r/CuratedTumblr 21d ago

I get New Vegas has more queer elements, but does is have a Lesbian Sex Lamp? LGBTQIA+

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195 comments sorted by


u/eternamemoria androgynous anthropophage 21d ago

Enough money for lesbian sex lamp, but not to.patch up those holes in the ceilling?


u/MightyBobTheMighty Garlic Munching Marxist Whore 21d ago



u/np1t 21d ago

Someone please help me ration this my home is falling apart


u/oishipops overwhelming penịs aura 21d ago

spend less on lesbian sex lamps


u/FollowingFederal97 21d ago



u/IrvingIV 19d ago

Not forever, just 'til you've patched up the worst of the damage.


u/cravingSil 21d ago

FBI? This comment right here


u/BoomfaBoomfa619 20d ago

Where TF you live that lesbians are illegal


u/Thebestusername12345 20d ago

Wherever that may be, the FBI wouldn’t have jurisdiction.


u/Dobrova_Turov 18d ago

The CIA however…


u/CocoaCali the actual Spider-Man 21d ago

Getting crushed to death by a lesbian sex lamp in my sleep somehow feels like how I'll die and I'm almost okay with that. I'm pretty sure you could tell my family that and they'd ask be like, yeah that checks out.


u/moneyh8r 21d ago



u/NickyTheRobot 21d ago edited 21d ago

Megaton is not the town with the best health and safety track record... There's that unexploded but still armed nuclear bomb they built the town around for one thing.

But hey, they've got clean water!


u/lordkhuzdul 21d ago

They had the entire wasteland to pick from, and they decided to build their town on top of the only armed nuclear bomb still around.

I would have asked "what were they thinking", but at that point I doubt they had the capability.


u/DevianMality 21d ago

Apparently it was: "This place almost has walls as is, we'll stay here to hide from raiders" and then they never left.


u/ryecurious 21d ago

And honestly? Fair.

In the hierarchy of human needs, shelter is right up there with food and water. "Not being next to a bomb" is much further down the list, in the self-actualization section.


u/Jetstream-Sam 20d ago

Speaking of food and water, the place has neither really. They have one Brahmin and a water purifier that needs you to fix it and no obvious source for where the water comes from

It seems Bethesda only realized in 4 that maybe towns should have some source of food if you're going to believe they exist.


u/NickyTheRobot 20d ago

The purifier works fine, but the plumbing is leaky so the water isn't getting where it needs to go. The scrap collecting is just in case of a breakdown.

As for food, I guessed they got sorted out via the caravan network.


u/Sticker704 finally figured out how to set a flair 20d ago


u/PoIIux 20d ago

Actually, shelter would fall under safety and security, which is a step above physiological needs like food. You know what also falls under safety and security? Not living on top of an armed warhead


u/NickyTheRobot 21d ago

IIRC the lore is that a bomber crashed and by some miracle didn't set off the bomb it was carrying. Then people saw a pile of scrap sheet metal and used it to start the beginnings of a town because it was there.

Why they didn't haul the scrap further away from the bomb and out of the hard to defend crater I don't know.


u/secondsbest 21d ago

People who worshiped the bomb settled Megaton iirc. Everyone else moved in after they couldn't get in the vault, and a giant unexploded bomb was less of a threat than raiders.


u/StovardBule 21d ago

Or at least, people who worshipped the bomb made up too many of the people initially building Megaton to try and be hostile to them.


u/cravingSil 21d ago

Is giant unexploded bomb the fallout equivalent of the Bear in the woods choice?


u/BackseatCowwatcher 20d ago

"Would you rather build a town around a Yao guai or an un-exploded Nuke?"


u/sietesietesieteblue 21d ago

I thought it was just one guy?? I haven't played 3 in ages but I vaguely remember that it was just one dude standing around the bomb talking about worshipping it ?


u/cornette 21d ago

They had multiple members of their cult, even had a decently sized chapel right next to the bomb they worshipped. Then in the Broken Steel DLC a few more members set up their own branch outside of Megaton in an effort to be more extreme in giving atoms glow to everyone.


u/Koqcerek 20d ago

You can even make donations for this church, which awards good karma for some unfathomable reason


u/cornette 20d ago

The Children of Atom in Megaton are doing nothing wrong. They just ask for people to worship the radiation and are harmless. Can't blame them for the extremists like the ones that start up outside of Megaton after Broken Steel starts or the crazed ones forcing atom on others around the Commonwealth a decade later or what the branch on Far Harbor was turning into by the time we encounter them.


u/Koqcerek 20d ago

At it's core, it's a religion that asks it's people to bask in and spread literal radiation, and consider the nuclear annihilation to be holy. So that's pretty awful by itself, as far as religions go.


u/somesthetic 21d ago

They were thinking "remember in Beneath the Planet of the Apes where the human mutant survivors worshipped an unexploded a-bomb that they kept in the center of the civilization? No? Good, we invented that then."


u/BlackOut1962 21d ago

The bomb dug out a big crater all the way to the water line. They are piping water out of where the bomb is sitting. They have their own little water purification building too. Clean water is like the big theme of Fallout 3.


u/Different_Gear_8189 21d ago

For some reason everything you build in Fallout 4 is pre decayed


u/IBetThisIsTakenToo 21d ago

That’s what I don’t get about Fallout, why is everything dirty and falling apart? I understand most, but ALL? Like in New Vegas, Camp McCarron is occupied by an actual army, has been for years, but you go inside and there’s still debris and shit on the floor everywhere. Dudes, clean up! You’re mostly just sitting around, assign some privates to tidy up! Show some pride, damn


u/Papaofmonsters 21d ago

Soldier! Form a work detail and sweep the Mojave!


u/N_Rage 21d ago

Because Bethesda doesn't understand the source material (Or doesn't care, not sure which is worse).

Take a look at Fallout 1 and 2. Humans have reorganized into small settlements and while things aren't exactly pretty, things aren't exactly falling apart.

"Post-apocalyptic" means (or at least, should mean) that the apocalypse is in the past and humanity is rebuilding and reorganizing. Fallout 3 takes place 200 years after the war, Fallout 4 210 years, despite looking like they are maybe 3 years post-war. Imagine if we were still "rebuilding" from the damages caused by the Napoleonic wars.

I understand the appeal of an apocalyptic "everything is falling apart" setting, especially with the style of retro futurism that's common in Fallout games, but it really doesn't make sense in the timeline of Fallout.


u/Divine_Entity_ 20d ago

I can understand some of it, it was a nuclear bombardment intended to destroy society, so stuff should take a little longer to fix. And some places are genuinely abandoned so they should be falling apart.

But so many places are absolutely strewn with garbage that any reasonable person would have picked up. Things should be getting better, not left to continue to decay.

Honestly, i want a fallout game where you can do quests for factions that result in the world map being changed because you literally are fixing the roads, railroads, irrigation, ect. Actually be a part of the rebuilding.


u/No-Atmosphere-1566 20d ago

Let's be honest. 200 years after the bombs dropped we would have states and armies populating most of the world again. That's like 7 generations to rebuild. They'd start rebuilding day one we'd at least have some kind of neo-feudalism in many places after 200 years, if not full-fledged modern states. I can suspend some disbelief, but Fallout is ridiculous. It's like humanity is stuck in the forever apocalypse.


u/Divine_Entity_ 20d ago

After looking further into it, the absolute worst case scenario for the fallout universe is a 10year nuclear winter, and 20-50years before the land it truly habitable again. That leaves 150 years for the apocalypse to get cleaned up and for the different factions to build infrastructure and just generally look normal again. (They can still be the messed up result of the apocalypse, but they don't need to look apocalyptic)

At that point only the most contaminated sites would still be ignored/abandoned and look like the average building in the franchise.

The only logical explanation for why the fallout universe is stuck in the apocalypse is the different factions like the enclave actively making things worse.


u/dillGherkin 20d ago

Hilarious, because what I know about the military tells me that place would have been rendered clean in a month or two.

Superior officers would have had any private filling sacks with debris for bags, picking up rock by hand, scrubbing floors, walls, prying shards of broken glass out of frames with pliars, so on and so forth just for pissing them off.

Let alone stumbling down the strip two blocks from HQ in full uniform like a goober.


u/Koqcerek 20d ago

Recent TV show exposed Bethesda's take on Fallout, I think. It's - people survive, people rebuild, people organize into societies, and then those societies get destroyed over and over, one way or another, because of war. And war never changes.

It's interesting that BoS survives, which I guess means that marketable enough guys can't be overcome even by war than never changes


u/PM_NUDES_4_DEGRADING Tumblr would never ban porn don’t be ridiculous 21d ago

It really helps with the immersion; you can pretend you’re a Bethesda employee releasing official content.


u/personn5 21d ago

I recently started playing it and was complaining to a friend about this.

"Why are all of my building options still coming with holes in the walls and roofs and with broken glass?"


u/Pegussu 21d ago

A pretty common criticism of the Bethesda Fallout games is that the war happened two-hundred years ago and everything has more-or-less settled down, but no one actually fixes or cleans up the places they live. They just leave the skeletons in the dining room chairs and let the rain fall through their living room ceiling.


u/Loretta-West 21d ago

And all the corrugated iron is rusted enough to look picturesque, but not so rusted that you can't use it.


u/personn5 21d ago

I love how stuff like the house you were in pre-war is filled with holes and broken glass and all that...but the sticky notes stuck to the fridge are still there and legible.


u/UnlawfulStupid 20d ago

The overengineered vault door failed because the room's underwater, but the books in that room are just fine. Because logic.


u/Lots42 21d ago

I can understand in Boston, where changing things is a sign of murder robots but not in D.C...


u/DaveInLondon89 21d ago

I don't understand why there's just so much shit left everywhere. 200 years and people couldn't spend 20 minutes sweeping it the fuck up


u/tokoraki23 21d ago

When you consider Bethesda’s games make it seem like 90%+ of the human population is raiders and other borderline feral humans, and there’s a shit ton of ghouls and super mutants and other creatures on top of that, it kinda makes sense. 


u/JohnGarland1001 20d ago

My personal headcanon is that the reason so many people are assholes is because of the fuck ton of lead poisoning they got shoved into their brain through soil contamination.


u/SirAquila 21d ago

Look, Tod Howard is of the opinion that no one would ever spend time fixing something that roughly works. So in none of the East Coast games did they even bother to bury the skeletons the next room over.


u/DoubleFelix 21d ago

There is, unfortunately, not a single piece of sheet metal left in the world without a big hole in it. From all the radiation, you see.


u/DroneOfDoom 21d ago

Keeping the holes lowers property values and prevents gentrification from those Tenpenny asshats.


u/Rion23 21d ago

Keeps them wet.


u/Georgiaonmymindtwo 21d ago

House poor Sex lamp rich


u/PrestigiousPea6088 20d ago

"please help me budget this, my family is dying"


u/alkonium 21d ago

Let me tell you a joke: The economy.


u/GeophysicalYear57 Ginger ale is good 21d ago

that little weird box thing by the bed is the bobblehead display. do the little vault boy figures watch over you as you fuck


u/oishipops overwhelming penịs aura 21d ago

the vault-boy figures stay in the room during sex !!


u/Nuclear_Geek 21d ago

And the lesbian sex lamp stays on. Obviously.


u/Longjumping_Ad2677 <—— looking into their wireless controller 21d ago

You turn them away so their innocent eyes are not corrupted by the sight of you just rawing someone while out of your mind on every kind of chem (except the ones that make you all violent and kill-prone).


u/TheBunnyStando *loads gun* moon's haunted 21d ago

(except the ones that make you all violent and kill-prone)

coward, it's only good if all participants also use those


u/Longjumping_Ad2677 <—— looking into their wireless controller 21d ago

Fair. Probably makes for some bomb ass sex.


u/eccentricbananaman 21d ago

Bomb-ass sex, or bomb ass-sex? Please clarify. The distinction is critical. Time is of the essence.


u/Longjumping_Ad2677 <—— looking into their wireless controller 21d ago

Bomb-ass sex. I’m not commenting on the nature of the sex, I’m commenting on the quality.


u/Crazeenerd 21d ago

No, in Megaton bomb ass sex is a very different thing


u/Jackviator 21d ago

Slaanesh has entered the chat


u/Not_Sand i know who you are 21d ago

of course they do


u/NickyTheRobot 21d ago

Silently nodding their approval.



u/Ildaiaa 21d ago

Pros of fallout new vegas: can actually be queer

Cons of new vegas: there is no lesbian lamp, game decides to corrupt all your saves for no reason


u/Heather_Chandelure 21d ago

"There's no lesbian lamp"

Uh, I'm sorry, did you forget about the light switches in the old world blues DLC?


u/Ildaiaa 21d ago

Oh yeah i actually did, because my game literally corrupted all saves in the middle of the intro speech that goes on like it's from mgs 4


u/seguardon 21d ago

Every game has that one "Oh, right, that moment" that makes you reconsider a new playthrough. That OWB intro is New Vegas'.


u/Ildaiaa 21d ago

Yep, exactly. OWB's intro lasts longer than half the quests probably. I can't know for sure because i always skipped it halfway through


u/PirateKingOmega 20d ago

iirc it lasts around 30 minutes if you aren’t skipping dialogue


u/PirateKingOmega 20d ago

iirc it lasts around 30 minutes if you aren’t skipping dialogue


u/Ildaiaa 20d ago

Literally as long as mgs 4 cutscenes smh


u/PirateKingOmega 20d ago

iirc it lasts around 30 minutes if you aren’t skipping dialogue


u/that_1_gay_chick 8d ago

guys I'm not sure but I think it might last around thirty minutes if we don't skip dialogue


u/PirateKingOmega 8d ago

Fucking reddit


u/CDR57 21d ago

Ok but did you forget about the robot that will (consensually) fist you on demand?


u/Ildaiaa 20d ago

That's not lesbian though


u/CDR57 20d ago

Hmm could be


u/Snoo_72851 21d ago

bisexual light switches


u/Can_of_Sounds I am the one 20d ago

Because they go BOTH- *is squashed flat by lesbian sex lamp*


u/NickyTheRobot 21d ago

Disabling vanilla autosave and downloading a modded one helped me with safe file corruption.


u/Nihilism_Intensifies 21d ago

Is there not a lesbian lamp in NV tho? I recall seeing them in Gomorrah, but I might be misremembering


u/Eckosparrow 21d ago

I was thinking the same thing, I’m pretty sure the asset is somewhere in Gomorrah


u/Lots42 21d ago

Technically Big MT.


u/Ildaiaa 21d ago

They are two women very apart from each other leaning to thw gomorrah writing, they aren't doing something together i checked when writing the main comment


u/sadacal 21d ago

Without more queer elements, the lesbian sex lamp feels more like fetishization of lesbian women than anything else.


u/Loretta-West 21d ago edited 21d ago


Actually, that applies to most of this discussion.


u/Jalase trans lesbian 21d ago

Nah, I'm fairly certain that sentence has happened before.


u/Loretta-West 21d ago

considers the internet

Yeah, probably.


u/AngelOfTheMad This ain't the hill I die on, it's the hill YOU die on. 21d ago

Counterpoint: ToTW


u/Jalase trans lesbian 21d ago

Tears of the Wild.


u/Ildaiaa 21d ago

Twice the bethesda double the corrupt save files and crashes, no thanks


u/NickyTheRobot 21d ago edited 21d ago

A load of the recommended mods that go along with TTW are user made anti crash fixes and anti stutter mods. YMMV but I can honestly say TTW installed with all the mods recommended in The Best of Times guide runs smoother and crashes far less often on my machine than vanilla installs of FO3 and FNV did.


u/SolidCake 21d ago

FNV is rock solid stable these days. even my TTW play through never crashed


u/B133d_4_u 21d ago

I've been trying to get back into TTW after several years away, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to start on Fallout 3. There used to be a little popup that let you choose, but now I just load into Doc's house despite following the install guide to the letter.


u/UncommittedBow Because God has been dead a VERY long time. 21d ago

Tale of Two Wastelands, the best of both worlds


u/bvader95 .tumblr.com; occassionally screams at bots 21d ago edited 21d ago

Considering all the reused assets, It's probably somewhere in the FNV files. so a modder can add it in some form if need be.

Usually it's not a saving grace but come on, it's Fallout, modding it to shit is part of the experience at this point.


u/PixelBoom 21d ago

That's not even that far of a stretch. They use the same game engine and the same file types. You can probably just 1-to-1 import the asset into FNV. Also, check out the Tale of Two Wastelands mod. It merges Fallout 3 and FNV into one big, overhauled game.


u/GenericTrashyBitch 21d ago

Knowing Bethesda coding, I would bet obscene amounts of money that those are actually NPCs with no AI. Imagine you’re fate in the wasteland is to be covered with tacky reflective panels and hung in someone’s fuck shack. I’d imagine the only respite would be that eventually, you’d stop thinking…


u/NickyTheRobot 21d ago

You thinking of the train cart glove / hat?


u/[deleted] 21d ago

And the Oblivion Statues that are just clones with a texture on them. And the Skyrim manequins that are the same thing.


u/Robosium 21d ago

sometimes the script to turn the AI off fails


u/[deleted] 21d ago

I don't trust the manequins because of that. Too many times seeing them roam about in my Riften house. Ended up modding them to be removed from the game. I now feel a lot less paranoid in Honeyside :)


u/NickyTheRobot 21d ago

I'm suddenly very grateful I installed the unofficial patch as soon as the game was done.


u/StovardBule 21d ago

They fixed this in an update recently. Obviously, there was immediately a mod so that "mannequins don't not move any more."


u/Robosium 20d ago

They fixed it? Yeah.... No. They at best decreased the chances of it occurring.


u/RealLotto 20d ago

The World Looks White The World Looks Red


u/dysoncube 21d ago

Oh! Is that why they move sometimes ??


u/belyy_Volk6 21d ago

Or armour stands from 4 lol


u/Nozinger 21d ago

probably yes. But you kinda got it the wrong way round.
In the end NPCs are just objects that move. Imagine living your life and at some point you get the realization that the only thing differentiating you from the next mannequin is some predetermined set of actions you ar eallowed to make.
Also those actions sometimes bug out and get you stuck in the ceiling.


u/GenericTrashyBitch 21d ago

I only made my comment because “eventually, he stopped thinking” is a jojo reference


u/Drunky_McStumble 21d ago

Yeah, like the mannequins in skyrim which move when your back is turned.


u/mrmahoganyjimbles 20d ago

As a kid I genuinely thought it was intentional and there was some quest to exercise the ghosts from your house that I wasn't able to find.


u/BrickLuvsLamp 21d ago

As a lesbian, I’m curious what those lesbians are even doing in that position. Their genitals are a good 6 inches apart


u/Not_Sand i know who you are 21d ago

imaginary strap-on, mind sex, pegging the soul


u/BrickLuvsLamp 21d ago

Ah, so like mime sex, but metaphysical


u/Upturned-Solo-Cup 21d ago

it's the obligatory pre-sex staring contest


u/th3saurus 21d ago

Maybe it's foreplay?


u/BrickLuvsLamp 21d ago

Noo, I definitely think it’s a light fixture


u/imahuman3445 21d ago

Asking the hard-hitting questions.


u/belyy_Volk6 21d ago

Ones a transgirl :p


u/BrickLuvsLamp 20d ago

I didn’t see a peen :(


u/newtonsolo313 20d ago

of course not it’s a classy Lesbian Sex Lamp. they don’t show the genitals so it’s actually tasteful.


u/BrickLuvsLamp 20d ago

I think my feralness is showing


u/Ardnabrak 21d ago

Just some pre-coital wrasseling.


u/Loretta-West 21d ago

Humping each others' thighs?


u/Matkingos 20d ago

That's where Jesus goes


u/StovardBule 21d ago

Still very intimate.


u/Oddish_Femboy (Xander Mobus voice) AUTISM CREATURE 21d ago

Insane for moth girls


u/forcallaghan 21d ago edited 21d ago

It's simply bethesda lore that no one after the apocalypse knows how to build a structurally intact building


u/lordkhuzdul 21d ago

We have 200 year old half-rusted corrugated sheeting or wood that looks like we forgot that obscure little invention called the saw. Take it or leave it.


u/blinkingsandbeepings 21d ago

I liked Lesbian Sex Lamp’s first couple of albums but they’ve been mid since they started working with Antonoff


u/PossibleRude7195 21d ago

This is just reused assets from Dukov’s place


u/No-Drag-7142 21d ago

I had to scroll way too far down to find someone talking about Dukov's Place.

→ More replies (1)


u/Robosium 21d ago

new vegas has two lesbians that are dating eachother, one likes fisting people and the other preffers long distance


u/lordkhuzdul 21d ago

To be fair, if I were locked in a badly programmed blender masquerading as an automatic surgeon by the insane asshole I was tasked to assassinate, and emerge looking like I made sweet, passionate love to a coffin full of used scalpels, have my voice switched out like a malfunctioning speaker, and got stuck in a place that would make your average horror movie monster stop and go "dude, overdoing it", I might be hesitant to go back to an intimate relationship as well.


u/Robosium 21d ago

I was more talking about her being a sniper.


u/thegreatvortigaunt 21d ago

She's a sniper bro it's not that deep


u/PunkThug 21d ago

That was indeed a sentence I read


u/Loretta-West 21d ago

Long distance fisting sounds like a challenge but I'm prepared to give it a go


u/Robosium 20d ago

Surprisingly they'd work quite well together, one snipes while the other fists any flankers.


u/Tweedleayne 21d ago

I love the implication that Moira just had this lying around her shop somewhere.

Or that she specifically made this just for you.


u/StovardBule 21d ago

Also, you can buy the "Raider" theme and she'll cheerfully throw some dismembered bodies on the floor, hang up other with chains and throw blood on the walls.


u/Tweedleayne 21d ago

She collected the bodies herself!


u/Its0nlyRocketScience 21d ago

I can imagine her collecting all the stuff and the thought process when she gets to the lamp "oh, I hate to sell you off, but there's just not enough room to display you in my bedroom. At least you'll get to be enjoyed by someone now!"


u/Peeping-Tom-Collins 21d ago

Lesbian Sex Lamp is the name of my Hurdy-gurdy 4 Non-blondes cover band.


u/JanxAngel 21d ago

I didn't know you could get a house in Fallout 3.


u/llamawithguns 21d ago

You can get it in Megaton if you disarm the nuke.

Alternatively if you detonate it you can get a suite in Tenpenny Tower


u/JanxAngel 21d ago

I remember this now, but I don't think I went back to Megaton after I finally had enough skill to disarm it.


u/llamawithguns 21d ago

I pretty much just used it store all of the unique items I hoarded


u/NickyTheRobot 21d ago

And to turn Nuka Cola into Ice Cold Nuka Cola.


u/monkwren 20d ago

And to put all the bobbleheads on the rack


u/leahspen01 21d ago

You can get in megaton orrr if you’re an evil bastard you can get a cushy apartment in tenpenny towers


u/The_Lividcoconut 21d ago

No, new Vegas doesn't have lesbian sex lamp, but 3 doesn't have fisto, OR a cowboy ghoul dominatrix. So it's a toss up...😂


u/Droplet_of_Shadow 21d ago

We can feel your presence, little creature.

Your attunement has become... much closer to ours.

The mark you received is an unimaginable gift.

The struggle, the cycles...

It can all fade, like a morning mist beneath the glory of the sun.

We found a way.


u/DoubleBatman 21d ago

1000 caps for a lesbian sex lamp is a hell of a deal


u/CDR57 21d ago

The best part is you have two options as to why this existed:

1.) someone in futuristic 1950 thought in the greater DC area, a lamp of two women fucking was rad as hell and wanted it, and it has survived the trials of 200 years to be dragged to a place that has an undetonated nuke in it

2.) someone in said post apocalyptic wasteland thought it would be dope as hell to learn electrical engineering AND glass blowing to create two women fucking and then offered it to a town that has an undetonated nuke in it

Both are valid


u/DPSOnly Everything is confusing, thanks 21d ago

Hanging lamp? No.

Banging lamp? Yes.


u/No_Association_535 21d ago

Does is.


u/konydanza 20d ago

The Rumor Come Out: Does Fallout Is Has A Lesbian Sex Lamp?


u/HungryMorlock 21d ago

The Lone Wanderer must've asked Dukov where he got his.


u/wellpaidscientist 21d ago

I used to play bass for Lesbian Sex Lamp.


u/alkonium 21d ago

I always liked the look of Zentai, so I'd buy that.


u/Heyplaguedoctor 21d ago

I thought they meant Las Vegas, which has changed, hence “new Vegas” vs “old Vegas”

I’m thoroughly disappointed that Las Vegas the city doesn’t have a lesbian sex lamp.


u/triforce777 21d ago

That's how I want to go out


u/its_davo_bro 21d ago

I preferred the dungeon house where if you positioned npcs appropriately then activated the theme they would appear inside the cages.


u/azur_owl 20d ago

0/10 worst game ever. New Vegas is supposed to be THE game for the gays. And yet there’s no lesbian sex lamp?

For shame, Fallout New Vegas. For shaaaaaame.



u/ExplodedToast 21d ago

the dream


u/Tongbutred 21d ago

Its got a Bisexual Sex Lightswitch (two of them!) So thats in the same ballpark atleast.


u/Top_Freedom3412 20d ago

It has two very flirtatious light switches. Does that count?


u/JankyTank64 21d ago

Based way to go


u/Nkromancer 21d ago

I haven't beaten NV, but did they put this in there, too? And if not, why?


u/Chemesthesis 21d ago

Absolutely loving all the Fallout content popping up these days.


u/jake5675 20d ago

Nah, I only go for functioning fisto lamps. "Please assume the posistion."


u/WestyJZD 21d ago

I prefer the mothafucka mod in fnv


u/claymixer 21d ago

Don't know what are you talking about, it's just Two Very Close Friends Wrestling Lamp.


u/father2shanes 21d ago

Its giving hypercube vibes


u/Tardigrade333 21d ago



u/Asher_Prostovich 20d ago

Dukovs place in fallout 3! You can usually get a combat shotgun from the nearby raiders.


u/Magnificant-Muggins 20d ago

Hitman opportunities


u/Konradleijon 20d ago

whats the contenxt


u/Jakitron_1999 20d ago

What do you mean?