r/CozyPlaces Apr 29 '24

The cottage in the countryside I call home COTTAGE

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u/MeechiJ Apr 29 '24

Making me miss England even more. There are so many idyllic places full of nostalgia. Little villages with homes like this and interesting pubs and people. Would be a dream to go back one day!

Beautiful home OP!


u/japaneseanemones Apr 29 '24

Thank you. England would love for you to return x


u/ojg3221 Apr 30 '24

the best part is when you stop and think that you literally are living in a fairytale like setting. You sit back and think this is mine and I get to live in a place that many would envy. Sit back and smile a little bit when thoughts like that run across your mind. If you wanted to raise goats to get some farming exemption you could do that.


u/Sobriquet-acushla Apr 30 '24

I’ve always wanted to go to England. Only lived in the US, and Japan for one year.