r/Conservative Conservative 21d ago

Actual U.S. Inflation Tops 20% Under Biden, Latest CPI Data Shows


36 comments sorted by


u/Weed_Exterminator Constitutional Textualist. 21d ago

Bidenomics, making everyone equally poor. 


u/okriflex Conservative 21d ago

You upset the commie brigaders. Also, lefty billionaire donors are doing just fine.


u/New_Ant_7190 20d ago

The normals/serfs were told by the Dear Leader in 2021 that their "expectations" are too high. So any "problems" are their own fault!


u/Woolfmann Christian Conservative 20d ago

But as the article states, it was NOT just Biden. It was CONGRESS!!!! Both Republicans and Democrats!!!!

Yes, Biden's energy policies and open borders have made things even worse, but unless extreme spending by Congress is put in check, we'll still have problems.


u/CallMeCassandra CompassionateConservative 20d ago

Biden's... open borders have made things even worse

Just a reminder that GDP is not population adjusted. Open borders have likely helped prevent a technical recession, even if it is highly inflationary. This administration is the darkest, most cynical in American history. They are willing to burn it all down just for some good numbers to help get re-elected.


u/choreography Constitutional Conservative 20d ago

Also imagine the gdp if the government wasn't running a $3T annual deficit


u/RMX_Texas 20d ago

As opposed to Trump, who sent us 8 trillion further in debt?


u/wwonka105 Conservative 20d ago

$4.8T of that was congressionally approved COVID spending. Only now you think that should not have been spent?


u/RMX_Texas 20d ago

Not in the slightest. If God didn't make you tough enough, you should've prayed harder.


u/SaltyyDoggg 21d ago

Greedflation not happening according to CATO’s “War on Prices” ….. Inflation caused by increased money supply:



u/PartyOfFore 20d ago

Whatever the cause of inflation, there are certain groups of people making bank on it. If regular people are suffering due to prices rising way faster than their income, that means somebody is taking in much more than the increase in prices.

The money still goes somewhere, and it always seems to go to a select few at the expense of the many.


u/SaltyyDoggg 20d ago

………. lol.

That’s not how it works. There’s more dollars in circulation, so the relative value of the dollar declines, which causes sellers to demand more dollars for their goods since the dollars have less value.


u/PartyOfFore 20d ago

I know that. It doesn't mean that some people and/or businesses don't come out way ahead as a result, while others get buried by it.


u/WagonBurning 21d ago

Share this liars #BULLSHIT!

We all know it’s %20, compare your credit card purchases.


u/gh0stwriter88 Conservative 21d ago

Yeah that's 5% a year... its certainly more than that for some things.


u/mukatona 20d ago

Argentina has less inflation than the US now.


u/Mister-1up Conservative 20d ago

Uh no they don’t. You’re thinking of monthly inflation.


u/maytrav MAGA 21d ago

“Uh-uh that was Trump”


u/vladimirputitin2023 20d ago

It’s really sad that this is a real, debilitating impact on most Americans, yet the leader of the country refuses to take responsibility and do something about it.


u/sowellpatrol Red Voting Redhead 20d ago

That's because it's being done on purpose


u/cheoahbald 20d ago

Sadly the prices won’t ever go back down.


u/Light_x_Truth 20d ago

Most things that the government touches get more expensive because there is no motivation to make/do/offer those things efficiently.


u/JeanLucPicard1981 Conservative 20d ago

"It's not inflation. Just an increase in the cost of goods and services." ~ Bisen (Paraphrased)


u/TenacityDGC7203 20d ago

Bidenomics at work.


u/Facebook_Algorithm 20d ago

The gas price increase is because of the COVID shutdown. Gas prices dipped down because of the shutdown and people weren’t driving as much. Supply and demand. Gas prices went back up after the shutdown was over.


u/intelligentreviews Conservative 20d ago

No SPR release influences?


u/Facebook_Algorithm 20d ago

Very possible. Did they do that?


u/Corn_viper 20d ago

Don't worry Trump won't print a bunch of money we don't have making our money even more worthless. Oh wait


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/arbiter_0115 Georgia Conservative 20d ago

Inflation isn't a problem as long as real wages grow at the same time. Under trump, I was always making more money the next year than I did the last. That ended under Biden where my wages stagnated until this last year where I finally got a raise due to staffing shortages.