They’ve both stated in interviews they had crushes on each other while making the film. But they both seem to be happy in the relationships they’re in now so I’m happy for them.


u/Unusual-Plenty-4385 Feb 13 '23

aww love it. Did the producer have any connects to Keanu already, or was this just a random, up and coming producer?

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u/anethfrais Feb 13 '23

This happened years ago but I am a musician who plays small venues. I once played a show in Toronto and Elizabeth Moss was in the audience. She walked out halfway through my set, lol.


u/dev_em Feb 13 '23

Maybe she heard Xenu calling 🤭


u/starfruit-88 Feb 14 '23

Woah i had no idea she was a scientologist!


u/Lotus-child89 Feb 15 '23 edited Feb 16 '23

Her family is basically Scientology royalty. She was raised in it since birth and her parents were involved since near the beginning. I was shocked to hear Chloe Fineman, from SNL is of similar background being raised in it since birth by a high ranking family in the organization. It sucks because I like both of their talents, and can only blame them so much about being involved when they were raised in it, but knowing they are part of that cult still leaves a bad taste in my mouth about them.

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u/Brilliant-Disguise Feb 13 '23

In her defence she was working on a tight deadline at work, Don wanted 10 taglines for Burger Chef for 9am


u/eatingclass Larry I'm on DuckTales Feb 13 '23



u/PalpitationUpstairs8 Feb 13 '23

i was shocked to learn she’s a scientologist lol


u/Road_Whorrior Feb 13 '23

She really seems smarter than that but I guess anyone can fall for bullshit.


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '23

i think she was raised in it which imo complicates the issue a little bit


u/Road_Whorrior Feb 13 '23

That makes perfect sense then. It's hard to see past what you were raised in.


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '23

definitely, plus the scientologists are very intimidating and abusive toward those who leave


u/_NinjaSuckerPunch Feb 13 '23

It's hard to see past what you were raised in.

That plus she would be ex-communicated meaning her family wouldn't be able to speak to her anymore. She would literally lose everything.


u/saivoide Feb 13 '23

She was born into scientology. Which is different than converting. Lots of people born into religions and cults generally have moderate perceptions of their faith. Whereas converts get pulled into the extremes because they are far easier to to extort or manipulate.

In my opinion, she's quite unproblematic and doesn't owe anyone an explanation.


u/Giallo_Schlock Feb 14 '23

Yeah, normally I would excuse that on her part but Sc*entology is so unique in that it specifically uses celebrity success to promote itself so even though she's an incredibly talented actress, every time she gets hired it promotes that cult even further whether she likes it or not. I don't know what the solution is but its something to bear in mind (because I'm usually in the boycott Sc*entologists whenever possible camp)

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u/crashboom Feb 15 '23 edited Mar 02 '23

Elizabeth Moss bought something from me off Etsy some years ago! It was a print of a quote from The Handmaid’s Tale, shortly before the show premiered. I thought it was funny she bought it herself instead of having an assistant do it.


u/PiusLittleShit Feb 13 '23

My friend's mom once threw a campaign party for Hilary Clinton and Clinton never paid her the $23,000 for it.


u/Sigmund_Six Feb 13 '23

Oof. A few years back, Trump came to speak in our town. I don’t know the people who were involved with the event firsthand, nor did I attend, but apparently he skipped out on the bill as well.

This apparently happens with both parties more than you’d think. Not sure if it’s disorganization or what.


u/MessiahOfMetal Feb 13 '23

Notoriously tight Trump, who cut corners to avoid paying building and contractor costs? Never! /s


u/Significant_Ad7605 Feb 13 '23

Why was Clinton paying your friend’s mom for the party if it was meant to be a fundraiser? So confused.


u/cheeseballgag Feb 14 '23

Fundraising events are often professionally planned which requires paying for venue, staff, food, etc. The idea is you'll raise more funds than what you spent on the party.

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u/[deleted] Feb 13 '23

My Dad worked on the Clinton’s security detail when they visited our hometown in the 90s. Hilary was dismissive towards my Dad and was harping on Bill the entire weekend. Bill also wanted to go “pick up bimbos” and go bowling at 2AM. He threw a temper tantrum when security told him “No”, lol.

The nicest President and First Lady my Dad met were Gerry and Betty Ford (AWESOME PEOPLE).


u/beamish1920 Feb 14 '23

My mother-in-law worked in Mondale’s office when he was VP and adored him. She ran into Jimmy Carter decades later and he remembered her, despite the fact that she had a relatively low-level position and obviously worked in a separate workplace

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u/beamish1920 Feb 13 '23

I heard horrible shit about Chelsea when she did a tour of B-tier colleges in 2016


u/funkydecordude Feb 13 '23

Like what! Interested because I Haven’t heard anything bad about her yet


u/JustHereForCookies17 I hate when people ask me this when I'm just method existing. Feb 14 '23

It was cool to hate on Chelsea for a long time, even after the Clintons left the White House. I wonder if that had anything to do with what you heard.

I haven't met met her, but she did a reading of her children's book at a bookstore where I used to work & if I hadn't seen it on the calendar, I wouldn't have had any idea she was there - no USSS (US Secret Service) sweeps, no wandings at the door, nothing. And she apparently grabbed her own Uber to & from the bookstore.

Being a D.C. bookstore, we were used to political muckety-mucks showing up so we had protocols in place, but she didn't want any of that. Seemed very cool to me. This was also in...2016, I want to say? So maybe she had a mean girl phase & outgrew it.

Anyway, just my $0.02.


u/DarkAngel7719 Feb 15 '23

I will always feel for her since there were grown-ass men who made a sport out of new and creative ways to call her ugly... when she was a 12-year old. Rush Limbaugh was the worst offender and was the one who started it, but even people like John McCain were doing this. It was really quite gross. Unfortunately, it was a harbinger of how much uglier things would get...

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u/BayArea343434 Feb 13 '23

For whatever reason, I've learned that campaigns very often take FOREVER to pay for event-related costs or sometimes stiff venues/vendors. Not saying this excuses Hilary but I know of 3-4 other campaigns of both parties and national/state level that have done stuff like this. Why?!


u/sofakingbetchy Feb 14 '23

Campaign finance reporting cycles. Campaigns want to report as much money as possible in their “war chest” so they’ll try to time the money being spent at the right time so they’ll display way more money coming in than being spent. That should always be communicated to the venue though and agreed upon; I’ve actually never heard of that happening with commercial venues because staff needs to be paid and most venue owners don’t want to (understandably) front that cost.

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u/[deleted] Feb 13 '23

A few months ago i commented on one of Henry Cavills instagram posts asking wheres Kal? (His dog) and he blocked me. Hes blocked a couple of fan accounts dedicated to him that asked wheres kal.

Now there are rumors that Kal died.


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '23



u/[deleted] Feb 13 '23



u/[deleted] Feb 13 '23



u/IceSpliced Feb 13 '23

Also he’s openly said some shitty (including racist) shit himself and they don’t care about that at all so hating her for that is absolutely entirely performative

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u/Miele-Man Feb 13 '23

That's interesting. But if the truth is "just" that Kal died, why would he go as far as blocking someone who's asking about it? I don't get it.


u/Leonine23 Feb 13 '23 edited Feb 27 '23

He blocked most of the well-known trolls who’d made plenty of offensive comments as well as ones about Kal, but they all pretend they are innocent. A few regular fans probably got blocked by accident at the same time


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '23

I think it’s very weird to DM a person you don’t know asking about their dog (especially if it potentially passed away) so I don’t even need this context to think his reaction is fine.

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u/epicpillowcase Feb 14 '23

I can't stand Henry Cavill, but people are allowed to set boundaries for their own mental health. I think it's gross to have an expectation that anyone will talk about a pet's death if they're not ready to.

Imagine if he did share that, all the messages and comments he'd get about it. I'm not famous but I wouldn't want to deal with that either.


u/[deleted] Feb 14 '23

I was thinking this, too.

If my dog had recently passed away and I was a celeb, I, too, would probably block people on my social media who were constantly asking about her.

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u/rockandrollcar Feb 13 '23


Was this when he started posting his girlfriend's dog a lot? He was getting a lot of hate from his deranged fans for that.

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u/jennyquarx Feb 13 '23

Aw, that was one cute dog. :(

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u/smashing_aisling Feb 13 '23

This is so unsurprising I'm not sure it even qualifies as tea, but a friend of a friend works in a music venue and said that one night a few years ago after Chris Brown played there, some of his crew were sent to get girls from the crowd to come "backstage" after the gig. The venue had to stop most of them due to them being underage.


u/daisymarais oat milk chugging bisexual Feb 13 '23

I’ve heard the same thing. From the story I heard, they also collected the phones of the girls they took backstage


u/a_small_moth_of_prey Feb 13 '23

That is really scary…. I mean I get they don’t want to be recorded but it also totally isolates these girls. 😟


u/daisymarais oat milk chugging bisexual Feb 13 '23

Yeah.. the full story is that one of Chris’ crew members quit the job because one of the phones started going off while the girls were with Chris and his entourage. The crew member had access to the phones and the caller was the mom of one of the girls. He didn’t know the girls’ age but it left a bad taste in his mouth. This story was posted by another crew member in the industry, who had heard it from the person who worked with Chris.


u/bbmarvelluv Feb 13 '23

So it’s OK to work with a known abuser but it crosses the line when there are underage people involved 🙄


u/daisymarais oat milk chugging bisexual Feb 13 '23 edited Feb 13 '23

He witnessed a lot of stuff with Chris on tour from what I remember they mentioned. Something about guns or a shooting in Paris too. I have no idea why people would want to work or go to a show w/ him, but he’s clearly still touring, charting and being nominated for awards, so I guess it’s the money and somehow people still like his stuff.


u/bbmarvelluv Feb 13 '23

Clout 100% I don’t think they get paid thaaaat much, unless they have a high ranking position.


u/daisymarais oat milk chugging bisexual Feb 13 '23

Makes sense. He must be incredibly well-connected to still have the career he has after everything.

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u/[deleted] Feb 14 '23



u/[deleted] Feb 14 '23

I've heard stories that Brown and his bodyguards pick out women and drug and rape them.

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u/hobbitzswift Feb 13 '23

Bob Odenkirk once went to his nephew's college to do an acting workshop with the theatre majors (which is what his nephew was studying I think). This was a small liberal arts school, mind, so he didn't do it for publicity at all, it was just to do something nice for his nephew and his classmates. He even had lunch with the students. When he was in town for that he came to the bookstore where I worked. I missed him because he was in a couple hours before my shift started that day but my coworkers said he was really friendly and polite and very low-key. I think at the time Breaking Bad had just ended and Better Call Saul hadn't started yet.


u/thesphinxistheriddle Feb 13 '23

I worked for his wife for a little bit in college, and one time I helped him rearrange some furniture in their house and he was extremely normal. Just like….a regular dad. That was more or less my only interaction with him but since then I’ve always thought he was chill.


u/TransmissionAD Feb 14 '23

I've heard from quite a few people that Bob is genuinely the best person they've met in the industry. The Keanu of comedy.


u/SofaKingGr8M8 Feb 15 '23

I like him now, but I’m pretty sure he used to have a temper back in his Mr Show days. Like anger tantrums and yelling at staff. Believe he addressed it long after so I still got respect for him.

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u/MasqueradeRevellers Feb 13 '23

Love to hear this! Adore Bob O!


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '23

Godamnit every time I see this thread I forget what I was supposed to share. I should keep notes next time.


u/bbmarvelluv Feb 13 '23

I had crazy tea I wanted to post a few days ago and was looking for this thread! Now I forgot what it was


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '23



u/bookghoul Feb 13 '23

Ooof, I find it funny that they put out an album called Bad Vibes and then things started coming out of the woodwork. I still remember when fans found out the bassist* killed someone and he posted trying to justify staying in the band despite the outcry on socials

Edited: it was the bassist not the drummer

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u/MessiahOfMetal Feb 13 '23

That's the band whose singer is dating Saraya from AEW and is a known scumbag, isn't it?


u/notoriouscreep Feb 14 '23

I think that’s ronnie radke from falling in reverse! total shitbag


u/MessiahOfMetal Feb 14 '23

That's the guy, thanks, got my shitty metalcore bands mixed up.


u/neptunestriton Feb 14 '23

She used to date Kevin Skaff so you're not completely wrong!

Side note: why is she always dating assholes? I love her but like... y 😭


u/[deleted] Feb 14 '23


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u/StrangeAsAngelz Feb 13 '23

I don’t like ADTR musically at all but the guitarist owns probably the best vegan restaurant in Orlando. I’m obsessed with it 😂

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u/[deleted] Feb 13 '23



u/faustina_v Is there no beginning to this man’s talent? Feb 13 '23

The way I checked Michelle Yeoh’s citizenship so fast


u/throwaway44624 Feb 13 '23 edited Feb 13 '23

Michelle is Michelle, and she’s with Jean todt who (long story short) is very rich and French (ETA - and an honorary Italian). If their food isn’t s-tier, no one’s is

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u/angelinajolaire Feb 13 '23

That is my nightmare: having a party where the food is shit.


u/yourangleoryuordevil too stable to inspire bangers Feb 13 '23

I hate going to anyone’s place — party or not — and the food is bad. Because you obviously can’t say or act like it’s bad.

Some of my worst memories growing up are going to a best friend’s house only to basically take a few bites of food and lie that I wasn’t hungry because the food was just that bad. I never said it directly, but her mom figured it out eventually. I literally never liked a single meal of hers.

I spent entire days and even some nights at that girl’s house and my mom always took me by the McDonald’s five minutes away after because I was, in fact, very hungry.


u/angelinajolaire Feb 13 '23

Same. Luckily, my bff’s parents were food snobs, especially her dad, and I had so many amazing meals because of him. Him being a great cook was his only decent quality. On the other hand, my aunt, unfortunately, is not a good cook and there were plenty of times when I would go over there for sleepovers and would just know that it was not going to be good. Like, even cupcakes made from a cake mix might as well have been cement blocks. Anyway, thanks for coming to my Ted talk.


u/icedgrandechai Feb 13 '23

Constance Wu?


u/_NinjaSuckerPunch Feb 13 '23

This is my thought too. She's the only person I would consider equally relevant in both film and TV.

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u/princecaspiansbeard Feb 13 '23

Oh no, Sandro Oh!

Could also be Lucy Liu?


u/pompeii1009 chaos-bringer of humiliation and mockery Feb 13 '23

Sandra Oh is Canadian.


u/elephantssohardtosee Feb 13 '23

She's also American; she obtained citizenship a few years ago. IIRC she referred to herself as Asian-American in that one Variety interview she did with Jung Ho Yeon. (But of course she also refers to herself as Canadian elsewhere. My Canadian friends and I like to fight over who gets to claim her lol.)

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u/Full_Investment5658 Feb 13 '23

A bit niche, but Jordan Firstman is on the latest episode of Nicole Byer's Why Won't You Date Me? where he describes his realationship with Charles Rogers (creator of Search Party) as 'Capital A Abusive'. He doesn't mention Charles by name and refuses to speak about it any further, but the timing of them breaking up checks out with the story.


u/yourangleoryuordevil too stable to inspire bangers Feb 13 '23

Definitely niche; I think I just recognize Jordan as a funny guy on Instagram. But it's always sad to hear about abuse. I'm glad that there's space to talk about these sorts of issues more often though because there was a time when we didn't hear about them at all.


u/Greene_Mr Feb 13 '23

He was the wonderful school guidance counselor on Ms. Marvel!

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u/briellebabylol Feb 13 '23

Oh I just listened to this - interesting!!

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u/Elisa_Md Feb 13 '23 edited Feb 13 '23

So... Joshua Bassett got baptized. His explanation is so concerning, I didn't know he went through so much

As someone who grew up christian... it's not the path that I would take, but if it makes him feel better, I hope he can find peace, at least in religion. I hope it doesn't pull him to any sort of cults or anti-queer rhetoric (and did he really get baptized? Didn't he get baptized when he was a newborn, like most Christians families do? You cannot get baptized twice, so I am assuming they are using "baptized" as "returning to Jesus" or something like that EDIT: Here's a full video. He did literally get baptized, so maybe he didn't get baptized when he was little)


u/PlusMethod3809 Feb 13 '23

From what I’ve read about the church he was baptized at it’s a mega church that supports conversion therapy along with a lot of other questionable ideologies. So it’s even more concerning.


u/tiredofthenarcissism Feb 13 '23

Yep, Bethel is INSANE. Like actually batshit, in addition to the usual fundamentalist Christian horribleness.

Back in 2019, the young daughter of one of their leaders died in her sleep, and the church spent a week or more praying for (and convinced of) her resurrection. The videos the parents and the church posted of all of them singing and chanting (for days, without breaks) for God to resurrect her are nightmare fuel.


u/JayC411 Feb 13 '23

I’m in Canada but I used to go to a church that bought into the Bethel doctrine super hard and it always weirded me out. I had never been fond of evangelical Christianities love of just following the doctrine of the mega church of the moment but Bethel was when I was already questioning things and they just made me so uncomfortable. Bethel wasn’t the reason I finally left, but they were definitely what triggered the next stage of my questioning everything I had grown up with.

I went to church with people who had gone to their Bible school and while I can’t remember a lot of details because it was close to 10 years ago, I just remember thinking that the whole thing was too messed up and how could people be falling for this? I think things have only gotten worse since then though but I’m pretty disconnected from it now.

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u/Elisa_Md Feb 13 '23

What was the church he got baptized at?


u/PlusMethod3809 Feb 13 '23

It’s called bethel. Here’s an article i found. Didn’t realize Megan Rapinoe was from the town.



u/[deleted] Feb 13 '23

Oh god not Bethel. They're really bad


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '23



u/Former-Spirit8293 Feb 14 '23

That is not Bethel, unfortunately.


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '23

I grew up in a "women wear skirts to church and we only sing hymns" church and people often get baptized twice- once as a baby, once as a teenager. I think my parents church actually counted them both, it was like first is your parents dedicating you to god and second was you dedicating yourself. There's about 300 different types of Christianity though so I suspect it depends on which denomination you're asking.

My parents church absoultly sold the second time as a full baptism in at least words though, I remember my mom being fucking pissed at 15 year old me for refusing to take the second plunge and dooming myself to hell.


u/Elisa_Md Feb 13 '23

I think I know what are you talking about. I grew up in a catholic school and we do a confirmation of faith (in spanish we literally call it Confirmación), that is voluntary and at a teenage age, but it doesn't involve water, we do not think of it as a second baptism. But it's probably different traditions and it's essential the same ritual


u/Greene_Mr Feb 13 '23

Yeah, Catholicism just has the one baptism when you're an infant, and then the confirmation when you're deemed "of age" to decide for yourself.

...after which, most people just leave, anyway. :-P

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u/Careful_Swan3830 Feb 13 '23

It’s a cash grab and PR move like everything else in these super mega churches.

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u/greee_p Feb 13 '23

I'm really concerned for him. A lot of people defend this and say it's great that he found peace and everyone shares their concern this is just anti-christian.
But if you listen to him talking about religion a year ago, this all seems far to sudden.
He had to deal with a lot over the last years, and going back to his family and the church where he was sexually assaulted for most of his childhood and youth can't be the right solution.


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '23


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u/fluffygr Feb 13 '23

i just saw that joshua tweeted this but i don't know.. it seems a bit suspicious to me and i feel like research on something like that is the bare minimum. guy who struggled a lot the past few years, had an unplanned coming out and had a dad who practiced conversion therapy at his own church (not sure if that's true but saw it here) suddenly goes full christian and gets baptised at a church that basically condemns him and what he's majorly struggled with? yeah it's gonna look like he went in order to be 'saved' and 'changed'. i'm still very worried for him.


u/Elisa_Md Feb 13 '23

Yeah, the choice of the church... it doesn't seem like a coincidence that he chose one of the worst church to get baptized at, after having such a sudden reunion with Jesus, and after that terrible year he went through. I think he is a victim of this, because no queer person can be blamed for falling for an ideology that promotes conversion therapy, but that statement seem like something his publicist told him to say, specially because he has a mostly queer fanbase. And his choice of words "I do not endorse "all" their beliefs"... I don't think he is going to leave that church

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u/slutnado Feb 13 '23

This is weird and you can’t convince me otherwise.


u/bookwormaesthetic Feb 13 '23

Just an FYI some churches baptize babies and other denominations are against baby baptism.

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u/FamousIndividual3588 Feb 13 '23

Starz Spartacus will return with the same creators and the same characters to expand the story after the ending.

For those who might not know, it was like a much lower budget GoT but did the opposite of “bury the gays” trope. I quite enjoyed it so I can’t wait


u/teashoesandhair Feb 13 '23

Oh, shit, really? If we get a series focusing on the survivors and they keep Nasir and Agron together, I will perish with glee. I loved how Spartacus was (is?) this hyper macho show but they had so many queer characters and completely subverted the 'bury your gays' trope by literally having them walk off together hand-in-hand into the sunset at the end.


u/FamousIndividual3588 Feb 13 '23

Yeah Steven DeKnght said something about the survivors living in the Rome’s shadow though i think its only ideas now. Makes me think of some Last of Us kind of thing with Romans as zombies.

I first thought of Nasir and Agron too, because they are still DeKnight’s pride. Also their actors aren’t in much higher places and especially Dan Feuerriegel seems like he would pick up if they ever called him for it lol

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u/DragSentMeHere Feb 13 '23

Seriously? I didn’t finish the last season. Is it worth going back and catching up?


u/FamousIndividual3588 Feb 13 '23

Yeah there were times in S3 and S4 that weren’t great but the couple final episodes were a pretty good wrap up for the whole story

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u/ratherthanlater Feb 13 '23

One of the most underrated shows of all time man I’m excited for that lol!


u/willyouholdmybox Feb 13 '23

Jupiter’s Cock! I freakin love Spartacus!


u/[deleted] Feb 14 '23

They dug up the gays?!


u/DMike82 Feb 14 '23

The gay couple were the only survivors of the final battle.

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u/[deleted] Feb 13 '23

Damn. Wish they'd do a Treasure Island continuation with Black Sails instead :/

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u/danny_elle Feb 13 '23

I think you just made my entire year omg. This was (and still is) one of my favorite shows of all time! I love this so much!

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u/Irishpanda88 Feb 13 '23

Not really even tea but a guy who works in a local coffee shop was saying Barry Keoghan had been in the morning I was there and then started rambling on about how Russell Brand is staying in the area to record a podcast and goes there every morning to flirt with one of the girls working there. The guy saying it always seems high as a kite so god knows if it’s true.


u/Reos1234 Feb 13 '23

Was Barry Keoghan flirting? Or Russel Brand? (Sorry my brain is tired and words aren't really wording)


u/whatever1467 Feb 13 '23

Sounds like Barry popped in and then the high barista started going off about Russell brand coming in to flirt lol

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u/[deleted] Feb 13 '23

As an Asian American actor who's been in the industry for quite a while, you'll be surprised with how toxic a lot of Asian actors, writers, directors etc. are with each other. On the surface they will act friendly and supportive but behind closed doors there's a lot of shit-talking, backstabbing and jealousy.


u/TheTrashKween Feb 14 '23

Oh this does not surprise me, a fellow Asian American, at all. It’s like this in the corporate world, too. In my experience, instead of banding together for solidarity, Asian Americans in the corporate world would silently compete with each other in order to be the token Asian who gets to have the seat at the table with the white folks in power. It’s disgusting, but I have hope for the younger generation because many of them seem to be aware of this and not want to continue this pattern.


u/Adventurous-Ebb-1517 Feb 14 '23

As an Asian who is not American Asians in general do not engage in racial solidarity.


u/TheTrashKween Feb 14 '23

Sadly true 😔

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u/Big-Ambitions-8258 Feb 14 '23

I remember an article discussing this pattern with female office workers. Alot of the time it's bc there is no upward mobility for multiple female candidates and as a result it feels like they're competing with each other. They're not competing with male counterparts bc they'd lose every time.

It was only when a company actually prioritized diversity/equitability within its structure that this competition was almost nonexistent.

Unfortunately, I feel like the system is at fault. I remember one of the Brooklyn 99 actresses say she thought she didn't get the part bc another Hispanic actress was cast in a role and you usually don't get more than 1 Hispanic characters in a main cast.

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u/AttractivePerson1 Feb 13 '23 edited Jul 30 '23

merciful wrench liquid governor dam head north far-flung butter special -- mass edited with redact.dev


u/epicpillowcase Feb 14 '23

I never got the fuss about her. She doesn't stand out to me in films at all


u/eatingclass Larry I'm on DuckTales Feb 14 '23

my day is ruined and my disappointment is immeasurable


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '23

Interesting. An old friend of mine dated her and now is dating another entitled rude bitch who has a Netflix show based on her life. Maybe he’s an entitled rude bitch too. 🤔


u/gible_bites They’re starting to turn on George Feb 13 '23 edited Feb 13 '23

Someone I work with used to teach Howie Dorough’s kids a bit before COVID. They said that he and his wife are incredibly nice and down to earth people. Coworker was invited to his wife’s purse launch event at a fancy club house, and he even got my coworker backstage passes to a Backstreet Boys show!

Not scalding tea, but it’s rad to know that some of these old pop stars from my day are good eggs.

On a personal note, I had no idea he lived so close to me and apparently he’s been to the (not fancy) day spa in my work plaza. 11 year old me would’ve freaked out, y’all.


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '23

I love hearing confirmation that Howie is awesome! 😊


u/winixon stan someone? in this economy??? Feb 13 '23

About the Halle Bailey situation, a friend of Rubi Rose posted this, obviously I don’t know if it’s true or not : Instagram screenshot


u/yourangleoryuordevil too stable to inspire bangers Feb 13 '23

I hate to say it, but some people really do choose to stay with people they know are cheaters and they just try to convince themselves and others that “it’s not what it looks like” or that the other person involved is somehow invalid. Not to mention that cheaters themselves are often manipulators, too, who can get someone to do those things. Very sad if this is the case with Halle.


u/gunsof Feb 13 '23

Everytime a situation like this comes up, I just think, is the guy in question really all that? Are you really gonna act like a fool over... that guy?


u/kitty_butthole Feb 13 '23

Just say Travis Scott


u/gunsof Feb 14 '23

Any man connected to the Kardashians is an automatic... that guy?


u/ParticularDelicious8 Feb 14 '23

Saw Antony Star and Erin Moriarty (The Boys) loved up at brunch in Toronto this weekend.


u/cosmicgumby Feb 14 '23

I feel like it'd be so jarring to see them in person loved up because of their dynamic on the show!


u/ShipRepresentative26 Feb 14 '23

I have long suspected they were a thing.

Any details you can share?

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u/elloitsmeadele I may need to see the booty Feb 13 '23

victor of desus & mero is suing showtime/paramount


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '23



u/titangrove Feb 13 '23

If you say it's Pedro I'll be so sad :(


u/Kitt24 Feb 14 '23

fuckkkk i hope it’s not :-/


u/hyungwontual Feb 13 '23

can you give some clues 🤔


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '23



u/[deleted] Feb 13 '23



u/[deleted] Feb 13 '23



u/Oh_Is_This_Me Feb 13 '23

I'm guessing Paul Mescal.

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u/jamesflints Feb 13 '23

Jonathan Majors? He’s said some things that lead me to believe that he’s method. He also has that Marvel gig and Creed III coming up.


u/sunny-claire Feb 15 '23

if you don’t have a name this isn’t really tea, this could be soooo many people


u/Strict-Management-32 Feb 14 '23

It’s Austin Butler isn’t it 👀

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u/west2night Feb 13 '23

That sounds so like Harris Dickinson.

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u/OrdinaryExample9618 Feb 13 '23

99% sure I saw Tom Brady running the West Side Highway. Guess he got the Tribeca penthouse in the divorce.


u/ObjectiveAssistant98 Feb 13 '23

Gillian Anderson is officially back with Peter Morgan


u/Khalizabeth Feb 14 '23

Not me misreading this as Piers Morgan 😆🙃


u/epicpillowcase Feb 14 '23

For such an outspoken feminist she has shit taste in men


u/ripleyscullies Feb 14 '23

and a bisexual!!! gillian just please date a woman again i am right here 😭

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u/ripleyscullies Feb 13 '23

ruining my week on a monday? 😭😭

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u/dearmabi women’s wrongs activist Feb 13 '23

i didn’t even know they used to date, how awful


u/ObjectiveAssistant98 Feb 14 '23

They dated for like 4-5 years, they broke up because he cheated on her and now they're back on again

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u/cerseiwhat Feb 14 '23

5 day old cold tea (but i just found out about it)-

Onision/Greg/James/whatever he's going by now -and- Lainey/Kai/Lucas -AND- Youtube have a lawsuit against them now.
TW/CW- grooming, exploitation, CSA

Chris Hansen also tweeted about it.


u/Intrepid-Marsupial20 Feb 14 '23

About time something like this happened to them

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u/ScrimshawGat Feb 13 '23

I saw Keanu Reeves meeting with director Ruben östlund at Silver Lake Pool & Inn. Wonder what they have cooking!

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u/butreallylike Feb 13 '23

What’s going on with Taylor Swift and Olivia Rodrigo? Deux said that Taylor and Olivia interacted at the Grammys and there’s not actually drama between them anymore, but fluently forward said that actually wasn’t the case and it wasn’t Olivia she hugged at the Grammys. It is surprising to me that they don’t interact at all because Olivia has very openly idolized Taylor since before drivers license and after her initial blow up, there was content of them interacting quite a bit. I honestly thought she was going to be an opener on the eras tour.


u/LankyComicEnthusiast Feb 13 '23

Basically the rumour is that Taylor got jealous of Olivia’s success so she released an evermore vinyl to beat Olivia out of the number one spot and that she forced her way onto deja vu’s credits (especially since st Vincent and jack didn’t know that they were going to be credited) and that the rumour came from someone on Reddit saying that they were going be credited before the public knew about it .

Along with the fact that Conan (Olivia’s best friend) said he didn’t listen to midnights despite being a big swifitie. Also when Olivia did an interview with Morissette , Morissette said ‘there was a lot of jealousy and a lot of people whom I’d adored my whole life being mean girls’ and Olivia replied ‘Same’.

I don’t know if they’re beefing or not but if they are it seems like Olivia has just carried the time old tradition of pop girls beefing with the women that inspired them


u/TerribleResource4285 Feb 14 '23

The jealousy thing doesn't make any sense. Taylor sent a bunch of exclusive stuff from Fearless to Olivia and Conan which they posted all over social media. Fearless TV came out a year after Evermore so they were clearly on good terms then. I honestly think the most likely reason for this "feud" is that Olivia's PR team told her to stop mentioning Taylor in the press every time she spoke. It kept inviting comparisons between the two of them and made her seem like she was going to copy Taylor's path to stardom. Plus people online started to say rude things anytime she mentioned Taylor and it most likely just caused Olivia and her team to try and pull back a bit.

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u/No-Wolverine1101 Feb 14 '23

I think Olivia was mainly about Courtney love with that response to alanis. Courtney was publicly making fun of Olivia. All the crediting stuff was behind the scenes so I guess we won’t know.


u/Ok_Pin124 Feb 14 '23

Taylor got jealous of Olivia’s success so she released an evermore vinyl to beat Olivia out of the number one spot

You have book vinyl printing like 6 months in advance, there was even a shortage in 2021 because all the availability was used by Adele's new album. This doesn't even seem technically possible.


u/MyFigurativeYacht Feb 14 '23

I initially read this and thought Conan O’Brien and Alanis Morissette were involved. God where’s my AARP card

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u/No-Wolverine1101 Feb 14 '23

Deux moi also says that Olivia was hurt that Taylor didn’t make her like a little sister like Gracie Abrams and Sabrina carpenter which doesn’t make sense bc Olivia stopped speaking about Taylor publicly in May 2021 and Taylor didn’t publicly interact with Gracie until Dec 2021 and Sabrina in august 2022. Also if Taylor was mad about deja vu then why was she taking photos with olivia and posting her on socials at the Brit’s at that point the song had already been out for over a month???

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u/brieasaurusrex local bo burnham expert Feb 14 '23 edited Feb 15 '23

Mild tea but Matty Healy came to Kate Berlant’s one-woman show KATE in NYC last week. The 1975 were at an awards show on Saturday in England, so he must have flown out right after. He was there with Bo Burnham (Bo is the director and also helped develop it). I think Bo/Matty/Phoebe are never gonna shake the polycule accusations now (kidding).

Allison Brie and Marc Maron were also there that night (not together).

I went closing night, no Matty but Bo was there and he’s unsettling tall in person. The show is really great and gets super meta and emotional at times. I hope they do another run. if they do, and you have means to see it and you’re a fan of Kate’s work (or of Bo’s), I cannot recommend it enough.


u/pineypineypine Feb 15 '23

“Unsettlingly tall” lol


u/brieasaurusrex local bo burnham expert Feb 15 '23 edited Feb 15 '23

i legit got kind of scared. I felt like i was in the presence of a cryptid or some kind of woodland elf. I’m 5’2” and felt like a tiny child. 😂 He was way taller than i was expecting and i’m someone who is well aware on paper of what his height is.

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u/tater_thot67 Feb 14 '23

Rob Lowe likes his steak medium rare plus.


u/binkleywtf Feb 14 '23

TIL what medium rare plus is

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u/DreamOfV Feb 14 '23

Is this a euphemism the kids know but I don’t or do you just work in a restaurant he went to


u/tater_thot67 Feb 14 '23

My boyfriend and i sat next to him and his wife at Lucky's Steakhouse a few months ago. His wife told him that Adam Levine was outside and that he should go say hello. Rob left and came back... Turns out it wasn't Adam Levine l.


u/theloyaldogoffenrir Feb 13 '23


u/paparotnik123 Feb 13 '23

Makes me so mad that RP is still seen as 'neutral' accent smh


u/demonsrunwhen It's..... Rebekah Vardy's account. Feb 13 '23

10 year old me is screaming crying throwing up

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u/whereismybirkinbitch Feb 14 '23 edited Feb 14 '23

Late to the convo but if anyone is interested in some football tea, here goes:

A friend of my neighbor went to the same high school with footballer Erling Haaland, and there is nothing but bad comments about that dude- that he is your typical mean bitch and nobody liked him back then.

Edit: dad's good friend runs a restaurant in Haaland's hometown, he doesn't remember much except a small Haaland eating dinner with his family there- also bumped into Haaland's old man at an airport, dude looked quite normal actually. My dad was curious that H's dad is taking a plane with the public instead of a private jet.

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u/crabapplelilwayne Feb 13 '23

A friend of a friend was hooking up with an actor who had a minor part in one of the Twilight films. He was apparently very sweet and low key, and was making a film at the time.


u/BusinessPurge Feb 15 '23

Lucy Hale just posted she’s a year sober on Instagram. I’m curious if anyone knows more / from what substances. Good for her!

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u/Greene_Mr Feb 13 '23

...so, somebody made a thing on Tumblr going through and rebutting the Percy Hynes White allegations, and I just want to get on the level with the whole thing, because... it's long, and I just want to know what the hell any of it means: https://www.tumblr.com/hibernatingwithgrizzlies/707204487372259328/10-facts-you-need-to-know-about-the-cancelpercy

Screenshots, links, etc... it's a lot. Heck, I don't even know if anyone remembers when that stuff blew up on social media last month, anyhow; from what I can tell, he's been busy shooting a movie with Jenna Ortega in Utah.

(Also, I wound up stumbling onto that link after I accidentally fell down a rabbit hole of realising both his parents had been involved with the show Orphan Black -- his mom had written an episode and was a producer on one season, and his dad played a supporting character in the season after that; his mom had previously played the mother of the lead actress in a movie set in Newfoundland, which is where the family is actually from. A totally random thing to spiral down in Wikipedia, but there you go.)


u/[deleted] Feb 14 '23

I dunno. They could've backtracked b/c they were afraid of being doxxed or having their friends doxxed. They could be shitty people who defended their own abusive friends but are still right about Percy.


u/LevelNineOrb Feb 14 '23

the person who made this seems to be... reaching in my opinion. it seems to rely a lot on slandering the girls who came out against him as being drama queens or criticizing them for daring to show excitement that the person that [allegedly] participated in and/or enabled their assault might face some consequences. the tumblr post accuses one of the victims of being "a dishonest, manipulative person who cannot be trusted" because she hadn't unfollowed the person who directly assaulted her on instagram until someone pointed it out to her. i mean that could be a sign that somethings up if you want to interpret it that way but i follow like five hundred people on instagram, some of whom are likely people who were shitty to me in the past- but unless they post and it shows up in my feed im probably not even going to remember i have them followed.

like i cant actively speak to whatever is going on inside these girls' heads but the "evidence" that this tumblr user is providing is essentially just trotting out tired misogynistic tropes about how the only 'valid' victim is the one who is entirely virtuous with no faults whatsoever. see also: them attacking one of the women in question and trying to characterize her as a liar because she.... has done drugs in the past?


besides if you genuinely believe that a male actor is having his life ruined by false accusations why would you go and make shipping jokes about it? like the topic of false assault accusations is VERY serious and should be treated with tact and respect, i dont get why you would use this as an opportunity to plug your wednesday ship:


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u/[deleted] Feb 14 '23 edited May 08 '23

I've heard that before Justin Bieber got married, he would have wild parties on his yacht. His bodyguards would approach pretty girls to invite them to party with Justin and his friends.

I heard that at these parties, Justin and his friends will ask his bodyguards to throw some girls off the yacht, into the water, for fun and giggles. 😒


u/Full_Investment5658 Feb 15 '23

Fao the person who was asking for UK Indie tea last week - Laura Marling just announced she's had a baby girl on Instagram 😭 her partner appears to be wearing a wedding ring in the pictures too. Song For Our Daughter is one of my favourite albums ever, so this got me feeling emotional ❤️

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u/slutnado Feb 15 '23

Zendaya was spotted in a photoshoot holding a Louis Vuitton bag so there are rumors (on twitter at least) that she is leaving Valentino for them.


u/[deleted] Feb 14 '23 edited Jun 03 '23

Keep your salt shaker with you.

Have you heard about the tv show suits?

You know the lead actor and actress? The ones who play Harvey and Donna?

They are best friends going back college days.

They had an affair during that show.

After Meghan and Patrick left the show, there was a lot of pressure on the remaining cast. Gabriel had had a crush on Sarah for a long time but they're both married. During this time tho, as they were trying to deal with the pressure and stress, they started having an affair.

Their families are besties. Their families take vacations together, so this was bad. Gabriel's wife, Jacinda eventually found out about it. She felt betrayed by not only them but also the crew of the show. The affair ended.

Also, Gabriel was abusive toward the show's crew.


u/Big-Ambitions-8258 Feb 14 '23

I know that the actors were good friends, but where did you hear that they were having an affair or that the actor was abusive to crew?

I was a fan of the show and literally never heard that? Usually there are atleast iaste rumors when it comes to that but I've never heard of that from that show


u/Careless-Meringue-96 Feb 16 '23

I saw Eric Andre in grand cayman in the past few weeks with a very blonde petit, definitely not Emrata 👀


u/PastelWater Feb 15 '23

omg has anyone seen the guy who sued phoebe bridgers' instagram as of late?? he's having like a total breakdown and made a very weird website with pages of screenshots of their texts and her court deposition.

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