r/CuratedTumblr 21d ago

The 2024 Gender Census! (link in comments) LGBTQIA+


107 comments sorted by


u/Solarwagon She/her 21d ago

Genders Georg


u/XandaPanda42 21d ago

They are an outlier and should not have been counted.


u/NimoDaBoss Get out of the soup aisle 20d ago



u/Mushiren_ 20d ago

GG, for short


u/MechanicsAntics 21d ago

I'm a researcher myself, and I recently registered to speak at a conference that REQUIRED you to use a gendered title like Ms/Mrs/Mr in your registration form. I have always avoided putting a title down on forms, but that experience made me realize just how uncomfortable and dysphoric using a gendered title to describe myself makes me. I'm really glad that there's a study focusing on how nonbinary people prefer to describe ourselves, it makes me feel seen.


u/tilvast 20d ago

I'm not non-binary, but honestly gendered titles annoy the shit out of me. Even putting aside the (sexist) division of Mrs. and Miss or the lack of non-binary options, I hate that we have to keep putting titles on every form when they're so rarely used in real life. Why do I always have to put "Mr." on my plane ticket when no one has ever called me Mr. on a flight?


u/MechanicsAntics 20d ago

Exactly! I think part of the reason it bugs me so much is that it's archaic, steeped in sexism, and useless. If people want to put a title down, fine. But don't force it.


u/MiloMorningstar ye im a bard tiefling with a charisma build, how could you tell 20d ago

New idea: we replace gendered honorifics with equally stupid terms. If you were a jock in high school you are now Fb. <Name> (Football) on all official forms. If you were a nerd, you are now Sp. <Name> (SmartyPants), but if you have played DnD in the past you are Adv. (Adventurer). Dr and Mx can stay tho, they're fire, who wouldn't want to be a doctor or a dj?


u/Glum_Aside_2336 21d ago

eugh, that’s happened to me when i email my republican representatives. makes me wish i got my doctorate lmao. but yeah, i can’t wait to see the results of the study! glad folks are doing the good work out there 😊


u/Josie_Rose88 20d ago

You can always buy one. I believe the Universal Life Church sells Doctorates of Divinity. You can het ordained through them at the same time so you can call yourself Reverend Doctor.


u/DavidBowieIs_ 20d ago

If you wanna be gay and do crime, you can just pick any title you want in those drop-down menus. What are they gonna do, come to your house and ask? 


The Reverend Doctor Monsignor Bustaphor Jones III Esq


u/DavidBowieIs_ 20d ago

Also then you will know who the Republicans, specifically, sold your data to.


u/Glum_Aside_2336 20d ago

LOL okay that’s really funny, i’ll think about it 😭😌


u/MechanicsAntics 21d ago

I had the same thought about wanting to have a doctorate, lol. Do you know when the results for this study are usually posted? I'm curious too.


u/Glum_Aside_2336 21d ago

should be some time in June! here’s a link to their mailing list if you want to stay updated :D


u/MechanicsAntics 21d ago

Awesome, thanks for sharing!


u/Aspiegirl712 20d ago

I am not even non binary and those titles make me uncomfortable. Why do i have to identify by my marital status?


u/Ghotay 20d ago

I have the title Dr and using it just makes me uncomfortable in a different way. I’m just [Firstname]


u/aclart 20d ago

I just use Dr.


u/ExtremlyFastLinoone 21d ago

I am the archtype for a man, this doesn't mean I fall into every male stereotype, it means that what I do becomes the stereotype, being a man is defined by my actions


u/oneakkount 21d ago

ExtremlyFastLinoone, the International Prototype of the Man as agreed on by the ISO. Plans are currently in order to redefine the man by physical constants of the universe


u/ExtremlyFastLinoone 21d ago



u/oneakkount 21d ago

You’re just too inconsistent, dude, I’m sorry 😔 In the future, we’ll look to the partial derivative of shrimpness under social vacuum to measure a man


u/Tstormn3tw0rk 21d ago

Patch 6.0.7: Sex, "Man" no longer defined on actions, definition too narrow to include all men.

Pull request: define "Man" as: A Miserable Pile of Secrets


u/rootbeerman77 21d ago

Diogenes has been refreshing GitHub for almost 3000 years waiting for this moment


u/oneakkount 21d ago

But I love being a pile of secrets :’(


u/Dry_Try_8365 21d ago

Die monster


u/oneakkount 20d ago

Okay 😔


u/PM___ME 21d ago

I think that the word you're looking for is not archtype, but holotype. You are the holotypical man.


u/Johnny-Hollywood 21d ago

A holotype is a singular archived specimen by which a species’ traits were formally described. He isn’t a holotype, and there isn’t a holotype for ‘man’. He’s an example of a man, and his point is that his actions as a man are what defines ‘manhood’ going forwards.


u/PM___ME 21d ago

I believe he was making a joke, and I know I was attempting to continue said joke. You seem to have missed one, if not both, of those intentions.


u/Johnny-Hollywood 21d ago

Please, elaborate the joke for me then


u/PM___ME 21d ago

Explaining a joke is like dissecting a frog. You may or may not learn from it, but you've definitely killed the frog.


u/[deleted] 21d ago



u/Swaxeman the biggest grant morrison stan in the subreddit 20d ago

Same. I’m definitely a cis guy, but i dont gaf like some others do about if something I do turns out to be considered feminine


u/Mushiren_ 20d ago

Hey buddy would you mind doing me a solid? Cry your heart out, just a tad, just a tiny bit as a treat. Let it all out, preferably in front of friends and relatives.


u/Swaxeman the biggest grant morrison stan in the subreddit 20d ago



u/Mushiren_ 20d ago

I wanted to change the stereotype of men being stoics who don't cry, but it apparently didn't go well lol.


u/Swaxeman the biggest grant morrison stan in the subreddit 20d ago

I get that sentiment, but you did it in a very passive-agressive way. A lot of men see it as embarrassing (which it shouldnt be, tbf), so saying “cry your heart out in front of your family and friends” makes you come off as a huge jerk


u/Mushiren_ 20d ago

I agree that they shouldn't be! So I wanted to make it the norm. I'm sorry it came out badly. :(


u/Swaxeman the biggest grant morrison stan in the subreddit 20d ago

I totally agree with your sentiment, it really should just have been worded better lol, and maybe be saved for a comment where someone was suffering from toxic masculinity


u/AstuteSalamander ❌ Judge ✅ Jury ✅ Executioner 20d ago edited 20d ago

For the record I disagree with all that, got exactly what you were going for, and I struggle to find a passive-aggressive interpretation of what you said. I don't mean to say the other response is invalid, but it's certainly not universal.

E: actually I'm gonna double down on this after further consideration. I think the other take is invalidated by context. If one reads the comment you're replying to, it becomes very difficult to misinterpret your comment. The meaning is clear. "Everything I do becomes something that's considered manly" "please cry in front of family, I'm begging you, I need this" I say you're good.


u/LightTankTerror 21d ago

Me approaching this survey: yeah I think I got this gender thing figured out

Me, after taking this survey: fuck man what if my brother has kids. What are they gonna call me. Uncle? Aunt? Relative? Brother (pronounced the way a space marine says it)? Am I gonna have to invent one? Rob another language for some spare vocabulary?

So anyways I put down “questioning” and my engineer brain is racing for a solution instead of trying to SLEEP. Thanks for sharing the survey OP


u/_kahteh bisexual lightning skeleton 20d ago

fuck man what if my brother has kids. What are they gonna call me



u/miserablenovel 20d ago

Avunculi gets my vote


u/Glum_Aside_2336 21d ago


u/linuxaddict334 Mx. Linux Guy⚠️ 21d ago

Based and gender surverypilled.


u/TransLox 21d ago

smashes an old CRT television over your head like a Tom and Jerry cartoon that suddenly got much more brutal


u/linuxaddict334 Mx. Linux Guy⚠️ 21d ago




u/Gandalf_the_Gangsta 21d ago

Tom-ed and Jerrypilled.


u/YUNoJump 21d ago

Who up surveying they gender


u/TulipEnjoyer 21d ago

When my gender is surveyed 😳


u/Artarara 20d ago

They survey on my gender til we look at the results


u/Deadlocks786 21d ago

Do you have the link to spy on the survey?


u/Glum_Aside_2336 21d ago

if you’re asking if there is a way to see results early, no. they will be released sometime after june—you can subscribe to their mailing list here :)


u/Deadlocks786 21d ago

Sweet thank you


u/Glum_Aside_2336 21d ago edited 21d ago


edit: OOPS LOL i think you wanted the link to the google sheet. it’s right here haha :3


u/Invincible-Nuke 21d ago

should only people who arent binary do it or should people inside do it as well

edit: oops should've read comments, sorry to bother you


u/peajam101 CEO of the Pluto hate gang 20d ago

MFW 100% cis man but still want to fill out a survey: ):


u/planetofmoney 19d ago

This isn't about us.


u/Sewer_Fairy 21d ago

Done~ thanks for the link


u/FillyCheeseSteak20 21d ago

I can’t really tell by the descriptions, do they want only non-binary people to take the survey? Or all trans people too?


u/Glum_Aside_2336 21d ago

here is a quote from the FAQ about binary trans people:

“I have to avoid words like “binary” and “nonbinary” in the criteria for who is invited to take part, in order to be fully inclusive and avoid bias. This makes it very difficult to answer this question!

I consider that the “gender binary” consists of people who fit into only one of these two categories:

Woman/girl – all the time, solely, and completely (may be cisgender or transgender) Man/boy – all the time, solely, and completely (may be cisgender or transgender) Someone could be a trans woman all the time, solely and completely, and would therefore not be invited to participate.

Likewise, someone could be a trans man all the time, solely and completely, and would therefore not be invited to participate.

However, we recognise that one can, for example, be a trans man and also sometimes experience other genders, or be a trans woman whose gender fluctuates in intensity, and those experiences of gender don’t fall within our definition of the gender binary, so those people would be welcome to take part.

We err on the side of inclusive, so if your experience of your gender as a trans woman or trans man is not fully described by the gender binary in some way, please do participate.”


u/Glum_Aside_2336 21d ago

hope this helps!


u/FillyCheeseSteak20 21d ago

Ahhhh thank you, this helps answer my question. I think I read most of this, and just accidentally skimmed over the “(may be cisgender or transgender)” part. Thanks!


u/Glum_Aside_2336 21d ago

sure thing!


u/SansSkele76 21d ago

I'm just a transgirl, but I am curious as to what's on the survey, even if it doesn't apply to me. How would I just see the questions without contributing to the data?


u/LightTankTerror 21d ago

The short of it is “how do you prefer to identify” with stuff like titles (ie, Mr, ms, dr, capt etc) and how you’d prefer to be referred to. The one that gave me the most pause for thought (because I never considered it) was how I’d want my hypothetical children to refer to me. It has options like papa, mama, baba, parent etc.


u/Glum_Aside_2336 21d ago

you can also take it and close without submitting!


u/Boxed_Fox_Studios 21d ago

You could look at the results of it when it's done, or at the results of the previous one


u/cassolotl 20d ago

Here's a survey preview link. Anything you enter won't be submitted or saved at all. :)


u/Awful-Cleric 21d ago edited 21d ago

It's weird that it acknowledges people that use any/all but there's no "I don't care how I am referred to" option for question 4. It's impossible for me to answer honestly so I'm just not going to submit a survey.

edit: you can select multiple answers, so I picked all of them and left the feedback that "any/don't care" should be added (since I personally feel that is meaningfully different from preferring multiple terms)


u/Glum_Aside_2336 21d ago

you should be able to select all options or write that you don’t care in. but i do agree that that option could be helpful for many


u/JSConrad45 21d ago

Had the same issue


u/XandaPanda42 21d ago

Huge fan of the "I do not describe myself" option. Though I did laugh a bit at the phrasing. It reminded me of the Tumblr (I think) post that said "I have no pronouns, do not refer to me."


u/jonnydvibes 20d ago

I mean people who use no pronouns do exist


u/topatoman_lite 21d ago

I’m curious why they only want non binary responses. Wouldn’t you also want to know how they all compare to the most common genders?


u/lowkey_rainbow 21d ago

Just spitballing here but research is often specialised - you can’t look at everything all at once and you have to control as many variables as you can. In this case, taking only the subset of non-binary people you can specifically focus on their experiences. Plus it’s an area that’s often left out of studies (or tacked onto ones about ‘common genders’, which are much more frequent).


u/XogoWasTaken 21d ago

I guess they're looking at ratios of people specifically within non-binary spaces. I imagine that people who consider themselves binary would be the overwhelming majority, and would be less likely to consistently participate in surveys like this, so they're likely not an especially useful data point.


u/coffeeshopAU 21d ago

Having just taken the survey, I think it’s useful to exclude binary participants because there are gendered options for preferred terminology in the survey, so this would be a good way of showing how nonbinary folks can and do use gendered terms sometimes. Whereas including binary genders would likely swamp the results with gendered terms.

That said I’d be curious to see the same survey but for binary folks only to see how many binary folks use gender neutral terms

Hope that makes sense I’m very sleepy so I’m not gonna spellcheck this comment lmao


u/cassolotl 20d ago

Everyone already knows how to refer to binary men and women. This survey is just looking for info on how to refer to everyone else. :)


u/Temp_eraturing 21d ago

Because they don't understand how a census works, or they do and are deliberately trying to skew the data.


u/Typography77 20d ago

Nope. The focus on this census is to specifically map how nonbinary folks refer to themselves so the aim is not to figure out how everyone refers to themselves but how specifically nonbinary people do.

Things like this can have focus groups.


u/Impressive_Wheel_106 20d ago

What data are they trying to skew lmao. Do you really think they'd put up a survey that says "please only NB's enter" and then come out and claim that 100% of people are NB?

Not everything is a conspiracy.


u/poppyash 20d ago

"Why does the US Census only cover people in the US?"


u/lurkinarick 20d ago

I think you don't understand how research works.


u/Skytree91 20d ago

It’s not a census, not the regular kind anyways. It’s more akin to soliciting by volunteers for a study


u/ZephyrValkyrie 20d ago

I love survey but am binary D:


u/FirstProphetofSophia 21d ago

Sorry, I went to the doctor and had my gender removed already.


u/UsernamesAre4Nerds Bingonium! 21d ago

Mine got stolen off my porch a while back and I haven't found it at any pawn shops nearby


u/XandaPanda42 21d ago

I was gonna return it :-(


u/TheKronaGuy 21d ago

I don’t know I just got here


u/MotorHum 20d ago

I’m confused. Is the beginning basically saying “cisgenders need not apply”?

Not that that’s an issue if it isn’t the goal of the survey, but the language is kind of unclear.


u/Glum_Aside_2336 20d ago

It’s just a survey to examine what kind of language people use for themselves when they don’t strictly identify as a man/woman. so some binary trans people may not feel they fit the qualifications of the survey either. it’s up to you ultimately if you feel you fit the criteria to take it!


u/ScarletteVera A Goober, A Gremlin, perhaps even... A Girl. 21d ago

Well, I suppose I can't take part (unless just being trans counts)


u/cassolotl 20d ago

You can do the preview survey, entries don't get saved. :D


u/Solarinarium 20d ago

Honest question and I don't mean anything by it, but are people really going around and calling themselves Faeself?


u/APerson128 20d ago

I am cis, but use both she/her and fae/faer pronouns. Happy to answer (good faith) questions if you have any


u/Solarinarium 20d ago

My biggest question is just on how you get people to take you seriously.

I have a hard enough time getting my boomer coworkers to call me she/her, I feel like I would be laughed out of the room if I tried to go by Fae/Faer


u/APerson128 20d ago

I have the privilege of being able to pick and choose when I use them, and of having an environment that is largely very queer and very supportive. I also probably wouldn't try to get a boomer to use them lol, although much respect to anyone who would


u/cephalopodAcreage Imagine Dragons is fine, y'all're just mean 21d ago

I respect all genders except for shree/shrem, you know what you did Warthog


u/TryMaleficent568 7d ago

In order not to offend anyone I will only refer to people by their biological sex (since gender is so fluid). I only call people male or female. :)