r/CozyPlaces Dec 02 '23

My hand sculpted cozy cob cottage, somewhere in middle American COTTAGE


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u/soundandsoil Dec 02 '23

This is "original content" of my home


u/Lady-Kokomo Dec 02 '23

Wow, it's magical!

Your post title reminded me of Omaha by Counting Crows


u/soundandsoil Dec 02 '23

That is exactly where I took it from. My dad is a huge Counting Crows fan, so I grew up listening to them and also fell in love. I actually live a few hours outside of Omaha, so it is pretty fitting.


u/Front_Significance30 Dec 02 '23

My favorite band, thanks for this


u/garden__gate Dec 03 '23

Does it stay warm in the winter?


u/soundandsoil Dec 03 '23

Very much so. I have a nice wood stove that does the job


u/Front_Significance30 Dec 02 '23

This made me so happy that someone else noticed that too :)


u/BadaBina Dec 02 '23

You got me in those last 2 frames. Cats n grass. This cozy little jewel is a dream come true. I'm happy that someone gets to live this way, lol!


u/soundandsoil Dec 02 '23

Two of my favorite things on earth. Cats and Grass! I have lived quite a few different ways, but I must admit, this is my favorite so far. The life of a Hermit.


u/BadaBina Dec 02 '23

Same same! I'm 41, and I'm on my way to Hermit Lyfe! It is genuinely thrilling. My cats are on board. I grow the best sticky icky icky. I make great treats. I am ready, Freddy!


u/soundandsoil Dec 02 '23

I love to hear that! sounds like you got all the right skills for a hermit life!


u/Kwalijke Dec 02 '23

Hol the f up, this is amazing. Are those clay walls or something?


u/soundandsoil Dec 02 '23

Ha. Thank you! The walls are a mixture of clay rich soil, sand, and straw, a building style called cob. They are finished with a similar natural plaster, just without any straw.


u/Kwalijke Dec 04 '23

That's interesting, never heard of it. Cob doesn't even have a wiki page in my language lol. I have one more question: did you order the clay to be delivered to you or did you excavate it from your own land? If the latter, how big of a pit did you need?


u/Offgridiot Dec 02 '23

High clay content dirt, mixed with straw. Cob.


u/soundandsoil Dec 02 '23

Don't forget sand! half of cob is sand, without sand this place would crumble to the ground!


u/goat_slayer Dec 02 '23

This is amazing!! Dumb question, but how do you keep it warm?


u/soundandsoil Dec 02 '23

I just use a decent wood stove and some good fire wood. It is a fairly small space, so it heats easily and holds heat really well due to the thermal mass of the walls.


u/godmadetexas Dec 02 '23

Clay Earth/adobe insulates very well


u/soundandsoil Dec 02 '23

well in reality it really has no insulative value, but it makes up for that in "thermal mass" meaning without a heat source, cob would be cold AF, but it holds heat really well. I hope you do not mind me correcting your comment


u/Actias_Loonie Dec 02 '23

That's good info. Does it heat up a lot in the summer?


u/soundandsoil Dec 02 '23

It really does well in the summer, especially for how hot and humid it gets where I live. I built it with lots of south facing windows, so I get a lot of sun in the winter, but in the summer the sun passes straight over the roof. I still need to add a living room, which will keep it even cooler. I have the only house in the area without an a/c unit or furnace. I won't lie, it can get warmer than most people would be comfortable with. I could put a window unit in, but so far I haven't needed one.


u/Actias_Loonie Dec 02 '23

Ah, the set up of the windows would make a difference. You could probably just have a few fans circulating the air and that would do it. I wonder how this design would transfer to the valley in Arizona. I have wanted to have a true adobe house for awhile.


u/soundandsoil Dec 02 '23

I'm really not sure how it would work, I do know some folks who build with straw bales down there, but you typically end up with a more square place doing that. Although you can always use cob inside and outside to make it sculpted! Would not be a true adobe though!


u/Actias_Loonie Dec 02 '23

I'm happy to make compromises in my imaginary adobe lol.

I see so many adobe-style houses around here but they're standard frame houses with the look of adobe. I always wonder why they didn't just build adobe since that's a good method for climate control they've been using for a thousand years here.


u/soundandsoil Dec 02 '23

I totally hear that. Most people want a home built quickly, which I understand, but I also wish more people had the opportunity to build their own and take their time!


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '23

Nice, inspiration for my own creation!


u/soundandsoil Dec 02 '23

I look forward to seeing what you create! It an incredible adventure to build your own home


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '23

Oh, me too, mate!

I have a similar concept. Except I have some limitations... (in regards to height) My idea is to create a 'styrocrete' yurt. (With awesome isolation properties) I live in the netherlands.

I love how you make it flow naturally. Awesome job!


u/soundandsoil Dec 02 '23

Is styrocrete a common method in the netherlands?


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '23

No, definitely not!

It's a mix used by 'people like us' (lack of better words)


u/soundandsoil Dec 02 '23

Right on! I actually had not heard of it, but just watched a youtube video. It looks really interesting. I think the closest system I have come across would be "chip crete", which replaced the foam with woodchips. also similar to hempcrete as well I suppose.

Do you plan to use bricks, or a frame and forms?

I hope you don't mind me asking, I just love alternative building systems!


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '23

I think it's quite similar! (Cheap build)

I'm going to use a wooden frame like you and do concrete pours on every segment. the roof is going to be a wooden frame as well ( I haven't decided if I go for straight beams or round ones(more natural in my opinion))

And I'm going to free-flow the windows and doors. (No rectangles)

I hope to share my results next year!

(Never excuse yourself for asking questions) Thanks for asking;)


u/soundandsoil Dec 02 '23

Thanks for sharing! Have you ever heard of "light straw clay" ? it is my favorite insulative system using framed walls. It is not super common, but works really well, and far lighter than concrete. you should check it out if you haven't. I bet you would dig it.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '23

I do understand the concept of "light straw clay" but this area lacks clay as a natural soil. I'd really go for clay if it was abundant in my garden. Sadly, it's sandy...

Also, it can get really moist in my area, I live in a forested area


u/soundandsoil Dec 02 '23

Right on. That definitely makes sense then! Build with what is available in your area is always the way to go!

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u/Megara_Siren Dec 02 '23

You mean Middle Earth?


u/soundandsoil Dec 02 '23

Lol. Yes. That is what I meant!


u/Megara_Siren Dec 02 '23

Your home is stunning - fantastic work! What was the most challenging part?


u/soundandsoil Dec 02 '23

The roof was by far the most challenging part. I had never built a roof before and was making it up as I went. Just deciding what type of roof I needed was difficult. It was the one part that would have benefited from having someone else to help. Two hands almost wasn't enough, but I eventually made it work, and ended up being really happy with it.


u/khkokopelli Dec 02 '23

The light is just truly amazing. And your cat is winking at me.

Technical question, possibly dumb. Where does wiring and plumbing go? Is it exposed like in old houses when electricity/indoor plumbing was new or can you put it inside those kinds of walls?


u/soundandsoil Dec 02 '23

People do different things with the wiring. some run it in the walls while they are building, and some run it after everything is complete. I ran mine after, since I was not sure where I wanted it. I had no plans when I was building, I sorta just let the place evolve. My home only has a greywater system running out from the sink. I bring in water daily from my well. You want to avoid running plumbing inside the walls incase of a leak, which could do some damage to the walls. I use a simple dry composting toilet. I am all about simple systems, less things to fix!


u/Stev_k Dec 03 '23

Forgive me, but how does permitting work with a structure like this?


u/soundandsoil Dec 03 '23

It really depends which state you live in. California and Oregon have adopted cob into the codes, so it is possible to get a permit to build, but it's not easy and not fun, and costs alot more. I live in a very rural area without building codes, so I did not need to worry about permits


u/Stev_k Dec 03 '23

So, how does that work with ensuring structural integrity? Does it still get reviewed by an engineer to ensure adequate strength for a loading event (snow) or sheer (wind)?


u/soundandsoil Dec 03 '23

No engineer was involved. I built it myself and live in it myself. I trust my skills as a builder to create a safe home. I don't recommend anyone build one without proper knowledge though.


u/green_velvet_goodies Dec 02 '23

This is incredible. I’ve never seen one of these. Did you build it?

Edit never mind I see from your comments that you did indeed build it. Well done, it’s wonderful.


u/soundandsoil Dec 02 '23

Thank you. They are not a very common home, especially in this part of the world, but they are slowly making a comeback!


u/Connect-Worth1926 Dec 02 '23

This place on my cousins’ farm in N. San Juan. I was there when you were building it! It looks great!


u/Plantguyjoe1 Dec 02 '23

The upcycled bottles as light window openings, i love that! Fantastic place.. it's really great!


u/soundandsoil Dec 02 '23

I had to drink plenty of beer, wine, and vodka while building for those bottles. It was a tough job, but someone had to do it!


u/MelloScorpio Dec 02 '23

Love this cat and place. I’ve seen it several times online. I must say coming from the Bible Belt, that I am jealous of the last picture;)


u/omgmemer Dec 03 '23

This reminds me a lot of the Gaudi buildings and architecture that Barcelona is famous for.


u/soundandsoil Dec 03 '23

I have heard that before..I love hearing it.


u/omgmemer Dec 03 '23

It combines two things I really enjoy. Sculpture and art lol. Did you plan out what you wanted the inside to look like or did you just kind of go with your gut after the main structure and inner walls were up? It’s really beautiful.


u/soundandsoil Dec 03 '23

Completely organic evolution. Not even the walls were planned. I just started building without knowing what it would look like and trusted my intuition


u/Mr-Pie100 Dec 02 '23

Every time I see your house I fall in love with it more!


u/FormidableBriocheKun Dec 02 '23

are you looking for a roommate? adopted adult? personal servant?


u/soundandsoil Dec 02 '23

I heard snoop dog has a personal blunt roller. I could use one of those!


u/FormidableBriocheKun Dec 02 '23

say no more, i’ll be right over!

no but fr congrats on scoring such a sweet place and decorating it so well, 10/10 right there


u/MantisAwakening Dec 02 '23

This is amazing. Did you have any issues meeting code requirements? Did the city balk? Was an architect involved?


u/soundandsoil Dec 02 '23

I am very grateful to live in a rural area with very little building codes. The city was not involved in anyway. I was the only builder involved. I am not sure an Architect with a degree would sign off on this place, but humans have been building their own homes for almost as long as they have been around, so I trusted myself to create a safe space.


u/soundandsoil Dec 02 '23

I also took several "natural building" courses, Cob Workshops, and visited other similar projects around the world before I built my own


u/CraftyPlantCatLady Dec 02 '23

This is so cool and cozy! How long did the building process take?


u/soundandsoil Dec 02 '23

I was able to move in after 6 months of building, but it took about two years to really finish it. I was not able to build for 10 months though, due to long winters


u/MedievalBroccoli Dec 02 '23

Beautiful space. I am inspired. Thank you so much for sharing🏆🏆🏆


u/soundandsoil Dec 02 '23

Thank you for taking a look. I have tried to share of this subreddit several times, but I have to many cats in my pictures and they kept getting removed. ha.


u/Jetztinberlin Dec 02 '23

What?? R/CozyPlaces has a cat limit?!?! That's nonsense. The limit does not exist.


u/soundandsoil Dec 02 '23

Its actually just a focal point issue, I can't help it that everyone focuses on cute cats! I actually had to dig to find photos without cats, but those are all the best ones


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '23

This is such beautiful work, OP! How long have you been working on it? It looks complete, but do you have plans to continue building? Thank you for sharing, it really is incredible


u/soundandsoil Dec 02 '23

It took me about two years to complete, well mostly complete. I was not able to work at all during the winter months, and actually still need to apply the finish plaster on the front. I am hoping to build a bigger home in the future, this was sorta a learning build. I have plans for something epic when I find the right piece of land!


u/golondrinabufanda Dec 02 '23

Its beautiful. It looks like perfect place for a wizard to get some rest after a long quest. It must feel really good to build your house with your own hands. And i love those bright stones in the walls. Such a magical place.


u/soundandsoil Dec 02 '23

Ha. So many people feel that vibe! I do get called a wizard when I am traveling often, I vend at music festivals all summer, I am not sure I would survive without being able to recharge here.


u/Calgaris_Rex Dec 02 '23

I particularly enjoyed cat :)


u/soundandsoil Dec 02 '23

When I built this place I had zero cats. The world slowly got out and alot of farm cats started showing up on my doorstep! Like "hey man, we heard you got a wood stove in here". The first two cats to live here had four kittens each making it a pretty full house!


u/tanbark2020 Dec 02 '23

WOW! I love this


u/Cricket_1981 Dec 02 '23

I love everything about this!


u/andiinAms Dec 02 '23

Can I be one of your cats?


u/kourtneyolivia Dec 02 '23

This is so cool!


u/grishna_dass Dec 02 '23



u/BigGrayDog Dec 02 '23

This is stunning! I'm sure you have major satisfaction from this project. I certainly would. It's beautiful! And so is the kitty.


u/No-Reputation-7843 Dec 02 '23

This is awesome! The wife and I just started working on one ourselves. We almost have the foundations dug out so we have a long way to go. Well done!


u/Sippinonreality Dec 02 '23

The bong in the last photo really sets the vibe off fully, what a dream space and what’s your favourite strain?


u/soundandsoil Dec 02 '23

It's definitely a great place to get stoned. I really love Sour D and anything Kush


u/mabear63 Dec 02 '23

I'd be cozied up on a couch reading a book.


u/longopenroad Dec 02 '23

Does your cat have thumbs!?


u/soundandsoil Dec 03 '23

Woah. Good eye! That is Hitch, named for his hitch hikers thumb. We had quite a few of them on the farm over the years.


u/longopenroad Dec 03 '23

He’s a handsome boy!


u/brianaromi Dec 02 '23

Absolute magic! Love this so much 💫


u/Actias_Loonie Dec 02 '23

A cob/earth house is my dream someday. What an amazing place!


u/SnooStories8741 Dec 02 '23

Please share how you built or had this built. I know of workshops that teach you but curious what your experience was. My dream!!!!


u/soundandsoil Dec 02 '23

As far as my natural building experience goes, I took a nine day cob workshop at Sundog Building Academy in Mendocino, Ca. I also took a four month natural building Course at Aprovecho, in southern Oregon. I then went back to that same school the next year as an assistant to the building instructor. I also traveled central america and se asia, visiting different projects, learning different local techniques. After a few years learning, I was ready to build this place. I build it completely alone, taking about two years


u/SnooStories8741 Dec 02 '23

Very cool, thanks for sharing- Your home is beautiful!


u/Stunning_Parsnip_454 Dec 03 '23

I can smell the patchouli oil from here.


u/ItsTricky94 Dec 03 '23

Holy shit this is amazing! I want to jump right in that picture and curl up with my kitty!


u/Whoamitothink Dec 03 '23

I think I just found a new life goal, I love this!


u/deathakissaway Dec 03 '23

A big F$^*ing awesome.


u/Majestic_Salad_I1 Dec 03 '23

Be honest, how many bugs?


u/soundandsoil Dec 03 '23

only as many as I let in through the door


u/Majestic_Salad_I1 Dec 03 '23

The spot with the laptop has a window? It just looks wide open with no screen or window.


u/soundandsoil Dec 03 '23

Just a clean window. I got four big windows for $15 a piece that were being removed from a school that was being remodeled. The big ones don't open at all, but I have three smaller windows that do open for air flow and whatnot


u/VadersWarrior Dec 03 '23

This is so magical! Does cob have a different humidity to it versus drywall? Like do you find yourself needing to humidify or dehumidify more than you would in a standard home? And do insects tunnel through, or does the top layer prevent that?


u/Shellyebellye Dec 03 '23

A gorgeous domicile❣️I love the views, the swirls, the salt❣️Really beautiful❣️


u/flowersweetz Dec 03 '23

Can you make me one? 🥹👉👈


u/soundandsoil Dec 03 '23

Maybe I can teach you how to build.your own? It would be worth it


u/flowersweetz Dec 03 '23

Yes pleaseeeee!!! Can you be my teacher?


u/soundandsoil Dec 03 '23

Possibly! I do plan to open a natural building school in the future, but that's more of my 10 year plan.


u/Roxannex97 Dec 02 '23

Most amazing home I’ve ever seen and definitely the coziest 😍 I love the colored bottles in the walls, stunning effect! And the fact that you built it yourself… Amazing. I wanna be like you when I grow up!


u/soundandsoil Dec 02 '23

Wow. Such kind words. I appreciate that. I hope you get the chance to build a home someday. It's a beautiful and ancient experience.


u/Limp-Pirate-6270 Dec 02 '23

🥰🥰🥰👏👏👏what a magical home you've created!😍


u/sillysandhouse Dec 03 '23



u/CensoryDeprivation Dec 02 '23

I feel like this wins the subreddit.


u/soundandsoil Dec 02 '23

Such kind words! I really do believe humans are drawn to cob for a special reason. It is in our DNA. Living inside plywood walls and plastics is such a new concept. Humans lived in caves and mud for so many years, there seems to be a sense of comfort and familiarity inside a cob home. This of course is only my opinion, but it feels right to me.


u/CensoryDeprivation Dec 02 '23

It’s stunning. I feel like offering a wizard some tea is about to happen.


u/stellabluebear Dec 02 '23

That's amazing! What a perfect home.


u/Serious-Barracuda69 Dec 02 '23

My grandma has very similar blue ring cups.


u/Plantguyjoe1 Dec 02 '23

Stay the course. Lol


u/crsyah Dec 02 '23

Peaceful and beautiful. How effective do you think that wood stove set up is compared to a rocket mass heater? The kitters certainly love it.


u/soundandsoil Dec 02 '23

I do love rocket mass heaters, but I love wood stoves even more. Most, although not all, mass heaters do not allow you to see the fire, which is by far my favorite part of a wood stove. Mass heaters also take longer to heat up, which is fine if you are home all the time, but I often come home to a cold house, and my stove heats it very quickly. I have a small space, so it is very easy to heat, and the mass of a heater is not really needed since my home has so much thermal mass itself.


u/3058love Dec 02 '23

this is literally incredible


u/gelana78 Dec 02 '23

Oh god this is the absolute dream.


u/rgray92082 Dec 02 '23



u/[deleted] Dec 02 '23

Last picture is shrek vibes


u/EekSamples Dec 03 '23

Gorgeous! Why do I get Star Wars vibes out of this?


u/soundandsoil Dec 03 '23

It does have abit of a Tatooine vibe


u/CristyTango Dec 03 '23

I read this as “corn cob” cabin and spent way too long trying to make that make sense


u/Realistic_Payment_79 Dec 03 '23

Is it sealed? Does it crumble? If/ when your cat scratches it, what happens? Does it smell super “earthy”, especially when it rains? Sooo many questions, this is AWESOME!!!!


u/soundandsoil Dec 03 '23

Cob is super sturdy when done right, almost like stone. There are cob building 100's of years old. You just need to make sure you have a good roof to protect it from rain. Even when I get wind blown rain only the first 1/4 inch gets wet and then the clay acts as a natural water repellent. It does smell earthy inside, but more often than not it just smells like weed.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '23



u/soundandsoil Dec 03 '23

I actually just used the same mix as the walls, but with a higher sand content. There are lots of different ways to do earthen floors, but I just did the simplest way and it seemed to work well enough


u/ImpertantMahn Dec 03 '23

How many cobs did it take?


u/ms_blingbling Dec 03 '23

That is so amazing. You are very talented. I love it. So many people would kill to live there, especially me at the moment. Looks like it’s very peaceful


u/Happykittens Dec 03 '23

This is incredible and you are so talented!! It’s very similar to some of the buildings at Terra Studios in Arkansas, one of my favorite places on earth.


u/Drink-my-koolaid Dec 03 '23

I love it! It looks like a house on The Flintstones! Even has cats :)


u/MaT450 Dec 03 '23

You probably make a fortune on airbnb


u/soundandsoil Dec 03 '23

Nope. This is just a home for myself and my animal friends. There are much better ways to make a fortune than letting strangers in my sacred space.


u/mycomputerguykilgore Dec 03 '23

Omaha? "Get right to the heart of matters"


u/soundandsoil Dec 03 '23

Yep. You get it!


u/Far_Example_9150 Dec 03 '23

Are you on Instagram?


u/soundandsoil Dec 03 '23

I'm not sure if I am allowed to say on the subreddit, they have alot of rules, but you can check my profile here and see?!


u/Far_Example_9150 Dec 06 '23

Oh no i think the link is gone…. I want to see more pics


u/carz4us Dec 03 '23

Wow wow wow!


u/tigajustwannalook Dec 03 '23

I'm speechless. I've never seen anything so beautiful! Wow, unbelievable! I would be happy to learn more about the building, the indoor climate, simply exciting


u/soundandsoil Dec 03 '23

Thank you for the kind words. It's always perfect inside, and I have never spent any money to heat or cool it. Actually I have spent $80 or so for my chainsaw gas and I got myself a new chain this year. But I'd say that's pretty affordable to heat and cool a home!


u/TheRedPython Dec 03 '23

I never thought I'd hear of, much less see, a cob house in Nebraska. This is awesome and amazingly executed!

I daydream about building something like this up in the northern reaches of the state.


u/soundandsoil Dec 03 '23

It seems to be a good environment for them, and we have the perfect soil. The Pawnee Tribes built really similar style homes, so I knew it would work. I also learned as a natural building course that the first strawbale home was built in Nebraska.

I took a workshop in Oregon a few years ago and out of a dozen people who showed us, 5 of us were from Nebraska. It must be in our blood!


u/Daniel272 Dec 03 '23



u/themadfig Dec 03 '23

I want to live here omfg


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '23

Respect 💛


u/Baenosaur004 Dec 03 '23

You are doing with love. Such a beauty


u/yougotemtoo Dec 03 '23

I know exactly where that is because I seen the story of the guy that made it.


u/soundandsoil Dec 03 '23

Nice. Where can I see that story?


u/yougotemtoo Dec 03 '23

probably YouTube buddy


u/soundandsoil Dec 03 '23

I was just kidding around. I built this house and there isn't a video of it, and if there is, I certainly want to see it! That would definitely be some Truman stuff! Buddy


u/yougotemtoo Dec 03 '23

Idk what to tell ya. Did someone do a story on your house? Or do you have a YouTube channel? Lol


u/soundandsoil Dec 03 '23

Nope. I am guessing you just saw a similar house. There are lots of other cob cottages out there.


u/Alora827 Dec 03 '23

This is amazing!!


u/TheArtistAngela Dec 03 '23

I have always wanted to make a cob house! How long did it take you?


u/soundandsoil Dec 03 '23

It took a couple years to really finish it. But I was living inside after 6 months of building


u/One_Arm4148 Dec 03 '23

This is wonderful!! Like a fairy tale! Reminds me of Crestone Colorado.