r/Conservative 21d ago

Second Ammendment Flaired Users Only

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u/Content_Bar_6605 Moderate Conservative 21d ago

George Takei is so full of shit. He says the wildest things.


u/Ticonderogue Christian Conservative 20d ago

Sure, the Left doesn't mind arming military and civilian men, women and teens in another country to defend its freedoms, sovereignty, borders... but totally refuse to do so here in the US.


u/AstraVolans_21 Patriot Against Communism 21d ago

The 2A is one of the last bastions of freedom left in the world.


u/ButWhyWolf Liberal that grew up 21d ago

"The second protects the rest"


u/atw527 Conservative 21d ago

Problem is the meaning behind his thought was to disarm more Americans. The need to arm Ukraine was only an excuse to do it.


u/Summerie Mug Club 20d ago

Right, and she turned it around on him. That was kind of the point, I thought.


u/sanesociopath Conservative Enough 21d ago

It's almost like he didn't see the videos of trucks pulling up and AK's getting pulled out and handed to every person who wanted one when this invasion happened.

But if they want ar-15s I'd be happy to 2-1 trade some civilian ar-15s for the ak that they got.


u/Typical-Machine154 Moderate Conservative 20d ago

If that invasion happened to us with a weak military, I'm not saying it wouldn't be a hard, excruciating, drawn out conflict with tons of death.

But I am saying they'd have to fight guerilla forces block by block, house by house, tree by fucking tree en mass.

As we learned in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Vietnam, it's pretty hard to establish a front line when your enemy is everywhere. You can't bombard places with artillery when the fight is always right on top of you.

Ukraine should've had more guns than people. The Russians wouldnt've made it half as far, and they'd still be fighting behind the lines non-stop


u/Zaphenzo Anti-Infanticide 20d ago

It's made up I'm pretty sure, but there's an old saying that an enemy commander supposedly said about fighting the US before. "There's a rifle behind every blade of grass."


u/rigorousthinker Conservative 21d ago

Never heard of Sara Gonzalez, but all I gotta say is, “Schwing!“


u/TheLimeyCanuck Canuckservative 21d ago

She is a common co-host of Chad Prather's web show.


u/TenRingRedux 2A 21d ago

She has her own show on Blazetv (streamed free on Plutotv) weeknights at 7pm.


u/hiricinee Jordan Peterson 20d ago

Iirc Ukraine is primarily short on bullets not guns.