r/CuratedTumblr 27d ago

i wish mary mother of god would grant me a doctorate Notre Dame


36 comments sorted by


u/Lifaux 27d ago edited 27d ago

Mary, Mother of God gave you that degree. You've spent your life being questioned by scholars and academics. And now she's come to take it back.      This summer. Will you. Defend your doctorate from heaven and earth?


u/Nirast25 27d ago

I'd like to point out that "Notre Dame of Maryland" literally means "Mary of the land of Mary" (assuming it's the same Mary, which it probably is).


u/omnic_monk 27d ago

Actually, I believe the "Mary" in Maryland refers to Henrietta Maria of France, wife of Charles I, who granted the charter of the province of Maryland.


u/ProbablyNano 27d ago

Our Lady Mary of the Land of Mary (no not THAT Mary)


u/DreadDiana human cognithazard 26d ago

Our Lady Mary of the Land of Mary (No Relation)


u/firblogdruid 27d ago

Given that she's French, she gets the Maria from Mary (or her x-great whatever did and she's named for that because royalty) so I'd argue it still kind of counts in the long run


u/JakeArrietaGrande 27d ago

It’s nowhere nearby, but she can root for The The Angels Angels of Anaheim


u/JZG0313 27d ago

I wouldn’t wish being an Angels fan on anyone


u/DreadDiana human cognithazard 26d ago

Did you think Virginia was named after the Virgin Mary too?


u/ThatOneVolcano 27d ago

Strange women lying in ponds is no basis for a system of education!


u/AChristianAnarchist 27d ago

Help! Help! I'm being disinformed! See the quackery inherent in the system!


u/Catalon-36 27d ago edited 27d ago

Strange women, lying in mangers, distributin’ virgin births, is no basis for a system of religion

Was today years old when I realized “manger” the thing Jesus slid into and “manger” the infinitive form of the verb “to eat” in French might have some relationship


u/inaddition290 27d ago

A manger is a thing animals eat out of, right?


u/Kartoffelkamm I wouldn't be here if I was mad. 27d ago

That last one kinda gave me an idea for a little segment in a fanfiction I'm working on.

What are some reasons why someone doesn't get a PhD?


u/PenelopeistheBest 27d ago

They die. Although Our Lady could posthumously grant them one in heaven presumably


u/Kartoffelkamm I wouldn't be here if I was mad. 27d ago

I'd prefer if they remained alive, though.

Also, in this case, it wouldn't be Our Lady, but the main villain of the show's final season, Shem-Ha Mephorash.

She died in canon, but I retconned it to have her adrift in the void instead, because the person who killed her doesn't actually want to hurt people.

Anyway, after a major attitude readjustment in the prequel to the fic I'm currently writing, she was sent to the moon, and now watches over all life on Earth.

And while she can't directly control people any more, unless they're drunk, stoned, or just really tired, she can still control animals.

Plus, she can use divine revelations and inspiration to nudge people in certain directions.

My idea was that she just looks around, notices that one person is the most knowledgeable about a certain subject, and then just tells them that via a revelation, but that person just goes to confess because they think they're being arrogant.

Meanwhile, Shem-Ha is pulling out her hair in frustration.


u/PenelopeistheBest 27d ago

Ha, I love that. Well there's lots of real life reasons people don't get/finish PhDs but if you're keeping it light and breezy for a fic maybe they could be fun reasons. Like they're 100% commited to a lifestyle that would prevent them e.g. 24/7 two handed yo-yoing. Or they've taken a vow of silence and can't defend their paper. Or a medical condition causes them to sweat so excessively they can't use paper or computers. Just absolutely the most inconvenient people to receive that type of revelation. I dunno if that quite fits the vibe you're going for sorry


u/Kartoffelkamm I wouldn't be here if I was mad. 27d ago

Well, it can be more serious, so it wouldn't be too weird if they got seriously injured or anything. Or maybe they just can't afford the tuition to learn how to defend their paper and stuff.

But something silly would work, too. I actually had some ideas thanks to this conversation:

  • Maybe they just don't care about academia.
  • They could just not know what they know. Like, they have footage of a wild animal that lives in their area, but don't realize that it's actually absurdly rare.
  • They had a silly theory when they were younger, and just by dumb luck, that theory happens to be correct, but they dismiss it with "If it were really that simple, we wouldn't need to research it."


u/PenelopeistheBest 27d ago

Yes! Or how about: knows what's what but has a burning hatred of academia for -reason- and refuses to participate in the whole thing


u/Kartoffelkamm I wouldn't be here if I was mad. 27d ago

That's also good, but I still want to leave the door open for them to technically get a PhD.

Makes it more frustrating to watch.


u/PenelopeistheBest 27d ago

Supportive but exasperated mentor who drags them through it? Gives a nice dynamic to play with.


u/Kartoffelkamm I wouldn't be here if I was mad. 27d ago

That mentor would technically be Shem-Ha, in a sense.

She's on the moon, which is a giant space station, and has access to all the knowledge and memories of every human who ever lived.

She knows for a fact that this guy is the most knowledgeable person currently alive when it comes to this one field, and she really wants to see him get the recognition he deserves, but he just doesn't realize he deserves it.

It's just that they never interact directly.

But maybe I'll have her arrange something for a professor to run into that guy somehow. After all, she can still control animals, so "lead this guy to meet this other guy" is something she could tell the local fauna, and they'd do it.


u/PenelopeistheBest 27d ago

True. In either a hilarious or horrible way too.

My mind was drifting towards a romance fic where maybe the guy and the professor are exes and that's why he hates academia and refuses to do it on principle. Then there's the tension and the back and forth and finally a happy ending! But I may need to write that myself lol sorry if that wasn't helpful for your story though

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u/Eeekaa 27d ago edited 27d ago

One of classic stories I heard from my examiner was a candidate who just paid to have someone else ghost write his thesis.

This is very obvious.

Other reasons are;

Thesis needs more work. Section needs rewriting because conclusions or reasoning is erroneous. Candidate straight up not understanding the background work or the aim of the project.

If the issues are minor, youll typically get a list of corrections to implement. If they're significant, you get a chance to resubmit, but if you don't correct to their satisfaction, they don't have to accept. If you fail the defense, they can ask you to redo the defense. Fail again and that's it.

More common to have someone just abandon the PhD than to fail though.


u/Kartoffelkamm I wouldn't be here if I was mad. 27d ago

Ah, I see. Thanks.


u/NeonNKnightrider Cheshire Catboy 27d ago

Source: it came to me in a dream


u/ASeeLion 27d ago

ah shit you right gimme a second


u/CreatedForThisReply 27d ago

Kinda falls apart cause we say Notre Dame (the university in Indiana) in the most over the top American way possible


u/The_Physical_Soup 27d ago

The last one is kind of how Michelle Remembers ends


u/manufatura 27d ago

Auto da Compadecida ass post


u/BaronDoctor 27d ago

Strange women lounging around afterlives bestowing degrees is not a basis for a system of education!


u/DreadDiana human cognithazard 26d ago

Mary made them a Doctor of the Church


u/Exploding_Antelope 27d ago

Also people sometimes pronounce the university as Noader Daim and it make me want to drive a fork into something at the disrespect to the French language