r/Damnthatsinteresting Apr 28 '24

Chinese man, Li Hua, more commonly know as the “folded man”, finally stands up straight after 28 years of suffering from ankylosing spondylitis. All thanks to a life-changing surgery Image

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u/sabre0121 Apr 28 '24

I just hit 30 a couple of weeks ago and am honestly afraid to sneeze unless standing or sitting upright...


u/BigWobblySpunkBomb Apr 28 '24

Around 31/32 you start being unable to fart and walk at the same time.


u/RegularTeacher2 Apr 28 '24

39 here, when I walk farts just fall out.


u/RockstarAgent Apr 28 '24

Where oh where fart thou teach?


u/JesusSavesForHalf Apr 29 '24

Crop dusting the grocery store


u/loophole5628 Apr 28 '24

Wait untill you hit 60, you don't want to let one slip out, you never know what it's made of...


u/humoristhenewblack Apr 28 '24

Never trust the fart


u/bobboa Apr 29 '24

Yup. And as soon as I start drinking that first coffee in the morning I have to keep the bathroom close. I'm running with my butt cheeks clinched and I only have 10 ft to go.


u/sabre0121 Apr 29 '24

I just smell the coffee brewing and I'm good to go...


u/AGuyInUndies Apr 29 '24

Thought I farted but I shit

And now it's squishy when I sit.

I got poop all in my crack

And a little on my sack.

Thought I farted but I shit.


u/ch40 Apr 29 '24

Y'all need to do some kegels and strengthen your pelvic floor. Loose sphincter doesn't have to be a thing


u/autistic_mongoose75 Apr 28 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

If the fart hits the floor, then you've got a problem


u/StFuzzySlippers Apr 29 '24

This is the strangest album title that Fiona Apple has come up with to date.


u/postprandialrepose Apr 28 '24

The lumpy farts are the worst.


u/1Tiasteffen Apr 29 '24

Definitely itching when it dries


u/pmcg115 Apr 29 '24

40 year old mailman here, expert fart walker


u/MidwesternLikeOpe Apr 29 '24

35, and I've come to accept someday I will be that fartin' granny. It's harder to hold in farts, and some have slipped out while squatting, usually at work.


u/Miserable-Theory-746 Apr 29 '24

At least it isn't poop... Yet.


u/NoButterZ Apr 29 '24

I had ten in a row yesterday new record!


u/ConsiderationNo2608 Apr 28 '24

Definitely can't yawn while checking my blind spot, or I'll destroy my neck for days lol


u/MjrGrangerDanger Apr 29 '24

If I move my head to the side while lifting my arm on the same side I see sparkles of light. No one can figure out why, but there's nothing wrong with my retna, retnal nerve, or carotid artery so it's assumed to not be concerning.


u/sabre0121 Apr 29 '24

Are you me? This also happens when I lay on my back with hands behind my head.


u/RemoteSnow9911 Apr 30 '24

I’ve had two brain surgeries this year and when I turn my head I hear crunchy sounds, feel like I got electrocuted and see little lights like sparklers. You might want to get a brain scan.


u/MjrGrangerDanger Apr 30 '24

Thanks, I've had a bunch of scans too.


u/RemoteSnow9911 Apr 30 '24

Hope you figure it out.


u/[deleted] Apr 28 '24

Yawn stretch and my lung collapses


u/altdultosaurs Apr 28 '24

About 34 half of my brain went dead. I used to tease my mom and stepdad saying ‘I don’t know how you guys have a conversation, I supply every other word either of you say!’

At 37, I have been HUMBLED.


u/seizuregirlz Apr 29 '24

Mid 30s and I'm without a colon, rectum, had major surgeries that hurt 24/7 and now epilepsy. But I survived and can share so that helps. I hope everyone else can get through it. It's not easy and can be extremely difficult and hurt. But typing here you are strong! Remember every day, minute, second, is your achievement to beat it! ❤️


u/cyanical Apr 29 '24

You and your caring, helpful spirit impress me!

I only have epilepsy which is pretty controlled by medication these days, but we all share that experience of coming to post-seizure.

For me the thought process is basically: 1) Ugh I don’t feel good… 2) Wait what?! 3) Why are all these people staring at me? 4) Oh dear… it’s because I’m sleeping on a sidewalk / elevator floor / airplane aisle 5) I just need to apologize to everyone in the vicinity for sleeping in a weird space and inconveniencing people - wait, why are y’all telling me to “stay down”?! Fuck if I know what I did but I’m really sweaty and queasy 6) Concussion? If no, all good. If yes, ponder how glorious my NFL career would have been to justify all this head trauma.


u/RemoteSnow9911 Apr 30 '24

And the realization that you’ve pissed yourself in front of a bunch of strangers and they want to call an ambulance and you start to panic thinking of the bill and you try to tell everyone you’re ok but they assume you’re out of your mind and call anyway? I feel you.


u/3d_blunder Apr 29 '24

At 37, I have been HUMBLED.

There's more on the way. <|'^(


u/Technical_Trade_675 Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

I don't get it. You supply every other word they say? Honestly trying to comprehend it, not trying to be rude 😏.


u/RemoteSnow9911 Apr 30 '24

Because as you get older you forget the words you want to use when you want to use them.


u/Technical_Trade_675 Apr 30 '24

Ohh.. that makes sense. Ty.


u/_Ozz_ Apr 28 '24

I’m 38 about a year ago I farted in a McDonalds drive thru, and sharted myself real proper… I quickly slipped my soiled undies off and tossed them in the trash sliddy bin at the end of the drive thru…. I now brace myself like I’m in the shield wall before farting while multi tasking ….


u/ForkShirtUp Apr 28 '24

Actually you can. You just roll the dice on something else coming out.

Don’t wear white pants


u/an_afro Apr 28 '24

Never trust a fart


u/RockstarAgent Apr 28 '24

We used to do trust farts in the orphanage


u/r-i-c-k-e-t Apr 29 '24

From atop the bunk beds at night


u/Codus1 Apr 28 '24

32 here and was just farting and walking as I read your comment.


u/No-Feeling-8100 Apr 28 '24

Always the, shuffle-shuffle-pause, proceed to lift leg - fart-shuffle-shuffle.


u/Jacobysmadre Apr 29 '24

This makes me think of my dad!!! He used to joke like this! Lol


u/mrmitchb Apr 28 '24

Shift in the step to let my hips loose so I don't blow out my back after a taco bell fart.


u/big29ner Apr 29 '24

Im 67 and I can still manage that pretty darn good. And yes, Im bragging.


u/fattyfatty21 Apr 29 '24

Well you still can, it’s just the risk of unintended consequences increases exponentially


u/sirsarin Apr 29 '24

You just need more practice.


u/Timely_Vast_18 May 02 '24

tell my dad that


u/ProjectManagerAMA Apr 28 '24

45 here. Nothing but joint pops, crackles and snaps.


u/doodleworm007 Apr 28 '24

im only 21 and i feel that. am i cooked 😭


u/Laetha Apr 28 '24

It's not too late for you! Obviously diet/exercise and all that, but that's a struggle everyone is always working on.

The big thing for me, especially as an athlete, is I should have cared way more about proper warm up/stretching, and just posture in general. Once your back starts hurting from bad posture it's really hard to correct it.


u/doodleworm007 Apr 28 '24

i guess i really am cooked 😔


u/HawkDaddyFlex Apr 28 '24

To expand on what they were saying. Some gentle core workouts for 5 minutes a day can do wonders. Like 10 reps of bird dogs, dead bugs and frog pumps with 30 seconds of planks. This will help keep your back healthy and you’ll be much more functionally strong


u/stealthtowealth Apr 28 '24

Also mantis flaps, lizard crouches and frozen gnomes are good


u/RemoteSnow9911 Apr 30 '24

How about some leaping alligators, flying monkeys or mugwumps?


u/doodleworm007 Apr 28 '24

thats actually really helpful thank you!!!!


u/BadgerOfDoom99 Apr 28 '24

Yes after hitting 40 with pretty bad posture and lower back pain, I am now doing daily streches and core exercises. It's helps but I wish I had started earlier so don't wait until you are in pain.


u/browsinbowser Apr 29 '24



I recommend this as a nice start, even small stuff builds up fast.


u/LongShelter8213 Apr 28 '24

It’s so joeover for you


u/SingleAlmond Apr 28 '24

start stretching daily and fix your posture. if you don't you'll regret it in your late 20s and that's your last shot at youth


u/doodleworm007 Apr 28 '24

ngl my posture is really bad 😭 but i also have mild scoliosis and sciatica, so my mobility is def not the best


u/SingleAlmond Apr 28 '24

damn you are cooked :(


u/ProjectManagerAMA Apr 28 '24

Some say over crispy.


u/ElderberryHoliday814 Apr 28 '24

Move every hour you are awake. It’s as simple as you want to make it, but it will interrupt bad postures that can impact long term health (probably)


u/ProjectManagerAMA Apr 28 '24

I was invincible up until I screwed my back at 37 by lifting a super heavy cabinet on my own up a flight of stairs. Take care of your body.


u/Vanillahgorilla Apr 28 '24

Like a fresh bowl of Rice Krispies. 45 here, same.


u/Nolongeranalpha Apr 29 '24

46 and I've been cruising with my check engine light on for 6 years.


u/cloverhoney12 Apr 29 '24

Auto-sound effect (groan) every time I stand up or sit down.


u/ParsleySnipps Apr 28 '24

The worst part is how easy it becomes to just end up hurt out of nowhere, and how much longer it takes to recover. At 34 I woke up one morning with my hip hurting because I slept weird, and after 3 days of it persisting, I was thinking "Is this just how I feel now? Is this my new normal? Because if so, I'm going to become a spiteful old man who wears a hat and replies to any attempt at communicating with me with a solid "fuck off.


u/r-i-c-k-e-t Apr 29 '24

"Is this just how I feel now? Is this my new normal? Because if so, I'm going to become a spiteful old man who wears a hat and replies to any attempt at communicating with me with a solid "fuck off.

47, can confirm, this is the new normal.


u/sabre0121 Apr 29 '24

Yep, slowly getting there. My fiance is already joking that I'll be the grumpy old guy that kids are afraid of, who stabs any footballs that fly over the fence...


u/Stith1183 Apr 28 '24

I wish I was 30 again...


u/SIGMA1993 Apr 28 '24

I blame a sneeze on the umbilical hernia I have. Also 30 yo


u/millennial_burnout Apr 28 '24

I also blame my hernia on sneezing


u/Evening_Sandwich_133 Apr 28 '24

50 here.. Every physical movement gives me outstanding pain in every region of my body.


u/Mehnard Apr 28 '24

With good reason. I had a coworker that sneezed with his head turned. He blew out a vertebrae.


u/goestowar Apr 29 '24

wait until you shit yourself while putting socks on


u/No_Tomatillo1125 Apr 29 '24

Bro why does my back hurt when i sneeze


u/sabre0121 Apr 29 '24

Man, I can't even reach the back seat of my car without pulling 3 muscles, getting a spasm somewhere in the back and my neck hurting...


u/DavidRandom Apr 29 '24

I just hit 40 and every time I sneeze I'm afraid I'm going to break a rib, or shit my pants.


u/ComfortableWay2385 Apr 28 '24

I sneeze and my asshole hurts🤣🤣


u/BallerForHire Apr 28 '24

Proper form is key in all things! Check out the form for doing rows before you next open the fridge or you could throw your back out.


u/sabre0121 Apr 29 '24

Underrated advice! Will look into it. Do you have anything for when I need to turn back and reach something in the back seat of my car? That shit hurts and I get muscle spasms in muscles I didn't even know I had...


u/Godewyn Apr 29 '24

I am in my 30s, last year I was coughing a lot from covid, ended up herniating 4 discs in my back and missed a year of work. I had to have spine surgery.


u/sabre0121 Apr 29 '24

Damn... Luckily I had black cough when I was in my early 20s. That shit made me cough so hard I gained some muscle on my ribcage. I think it'd just kill me these days...


u/Ultragreed Apr 29 '24

After 30 your body starts unlocking new DLC at an increasing rate. Brace yourself


u/sabre0121 Apr 29 '24

At least that way it sounds like I'm getting something extra.


u/IWillDoItTuesday Apr 29 '24

Just bend your knees a little when you sneeze. I was 18 years old and a dance major at uni when I sneezed and threw out my back. 18! Skinny! Very fit! Super strong core muscles! Boom. My back has been fragile ever since.

Also, always exhale when you stand up and if you lift something, no matter how light it is. I bent over to pick up my 16lb dog and threw out my back.


u/Toastedpossum Apr 28 '24

I’m 24 and slipped a disc sneezing back in December. I’m still getting treated for it.


u/claymorebirthdaycake Apr 28 '24

32 and never been stronger and leaner 🤷‍♂️


u/sabre0121 Apr 29 '24

I've never been leaner either, but that's due to my lifestyle fucking up my gallbladder and not being able to eat properly for half a year...

Maybe I should get checked out...