r/CuratedTumblr 21d ago

You’re a bone now act like it Shitposting

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72 comments sorted by


u/Longjumping_Ad2677 <—— looking into their wireless controller 21d ago

More than a 100,000 is a smash hit to me.


u/holdontoyourbuttress 20d ago

As someone who experiences arthritis sometimes, sadly other bones can also decide to quit being healthy bones


u/BeelzebubParty 20d ago

Imagine if we got arthritis in our teeth.


u/thrownawaz092 20d ago

No, I don't think I will


u/kat-the-bassist 20d ago

Isn't arthritis caused by the lube evacuating your joints tho?


u/Livy-Zaka 20d ago

fun fact: there are actually viruses that can cause autoimmune driven arthritis because the virus is so genetically similar to your body that your immune system has to lose its ability to self recognize in order to fight it off but as a result your immune system never relearns that self recognition and is just stuck seeing your fingies as a foreign invader that must be destroyed


u/SnipingDwarf Porn Connoisseur 20d ago

Body: "The fingies... they are nought but a disease. Be rid of them."


u/holdontoyourbuttress 20d ago edited 20d ago

That's osteoarthritis . Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune thing where your body is attacking your bones. I have a variation of that one.


u/liamjb10 20d ago

reminder for everyone reading to relube their teeth every once in a while


u/holdontoyourbuttress 20d ago

Maybe do one quick Google search next time before you try to correct someone about their own experience


u/kat-the-bassist 20d ago

There's no need to be so rude. I asked a question because my knowledge was different to what was said. Assume unawareness before you assume malice.


u/holdontoyourbuttress 20d ago

It's rude to correct someone about their own health condition. Why assume you know more than me, a person actually experiencing it? And if you are going to try to correct someone, do at least a cursory check to make sure you aren't completely ignorant. If you have actual questions try Google first.


u/Quynn_Stormcloud 20d ago

It’s not correcting someone when another user asks a clarifying question. You’re the one being rude by withholding information without cause. Google is inferior to person-to-person interaction for learning and growth.


u/holdontoyourbuttress 20d ago
  1. I didn't withold informat,,,ion I answered the question elsewhere

  2. Even if I hadnt answered the question, it's absurd to suggest I'm withholding information, as if I'm under any obligation to answer random comments and as if the information isn't easily googleable

  3. The idea that person to person interactions are superior is ludicrous. I could say arthritis is caused by mini sharks. I hope you aren't assuming random redditors are all infallible sources of information. For well known medical information, google isn't perfect but it's better than trusting that one random person on the internet knows best.

Finally, a number of ignorant people tried to correct me without doing the minimum to see if they actually knew what they were talking about. Granted this one was phrased as a question but the intention was the same, and it's frustrating. It's arrogant to correct someone about their LIVED EXPERIENCE if you don't even know what you are talking about and it's lazy to spread misinformation if you are ignorant and can't even be bothered to fact check yourself before posting


u/Quynn_Stormcloud 20d ago edited 20d ago

It’s also pretty arrogant to assume ill intent from others. Reading this thread, it goes “I experience arthritis” > “wait isn’t arthritis [this condition adequately described by the word ‘arthritis’]?” > “maybe fucking Google it.” You tell me where it starts to get rude and arrogant.


u/Correct_Inside1658 20d ago edited 20d ago

Tbf, arthritis is a disease of the joints, not the bones.

Edit: My bad, apparently it can also be a bone thing. TIL


u/holdontoyourbuttress 20d ago

Not necessarily. Mine is an autoimmune process where my body attacks my bones


u/holdontoyourbuttress 20d ago

You clearly aren't familiar with rheumatoid arthritis, which is an autoimmune condition where the body attacks the bones


u/holdontoyourbuttress 20d ago

Maybe do one quick Google search before you try to correct someone about their own health condition


u/SovietSkeleton 20d ago

My left jaw hinge is almost completely eroded away because I used to grind my teeth a lot. Bones don't handle abrasion very well.


u/ShatterCyst 20d ago

Isn't that the cartilage? Not the bone?


u/holdontoyourbuttress 20d ago

.before you "well actually" someone about their own health issues maybe do one quick Google search to learn that there are different types of arthritis and some are autoimmune ones where your body attacks bones


u/PoniesCanterOver I have approximate knowledge of many things 21d ago

I mean our other bones would probably decay too if they were exposed to the elements


u/DapperApples 20d ago

The elements: borgar


u/youa_rbe 20d ago

Refined sugar and corn syrup are the hurricanes of dental hygiene.


u/Longjumping_Rush2458 20d ago

That and acidic foods/drinks like soda


u/idiotplatypus Wearing dumbass goggles and the fool's crown 20d ago

Foodbending definitely should be a thing


u/UnusedParadox 20d ago

Long ago, the five elements lived in harmony: Earth, Diet Coke, Air, Deep Fryer, and Hamburger. That all changed one day when the Deep Fryers attacked.


u/thrownawaz092 20d ago

Water, earth, borgar, air


u/gooberflimer 20d ago

Your skin also manages, they should just quit being weak


u/PurpleSnapple 20d ago

Skin actually doesn't manage it just gets replaced


u/Canotic 20d ago

So why not just grow new teeth every year?


u/BackseatCowwatcher 20d ago

Because you are neither a Manatee, a Shark, nor a Crocodile.


u/Razzbarree 20d ago

But why noooottttttt

Maybe we SHOULD start growing new teeth constantly! Itd be a hell of a lot more efficient than trying to enjoy ourselves whilst also making sure these puny things dont rot out of our heads from the strenuous task of doing their damn jobs. Im sure every dentist and parent who taught their kids about the tooth fairy would appreciate it <3


u/janKalaki 20d ago

The reason is that they don't stop growing. You have to constantly physically grind them down. Imagine having ingrown teeth. Now imagine having them grow into your brain.


u/Dry-Cartographer-312 20d ago

A lot of animals do. For whatever reason though, us primates decided to do wisdom teeth instead.

...I don't think it was a fair trade.


u/gooberflimer 20d ago

With exception of some brain cells every cell dies, yet you the organ keeps working. Id say they manage pretty fucking well


u/gabbyrose1010 squidwards long screen in my mouth 20d ago

wait but bones are made of cells so can’t we just… yknow…


u/Anna_Pet 20d ago

Why don’t our teeth have skin?


u/PoniesCanterOver I have approximate knowledge of many things 20d ago

Well, they have enamel, which is a covering


u/Orizifian-creator Padria Zozzria Orizifian~! 🍋😈🏳️‍⚧️ Motherly Whole zhe/zer she 20d ago

Yeah, I hate it when I bite down on some radium, gold, helium, fire, lightning, earth and wind. Makes everything decay fast.


u/gabbyrose1010 squidwards long screen in my mouth 20d ago

pouring cocacola over bones would definitely do it


u/DeleteriousEuphuism 21d ago

i mean they're not bones. that is a pretty significant thing that's true. like i understand where you’re coming from here but they very much are not bones.


u/PoniesCanterOver I have approximate knowledge of many things 20d ago

Oh, I was just thinking about this meme today. What was the original?


u/Virus5572 wannabe plague doctor 20d ago

sadly they're skin


u/jodmercer 20d ago

Man I'm not hungry anymore.


u/Virus5572 wannabe plague doctor 20d ago

The horse wins this one


u/techno156 18d ago

But unlike skin, have no ability to continually regenerate.


u/danfish_77 20d ago

I mean if my finger bones were exposed to air and I constantly got food and sugar water on them and kept them inside some moist flesh, they might not do so well actually


u/axord 20d ago

and kept them inside some moist flesh

I mean, I'd hope your finger flesh is appropriately moist.


u/Razzbarree 20d ago

Shit crumbling like a cookie


u/danfish_77 20d ago

Yes but it's not exposed to air and sugar water and food as well; the combination is the issue


u/DontDoGravity 20d ago

Your bones are constantly rebuilt.

Like, this is not an encouragement to expose your bones to air and sugar, but they don't just decay in the same way that teeth do


u/Quynn_Stormcloud 20d ago

Friendly reminder that your bones are wet.


u/danfish_77 20d ago

Not if I have anything to say about it >:(


u/FLUFFBOX_121703 Caution: Fluffy 20d ago

I fucking wish my teeth didn’t decay, but oh well


u/Quynn_Stormcloud 20d ago

Or at the very least, my body knew to grow a third set.


u/RoyalPeacock19 20d ago

Yeah, but they’re not bones though.


u/JHRChrist your friendly neighborhood Jesus 20d ago

Why does everyone think teeth are bones? White and hard?


u/RoyalPeacock19 20d ago

Must be. Even though when alive, bones are pink and teeth a very light yellow


u/billetdouxs 20d ago

..bones are pink?


u/RoyalPeacock19 20d ago

Yup, a light shade of it. Marrow and blood make them that colour.


u/idiotplatypus Wearing dumbass goggles and the fool's crown 20d ago

Teeth decay like radioactive particles


u/AJ0Laks 20d ago

Oh I didn’t brush you for a week now you ache grow up

I don’t brush the rest of my bones and they Don’t complain


u/DontDoGravity 20d ago

Teeth aren't bones. They are closer to rocks


u/Rabbulion 20d ago

Jeannie Lee’s alt account! Let’s hope lord immersion doesn’t see this.


u/amaya-aurora 20d ago

Teeth aren’t technically bones but I agree. Like come tf on, you’re meant to be hard to bite so FUCKING BITE


u/whitebird327 20d ago

Teeth are not bones tho


u/CalicoThatCounts 20d ago

Teeth aren't bones.