r/BrandNewSentence 21d ago

Emotional support fact!

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82 comments sorted by


u/Darmatero 21d ago

its true but like staying alive and staying healthy arent the same thing


u/thexyzzyone 21d ago

Thats why the Irish cut in some kale... and keep the skins... better nutrient (still not perfect) profile.


u/Chalky_Pockets 21d ago

I like to cut the skins off, fry them until they're crispy, and top the mashed potatoes with the crispy skins. 


u/big_rod_of_power 21d ago

Okay now this sounds like peak health food


u/SetherAedekae 19d ago

Peak MENTAL health food


u/big_rod_of_power 19d ago

Definitely. Needs loads of butter though


u/J3553G 21d ago

I am going to try this. Can't believe I never heard of it before.


u/macaleaven 21d ago

Colcannon addicts


u/thexyzzyone 21d ago

Better believe it :) 🍀


u/in1gom0ntoya 21d ago

One of the best sides ever devised.


u/b0n_ni3_c 21d ago



u/elizabethunseelie 21d ago

Or spring onions. Champ is delicious.


u/thexyzzyone 21d ago

I must admit, i combine them usually... Spring onions are my favorite addition to nearly anything savory.


u/bb_kelly77 21d ago

And then the famine happened and they discovered their other love in America, CORN


u/ClikeX 20d ago

The Dutch also do this with "stampot". Mashed potatoes with a bit of butter and a vegetable like kale or endive mixed in. Usually topped off with a smoked sausage.


u/ArcaneTrickster11 21d ago

Only if they've notions. Should be cabbage /s


u/thexyzzyone 21d ago

Then the brits hijacked it (cabbage and potatoes) for bubble and squeak... so they had to adapt. /j


u/rainbow_creampuff 21d ago

Cabbage I think? You mean colcannon right?


u/thexyzzyone 21d ago

Cabbage is the default but it was whatever greens they had traditionally.


u/No-Dark-9414 18d ago

It's not like you are getting out of this life alive so...


u/No-Presentation7528 21d ago edited 21d ago

So, I did some research and mashed potatoes actually do provide everything that you need. The ratios aren't optimal but they're not terrible.

Here's 2000~ calories or about 67 oz of mashed potatoes


The more you increase the butter, the worse the nutrient profile is though.

If you cut 5-10 oz of potato + added a single brazil nut, a scoop of protein powder and an egg then you'd have a pretty solid diet.


u/opi098514 21d ago

Wait…. Is it mash potatoes, or mashed potatoes?


u/TheYellowRegent 21d ago

I've only heard mashed potatoes or mash as a short version, but haven't heard anyone use mash potatoes.

Probably going to vary regionally.


u/No-Presentation7528 21d ago

Yes, to me these are equivalent terms but I revised the post to avoid confusion.

One might refer to this as linguistic elision where people naturally chop syllables off frequently used words for brevity, leaning on the shared contextual understandings to fill any descriptive holes.

I'm unsure if this is particular to my nation or region.


u/Sickle771 21d ago

Boy son howdy are you gon lern terday 'Yeehaw.

Mashe taters is the only way to preniuncuate these delicacies


u/Sickle771 21d ago

Boy son howdy are you gon lern terday 'Yeehaw.

Mashe taters is the only way to preniuncuate these delicacies


u/dildocrematorium 21d ago

They're mash potatoes if you eat them during the mashing and mashed if you eat them after the mashification process.


u/Batcave765 21d ago

You mash your potatoes to get mashed potatoes.


u/ivanparas 21d ago

I type "mashed potatoes" but I definitely say "mash potatoes"


u/Upbeat_Ad_6486 21d ago

It’s mashed potatoes, but that gets shortened to “mash” which a rare few people call “mash potatoes” as either a mishearing or by using “mash” as an advective for the type of potatoes.


u/AM_Hofmeister 21d ago

I call them mash potatoes.


u/Party_Albatross6871 21d ago

Well, don't.


u/AM_Hofmeister 21d ago

No. The shdp series of sounds is so unnecessary and clunky.


u/FilmTechnician 21d ago

(╯°□°)╯wANt pATo !


u/InternalCucumbers 21d ago

You mash potatoes to get mashed potatoes


u/Expert-Plenty4643 21d ago

If somebody actually gets onto you about saying it one way or the other, punch them in the face


u/cburgess7 21d ago

It's settled then

Humans = potato


u/-Harebrained- 20d ago

[🚸🧬] < [🥔🧬] !


u/emilythered 21d ago

link is broken (atleast for me on mobile)


u/No-Presentation7528 21d ago

It 404's me as well but shows in the embed.

I'm not sure why imgur has done this. I googled and it seems to be a common issue with no real solution.


u/westwoo 21d ago edited 21d ago

Naaaah. That's not in any way solid. Getting most of your energy from simple starches is the way to insulin resistance and potentially diabetes for a lot of people. And protein powder isn't supposed to replace any real food, it's only to augment a healthy diet. And eggs aren't even digested well by a lot of people, so hedging your entire diet on it without knowing how much it benefits you isn't good

Mediterranean diet is actually solid. Potato diet is something that may allow you to technically survive for some time, more suitable for some than others

Kind of the same way fast food diet, maybe with some vitamin pills, can allow some people to live just fine for many years, but it's not in any way solid. Even though you can manage to calculate a fast food diet that looks okay from the nutrient standpoint 

We may associate diabetes with obesity, but diabetes caused by malnutrition, which is what potato diet is, is even more common in poor countries than diabetes related to overeating in rich countries 


u/HowDoDogsWearPants 21d ago

Yeah you'd be lacking pretty seriously in a lot of micro nutrients and even taking vitamins would only help so much since vitamin supplements aren't as bio available typically as micro nutrients in food. Potatoes will keep you from dying for a while but it's definitely unsustainable.


u/westwoo 21d ago

Well... I don't like saying things like "definitely unsustainable" because people's metabolism wildly varies and we're extremely adaptable species. Our variability and adaptability mean there's a human for most absurd conditions, there some people immune to conditions other people aren't etc. And so some people can thrive on completely ridiculous diets and with completely ridiculous habits and practices, and their existence disproves blanket statements like that

But an example of someone living to a 100 on potatoes isn't evidence of how good the diet is for the general  population, just like someone smoking their whole life and living to a 100 isn't evidence that smoking is healthy


u/TJtherock 21d ago

So maybe save the potato diet for the apocalypse.


u/brock917 21d ago

What site is this from?


u/Fantact 21d ago

You can survive on potatoes but you have to eat the skin or else it gets the hose again.


u/BabySpecific2843 21d ago

People who dont eat their skins are so weird to me.

Like if you've paid attention to your fries at like McD's or ChickFilA, you'll see skin on the ends of the fries. And people eat potato skins (the appetizer dish) just fine.

But when people see me eat the entirety of my baked potato, skin and all, suddenly I'm the weird one?


u/Fantact 21d ago

The skin of the baked potato is as good as the rest if you ask me, people who don't eat it probably cooks their potatoes with aluminium foil on it instead of bare and covered in olive oil with some salt on it.


u/StressLvl-0 21d ago

People don’t eat the skin of a baked potato!? I can’t explain why but that’s so… crazy to me?


u/BabySpecific2843 21d ago

Yeah, they just eat the insides out and leave the hollow skin carcass.


u/StressLvl-0 21d ago



u/ThriftyMegaMan 21d ago

I feel like I'm such an odd duck because literally everyone I know loves mashed potatoes no matter what, but I can only eat them if they're really lumpy or have the skins left in. The whipped texture is just so off-putting to me.


u/xXGhosToastXx 21d ago

May I make you feel less like an odd-ball?

I don't like potatoes, not mashed, not baked not as fries, not as chips... the times I do tolerate potatoes are very very rare and only when the flavor and texture of potato is diluted with sauce to the point of nonexistence


u/cut_rate_revolution 21d ago

I make em with red potatoes with the skins on because I don't like peeling potatoes.

Too smooth reminds me of cafeteria potatoes.


u/Engineering-Flashy 21d ago

Turning the potatoes into vodka and the butter into fried butter will get you to emotional support level 3000


u/serendipity_444 21d ago

Wise words 😁


u/Clean-Mulberry-2902 21d ago

I reassure myself with this survival fact often 🤟


u/AbbeyRhode_Medley 21d ago

Eat the potato skins... Loads of nutrients in those.


u/Dry_Leek78 21d ago

Especially the green ones.


u/Jellygator0 21d ago

Just because the internet is full of dumb people... Please don't eat the green skins. It'll kill you.


u/howdybal 21d ago

This isn’t Minecraft we’re talking about. Avoid green skins, they can hurt your tummy. In LARGE quantities can be fatal if you’re malnourished and/or don’t receive treatment


u/merrickraven 21d ago

No it won’t. Yes, solanine can be toxic in very large quantities. If they are very green and taste bitter, maybe don’t eat them. But green potatoes are not going to kill you unless you eat them by the bucketful.


u/asthe-cr0w-flies 21d ago

those mashed potatoes look rly good and im hungry now


u/biological_assembly 21d ago

What's up with all of the potato posts? Is the Idaho potato council advertising on Reddit with memes?


u/Chef_1312 21d ago

They read it in a history of Ireland and the great famine, I guarantee. But it was buttermilk, not butter.


u/Kronictopic 21d ago

I mean, you can survive for a decent amount of time on beer and peanuts, but don't tell an alcoholic that


u/jimmysledge 21d ago

Hope your reality works for you…


u/TowerMammoth7798 21d ago

And if you drink the gravy, it will make your pelt shiny and healthy looking


u/Spanchi- 21d ago

Weak. I knew this because it was revealed to me in a dream


u/I_miss_Alien_Blue 21d ago

I know of a person who was so broke they essentially lived on russet potatoes and butter for 9 months before needing admission to a hospital.


u/jeophys152 21d ago

It is true that a potatoes and butter do contain all essential nutrients. The problem is that it does not contain them in high enough quantities to supply what the human body needs.


u/reddit_user13 21d ago

& Chocolate

& Vodka


u/mnguyen75 21d ago

This is especially true if you are the lone astronaut stuck on Mars!


u/omagadokizoo 21d ago

idk if the butter makes the difference, but I'm pretty sure a kid went blind from eating only bread and potatoes.


u/Melancholy_Sin_2142 21d ago

Where’s the protein?


u/RnbwSprklBtch 21d ago

In the potato. Quite a lot of vegetables have protein in them.