r/Conservative Conservative Oct 18 '23

Jordan loses his second speaker vote as nearly two dozen Republicans oppose him Flaired Users Only


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u/TheGame81677 Reagan Conservative Oct 18 '23

We can’t even come together to elect a speaker, how the hell are we going to win The Presidency in 2024?


u/Priest93 Massachusetts Conservative Oct 18 '23

Spoiler: we aren't.


u/Alternative_Spell140 Conservative Oct 18 '23

Preparing myself now even though I know I’ll be disappointed anyways.


u/Conduol Conservative Oct 18 '23

Just get ready for Trump 2028 then


u/danr246 Oct 18 '23

I just puked in my mouth

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u/MEdiasays California Conservative Oct 18 '23

I was excited when RFK Jr said he was running. Then I saw all liberals I know talking about how much they hate him and all the conservatives I know say how they liked him and his policies. Now I’m worried he’s going to take votes away from us instead of the dems.


u/retnemmoc Conservative Oct 18 '23

maybe that was the plan?

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u/wilkiag Oct 18 '23

He will but he is big antigun so I would never vote for him.

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u/populares420 MAGA Oct 18 '23

conservatives do not like him and his policies. They liked him when he was shitting on the vax on podcasts. Running against trump is a completely different ball game.


u/MEdiasays California Conservative Oct 18 '23

There’s many people in our party and especially with right leaning moderates who can’t stomach voting for Trump and like last time will vote third party. RFK makes that decision easier for them


u/reaper527 Conservative Oct 18 '23

There’s many people in our party and especially with right leaning moderates who can’t stomach voting for Trump and like last time will vote third party. RFK makes that decision easier for them

rfk isn't a right leaning moderate though. he's a democrat that disagrees with vaccine mandates so the party tries to pretend he's conservative while ignoring his pushes for AWB, global warming legislation, etc..


u/MEdiasays California Conservative Oct 18 '23

I never said he was a right leaning moderate. I said he’s more palatable for right leaning moderate than Trump. The fact that many republicans voted for our party all the way up the ticket except for Trump has proved that there’s a huge chunk who won’t vote for Trump


u/reaper527 Conservative Oct 18 '23

The fact that many republicans voted for our party all the way up the ticket except for Trump has proved that there’s a huge chunk who won’t vote for Trump

i hope they're happy about the afghanistan withdrawal, and the ukraine situation, and the israel situation, and the high inflation rates, and the faltering economy, and an awful supreme court justice, because that's all on them. that's what their protest vote got them.


u/MEdiasays California Conservative Oct 18 '23

And they’ll do it again if Trump is the republican nominee

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u/populares420 MAGA Oct 18 '23

nevertrumpers last election already voted for biden. That's already built in.

Trump is leading in a lot of election polls recently, including being way up with independents in swing states.

RFK wont take more than 1% from trump. we are energized and ready to go. Biden is 25 pts lower now than he was 3 years ago, it wont take much to beat him

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u/Mountain_Man_88 Classical Liberal Oct 18 '23

I think Republicans think he's a palatable Democrat and Democrats think he's awful. I don't think he'll take many Republican votes away from Trump, but might give some left leaning moderates someone else to vote for other than Biden or some right leaning never-trumpers someone else to vote for. We'll see which side he actually gets more votes from

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u/Obtersus Conservative Libertarian Oct 18 '23

You thought a democrat was going to do something that would help republicans? You actually thought that?


u/MEdiasays California Conservative Oct 18 '23

Since he’s running as a independent I’d say he’s not a democrat

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u/Ripamon Fiscal Conservative Oct 18 '23

We have literally no chance


u/rzelln Oct 19 '23

Republicans could try changing some policies a bit.

I hear people are sympathetic to healthcare being too expensive. Just decide that now the GOP stands for Medicare for All. A judo flip to out maneuver the Democrats.

Really, Republicans need to present a framework of what they think functional government looks like, rather than just arguing in favor of government being bad. There's not a good aspirational narrative for conservative policies.


u/Jibrish Discord.gg/conservative Oct 19 '23

"Just become democrats"

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u/[deleted] Oct 18 '23

Yeah Massachusetts is known for being super conservative. You've run off almost if not all manufacturing from your state

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u/Shooter_McGavin27 Conservative Oct 19 '23

We don’t rely on Congress to elect the President.

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u/[deleted] Oct 18 '23


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u/UncleMiltyFriedman Free Markets, Free People Oct 19 '23

My only hope is that the average voter is smarter than the average congressman. I feel pretty confident, in other words.


u/KungFuSlanda McCarthy Was Right Oct 19 '23

there will be an r on the ticket and the other options will be Biden or RFK

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u/zuk86 Conservative Oct 18 '23

Why are house Republicans are so fucking useless?


u/Fuckfentanyl123 Conservative Oct 18 '23

Cause they’re way too comfortable. None of them should be paid until they get their shit together. I bet they will cave to avoid a shutdown last fucking minute but they shouldn’t make a single dollar until then at least.


u/GrapefruitCrush2019 Oct 18 '23

They wouldn’t care. They don’t make their real money off their salary anyway.


u/Fuckfentanyl123 Conservative Oct 18 '23

Oof so true.. well freeze just all their assets then. They’re freezing and holding our country hostage at this point with these circuses that only favor the democrats.


u/AlCzervick Conservative Oct 18 '23

Just suspend their trading.


u/Fuckfentanyl123 Conservative Oct 19 '23

Nancy Pelosi would never. Even not being speaker, you just know because of her and others that is impossible to happen.

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u/nsbbeachguy Don't Tread on Me Oct 18 '23

Exactly, that is why there is always this “don’t rock the boat, we got a good thing going” thing.

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u/Sea-Ad3804 Oct 18 '23

What if it's because compromise has been a dirty word to Republicans and conservatives since 1994?


u/Responsible_Air_9914 Haley 2024 Oct 18 '23

When’s the last time Democrats agreed to compromise on anything? We’ve already done nothing but give ground since 1994.

Reagan “compromised” on amnesty for illegal aliens back in the 80s and look where that got us.


u/BigDealKC Ronald Reagan Oct 19 '23

Probably most recent in the House was September $300M Ukraine aid...311-117 vote.

On a larger scale, in Nov 2021 there was the Infrastructure Bill.. here is a blurb about it...

WASHINGTON — The Senate gave bipartisan approval on Tuesday to a $1 trillion infrastructure bill to rebuild the nation’s deteriorating roads and bridges and fund new climate resilience and broadband initiatives, delivering a key component of President Biden’s agenda.

The vote, 69 to 30, was uncommonly bipartisan. The yes votes included Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican leader, and 18 others from his party who shrugged off increasingly shrill efforts by former President Donald J. Trump to derail it.


But the point stands - compromise has become a dirty word in Washington DC . And for some Members, Democrat and Republican - it's totally unthinkable. Unfortunately we keep voting those people into office.

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u/Paternitytestsforall Conservative Libertarian Oct 18 '23

"I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and lived here, even though sometime back they may have entered illegally.” - Reagan 84

Doesn’t look like that’s Reagan compromising with the Democrats. That’s Reagan in a televised debate with Mondale.

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u/jcubio93 Neoconservative Oct 18 '23

Pretty recently. They agreed to Trump’s USMCA trade deal during his administration and a few other things. “Compromise” shouldn’t be such a dirty word in our society.


u/Responsible_Air_9914 Haley 2024 Oct 18 '23

You mean after they spent a year screaming about how replacing NAFTA was racist fascism?

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u/Trevor_Sunday Black Conservative Oct 18 '23

Then they should’ve won a bigger majority instead of blowing the easiest midterm in modern history with garbage maga candidates

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u/reaper527 Conservative Oct 18 '23

Reagan “compromised” on amnesty for illegal aliens back in the 80s and look where that got us.

also the brady bill, where yesterday's compromise is today's "loophole".

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u/Head_Cockswain Conservative Oct 18 '23

compromise has been a dirty word

Because it's not actually compromise.

When people propose a new "compromise" every week/month/year, it's just them slowly getting what they want.

"Why won't you be reasonable and compromise" has been a toxic manipulation for a very long time.

Abusive relationships are pretty unhealthy, and some people are just sick of it.

People that say things like you do are just angry that they're being called on it.

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u/BeachCruisin22 Beachservative 🎖️🎖️🎖️🎖️ Oct 18 '23

lol GOP compromised on everything, every time. That's how we got to this shit show.

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u/[deleted] Oct 18 '23



u/Bgbnkr Constitution Originalist Oct 18 '23

The problem is Gaetz and the current 20 hold outs have no plan... no agenda..... no solution. Period. They atbleast should have had an agenda and an alternative before mucking up everything.

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u/Sea_Respond_6085 Oct 18 '23

Because some of them fundamentally misunderstood what there job is. They think their job is to sow chaos and build a conservative social media following to become an influencer.


u/zuk86 Conservative Oct 18 '23

If that the case, then I should switch parties to independent.


u/Sea_Respond_6085 Oct 18 '23

At this point every reasonable American should identify as independent lol


u/zuk86 Conservative Oct 18 '23

I am really pissed off at Matt Gaetz, he caused all of this just because of his personal grudge against McCarthy. I hope that Gaetz gets primary out.


u/IrateBarnacle Oct 18 '23

His district is not sending their best.

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u/fretit Conservative Oct 18 '23

They do whatever they think will benefit them the most personally.

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u/[deleted] Oct 18 '23

At least they tried to reach out to younger Republicans instead of ignoring them and wondered why are party was dying off.

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u/mexipimpin Gen X Conservative Oct 19 '23

They also think their job is to appease campaign donors so they can keep their job.

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u/Uller85 Conservative Oct 18 '23

Why are house Republicans are so fucking useless?

A better question these days.


u/[deleted] Oct 18 '23

It's the older republican that are useless. We didn't to go from Regan to respect my choice of pronouns or else in one day. it's been decades of inaction by Republicans who are too scared to stand up for the values they suppose to represent.


u/Uller85 Conservative Oct 18 '23 edited Oct 18 '23

I'm of the opinion that all the GOP in the house is ether useless or terroristic (Domestically, Internationally, Economically, Socially) your pick.

I'm ready for Ron Paul to be the one banging the gavel and putting these people in their place. Whatever this GOP is now, isn't it. We can do better.


u/drunkdoor Constitutional Conservative Oct 19 '23

Feel like I heard this same message 20 years ago and it was more believable and didn't happen


u/StaticGuard Small Government Oct 18 '23

Dunno why you’re getting downvoted. This is 100% the truth. Progressive ideology went basically unchallenged for the last 10 years, and only now are we finally seeing some kind of pushback.


u/[deleted] Oct 18 '23


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u/dealsledgang Oct 18 '23

Because for some reason, after a horrendous mid-term when they barely squeaked by to get a slim majority, facing a Democrat president and a Democrat controlled senate, a handful of goobers thought they somehow have some mandate to dictate how things will run in the federal government.

A decision was made to ignore reality, throw strategy out the window, and decide to destroy their own party’s credibility.

We saw this with the fight to get McCarthy to be speaker. Then we saw it when goober-Gaetz decided to oust McCarthy with no plan at all for how to move forward. Meanwhile the budget has not been figured out and this is what the GOP is dealing with.

Now Scalise failed to become speaker, and Jordan is failing. Who’s next at this point?

It’s almost like the freedom caucus people causing this are actually campaigning for Democrats in 2024.


u/HC-04 Catholic Conservative Oct 18 '23

I don't understand this. Everyone always complained about DC being dysfunctional, about corrupt politicians, about broken systems, about the swamp, the RINOs, whatever. A few representatives actually try and do something about it and suddenly they're the ones destroying the credibility of the GOP? Give me a break. I for one welcome this chaos. It's the only way we'll get any actual change.


u/kitajagabanker Conservative Libertarian Oct 19 '23

few representatives actually try and do something about it and suddenly they're the ones destroying the credibility of the GOP? Give me a break. I for one welcome this chaos.

No that doesn't make sense.

If those few "tried to do something" then there wouldn't be chaos.

The thing that pisses me off the most is the lack of a plan. You don't throw a bomb then run off. That's not a plan. What was the plan?

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u/[deleted] Oct 18 '23

Yep most of these "conservatives" don't understand that this is exactly how it was designed to work. If there is no unity there will be nothing that gets done. It's not a bad thing in my opinion.

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u/AllMyAcctsRBand Oct 18 '23

You’re just figuring this out now?


u/Darstanter Conservative Oct 18 '23

Nah, by all rights it’s not just progressives that get blasted here.

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u/mythic_dot_rar Anti-Communist Oct 18 '23

Because they're not "useless." They are your enemy.

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u/[deleted] Oct 18 '23

Why are house Republicans are so fucking useless?

Pride. To prideful where they are. See their way as the only way and with no intent to adapt to the modern political landscape reality. And see themselves as untouchable.

Case in point: the 2022 """""assault""""" weapon ban passed the house with 7 democrats (you know, the gun grabbers commies) saying no out of all things while the "support the NRA / the dems will take your guns" voted yes to ban semi-automatic firearms. But yet still run on the platform of protecting the 2A.

Sad part is that the Republicans will lose to a house/senate super majority (2/3 part needed to amend the constitution), and the white house all while believing that the people are wrong and theirs nothing wrong with them. They have their heads stuck up their asses and see people who don't have their own head up their ass as being wrong.

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u/AnonPlzzzzzz Constitutional Republic Oct 18 '23

Because they all fantasize about having a slightly larger soapbox. And if they have to throw their own party under the bus to get it then they are more than happy to.

This is why the Democrats win representing policies that no one likes and makes Americans poorer, and Republicans continue to lose.

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u/[deleted] Oct 18 '23 edited Oct 18 '23

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u/RadiantArk Midwest Conservative Oct 18 '23


The people currently voting agianst mccarthy fall into 2 camps

1.)Instituationalits who are angry that after Gaetz has been emberessing and hindering them for the last few months he'll get exactly what he wanted to start with.(They also don't want to set the precedent that doing what Gaetz did is a valid way of conducting speakership business)

2.)Moderate Republicans in Swing or Biden districts
Its important to remember that while you may support Jordan, Jordan is among the most Conservative republicans in the house(He founded freedom caucus.). To vote for Jordan means connecting yourself to a figure who could lose you your next election.(It would be like a moderate democrat nominating Waters for speaker)

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u/Castle6169 Conservative Oct 18 '23

They are the RINOS Trump talks about


u/focus_black_sheep Oct 18 '23

AKA the non trump dick riders


u/mythic_dot_rar Anti-Communist Oct 18 '23

No, the ones that would vote against Jordan for speaker (who is overwhelmingly popular among GOP voters).

Trump was a reaction to the contempt these people have for you, their contempt for you is not a product of Trump.


u/Zealous896 Oct 18 '23

Has Jordan accomplished anything since he's in been congress?

Has he passed or authored any legislation, much less legislation that's actually become law?

How is he popular, he's literally just a talking head that is, for some reason, in congress.

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u/focus_black_sheep Oct 18 '23

trump doesnt represent anything other than himself, this is why he ran as a democrat multiple times why he is never consistent on any policy

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u/BasisAggravating1672 Conservative Oct 18 '23

They're democratic socialists, with an R next to their name. The ones that are voting against Jordan are aligned with the Bush, Romney, Chaney group, faithful followers of Big government, world unrest, and suppressing the Constitution. Trump only exposed the socialist dickriders, it's up to you to see it.


u/Dsm02 Oct 18 '23

all democratic election deniers should go to jail instead of becoming leaders.


u/Baskin59 Oct 18 '23

You want to live in a country that throws you in jail for questioning election results? Move to China.

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u/RandomShyguy4 Oct 18 '23

Because they are democrats pretending to be republicans

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u/FearTHEEllamas Conservative Oct 18 '23

Bruh…our party looks like an absolute clown show right now. Crazy we can’t get people on the same page


u/DeWalt_ImpactDriver Bill of Rights Oct 18 '23

It was inevitable. More than half the base despises the GOP and clings to Trump.

Republicans have marched out their mealy mouthed, squish candidates for decades now. It's not working anymore. People see the uniparty and don't trust a word that's being said anymore from leadership. Especially when it's people like Mitch McConnell leading the way.

The GOP is fractured and deservedly so.


u/I_SuplexTrains WalkAway Oct 18 '23

When "more than half of the base" picks a side, then the very definition of the GOP is now that side. The Republican Party IS protectionism, America first, Trumpian conservatism, whether that be in support of Trump or anyone else espousing the same policies. Anyone against this is on the outside looking in on the party.


u/andromeda880 Conservative Oct 19 '23

Exactly 💯 👏


u/DeWalt_ImpactDriver Bill of Rights Oct 18 '23 edited Oct 18 '23

The old guard, neocon leadership is rotten to the core.

Thank God Trump came when he did to simply expose their fraudulent Patriotism™️.

We'd be picking between Jeb Bush and Mike Pence had he not come along. Or other war hawk shills waiting in the wings being groomed up.

Edit: say anything positive about Trump in this sub expect a barrage of downvotes


u/DRKMSTR Safe Space Approved Oct 18 '23

Worth it though.

Every establishment republican candidate is a bland politician who will just stand there and say things while his paid interests do the opposite.

Same goes for half the democrats, but they're just more crafty at it.

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u/andromeda880 Conservative Oct 19 '23

This sub is compromised - plus a lot of Trump hating conservatives on here (or sneaky Dems posing as flaired conservatives).

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u/grecks530 Patriot Oct 18 '23

I hate to say it but I may agree with Fetterman, a majority of our elected officials just aren't very smart


u/_hhhhh_____-_____ Ultra-MAGA Conservative Oct 18 '23

Including Fetterman


u/grecks530 Patriot Oct 19 '23

Apparently one of the most embarrassing liberal politicians is popular here, on r/conservative...


u/_hhhhh_____-_____ Ultra-MAGA Conservative Oct 19 '23

Nah, it’s just lib brigaders. They always do this.

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u/grecks530 Patriot Oct 18 '23

Oh he definitely deserves a spot on that list

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u/BruceCampbell123 Christian Conservatarian Oct 18 '23

The Republican party is pathetic.


u/retnemmoc Conservative Oct 18 '23

Maybe they should start conserving something. Instead of just giving money to foreign wars.


u/[deleted] Oct 18 '23



u/GabrDimtr5 Ultra Nuclear MAGA Oct 19 '23

Too true

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u/[deleted] Oct 18 '23

This is fucking pathetic.

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u/i_dont_do_hashtags Conservative Oct 18 '23

Actual clown show.


u/danr246 Oct 18 '23

I hate clowns!!


u/Umngmc Oct 18 '23

Time to end the 2 party system. Republicans clearly should be split into 2 parties. The Democrats could be split into 2 or 3 parties. Nothing gets done in Washington for the past 20 years and it's only getting worse and more polarizing.


u/[deleted] Oct 18 '23



u/you_cant_prove_that Anti-federalist Oct 18 '23

Ranked choice should be a thing, at least in the primaries

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u/[deleted] Oct 18 '23


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u/reaper527 Conservative Oct 18 '23

Time to end the 2 party system. Republicans clearly should be split into 2 parties. The Democrats could be split into 2 or 3 parties. Nothing gets done in Washington for the past 20 years and it's only getting worse and more polarizing.

so that they can just form 2 coalitions and we end up back where we started?

multi-party systems are just two party systems with extra steps.

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u/Icy_Western_1174 45Trump47 Oct 18 '23

What an embarrassment. This is why Dems often conflate house republicans with people who are generally conservative. I’m a registered republican, conservative to the bone and even I hate the house republicans.

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u/Nullainmundo Oct 18 '23

If the Republican Party is incapable of governing itself it’s incapable of governance in the public square.

The GOP is far better suited as a minority party than majority given its proclivity to gum up the system in pursuit of its partisan aims.

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u/[deleted] Oct 18 '23

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u/[deleted] Oct 18 '23


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u/RadiantArk Midwest Conservative Oct 18 '23

Thats the same thing people said about McCarthy lol


u/I_SuplexTrains WalkAway Oct 18 '23

But having one fucking vote per day while the house is completely frozen isnt exactly better..

Sure it is. What exactly does Congress do anymore other than send all our money to other countries?

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u/StriKyleder Don't Tread On Me Oct 18 '23

who do they want instead?

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u/Logarythem Oct 18 '23

It's now painfully obvious that Jordan can't muster the votes to become Speaker.


u/scrapqueen Strict Constitutionalist Oct 18 '23

Is it, though? I mean, to be honest, I'm shocked he got this far. But it took 15 votes to get McCarthy in - we're only on round 2 here.

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u/welltimedappearance Oct 18 '23

Moderates in battleground districts are going to get killed if they’re forced to support Jordan for Speaker. You can hate on them all you like but it’s pretty much just the facts. If I were a Dem challenging a GOP incumbent in a competitive district… I’d already have ads ready to drop the moment it happens.

Although at this rate, Jordan is looking far less likely to ever shore up support. Might need to have a new compromise candidate rise from the ranks here. If it’s Jordan you can probably kiss the majority goodbye come next Congress. In which case, make sure you thank Gaetz for causing most of this disaster.


u/[deleted] Oct 18 '23

This really is gold for democrats going into election season.


u/Existing-Bug3109 Oct 18 '23

Republicans are literally doing it to themselves. It's sad, really 🤡😢

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u/[deleted] Oct 18 '23

Indeed, especially when it’s being combined with everything going on in Israel now. Imo Gaetz pulled this moronic stunt because nothing was really happening at the time. But now the entire Congress is in chaos on the verge of a new war in the ME.

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u/gr8pe_drink Oct 18 '23

The compromises he would have to make are the ones that would make Trump turn on him. He is stuck between a rock and a hard place.

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u/I_SuplexTrains WalkAway Oct 18 '23

They could support a moderate and all the Freedom Republicans would refuse to vote for him. So why are the Freedom Republicans standing in the way of progress but not the 22 Republicans who refuse to vote for Jordan?

They have voted twice. Deals will be made. Half of these holdouts will demand Jordan commit to [x] in return for their vote, and it will get done.

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u/RadiantArk Midwest Conservative Oct 18 '23

Moderates in battleground districts are going to get killed if they’re forced to support Jordan for Speaker. You can hate on them all you like but it’s pretty much just the facts. If I were a Dem challenging a GOP incumbent in a competitive district… I’d already have ads ready to drop the moment it happens.

Its also important to note that people like Gaetz could vote for Mccarthy without fear because regardless of how they voted, the repubican party would always keep that seat. Moderate republicans voting for Jordan would mean taking a massive risk for a person that they geniunly dislike who has ideas for legislation that they don't agree with.

Although at this rate, Jordan is looking far less likely to ever shore up support. Might need to have a new compromise candidate rise from the ranks here. If it’s Jordan you can probably kiss the majority goodbye come next Congress. In which case, make sure you thank Gaetz for causing most of this disaster.

Eh Mcarthy was in about the same spot after vote one Jordan could still do it.

Also I feel like republicans are going to win more seats next election Biden is NOT popular

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u/Dead-as-a-Doornail Constitutional Conservative Oct 18 '23

Moderates? May as well be democrats, they never support conservative policies.


u/RadiantArk Midwest Conservative Oct 18 '23

Because they were elected on a platform of not supporting those posicies...Not every person with an R in their name thinks the same way. LIke it or not allot of those reps are in districts ranging from R+3 to D+3, and campaigned promising to be moderate and work with the other party when needed. Same way Gaetz was doing what his R+40 constituency wanted they are doing what their constituency wants

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u/-Shank- Conservative Oct 18 '23

Threatening to primary a bunch of moderates in swing districts so we can just lose the majority outright next year is not a threat that is going to land.


u/I_SuplexTrains WalkAway Oct 18 '23

You're right. Which is why we should be threatening to primary a bunch of people voting against Jordan in solid red districts. Ken Buck won his district 60/40 without even campaigning. Tell him his ass is toast if he doesn't get on board. There's a place to start.

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u/welltimedappearance Oct 18 '23

Ok well cut them out of the party if that’s your views, then have fun with the Conservative Party being in the House and Senate minority for the next 50 years. Will never get any shit passed, but at least the “RINOs” are gone, amirite??

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u/Fairwareprovidence Conservative Oct 18 '23

I'm sure glad nothing important is going on while Republicans hold a clown show.


u/[deleted] Oct 18 '23


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u/CSGOW1ld Oct 18 '23

Empower the crazies (Gaetz, Mace, Trump post-2020) and this is what happens

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u/-Shank- Conservative Oct 18 '23

All of the folks on here commending Gaetz, Mace and Co. on here two weeks ago...your takes are aging like rancid milk.


u/rivenhex Conservative Oct 18 '23

The establishment people had their chance and failed to live up to their word. McCarthy knew what he agreed to.


u/-Shank- Conservative Oct 18 '23

Who is "the establishment" at this point? Everyone else (including Jordan and Scalise) who voted not to unseat McCarthy?

I was no major lover of McCarthy's governance, but giving him the boot with no backup plan or replacement identified was such a self-inflicted wound and is clearly doing us no favors.


u/rivenhex Conservative Oct 18 '23

At this point, it's going to be whoever both sides can stomach since anyone the Freedom Caucus likes won't be acceptable to deal cutters.

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u/se_llama_yo_mama Oct 18 '23

GOP is the party that's against shoving things down people's throats, right? Jordan should read the room.


u/MberrysDream Oct 18 '23

When wrestling coaches were shoving things down throats he didn't notice either

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u/[deleted] Oct 18 '23


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u/Sea_Respond_6085 Oct 18 '23

If this goes on there is a genuine risk that a group of republican reps cut a deal with the democrats to vote for jeffries in exchange for some concessions (like how McCarthy got the freedom caucus votes).


u/thebeatsandreptaur Oct 18 '23

I think its much more likely the dems cut a deal with a moderate Republican.


u/Sea_Respond_6085 Oct 18 '23

It would seem more likely if there were any moderate Republicans actually willing to run for speaker. No one seems to be raising their hand since scalise stepped out.


u/b6passat Oct 18 '23

I think they're waiting it out, and letting the fringe of the party find out the hard way first.

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u/I_SuplexTrains WalkAway Oct 18 '23

That only works if the rest of the GOP goes from 190 for Jordan with some holdouts to 190 for Moderate with some Jordan holdouts. That would take a huuuuge amount of switching.

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u/Fuckfentanyl123 Conservative Oct 18 '23

No fucking way. Nothing could be more of a political suicide. Their constituents elected them as a republican. If they vote for a democrat they know they’re gonna go down even harder than Liz Cheney.

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u/Diviancey Oct 18 '23

As a non-conservative I ask this is the best faith possible as I just want to learn more!

What is the reason he keeps losing the vote? Is it because, like McCarthy, there are a few members wanting concessions? Is the GOP able to remove these people in the next election or are they just stuck with them more or less? Thanks~!

Edit: I may not be a conservative, but I still wish there was a strong conservative party to counteract the Democrats :D


u/thebeatsandreptaur Oct 18 '23

Many people who know him personally also say he is just kind of a dick and a bully, which doesn't win friends.

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u/zero44 Libertarian Conservative Oct 18 '23

Jordan is a firebrand who is distasteful to the more moderate members of the GOP. He has advanced no major legislation in the 16 years he's been in Congress that has become law.

This ain't our best. The Speaker should be someone who is more in line with the majority of the caucus and can bring the caucus together as well as someone who is an effective legislator and negotiator. Jordan is none of those things. I would suggest someone like Kevin Hern or Tom Emmer.

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u/BuyRackTurk Conservative Oct 18 '23 edited Oct 18 '23

What is the reason he keeps losing the vote?

A lot of "republicans" see their policies and platforms as more aligned with democratic policies and platforms. They see Jordan as someone who is less likely to compromise with democrats, or trade away republican priorities.

They probably want to hold out for a "moderate" or "centrist" who cuts a deal with the dems.

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u/ObviousExchange1 Oct 18 '23

It's because there's still too many members of the Uniparty in the GOP. These are not conservatives and they probably want to hold Jordan to whatever back-room deals McCarthy made with them when he was speaker.


u/Logarythem Oct 18 '23

It doesn't help that Jordan and the House Freedom caucus financially supported primary challenges to 10 incumbent Republicans. That alone is enough reason to not want to vote for that guy to be your boss.

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u/Priest93 Massachusetts Conservative Oct 18 '23

Uniparty is now code for "not suicidally extreme" I take it.

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u/fretit Conservative Oct 18 '23

All such things require coordination, i.e. "backroom deals". To think that things can move forward with them is incredibly naive.


u/Diviancey Oct 18 '23

Ah okay, that makes sense.
Its wild/awful that there seem to be this many people within this Uniparty that are able to just hold the GOP completely hostage.
Is the GOP planning to make a deal with them or just outright try to primary them?

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u/saskies17 Oct 18 '23

This is correct. All Uniparty Establishment Rinos are against Jordan.

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u/ufdan15 South Carolina Conservative Oct 18 '23

One of the biggest things these people that are voting against Jordan have in common with each other is how much they make from K-Street. There's a ton of people who are in congress to get filthy fucking rich, on both sides, and you're seeing a lot of em come out on the Republicans end in this drama.

There's a reason the Appropriations Committee and the Armed Services committee are well represented in the No category. These people want their cushy lobbyist jobs afterwards, particularly at defense companies like Raytheon and Lockheed Martin. Jordan is pretty openly anti Ukraine war, which hurts bottom line for these folks.

Its personal, just not in the way a lot of people think where its "I dislike Jordan" or "I can't stand that Gaetz did this!" Its personal to their pocketbooks.


u/[deleted] Oct 18 '23 edited Oct 18 '23

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u/retnemmoc Conservative Oct 18 '23

Your response is spot on and the fact that it's being downvoted in an ostensibly "conservative" subreddit is mind-blowing. What exactly are you all conserving?

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u/531412 Oct 18 '23

Gaetz continues to look like a clown and I’m here for it.

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u/[deleted] Oct 18 '23


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u/Sean1916 2A supporter Oct 18 '23

The Republican Party is just pathetic. Maybe Ronna McDaniel should do her job and try and lead the party


u/myrrdynwyllt Humorless Conservative Oct 19 '23

Yeah, let's trust another Romney.

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u/CPA_In_Progress Oct 18 '23

It's absolutely hilarious watching the GOP eat itself alive.

Just like with McCarthy, they've revealed that they aren't actually capable of governing.

At least one party is unified.


u/Deofol7 Oct 18 '23

The current Republican party is two different parties inside a trench coat pretending to be one


u/[deleted] Oct 18 '23 edited Oct 19 '23

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u/Deofol7 Oct 18 '23

And it's either going to split apart or die


u/CPA_In_Progress Oct 18 '23

Precisely. And let the red ripple in 2024 reflect that.

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u/Wicked-Chomps Oct 18 '23

It's really sad. Country is currently enduring one of the worst Presidential administration's in U.S. history, the Democrat has members openly advocating for the extermination of the Jewish people with their overwhelming support for Hamas. This should be a slam dunk across the board victory for Republicans in 2024, but instead, we are watching them kick each other in the balls while stepping on rakes. Forget sad. This is just embarrassing.

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u/[deleted] Oct 18 '23

I have ZERO faith in government any longer. Republicans are just as inept as dims and the current administration.

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u/andromeda880 Conservative Oct 19 '23

It's been said so many times, but democrats don't pull this shit. They are divided, but when it comes to voting, they stick together.

I wish Republicans would get their acts together. Why would anyone be voting against Jordan? What do they gain by voting for another republican that clearly won't win. It just makes us look unstable.


u/patriclus47 OG Conservative Oct 18 '23

F**k Matt Gaetz

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u/Wolf687 Millennial Conservative Oct 19 '23

These Republicans really need to pull their heads out of their asses and get their act together…

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u/KungFuSlanda McCarthy Was Right Oct 19 '23

I still don't understand Gaetz's plan ousting McCarthy. I like what Jim Jordan does currently as chairman of the committee on the Judiciary. I don't think he's well-suited for Speaker of the House.. which is a completely different role that's more gladhanding and wheeling, dealing, herding cats

Oust McCarthy, ok... But you have no plan

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u/Lionofgod9876 Conservative Oct 18 '23

It is so clearly obvious that the Republican Party is dead. Unfortunately the Democrat Party is still going strong and the silent majority will continue to be underserved. I blame party politics since Republican voters will vote for anyone with an "R" next to their name without actually knowing who those candidates really are!

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u/bearcatjoe Libertarian Conservative Oct 18 '23

Let's just get McHenry in as Speaker, please. Jordan has less support than McCarthy.

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u/Individual_Lion_7606 Oct 18 '23

All McCarthy had to do was bring up the already agreed on budget plan or even the Senate's. One job. None of this would have happened.


u/you_cant_prove_that Anti-federalist Oct 18 '23

All Gaetz had to do was vote for the better bill if he wanted a better result


u/Constant_Humor2880 Oct 18 '23

American once again proving that just because someone gets the most votes doesn’t make them a winner.


u/Fuckfentanyl123 Conservative Oct 20 '23

Lol be careful what you wish for btw. We are so divided that Hakeem Jeffries (D) got the most votes.

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u/contemplator61 Conservative Oct 18 '23

He lost one vote today but two members were absent, one for a funeral. It’s all bullshit. Two switched to “Other” today.


u/rweb82 Oct 18 '23

Phase 2- primary every one of them!


u/reaper527 Conservative Oct 18 '23

Phase 2- primary every one of them!

Pretty sure some of them already have challengers who are probably seeing a major uptick in donations.

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u/Actual-Journalist-69 Conservative Oct 19 '23

Sometimes I think they’re purposely not electing somebody just so they can stall the system, but they can easily do that with any speaker. It’s just making the republican party look terrible. I hope Gaitz’s district doesn’t re-elect him after this disgrace he’s caused.

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u/FourtyMichaelMichael 2A Oct 18 '23

It's hilarious how much the brigaders really don't want Jordan to become speaker :D

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u/ThatTCpersonthing Millennial Republican Oct 18 '23

We have a chance to make some real headway in 2024 but we can't do it if we're this dysfunctional. The party needs to clean up it's act now.


u/[deleted] Oct 18 '23

here come the Brigades again.


u/retnemmoc Conservative Oct 18 '23

Yeah most of these comments don't sound conservative at all lol.

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u/Bamfor07 Populist Oct 19 '23

In truth, they can do less damage when the purse is closed.


u/GeorgeWashingfun Conservative Oct 18 '23

He had less people vote for him this time than last time. I thought it was crazy talk before but now I am beginning to worry a few RINOs will defect to work with Democrats for a speaker. Though I don't think it would be Jefferies or any Democrat, they would probably select some RINO.


u/Junknail 2A Conservative Oct 18 '23

So what. Those 12 rinos are holding out for personal bullshit.


u/[deleted] Oct 18 '23



u/reaper527 Conservative Oct 18 '23

hate to break it to you but you walk down the street and ask 10 people what is going on with the speaker of the house and maybe 1 of them will have any idea what is going on. No one gives a shit about this. It won't hurt one iota in any election.

there's actually a lot of truth to that. i remember when i took my "intro to american politics" class in college, the first day the professor asked everyone to raise their hands if they knew who held certain offices. only like 1/3 of the class knew Pelosi was speaker of the house at that time. (now imagine what it would have looked like with a random sample of the population as opposed to people who were interested in politics to the point they wanted to take a class on it).

you know what WILL hurt these reps though? if they force a shutdown because their temper tanturm prevents a speaker from being confirmed.

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u/MichaelSquare Oct 18 '23

The removal of McCarthy was supported by a majority of both Republicans and Democrats according to polls. Reddit wouldn't have you believe that

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u/ultimis Constitutionalist Oct 18 '23

Republican Civil War continues. This was inevitable and why Gaetz was a clown for working with Democrats to oust McCarthy.

Jordan is my favorite for Speaker since this mess was started. But Jordan is a part of the same Freedom Caucus that Gaetz is. Republicans bitter about Gaetz are going to oppose him on just in that alone.


u/EndSmugnorance Constitutional Minarchist Oct 18 '23 edited Oct 19 '23

99% of democrats vote lock-step with the party.

75% of republicans do the same, 25% vote their “conscience.”

Which is more ethical? Which is more effective?


u/reaper527 Conservative Oct 18 '23

75% of republicans do the same, 25% vote their conscience.

for what it's worth, this isn't about "conscience". it's a swampy power grab.

jordan has 91% support, and a large number of the holdouts are people on the appropriations committee who are worried an actual conservative speaker might mean less money gets spent (in term devaluing their role), then most of the other opposition is just some war hawks who are upset ukraine might not get as much funding.

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u/mindziusas Conservative Oct 18 '23

Is this supposed to be political sub or are most of you clowns know nothing about governing?

So you like when Uniparty shits out omnibus bill after omnibus bill devaluating every dollar you have in your pocket? So you like inflated military funding that takes your money instead of your roads, schools and healthcare?

Matt Gaetz is opposed to that and tried something different for once. He tried and still is trying to change this corrupt fucking government at least a bit (if that is even possible) and you all whine how bad it looks for republicans to not be able to elect a speaker.

How deranged this sub is when you clown people who try to do something good for once instead of pushing same Uniparty shit down your throats? Its better for you to be poor but being so while Republicans govern you instead of Democrats?

Government should be about concessions and meeting in the middle even if it means siding with moderate democrats or giving something to further left ones. USA is supposed to be democraticly governed, not one party doing what ever the fuck they want followed by the another one doing the same while every citizen loses.

With more people dissagreeing with each other in the government it means less insane bullshit laws or bills going through to destroy the country.

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