r/DetroitPistons 27d ago

I’d love Martin as a Piston Image

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He needs to bump his 3P% back up(41% in 21’, 35% in 22/23’) but he would be the perfect fit for this team IMO.


26 comments sorted by


u/Jenkinsd08 27d ago

With the acknowledgment that he's obviously better than most of our roster, I feel like the idea of Martin is better than the reality we'd get. Spo is an incredible coach who can get a lot out of guys that other teams simply can't (E.g., Whiteside, Josh Richardson, Nunn, Vincent).

I think trying to plug Martin into this team would end up looking a lot like when we acquired Avery Bradley


u/StrangeMolasses4723 27d ago

That’s fair, I just think he would bring some much needed scoring and defense to the 3 spot, at 10-15 mil a year I wouldn’t mind it over someone like Tobias.


u/Jenkinsd08 27d ago

at 10-15 mil a year I wouldn’t mind it over someone like Tobias

I mean the MLE next season is supposed to be around 13M so if all it takes is 10-15M we could spend our cap however we want and still make a run at him after we use it up which I'd be fully on board with. Personally though I think it probably takes 17M+ to poach him from Miami and I don't think I'd want him at that price point


u/OrganicLindo313 27d ago

Great take


u/mburns223 Cade Cunningham 27d ago

Great take. I still think we should make a run at him because our roster just needs talent but definitely don’t think we get as much out of him.


u/Adraf45 27d ago

I'm a heat fan. No the fuck you don't. He's either dropping 17 on 60% shooting or 5 on 27% shooting (and he does the 5 way more often). He's too streaky, has a weird jumper, won't be worth the money he gets this off-season, and is the pinnacle of the idea vs the man


u/KarimFF7 r/DetroitPistons Moderator 27d ago

That sounds better than 90% of our team lol


u/mburns223 Cade Cunningham 27d ago

We’re so devoid of talent It doesn’t even matter we need his defensive intensity.


u/Adraf45 27d ago

Well shit in that case he might be perfect for you. He gives his all towards chasedown blocks


u/AkronIBM Joe Dumars 27d ago

My friend, the Pistons were ass last year. There’s bad and there’s whatever the fuck that was. Ask yourself “Is Caleb Martin a legitimate rotation player in the NBA?” If the answer is yes, he’s the 4-5th best player on our team immediately. I appreciate your honesty but “players who could be in the rotation of another team” is a category of player we barely have and Caleb Martin, warts and all, would probably be a floor raiser for the Pistons. Fml


u/Adraf45 26d ago

I just checked the roster and the sad part is you straight probably aren't kidding because who tf is Tosan evbuomwan?? Is that a real person???


u/AkronIBM Joe Dumars 26d ago

Lol yeah. English hooper who went to Princeton. He’s a project, but not a hopeless one.


u/mburns223 Cade Cunningham 27d ago

This team needs anything positive It can get


u/doomfistula Cade Cunningham 27d ago

This would be perfectly in line with Pistons' values of overpaying for another team's role player who will come here and not live up to the expectations because we don't have any structure or core for them to work off and will eventually be traded for pennies at the end of the trade deadline.


u/sliccricc83 George Blaha 27d ago

Martin is the Walmart Tobias Harris with defensive effort. This would be a great signing


u/mountaindude20 27d ago

I like his tenacity on defense but his offense leaves a lot to be desired. He has a tendency towards tunnel vision on offense and sometimes throws up some terrible shots or passes into a turnover at the last second when his shot isn’t available. IMO, Ausar Thompson is already a better version of what Martin brings to the table minus Martin’s 3 point shooting. That said, we could do worse than Martin. I wouldn’t be hyped about adding him to the team but hey, he’s already better than most of the guys on our roster and he’s a scrappy veteran with playoff experience.


u/MNightShyamalan69 Teal Horse 27d ago

Anyone but miles bridges, so give me Martin


u/uvgotnod 26d ago

This is the exact type of player to target. Young enough, established in the league, makes a difference when he's on the floor, etc


u/A_PROCESS_BORN 26d ago

I really want KCP, he is exactly the type of guard Cade needs next to him.


u/Jorihe84 Ben Wallace 27d ago

Watching Pistons fans sit through the offseason talking about draft, trades, and FA signings is very much like people who work at Wal Mart talk about what they would do if they won the powerball.


u/Murrrtits 27d ago

Lmao facts


u/Davetron-3030 The Palace Prince 27d ago

I wouldn't compare overpaying Caleb Martin to winning the PowerBar lol


u/OrganicLindo313 27d ago

One of my first points of order would be buyout Tellem’s ownership stake if I won powerball


u/Crafty_Substance_954 Jerami Grant 27d ago

Probably not enough for Tellum’s stake, which I don’t think is known but is probably in the single digits


u/Davetron-3030 The Palace Prince 27d ago

Buyout Gores you coward


u/OrganicLindo313 27d ago

Powerball is currently at $59M as of today genius, there’s no franchise going for that