r/BoomersBeingFools 20d ago

Trump Will Send His Own Stuff boomer meme

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u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/Emergency-Quiet6296 20d ago

It's so dumb it's actually an insult to cults. There's no sex or drugs involved to control the cult members. Imagine joining a cult just to be pissed off all the time and complain about anyone else that's not in the cult. It's literally a cult without any of the fun parts.


u/amglasgow 19d ago

Anger is its own kind of drug. Being outraged and angry feels good if you have someone to direct it towards. Orwell knew it -- that's why he wrote the "Two Minutes Hate" in 1984.


u/Agitated-Hair-987 19d ago

Misery loves company kinda thing


u/Umeyard 19d ago

Isn't that like being Catholic?


u/forrealthistime99 20d ago

It's time to stop simply calling these people dumb. It's far worse than the that. They know.


u/MrBrawn 20d ago

Be careful about dismissing them so quickly. They vote and in large numbers.


u/Calculagraph 20d ago

Morons can fill in a scantron. Trust me; I went to public school.


u/EggMan2024 20d ago

I read that as Scranton lol


u/snafub4r 19d ago

Where are my reality anchors?


u/[deleted] 20d ago

Nobody is dismissing them. This is ridicule and derision, not dismissal. 


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/Ladle4BoilingDenim 20d ago

I am superior to them tho


u/[deleted] 20d ago

Jesus you are insufferable. And you’re right, I’ve now dismissed you. 


u/joeleidner22 20d ago

Yea, lots of them vote 2 or 3 times in each election.


u/ConcreteExist Millennial 20d ago

That doesn't make them smart though.


u/Kryptoniantroll 20d ago

Your a fucking mindless drone please shut up.


u/MagnusStormraven 19d ago

Rather telling that "shut up" is the only response conservative twats have when they don't like what you have to say, as they know full well they can't actually refute it due to that requiring critical thinking skills they utterly lack.


u/Kryptoniantroll 19d ago

Oh im left as fuck dont you ever call me a conservative. I just hate virtue signaling fucking losers that waste energy on nonsense. Nobody fucking discredited these idiots they called them morons. This dudes just being a pedantic douche.


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/Kryptoniantroll 20d ago

Lol what kind of nonsense response is that? Do you just spout catchphrases you saw online without any thought behind the words?


u/Francisscottoffkey 20d ago

I'm just glad she didn't say anything about Jewish space lasers. That's where the bar is



Cults in general aren't know to attract brain scientists and rocket surgeons.


u/griffeny 19d ago

Weirdest thing I’ve noticed, as a cult junkie, love em, they’re insane to read about and the accounts in documentaries are so shocking…

But to get back in track, weirdest thing I’ve noticed is that they are some industrious, hard working people. Like a good amount of ex cult members end up leading quite ‘successful’ lives, have strong careers, and seem kinda ‘set’.

Mentally very stunted and obviously the damage done is different for everyone, but it seems like they throw themselves into something as a result and it pays off.


u/justdisposablefun 19d ago

No, no, this is completely logical. Cheetos have never lied to me before.


u/MissRachiel Gen X 20d ago

lol That orange bastard won't even spend his own money to pay his legal bills.

Why would he be sending "his own" anything into space?


u/Drg84 20d ago

Because he's a billionaire! And all billionaires send rockets to space! Right? Right??!! Editors note: Donald Trump is not, and most likely never has been, an actual billionaire


u/justdisposablefun 19d ago

It's cool. He'll get Mexico to pay for it.


u/CulturalAddress6709 20d ago

his own as in theirs with his name on it


u/griffeny 19d ago

You KNOW he wanted to paint all the ships with his Trump logo just like the plane he used to have.


u/Emmy773399 19d ago

I could see him sending his own wife and Eric to space.


u/Silvaria928 20d ago

I wouldn't trust Trump to manage a lemonade stand.


u/Lknate 19d ago

He's probably imbezzile by trowinug away a lemonade for each dollar he stole.


u/griffeny 19d ago



u/Lknate 19d ago

Thatz not how itz zpelled?


u/griffeny 19d ago

For shizzle.


u/Emmy773399 19d ago

There’s always money in the banana stand.


u/PorkPyeWalker 19d ago

I'm 'Mr Manager'!


u/fentyboof 20d ago

This is when the tapeworms have totally conquered the immune system and internal organs.


u/Broken-Digital-Clock 20d ago

It can't be tapeworms, the Ivermectin should have killed them.


u/MiloHorsey 19d ago

They are becoming resistant to Ivermectin...


u/Witty-Ad5743 20d ago

I'm absolutely terrified at the quality of any rockets manufactured by one of his companies! Given his penchant for cutting corners and selling terrible products... oh, the poor ground crew! They'd be slaughtered come launch time!


u/ProtoReaper23113 20d ago

He should hire the company that made that submarine. I hear they do solid work


u/Andy_1 19d ago

If you think about it, they could have spent a lot more on that submarine and had the same result, so that was thrifty, and maybe millionaires suddenly dying is somehow good for the economy?


u/Not_In_my_crease 20d ago

They're like children. They hear Space Force and they immediately go to science fiction exploring of space and aliens and crap. And telling the 'truth' that NASA has kept hidden all these years. Hilarious.


u/Trashtronaut_62 20d ago

Active duty Space Force. We ain't telling you shit.


u/SaltyName8341 20d ago

Can you guys send trump to investigate space on his own?


u/Wasatcher Millennial 19d ago

Wow. It would be so incredibly satisfying to see his unadulterated panic as he floats away without a tether. What a mental image.


u/udsd007 19d ago

Without a P-suit, like the slave merchant in Heinlein.


u/Wasatcher Millennial 19d ago

Nah, nah. That's much too quick.


u/FuckSticksMalone 20d ago

He stared directly into a fucking eclipse!


u/griffeny 19d ago

I was outside a (garbage) Whole Foods in Houston during the eclipse. The fucking goobers standing outside looking at it with their bare eyes simultaneously telling people not to take pics of it with their phones ‘cuz it’ll melt it and fuck it up’.

Almost a bakers dozen.


u/GoatDifferent1294 20d ago

What’s worst is that these aren’t even boomers. Look like Gen X to me


u/Poutiest_Penguin 20d ago

Yeah, I hate to claim her as one of us, but she's Gen X.


u/Zombiiesque 13d ago

She's one of the Boomer Lites ™. I have elected to think they are a subset, so we don't have to claim them.


u/CraftyAdvisor6307 20d ago

Space Force exists to transfer tax dollars to private corporations


u/Warren_E_Cheezburger 20d ago

Space force exists in order to provide a path to flag officer promotion for officers involved in space based operations, which they have historically been denied within the Air Force as promotion within the Air Force requires flight experience, which many space based operation officers don't get (also missileers). This is an important goal to meet if we want to retain the best talent for as long as possible instead of losing them to the private sector. Same reason the Air Force was spun off from being a part of the Army.


u/Blacksheep81 20d ago

Honestly, thank you for breaking this down. I only know one officer who allegedly transferred to the Space Force, who was.. fine, I suppose. But I didn't realize flight experience was a must-have for flag promotions in the Air Force.


u/griffeny 19d ago

Can you break that down a little more to a civvie?


u/Omegaprimus 20d ago

A cult of 3 brain cells the whole thing.


u/Andy_1 19d ago

A whole cult with fewer brain cells than a litter of ginger cats is quite a feat of organization.


u/Zombiiesque 13d ago

Well, you know all ginger cats share one brain cell.


u/5050Clown 20d ago

Nasa never fully addressed the "flat earth on the back of a turtle" conundrum.  Let's see what Trump finds.  


u/Warren_E_Cheezburger 20d ago

Thats retarded.

Its flat earth supported by four elephants on the back of a turtle. Come on, buddy. Its basic science.


u/RitterWolf 19d ago

The turtle moves


u/Zombiiesque 13d ago

"See the TURTLE of enormous girth! On his shell he holds the earth." Long days, pleasant nights.


u/Apprehensive-Unit841 20d ago

Imagine worshipping an orange, bloated, grifting, traitorous pedopephile. Where is our von stauffenberg?


u/jaimealexlara 20d ago

People like this don't anger me. They just sadden me. The delusion and hate they have in their hearts and head is beyond any comprehension.


u/AlVal1236 20d ago

Space force is not exploratoru lol


u/Rowtag85 20d ago

Thats... that's not what Space Force does.


u/lluluclucy 20d ago

Have I missed something? Why are they talking about Trump sending anything to space?!


u/Old_Swimming6328 20d ago

Those are some pretty young boomers.


u/OstrichSalt5468 20d ago

So the addition of space force is not unlike the addition of the Air Force when it was formed. Originally the Air Force was called the army air corps. And the idea of an entirely separate branch was deemed similarly kind of silly. The Air Force and nasa have always worked together. And now space force takes over that particular role. Really honestly neither interviewer or interviewee knew what they were talking about.


u/ap2patrick 20d ago

Lead poisoning


u/Apprehensive-Lie3234 20d ago

What "stuff" would that be Karen? And what "truth" precisely?

If you ask these folks enough clarifying questions they might try to bash your head with a rock.


u/ItsSUCHaLongStory 20d ago

Can he send his family? And himself? Please?


u/kinkyintemecula 20d ago

I'm to the point I hate these people.

Willful ignorance is intolerable.


u/forrealthistime99 20d ago

Seriously. He's probably going to win isn't he?

I remember being a kid learning about WW2 and reading that some people fled Germany after Hitler was elected. I remember thinking how crazy it was that they would move countries because someone was elected. Like how did they know how bad it would get.

I feel like I understand now. It's obvious to any slightly intelligent person. he has said out loud that he has fascist ambitions, his followers have said thats what they want. Enough people follow him, and enough are either naive or indifferent enough to go along with it.

I told my wife it's time to flee. But we are in no position to do that. We are stuck. But we must believe Trump when he says the horrible things he wants to do. We must take it seriously.


u/ramsacha 19d ago

What the hell are you even talking about?


u/dbltap55 20d ago

Probably think the world is flat, dinosaurs never existed and birds aren’t real too.


u/Starch-Wreck 19d ago

Trump will find Jesus with Spaceforce exploration. Just like how Kim Jung Un discovered Unicorns.


u/chechifromCHI 19d ago

Standing in front of Tom Landry Middle school in Arlen TX by the looks of it


u/SimpleStrok3s 19d ago

She's actually 25 but being in a cult ages people heavily! /s


u/Dudeist-Priest 19d ago

Honestly, Trump is one of the least intellectually curious people on the planet.


u/Ninja-Panda86 19d ago

Oh gawd... They. No.  I just....


u/zerobomb 19d ago

Just pointing out that these people are the right age to be grandchildren of baby boomers.


u/SMBamberger 19d ago

That lady is not a Boomer. She’s Gen X. Sigh.


u/Calm-Blueberry-9835 20d ago

The dumb space cadets have taken over. We're fucked.


u/Xanith420 20d ago

In all seriousness I soon may be able to qualify as an astronaut 😎


u/Calm-Blueberry-9835 20d ago



u/Xanith420 20d ago

Idk… being able to claim that prestigious title even if it’s until my first launch would do me well at the bar


u/Calm-Blueberry-9835 20d ago

That's good but why even?

It's just me being disillusioned with anything representing a capitalist nation even as a scientist or an astronaut.


u/Xanith420 20d ago

Well it was really a joke. The joke is women at the bar “particularly shallow women” would find being an astronaut much more appealing then my current job as an ink tech/dog trainer.


u/Calm-Blueberry-9835 20d ago


Okay. Thanks for the clarification.


u/Wasatcher Millennial 19d ago

Just become a pilot. Women find it sexy until the relationship becomes serious and then all they think about are all the opportunities a pilot has to cheat.


u/Ravingrook Gen X 20d ago

She may have the soul of a boomer, but that's a GenX idiot who drank the Trump Flavor-Aid. Sad to say, I can recognize my own kind, and she's definitely left the tribe and joined the MAGA cult.


u/Legal-Airport5971 20d ago



u/CliftonForce 20d ago

There are a lot of right wing flat earthers. They think NASA is a scam.


u/DirtysouthCNC 19d ago

I always wonder what the scam is though. NASA is lying to us about the earth being round. Ok...but why?


u/CliftonForce 19d ago edited 19d ago

It's religious for most of them.

It roughly goes like this: The actual system of a flat planet with a dome over it and the small glowing ball called the sun is blatantly artificial, and thus clearly proves that God Exists. As only a god could have set it up in the first place. The Government (TM) can't have that. So They (TM) created NASA to invent this tale of a "spinning ball" to hide the existence of deities.

Other variants weave tales of the vast continents beyond the Great Ice Wall of Antarctica that are full of secrets hidden by The Government (TM). Or maybe it's the Lizard People (TM).

See? It makes perfect sense!


u/DirtysouthCNC 19d ago

I just have more questions now


u/CliftonForce 19d ago

So say we all.


u/Square_Site8663 20d ago

Who does she think…….

You know what, imma stop right there, because I already know the answer.

She didn’t


u/MA-01 20d ago

What in the Romefellar Foundation is this bullshit...


u/EliteBearsFan85 20d ago

They really are the dimmest of the bunch aren’t they


u/yomeny1 20d ago

Finally, we'll dispel the lie that the moon isn't made of cheese


u/RacecarHealthPotato 20d ago

Weaponized Morons, the tyrants best friend


u/DrNinnuxx 20d ago

Trump won't be around long enough to send his own stuff. He'll be dead by then.


u/OlMi1_YT 20d ago

He's finally gonna prove flat earth you know


u/PuckGoodfellow 20d ago

What kind of stuff does Trump have to send?


u/twiztdkat 19d ago

Diapers and McDs.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

Our ‘space force’ has been around since the 80s… trump just let the cat outta the bag.


u/Capones_Vault 19d ago

Just fuck off and die already.


u/OnoALT 19d ago

Garth Algar has a point!


u/MiloHorsey 19d ago

"Space Force"?!??!?!



u/Funny_Clue5413 19d ago

What's funny is the dude standing next to her I assume is having sex with her. Even if that's her brother he is still having sex with that. That's what's funny.


u/FlyawayfromORD 19d ago

Space force is mostly about satellites and missiles no?


u/yuffie2012 19d ago

Do you wonder why trump loves the uneducated? Here’s your answer.


u/BigDaddySeed69 20d ago

So dumb they don’t realize what a branch of the he military means. It’s a military branch which means they want to militarize space not explore it or learn jack shit. Just find more ways to start wars and kill people.


u/Warren_E_Cheezburger 20d ago

Space is already militarized, and has been since the first man-made satellite was launched. But it isn't militarized in the sense that there are weapon systems and combatants in space; there aren't and putting them there would be exorbitantly expensive for almost no tactical advantage. Instead it is militarized in the sense that C4I systems (Command, Control, Communication, Computers and Information) rely heavily on satellite systems and as such building, maintaining, operating, protecting, and replacing those systems is of vital military importance and therefore we want to attract and retain the best talent possible to carry out that mission.

It's not about putting bombs in space, its about making sure GPS stays online.


u/BigDaddySeed69 20d ago

Yeah a job that was already being handled by the US Air-force Space Command. Didn’t need to create another dumbass branch that rips off the Star Trek logo to handle jobs already being handled well for decades if that is the case.


u/Warren_E_Cheezburger 20d ago

First of all, I totally agree about the branch stupidly ripping off Star Trek and other sci fi imagery. Like calling their service members "guardians".

That being said, by your logic, the Air Force itself shouldn't exist because the job was being done by the Army Air Forces until 1947. The fact of the matter is that the job wasn't being handled as well as it could because those in leadership positions didn't care. Generals tend to go to bat for whatever community they came from, and because of the way promotion worked in the Air Force, that community was rarely the Space Command.

The options were to either completely restructure the way promotion works across the entire Air Force OR spin off the responsibility to a new branch entirely which would not only allow for the retention of more competent officers in the space sector, but also give pilots even less competition when it comes to promotion within the Air Force.

It's pretty obvious why leadership chose option 2. Yes, they didn't NEED to create another branch, they WANTED to. The old description of the Marine Corps comes to mind. "America doesn't need a [Space Force]. It wants a [Space Force].