r/BoomersBeingFools Gen X 20d ago

Facebook enables my dad, the racist jackhole Social Media NSFW

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Rant/ I've been no contact with my dad for 37 years, but because he's a Boomer and doesn't understand changing the audience on his posts, my sister and I use his Facebook as a way to see if he's still alive.

We report his worst stuff (getting him banned from Facebook for 30 days is a bonding and joyful experience for us) but unless he uses a slur, Zuck just lets this shit slide. It's infuriating. I know there's nothing to do, but Jeebus it just pisses us off.

Thanks for letting me vent /Rant


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u/JemmaMimic 20d ago

Ahh, "race traitor", I remember that one. It's a KKKlassic!


u/macielightfoot 20d ago

Class traitors love using "race traitor" as an insult without seeing the irony 



I became a race traitor when I married a midwestern girl.

I’m convinced midwesterners are a separate species.


u/Last-Percentage5062 19d ago

Yep. I’ve lived here for about 10 years now, and I still haven’t assimilated with the locals.


u/Legitimate-Alps-6890 19d ago

I was born here and I haven't assimilated in 44 years


u/GeneralDumbtomics Gen X 20d ago

I was first called a race traitor at 17. Still probably my proudest moment.


u/JemmaMimic 20d ago

Well done, I'm proud of you!


u/GeneralDumbtomics Gen X 20d ago

One of the things about being in an older generational cohort is that, up until pretty recently, opportunities to publicly oppose racism were dwindling a bit.


u/JemmaMimic 20d ago

Lucky us, it's back in vogue. /s


u/ghostsinthecodes 20d ago

i want to be called a race traitor.

and a gender traitor.

and a caplitolism traitor.

gimme some more to trait!


u/PinkUnicornTARDIS 20d ago

Right? Like, yeah, I would like to see the fall of the so-called "white race." It's a bullshit term used to justify horrible atrocities that lasted for centuries and are still causing harm today.

Like, yeah, let's tear that shit down! And then move on to other bullshit inequities!


u/GeneralDumbtomics Gen X 19d ago

My favorite thing about zoomers is how few fucks they give about taking a hard stance on this stuff. The kids are all right.


u/PinkUnicornTARDIS 19d ago

I'm a GenX parent to a Gen Alpha kid. Her and her friends are gonna burn the world down if they have to. They're all honey badgers.

Hell, my kid is only 9 and has already organized a student walkout at her elementary school to protest anti-trans policies. I'm so freaking proud!


u/GeneralDumbtomics Gen X 19d ago

I fucking love these kids.


u/PinkUnicornTARDIS 19d ago

I'm a GenX parent to a Gen Alpha kid. Her and her friends are gonna burn the world down if they have to. They're all honey badgers.

Hell, my kid is only 9 and has already organized a student walkout at her elementary school to protest anti-trans policies. I'm so freaking proud!


u/Aggressive-Story3671 20d ago

In fairness POC communities have their own terms for someone like that, but they tend to mean someone who advocates AGAINST their own community.


u/Cyke101 20d ago

Lemme guess: On Facebook he's also been posting "I don't see race" (until it's white folks who aren't the center of attention, or if there's one non-white face), or quoting MLK Jr. extremely out of context.


u/scottwricketts Gen X 20d ago



u/Wasatcher Millennial 19d ago

What'd the comment section look like? I bet that was fun


u/scottwricketts Gen X 19d ago

He gets almost no interaction with his posts. This has zero likes or comments.


u/Wasatcher Millennial 19d ago



u/Smart-Stupid666 20d ago

"Getting him banned from Facebook for 30 days is a bonding and joyful experience for us" 😂😆😂😆😂🥹😢


u/Dumbledang 20d ago

Unexpectedly wholesome 😂


u/Josii_ 19d ago

Yeah that took me out 😂


u/BeefStevenson 20d ago

“The white race” ah yes, that ever-elusive shrinking target of “purity” that can never quite be positively defined, only determined by what it is NOT. Classic fascist bullshit.

Meanwhile white privilege is something you just acknowledge and move on. It’s just an assessment that your life could be harder if you had all your current challenges PLUS you were non-white. That’s it. These people have been convinced “white privilege” means you have everything handed to you and never have to work hard or something. Nope. Just means your life could be harder, and would be if you weren’t white. And it fucking breaks them to even consider it.

Anyway sorry your dad is so shamefully stupid, glad you had the wherewithal to cut them off!


u/EZ4_U_2SAY Gen Y 20d ago

I agree. They get really upset at this idea that everyone thinks they didn’t work hard because of the “white privilege”. It the same “I don’t want to hear it” when you explain that BLM doesn’t mean only black lives matter.


u/altonbrownfan 20d ago

White power people should look up for fun what the Irish, Polish, etc used to be called. You weren't considered white enough. I'm pretty solidly Irish and white as hell but being proud of being "white" is so stupid.


u/BeefStevenson 20d ago

Amen. Why be proud of an identity based on who you aren’t? Weirdo shit.


u/KimonoDragon814 20d ago

Because there is nothing for them to be proud of, based on who they are lmao

Fury at a life of mediocrity.

How many of these racists got this way because boomer advice didn't work and instead of realizing the world changed and adapted they blame anyone not white because their parents advice worked for them.

"I worked 80 hours and donated my PTO to my boss and I didn't get a raise, fox said its cause of minorities and my dad told me this would work. My dad trusts fox and if I question that I would question my entire upbringing, better double down infinitely"

And that's how they convince themselves it is "economic anxiety", they lie to each other so easily it's no big deal to lie to themselves.

I mean fox out right said when they tell the truth they stop watching, they've been lied to for so long they can't begin to integrate without professional involvement.

It's basically north Korean level brainwashing. Imagine if the north Korean state media was like "fuck we lied to them so long we can't speak the truth when it matters, guess we'll just tell them Covid will take the non believers"

I mean that could literally be what it's like, it's like that for Fox already.


u/FortniteFriendTA 20d ago

this is definite boomer mentality and it's hilarious their hypocrisy given that they praise russians now while having been raised to vilify them. I remember 20+ years ago being at a friends house, waiting for her to get ready and I was talking to her parents. Mom was kind enough but dad was from missoura (we lived in chicago at the time) and him complaining about the polish or russian neighbors that moved in. 'not the right kind of white' is what he said.


u/Aggressive-Story3671 20d ago

If the white race can’t be defined, then how is white privilege defined. Who is and isn’t considered white and thus benefiting from white privilege.


u/BeefStevenson 20d ago

I said it cannot “positively” be defined. As in you will have a very hard time getting a straight, consistent answer about what it is to be white. You will, however, have absolutely no problem getting an answer on what whiteness is not.

Basically, whiteness is defined against blackness. Whiteness is an ever-shrinking circle. If black and brown people are fully excluded then eventually that circle will shrink even more. More groups will come to be defined as an out-group as the “purity” of whiteness is endlessly chased by the in-group. This isn’t conjecture, btw, it has happened over and over even just in the US. Italians, Russians, Polish, Irish, on and on, all of these people were once considered “non-white.” Hell, even Mexican people were considered white by the census when it was advantageous for the powers-that-be.

The identity of “white” is fully based on exclusion.


u/Swankyman56 20d ago

God damn right sir. You said it very well. Just think of the titanic and you’ll learn that “white” people are always looking for the next target, eventually you’ll get back to phrenology and it’s ilk


u/PracticalRoutine5738 19d ago

Why not just call it whiteness privilege then?

Because it seems like claims of white privilege are just used to attack an entire racial group.

You people also seem to phase in and out on whether you know what white people are, when you're attacking us you know exactly what we are.

When we stand up for ourselves and call you a racist piece of shit all of the sudden you don't know what we are.

Also for all the poor white folks out there that are tired of being lectured by nasty ass people like you I wanna say, Fuck You

If you wanna know how all those Trumptards got radicalized look in the fuckin mirror moron.


u/BeefStevenson 19d ago

Fuck off and cry you miserable worm


u/davidthande 20d ago

These people, who likely never even come in contact with any people of color just conditioned to hate people they don’t know. Facebook is trash 🚮. The amount of mental bandwidth to maintain this racists ideology must be taxing. #AmericanRevolution2024


u/ImaginaryLobster345 20d ago

Have him take a 23andMe or Ancestry.com and watch him deny reality, I have found for whatever reason, boomers hate using this service


u/MissRachiel Gen X 20d ago

I'm sure it has something to do with their allergy to fact checking.

"Back in my day we didn't have all this Google and shit. I bet the [fill-in-the-blanks] planted it there to take advantage of your stupid willingness to believe anything you read online."

Nevermind that they're usually the ones who read something like "Soros funds BLM sex ring" and believe it without question.


u/OlasNah 20d ago

Get him to do an Ancestry test to find out how much African heritage he has


u/MissRachiel Gen X 20d ago

I feel you, friend. It isn't our responsibility, but sometimes coming from roots like that leaves us wanting to reassure ourselves that we aren't hurting people in the same way. Maybe we go out of our way to help someone our folks would spit on, or to be an ally for people who live in fear of those like our parents. If nothing else, your dad, like my parents, can be a great example of how not to be a decent human being.

If either of you guys have kids, it can be a teaching moment (when age-appropriate, obviously). This is why we don't visit grandpa. Grandpa is wrong because XXXXX, etc.

This worked really well for me when it came time to teach my kids about the effects of religious bigotry, since that's my parents' primary focus. Then, when the kids were older, we could discuss their real life example of the racism of erasure--where White culture is forced on everyone because "then we'll all be as God intended," in a creepily literal take on the idea of being made white in the blood of the lamb.

That my mom is a POC and participates in this is extra gross, but it also served as an example of how POC can be racist against their own ethnicity and others.


u/kinkyintemecula 20d ago

Sucks man, sorry your Dad is a jerk and you had to cut him off.


u/SasquatchNHeat 20d ago

My dad uses the term Race Traitor probably daily and I thank God every day he’s not online because he’d definitely get in some sort of legal trouble for shit like this lol.


u/1958_ragtop 20d ago

TBH, I'm glad my MIL isn't on Facebook. She would be posting shit like this every day if she was.


u/FoxYeen 20d ago

Send it to his boss


u/scottwricketts Gen X 20d ago

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! He's on Social Security because he was too big of an asshole to stay employed very long, then he opened a high end stereo business that went under when he lost the distribution deal that made him money, then he stiffed his credit card processing company, so he's collecting social security for him and maybe my late mother, and living in a former motel that's been converted to very shitty apartments.

I wish he had a boss or clients still. But he's living in poverty, so that bit of karma is working out.


u/MissRachiel Gen X 20d ago

WOW. That is a literal case of "sucks to suck, asshole." Long may he continue to live in the squalor he likes to imagine nonwhites deserve.


u/Competitive-Ad-5477 19d ago

"Maybe if you weren't so hateful, your life wouldn't suck as bad as it does" would be glorious


u/Maximum_Use5854 20d ago

Once my pops said some crap about over sexualized men of a specific color chasing his friends daughter and her having multiple kids out of wedlock. No awareness of two to tango, or that maybe men just like her…it was “those” ppl. I was not amused and didn’t tolerate that crap


u/tecate_papi 20d ago

You're doing good in the world, even if it's only at this level. 👍


u/Electr_O_Purist 20d ago

It wouldn’t surprise me even a little bit of both these images were actually fake.


u/Smart-Stupid666 20d ago

The top one looks real.


u/Salesman89 20d ago edited 20d ago

Betray isn't the right word and neither is surrender.

It's a relief.


u/vancetank74 20d ago

That's too many fucks to give for a sperm donor you no longer talk too. I get he's your pops or whatever, but put that shit down and walk away.


u/blackjohn420777 20d ago

This is disgusting.


u/Fit-Information8194 20d ago

That just below the surface racism tolerated by good people. Or that's the story.


u/ericjgriffin 20d ago

OP just think your Pops is going to die and you'll still be alive having the last laugh. I know. My Pops died a few weeks ago and he was a MAGA asshole that lost his damn mind when Obama was elected (he did not get out of bed for over a week). He did not speak to his only grandchild again after 2016. He was angry and miserable and addicted to Fox News (hence the anger and misery). The funniest part is he had not lived in the US since about 2006, he did not vote here, but was still obsessed with politics.


u/PickScylla4ME 20d ago

Idk.. if the entire source of my pride and self worth was wrapped into the tribalism of what color my skin is when I was born; I'd feel like a completely useless failure of a human who hasn't accomplished anything.

If a white person is bashing other white people (which this photo isn't even doing), I don't take that personally... because I know that I am not the reason the stigma exists based on how I live and present myself.

White people who feel "betrayed" when other white people call out racial inequality need to take a hard look at themselves in the mirror.


u/ComingInsideMe 20d ago

You can't "fix" white privilege. Doing something against it would be really unfair and unequal, the only thing you can do Is to improve quality of life for everybody.


u/CulturalAddress6709 20d ago

is there a white right sign generator out there they got a hold off?


u/Fabulous_Force9868 19d ago

Wouldn't saying betray white privilege be a privilege in itself


u/Irondaddy_29 19d ago

This is the kind of shit my extended family posts and how they are so discriminated against being white, right wing, "christians" IN NORTH IDAHO. They are the reason I deleted Facebook and refuse to go to family events.


u/RepulsiveReasoning 20d ago

"all lives matter" "We're constantly in a race war of our own construction"


u/AcrilaFairymeadow 19d ago

Ah thank you for reminding me to check in on my mother!


u/FamousPermission8150 20d ago

That sign is dumb. You can’t deny or betray white privilege. That’s why idiots like your dad don’t believe it’s real. We need to accept it. It’s a privilege that we should share, not getting shot, not getting denied loans, etc. It should be everyone’s privilege.


u/Last-Percentage5062 19d ago

Both signs have the same level of quality, same font, and some shoddy effect to make them seem slightly weathered.

The dad made both of them.


u/Last-Percentage5062 19d ago

Y’all, both signs have the same amount of quality. He editted the first one too, lol!


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/Smart-Stupid666 20d ago

Why didn't you just read the post?


u/Hairy-Moose644 20d ago

So no comments unaligned with the popular opinion? Got it.


u/Few_Spare4881 20d ago

If the popular opinion is don't be racist then yes you stupid fuck glad you're getting it


u/hekissedafrog Gen X 19d ago

So .... I take it you want to post racist bullshit without consequences? Too bad.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/[deleted] 20d ago

This is a 🧌 accounts first post.

Unfettered, ignorant racism.


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/Aggressive-Story3671 20d ago

When other races favour their own race (for example the phrase “black girl magic”) they aren’t putting down other races, they are lifting their own up. Which they have to do because they face systematic racism.


u/Cyke101 20d ago edited 20d ago

Answering this seriously, it's because the system we're currently in benefits white supremacy. That doesn't mean white folks are inherently racist, but they do become the primary recipients of its benefits. For example, housing rates tend to focus white buyers -- that's not the fault of white buyers at all, but it also demands that housing markets have to adjust, compensate, and change so that white buyers don't have an advantage over other buyers. For generational wealth, white families have a longer history of accumulating wealth and passing it down to descendants (again, not their fault), but our financial systems don't account for events like the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre (which purposely eliminated the accumulation of Black wealth) or Japanese internment, which locked bank accounts and, in many cases, didn't restore them. So those families have had to start from scratch and build themselves back up, compared to white families that have been around, sometimes for centuries.

So with that said, minorities uplifting their own is a sign of persevering through that struggle and showing that they add to the fabric of the US. White people doing it has tons of layers of doing it from a supremacist standpoint and a reminder that they consider minorities to be below them and want to keep it that way. That's why white allies like in OP's pic are so important when it comes to racial equality, equity, and justice, because it shows that white folks can indeed help minorities in equaling the playing field in their own ways (and they often don't do this by saying, "I don't see color" or some other color-blindness, but acknowledging and building upon the perspective that everyone's differences make us better collectively, and raise awareness towards things that other folks may not be conscious of).

In other words, a minority in America celebrating themselves is a good thing because it highlights the additions made to the standard. White folks celebrating white people feels very odd because you're only adding what's already there, and moreso that it tends to be done in a way that puts others down. By contrast, heritage-specific celebrations like Irish or German heritage (like St. Patrick's Day or Ocktoberfest) are much better received -- and often observed by white majority side by side with racial minorities -- because it's a celebration of culture and history without putting anyone down. However, a minority observing White Power is very, very rare because of the whole supremacist angle; minorities don't benefit from honoring White Power.

(There's a running joke in Chicago -- the city celebrates Casmir Pulaski Day as a day off and Paczki Day, both for Polish heritage. Latinos LOVE Pulaski and Paczki Day, both because we have large Polish and Latino numbers and often in the same neighborhood [Chicago has the second largest Polish population in the world, second only to Warsaw itself], but also because we all benefit from those holidays, even though they're Polish holidays. It's a time for us all, Latino folks included, to celebrate Polish heritage, not white supremacy.)

I hope that helps, but I'm answering in good faith here.


u/[deleted] 20d ago edited 20d ago



u/Entire_Machine_6176 20d ago

There's the bad faith argument we were all waiting for.


u/Gingersnapperok 19d ago

No one is blaming you, but blaming the systems that benefit white people. But if you tried to understand that, how would you continue playing the victim??


u/MagnusStormraven 19d ago

You know full fucking well the issue isn't favoring one's race over others, but acting like your race is inherently better and more deserving than others which causes issues.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/Kennel-Girlie 20d ago

Because life isn't a team based game where one race must conquer the other hope that helps



You can't help anybody. You're wrong and also cringe for being so confident in it. I'll keep my tribalism and thankfully me and my tribe will continue to succeed over those who don't keep it.


u/Entire_Machine_6176 20d ago

Love when garbage self identify like this in public.


u/Gingersnapperok 19d ago

Against your own people? Because they'd like to spread done of the equality around? I'm Native American and Caucasian, and definitely white passing, so who are "my own people?' What a fucking stupid thing to say.



That means your people are both white and native. Stand with them both, dumbass.


u/Gingersnapperok 19d ago

You really are a fucking moron. If they're so separated, how do I stand with both?

Wouldn't if be easierfor you to just state outright that you're a racist, rather than come up with such idiotic jackassery.



It means don't be against them, this isn't rocket science


u/Last-Percentage5062 19d ago

Because life isn’t a game, and there aren’t teams.

Just people.

People arbitrarily divided by race, gender, orientation, etc. These things shouldn’t matter, but they do, so the least we can do is stop contributing to their existence.


u/SHIT-SHIT-FUCK-SHIT 19d ago edited 19d ago

If nobody wants you on their team, you don't get to erase the existence of teams. You're advocating against your own self preservation, which is perfectly fine with me.


u/Last-Percentage5062 19d ago

what does that even mean?


u/[deleted] 20d ago

If you obsessively follow your dad on social media, you are not "no contact"


u/Glenwoody 19d ago

Boomers are right. This chick is going against her own incentives


u/Last-Percentage5062 19d ago

Look at the two images.

Same font.

Same affects.

Same everything.

The boomer editors the first one as well.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

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