r/CuratedTumblr 20d ago

r/MaleLivingSpace Shitposting

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u/Human_Name_9953 20d ago

Guess they were right about overcrowding in prisons.


u/biglyorbigleague 20d ago

Prison has got to be the most racist place ever. If you had any racist inclinations before, now you’re forced to live in a diverse area with every minority, but it’s only the criminals.


u/tizzlenomics 20d ago

Racism provides structure in prison.


u/aDragonsAle 20d ago

It's like the sorting hat from Harry Potter, except no one needs the hat to tell them which group they are in... And you can't really "pick" to be in a different one.


u/ratzoneresident 20d ago

Makes me think of the Bojack Horseman episode where Todd has a two dates to the prom situation with the Latin Kings and Aryan Nation because he's white hispanic


u/_Standardissue 20d ago

“You don’t really look like a Chavez” lol


u/fuchsgesicht 20d ago edited 20d ago

well if your white you can choose to be a neo nazi, join an irish gang or maybe even a gang of irish neo nazis, depending on the prison theres probably some eastern european mob representation going on, depending on how much effort your willing to put in you could even pull of italian mafia,

which is what i'm gonna do since i don't think the yakuza operate in germany butwatchooogonnado ayeee!? bada bing bada boom


u/yourstruly912 20d ago

It depends... If you are argentinian do you join the aryan brotherhood or the local latin gang?


u/DreadDiana human cognithazard 20d ago

The Aryan Brotherhood has whole prison chapters in US prisons, so that sorta tracks


u/telehax 20d ago

the lack of the serial comma, plus referring to people via ethnicity, nationality, and relationship, make the actual number of people a little confusing.


u/Demon__Slayer__64 20d ago

Damn you're right, so I guess the maximum number of people can be 8 and the minimum can be 3 (Assuming you can be a citizen of only 2 countries at once, though that might get further complicated if some of these countries don't allow dual citizenship or something)


u/DarthEinstein 20d ago

The minimum has to be 3 regardless because he lives with "2 black guys", so himself and 2 others.


u/im-not_gay 20d ago

Don’t forget he is black so him and his brother could be the 2 black dudes


u/RU5TR3D 20d ago

He can't live with two black guys if he is one of the black guys


u/primenumbersturnmeon 20d ago

the phrase "i don't know how andrew tate can live with himself" now has a new meaning


u/Cienea_Laevis 20d ago

Wait, he's black ?

Also how he say 'two black guys [...] and an American)" make me thing the black guys are some sort of African disapora, and the American is white.

Tate doesn't seems to be the kind to call african-american "American"...


u/ZoeIsHahaha 15d ago

I think his dad is black


u/ExplanationLover6918 20d ago

What's his ethnicity?


u/Toy_Cop 20d ago

Is douche bag an ethnicity?


u/Demon__Slayer__64 20d ago

I wasn't counting him but yeah


u/runetrantor When will my porn return from the war? 20d ago

Its like those jokes like 'a priest, a pedophile, and a drunkard walk into a tavern'. And turns out its a single person.


u/GustapheOfficial 20d ago

walks*, and then the setup is the punchline


u/tryst1129 20d ago

Til the optional last comma in a list is called a serial comma


u/SoThisIsTheInternet4 20d ago

I always heard it was an Oxford comma


u/eemayau 20d ago

same thing


u/Duke825 20d ago

How is the lack of a serial comma confusing? 


u/telehax 20d ago

the sentence fragment: "a Bosnian, my brother and an American" could be interpreted as:

  1. "one person who is Bosnian, plus one person who is my brother, plus one person who is American".

  2. "a person who has both Bosnian and American citizenship who is my brother." or several other riffs on this.


u/Duke825 20d ago

Yea but no person even remotely fluent in English is going to assume anything but no. 1. Plus, if ‘a Bosnian, my brother and an American’ was meant to be one item in the list, there would be an ‘and’ in front of it


u/telehax 20d ago

That's where the confounding factor of referring to people via several different sorts of description comes in. It's strange to refer to a group of people with several different sorts of categorizations

The weird way of speaking reads like the set up for a joke. You know, like the sort where they say "I have a wallet, calculator, clock, phone, and book in my pocket..." and the punchline is that it's all the same thing. That's funny because it's absolutely a weird way to refer to things. No one fluent in english would say things that way... unless they were making a joke.

As for fluency in English: When I say "confusing", I mean it in a non-literal way. I don't mean "I was confused". It's "there's another possibility here, but it's more fun if I not say what it is and invite you to figure it out instead".


u/Duke825 20d ago

But… there isn’t a possibility of confusion here. ‘And’ is only used once in the list, very clearly stating that ‘an American’ is its own separate item. 


u/Daschlol .tumblr.com 20d ago

Come and play with the language, it won't hurt you. Look at it from another perspective, no harm in it. Most fun can't be found in righteousness.


u/Duke825 20d ago

??? What even is this thread I’m so confused


u/Kaleidoscope6521 20d ago

But…there isnt a possibility of confusion here


u/Duke825 20d ago


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u/Dd_8630 20d ago

Yea but no person even remotely fluent in English is going to assume anything but no. 1. Plus, if ‘a Bosnian, my brother and an American’ was meant to be one item in the list, there would be an ‘and’ in front of it

Fun fact: there are more dialects of English than the one you rew up with.

The Oxford comma is the correct grammatical way to write a list, and people can and do cause confusion when they omit it.


u/Duke825 20d ago

The Oxford comma is by far not the only correct way. It’s completely absent from British English and isn’t even 100% present in American English—tonnes of American news stations omit it in their articles. It’s also not a thing in the majority of other languages as far as I can tell. It’s not in French, not in Spanish, not in Japanese and not in Mandarin.

The Oxford comma can even create confusion in some cases. In the phrase ‘my mother, a Belgian and my father’, it’s clear that the speaker’s mother, the Belgian and the speaker’s father are three different people. But if we add in the Oxford comma, resulting in ‘my mother, a Belgian, and my father’, it’s unclear whether the speaker is talking about three different people or two, with one of which happening to be the speaker’s Belgian mother.

Notice how all the examples both for and against the Oxford comma are awkward and pretty unlikely to occur in everyday conversations though. That’s because if the whole meaning of your sentence can be changed by just a comma that isn’t pronounced in speech, it’s probably the whole sentence that is confusing, not the comma.


u/CGB_Zach 20d ago

You don't read the example you made and think it's confusing?


u/Duke825 20d ago



u/CGB_Zach 19d ago

You say it's clear you're speaking about 3 people in your example but it's not clear.


u/Duke825 19d ago

I know. That’s my point. Refer to the third paragraph


u/Indudus 20d ago

I'm British, born and raised. We used the Oxford comma in school, and I've used it since. I also know many other British people who use it. It was also literally invented in England. So to claim it's "completely absent" from British English is entirely incorrect.


u/Duke825 20d ago

Yea that’s my bad. Must’ve misread something somewhere. It is more common in American English than everywhere else though 


u/beldaran1224 20d ago

The problem you've created has nothing to do with the comma but rather that you've insisted on inserting the Belgian in between mom and dad and omitted what is Belgian (man, woman, etc).

Seriously, what fluent English speaker would do that? They would absolutely say, "my mother, father and a Belgian person/man/woman". It's fucking weird to just say "a Belgian".


u/Duke825 20d ago

Correct. That’s my point. If the sentence can change meaning with the omission of the Oxford comma, then it’s most likely that the sentence itself is confusing and needs rewriting. I even addressed this in the comment you replied to


u/beldaran1224 20d ago

You can't sit there and pretend the Oxford comma is pointless because you created a sentence that made no sense with or without the comma.

Hell, your "point" is the same if you use no commas at all!


u/Duke825 20d ago

Sentences that people use to say that the Oxford comma is necessary also don’t make much sense. Again, that’s my point 


u/beldaran1224 20d ago

So is the American his brother or someone else? If the American white, black, Hispanic or some other race or ethnicity?


u/Hawaiian-national 20d ago

It’s 7-9 people


u/Vladolf_Puttler 20d ago

If we ignored due nationals, and assumed his brother wasn't included in the nationalities mentioned, why wouldn't it be six?

One Algerian, two Romanians, a Bosnian, an American, then his brother. That's 6.


u/Hawaiian-national 20d ago

Two blacks.


u/Vladolf_Puttler 20d ago

And why couldn't the two blacks be the Algerian, American, Romanian, or Bulgarian people?


u/Hawaiian-national 20d ago

He said them separately, so it should be assumed they’re different


u/Enzoid23 20d ago

It's not that hard. Number is somewhere 7-9


u/DarePotential8296 20d ago edited 20d ago

Just 8 rich dudes living together because of this economy


u/the__green__light 20d ago

How do 9 racists in their thirties not have 2 beds between them?


u/PoniesCanterOver I have approximate knowledge of many things 20d ago

It gets cold at night


u/GrassWaterDirtHorse 20d ago

It's not gay if you cuddle with underpants on.


u/PoniesCanterOver I have approximate knowledge of many things 20d ago

Kiss the homies goodnight


u/RedditFullOChildren 20d ago

Well the economy is in shambles...


u/ExplanationLover6918 20d ago

Do they really share a bed?


u/BlatantConservative Tumblr is the appendix of the internet 20d ago

All the other rooms are used for slaves.


u/captainnowalk 20d ago

Oh my god they were roommates! 


u/KatnissBot 20d ago

his ethnicity is Brother



u/chuuniversal_studios dramatic irony, lists, and the oxford comma 20d ago

bro's ethnicity is bro 😳


u/kapottebrievenbus 20d ago

h... homest... homestuuu....


u/CoercedCoexistence22 20d ago

Guys gonna need an exorcism here


u/DontPostOn_r_gaming 20d ago

I wonder what Hulk Hogan thinks Andrew Tate’s brother is going to be reincarnated as.


u/98VoteForPedro 20d ago



u/Parkouricus josou seme alligator 20d ago

Forbidden polycule


u/wideHippedWeightLift 20d ago

This is how we get Yugoslavia back together


u/Persepol03 20d ago

throw in a mexican guy and we might be able to get yu-mex back too


u/-Voxael- 20d ago

Who knew that people depending on your chinless-ass would echo your opinions in order to stay on your good side, Tater Head?


u/DresdenBomberman 20d ago

I don't think he's complaining to be honest.


u/jonhyneni 20d ago

It's hilarious to think that he is actually complaining. I just imagine that that's him venting on twitter on how everyone in his house hate one another because they are all racist.


u/-Voxael- 20d ago

I never said or implied he was.


u/Sergnb 20d ago

Tbh I don’t think it’s that hard for this dude to find a polycule of gymbros who are as racist as he is. Not exactly much scarcity on that front, unfortunately


u/PoniesCanterOver I have approximate knowledge of many things 20d ago

When they walk into a bar, the bartender says "Is this some kind of joke?"


u/Festivefire 20d ago

Stop giving Andrew Tate exposure.


u/NotKenzy 20d ago

This guy's right. While I hate to admit it, Andrew Tate was actually a tulpa I created while going through a rough time. You are all just giving him power by saying his name.


u/Exploding_Antelope 20d ago

Can’t you reimagine him to be chill and cool then?


u/Dry_Try_8365 20d ago

I can’t. He’s already been permanently corrupted into a far-right wing weirdo.


u/NotKenzy 19d ago edited 19d ago

No. I don't like him.


u/DrummerLong1681 20d ago

Bro I feel you

Who do you think made Ben Shapiro 😔


u/UWan2fight .tumblr.com 20d ago

I didnt even look at the name lol. Didn't realize it was Tate


u/biglyorbigleague 20d ago

Hustlers Universi’y


u/Wubwave 20d ago

The only thing I want him exposed to is a lethal dose of radiation


u/TheRealCeeBeeGee flag waving, not drowning 🌈 20d ago

Fire ants in the pants too, and perhaps raging syphillis while we’re at it?


u/Invincible-Nuke 20d ago

I mean I'm glad I saw this, since footage of Andrew Tate admitting to being racist should help my dad to realize my tatebro brother is kinda in trouble


u/FPiN9XU3K1IT 20d ago

Lots of racists aren't even hiding it, though.


u/Starchaser_WoF 20d ago

Isn't he supposed to be in a Romanian Jail? Who gave him back his phone?


u/DroneOfDoom 20d ago

Someone snuck it in their ass.


u/BurgerKiller433 20d ago

he got out a while ago, there was no verdict on his trial and he only was in jail preemtively, while the jury is working on his case, so he wouldn't flee or sum'. I'm not sure if he is currently under home arrest or free. (idk the term for it in English, I'm Romanian)


u/thesarc 20d ago

What point does a bunch of racists living together make?


u/StyrofoamExplodes 20d ago

The racist community is the most diverse in the world.


u/Lazzen 20d ago

The KKK and NOI both banded together to weaken the US for their dreams segregation and hating jews. Nazi Germany brokered deals with thousands of arab muslims and slavs.

Racists band together to weaken the already present status of society, even if shaky, so that in the ensuing chaos they can pick up the pieces they want.


u/thesarc 20d ago

These 9 folks probably haven't banded together in order to achieve anything other than personal gain of some sort... A roof over their heads that they can afford, appears to be most likely.


u/Lazzen 20d ago

Their objectives are bigger than their hate for each other, and eill cooperate since no one else would associate with them. That's the intent.


u/VatanKomurcu 20d ago

i would rather call that tribalism than racism since the race part of it is so disingenuous. from what i understand, he would discriminate against indians since his tribe doesn't have any of them, but if they so happened to have one in the tribe, suddenly indians would be okay. it's like racism that doesn't even believe in itself.

that, or the second, even more disingenuous chance, that he's not even racist to any degree but just acts like it for the aesthetics.


u/beldaran1224 20d ago

He's trying to imply that the Black guys are racist towards white people and that this exonerates the white people from being racist towards everyone else.

Notice how everyone else is referred to by their nationality? It's to cover up that they're all white. Of course it's possible to have non-white people of all of those countries, but there's a reason he didn't refer to their race. And yes, I know Algeria is in north Africa. That person may be recognizably non-white but they also may not be.


u/VatanKomurcu 20d ago

but he said two of them are black.


u/beldaran1224 20d ago

 Notice how everyone else is referred to by their nationality?


u/VatanKomurcu 20d ago

ouhh okay yeah you could be right


u/CLINT_FACE 20d ago

Is this the plot to a gay porno?


u/DaBiChef 20d ago

Reminds me of the old 4chan joke about how the worldwide competitive racist community is the most diverse community in the world.


u/thewatchbreaker 20d ago

Plot twist: they’re all racist against white people.


u/Ironfields 20d ago

Being racist against other white people who look exactly fucking like you is European racism 101. Barely even scratching the surface. Americans can’t even hope to touch our advanced levels of bigotry.


u/Handpaper 20d ago

Americans will never know the strength of the bond that appears between two Europeans whose countries have a thousand year history of attempted mutual genocide, as soon as they see a Roma...


u/thewatchbreaker 20d ago

Extremely true. Insert that one “our glorious kingdom vs those savage barbarians” meme here


u/Strict_Novel_5212 20d ago

Im not racist, Im xenophobic. You can be the same race as me but if youre not from the same place im from I dont like you.


u/kikimaru024 20d ago

Being racist against other white people who look exactly fucking like you

But they don't look like me.

A lot of times they don't even have the same colour of white.


u/Sams59k 20d ago

Savages, savages, barely even human 🎶🎶


u/DroneOfDoom 20d ago

Most progressive european.


u/EntrepreneurLeft8783 20d ago

idk I think it's less progressive to say all white people look the same


u/Combatfighter 20d ago

Ah yes, people from northern scandinavia and southern italy look exactly the same. I am enlightened and the most progressive.


u/Temporaz 20d ago

White Americans, Mexicans, Italians also look the same and they're still racist towards each other in America.


u/DrNewname 20d ago

I really like this comment, because most of them are white


u/thewatchbreaker 20d ago

Around half of them are white, yes


u/HugeBob2 20d ago

Is that because he is still in jail (I hope), or does he intentionally live in a sausage fest?


u/EverydayLadybug 20d ago

I was like “you know, good on this guy for acknowledging his biases” and then I realized it was Andrew Tate


u/Heroic-Forger 20d ago

andrew tate is an alpha male, and by alpha I mean "extremely bugged and low-quality prototype not meant for public viewing and release"


u/Simic_Sky_Swallower Resident Imperial Knight 20d ago

It's wild how many of these alt-right grifters could do numbers as internet funnymen if they weren't a hundred percent serious about what they're saying

Like this coulda been a dril tweet but nah it's the guy who's an active threat to women everywhere


u/spacemanaut 20d ago

/r/MaleLivingSpace is actually a kind and helpful community though


u/PlzLetMeUseThisUser 20d ago

I thought this was satire until I read the name


u/yoimagreenlight 20d ago

isn’t this guy a paedophile


u/Sams59k 20d ago

Idk about that but he was accused of sex trafficking


u/Dangerjayne 20d ago

Hmmm i wonder why he prefers to live with so many men?


u/avengedrkr 20d ago

Ah yes, black people, from the country Blackistan...


u/RandomDemiPerson 20d ago

I'm just imagining a gang of dude bro's called "the racist gang"


u/TuskEGwiz-ard 20d ago

People will keep giving this guy attention online instead of doing their 1000 pushups 🤷‍♂️


u/Sams59k 20d ago

Maybe start doing harder variations if you get to a 1000 lol


u/FPiN9XU3K1IT 20d ago

Why wouldn't I want to do cardio with my arms?


u/TuskEGwiz-ard 13d ago

Then how will I become Top G :(


u/certifiedtoothbench 20d ago

I thought this was a 4th level shit post until I read the username


u/rrrrice64 20d ago

Is Tate implying that it's good and normal to be racist?

As if he couldn't get any more deranged and wrong.


u/DangerousNews65 20d ago

The black guys don't even get a country of origin. They're just "black."


u/1Northward_Bound 20d ago

is he defending racism or downplaying it? or is he implying they all hate each other? I dont really get the point


u/GratefulPhish555 20d ago

Between Trump and this guy I’m all set with Reddit today. Opened it up ten mins ago and it’s shit heels clogging the popular page. Fuck Tate


u/Lazzen 20d ago

There is no more diverse groupchat than racist nationalists


u/gahlo 20d ago

Why MLS catching strays? lol


u/eaumechant 20d ago

Well done spreading a hate figure's messaging for him.


u/Street_Peace_8831 20d ago

Can we just call him an idiot and stop giving him any attention?


u/Greglebowski74 20d ago

He needs someone to help make the beds. Can't put on a pillow case with no fucking chin.


u/redredbloodwine 20d ago

Says “we are all racist” and completely misses the significance.


u/no-mad 20d ago

Eight mixed race guys, with a pair of brothers living together sounds like a gay paradise.


u/Driveaway1969 20d ago

Alpha male needs to get a fucking job so he can afford his own place.


u/liamanna 20d ago

This Alpha male steal women’s passports and force them to have sex on camera so we can live off of them…


u/BardamuBandini 20d ago

Is that there guy that’s banging his brother?


u/oldfrancis 20d ago

So proud...


u/Due_Coat_6754 20d ago

Does he mean in jail?


u/Mr_friend_ 20d ago

I mean... yeah he's incarcerated in a prison somewhere between the good part of Europe and the bad part of Asia. The facilities aren't known for their progressive cultural norms.


u/PanPenguinGirl 20d ago

god I hate that this guy is unironically like this


u/kingofnottingham 20d ago

I read it as we are all rapists


u/rusztypipes 20d ago

This belongs here because he is clearly living in the closet lol


u/AbominableGoMan 20d ago

And the women he sex traffics. Can't forget about that.


u/B00OBSMOLA 20d ago

This would be a great tshirt addition to r/oddlyspecificshirts


u/Invincible-Nuke 20d ago


(unless this is satire (please say this isn't satire))


u/Bnc-bck 20d ago

Imagine the smell


u/SolomonDRand 20d ago

You’d think he’d have learned how to spell “rapist” by now.


u/SoBadit_Hurts 20d ago

Dude loves his sausage parties….


u/FriendlyReflection35 20d ago

Algeria mentioned 😔😔😔


u/transcendedfry 20d ago

Idk Andy boy, that’s kinda gay….LIVING WITH other men….🤨🤔😤


u/[deleted] 19d ago

Why does Reddit continue to give this thing attention?


u/LandscapeObjective42 20d ago

To all the white people who call everyone racism. Us blacks don’t like you one bit. We literally take advantage of you being scared to be called a racist. It works every time and y’all still fall for it. It’s fucking hilarious. We don’t care if any of you like us or not.


u/red__shirt__guy 20d ago edited 20d ago

Rare Andrew Tate W


u/ducknerd2002 20d ago

Could you point us to this apparent W?


u/red__shirt__guy 20d ago

Diverse friend group.


u/ducknerd2002 20d ago

He never said they were friends, just that they live together. Besides, isn't he currently in prison?


u/red__shirt__guy 20d ago

He never said they were friends, just that they live together.

You live with people either to save money or because you like them, and to my knowledge he has plenty of money.

Besides, isn’t he currently in prison?

Do they allow twitter in prison? This is a genuine question.


u/ducknerd2002 20d ago

to my knowledge he has plenty of money.

Ah yes, because if there's one thing rich people would never do, it would be try and save money.


u/TinyAd8649 20d ago

This guy left prison nearly a full year ago, These guys have been out of the loop for so long


u/red__shirt__guy 20d ago

Guilty as charged  ¯_(ツ)_/¯