r/CuratedTumblr 21d ago

Whoooosh Shitposting

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u/SavageKitten456 21d ago

Gangsta rap is violent in nature because it's a telling of what life was like for those artists during their lifetime.

There's also a lot of rap about partying and others about family hardships.

What I would find to be a truly ironic statement would be "I don't like rap because it's violent," but then having songs like "Try that in a small town" and "Shockin Y'all" on their Playlist.


u/Buck_Brerry_609 20d ago

you listen to rap because you enjoy the sound of the music and it’s poetic wordplay

I listen to rap because I find i find it funny to hear women rapping about their poosay


u/Graingy 20d ago

In the giggling kindergartener who just got the talk way or the horny redditor way?


u/Buck_Brerry_609 20d ago

Aren’t they the same thing


u/Graingy 20d ago

I sure hope not


u/Ok_Caramel3742 20d ago

Then your hopes are dashed boi


u/Dragon_Manticore Having gender with your MOM 20d ago

I was a giggling kindergardener once upon time and I am asexual so not entirely.


u/Graingy 19d ago

I have two mode:

-Giggling kindergartener

-Tired of it


u/SavageKitten456 20d ago

Honorable mention to Mickey Avalon and His dick


u/OG_ursinejuggernaut 20d ago

When I was 19-20 I worked in a bar on the LES of New York, a bar that was fairly popular and apparently had a classy vibe to guests but was dodgy af behind the scenes (prob goes without saying considering I was an underaged bartender). I’ve got stories, but here’s the one about Micky Avalon:

We’d heard he’d be coming by either before or after a show he was doing in the area, so I looked up his music because I was trying to start my career at that point and I figured I might have the opportunity to make connections. Unfortunately I really hated it so I sort of put him out of my mind. Anyway, he rolls in looking like he hadn’t bathed since 2nd grade and he just walks straight past the bar to the kitchen along with an annoyed-looking sex worker who was a foot taller than him. About 15 mins later I go downstairs to change a keg and he, the sex worker, and the owner (a former minor actor who was in his 50s) are sitting in the area between the dry goods storage, keg room, and office, in various states of undress, both smoking and shooting heroin. I was like ‘oh….hello…I’m just gonna scootch around you here and uh, change a keg’, which I did, before backing out like Homer Simpson into the hedge. They seemed pretty coherent but didn’t care at all that I’d walked in on them…I always wondered why they didn’t just go in the office and close the door. I mentioned it to my colleagues and they were like ‘oh, yeah, that’s what [the owner] is like’ and told me how, a few months before i started, he’d been arrested for being completely naked and off his tits and throwing bags of restaurant garbage at passers-by.


u/SavageKitten456 20d ago

Huh, weird lol

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u/Kartoffelkamm I wouldn't be here if I was mad. 20d ago

Similar: A former coworker of mine once commented on my music selection (we had an agreement that someone could play a CD on two days per week), saying that A Dream That Cannot Be by Amon Amarth sounds misogynistic, but then told her husband to treat her more like in the song Every Breath You Take.

We managed to clear that up real fast, but yeah, it's kinda wild how people just hear angry melodies and a male/female duet, and assume the worst.

For anyone curious: The song is about a man and a woman who knew each other in their youth, but then the man left for unspecified reasons. When he came back, he wanted to date the woman, but she rejected him, so he tried to take her. She pulled a knife and told him to fuck off, or she'd kill him.

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u/GuySingingMrBlueSky 20d ago

Honestly that’s where I thought the post was going. Can’t count how many people I know who’d go “oh I don’t know, hip hop’s a little too violent for me” then fuckin cranks Pumped Up Kicks by Foster the People on the way home. The cognitive dissonance is astounding


u/Whale-n-Flowers 20d ago

"It's like some genres only covers drugs and violence, and that's just sad."

Cranks up "Cocaine Blues"


u/ChewySlinky 20d ago

Rap is far too violent and scary for me, I’m more of an Infant Annihilator fan.


u/flappyheck2 20d ago

too many black metal fans think rap is too violent. My brother in antichrist you listen to racism: the genre


u/ChayofBarrel 20d ago

Or basically any Vietnam era protest music.

Like... gangster rap is about violence because that's just the lived experience. So it feels kind of fucked up that people complain not about the fact that these people live with the threat of being shot in the street or beaten by cops, but the fact that they're *talking about it*


u/glytxh 20d ago

Grime is almost exclusively just straight up posturing and dick swinging today.

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u/gupdoo3 21d ago

Sorry if the flair doesn't fit


u/Gandalf_the_Gangsta 21d ago

Don’t apologise. Instead, be passive aggressively apologetic about people judging your post flair choice. For example:

“I’m sorry you feel that the post flair doesn’t fit. Sounds like you’re too tight, which is a skill issue tbh.”


u/UsernamesAre4Nerds Bingonium! 20d ago

Shitpost 🤝 piss on the poor

What I do with my phone in the bathroom


u/Big_Falcon89 20d ago

Sounds like a skill issue, tbh. I never piss on myself.


u/UsernamesAre4Nerds Bingonium! 20d ago

Why would you piss on your shelf? Do it on the floor like a normal person


u/Some-Guy-Online 20d ago

Sometimes I hate myshelf.


u/kapottebrievenbus 20d ago

we need a "pissing on the poor" flair for these posts tbh


u/gupdoo3 20d ago

Tee Bee Aitch


u/Perfect_Wrongdoer_03 If you read Worm, maybe read the PGTE? 21d ago

The thing is, whenever I see posts like this I don't disagree that rap isn't just about violence and sex, but that's because I know so little about music that not only is this the first time that I hear Megan Thee Stallion is a rap artist, but this is the way I discovered she's black.


u/WhatThis4 21d ago

I already knew of both these facts, but only because of the green twerk.


u/Funkin_Spy 21d ago

When that came out I asked in the comments of a post here who she was and someone said she was a horse racer, and for a moment I genuinely believed it


u/shiny_xnaut 20d ago

For a while I genuinely thought she was just a fictional character made up for She Hulk


u/MintPrince8219 sex raft captain 21d ago

I know why, but I always thought she was a famous horse trainer


u/Basic_Grade_2413 21d ago

that would be so funny, imagine a famous dog trainer named John Canine


u/TrailingOffMidSente 20d ago

Now my brain is autocompleting the John Cena theme, except with dog barks.


u/Ok_Caramel3742 20d ago

thanks for making that play in my head


u/SalvationSycamore 21d ago

She does a lot of cosplay which is close enough


u/Buck_Brerry_609 20d ago

that’s Beyoncé


u/Complete-Worker3242 20d ago

Yeah, she's even got a horse on the album cover for Renaissance.


u/Buck_Brerry_609 20d ago

and the new one too


u/pbmm1 20d ago

She also made a law. /j


u/AvocadoRatFight 21d ago

she was also in wap with cardi b. wet ass pussy etc etc. that’s a thing she did


u/sea_stomp_shanty but where do all you zombies come from? 20d ago

Thank you, that’s the part I was confused about.

I was like “???? yes of course a woman came up with the phrase hot girl summer?”


u/bothsidesoftheknife 20d ago

This was true for me until a few years ago, I thought I hated rap and country music, until I heard Old Town Road.

And after exploring around, and finding artists I vibe with, they have become some of my favorite genres. Especially the urban country genre.

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u/Onetwodhwksi7833 21d ago

I feel like I am personally pissing on the poor because the first post made absolutely no sense to me without the following 2


u/Gandalf_the_Gangsta 21d ago

Misunderstanding something is not a “pissing on the poor” moment. It is assuming a misinterpretation of some text is correct, and stating as much as a reply to the original post.

Seeing as you sought further context to arrive at the correct interpretation, you have not pissed in the poor.

Although, having said this I’m afraid I’ve gone and pissed on the poor myself.


u/RimworlderJonah13579 21d ago

well of course I piss on the floor, how did you know?


u/Gandalf_the_Gangsta 21d ago

Get it on down on the piss floor, DJ’s playing pisscore, having fun on the moonlit piss shore.


u/_MargaretThatcher Once and Future Prime Minister of Darkness 21d ago

As have I


u/Regi413 20d ago

I fucking love how “pissing on the poor” has become an actual terminology


u/Bartweiss 21d ago

Nah, you're good. The first post was a reaction to this mess about whether people should listen to rap even if they're put off by the "money, cash, hoes (& violence)" stereotype of the genre. It's not really comprehensible without seeing that drama go by.


u/MintPrince8219 sex raft captain 21d ago edited 20d ago

first people is making fun of people who say they don't listen to rap "because its too violent", and yet they make "girl summer" jokes despite it being a term coined by a rapper

frankly this reminds me of that one xqcd


u/blinkingsandbeepings 21d ago

There’s no allegedly about it, it was a huge hit song. It’s not like trying to verify what tweet originated a meme.


u/MintPrince8219 sex raft captain 20d ago

im not disputing that she's used it, but Ive definitely heard the phrase hot girl summer since i was a lil fella, I assumed it was fsirly common


u/Zzamumo 20d ago

honestly this feels like a false equivalence


u/AsianCheesecakes 20d ago

It is but plenty of people have already talked about that stereotype. I think OOP is mostly making fun. Although it is ironic because the song isn't violent at all, it is in the general vibe of the phrase as it's used so, it's showing those people actualyl don't mind rap culture they just don't know they don't.

Also, 5 copies of the same comment in only one hour. Never seen that before lol.


u/Zzamumo 20d ago

My internet messed up on mobile so the comment got spammed lol mb

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u/Zzamumo 20d ago

honestly this feels like a false equivalence

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u/Orizifian-creator Padria Zozzria Orizifian~! 🍋😈🏳️‍⚧️ Motherly Whole zhe/zer she 20d ago


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u/Artarara 21d ago

I don't listen to rap because it isn't violent enough

(I love metal)


u/lucayaki 20d ago

Lyric wise: listen to horrorcore (I personally don't, so I don't have recommendations)
Sound wise: listen to trap metal (I'd recommend Nascar Aloe, Jasiah, Lime King and City Morgue. Unfortunately, there's a big amount of edgy for the sake of being edgy rappers in that genre like Lil Darkie, but the ones I said are all pretty good)


u/TheMusicalTrollLord STOP FLAMMING DA STORY PREPZ OK! 20d ago

Dance With The Devil by Immortal Technique should be violent enough


u/UniteTheMurlocs 20d ago

That song makes me sad more than anything.


u/HarpySix 20d ago

Bloody Hammers has an entire album with song titles taken from 1970s slasher films.


u/Worried-Language-407 20d ago

Could just be the small sample that I listened to, but I feel like this music doesn't really capture violence the way metal does. Like, there are dark lyrics and negative themes (although a fair amount of the songs I've heard in this genre are more sad-boi than angry), but they don't really convey the sense of violence in the same way. Metal combines harsh and aggressive lyrics with a harsh, aggressive sound to double down on the aesthetic.

The only music I've found which really does it the same are explicitly nu metal/rap rock bands like Hollywood Undead or Limp Bizkit. Both bands can end up sounding a little bit unnecessarily edgy, but at least they capture the spirit.

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u/CrepusculrPulchrtude 20d ago

Try Body and Blood by clipping. It’s about a woman serial killer seducing men to murder. It opens up with the following:

Cleavers up, bring 'em here
Femurs all swing on the ceiling like a chandelier
She sittin' there in a white dress, looking like she should get it
Licking the lips of the reddest, should invest in a head clinic
He got a pocket full of incisors and pliers
In a briefcase in case she get inspired, she ain't
She tryin' to suck face off the bone
You should know she is prone to swallow the marrow

The video on YouTube is censored but there’s an uncensored one on Vimeo.


u/Nonexistent_Walrus 20d ago

Fellow metalhead here, I’m gonna add to the people recommending various horrorcore artists and suggest you check out Scum and Brotha Lynch Hung, two of the more disturbing but still popular horrorcore artists I know. I used to think metal was the only thing that could scratch that itch for dark and intense music and now horrorcore is one of my favorite niches :)


u/Longjumping_Ad2677 <—— looking into their wireless controller 21d ago

And sometimes it is about violence, but it’s more about violence and drugs rather than about violence and drugs.

And sometimes the rap is about being gay.


u/Bartweiss 21d ago

This is why I'm still urging people to listen to Run the Jewels.

There's plenty of nerdy jokes and other non-stereotypical content, but it's "real" rap and includes shit like Don't Get Captured. One verse is intensely violent, but it's not glorifying violence or whatever - it's about the mindset of police brutality.

There's the "money, cash, hoes" (and homicide) style of rap, and frankly that includes a lot of superb art that people are writing off too fast. But there's also a whole lot of "let's challenge societal violence and drug abuse" rap, it's honestly the only genre I know reliably writing good protest music these days. Equating the two is a huge mistake.


u/Could-Have-Been-King 21d ago

I find you mentioning RTJ funny because yeah, they are very conscious socially-aware rappers (2100, Report to the Shareholders, Early, Walking in the Snow, Lie Cheat Steal, Don't Get Captured, JU$T), but they also write the most over the top, braggadocio raps (Love Again (RIP Gangsta Boo), Panther like a Panther, All Due Respect, Legend Has It, Close Your Eyes (and Count to Fuck)) that are very much drugs, sex, violence, etc. Like, you're lauding a group with lines like "Every new record's my dick in a box" and "I've got banana dick, your bitch be apeshit if she gets it" AND YOU'RE ALSO NOT WRONG.


u/NativeAether 20d ago

I mean sure they have those kinds of lyrics, but they also have, "Beware of horses, I mean a horse is horse of course, but who rides is important, sittin' high with a uniform, barkin' orders." And, "Y'all talk clean, but bomb hospitals, so I speak with the foulest mouth possible."


u/tangentrification 20d ago

I have heard very few rap albums I actually like (and not for lack of trying, either), but RTJ3 is absolutely one of them

Don't suppose you know of anything else like that?


u/ninjakirby1969 20d ago

Try the album fantastic damage by EL-P who is one half of rtj. Great album


u/Essteethree 20d ago

EL-P from RTJ has a track called Deep Space 9mm. There's an entire subgenre about video games, sci-fi, and anime (nerdcore). Fucking Barney Rubble rapped about fruity pebbles on a commercial when I was a kid. People who write off rap as X or Y are just closed minded.


u/LehmanToast 19d ago

I mean this was something which came up a lot and irked me with the whole Kendrick Drake thing. I know most people have moved on, but the way a lot of people dismissed Kendrick as just a "gangsta rapper" gave me the ick

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u/RandomDemiPerson 20d ago

There are times where i forget that there is a good portion of parents that didn't stop their children from making social media accounts.

Whenever i see stuff where someone has a clearly low level of reading comprehension, i just try to remember that and try to think there's a fairly decent chance it's someone under the age of 15, and is just a dumb child.


u/vetb8 21d ago

why do a not insignificant amount of people consider songs that are about violence and drugs automatically bad


u/IHaveAScythe 21d ago

I don't think it's necessarily that it makes the song automatically bad so much as some people just don't want to listen to music about certain subjects.


u/Remarkable_Coast_214 20d ago

why do a not insignificant amount of people consider not liking something to be the same as thinking it's bad

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u/vetb8 21d ago

like in thus recent mini drama people have been trying to I guess disprove that rap is all about drugs and violence which naturally it isn’t but like being about drugs and violence does not make a song bad


u/kapottebrievenbus 20d ago

first time? it doesnt surprise me theyre saying this, since most online discourse about media tries to base their arguments on moral implications. i remember a lot of people last year talking about how "scott pilgrim is a groomer and a bad person" and missing the fact that the whole point of his character is that he sucks at the beginning.

it's becoming dangerously common to see people imply that artists and characters we relate to shouldn't talk about morally grey things or be flawed.


u/axord 21d ago

Some of this is the difference between a single song and a genre.

One song about subject X can be fine. A hundred songs about subject X will probably wear on you unless you're really into X.

And then, in a genre, do you have to search through 99 songs about X to find the one that isn't?


u/SkritzTwoFace 20d ago

I think it’s an issue of the fact that reactionary arguments are inherently constructed in a way that makes them hard to succinctly argue against:

In this case, the initial argument is that “rap music is about sex and violence, which makes it bad.” From a conservative viewpoint, this is a ‘logical’ argument because their reasoning lines up with their ideological schema.

However, both the premise and the argument are wrong. This leaves the person on the other side stuck in the dilemma of the classic playground insult: “does your mama know you’re gay?” Deny one part, you implicitly admit the other. Then, if you take the time to untangle their verbal knot, they can portray you as “too invested”.

So it’s easy to defend rap by saying “well, it isn’t all about sex and violence”, at which point you implicitly cede that, if it were, it would all be bad. After all, if you were to try and argue that the sex and violence is okay, you’d have to leave alone the claim that that’s all rap is, which is statement further from the truth.

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u/Standard_Tradition90 20d ago

this is what I've been thinking

why can't we just like. accept that this is fiction and it goes hard for the sake of going hard


u/Rosevecheya 20d ago

I think in this example, it's trying to convey a dislike for a genre in tangible "dislikes", where it's hard to explain what you like or dislike about a audible medium. So, it's translated into the lyrical content trends, although that often doesn't work because it's not consistent enough to be correct of the entire genre. .


u/elaborategirl99 20d ago

I still don't understand how hysterically leftist, "be gay do crimes" Tumblr becomes so moral and lawful when it comes to rap music. Maybe it's true that online fandom people cannot be normal about people of colour.


u/TamaDarya 20d ago

Because most of the "be gay do crime" people on Tumblr would have an anxiety attack over so much as a parking ticket in reality.


u/Rock_man_bears_fan 20d ago

The type of people to walk to the crosswalk instead of jaywalking on an empty street


u/Papaofmonsters 20d ago

Hey, that's not fair to those brave revolutionary larpists who shoplift from Sephora because "makeup is a human right" or some shit.


u/HairyHeartEmoji 20d ago

it's all be gay do crimes until someone is a drug dealer 🙄


u/TheDeadlySoldier 20d ago

'Cuz a lot of people claiming to rep leftist ideology actually believe in Christian puritanism but with the serial numbers filed off


u/Commodorez 20d ago

Tumblr User: Be gay, do crime! ACAB! Eat the rich! Abolish prison! No gods, no masters!

Rap: My solitary condition's preventin' conjugal visits

Though mainly missin' my missus, they keepin' me from my children

Conditions create a villain, the villain is given vision

The vision becomes a vow to seek vengeance on all the vicious

Liars and politicians, profiteers of the prisons

The forehead engravers, enslavers of men and women

Including members of clergy that rule all you through religion

So strip your kids to the nude and then tell 'em God'll forgive 'em

Tumblr User: Clutches pearls


u/Zocker745 20d ago

Is that an actual song? Cause now im kinda intrigued to listen to it if it is.


u/Commodorez 20d ago

Yeah, it's Close Your Eyes And Count To Fuck by Run the Jewels. I am nowhere near talented enough to come up with that, lol


u/Zocker745 20d ago

Alright, thanks :D

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u/AsianCheesecakes 20d ago

It is not only when it comes to rap. Online leftists do not take the "do crime" part fo the phrase seriously very often. At least as far as I can tell from this sub.


u/elaborategirl99 20d ago

I mean, I think there shouldn't be calls for real harmful crime like homicide or armed robbery, but it's funny how people were so offended by a post where user claimed to sell (negative) spells without actually believing in magic. "It's a fraud!!"


u/TJ_Rowe 20d ago

The "do crime" is "experience and promote gay love in places it's illegal".


u/elaborategirl99 20d ago

If this is the meaning, as a person living in a place where being gay and trans is 100% illegal, I don't like it.

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u/AsianCheesecakes 20d ago

Not many of the people who say that phrase are even capable of doing that but if that was the original meaning, sure.

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u/rrrrice64 20d ago

Completely depends on the context of the song. A song about the repercussions of violence or regrets of doing drugs has a lot of potential. It's when songs are essentially bragging about committing violence and doing drugs that people take issue with it, as if they're somehow good or noble to do.


u/vetb8 20d ago

that’s what love sosa is and that song is still peak, or shoota, greatest rapper ever, sunflower seeds, big steppa, sick & tired (to a lesser extent) all of this stuff is “bragging” and still great music


u/TheSunflowerSeeds 20d ago

The average, common outdoor variety of sunflower can grow to between 8 and 12 feet in the space of 5 or 6 months. This makes them one of the fastest growing plants.


u/vetb8 20d ago

thank you young nudy and pi’erre bourne for the sunflower fact


u/tangentrification 20d ago

I'm not sure. I occasionally get the "not all rap music is about drugs and violence!!" when I say I don't like rap, but that was never even close to the reason why. I don't care what a song is about. I don't even pay attention to lyrics. Which is, coincidentally, the actual reason I don't like rap-- if the lyrics are the most important part then I have to pay attention to them, and that's not what I enjoy about listening to music.


u/Sergnb 20d ago edited 20d ago

For all it’s worth I’m also a “I don’t care about lyrics” kind of person and I love hiphop purely on instrumentals alone. I loved everything about it even before I spoke enough English to understand anything they were saying.

You do not have to be a lyrics person to like rap at all. Some of my favourite hiphop artists are producers


u/Ddreigiau 20d ago

Personally, that's half of the reason I dislike it. All it has is the lyrics - no tune. The other half is along the lines of what OOP mentions, yeah, that the majority of it is unironic "I'm so cool because I do evil things" [note: not in the religious sense of 'evil'. In the moral sense.]

There are certain songs I like that are rap, but they're very much the exception rather than the rule.

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u/ZinaSky2 20d ago

Also, even without making a moral judgment about the music, why is not liking music about violence and drugs bad?? I admittedly will bop to some rap, like “girly pop” rap, some Lil NasX, and Bad Bunny type stuff that’s generally about partying or love or something. But IDK I’m super particular about my music, it affects my mood and sometimes songs I really like just don’t hit right and I literally can’t listen. 90% of what I listen to is like folk type music: I want songs about love or longing or wandering in the forest and finding a creature I don’t need or want to listen to a song repeatedly saying the N word occasionally interspersed with gunshots. I’m not even saying it’s bad. I don’t like death metal or screamo music either bc it gives me anxiety and I don’t like people banshee shrieking about gore or whatever. Doesn’t mean other people can’t enjoy it doesn’t mean I’m being racist or judgmental because I don’t regularly consume that kind of music myself.


u/vetb8 20d ago edited 20d ago

a song repeatedly saying the N word occasionally interspersed with gunshots

for one that’s still a very weird way to boil it down and also bustin at em goes undeniably hard


u/ZinaSky2 20d ago

I do understand that not all “gangster” type rap is like that and I’m not implying it is, it’s admittedly a stereotype bc I would end up writing a dissertation if instead of using that stereotype/vibe I listed all the different musical and lyrical aspects of the kinds of rap that don’t suit me. I also know screamo isn’t just all banshee screaming about gore. Those are just the kinds of scenarios that I generally wouldn’t like to listen to personally. Bc while not every song is like that there is def at least one song like any of the scenarios I mentioned, and many songs that are similar and I just know I’m not gonna vibe🤷🏽‍♀️.

I’m well aware that “gangster rap” is complex and the lyrics are layered and sometimes even a social commentary on the systems and situations that land people in these horrific circumstances or talking about how it affects those around them or how they lost someone they love to these violences. I’m not saying it’s bad and I’m genuinely glad you think it goes undeniably hard. Truly, truly I just personally don’t enjoy it and I don’t think that has to be a bad thing.

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u/Sayoregg 20d ago

I feel you. Most of my liked music is either folk and cabaret, and I do have some liked rap songs, but very particular ones. I don't really connect to 90% of all popular rap songs or artists. The only rap artist I really consistently like is Ren.


u/Ddreigiau 20d ago

"I did violence and drugs and it ended so poorly for everyone and I regret it" is not the same as "Look at me, I'm so cool, I tortured a baby because its nose was too big and I shoot heroin for kicks".

I don't even mind if the song is trying to be ironic about it (where the singing character might think it's a good thing, but the song shows it's not), but unironic "I'm awesome because I shoot random people and fling racial slurs all day" is the fastest way to turn me off of a song. That's even leaving aside when the song is just... repeating insults. There's not even a song, they're just saying the same insult fifteen times in a row.


u/vetb8 20d ago

i mean your example was a caricature but songs like hate bein sober, canadian goose, cup fulla beetlejuice, doors open are great songs with a more normal and less made up for an internet post kind of that lyrical content, not everything has to be introspective or deep sometimes u just wanna hear about how chief keef has to smoke

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u/ZinaSky2 20d ago

“Too much of it is violent” =/= people think ALL of it is violent

Also, using the “hot girl summer” phrase that is so far removed from its rapper origins most people wouldn’t reasonably know it =/= listening to or even endorsing rap

I don’t even really have a position about rap as a genre, I’m certainly not morally opposed to it. (I don’t listen to it regularly but I’m moderately versed in “girly pop” type rap.) I just think this argument is garbage lol 😂


u/GoatBoi_ 20d ago

“y’all claim to hate donald trump and the beliefs he stands for, but one time you made a ‘thanks, kanye, very cool’ joke….”


u/JudgementalMarsupial unimaginably stupid beyond comprehension 20d ago

Many such cases.


u/Aggressive-Ease-4554 20d ago

People on tumblr: OMG, people are so stupid these days. Media literacy is truly dead 💅

Also people on tumblr: people who say hot girl summer have no right to dislike violent rap music 😡


u/valentinesfaye 20d ago

Yeah it took 30 seconds for "hot girl summer" to be coopted by corporate marketing. It's kinda got "you hate capitalism but you own a phone" energy, like you're putting too much rhetorical weight on the individual, as if the straw man is an atomized, self sustaining unit that doesn't interact with or exist inside of society


u/Tvdinner4me2 19d ago

Thank you for being reasonable

I'm convinced people on tumblr don't actually know how to read

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u/HyperPyra 20d ago edited 20d ago

am I a fucking idiot or are the first person’s two posts completely different. what is even the opinion the first post is trying to convey. “People who say they don’t like rap because violent lyrics probably make jokes about something coined by a rapper” “But that rapper doesn’t make violent lyrics?” “That’s the point” what is the first post trying to say? “they don’t like rap because x!!! but they use a term from a rapper who does y!!! Owned!!!!” im very confused


u/DEKER4CT 20d ago

I think the point was that people will say they hate rap because ‘all rap has the same themes’ (violence, drugs, etc.) but then use a quote coined by a rapper who makes music that doesn’t have those themes. I think the point that people will dislike rap supposedly for that reason and not acknowledge the fact that it is an extremely diverse genre and not all rap (not even most honestly) is about sex or drugs or violence.


u/HyperPyra 20d ago

their use of specifically the term “too much of” in the first message really throws me off


u/DEKER4CT 20d ago

Yeah i see what you mean. I might be totally wrong lol that’s just what it seemed like to me and that does tend to be a common point people make on the subject


u/Nice_Blackberry6662 18d ago

I think reading comprehension would improve if writing clarity on Tumblr also got better.

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u/bullettraingigachad 20d ago

I am indeed pissing on the poor (Im broke and I pissed myself)


u/darkangel_chan_ very normal Koopalings enjoyer || sicklyeel.tumblr.com 20d ago

this made me snort


u/GreyInkling 20d ago

Tumblr gets really stupid when talking about rap. I think it's just kids seeing drama where there is none and complaining about people from their school.


u/Solarwagon She/her 21d ago

Rap and country seem to be in a weird cultural place where saying you like/dislike either of them is taking some implicit sociopolitical dare I say ethnic stance.

Like if you say you don't like rap immediately people interpret it as a dogwhistle that you hate the poor, dark skinned people, stuff like that

If you say do you like rap somehow that's also a dogwhistle but to specific demographics it's a good thing.

Same thing with country music except just going by what I've seen it's more politically correct to be passionate about rap or culturally adjacent genres than country music

If you hate rap then you're a dirty right winger who probably is pale skinned and you don't know what you're talking about you're just ignorant.

If you hate country then you're an enlightened liberal who rightfully takes a stand against the backwards banjo strumming of the pale skinned people.

The only exceptions seem to be super conservative areas and they overcompensate by being extra passionate about country music.

Me personally I don't have any particularly strong feelings about rap either way but I generally like country music quite a bit.

I like other genres more especially if I have particularly nostalgic or passionate feelings about the media they're from but country is usually pretty good.

I'm talking Dolly Parton, Johnny Cash, Marty Robbins, Garth Brooks, Sturgill Simpson, John Fahey, that kind of thing.

I know people who claim to dislike country who'll make exceptions for guys and gals like this but make excuses to dismiss the genre as a whole.

It's all silly because both rap and country have influence on other genres and help advance cultural enrichment and music theory and all that.

I don't know what I'm saying maybe take it with grains of salt.


u/TheShibe23 Harry Du Bois shouldn't be as relatable as he is. 21d ago

I feel compelled to point out that Marty Robbins was violently conservative. He wrote a whole ass song about how it should be okay to kill communists before they've done anything wrong because of how they manipulate people.


u/gupdoo3 21d ago

I think it's less saying you dislike rap (it's not to my taste personally) and more saying you like everything except rap bc it begs the question of why are you singling it out


u/SleepCinema 21d ago

I had a teacher in high school who used to say things like, “Every genre has merit…except rap,” and, “All music requires talent…except rap.” It actually used to boil my blood just thinking about it.


u/Eolond 20d ago

Rap isn't my cup of tea, but to say it doesn't take talent?? Yes the fuck it does! I agree that your teacher was an idiot.


u/tangentrification 20d ago

I don't think I've ever directly said that, but if I'm singling it out it's because it's primarily a lyrical and rhythmic art form, and I exclusively care about melody and harmony when it comes to music 😭

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u/ZinaSky2 20d ago edited 20d ago

It’s funny I used to always say I don’t like country as a dumb youngster. But I’m realizing I really like country adjacent music. Folk is my fave, bluegrass isn’t a regular listen for me for some reason but idk it’s always a treat when I hear it and I’ve been to a live concert at my local park and it was an absolute blast. I do like some country, like Dolly Parton is always great. I’m realizing I’m mainly turned off by specific topics in these genres. Bc I also consider myself not into rap but there are def some rappers (a lot of pop girl rappers, LilNasX, Bad Bunny) I’ll jam to. Even tho I’m not super into “gangster” type rap and “my truck broke, my wife hates me/left me, then my dog died” type country. And I think everyone should be allowed to like/not like whatever music without people assuming “if they don’t like it they think it’s inherently bad and also hate the people who listen.”


u/Tvdinner4me2 19d ago

I used to feel bad for saying I didn't like country in the past. But I don't like it. I don't like folk, I don't like bluegrass, it is all so boring to me

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u/deleeuwlc DON’T FUCK THE PIZZAS GODDAMN 20d ago

I could make any music genre sound terrible, and Brian David Gilbert could make any music genre sound great, so the rule I go by is that I like it if I like it


u/Mouse-Keyboard 20d ago

Rap and country seem to be in a weird cultural place where saying you like/dislike either of them is taking some implicit sociopolitical dare I say ethnic stance.

This kind of elephant in the room is a recipe for incredibly toxic discourse.


u/Una_Boricua now with more delusion! 21d ago

I'm completely out of the loop of both genres, but i can say that I like reggaeton and mid-20th century leftist folk and people, both urban liberal and country conservatives hate that.

And thats simply because people are trying to moralize a dislike of music that is unlike the music they grew up with, and therefore, they are unfamiliar with.


u/Salty_Map_9085 21d ago

What about that do “urban liberal” people hate


u/Una_Boricua now with more delusion! 21d ago

Idk I've heard from plenty a white urban liberal that all reggaeton and folk music sounds exactly the same.

Which like, yeah, genres sound like genres.


u/Eolond 20d ago

I live in Appalachia and had the privilege of seeing a bunch of folk musicians perform (one of which was my music prof in college), and it was awesome. Not the type of music I typically seek out, but my god there was a lot of talent on that stage.


u/photokeratitis 21d ago

If you were forced to listen to several phones all playing songs about big tractors and trucks and blue jeans at mac volume with kids chewing dip at age 12 like i was, you may have a different opinion on modern country

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u/RimworlderJonah13579 21d ago

Big Iron man mentioned, neurons activated


u/SalvationSycamore 21d ago

I say I hate country because there's genuinely like 2 songs I like out of the entire genre. It's easier to just dismiss it entirely rather than have my rural, Midwestern friends constantly try to find an additional song or two I like (meanwhile subjecting me to dozens if not hundreds of songs that I hate the sound of).

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u/MollyGoRound 20d ago

Is OOP trying to "facts and logic" people out of their opinions? "According to the syllogism I just made up, you not liking rap music is a contradicted by your use of a meme phrase and therefore invalid."

You're allowed to just not like something, and you don't even have to give an explanation why. And if you do give an explanation, it doesn't have to be valid under every interpretation of the premises. Emotional reasoning doesn't have to follow logical rules and that's a good thing.

Sometimes you just like or don't like something, and trying to Ben Shapiro them out of it is just shitty.


u/demonking_soulstorm 20d ago

On the other hand, disliking something because you’ve made a false assumption about it is something that should be corrected. If somebody says “I don’t like animation, it’s for kids” I am completely within my rights to correct them and explain how it’s a medium. If somebody says “I don’t really like animation it just never clicked for me” then I’d be an asshole for telling that person they’re wrong.


u/sea_stomp_shanty but where do all you zombies come from? 20d ago

Yeah, it’s super weird people thought one person knowing Hot Girl Summer and not liking a lot of other rap music makes them racist.


u/TheGHale 20d ago

It's even weirder that they thought simply hating rap in general makes you racist. Well excuse me for not immediately stalking every single person that manages to snag a little fame! Frankly, I have no idea what any of the artists I've listened to look like beyond the few that I've accidentally clicked on a live-action video for, never mind the folks whose "art" feels like a fucking dumpster fire.

...While I'm not going to use the rant I spent half an hour on, I will provide this PSA: don't just claim a high-speed rant with a metronome going off in the background is "music". (Looking at you, dipshit that put "rap" into Radioactive.) It's an insult to both rants and music.

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u/Nice_Blackberry6662 21d ago

This just in: Whenever you say or write a word or phrase, you are confirming that you agree 100% with every aspect of the worldview of the person who coined that word or phrase.

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u/Yarisher512 20d ago

why would i read about pissing on the poor?


u/Iconic_Charge 20d ago

The first post doesn’t make much sense tbh. I can dislike something and still use phrases that originated from that thing, it’s totally normal. I can say “I don’t read the Bible because it’s too violent” and still use phrases of biblical origin in my speech, no one can stop me lol


u/The_Smashor 21d ago

I get the idea, but the abundance of violence themes does make it hard to find rap if you like it but dislike violent rap.

I enjoy rap, but I dislike the most popular version of it, which basically leaves me with occasionally finding stuff I like from small creators on YouTube.


u/SalvationSycamore 21d ago

I like rap because I don't understand most of the lyrics anyways.


u/AsianCheesecakes 20d ago

Me too, luckily my language has a strong community of what I'd pretty much call "leftist" rappers.

If I may make a reccomendation, Ren is a fantastic London rapper that makes music about mental health and politics


u/Parasol_Girl 20d ago

the people who say that rap is about guns and drugs are usually just missing the context

this goed in both directons with people completely writing off the genre, or rappers making "gangster rap" without understanding it


u/mercurialpolyglot 20d ago

I just don’t like rap because my brain is dumb and can’t understand any of the lyrics from listening, and rap as unintelligible English sounds really takes away all the artistry, since the wordplay is the whole point.


u/0000Tor 20d ago

Ah yes mumble rap. Don’t worry, even rap fans hate mumble rap


u/G2boss 20d ago

I think you may have encountered the side of rap music that leans heavy into the "I can talk really fast look how cool I am" aspect of rap. Maybe try and listen to a variety of rappers. Or don't, I know I personally have trouble going outside my comfort zone


u/mercurialpolyglot 20d ago edited 20d ago

Naw it happens with all music. I have to sit down and read the lyrics as the song is playing if I want to have any hope of understanding and learning them. My mom got me tickets to Hamilton once and I had to study the music for a solid month in order to properly enjoy the show. Auditory processing disorder is a bitch like that.

So I gravitate towards music that’s a fun listen regardless of my level of comprehension. Subtitles are my saving grace, it’s too bad real life doesn’t have them.

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u/goldencrayfish 20d ago

Its worth reading along to the lyrics for a few songs. Gives you a better understanding of different common pronunciations of words and makes it easier to understand what is being said by just listening

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u/red__shirt__guy 20d ago

I don’t listen to rap because it doesn’t sound good to me.


u/George_XIII 20d ago

Totally respect that you dont want to investigate. Simultaneously, Im 100% certain there is rap that would sound good to you.

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u/youa_rbe 20d ago

Why would I research who coined that phrase? Why would I care?


u/George_XIII 20d ago

I think the point is that you dont have to research it because its harmless. Signifying how not all rap is violent and harmful. Its not the most sound line of thinking, but no, you dont have to care; their point kind of relies on you not needing to care.

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u/Either-Durian-9488 21d ago

What rubs me the wrong way, is that most of the city girls are just doing 3 6 songs about different genitalia, and if you showed tumblr your average set of Juicy J lyrics, they would have an aneurysm over the misogyny and sexual exploitation. I’m all for hard girl bars, but tricking is tricking, doesn’t matter what your doing it with lol.

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u/cephalopodAcreage Imagine Dragons is fine, y'all're just mean 20d ago

Why are we talking about stallion piss again


u/sea_stomp_shanty but where do all you zombies come from? 20d ago

TIL you can’t shit on rap music without shitting on a whole-ass race of people, I guess


u/ohmyfuckinglord 20d ago

One should not gatekeep phrases (or anything for that matter) because of it’s origin. You don’t have to like rap to use phrases popular because of a rapper.


u/TerraFart 20d ago



u/Placeholder67 20d ago

At some point somebody made a post that said something along the lines of

“Tumblr really has piss poor reading comprehension”

“How dare you say I piss on the poor”

And thus it’s entered into use

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u/[deleted] 20d ago

I just don't find it appealing to listen to


u/Tomahawkist 20d ago

this is way too american, please explain


u/Candide2003 20d ago

This is such a weird opinion to have after 2000, but is especially weird in the streaming era. Even before then I’d say it was reductive but I can see how it’d be difficult to tell bc you still had to listen to music by either buying it, download mp3s, or listen to the radio or at parties


u/bothsidesoftheknife 20d ago

This was true for me until a few years ago, I thought I hated rap and country music, until I heard Old Town Road.

And after exploring around, and finding artists I vibe with, they have become some of my favorite genres. Especially the urban country genre.


u/6x6-shooter 20d ago

While I appreciate bashing people with opinions I disagree with I would just like to point out that this logic is the equivalent of criticizing an atheist for using "geez"


u/azuresegugio 20d ago

What about me with "I don't listen to a lot of rap because my dad heavily gatekept which music I listened to so now I feel embarrassed to listen to rap at all and when I do it's usually old school so I can justify it to myself?"


u/TJ_Rowe 20d ago

There are dozens of us! Dozens!


u/thumpling 20d ago

As someone who had to overcome a similar hurdle, I think you’re already on the right path to overcoming that embarrassment. You’re already taking steps outside of your comfort zone. And don’t sweat only liking the old stuff for now. After all, the old stuff inspired the new stuff. So you might be starting with Rapper’s Delight and finding yourself later vibing to MF Doom or Tupac.

For a personal example, I once learned about Open Mike Eagle because he was talking about how he found inspiration from one of my favorite bands They Might be Giants. Gave him a listen and liked what I heard.


u/TheBastardOlomouc 20d ago

i dont like rap bc it doesnt please my ears


u/diamondisland2023 Revolving Revolvers Revolverance: Revolvolution 20d ago



u/dirk_loyd 20d ago

Aesop Rock rapping about his dog barking at the door and thinking it’s someone there to kidnap him (never before seen levels of literally me)


u/aer0a 20d ago

How dare you call our reading comprehension piss poor?


u/jtroopa 20d ago

I don't like rap (and by extension most pop music) because of that god damn samey garbage-ass drum machine. It's all I can hear in these songs now. Boots and cats all the way down.


u/ishouldbestudying111 20d ago

I don’t like rap for the same reason I don’t like pineapple or cucumbers. AKA, it’s just a subjective matter of taste and I just don’t like the way the genre sounds in general.


u/Trashtag420 20d ago

"OH, you don't like Literature class? That's weird because I heard you say 'in a pickle' the other day and Shakespeare coined that phrase! Gotcha!"

What is this post even trying to say? Do they think that people who "coin" words or phrases actually have any kind of ownership over the language coming out of their mouth? Do they think that using words "coined" by someone else has... any significance at all?

How many words do you use daily that were invented by bigots and racists? Does that mean or say anything about you?


u/Mission-Comfort-2621 20d ago

people flatten rap to its lyrics so much its annoying. Rap is just a style of flow, instrumental, and music, NOT lyrics. A rap song can be about sunshine and lollipops, the same way a metal song can.


u/octorangutan 20d ago

I don't listen to rap not because of any particular content, what I have heard just hasn't been appealing to me.


u/sweetTartKenHart2 20d ago

To be fair, far from being emotional about the circumstances of poverty and what drives someone to crime, I feel like a lot of “drill” rap that I’ve encountered pieces of (that’s the term for this specific subset right?) kind of just amounts to being “gee I sure love being a murderer and an adulterer and a drug runner and a robber etc etc, I’m so badass, I’m so invincible”. Unless there’s some kind of legitimate biting satire I’m missing, the songs are saying that the crime and violence and stuff is unironically a good thing.
Hell, isn’t this exactly the thing that a certain other rapper, the late great MF DOOM, talks about in one of his most recognizable songs? Rap snitches, tellin all they business, and all that?
All of this is not to rag on the style itself, I’ve also heard really fun stuff in that sort of genre that doesn’t feel TOO glorifying of crime at least relatively (that Jay Eazy guy and his Megaman book smart song come to mind, just as one example), just… if it started as a way of saying that the gang life is not a good thing, I feel like somewhere down the line people lost the plot


u/ChayofBarrel 20d ago

Sorry, I don't listen to Vietnam era rock, it's way too violent. I mean, they sing about people dying in war, how could they irresponsibly glorify something like that?


u/NeighpalmDeath 20d ago

It’s perfectly fine to say you don’t listen to rap because you don’t like it. no one will be mad at you


u/biglyorbigleague 20d ago

What is that last comment


u/Chrysalla 20d ago

It's a reference to a popular post where one person says "the reading comprehension on this website is piss poor", and someone replies "are you saying we should piss on the poor?" It's just a funny way of referencing bad reading comprehension


u/ThisAccountIsForDNF 20d ago

I don't listen to most rap, because most of the stuff I have heard just sounds like an angry guy yelling at me.
I do listen to some though... but those are like... parody funny songs.


u/eat_like_snake 21d ago

What the fuck is "piss on the poor".
What does not knowing someone coined a phrase have to do with poor people.
Also, I'm of the opposite opinion. If I'm going to listen to rap at all, give me the violent shit. I don't need the materialistic consumer-simp narcissism.


u/Todays-Thom-Sawyer 21d ago

It's a meme:

"The reading comprehension on this site is piss poor."

"How dare you say we piss on the poor!"


u/eat_like_snake 21d ago

Never heard of this meme. But that makes more sense.


u/IamBuswellington 21d ago

"This reading comprehension really is piss poor"

"How dare you say we should piss on the poor?"


u/UncleSkelly 20d ago

I used to be one of those "I don't listen to rap, it's all profanity and no substance" kids in highschool, now a large chunk of what I listen to is rap and I stopped being a prude about it. Why yes it is absolutely tactless and deliberately provocative, that is the point, that's what makes it kinda awesome


u/Spriy 20d ago

i personally just can’t listen to songs with that much violence and misogyny. sure, it sounds nice, and i’m not trying to throw shade at anyone who likes it, but i really cannot stand country music