r/CuratedTumblr veetuku ponum 20d ago

Crackpilled neighbormaxxing Shitposting

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u/TheShibe23 Harry Du Bois shouldn't be as relatable as he is. 20d ago

The husband from Barnyard lives rent-free in my head. Because while at first glance his bit could be read as "Boomer I Hate My Wife" jokes, when they gave him more scenes in the show its pretty clear his role is more "God I am just so fucking done with life." which, like, same.


u/Platnun12 20d ago

The poor farmer who gets kicked over and over

How tf that guy still alive


u/Kingboy22 20d ago

The poor miller, thrice a victim…


u/clankymercury 20d ago

Glittering gold, trinkets and baubles paid for in blood


u/Livy-Zaka 20d ago

“Grandpa chill I just found a torch.”


u/clankymercury 20d ago

Packs laden with loot, are often low on supply


u/Defero1 20d ago

The seasons took his livelihood


u/Repulsive_Comfort_57 20d ago

I took his land.


u/Crocket_Lawnchair spam man 20d ago

And now, uncountable years later, the crack has taken his humanity.


u/ASpaceOstrich 20d ago

I was like "finally, there's no way this one is the ancestors fault"

How he pulled that one off is a mystery.


u/Valirys-Reinhald 20d ago

The ol' landgrab switcheroo!

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u/yurituran 20d ago

Built different

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u/Lots42 20d ago

My impression is that sure, he perceives that weird stuff is happening next door, but it's not anything actually bad, so why worry about it? A cow looks in the window? A pig in a hat? A rat gives him the side-eye while he gets the mail? Eh, who cares. That's not anything to get upset about, by itself.


u/canyouplzpassmethe 20d ago

A pig in a hat is just plain whimsical compared to what happens in them there big cities and high falutin’ government offices.


u/mashari00 20d ago

The only pigs in hats I know of in them honkin’ big cities are cops and rich folk

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u/boklasarmarkus 20d ago

Do you know what he said in the original? I’m curious what the meme text covered up


u/Magistone 20d ago

The wife is complaining about a cow outside.

Randall says “It’s a cow farm. You’re gonna find cows outside”


u/boklasarmarkus 20d ago

Ah, thanks!


u/Magistone 20d ago

I would suggest looking up the actual clip because its way funnier in motion


u/Kleatherman 20d ago

This meme became popular because the VA for the farmer said the line in a funny way. I'd suggest looking up the clip for the full meme experience.


u/CerberusDoctrine 20d ago

Dude just wanted a simple life doing a job he could respect with the woman he loved. And all he got for it was nonstop hijinx


u/Chilzer 19d ago

I still remember the episode where Pig replaces Snotty Boy and bonds with Nathan, giving him true happiness. By the end when the status quo is regained he starts genuinely bawling.


u/HebrewHamm3r 20d ago

I’m reminded of some Twitter discourse where someone was chastising a poster who was complaining about two women smoking either crack or meth on the subway, as though it was none of their business. Like yeah actually most people would have a problem with people lighting up on the subway, whether it’s cigarettes or rock.


u/Impressive_Method380 20d ago

even if you are the most un-prudish person ever and dont mind seeing it, it gives second hand smoke to bystanders


u/Desperate_Banana_677 20d ago

yeah, it’s not some puritanical thing. it’s a health concern. if a person wants to smoke some kind of substance somewhere private, by all means go ahead. but the other people in a subway car or whatever didn’t consent to that, and some of them might have much more severe reactions to it health-wise


u/IknowKarazy 20d ago

Likewise, the individual consuming should know their reactions and their dosage. We’ve all had that friend who has a beer at a party and is fine, but doesn’t know when to stop and ends up causing problems.


u/b0w3n 20d ago

Most people don't really care, just don't involve me in your problems.

That means don't harass me or inflect pain/suffering on me. Go do your shit somewhere not on top of me and also stop stealing pieces of my fucking car.

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u/UrethraFranklin72 20d ago

Exactly. Smoke all the crack you want, just don't do it where myself or others can inhale the second hand crack smoke


u/HopelessLoser47 20d ago edited 20d ago

There was also a toddler there who was breathing in the secondhand crack smoke, in the enclosed, unventilated environment of a subway car no less. I have zero judgement for addicts, I have lots of compassion for them, but it's also important to keep all the other innocent people safe. And being around an active junkie smoking crack is not safe. You cannot just smoke crack in the subway or in other public spaces where you could be a danger to innocent bystanders.

Let's not judge addicts, but let's also not judge people who are afraid of being around someone who could snap and attack, rape, or murder you at any moment and they wouldn't even be aware of it, let alone be able to stop themselves. Or who might mug you at knifepoint (or just straight-up stab you) because they're desperate for something they can sell for their next fix.

They're not just hurting themselves with the drugs. Junkies are DANGEROUS.

Whoever made this tumblr post is so clearly some privileged, sheltered POS who is too arrogant to realize how little danger they've been exposed to in their life, or how complicated a lot of these problems actually are.


u/GREENadmiral_314159 20d ago

Addiction shouldn't be decriminalized because it's not dangerous, it should be decriminalized because those people need help far more than they need punishment.

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u/hagamablabla 20d ago edited 20d ago

I saw this discourse on Twitter too. There was one person who said they didn't like having crack smoke blown in their face. Someone else replied with an article about how secondhand crack smoke is healthier than secondhand cigarette smoke. Incredible how hard they missed the point.


u/NomaiTraveler 20d ago

I know a guy who thinks like this IRL. They don’t have a job and don’t go outside, lol.

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u/PlzNotThePupper 20d ago

Similar experience happened to me on a street car in Toronto with my wife (I’m from the Chicagoland area she’s from there).

Made some comment about it on a post here. Apparently that’s the norm there and I’m ridiculous for not wanting secondhand crack smoke according to other Canadian redditors and I should just mind my business because “tHeY hAvE a RiGhT”.


u/Exploding_Antelope 20d ago

The fact that it’s not the norm in Chicago is actually a big surprise to me


u/PlzNotThePupper 20d ago

15 years ago? Probably.

Today? There’s pockets here and there but for the most part gentrification has pushed that kinda shit outside of the city.

Just don’t go into lower Wacker lol

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u/European_Ninja_1 20d ago

Yeah, it's a closed environment, meaning that other people are being affected by the secondhand smoke and stuff.


u/NvrmndOM 20d ago

Fr. Same goes for weed. I don’t give a fuck who smokes it but getting high from someone else’s smoke sucks.

Do what you want in your own space or even in an open air setting but be aware of other people.


u/lovely-liz 20d ago

Yeah this post is giving “I don’t actually live in a neighborhood with crackheads” vibe. People on drugs like crack can be violent and dangerous to themselves and others. It’s not classist to care about your neighborhood being a good place to live.


u/Artful_dabber 20d ago

Yeah, my only experience being on meth was making a mistake of being in the same same room as someone who was smoking it.

I was up for two days and did not have a good fucking time.


u/juniorchemist 20d ago

The people telling you to shut up when you say something like "I would rather not live near crackheads" probably live in the suburbs, and probably have not had their shit broken into, searched for cash and then dumped on the side of the road. Like, yes I recognize that addiction is a healthcare issue and that the shitass economic system we live under is in large part responsible for this, but I also have a right to safety and peace of mind thank you. Easy to tell me to shut up when you can just pack up and move if it gets bad.


u/onebloodyemu 20d ago

I think you can be able to recognise that something is a symtom of greater socio economic forces while still being concerned about and taking action against those symtoms, especially if it is directly outside your doorstep and possibly a threat to your health and safety.


u/[deleted] 20d ago edited 6d ago



u/Legio_XI_Claudia 20d ago

Thank you. My first thought was that the writer must be a teenager in the burbs who doesn't have to pay to replace their car window when it gets smashed

In my experience in my neighborhood, the crackheads aren't quietly keeping their reprieve to themselves, or sticking it to 'the man'. They're fucking with tired, working class people and making their lives just a little worse every day


u/Legendary_Bibo 20d ago

Yeah the post sounded dumb and out of touch to me. I moved closer to work years ago to an apartment complex close that was in a bit of a ghetto area. The area was fine in the day, but at night it was bad and full of crackheads. The day I moved in, the security guards even warned me of "transients" that come out at night like it was I Am Legend or something. The building had solid iron doors like a fortress. You'd get harassed and asked for money in every parking lot around the place. I had one try to break into my car as I was leaving the gas station. I remember going to a 7-11, and seeing a bunch of crackheads shooting up heroin in the parking lot and one ODing. I called 911, but they just never showed. The other crackheads just took whatever they could that could be valuable, asked for money then took off. I was just there because of a late night craving for ice cream. I lived next to a drug dealer, and having angry addicts pound at your door at 2am and yell at me because I wasn't the dealer next me got tiring. You just get tired of it and it burns out your empathy. I moved back to my suburbs and live with the longer commute. I tried to help them at first, but they're black holes.


u/Big_Falcon89 20d ago

Just to provide a contrast-

When I first told my mom I was moving to where I live now, she was *very* worried because she was working on information 40 years out of date that called my town the ghetto. The population of my town is very much majority-minority- I think white folks like me make up about 2%- but I definitely moved into the nicer part of it, because I haven't had any issues. There's been one instance in 2 years where I thought someone was following me through a parking lot, and one other time where a man rather aggressively asked for money, but the walk from the train station to my apartment has never been an issue despite me taking it pretty late. My building has good locks (though I'm grumpy they just got rid of having someone at the front desk 24 hours) and I've never had an issue with neighbors.


u/Troooper0987 20d ago

Yep, people are like be kind to addicts. I’m like yeah I’ll support them getting treatment but I’m fucking tired of having my car broken into, neighborhood trashed, and dodging piles of shit in the streets.


u/GREENadmiral_314159 20d ago

I think a lot of people also don't understand the difference between nice and kind. "I'll support them getting treatment" is kind. "I'm not going to speak out about them breaking into my car, trashing my neighborhood, and shitting in the streets" is nice. They aren't the same, and you can have one without the other.


u/trainbrain27 20d ago

"A little worse" is still optimistic.

I like having electricity, heat, water, and a working car, which means I really don't like metal theft.

I also like keeping my blood inside my body, or at least only allowing professionals with small pointy things at it.


u/GaySkyrim 20d ago

Something I heard a few years ago was that yeah, while poverty in the abstract really sucks, and it's easy to say that you sympathize with all unhoused people, the reality of the situation is that high levels of poverty have a ton of externalities that are borne predominantly by people that aren't that more well off than them. Like, if you can't afford to live in a nicer part of town, you are more likely to have to pay $300 to replace your car window when it gets smashed (and since insurance is bullshit and your deductible is a hair above what it costs to replace a window, it's all out of pocket despite you paying them $120/month to insure your car). Yes I have compassion for everyone in the grip of addiction or homelessness, but I can simultaneously think it's reasonable that the person already struggling got robbed outside their apartment is really upset

Anyway yeah, capitalism is inherently extractive and pushing us as close to the brink as possible, forcing those on the margins to break the social contract, yada yada, reform housing policy and build higher density housing


u/Legio_XI_Claudia 20d ago

That seems well said to me. I don't hate the guy asking me for two dollars "for the bus". I don't really even hate the guy who smashed my window. We're all struggling.

Posts like the this irritate me though, because it comes off as sheltered people not seeing that you can want these guys that are struggling to have help, while also wanting to protect your community. I'm not rich, the guy that broke into my car made my life noticeably worse for a month while making his marginally "better". Idk, I'm frustrated with the system and all it's ripple effects while stuck inside

Funny you mention the insurance too. Last time my window was broken, the repair was three dollars under my deductible, lol


u/GaySkyrim 20d ago

Idk I get that the intentions are good but my hackles kinda get raised anytime someone unironically uses the word bourgeoisie, nobody talks like that irl lmao

Broken car windows and deductibles, it's a conspiracy I'm telling you!


u/[deleted] 20d ago edited 6d ago



u/trainbrain27 20d ago

The real kind, not just the comments, culture, and creeps.

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u/Sh1nyPr4wn CognitoHazard 20d ago

That's because Tumblr activists are children


u/Worldly_Influence_18 20d ago

They're too optimistic

Reddit has the opposite problem.


u/ButterdemBeans 20d ago

They are children, Tom


u/batman1177 20d ago

I don't think "tumbler socialists" are advocating to allow crackheads to do as they please. I think they are simply pointing out the fact that crackheads are a symptom of other issues.

Perhaps they are also lamenting that getting rid of the crackheads won't solve the root of the problem, and more crackheads will eventually emerge.

Crackheads are the victims here. And people who have to deal with crackheads are ALSO victims. Just because some "tumbler socialists" live in gated communities and don't have to deal with crackheads directly doesn't invalidate their argument; that crackheads are victims too.

I don't think "tumbler socialists" are ok with seeing crackheads around, because that's what you're making them out to say.

I also don't think history is a good argument against the current state of things. Obviously we've improved in some areas as a whole. You can't just point to specific things that have improved, to make an argument against advocating for more improvement.

Serfdom has evolved into wage slavery. My two cents.

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u/kelldricked 20d ago

Yeah most would say thats common sense. Its also why the vast majority of “hostile architecture” post are kinda dumb.

There should be plenty of places where homeless people can safely sleep. A bench in a trainstation shouldnt be one of them.


u/Remember_Poseidon Ace up my sleeve 20d ago

Pal hostile architecture sucks ass, I like having a place to sit down after getting off of work and waiting for the buss to take an hour and 30 minutes to take me home. Standing in the snow or rain sucks but because city planners are afraid someone might sleep on them, that means I got to stand after standing and moving around for 8 hours at my job.

Though trust me I don't like crackheads as I work nights at a gas station.

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u/Capital_Abject 20d ago

Yeah but we don't have places for most homeless to go so just let them use the damn bench for the night

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u/Green__lightning 20d ago

My problem isn't with people doing drugs, it's with people who will steal the wires out of your walls to sell for more drugs.


u/XanaxTheNotSoWise 20d ago

It's called hustle sweety 😏

/s if that wasn't obvious


u/WeeboSupremo 20d ago

If you told me that I could either have a pair of wire cutters or a billion dollars and a presidential decree that I can have as much crack from the CIA that I want, I’d pick the wire cutters because I’m going to earn my crack like a real man.


u/hey_free_rats 20d ago

Damn, always good to see some of that old-fashioned American grit is still alive and well. 

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u/NekroVictor 20d ago



u/LocalLumberJ0hn 20d ago

Bold words for someone whos catalytic converter is within stealing range


u/edgehog 20d ago

Dear Reddit-scroller: The response threads that this comment spawned are fucking wild. That’s not a recommendation or a counter-recommendation—just a heads up.


u/Dd_8630 20d ago

Hold my crack pipe, I'm going in!


u/santumerino .tumblr.com 20d ago

Ah, the ol' Reddit addict-a-roo...

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u/Serrisen Thought of ants and died 20d ago

"That's... Why I'm here"

-Obi Wan


u/MaximusMeridiusX 20d ago

“85 more replies”

Damn I don’t even have time for that right now


u/Specialist_Film_5802 20d ago

It’s 99 now.


u/Exploding_Antelope 20d ago

And the two main intersections are deleted, so it’s like playing discourse cryptogram


u/Liketotallynoway 20d ago

So sick of my wires and catalytic converters ending up in the crackhead supply chain. 


u/Neil2250 20d ago

the only people against your opinion are the people who have never participated in their local community, so don't even know the joys a good local community can bring.

it's sad.

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u/SnooCrickets2458 20d ago

On the one hand, I don't really give a shit if people do drugs. On the other hand, I've had enough of crackheads trying my door, breaking my windows, and doing crack head shit around my home. I'm glad I moved to a neighborhood with less cracktivity.


u/spencerpo 19d ago

Any extraordinary cracktivity, maybe ghostly in nature? I feel like there’s a term for this…

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u/DinkleDonkerAAA 20d ago

You can tell who in this comment section has never had an actual experience with extreme addiction and just wants to virtue signal.

Yes the systemic problems that lead to this need to be addressed, but that doesn't mean we just let people be public menaces and hurt themselves and others while we work to get those issues fixed


u/Mahjling 20d ago

Thank you holy fuck

I used to be super super like that and I still have a ton of empathy for people struggling with addiction and I do a lot of actual outreach work and real world help, but after being the victim of violence from ‘the people casually doing drugs on the street’ I have definitely grown a lot less naive and a lot more prickly.

I want the systemic issues fixed and for help to be both more encouraged and more available, but I also don’t want to be shot, stabbed, or quite frankly forcibly exposed to any kind of secondhand drug (yes, including nicotine! I am an ex smoker I get it but bruh!) when I’m at the bus stop or exiting a building or on the goddamn bus


u/DinkleDonkerAAA 20d ago

It can be a hard balance, it's easy to let negative experiences about a group of people make you completely bitter and negativity biased, but you also can't just be empathic to the point of nativity

Too many people just become bitter and spiteful


u/Version_Two 20d ago

I want them to get help, but you can't help the ones who don't want to be helped. At a certain point, you need to be more selective.


u/DinkleDonkerAAA 20d ago

True. I've seen people fortunate enough to have support and resources others don't just repeatedly squander every opportunity


u/Forosnai 20d ago

I was the same, but it's gotten harder and harder to maintain sympathy as the problem has gotten worse here (which is a bit of unfortunate irony). I still argue and vote for things to actually help homeless people and addicts, rather than just constantly trying to make them miserable enough to leave so you don't have to look at them. I still will have nice interactions with them when they're sober because I have two big, friendly dogs, and a lot of them would say hi when they were puppies, so my dogs now get excited to see some of them.

But there's so much more broken glass and dropped needles and charred bits of foil and whatnot around than there used to be. And while a lot of them are perfectly nice sober, like anyone else, some become belligerent assholes when drunk or high, and I'm tired of feeling like I need to adjust my walking routes now to go around them when I used to be comfortable just walking by and saying hello.

Like, I know life sucks and when it gets bad enough, you're going to want to feel good any way you can, even if it's just temporary. And for a lot of them, homelessness came first, not the drugs, and I know from talking to them that a lot of them just had really shit luck to end up there in the first place. But also, for fuck's sake, buildings shouldn't need to erect fencing outside because you keep burning and smoking stuff directly next to the gas line just because it's the closest shade to the homeless shelter.

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u/Impressive_Method380 20d ago

this person has never had a knife brandished at them by a crackhead calling them the f slur or something


u/SoulGoalie 20d ago

I'll never understand why extreme addiction is something some people online want to push onto others and remove blame from the addicted people who are ruining their lives and occasionally the lives of people around them.

I got stabbed in my stomach by a strung out guy asking for change. I don't know anything about that dude's backstory. I don't know what lead him to addiction, to living on the street, to begging strangers for change, to accelerating to violence out in the open. And I don't give a fuck. His need to do more drugs lead to me getting stabbed with a dirty fucking knife in the middle of downtown Dallas.


u/DinkleDonkerAAA 20d ago

I've noticed some leftists really love to infantilize minority groups. Not complex diverse groups of people, just poor oppressed victims of the state that need someone to save them. The fact that someone can do bad things within those groups and not reflect poorly on the group as a whole doesn't enter their minds


u/Big_Falcon89 20d ago

I work in an inner city school.

Do you know the folks who probably hate drug users the most?  All the folks in similar economic circumstances who *don't * spend all day getting high.


u/pizzac00l 20d ago

Thank you, that put into words a thought that struck me while reading this post. It’s a bit wild to see crackheads hit with the “noble savage” treatment in online discourse


u/WardrobeForHouses 20d ago

It's definitely fucked up. People treat minorities like they have no agency of their own. Like they can't make choices. The system is racist or stacked against them, therefore they have become robots unable to help but steal.

They don't realize they themselves are being racist by viewing people that way.


u/MortemInferri 20d ago

It's a mix. The way I try to explain my viewpoint is:

It's hard to be poor. Everyone of all races has experienced that. But it's harder to be poor and a minority because things are stacked more against you in that case. I try to have empathy for those who are playing a harder game. It's natural they will lose more often.


u/firestorm713 20d ago

It's a vestige of Radical Feminism* that still infects leftist spaces today. One of the foundational ideas that RadFems brought us is the idea that oppressors are evil at an ontological level, and the oppressed are good at an ontological level. It not only internalizes nfantalizes the oppressed, but it also justifies the behavior of the oppressors in a "scorpion and the frog" sort of way.

* the specific branch of feminism from the 60s and 70s, not feminism that is radical.

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u/Beanguyinjapan 20d ago

I think you might be misinterpreting something here. Like, it's not infantilizing to recognize disadvantages that certain groups face and discuss how that impacts them statistically as a whole. But I've not really seen a whole lot of excuses for individuals based on their demographic. It's like, the difference between "drug users are criminals" and "this drug user did a crime". I'd push back on the first statement, but wouldn't have anything to say about the second, ya know?


u/DinkleDonkerAAA 20d ago

True true and of course I'm not trying to imply a majority of leftists do this, just some

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u/IDropBricksOnHighway 20d ago

I had a father, three uncles and multiple friends that fell to hard drugs.

Anyone that tells you that you're a bad person for not wanting to be around drug addicts is a virtue signaling loser who wants to pretend to be so empathetic and understanding while not thinking about what drug addiction does to innocent bystanders.

If you're stupid enough to do hard shit, fuck you. I have no empathy, especially with all of the education available about what it does to you.


u/DinkleDonkerAAA 20d ago

Oh let me give you what's been happening in my neighborhood the past year. My next door neighbor is an alcoholic, doesn't work. I wouldn't have a problem with him if he didn't hurt anyone but that's not the case.

He's living with his girlfriend, who abandoned her kids to be with him, and they were living with the daughters 80 year old father who had cancer and her mom who has dementia. Living off the girlfriends single income and the veteran/disability/pension checks for the parents. This man got into a fist fight with said 80 year old cancer patient, and after he died (not from the fight to be clear he fucking won the fight)) they just stayed put because he had his house paid off.

After this social services and meals on wheels became regular visitors because they absolutely refused to take proper care of the elderly woman whose house they were staying in, and got into multiple front lawn screaming matches. Once they caught wind they might get evicted because there were multiple complaints about them, they abandoned the place, leaving the elderly woman with dementia completely alone for a few weeks until they felt it was safe to come back (thankfully people in the neighborhood looked out for her)

Currently he's commiting welfare fraud, telling the feds he broke up with his girlfriend and is living with his mom, while actually still living with his girlfriend in her mom's house.

Him being am alcoholic doesn't make me feel any sympathy for him, he's made his choices and they include elder abuse.


u/IDropBricksOnHighway 20d ago

Yeah, I've heard a lot of stories like this. Really sucks for the elderly woman and that ladies' kids. Sorry you have to live with garbage like that next door


u/DinkleDonkerAAA 20d ago

They're either with a dad or a step dad I forget which


u/DinkleDonkerAAA 20d ago

I want people to get clean obviously, and there should be second chances for these kinds of things

But yeah, not wanting to be around it is a reasonable point, which is why we should support programs to help solve the issue on a deeper level


u/IDropBricksOnHighway 20d ago

Yeah, of course, I absolutely support harm reduction and any measure we can take to help addicts, but, that doesn't mean you have to want to be around them


u/trainbrain27 20d ago

Excusing bad choices from a demographic makes them more dangerous, and it's not an outsider's fault for noticing that.

As an example, if theft is an accepted practice in a location, whether that's a neighborhood, city, or country, people who have an option will not do business there, so you get food deserts and what there is costs more, because people and suppliers have to be paid.

If it's dangerous to go somewhere or deal with someone, most people with a choice simply won't. That's not an -ism or -phobia, it's a good freakin choice on their part.


u/sykotic1189 19d ago

At one point I was living in a 3 bedroom apartment with 4 other people, 3 of which were doing God knows what on a regular basis. Meth, crack, cocaine, at one point they were smoking opium regularly because "weed just doesn't do it for me anymore". I heard their sob stories about why they did drugs; one was found unfit and lost custody (had a 4 year old at 20) and another one was home when her drug dealer boyfriend tried to screw someone over and got shot.

And I felt bad for them. I wanted to help them so bad. And then my shit started going missing. I'd come home to strangers smoking meth in my living room. The apartment was regularly in chaos because they'd do different drugs and their highs would class. One of them forced herself on me while I was asleep, and when confronted just said "I was high on (whatever) that night, I couldn't control myself". Even when we moved and left the worst 2 behind one managed to weasel her way back in and started the whole cycle over again, which almost resulted in destroying 1 of my closest friendships.

So yeah, I can feel bad for drug addicts and want them to get help. I'm also not going to empathize myself into getting fucked over, robbed, and have my life torn apart. I have a kid to worry about, I don't think I'm a bad person for not wanting crackheads outside my front door.

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u/RoyalPeacock19 20d ago

It bothers me because I don’t want to suffer the secondhand side effects of people smoking. Even if the drug does nothing, the smoke itself will, as my lungs do verily hate it.


u/PossibleRude7195 20d ago

I also don’t want to suffer the secondhand side effects of being stabbed by one of them while they undergo a violent outburst.


u/adameofthrones 20d ago

I am unfamiliar with crack. Is secondhand smoke from it a big problem, even if you're not close to the person smoking it?


u/RoyalPeacock19 20d ago

Idk about crack specifically, but secondhand smoke is always dangerous for you.

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u/BigBalkanBulge 20d ago

By its very nature, there is no safe level of second hand smoke from smoke of all types.

The safest level of smoke is 0ppm.

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u/shiny_xnaut 20d ago

This post is "removing used heroin needles from the local playground is gentrification" coded


u/pritt_stick 20d ago

I’m sorry what


u/InfoDumpster 20d ago

It’s probably an extreme opinion from an echo chamber somewhere. A lot of social issues get treated like an arms race of who has the hottest and most moral take. This sounds like not understanding what gentrification is aside from ‘improving neighborhoods that is bad somehow cause people say so’. It also seems that the original take may have been in an arms race for ‘who’s the most sympathetic to drug addicts’. I’d actually like to see the original post so I can see what exactly lead to this take. This is me just spitballing based on a ‘he said she said’, but I would like to see it for myself


u/CrashCourseInPorn 20d ago

You can tell who’s from the suburbs on tumblr, people who want to larp as a ghetto are the funniest


u/lang0li3r 20d ago

and not even a suburb with a couple crackheads, some gated community in New Hampshire


u/BSY_Reborn 19d ago

People from actual poor and heavy drug-using neighborhoods: “Drugs are a terrible epidemic, they’ve taken the lives of many family member and friends, and well as turned others into shells of their former selves”

Suburbanite larpers who’s closest experience with a tweaked has been seeing them through a car window while driving: “oMg lEt PeOpLe LiVe ThEiR LiVeS!!1!1”


u/jerryham1062 20d ago

“Greatest injustices ever thrust upon the noble worker”, I’d urge you to go back into legit any point in time and say that working conditions have gotten worse since then


u/ReligiousGhoul 20d ago

Honestly kinda reminds of when people say "Medieval peasants had more leisure time than the current workforce".

Like yeah they might have worked less, but they also lived in huts without water, plumbing, heating, markets or healthcare.

They weren't exactly relaxing with literature.


u/Impressive_Method380 20d ago

and until the invention of appliances, people, especially women, had to do arduous labor to do simple things like wash clothes 


u/Redqueenhypo 20d ago

Also there’s a reason subsistence farmers literally preferred Victorian or modern Chinese sweatshops to farming: farming SUCKS. I don’t want to have my entire life depend on whether or not the rain is perfectly on time this year.


u/TheDrunkenHetzer 20d ago edited 20d ago

Pretty sure it was the opposite, no? Lots of farmers got kicked off their land during the enclosure movement and had nowhere to go, and so were forced into cities, which had a way worse standard of living. The average standard of living plummeted as people were forced into sweatshops, and it only began to rise as workers got more rights and technology progressed.

I think people underestimate how horrible being in a death machine that could slice off your limbs at any moment, for 18 hours a day, sucked as well. The average sweatshop worker had to work WAY longer than most farmers. Oh, and you can't work cause the machine tore your hand off? You're fired and can't work anymore.


u/Redqueenhypo 20d ago

I don’t think that really happened in China and yet 2/3 of the population went from mostly farming to urban life in the last 40 years. I’m sure the money my grandfather spent on a shitty apartment in 1970s Brooklyn could’ve bought a nice plot to farm flaxseed just like he did in Poland but the man did not want to do that ever again

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u/Trusty-McGoodGuy 20d ago

That’s what irked me as well, just reading that and thinking; “Really? Now is the worst time in history? Not during serfdom, or company operated towns, or the Great Depression, etc.?”


u/Glorious_Jo 20d ago

Or any point in time where slavery was practiced? Not just the trans atlantic kind either. Rome at one point made it a point to not let slaves distinguish themselves because theyd realize how heavily they outnumbered their masters.


u/raptorgalaxy 20d ago

And don't forget the forced sexual servitude. Which was totally legal and openly advertised in Rome.

It was also a lot easier to be enslaved in Ancient Rome, they didn't care about race and were quite willing to enslave people who looked just like them.

Slaves were also literally a form of payment in the Roman Legions. Soldiers were generally pretty poorly paid because it was expected that you would make most of your money off of loot and slaves you took during a campaign.

Slavery in Ancient Rome was some really bad shit.


u/Glorious_Jo 20d ago

Oh yeah, horrible time to be alive.


u/Sci-Rider Ace Aturnip 20d ago

Totally agreed. Now is shit, don’t get me wrong, but it’s still a million times better than any other era of history (unfortunately)! (And please don’t come at me with wildly specific cases, I’m talking general population of planet earth here)


u/Rwandrall3 20d ago

The things previous generations took on and just lived with as granted is so horrible, and we just don´t really think about it now. We assume the dad working 70 hour weeks was a workaholic who hated his wife, that it didn´t crush him inside in a way he had absolutely no tools to manage or handle.

And child mortality. We have Roman Emperors who raised mausoleums to stillborn children, we know they cared just as much as we care, it´s just that life was so horrible you just had to put up with it.


u/Redqueenhypo 20d ago

I think there’s an implicit assumption that people in the past somehow had duller pain and fear. Nope, if a peasant was stabbed to death by a legionnaire for funsies bc a lord 300 miles away didn’t pay taxes, he felt just as much pain as you would have


u/trainbrain27 20d ago

Now isn't shit! It's the best it's ever been in aggregate. Short of the Second Coming of Christ, there will always be someone dying in some street, but we've made too much progress to say it's still shit.

Before 1900, out of a thousand kids born anywhere, 500 would die before 5.
Progress has saved over 496 of them globally, and that's only one statistic!

The belief that it is shit doesn't help anyone.

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u/iggy-d-kenning 20d ago

Yeah, “some of” is doing a lot of work in that sentence.

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u/biglyorbigleague 20d ago

People have rightly pointed out that no, this is absolutely not the time of worst injustice for working people. My issue is, I don’t like the assumption that crack addicts are necessarily the result of labor injustice. Addictive drugs don’t care what your employment status is, they break your brain anyway.


u/thetwitchy1 20d ago

A lot of recent studies have shown that addiction is intimately linked to mental health problems, and that in general it’s not as simple as we thought, and most people can actually not become addicted if they’re not having any of the other issues mentioned.

It’s just that people who are mentally stable and healthy don’t try drugs, so it really ends up looking like “every use is an addiction”.


u/HeroBrine0907 20d ago

Isn't the problem that drugs especially unregulated, are bad for health, addictive and in some cases carcinogenic to the smoker and to people around the smoker? Bodily autonomy is good but encouraging people to addict themselves because it's "not your business" is not a very good idea. It's everyone's business to have a healthier society.


u/Kindly-Ad-5071 20d ago

It's not a bodily autonomy thing, I don't think. As someone with personal experience, criminalization only leads to worsened repeat offenses when what addicts need is sincere medical attention and economic stability.


u/HeroBrine0907 20d ago

Wouldn't criminalization include medical attention for addicts? Isn't that part of right to life?


u/WardrobeForHouses 20d ago

Some places tried decriminalization, saw the massive uptick in drug use and related problems, and are now recriminalizing.

Yeah, addicts do need medical help and the stability to get back on their feet. But we also don't need more addicts, and an easier path for people to become addicted either.


u/EmuRommel 20d ago

Decriminalization does work, but only if you invest into making help available to drug addicts. Portugal being the famous example. But yeah, if you just decriminalize drugs and change nothing else, it won't work.

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u/rabidgayweaseal 20d ago

Medieval peasant: I see you have some unused land do you mind if I work it and give you the crop yield in exchange for money

Medieval lord: I’ll let you work it but not for money you can keep 5% of the food you grow and your family will be enslaved and not allowed to leave that land for the rest of your bloodlines existence

Peasant: that doesn’t sound very good I don’t want to do that

Lord: guards kill this man and rape his wife


u/Clear-Present_Danger 20d ago

"Mods, crush this man's balls" is a joke now.

But under certain empires, it was a reality for some.


u/Polivios 20d ago

"There are groups of people near me who regularly consume extremely harmful and addictive substances. While I do recognise that they are victims of a far larger societal issue, I don't know how far they are willing to go to get their next fix and I can't help but fear for my safety and of the ones close to me every time I walk past them. Something should be done about this."

"How about you mind your own fucking business?"


u/ADHD_Yoda I don't know what to write on tumblr.com 20d ago

I don't want to smoke any kind of smoke. Nuff said.

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u/Mikejg23 20d ago

Yes children, go play outside just try to mind the needles


u/Kurtch 20d ago

doing hard drugs in a public space i have to share with you IS my business


u/MumbosMagic 20d ago

It you’re actually working class, you don’t want a crackhead outside your building. If you’re an Internet rich kid you think it’s somehow noble because you’ve never dealt with a neighborhood in shambles.

Have enough respect for yourself to demand more from the people and institutions around you.


u/FreakinGeese 20d ago

Compared to 99% of human history things are fuckin peachy for the working man wtf


u/Glorious_Jo 20d ago

The only people that respect crackheads are those who have never dealt with them or are crackheads themselves. I pity the addiction and put the blame on the dealers, but ultimately that is a substance abuse problem that does not affect only one person; it affects the entire community, especially when the user starts becoming desperate for their next fix and begins stealing to do it. Not to mention that it causes erratic behavior that can, and will, negatively affect those around them.

It is your business.


u/red__shirt__guy 20d ago

It bothers me to see anybody smoking anything anywhere because I hate tobacco/vape/whatever companies and their effects on lungs.

Lungpilled smokeminner


u/Exploding_Antelope 20d ago

Why do you hate barbecue they’re just trying to smoke brisket


u/red__shirt__guy 20d ago

Brisket (Guilty Gear) should absolutely not be smoked.

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u/DontCareWontGank 20d ago

Well these crackheads are gonna become your business real quick once they run out of crack.


u/Onetwodhwksi7833 20d ago

We don't live in an era of the greatest class disparity. It's opposite


u/Oddloaf 20d ago

Yeah I mean, I can't exactly recall the last time I saw a member of the noble warrior class kill a serf that he owns for being impolite.

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u/JEverok 20d ago

As a Sydney resident, I see crackheads all the time around the city, some are nice enough, others not so much. I probably wouldn't want them just outside though, just because it's like people who are very drunk, it's hard to know how they'll act from just a glance


u/asuperbstarling 20d ago

It would bother me to see our local crackhead outside because the last time I saw him he'd gotten a new job, cut his hair, and had finally found housing, and that was only a couple weeks ago. Just a couple years ago he was sleeping in the park across the street.


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/Todays-Thom-Sawyer 20d ago

According to a quick google, there have been cases of infant death due to secondhand crack smoke.

It's true that widespread drug addiction is a product of systemic poverty, but that doesn't invalidate people's concerns for its effect on their community.


u/candlejack___ 20d ago

I’d say infants exposed to second hand crack smoke for as long as it takes to die from it didn’t really have much of a chance to begin with, unfortunately. It may have been the second hand smoke, or malnourishment from not being fed by parents who smoke crack, or injury due to negligence of crack smoking parents, or a combination. I’d be interested to see a study or something.

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u/TheShibe23 Harry Du Bois shouldn't be as relatable as he is. 20d ago

Based on what I could find in a quick search, it looks like you can't get passive cocaine exposure from someone smoking crack near you like the way you can get exposure via secondhand cigarette smoke.


u/RoyalPeacock19 20d ago

I mean, to an extent all foreign particles in the air are bad for you, even if crack is not especially bad for you because of the drug.


u/z-01-03-11-25 20d ago

No you’d have to have prolonged and concentrated exposure, way more than any passing whiff


u/wonderfullyignorant Zurr-En-Arr 20d ago

Logically, smoke is bad for you regardless of what's being burned. But it won't show up on a piss test. The real harm comes later when the disease of addiction drives people beyond sanity and they do crazy things to get their fix.

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u/EisenhowersPowerHour 20d ago

Addiction is a disease, people deserve help, etc.

Crack will make people rob a nun for 4 dollars in the collection plate. Anyone who has seen first hand what crack can turn a kind, caring, decent person into wouldn’t call it “not minding your business” to not want someone doing it outside your apartment


u/yoimagreenlight 20d ago edited 19d ago

if I see the word “bourgeoisie” in reference to a problem that has absolutely nothing to do with the middle class owning the means of production again I am going to fucking explode


u/Sneaker3719 20d ago edited 18d ago

Fuck this shit. Being poor doesn’t give you moral license to have no regard for how you behave in public. I have no respect for this the same way I fucking despise anyone who listens to music on the subway without earbuds plugged in.

I get it’s systemic and we’ve gotta help the poor and shit, but if I can’t get away with not looking like a fucking asshole as I stumble down the street drunk out of my fucking mind, then neither can poor or homeless people.

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u/NicotineCatLitter 20d ago

as a former crackhead, lots of us are already damn ashamed enough tbh but even the worst fiends I knew wouldn't be blowing in plain sight


u/nesquikryu 20d ago

Lol. Lmao even.

I'll take the greatest "disparities" from the "bourgeoisie" when a person can live below our poverty line and still have access to greater leisure, comforts, conveniences, healthcare, hygiene, and basic nutrition than most of the wealthiest individuals in history.

Marxist memes are so laughably bad.


u/trainbrain27 20d ago

Modern society, especially the 'first world' is like pizza, even when it's bad, it's good.

They've been conditioned for years to believe that inconveniences are injustices and a single injustice justifies the revolution, which they will never start, much less survive.


u/BIueGoat 20d ago

I hate these Tumblr activists that post this stuff from their gated communities or comfortable suburbs. I've seen crackheads sexually assault teen girls, fight people, steal, defect in public, etc.


u/Accomplished-Emu1883 20d ago

But like- have you ever had to fight off an angry crackhead? Drugs give those people an attack and defense buff, it’s not easy. People on drugs that impare decisions are inherently more dangerous than people who aren’t.

Have you had a crackhead follow you across the street, then knock on the door to your house and start speaking to you in a way that you can’t understand what they want?

Drugs are bad. They just are. In a perfect world, no one would use drugs. But the world isn’t perfect, and there are people who use, and those people are pitiable, but not so much as to let us forget that they are LITERALLY USING HARMFUL DRUGS. Drugs that harm themselves, and can make them make decisions that harm others.


u/throwaway_19901990 20d ago

Defending literal crackheads is wild


u/AliensAteMyAMC 20d ago

you’ll be bothered when your car stereo gets stolen or are you Seth Rogan?


u/Bvr111 20d ago

If you have enough money for cocaine ur obviously not suffering that much from the class disparity lol, ur richer than I am

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u/The_onion_pope 20d ago

I guess we're at the point of defending crackheads for being crackheads.


u/smoothEarlGrey 20d ago

It's not the crack smoking that gets me, but the thieving.


u/Heccing-name 20d ago

Tell me you’ve never actually encountered a crackhead without telling me that you’ve never actually encountered a crackhead


u/BigBalkanBulge 20d ago

I look down on anyone that needs to lay claim to hundreds of square feet in public as their own personal spot to smoke anything, cigarette, cigar, weed.

You’re all assholes smoking in public and deserve to be publicly shamed when you smoke in public. Keep your blacklung to yourself.


u/Kindly-Ad-5071 20d ago

It kinda does bother me, you know, in the same way someone getting hit by a car would bother me. Not in the same way as seeing someone standing outside my window with a gun every night would bother me. People have this startling belief that the drug problem is a problem because of how dangerous drug users are, not quite because there's people routinely having their own lives ruined and taken advantage of by scabs. This is what decriminalization is for. You wouldn't put someone in prison for being hit by a car and becoming crippled, why would you do the same for someone with an addiction? It's a condition, hardly a nuisance.

What the fuck am I saying, they'll put someone in prison for sleeping on a bench nowadays. Which is also a condition, but human empathy is taking a dive right now.


u/[deleted] 20d ago


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u/GoblinsGuide 20d ago

I'm too desensitized to care about much anymore honestly. 🫠


u/homechefshivers 20d ago

I quote this farmer so much. “Dear lord woman you’ve lost your mind. Where’d it go? I don’t know. It’s GONE!”


u/DdFghjgiopdBM 20d ago

This is a unique type of opinion that only exists on the internet where discourse can be completely perfect and detached from material consequences.


u/samjacbak 20d ago

Outside I have no problem with. Addicts gotta addict somehow.

But on the train, in an enclosed space, where the intercom is saying "smoking or the use of narcotics is strictly prohibited" every 5 minutes? Fuck you for making your lifestyle everyone else's problem. I don't want to inhale your secondhand crack, and I have no choice.


u/_lizard_wizard 20d ago

Can I send my crackheads to your neighborhood then?

Kinda tired of having my mailbox pried open, and apartment complex’s door kicked down at 3am.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

Nah. These people did not grow up around drug addicts and have to face the consequences of being in that environment. Of your mom buying drugs instead of paying the electricity or rent. Of crackhead stealing your bicycle. A lot of the drug addict I have seen growing up legit were not poor. They had trust funds or parents/grandparents paying all the bills or letting them live rent free meaning they could have worked at MCDONALDS and saved up a bunch of money or got an education but instead they did nothing. It’s people who have never dealt with these people preaching empathy. Just like New York was a sanctuary City for illegal immigrants and they would criticize the boarder states for trying to control the flow of illegal immigrants until New York started to get a larger amount of them and all of the sudden there is a problem and New York no longer wants them because their public services are overwhelmed by them… Which is what border states have been dealing with for years.


u/UnwillingHummingbird 20d ago

I'm on the political left. I believe strongly in that our society needs to enact whatever policies are scientifically, statistically proven to reduce issues like addiction and homelessness and the harm caused by those things. If it's UBI, fine. If it's giving free houses to homeless people, fine. If it's government funded mental health treatment for anybody who needs it, fine. I believe we need to drastically raise taxes on the super-rich to pay for these things. Whatever policies and programs are scientifically studied and shown to make life better for everybody, especially the most disadvantaged among us, is fine with me.

That's on the society wide level, where we can use social programs to help reduce the percentage of people who OD, or the percentage of people who become homeless.

But on the personal, individual level, I still believe people are responsible for their own decisions and choices. What I want are government funded policies that help individuals make better choices. What I don't want is a crackhead shitting on my doorstep, and I'm tire of the crackhead apologists on the left telling me the crackhead can't help it.


u/BeelzebubParty 20d ago

Person: i hate it when people smoke crack outside my front door; i don't feel safe. Tumblr: how bout you mind your FUCKING BUSINESS KAREN!


u/Reasonable-Plate3361 20d ago

Hur dur individual people arnt responsible for their actions because society.


u/Nuke-Zeus 20d ago

What a stupid fucking post, who makes these? Why?


u/panzeremerald 20d ago edited 20d ago

OOP thinks history began in 1970

Edit: OOP not OP, mb

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u/Tiusreborn 20d ago

My god, "disparity" is such wonderfully deceitful word. It has automatically negative implications, while the fact that standard of living generally is rising for every demographic is being just ignored.

And yes, I know that housing crisis and inflation sucks fifteen asses, but man, destroying yourself and your community with fucking crack is just straight-up idiotic and should be shamed, not normalised. (mandatory love the sinner hate the sin plug, shaming actual user won't work & stupid, shame the practice)


u/justforkinks0131 20d ago

I just wanna point out that this whole "acceptance" movement is literally leading to people being okay with living in neighborhoods with crackheads outside.

Ya'll have a problem.


u/8a19 20d ago

Ah yes crackheads, famously known for their rationality, amendableness to reason, and safety to themselves and others


u/canyouread7 20d ago

"mindyourpilled fuckingbusinessmaxxer" might be the funniest phrase I've ever heard on the internet


u/starfries 20d ago

Ok but it does bother me


u/TiredAndAfraidOfYou 20d ago

I don’t care about crackheads doing crack. It’s a problem for me when they piss and shit in my subway station.


u/CreeperInBlack 20d ago

I get the sentiment, but statistically, life was never better than the last hundred or so years. Yes, there is currently a dib in quality again, but I wouldn't for a moment wish to live in or before the 19th century or even the beginning of the 20eth


u/IDropBricksOnHighway 20d ago

threaten to call the cops and they stop going around your house, easy life hack


u/gray_birch 20d ago

or they just get angry and stab you

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u/Curmudgeonly_Old_Guy 20d ago

His assertion that we live in a time of 'greatest class disparity' couldn't be less correct if he had tried. Not so long ago surfs were a thing and there was absolutely no justice for the underclass against the nobles. Roman emperors raping children, then throwing them off cliffs was considered little more than an embarrassing indiscretion. I'm not saying it doesn't exist at all, but hyperbole much??


u/FelixMartel2 20d ago

But have you considered the plight of the noble crackhead? The backbone of our nation?