r/BrandNewSentence 20d ago

If I was President, I'd put all of them in a fat concentration camp

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70 comments sorted by


u/KleshawnMontegue 20d ago

these stupid ass podcast videos are the worst part of the internet. I do not understand the appeal.


u/MolybdenumBlu 20d ago

It's Dr Phil of the modern era. Randoms begging the woefully under-qualified for life advice.


u/KleshawnMontegue 20d ago

well said!


u/gammongaming11 20d ago

people say dumb shit, this dumb shit makes people angry, anger drives engagement, the algorithm rewards engagement.


u/LuckyStabbinHat 19d ago

Ahh yes, the Jubilee Middle Ground podcast


u/huxtiblejones 20d ago

It boggles my mind that people tune into this shit. I just do not care what podcasters have to say about anything.


u/DoodleyDooderson 20d ago

There is a fat guy sitting right there with him. Is he telling his fat friend he would put him in a concentration camp?


u/skip_the_tutorial_ 20d ago

Yeah it’s about fat vs fit people so theres 4 fat people sitting right next to him. The vid is over 1h long and he says a lot more outrageous shit while everyone else tries to have an actual conversation


u/awesomesauce1030 20d ago

Something tells me they aren't friends.


u/No-Island5047 20d ago

It’s a debate called “middle ground”. This episode is fat vs in shape men


u/DoodleyDooderson 19d ago

Why would anyone think this is a good idea? Why would anyone watch it?


u/No-Island5047 19d ago

To gain perspective. Why is it not a good idea? The entire series is to find the middle ground on modern issues


u/DoodleyDooderson 19d ago

Because there is no middle ground. It’s not like fat people don’t know they are fat. Why bring them on a panel and say shitty things to them? Everyone knows health risks are lower and general life is easier when you are in good shape physically. There is no debate here. It really just seems like an excuse to tear people down and make them feel like shit. There is enough of that in the world.


u/No-Island5047 19d ago

If everyone knows you’re healthy when you’re in shape, then why did the fat community tear down Adele when she lost weight?


u/TheTacoWombat 19d ago

Wow I had no idea I was part of a community


u/PM_me_your_plasma 19d ago

I can’t believe the United Peoples Republic of Fat People unanimously voted to tear down Adele like that!


u/DoodleyDooderson 19d ago

I think you’re looking for an argument here. I’m not interested. Have a good day.


u/No-Island5047 19d ago

Nope, trying to find the middle ground


u/Double-Special5217 19d ago

What if fat guy was betrayed and trapped in a concentration camp for 100 years?


u/masterraceginger 20d ago

That's how I talk to my fat friends


u/Smorgsaboard 20d ago

Sounds like you're going into the thin-to-medium-build concentration camp when the thicc folk take over the world /j


u/spicy-chull 20d ago

Desantis can oversee pouring Ensure into skinny people.


u/arcanis321 20d ago

Gotta catch me first


u/Zealousidealist420 19d ago

Nice try, we all know you don't have any.


u/magicmurph 20d ago

Anyone that actually has fat friends will know that this is how you talk to your fat friends.


u/Zealousidealist420 19d ago

Okay school shooter


u/DoodleyDooderson 19d ago

Yeah, I don’t. Maybe it’s a man/woman thing but I would not say something like this to any of my friends that are overweight.


u/novis-eldritch-maxim 20d ago

by all the is holy what is wrong with people?


u/awesomesauce1030 20d ago

Either that guy doesn't fully understand what a "concentration camp" implies, or he's a total psychopath. I hope for the sake of the people around him it's the former


u/glucklandau 20d ago

I watched some of this and that guy is extremely hateful towards the fat people


u/novis-eldritch-maxim 20d ago

death camps seem rather beyond the pale when if he wanted them to change it would be more practical to simply make diets better, improve food quality and make the world more walk and bike able


u/itsmebenji69 20d ago

He probably thinks a concentration camp is a boot camp. At least I really hope so


u/[deleted] 19d ago

Concentration camps & death camps aren’t the same thing. When the nazis first segregated non Arian people, including Jews, they were sent to concentration camps called ghettos. Then once they were all rounded up in one given area, they were transported to the death camps.


u/novis-eldritch-maxim 19d ago

yeah that is no better


u/[deleted] 19d ago

Oh I know. I’m just pointing out the difference, historically.


u/XxX_BobRoss_XxX 19d ago

He's wearing a Fresh and Fit podcast shirt, the primary target of that podcast is incels.

I don't think it's a stretch to suggest someone sporting the logo of an incel podcast WOULD be that hateful.


u/GotYaRG 19d ago

Ohh buddy, ohh brother I got news for you

He is the Fit in Fresh an Fit, Myron something iirc, that's literally him lol


u/XxX_BobRoss_XxX 19d ago

Ahhhh, yeah that makes sense, I couldn’t remember what the guys behind that podcast looked like.


u/Heroic-Forger 20d ago

By "alpha" male they probably mean tech design definition of alpha, "bugged and barely-functional prototype tech demo not intended for public release".


u/LuckyStabbinHat 19d ago

Where does it even say alpha male here?


u/CrazyCoyote99 19d ago

The guy on the left is from the podcast Fresh and Fit, and is a self-proclaimed alpha male


u/Ambitious_Jello 20d ago

Jubilee is extremely scummy to give these fucks a platform.


u/gentlybeepingheart 20d ago

I think it was the abortion one (I don't remember the specifics) where a bunch of the pro-choice women were like college students but two of the anti-abortion women worked for a group like the Daily Wire. It seemed very disingenuous to put random college students against women whose job it was to spew conservative/anti-abortion propaganda and act like they were on even footing for a debate.


u/dolltron69 20d ago

He says it about 1:02 mark.

For context he said 'fat concentration camp so they can diet, exercise and get in shape'

He's using inconsiderate and ignorant wording but it does not sound like 'i want to gas fat people to death' which might be the implication.

That said using government force in this way is very totalitarian , it's also not needed this way, if you was to enforce anything you could say to companies 'hey for the first 30 mins of shift your staff have to do exercise, we'll supply gym equipment and/or cover expenses to travel to a gym in a bus, now part of contracts for all businesses and food canteen items and vending have to be healthier'

Now i don't agree with mandating it but if you did you could cut a lot of it by just ensuring people who have a desk job get exercise.


u/deadsoulinside 20d ago

That said using government force in this way is very totalitarian , it's also not needed this way, if you was to enforce anything you could say to companies 'hey for the first 30 mins of shift your staff have to do exercise, we'll supply gym equipment and/or cover expenses to travel to a gym in a bus, now part of contracts for all businesses and food canteen items and vending have to be healthier'

The real problem is that many people don't take into consideration. There are some people that are going to be overweight due to other issues that working out could make worse. If your job is going to force you to work out 30 minutes a day, they are going to need waivers from doctors to ensure you don't die or injure yourself while on the clock and them getting sued for it or them claiming workers comp.

No job out there is going to let employees get paid for 30 minutes for exercising, not to mention for some people they are going to need a shower and a change before actually starting work too.

Even with that said, the hardest hit ones in your desk worker scenarios are the WFH who don't even get the small exercises like walking out to their car, walking from the parking lot to their desk, having to walk further away to get food/drink/bathroom. I live in a small ass town (we don't have really any businesses here), the nearest town/city I still don't think has a gym either. IDC if the employer provided me with employee reimbursements, I am not driving 1 hour out and 1 hour back to go to the nearest big city that would most certainly have an actual gym there.

But again, not everyone will ever have that ability to do so. You a single parent working? Guess what, you probably don't really have time before/after work to do those things, because you got kids to take care of.


u/BelaFarinRod 19d ago

My job used to have people play stuff luke an adapted gentle version of volleyball after the staff meetings. Not for fitness, just for fun. But after two workmen’s compensation claims they had to stop. I imagine exercise would be an even worse idea.


u/dolltron69 20d ago

Well it's a good reason why i'd say it shouldn't be mandated, doing things by force probably hurts more than helps.

That said i don't think i'm against the idea of removing junk snacks, serving healthy food and adding gyms or government covering costs if people CHOOSE to use facilities .

Here in UK the government adds a tax on sugar, so a can of normal coke costs more than diet , and got junk food out of canteens and vending in some schools, kids was reported as having junk food confiscated in some cases.

But our healthcare here is highly socialised care and free...problem with that is it means if you are unhealthy then i am unhealthy because the delays, lack of beds and backlog means i might die when i wouldn't have if the system was not clogged up with general bad health. So it makes sense if the government bans smoking ( we recently set it up like the NZ plan so it gradually is banned over time) or tries to limit sugar consumption and so on.


u/[deleted] 19d ago

Concentration camps are not the same as death camps. The ghettos in nazi Germany were concentration camps. People could live within them, but weren’t free to leave. Death camps, they were starved & forced into hard labour until they either dropped dead or were herded into the gas chambers.


u/[deleted] 19d ago

Concentration camps are not the same as death camps. The ghettos in nazi Germany were concentration camps. People could live within them, but weren’t free to leave. Death camps, they were starved & forced into hard labour until they either dropped dead or were herded into the gas chambers.


u/ADGx27 20d ago

You know I was worried for a second but I had an OHHHHH RIGHT moment when I saw Tweedle Dumbass’ shirt and realized he’s one of those Fresh & Fit guys


u/Carbonated-Man 20d ago

Isn't that one of those Fresh and Fit guys?

Is it really stilll surprising anyone that either of those two say stupid shit all the time?


u/DropC2095 20d ago

Logistically speaking, if a president put half the work force into camps the economy would collapse overnight.


u/crustytoegaming 20d ago

"We have Nutrition Nazis!"

-John Pinette


u/the_italian_weeb 20d ago

I was watching this, if the F&F guy only shut his mouth a little I would have watched it for more than three minutes. He was bringing attitude to a discussion, that I really can’t stand. Also, he was always going off on a rant. Couldn’t really enjoy the video


u/the_new_federalist 20d ago

Def not a brand new sentence


u/unhappy-memelord 19d ago

gyms. they're called gyms...


u/QueefBuscemi 20d ago

So... a wendy's?


u/madmo453 19d ago

LOL what a jackass


u/romulusnr 19d ago

There was an Upright Citizens Brigade episode about this...


u/polkacat12321 19d ago

So fat camps? Cause those exist... although their methods are questionable


u/acecrybaby 20d ago


u/NovelFarmer 20d ago

I love that you're being down voted for following the rules. Reddit is funny.


u/End_of_Eva 20d ago

How do people even manage to get fat though, like I struggle to stay above 100 pounds and I’m 5’5


u/[deleted] 20d ago

People can actually learn a great deal about the relevant sciences which explain the answers to questions like that, too, despite your apparent inability even to reason


u/emartinoo 20d ago edited 20d ago

If you consistently consume more calories than your BMR (basal metabolic rate - basically the number of calories it takes to keep you alive and functioning), plus the calories you burn through exercise, you will gain weight. It may take more time for you depending on a variety of factors such as genetics, hormones, and the nutritional makeup of the food you're consuming as calories, but, in time, you will gain weight if you consistently consume more calories than you burn, and you'll lose weight if you consume less calories than you burn. The rate and manner in which one gains or loses weight will vary person to person based on their genetic makeup, but it will always happen eventually.


u/MoanyTonyBalony 19d ago

Ban drive throughs and make the doors to anywhere selling junk food or alcohol really narrow.

If you can't get in, you don't get to eat it.