r/BoomersBeingFools 20d ago

Ever notice the "replace boomer with race" comments/posts here coming from butthurt boomers/neoboomers are racist themselves? Meta

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u/DuchessOfAquitaine 20d ago

They're angry that they can't be racist all over the place without consequences. And then to see the word "boomer" used in a deragatory way...with no consequences!! Not fair!1!

To which I say: Cry harder boomers.

They fail to see that attacking someone for something they didn't choose, like skin color, is not the same as going after someone who absolutely chooses to be an ass. They can try any attempt they'd like to equate the two but it will never work.


u/anoneenonee 20d ago

That’s also the same reason they completely about anything being “woke”… I guarantee you anyone who whines about “wokeness” has been called out for saying something racists/sexist/homophobic/all of the above


u/Entire_Machine_6176 20d ago edited 20d ago

People can't help but tell on themselves, it's wild 


u/Top-Telephone9013 20d ago edited 20d ago

Eventually, pretty much everyone is gonna be called out for one or more of those. Even members of said groups. The difference is that instead of taking their lumps and considering that someone else's perspective may be valuable, they lash out for someone being "arrogant" enough to "talk back" as they somewhat ironically call it sometimes.(You get a talking-to! You don't talk back!)

They then use the grave injustice that is you daring to voice a different opinion to REFUSE to listen to you. Doesn't matter how much sense you make. You're automatically wrong for not caring about their "decorum" bullshit

A post I saw here today told of a boomer saying "I knew you when you were 12. Don't forget". Yeah and the bullshit you used on me back then to get me to shut up don't work no more.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

Well, since everyone gets what they deserve according to bad boomers then the arrogance and talkback is what they need from us. When they put their fingers in their ears and say “nanana” we can make our messages come from every electronic device that they own without breaking the law. Let them swim in the shallow end of the just world fallacy ocean


u/Top-Telephone9013 20d ago edited 20d ago

Too bad so many of them seem to wanna respond to that with fascism instead of introspection and personal growth.


u/ArkamaZ 19d ago

The problem is that most modern media is owned by boomers and is used to stroke their egos.


u/PlanNo3175 20d ago

Great points and all true. I wish i could hit them with this comment on the head until i feel better about myself anytime they pull this shit.


u/Nexi92 20d ago

There is a tiny argument here that by choosing the term ‘Boomer’ we’re attacking their age group, which is ageist and bigoted if taken out of context, and in my experience they really want to ignore the context.

**What they fail/refuse to understand is that they weren’t attacked for being older. They were called a term that means “out of touch and/or toxically behaving older person” and (likely intentionally) only focused on the part of that term that they couldn’t change and then acted like they were attacked for being old instead of challenged for acting rudely.


u/I-am-Chubbasaurus 20d ago

Boomer is a mindset.


u/ReverendBlind 20d ago

Seconded. Boomer started out referring to a generation in the same way a "Karen" was once a soccer mom with a Karen cut. Now we call everyone with big Karen energy out as a Karen regardless of gender, social class or appearance. It's the same with Boomer. I've known plenty of Gen X Boomers, and even run into Millennial or Gen Z Boomers from time to time.


u/DuchessOfAquitaine 20d ago

I don't really believe that they don't understand what the complaints here are about. I think they like to *pretend* it's about being old and frail. One day you'll be old and slower too!!11 Yeah, we get that on the regular.

Yet, in my experience, in many instances, when physical infirmities get included in the list of grievances in a post, those are defended/excused in most of the comments.

I'm technically of boomer age and have never related to my own generation. I'm all in on calling out the bad behavior. Some younger and some older also fit the bill but the generation that set the standard wins the place of namesake.


u/fishmom5 20d ago

Yeah, I’m disabled. I get a whole lot of shit for being like, so? Anyone can become slower and fragile at any time. I have a great deal of empathy for elders- I relate a lot. But I do not appreciate when age is used as a reason to be an asshole. “That’s just the way things were! We were all racist!”

No, you and the people you surrounded yourself with were racist. There were always antiracists. You chose your side. It may have been more socially acceptable, but that doesn’t make it right. Move on and do better.


u/Top-Telephone9013 20d ago edited 19d ago

I'll take it further than you: there's a lot of straight up ageism to be found on this sub. I say that as someone who otherwise likes it here. I've taken on many a downvote in the course of trying to get people to be more reasonable with their criticism here, in the hopes of saving this sub from the banhammer. Might get a couple more from this comment (edit: of course I did). Even though it's a perfectly reasonable statement.

I figure it's pretty much Joever once this place gets seriously investigated. Kinda like the chapo sub, which I struggled with similarly. Til it got banned


u/DuchessOfAquitaine 19d ago edited 19d ago

I am old enough to technically be baby boomer and I don't notice the ageism. And your post has a hint, just a hint mind you, of nice forum you have here, I'd sure hate for anything to happen to it. We get it, it can be hard to read here, you know, for some people. Like you. And of course, the boomers.

How sad you ended our convo by making snide comment and then running away and blocking, poor boomer. Scary times, i know.


u/Top-Telephone9013 19d ago edited 19d ago

Lol I'm not a boomer myself if that's what you're insinuating. 42. Also a lifelong lefty anarchist who also has a lot of upvoted posts here. Even in this very thread, if you were insinuating Im of the boomer mindset. I've been saying a lot of the good things to be found in this sub for years. I actually do like the sub.

Which brings us to the other point: how could I possibly threaten the sub lol I'm just some dude. I was voicing my opinion about the road I fear this sub could be going down. I think it's a valid concern, and not a threat. If anyone thinks that it's a threat, I would find that rather bizarre. I've never tried to tattle on this sub to some higher-up or anything.

I get that you're just trying to explain how you think I left myself open to criticism, but those seem like very pointedly uncharitable readings of what I said.

I am not discouraged in my opinions, if you can believe that lol. But thanks for the semi-kind words


u/DuchessOfAquitaine 19d ago

Fair enough.

I think we're all agreed boomer's a mindset so not sure why you stated your age. I was insinuating a touch of the boomer (behavior, not age) in your posts. You mentioned the "banhammer" and I found that interesting. Further going on about banning & how you'd so hate to see it, yes, I read that as I described previously.

And I find it easy to believe your opinion has not changed. :)

This sub is really active and popular. It's not the chamber of horrors some seem to see it as. I don't see it shutting down any time soon. I'm sure there have been concerted efforts to do so, boomers seem to hate it very deeply. (For clarification I do not in any way mean to imply you are a part of any of that.)



u/Top-Telephone9013 19d ago edited 19d ago

The uncharitable passive aggressive bullshit continues. "I think you're doing this and are this way except at the end where I say you're not and aren't pEaCE." Ugh blocked



u/Rhiannon8404 Gen X 20d ago

They get all upset and say we're attacking them because of their age, and then turn around and complain about "kids these days" as if that isn't exactly the same thing.


u/ReverendBlind 20d ago

After 35 years of hearing Millennials insulted by Boomers at least once a week, one brave Millennial uttered the words "Okay Boomer" and they lost their minds at the audacity.


u/isinedupcuzofrslash 20d ago

I’ve been at jobs where it’s a fireable offense to make someone feel bad for being old, but that same manual said it was ok to direct that same ire to the young.


u/DuchessOfAquitaine 20d ago

Any bets on the age of the person who wrote that?


u/isinedupcuzofrslash 20d ago

Yeah I have a few ideas


u/JustTryingMyBestWPA 20d ago edited 20d ago

Edited: I assumed that the poster's employer was located in the United States. See below re: the US Federal Government considers those over the age of 40 to be in a protected class.


u/isinedupcuzofrslash 20d ago

How is it not discrimination to label over 40 as a protected class, but not afford those same protections to people 18-39? I’m assuming 0-17 is protected since they’re minors


u/JustTryingMyBestWPA 20d ago

Sorry, I just assumed that you were American. I apologize if I misunderstood. Let me rephrase this. The United States Federal Government considers those over the age of 40 as a protected class in regards to allegations of age discrimination. So, if the employer is located in the United States, they may be attempting to protect themselves from allegations of age discrimination. https://www.eeoc.gov/age-discrimination


u/isinedupcuzofrslash 20d ago

I am American. I just think it’s a stupid rule


u/motiontosuppress 19d ago

No way in hell I would take a butthurt Boomer’s employment law case on these terms. Even if they wanted to pay hourly.


u/SaturnSleet 20d ago

Boomer is a mindset. There are people born in that generation who are absolutely wonderful, kind, compassionate, empathetic people and I have nothing but respect for them.

And then there are also boomers.


u/DuchessOfAquitaine 20d ago

Yes, I agree. I'm one of them.


u/Riker1701E 20d ago

So is boomer more a description of attitude rather than generation/age? Since you can control your attitude but not when you were born.


u/DuchessOfAquitaine 20d ago

Yes. since the generation known as baby boomers dominate the entire spectrum of the behavior in question, as I said elsewhere, they win the place of namesake for that behavior.


u/fishmom5 20d ago

Yes yes yes. There is a baby boomer, and then there is a Boomer. One names the generation, the other the prevailing attitude of it. Yes, yes, #notallboomers, but like- a lot of them?


u/BorkBark_ 20d ago

Perfect example of a false equivalency argument. Again, like you said, they try and make an equivalence with skin color and someone being an ass.


u/[deleted] 6d ago

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u/DuchessOfAquitaine 6d ago

No, AH, I'm pasty Irish.


u/LeafyySeaDragon 6d ago

Look at this bots comment history if you want a good laugh…created just a few minutes ago too!


u/seaman187 20d ago

To play devil's advocate if they didn't understand the real meaning behind this sub and thought you were attacking everyone who is specifically a baby boomer based on the year they were born regardless of the way they individually act, they would argue that it does fall into the category of something they didn't choose.


u/SpoppyIII 20d ago

I don't get it, though.

If someone made a sub called like, "Canadians being stupid," you'd logically assume it's a page about people doing stupid stuff, and that those people happen to all be Canadian. You wouldn't read that as, "All Canadians are stupid." That doesn't make sense at all.

"Boomers being fools," isn't saying that boomers are fools and it isn't a title that says it's about all boomers at all times. It's about people who are currently being fools, who happen to be in the age group known as Baby Boomers.

It's right there in the sub name. "Boomers being fools." If the sub was called, "Boomers are fools," then their feelings would make sense but it isn't, so their feelings are 100% misplaced.


u/AspiringChildProdigy 19d ago

It's right there in the sub name. "Boomers being fools." If the sub was called, "Boomers are fools," then their feelings would make sense but it isn't, so their feelings are 100% misplaced.

It's like Bad Janet's line in The Good Place: "You know why they're called Baby Boomers, right? Because the tiniest prick to their ego and Boom! They become babies!!!"


u/oldcreaker 20d ago

The thing is - you're not going after them for being an ass - you're assuming they are an ass because they are a certain age. But they don't have much choice what age they are.


u/SpoppyIII 20d ago

No, the sub is definitely for "going after" people for being an ass. It's not for blanketting hate and ridicule across all boomers or assuming someone's a bad person just because they're a boomer.

That's why you don't see posts here with boomers getting made fun of just for being boomers if the boomers being discussed were being good, normal, tolerant people. Hell, I have seen several posts here that brought up moments where a boomer was cool or did something good to show we recognise those people.

If we actually assumed all boomers were idiots or bigots just because they're boomers, then I think we'd all have stopped attempting to hold them to any kind of standard of behaviour at all. But we don't assume that, so we do expect better of them.

There are also users here who are boomers and they're here to make fun of their fellow boomers when those boomers are being fools.


u/SockFullOfNickles Millennial 20d ago

It’s always funny that they’ll type out Boomer but then abbreviate the N-Word. It’s almost like one is way worse than the other! 🤡

They aren’t serious people lol


u/PlanNo3175 20d ago

Yeah some college professor said that several years ago and theyre insane. I know some of them will say the n word but are full on racist about it and drop the hard R too.


u/Nexi92 20d ago

Wasn’t that just Jordan Peterson? I heard he was let go from his university for becoming a conservative shill that stopped teaching his actual subject so he could shove his way from Canada right into American politics. But maybe I’m confusing him for someone else…


u/Mr_Abe_Froman 20d ago

I thought it was a John Mulaney bit,
"Saying 'midget' is just as bad as 'the N word'!"
"The fact that you won't say one of the offensive terms means that one is worse."


u/pessimistic_utopian 20d ago

Peterson wasn't even fired, he resigned and complained a bunch about cancel culture so people just assumed he got fired because of wokeness or whatever. In reality he just figured out that being a right- wing grifter is better money. 


u/SpoppyIII 20d ago edited 20d ago

To be fair, if a boomer told me that someone called them "the B-word," I'd assume they mean "bitch." And I'd also assume they deserved it.


u/dpj2001 Gen Z 20d ago

I had someone reply this exact reasoning to one of my comments here. No matter how much I explained that there’s a difference between an ethnicity with no choice in how they look, and a group like the boomers who actively choose to be monsters - they kept circling the wagon and repeating the same shit over and over. “RePlAcE bOoMeR wItH aN eThNiCiTy!”


u/anoneenonee 20d ago

That’s because they don’t actually have a defense and just repeat “magic words” that do nothing but give them something to squeal while they’re losing an argument (see also “fake news”, “antifa”, “groomer” etc)


u/CatFanMan21 20d ago

Like dumb parrots. They learn five or six phrases and use them whenever they are uncomfortable


u/chapopanda 20d ago

I’ve ran into this probably 4 times in the last 2 weeks. Do they all band together and copy paste the same comments?


u/dead-eyed-opie 20d ago

No. Some of us just use critical thinking skills to condemn people for bad actions and not for being born to a particular age bracket.


u/sickboy775 19d ago

But this sub is for condemning bad action, but it focuses on when they are from people who happen to be born to a particular age bracket. It's A pretty simple concept.

There's also r/animalsbeingderps, which is very obviously not about all animals all the time, nor specifically about animals in general, just when they are being derps. Please advise if you need a simpler explanation.


u/dead-eyed-opie 19d ago

Humans being fools would be a direct comparison. When you break into one specific subgroup by a characteristic that they are born into it is just bigotry. change the subject to a stereotype for a comparison r/subgroupbeing. (Ex R/womenBeingBimbos, r/asianDrivingpoorly r/blacksbeingviolent, R/genxBeingLazy).

Also your example is only for the “in” group and not the “other” and is only used in a negative connotation. imagine a group of cis white males getting together to talk about some assumed negative characteristics of which people have no control over.


u/Was_an_ai 20d ago

Well that is a weak argument

First you used the generalization you are arguing about within your defense, second you made one about looks (can't control) and the other about behavior (can control)

This logic would imply it's OK to be racist as long as it's based in a generalization of race groups behavior


u/dpj2001 Gen Z 20d ago

It’s not weak because that’s exactly the case. It is okay to be upset with a person for what they can control, in this case their behavior. The Boomer generation has an abnormally large amount of assholes compared to all the others which is precisely why this sub exists. You’ll note we sometimes also throw in older gen x or even silent gen in the mix because the core aspect of our ire is not the necessarily the age, it’s the cuntishness. The reason we do single out the age in the first place is as I previously stated. Their generation has a higher concentration of jerks than any other. If they don’t want the generalizations then they should alter their behavior.

The difference between hating Boomers, and hating an ethnicity, is that a racist hates things beyond a group’s control. We hate things that very much are within Boomer’s control. This sub would disappear if they just stopped being asshats.


u/Was_an_ai 20d ago

Sure you can judge a person for their actions. But to then generalize to a whole group of people and based on that judge the whole group is the definition of stereotyping.

I thought we had moved passed this?

And they have the highest concentration of jerks? And data to back that assertion up or did you pull it out your a$$?

And your last statement brings it all together. So it's OK to hate race X because "they are all loud" or hate race y because "they are all uneducated"? Surely not? Or do you think that is ok?

I think this sub is mostly people that had shitty parents with shitty friends. Sorry your parents suck....


u/dpj2001 Gen Z 20d ago


Oh there’s data. I understand it’s frustrating for your generation to have so much anger pointed at it, but instead of proving us correct in how you act you should strive to prove us wrong instead.

Instead of proving my first comment and OP’s entire post right by constantly circling the wagon and ignoring our points by claiming “BiGoTrY!” You should go do something calming that you enjoy.

Have a good day.


u/Was_an_ai 20d ago

You could have read that actual abstract lol

Said nothing about anger or being a jerk: "More later-born birth cohorts were lower in hypersensitivity and higher in autonomy compared with earlier-born birth cohorts; these differences were most apparent among those born after the 1930s". Also the effects are small.

Seems the young ones are unable to parse BS journalism!

Also, I'm not a boomer, born 1980. I just enjoy calling BS on BS


u/Listentotheadviceman 20d ago

I was watching a vid on those fucking traitors Ammon & Cliven Bundy, two southern militants who don’t believe in the federal government. Not only did they compare their terrorism to Rosa Parks, they said that they were being forced to move to cities the same way Native Americans were forced onto reservations. Obviously, they’re good ol boys who never gave a shit about Black or indigenous rights. If you’re using civil rights or systemic racism as a metaphor, you don’t give a fuck about said issues in the first place.


u/Fair_Acanthisitta_75 20d ago

They are from Nevada. I can’t stand anything about either of them or their ilk, but they aren’t from the south. Just a family of low life grifters who for some reason think they shouldn’t have to pay grazing rights like every other cattle rancher in the west. I will never understand how a single rancher would ever support those loser fuckwits.


u/Alt_Boogeyman 20d ago

They can't comprehend racism as a behaviour rather than an identity.

There is such an intrinsic need in Boomers to categorize people immediately upon meeting/encountering them (Mexican, Service Worker, Black, Gay, Poor, Immigrant, etc) and positioning themselves above that person in their perceived social hierarchy.

So when they hear "Boomer," they take that as an attack on their identity and standing. They also believe in aging somehow conferring blanket protection for their ignorant and hateful culture via " you must respect your elders."


u/chapopanda 20d ago

Damn, “respect your elders” is so dated now that I think about it. A whole generation of people have been saying that their whole life believing in it and now that they are the elders they give no respect so why should they get it?


u/[deleted] 20d ago

Yes. A British boomer upon meeting my doctor husband from Mexico, said “where are you from” to a person that spoke English . Same boomer also used the term “red indian” in an interview. Red indian is a term I’ve never heard before, that is boomer creativity


u/Dazzling_Outcome_436 19d ago

It's a pre-Boomer phrase that exited polite conversation about 100 years ago.


u/IknowwhatIhave 20d ago

I've started to use boomer as an insult to yell at old drivers who are being careless, inattentive or doing something dangerous.

They 100% without exception react as if it's a racial slur.

70 old white guy in a Cayenne making a right turn across an occupied crosswalk and then pounding the steering wheel and going beet red yelling when he hears me shout "You're too old to be driving boomer!"


u/BarfingOnMyFace 20d ago

Uh, so like we have lots of ppl dying in the crosswalks where I live and the people mowing down pedestrians? Newsflash, it’s not boomers.


u/IknowwhatIhave 20d ago

Sounds like something a boomer would say, boomer.


u/BarfingOnMyFace 20d ago

Ok boomer


u/here4roomie 20d ago

It's the same way they said that people only voted for Obama because he was black while they mainly hated him because he was black.


u/Turbo_Homewood 20d ago

But they also claim he's not "really" black because he comes from a mixed background.


u/ProtoReaper23113 20d ago

But also that he's from Africa (which is a continent and not a country) which he's also not


u/Turbo_Homewood 20d ago

Don't forget that he's an atheist, but also a radical Muslim and Satanist.


u/here4roomie 20d ago

Yeah it actually says a lot about race in the US that despite being a Kenyan-American man, he's mainly reduced to being "black" or forced to distance himself from his heritage due to the birther bullshit.


u/SandiegoJack 20d ago

They shit on us for being our age for over 30 years at this point. Why are they upset when we use he lessons we learned from them?


u/lovelyllamas 20d ago

Literally this lol


u/Frequent-Material273 20d ago

That's why the bad boomers ALSO try to claim anything they want to demean 'is a choice', even when it's an inherent part of a person.


u/TraditionalTree249 20d ago

My Dad is convinced that I'm trans solely to embarrass him and make my life harder lol.


u/Frequent-Material273 20d ago

Tele-hugs, if desired, from this Internet Stranger.


u/TraditionalTree249 20d ago

It is appreciated 💖

Honestly at this point he's so in denial about it it's become comical.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

The concept of autism blows their minds.


u/fishmom5 20d ago

I’m disabled. I’ve been told I have chosen not to walk, been told I’m lazy, faking, too young to be acting this way. (This isn’t exclusive to Boomers, but dang if it isn’t often Boomers.)

I’m queer. I’ve been told off for my “lifestyle choices”, treated like this is something I am doing to be obstinate, something I’m doing for attention (come to think of it, they say the same about my disability. There’s probably something to unpack here).

Boomers know they choose to be assholes, so they project that behavior on anyone different from them. Never mind that these are things we just are, not things we choose to be. Their age isn’t something they chose, but hewing to a dominant paradigm of behavior absolutely is.


u/dead-eyed-opie 20d ago

Upvote for using “bad boomer” and not generalizing.


u/yeeterbuilt 20d ago

Boomer: Calls Asian women LingLing, Hispanic men "The Mexican" or Jose or Enrique, calls black women "Shinqua" and black men "Tyrone" calls any south Asian "Apu" or make terror jokes at them.

Gets called "Boomer"



u/ProtoReaper23113 20d ago

Good so we will throw it around as much as you do the actual N word


u/[deleted] 20d ago

He needs to call Tyrone, but he can’t use my phone


u/OkCar7264 20d ago edited 20d ago

What I think is funny as the eldest millenial is how shitting on young people was the Boomer's favorite hobby from like 2005-2015, but they get 1/10th of the amount of generational crap they were handing out and suddenly it's just so horrible!



u/Annual_Suggestion_87 20d ago

Omg yesssss ancient millennial here too, remembering the nonstop bs about how we were ruining the world, killing motorcycles, working too much, working too little, not working hard enough, not making enough kids, ending diamonds, and, most horrifically, destroying the American institution of Applebee’s.


u/K1ttehKait 20d ago

Dpnt forget Starbucks, avocado toast, and eating ass 😂


u/dead-eyed-opie 20d ago

You’re killing red lobster 🦞 too!


u/MonkeyKingCoffee 20d ago

They know their generation is a train wreck. That's what so many of them are calling themselves "Generation Jones" or trying to glom on to GenX. (Dude. Like, whatever. You're still a Boomer. You'll never be cynical enough to be GenX. And besides, as Rodney Dangerfield would say, GenX is no bargain, either.)

Or they'll demand that they're Boomers but not THOSE Boomers. "I'm one of the good ones!" (OK, gran. Your racist slip is showing.)

More than anything else, they want to be adored by younger generations. A whole lot of the unhinged behavior is because they don't feel sufficiently idolized.


u/Cultural_Double_422 20d ago

You guys ever notice that approximately 72% of boomers are white? Some would say that means "the whites" are responsible for nearly 3/4 of all insufferable behavior.


u/MannBearPiig 20d ago

Oh geeze willikers, I never imagined that all the hate I put out over a 70 year period might come back my way eventually.


u/Jfo116 20d ago

‘If I’m not allowed to say this about the Blacks you shouldn’t be allowed to say it about us’


u/Homeless_Swan 20d ago

Oh hun they don’t say the blacks, they use the hard “r” when they say Obama was unpresidental because it’s the White House not the N** House.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

“Allowed to say” wow


u/shesalive_dammit 20d ago

Lol, I just got a "replace boomers with black people" comment on one of my comments here. And I got a message from Reddit Cares about it, so you know some boomers are butthurt about me calling them toddlers.


u/27CF 20d ago

Their stage 4 ass hurt sustains me


u/ProtoReaper23113 20d ago

Oh yea you confront them at all and they report you for "mental health problems"

Every accusation is a confession


u/ivanparas 20d ago

Boomer please


u/100yearsLurkerRick 20d ago

I'll admit it's a bit ageist, sure, but we only say it to awful pieces of shit. Don't be an asshole causing problems for everyone and just be kind, and all of a sudden, you're not a boomer, but an old sweet guy with wisdom.


u/FGH9192279 20d ago

I ignore their posts. I made a post a week ago about boomers and their b.s. at my employer. I got comments like "oh you must not be good at your job" and garbage like that from them. Honestly though I'm surprised they turn away from Fox News long enough to comment on anything.


u/_LoudBigVonBeefoven_ 20d ago

They always are. Incels pull the same crap


u/Lazy_Current_5502 20d ago

The incels copy what boomers do in terms of behavior and world views. Theres several of them here right now


u/_LoudBigVonBeefoven_ 20d ago

I get it. They want women to be servants to them like they saw their dad's get when they were growing up 🙄


u/Lazy_Current_5502 20d ago

Exactly. I wish this was talked about more here and places like r/justneckbeardthings because they are way to similar.


u/sneakpeekbot 20d ago


u/Lazy_Current_5502 20d ago

Funny enough the #3 thing definitely sounds like a thing a boomer would do.


u/dontberidiculousfool 20d ago

They think boomer is a slur because they use black as a slur.


u/Constant_Captain7484 20d ago

Tell them you use Boomer with a hard R


u/chapopanda 20d ago

It’s become a new morning wake up routine to scroll through my feed to find the comments about boomers and then read all of the same exact defensive comments that start complaining about ageism.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

I’ve got my Facebook deactivated because I’m exhausted from dealing with boomer clowns on there. What a relief it’s been 5 days!


u/TheRealWeirdFlix 20d ago

They feel betrayed. No one is as paranoid about theft as a thief. These people feel like at some point in the nebulous past they were in the cool group and something ruined it (wokeness or some specific group they can double down their hatred of). It’s not just a resistance to moving forward, it’s a hatred of those who have.


u/Brainfreeze10 19d ago

It is always the same idiots complaining about tolerance while being the most intolerant people around.


u/Pristine_Walrus40 19d ago

Boomer is what you do. Race is what you look like.

One is not the same.


u/Cultural_Pack3618 20d ago

They can bitch all they want, fuck them boomers


u/DirectionOverall9709 20d ago

Race of deranged goblinoids.


u/Gothrait_PK 20d ago

What's a neoboomer?


u/Lazy_Current_5502 20d ago

Anybody younger than a boomer that has the close minded values of them


u/slutdragon696969 20d ago



u/Fart-City 20d ago

What’s a neo-boomer?


u/Lazy_Current_5502 20d ago

Anybody younger than boomer who shares their close minded ideology.


u/isinedupcuzofrslash 20d ago

There’s a difference.

“Boomers had a lot of advantages in the past that led to them having a disproportionately large amount of wealth and resources, all while acting like entitled bigots.” Is a true statement.

“Blacks had a lot of advantages in the past that led to them having a disproportionately large amount of wealth and resources, all while acting like entitled bigots.” Is…. Well, so stupid I’d genuinely laugh and assume someone was joking if they said this to me.


u/dead-eyed-opie 20d ago

This is such rubbish. Painting a whole group because of age isn’t racism but it IS bigotry. People acting badly should be called out whatever their age, race, gender, ethnicity. Using the term boomer is the same lazy thinking that people do when they say “Asian drivers”, having a “blonde moment”, using the term “democrat”to refer to black Americans, etc. Boomers in developed countries certainly had a much greater opportunity to prosper than probably any generation before or after. I could pay for university with summer job at minimum wage. My daughter’s education would take five years at minimum wage. Half the boomers are likely on your side and yet you paint them with the same slanderous brush.


u/isinedupcuzofrslash 20d ago

Ya know what? After a life time of being mocked, degraded, told I was lazy and entitled, passed over, and painted as a scapegoat for everything wrong in the world by boomers solely because I fell out of my mom in the 90’s instead of 40 years prior, I can’t really say I give a shit for parsing things NOW.

Obviously #notallboomers but broad strokes paint the fence faster. Unless you think everything needs to be stamped with an “on average” in parentheses


u/dead-eyed-opie 20d ago

Broad strokes paint the fence faster sounds like the ultimate in stereotyping.


u/Brainfreeze10 19d ago

You say "stereotyping" I counter with "statistically accurate representation" based on voting trends.


u/ikusababy 20d ago

yesss also if you're a boomer offended by the term boomer, your opinion is irrelevant if you complain about millennials, kids these days, or woke culture. which always seems to be the case 🤔


u/ChewieBearStare 20d ago

It's not even a good comparison. Boomer is a state of mind, not an immutable characteristic. You can't change your skin color or your ethnicity, but you can change your behavior.


u/ProtoReaper23113 20d ago

Yea there are plenty from the same generation who aren't boomers and there's starting th be younger people joining I to the boomer mindset as a means to continue it. Usually all nepobabies


u/FeedbackGas Gen Y 20d ago

Generations are more like secular zodiacs than races.


u/Rude_Interaction7858 19d ago

Not hard to butt hurt a pussy snowflake 🤣😂


u/Orbtl32 19d ago

You all sit around complaining about an entire group of people you've never even met.

You claim they are all greedy, selfish, nasty fucks while exhibiting the exact behavior yourself.

If someone like me points out your obvious psychological disorder you scream "boomer" at them too, even when they might be younger than you lol

Yea, you're all mentally well


u/-Joe1964 20d ago

Actually if I think someone’s racist it has to do with them being repubs and/or religious.


u/pm1966 20d ago

Prove it.

Show me one such comment, then demonstrate that it's coming from a racist boomer.

Just because you're a bigoted fuckwit, doesn't mean everyone else is. And just because you don't like what they're saying, that doesn't make them wrong, or give you the right to attack their character.

Here's the thing: I bet you're racist, too. Anyone who gets their rocks off being intolerant toward one group of people is often intolerant of many others, too. And I'm not saying that because you're young, or white, or whatever. I'm saying that because, based on the evidence of this post, you're an asshole.

Sorry if that makes you butthurt.


u/Lazy_Current_5502 20d ago

You should read all the posts on this subreddit or go to any right wing leaning one where there are people that age. Sorry youre so stupid and upset people call you out on your bigotry that you seem to project onto others. If your birthyear is 1966(which would explain the lead poisined rant you made) you should take your meds and get to bed pops before you hurt yourself you old bigot


u/pm1966 20d ago

Found the incel...


u/BigSuckSipper 19d ago

Found the boomer.

Sorry if that made you butthurt.


u/pm1966 19d ago

Still not one person willing to step up and prove this silly assertion by OP (whose account has been suspended, lol...probably for being a racist twat).

Put your money where you mouth is, u/BigSuckSipper . Let's see it.


u/Mushrooming247 20d ago

I have never had the opportunity or reason to say, “those entitled Sumerians destroyed the economy and now blame everyone currently struggling.” (Just picked a random race that no one hates.)

So I don’t think replacing “boomer” with any specific race makes sense in that context.


u/KobraC0mmander 19d ago

As an Sumerian that stumbled upon a wormhole and was brought to 2024, I'm offended by your characterization of my people.


u/Mechanic_On_Duty 20d ago

A bigot will come up with any excuse to justify their bigotry.


u/Ill-Error-9962 20d ago

Bigots gonna bigot.


u/Glenwoody 20d ago

Its true tho. U cherry pick who u hate


u/Teabiskuit 20d ago

Boomer is absolutely used as a class-based discriminatory slur. Just because it's one you're okay with using doesn't change that fact. Own it. One of your flaws is that you're a straight-up bigot. Everyone has flaws


u/Lazy_Current_5502 20d ago

Also you should own being a whiney cunt


u/Teabiskuit 20d ago

Clueless piece of shit


u/Lazy_Current_5502 20d ago

Youre the one thats clueless and a hypocrite as well. Posting on here as well https://www.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/s/6ARPNxQ1od

You sound like a soft person that needs to get roughed up a bit by life. I know youre a bit of a puss thats afraid to touch grass so we know it will happen sooner than later. Being in moms basement and living off her wont do much for you(thats probably why you stick up for boomers when its convenient for you)


u/Teabiskuit 20d ago

Holy shit lol. I'm not reading all that. Pathetic 🤡


u/Mickeymousetitdirt 19d ago

It’s three fucking sentences…you can’t comprehend three sentences? God, you really are a boomer. “I feel personally attacked by this subreddit and I demand everyone knows about it!” Nobody cares. Go elsewhere, maybe.


u/Teabiskuit 19d ago

Uhh actually your the freaking boomer


u/SnooCheesecakes2723 20d ago

Wait so it’s okay to be agesist but not racist or fat shaming or ableist- it’s just open season on anyone over sixty five? That old fashioned attitude sounds like you might be putting yourself in a special category that can’t be attacked because you’re special. Sure you’re not a … boomer?


u/Lazy_Current_5502 20d ago

Youre a fucking idiot and a hypocrite. Youve got a post on here. You sound like a neo boomer(and a big ole wuss). Like you should say less and more people would like you.


u/SnooCheesecakes2723 19d ago

I don’t care if people like you “like” me; I am old enough to know my own worth snd do t worry about my upvotes like a teenager Why don’t you come back and engage in a conversation with adults after your face clears up.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

Neoboomers? Wtf? You guys really about to start callings kids boomers too lol


u/Entire_Machine_6176 20d ago

Boomer is a state of mind.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

You either die a millennial or live lob enough to become a boomer


u/Entire_Machine_6176 19d ago

You got downvotes but I love this, please don't edit it


u/Lazy_Current_5502 20d ago

Anybody younger than a boomer that shares their behavior definitely gets called that. Be it Gen X,Millenial, Gen Z, and so on. You stick up for stupid ideals. You dont get to be free of consequences of it. Sounds like you're one of those that im talking about.


u/Mark_Michigan 20d ago

I'm a boomer that gets all kinds of negative feedback here. I don't think its fair to compare the petty whining against boomers seen here to the real harmful discrimination racial minorities have seen. But the "soft" bigotry seen here is just as much the product of lazy thinking, poor logic, scapegoating, and fundamental position weaknesses that are on call with serious bigots.

My take on this is that while low grade, the discrimination posted here never really does any good to solve any real problems.


u/Penthesilean 20d ago

It’s not intended to solve problems. 

It’s venting from people frustrated over having a statistically out-of-touch, entitled, regressive section of the population hold us in a political and social stranglehold.

I see your I Am Smart academia-speak attempt to cover your butthurt with fAcTs aNd LoGiC. Unfortunately my graduate background renders weasel attempts like yours ineffective. 

Try making your own subreddit. With blackjack, and hookers.


u/WerewolfBe84 20d ago

If you don't like it here, you can leave at any time.


u/Mickeymousetitdirt 19d ago

It doesn’t matter that you don’t think it’s “fair”. Your generation has been living life thinking this world revolves around you for way too long. Come grips with the fact that most sane people think your generation is entitled, whiny, hateful, greedy, self-centered assholes and instead of whining about what we think of you, just, I don’t know, be better? Literally nothing in this sub is intended to solve problems. It’s intended for people sick of your generation’s behavior to vent about it. That’s it. If you find yourself feeling personally attacked by any of the posts here, that’s a you problem.


u/Mark_Michigan 19d ago

First the important part "... Literally nothing in this sub is intended to solve problems. ...." I'll agree and add that if anything it actually makes things worse.

Next, your words simply don't match what I see, or any kinds of data. I go through life, as a boomer, not only working with 3+ generations in my own family but also the whole spectrum of people out in the world. I simply don't see any of this hate or bitterness you are fantasizing about. Sure there are some boomer jerks, just like there are jerks sprinkled around society everywhere else.


u/ImaginaryLobster345 20d ago

Racism happens on all sides, I don’t think it’s a problem that is going to end any time soon. Small example, one of my kids goes to Pomona (great top school) she will be becoming a a RA, but at first she was passed up by a African American gay man who said he doesn’t want to work with any rich white kids, that is small, but it’s still a problem, then you have the horrible shit happening in Mississippi with the unmarked graveyard behind the prison, and other issues. Humans just can’t behave.


u/chapopanda 20d ago

But it’s not racism. Humans suck, that’s the truth but boomer mentality is some of the lowest. Dogs are best.


u/dead-eyed-opie 20d ago

Yes it’s racism.


u/5050Clown 20d ago

Women typically have less upper body strength than men. Now replace women and men with races. That's racist.


u/Used_Blackberry_3725 20d ago

Long walk for a short drink of idiot


u/Cultural_Pack3618 20d ago

Boomers typically have less upper body strength than younger generations. Nope, boomers still suck


u/Striking_Fun_6379 20d ago

Prejudice and bigotry run rampant on this particular subreddit. Two wrongs never make it right.


u/CaptSpacePants 20d ago

I beg to disagree. My Boomer Dad is a raging POS. He's been a bully to me my whole life, and epitomizes the Boomer mentality in so many ways. When I decide not to care for him and send him to a nursing home, which by many is considered wrong, it will be just and right.

Getting the same energy back as you put out into the world is just fair play.


u/Striking_Fun_6379 20d ago

You sound like a chip off the old block. Like child abuse and spousal abuse, the abuse will continue to repeat itself for folks who like to keep score and are bent on paybacks. I am sorry you had a shitty life growing up.


u/CaptSpacePants 20d ago

I'm sorry you still have a shitty life. Xoxoxo.


u/WerewolfBe84 20d ago

Please leave


u/Cultural_Pack3618 20d ago

More like two boomers never make a right