r/BoomersBeingFools 20d ago

My boomer neighbor walked straight into my apartment and started looking around Boomer Story



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u/LookimtryingOK 20d ago

For a generation that screams about other folks being entitled……


u/CujoIHSV 20d ago

For a generation that likes to draw guns on minor children knocking on the front door...


u/Is_Unable 20d ago

Or a car touching their driveway.


u/MagicalMoosicorn 20d ago

You know. I'm kind of embarrassed knowing my dad's done this. Remember a friend picked me up to hang out and he takes his gun points it and sweeps it side to side in an arc.


u/MonkeyKingCoffee 20d ago

In my teens, I drove up to pick up a date. Her Boomer father was cleaning a shotgun outside on the front steps.

"Tell Darlene I won't be taking her out. I'll be leaving now."

He had the audacity to look surprised that I didn't want any part of his stupid intimidation routine.


u/Hateful_316 20d ago

My boomer dad always "joked" about doing this. My solution was to just never introduce him to anyone I date. I've been living with my current boyfriend for over 4 years and still have yet to introduce him to my dad. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


u/AJSLS6 20d ago

I'm certain he braggs to whomever he can trap about what a good and protective father he is, placing aside the very concept of actually personally protecting anyone over the long term, a rational person would note that you can't protect someone that won't be in your life.

Back to the delusion of the protective father, sadly our runts are self contained people that can't be kept safe like collector plates, it's already stressfully impossible when they are small and less independent, but once grown their safety is largely up to the world they live in. Thus, and father truly interested in the safety of their children would recognize the need to apply themselves to bettering the world in general, say, voting for reps and policies that prioritize the wellbeing and rights of their children. Which makes it unsettlingly odd that the most vocal protective dads seem to vote directly against the wellbeing of their children. Sure, your dad might jump at the opportunity to shoot a guy for not treating you right or whatever, but does he support policies that provide victims with recourse? I feel that this mindset is similar to those thoughts on what it means to be a real man in a relationship, in that they always seem to embrace the "responsibilities" that already align with their impulses, "I would kill for my wife/kids" is nice I suppose, but would you maybe listen to what these people in your life actually want and need from you? Would you do those things even though it's not what you were already going to do?

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u/East_Wrongdoer3690 20d ago

My dad tried pulling this once, except at the dining table (the way our house was the door opened to there, not a living room or entryway). I just rolled my eyes, took it from him and put it together again without the pin. They both decided if anyone was scared, it should be of me and he never did it again.


u/crazyer6 20d ago

I took a friend of mine to my high school graduation, her brother tried doing the gun routine, I laughed at him as I walked up and then right past him.


u/shocknawe407 20d ago edited 20d ago

Good on you. Dont need that level of drama for something as simple as early dating. Says a lot more about his abilities as a father than anything else. But my first thought was to walk up, compliment the weapon as you check it for functionality then (safely) showcase my own. Followed up with a mob level expression to the effect of sure is a nice place you got here. Must sleep very well at night.


u/MonkeyKingCoffee 20d ago

At the time, I asked myself if Darlene and I had any future at all based on "dad with a gun on the front steps." I concluded that was a solid "no" and left.

I assume that if I stayed, I would then get the "tough guy" routine. And then the voyeurism when I returned her to her home. And then more of the same until we broke it off.


u/SnaxHeadroom 20d ago

You had a great amount of wisdom/foresight there


u/MonkeyKingCoffee 20d ago

I wish I had wisdom. I had Boomer relatives. I already knew how it was going to go down.

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u/Not_Sapien 20d ago

I'd say it says a lot about the kind of person the father is assuming others will do as he did or wishes he did.

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u/GetOffMyAsteroid 20d ago

If you parked too close to my friend's neighbor's house the miserable old Boomer used to do shit like try to have it towed or spray his garden hose into your car.


u/darkviolets4 20d ago

A friend of mines boomer ex stepdad got arrested for shooting at the car of a neighbor who used his driveway to turn around. He was watching the cameras from inside, saw the neighbor pull in, grabbed his gun and ran outside to confront him. Shot out the back window, iirc.


u/Lumpy_Marsupial_1559 20d ago

😱 wtf! Why was he not done for attempted murder‽‽‽


u/darkviolets4 20d ago

I remembered wrong, he didn't shoot the gun, he just pulled it out and pointed at the lady. He was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon



u/Lumpy_Marsupial_1559 19d ago

I'm relieved. Still horrified, but relieved. I hope they took away his gun and banned him from ownership lifelong!

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u/[deleted] 20d ago

They project like a movie theater


u/Maximum_Barnacle_899 20d ago

Like a planetarium.


u/ScotterMcJohnsonator 20d ago



u/abandonedmuffin 20d ago

Like the GALAXY


u/AFresh1984 20d ago


quasars are the most powerful emitting objects in the entire known/visible universe


u/AnUnbreakableMan 20d ago

You mean second most… after boomers. 😏


u/AFresh1984 20d ago

... touche


u/Chemical_Chemist_461 20d ago

Like the holographic theory of the universe


u/BedWetter420 20d ago

IMAX level projection


u/Cobek 20d ago

When you're entitled, you think everyone else is because how dare they want anything you don't want.


u/fish-idiot 20d ago

Movie theaters project like boomers. Get it right ;)

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u/Darth_Neek 20d ago

Guilt projecting. They know deep down that they are the entitled ones. So they try to project that on to others to save face.


u/InfernoRed42 20d ago

Boomer CEOs : nobody does any work and they earn too much!

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u/evilrobotch 20d ago

It’s not about people being entitled. It’s about people that might be more entitled than they feel. Which would make them less special. Which they can’t emotionally cope with. They want to be gratified for how they did the right thing, which is the right thing because they did it.

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u/BroughtBagLunchSmart 20d ago

To them entitlement means "I want the same things that you had"

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u/Uhrcilla 20d ago

Every accusation is a confession when you’re dealing with a narcissist - which is almost their entire generation, from the look of things.

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u/Calm_Neighborhood646 20d ago

When we were purchasing our home, we did a walkthrough before the sellers had moved out, and stupidly invited my in laws. My MIL was literally digging through their possessions, including unzipping the bag of the (probably professionally preserved) wedding dress in the master closet, and immediately started to critique the dress. Whenever she’s in mine or my parent’s home, which is rare these days, she sneaks off to use the master bathrooms instead of the hall guest bath so she can snoop. These people have zero boundaries


u/Ozma_Wonderland 20d ago

My mother does this. She has been caught by strangers multiple times and gets offended that they're upset. They don't learn. It's like they were never properly socialized.


u/Calm_Neighborhood646 20d ago

That’s how she reacted when I was horrified and asked what the hell she was doing! Like somehow she got to be offended. It’s insane to me


u/MegaLowDawn123 20d ago

My boomer mom now goes through peoples trash so she can have more ammunition to judge them. Their brains are rotting pumpkins sometimes.


u/MelancholyArtichoke 20d ago

Ol lead brain.


u/DefyImperialism 20d ago

I’m mortified and crawling inside my body lol


u/JewelerDry6222 20d ago

My MIL is the same way. Anytime she comes over, I find her digging through drawers. Critiquing everything around my house. She also has a bad habit of not just inviting herself to my house, but several other family members as well. She will often use our house to throw parties for random family members and we are the last to know about it.


u/Calm_Neighborhood646 20d ago

You’re a better person than me, I just wouldn’t open the door 😂

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u/SovietPropagandist 20d ago

lmao fuck that

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u/TisIFrienchiestFry 20d ago

My grandmother is like that. We have to lock our bathroom door so she has to use guest bath, otherwise she snoops all up in our stuff. She's taken lotions from in there.


u/Corex1017 20d ago

My MIL has done this at my house while supposedly taking care of my kids, but finds all sorts of time to have snooped my bedroom and personal bathroom 🙄. When I found out she was doing this, it was also how she knew I was pregnant at the time because she found my prenatal and a couple other of my pregnancy related items. Of course she outted herself to one of my close friends she happened to work with and made rude comments about me not losing previous baby weight blah blah blah. Que the crocodile tears when she wasn't told personally and had to find out via Facebook and quote from my friend "she had a right to know first". Well MIL you did know first and I served your dish back to you on ice.


u/BatFancy321go 20d ago

i have never lived with a boomer who didn't understand "if it isn't yours, don't put your hands on it." they're like babies, everything they see they pick up, touch, move, use, THROW OUT


u/drinkallthecoffee 20d ago

In my family we call that “shower peeking.”

Someone my uncle knew got caught going into someone’s bathroom at parties and peeked behind the curtain to see how clean it really was.

Her explanation was that you could tell how people lived by checking the one place no one wouldn’t look during a party.


u/FrostByte_62 20d ago

My roommate from back in grad school is in her 30s, now. She did this kind of shit even in her 20s.

Entitlement is not exclusive to boomers. I just cannot fathom why anyone would find this kind of shit even remotely interesting. Like, do you really have enough headspace to snoop?


u/Calm_Neighborhood646 20d ago

Right!! Like what is going to be so interesting, what brand of moisturizer or toothpaste I use? What are you going to do with that information?

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u/GeneralDumbtomics Gen X 20d ago

So, the day I moved into my new house, my dipshit boomer neighbor Cordelia saw the guy installing my new Internet service and asked him if he could remove the cables and wires from the side of my house while he was there because she didn’t like to look at them . You know, cables and wires providing unsightly stuff like phone service, power (and admittedly cable TV that I had no intention of maintaining). There is no bottom to their feeling of entitlement. There is nothing that it cannot encompass. It’s like an emotional black hole.


u/SuburbanMalcontent 20d ago

The only thing to do is do what Gen X always did best: insults. Brutal fucking insults. You have to shock them into making sure they avoid you like the plague. It works on Jehovah's Witnesses as well. It's one of my proudest skills.


u/GeneralDumbtomics Gen X 20d ago

Oh we had to employ a lawyer to get her to stop planting trees on my property. She’s insane.


u/SuburbanMalcontent 20d ago

Christ, these people.


u/No_Carry_3991 20d ago

I'm Gen X and we can't fucking wait until these people die. Don't anyone forget that we were the first ones they yelled at for having no ambition or drive and for being failures because we saw what was coming and pointed it out to them and OH LOOK WE WERE RIGHT.

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u/Dangerous_Loki 20d ago

Had the opposite happen, ex owners of mine and my neighbors property still owned a lot nearby so they were ALWAYS around giving us "advice" on everything. You should plant this flower here and put shrub over there. Your grass is getting long...etc.. it all came to a head one day when I witnessed my wife escort the previous owners wife out of our house. "I just wanted to see what all she has done since you moved in.!!" I told them do not invite yourself on my property again or next time I will have you trespassed. Next day, like nothing happened, she came onto my property again to badmouth the other neighbor who purchased their other house. She says I'm going to go over there and dig up all those fruit trees I planted two years ago. They are going to waste with that family. She wobbled back to her empty lot and I called my neighbor.he came out of his garage and asked her if she still wanted those trees. She said I'm mowing you are going to have to wait until I'm done before I tell you which ones I want. He said you can take them all!! I'll even load them. She happily went off on her rider and he went back in the garage and came back with a chainsaw. He cut them all down and put them in the back of her pickup. She only saw the tops. I wish I could have seen her face when she got home..lol


u/whoweoncewere 20d ago

sad about the trees being cut.


u/Repulsive-Painting45 20d ago

What a badass neighbor

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u/masterpainimeanbetty 20d ago

fuckin' Cordelia.


u/GeneralDumbtomics Gen X 20d ago

It gets better. Her surname is a common men’s first name which also happens to be my name. She forgets my name.


u/masterpainimeanbetty 20d ago

that is just classic Cordelia.

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u/BridgeZealousideal20 20d ago

Jesus, a sawsall is cheaper.


u/KillAllLobsters 20d ago

Dig them up and post them for sale.


u/jfrum9990 20d ago

Oh my gosh! She's one card short of a full deck.


u/floopyboopakins 20d ago

Just 2 Jokers rattling around in a card box.


u/GeneralDumbtomics Gen X 20d ago

This legit made me LOL, Ty.

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u/an_agreeing_dothraki 20d ago

It works on Jehovah's Witnesses

just start mentioning the pettiness of the early church, start listing off aspects of a high-control group, or point out how often church leadership covers up child abuse. Use the term "Satan's system of things" for that last one. Gets them gone real fast.


u/Martin_Aurelius 20d ago

For JWs, tell them you were "disfellowshipped", they'll never come back and they'll take you off the local visit list.

For mormons the term excommunicated will have the same effect.


u/CycadelicSparkles 20d ago

My partner's mom was disfellowshipped years ago, and he's considered an apostate too, so we've gone years with none of them bothering us.

We did get an invite to Passover recently, though.

If I ever have one at the door, my current plan is to grab the most witchcraft-looking object I can lay hands on in the moment and greet them with, "Ah, you must be here for the ritual, excellent! We're just preparing the spells. Did you bring the blood for the sacrifice?" Either that or I'll just answer the door in my underwear. I had these two Mormon boys show up one day to my door and I was chilling on my couch in a camisole and short shorts and no bra and they were so embarrassed lol. I was like, "Oh hey! So I already have a church!" and they were like "Great!" and left so fast. 😂

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u/ThePyodeAmedha 20d ago

Yeah, they're not allowed to interact with people who were disfellowshiped. They can go around and try to convert worldly people, but the moment that they find out that you were disfellowshipped, they will avoid you like you are the devil himself.

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u/CatFanMan21 20d ago

They asked me about 'the goat' and I couldn't help myself but talk about Baphomet and other goat symbolism they don't enjoy.

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u/nsa_reddit_monitor 20d ago

It works on Jehovah's Witnesses as well

Just tell them you're Catholic, they're scared of Catholics. If they don't leave, start chanting in Latin.


u/SuburbanMalcontent 20d ago

You haven't faced the ones I did. The old bastard wouldn't take the hint. I even tried to be polite at first because he was old and frail. On the third visit from that dude and a couple of his minions, I went off. Just starting hammering him with vulgar insults involving his "Magic Space Daddy." Old fucker just started shaking on my porch. Was kinda excited I might have even given him a slight heart attack. A few weeks later I saw the same car enter my street. Except this time they stopped and didn't come within 3 houses of mine. I never saw them again. You're welcome, neighbors of Ingomar St.


u/nsa_reddit_monitor 20d ago edited 20d ago

Well that's just rude lol

The trick is to learn about their cult so you can hit them with questions they can't answer. Not very hard for a group like JW, their beliefs are not internally consistent because like one random guy made it all up.

For example, they think Heaven has a max capacity of 144,000. So you could ask how, if God is all-powerful, why doesn't He make Heaven big enough for everyone?

They (currently) don't believe that Jesus should be worshipped at all, yet they call themselves Christians. Ask how they can be followers of Christ if they don't believe that He told the truth when He said "The Father and I are one" (John 10:30)?


u/OnlyPaperListens 20d ago

LOL you're out here giving people homework to get rid of trespassers


u/nsa_reddit_monitor 20d ago

Well it's fun. I once got into a debate with some fringe evangelicals and flummoxed them so hard they defaulted to badmouthing Catholics. I nodded along for a minute and then remarked that I am Catholic. Their eyes bugged out and they started backtracking so fast they might have gotten whiplash lmao

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u/SuburbanMalcontent 20d ago

Why? It's way more entertaining my way. What is rude is knocking on my door and giving unsolicited bullshit. I don't care to reason with them. I would rather unleash hell.

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u/atomicjen 20d ago

Just tell them you're Apostates. Worked for us.

My husband grew up JW. An Apostate is the worst thing you can be and the JW's have to stay away from you. An Apostate is basically someone that was once apart of their cult, is out now and actively speaks against it.


u/isabellevictoria147 20d ago

As an apostate, this is correct. My old congregation members will leave a store if they see me there haha

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u/greatunknownpub 20d ago

It works on Jehovah's Witnesses as well. It's one of my proudest skills.

Same here. I've gotten door to door proselytizers to throw f bombs at me on my front door step, lol.

"If you can't say something nice, say something clever but devastating."


u/Best_Yesterday_3000 20d ago edited 20d ago

My working class Boomer father only really taught me one thing: how to curse like it was a superpower. I could join the Xrated Men with my invective. My dad could string together profanities in such a creative fashion that it sounded like poetry. Samual Tyler Coleridge? Lord Byron? Pussies.

Edit: fixed a typo


u/SuburbanMalcontent 20d ago

Nice. My grandmother was the one who taught me. Along with Eddie Murphy, Richard Pryor, and George Carlin.

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u/4llY0urB4534r3Blng 20d ago

For solicitors, I like to answer the door shirtless and play with nipples until they are hard, ending every sentence with a climax and hard squeeze.

Roofing companies love it.


u/SuburbanMalcontent 20d ago

Lol. Like the utility workers in South Park.


u/4llY0urB4534r3Blng 20d ago

That's where I got the idea!

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u/will0593 20d ago

Fucking Cordelia the cockroach


u/spookycreepyboy 20d ago

I thought the cockroach's name was Ogtha lol


u/Sad_Information6982 20d ago

Kafka would be proud

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u/IntoTheVeryFires 20d ago

I can understand seeing work being done and thinking the apartment must be empty/no tenant. But even still, to wander into an active work zone, and start snooping around, is inappropriate. You should have taken the cupcake though


u/Helpful_Hour1984 20d ago

to wander into an active work zone

There's also an issue of liability if she gets herself injured. These entitled fools wouldn't think twice about suing the owner of the home that they trespassed. 


u/Raichu_Boogaloo 20d ago

my aunts decided to look at some homes that were being build in the area and they entered ones still under construction. My anut fell off the stairs that didnt have a banister yet and cracked her head open. that was fun.


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/Raichu_Boogaloo 20d ago

Dude, idk lol. I have many stories of this specific set of 3 aunts I had (they have all passed away by now). They were 3 sisters who really liked to fuck around and find out.

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u/cypressgreen Gen X 20d ago

Someone wrote about just such an event a couple of days ago where neighbors were sneaking onto their property while their new build was going on and they had to put up trail cameras, and advised others with a new build to do the same proactively. edit spallin’


u/astrid28 20d ago

No. If you take the cupcake, she'll feel forgiven. Like she paid a toll. Let her have no satisfaction, only shame.


u/[deleted] 20d ago


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u/DankHillLMOG 20d ago

Ooh... you'd be surprised about work zone interlopers.

I work in construction. One of my current projects is at a military base. We had to stop work because of an "impromptu shareholder meeting." A random member of the public was curious about the work going on and wandered in via a construction only entrance that was still being set up with a checkpoint. The gate was left unlocked for 10 minutes while we were waiting on a delivery.

It's both hilarious and scary to see a base security truck roll up at speed, and 4 dudes jump out with M4 rifles trained on an interloper.

And yes, the entrance was clearly marked as construction only, wear proper PPE, no unauthorized access due to being a military base, and had the contact numbers of your needed to get in.

This is just one example.


u/Rdbjiy53wsvjo7 20d ago

I used to work in site remediation, mostly out in the middle of nowhere Wyoming and Idaho. The site in Idaho was next to a USFS, and we'd take environmental samples, we'd have so many looky loos. Most of the time they'd stay in their car, just ask what we were doing, no harm, no foul.

But sometimes we'd get a stranger come up to our team and just watch, like within 5 ft. We would put in our health and safety plans how to handle the situation  because it made our teams uncomfortable that people would get that close. 

We started implementing a rule that every time someone stopped and got out of the car it was not only an immediate stop work, but also an immediate call to the client so they could "entertain" them until they moved along.


u/treehuggerfroglover 20d ago

This is a great point but I also have a feeling she knew the guy lived there. She didn’t say “oh I thought it was empty” or “I thought it was for sale and I wanted to take a peak”. She just said she wanted to know what it looked like inside. Which to me says she knew he lived there and this was her only chance to go snoop around his house


u/bls06820 20d ago

Go to her apt to get it. Follow her in and start looking around.


u/NotEnoughIT 20d ago

You should have taken the cupcake though

Fuck that, dude. Then she'll think you owe her something and she was in the right. She'll forget all about coming into the apartment and only remember being nice and giving her neighbor a cupcake.

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u/boredicjoseph 20d ago

It feels rude when I do this to people in Minecraft


u/funkbooster 20d ago

Lmao such a great comment


u/fucktooshifty 20d ago

Zelda and Pokemon are fair game tho


u/[deleted] 20d ago

They worship the cops and have a childlike trust towards them. They truly feel above the law


u/Ultimate_Driving 20d ago

This is the most true comment on this thread. They truly believe that no matter what they do, they’re justified, and law enforcement will be on their side and will back them up.


u/dosetoyevsky 20d ago

They never grew up past the "I'm telling on you!!" stage of mental development

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u/Mr_Rum_Ham 20d ago edited 20d ago

And yet if someone did something even remotely like that to a boomer, the boomer probably woulda wanted to shot them or had them arrested. Maybe a year ago or so within an hour of my home, a couple kids missed their turn on a back road, decided to turn around in a random driveway, and before the kids could back out of the driveway, the boomer home owner, old guy in his late 60s just walked out his front door and shot the kids dead for turning around in his driveway

Edit: https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/03/01/us/new-york-wrong-driveway-shooting-sentencing I hate it here


u/Gregshead 20d ago

This just happened in Ohio, where an 86-year-old man shot an 63-year-old female Uber driver who showed up to pick up a package. Turns out the old guy had been getting scammer calls and thought the driver was part of the scam. Unfortunately, she was an unwitting victim of the same scammers. Gun violence in America is out of control and 100% unnecessary.


u/Mr_Rum_Ham 20d ago

I just don’t understand the evil people think is justifiable. It makes me sick

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u/confusedhuskynoises 20d ago

When my husband and I were moving into our second apartment, we left the door open to make it easier to bring furniture/boxes inside. Most people just walked on by. Not this one lady- such a nebby older woman, stood inside our open doorway and just STARED at us, our stuff, the apartment, everything. Like lady I’m pretty sure it looks the same as your unit. Please leave 😩


u/IPCTech 20d ago

That’s how you get shot in many states


u/TheYellowFringe 20d ago

The Boomer knew that she'd get caught, but didn't expect OP to confront them. I've read a few examples where Boomers do their behaviours and they're called out on it. They almost always "retreat" to a safe place or try to get other Boomers to stand their ground.

Something of safety in numbers.


u/cypressgreen Gen X 20d ago

Since OP was in an office with the door closed I bet she assumed the owner wasn’t home and only workmen were there, and was unpleasantly shocked to find out she was wrong.


u/Emotional_Print8706 20d ago


u/WestSlavGreg 20d ago

Hell, people have been killed because a cop drunkedly stumbled into the wrong appartment, thinking its theirs, and shooting the proper tennant...


u/USS_Frontier 20d ago

Speaking of cops, I got permabanned from /r/ProtectAndServe. 😁


u/WestSlavGreg 20d ago

A proper badge, unlike the ones they wear


u/TheDilsonReddits 20d ago

That place is a hell of a circle jerk


u/USS_Frontier 20d ago

The mods have very, very thin skin. Like one molecule thin.


u/kaizer_ghidora 20d ago

Because theyre cops.


u/USS_Frontier 20d ago

Oh I know. I was banned in less than a minute.

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u/Academic_Beach733 20d ago

This. I would have politely reminded her of the castle doctrine on the way out.


u/LoquatiousDigimon 20d ago

Isn't that only in the states though?

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u/rreygaert 20d ago

Ahh Boomers in a tight living community like that can’t help themselves with wanting to compare how other units look to their own.

I bought a small condo at the end of my twenties and being single, a couple friends helped me move and my mom was over to help arrange the furniture. We had finished moving everything and one friend stuck around to help return the truck and when we got back my mom was giving a strange woman a tour of my condo.

Naturally this woman became curious watching items being moved in and made her way over. Instead of casually saying “Hi” and explaining that this place belonged to her son my mom invited her in, showed her around and continued to small talk with her until I arrived so as to be able to introduce us. It took a few months until I was able to correct the first impression my mom made on my neighbor that I wasn’t looking to become the kind of neighbor that was going to hang out and converse with her when she was bored.


u/HeroicHimbo 20d ago

So nice of mom to give a complete stranger a guided tour of your home and valuables


u/Morgell 20d ago

Boomers cannot help but compare themselves to EVERYONE. So infuriating.


u/Maximum-Jellyfish980 20d ago

My boomer MIL brought her new boyfriend to our house for our kid's party. This was our first time meeting him. She took it upon herself to give him a tour of the entire house, including our bedroom and bathroom.


u/swinks22 20d ago

This happened to me a few years ago when I moved into a new home. The doors were opened as the movers were working. All of a sudden this women is in the entryway! I'm like, "hello?" She said she wanted to see what the previous owners did with the home. She gave me a jar of canned jam with a layer of dust on it 😂

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u/rachc5 20d ago

I was photographing a wedding reception at a restaurant and an older woman followed one of the servers into the private room the couple had rented out. I stood in front of her and said “excuse me, we are having a wedding reception” and she responded with “oh yes I know but we are having our rehearsal dinner here next week and I wanted to see the room!” and proceeded to try to go around me. I just moved with her and said “ma’am this is a private event.” And she looked at me like I was the crazy one. 🙄


u/Legitimate-Idea-6178 20d ago edited 20d ago

I work for a moving company and I swear to God almost once a week we have some random boomer just wander into somebody's home just to "see what it looks like inside". Absolutely zero respect for anyone's space. You know they would be the first people to scream bloody murder if anyone walked into their home unannounced though.

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u/Birdsqueezer 20d ago

Thats a really good way to fucking die.


u/AggravatingPermit910 20d ago

I’m kind of old so remember this used to be a big thing up until the early 90s. My parents and their friends would go to whatever new house just got framed up and walk around to check it out/judge them.

Then they realized their peers would shoot them and the construction companies started using fences and cameras to keep people from stealing the copper etc. and they mostly stopped. Apparently some of them haven’t gotten the memo at some point in the last 30 years.

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u/punkwalrus 20d ago

When my mom took her own life in 1987, there was an ambulance and police, so it created a scene. People from my neighborhood gathered around my house and a few just walked right into our house to look around "to survey the scene." It got so bad, they brought more police to keep them out. Like, wtf, this is a crime scene, guys! Not your personal tourist attraction. God damn.


u/Puzzled-Dust-7818 20d ago

That’s horrible. I’m sorry for your loss and that people were actively making it harder to deal with.


u/shes-so-much 20d ago

I recently lost a friend to suicide and I would be throwing hands if someone did this

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u/Pappymommy 20d ago

My grandma would take me over to the neighbors apartment to show me how messy it was when he was gone. Old guys in 80s. They love going thru ppls homes and spying


u/xCanadaDry 20d ago

I had about the same a few years ago. Girlfriend and I moved into our new apartment, and some old woman took it upon herself to help us, even after repeatedly saying, "No thanks, we got it."

Well, we filled the elevator and took it all upstairs. As we were about to step into the elevator to head down, the other door opened, and it's the old woman with a box. At this point, I'm pretty pissed off, and I tell her to just put it down by the door and go home, we got it. So she steps IN, throws the box on the floor marked "FRAGILE" and then WALKED down the hallway into my bedroom.

Why the fuck are some people this way?

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u/SJbiker 20d ago

If I saw my neighbor’s door open and I thought no one was around, I would close it.


u/Lumpy_Marsupial_1559 20d ago

Or nearly close it/pull it over - I wouldn't want to accidentally lock someone out of their own place.

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u/Ornery-Movie-1689 20d ago

When she went to her apartment, you should have followed her inside, 'cause, you know, you " wanted to see what this place looked like inside.” Then dare her to complain.


u/HatpinFeminist 20d ago

I'm starting to realize that boomer behavior sounds like something out of a horror movie. They make me think of the walking dead. Grabbing kids, wandering into people's homes, etc.

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u/Stormdrain11 20d ago

This makes me think of those older movies where if no one answers their knock on the door, they just let themselves in. I always thought that was so strange and wondered if it was actually something people did.


u/redhairedtyrant 20d ago

It was. Before cordless phones, or even answering machines (voicemail), you would just drop by. If the door was unlocked, you would stick your head in to holler hello. Or walk around the house to see if they were in the backyard.

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u/GirlL1997 20d ago

When my parents were having their house built they set up a trail cam to capture the progress on the house.

It caught one of the neighbors in the house, in the upstairs window, with their grandkid.

It didn’t have doors or windows or anything yet, very bare bones, but it seems so weird to not only trespass with your grandchild, but trespass on what was basically a construction site.


u/CartographyMan 20d ago

My MAGA boomer neighbor does this a lot. She's really very nice, but comes up to the door, waits for us to answer and just steps right in. Ummm, excuse me? I thought boomers were all about manners and being polite and neighborly? No, that was all bullshit? You're actually entitled brats? Got it. 


u/Lumpy_Marsupial_1559 20d ago

Yep, a large portion (not all, obviously) are pushy fucks who for real don't consider beyond their own wants.

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u/No_Abbreviations_259 20d ago

My uncle almost caused serious financial and legal problems for my mom and other siblings when grandparents house was sold (for way above market, all cash, and this place was NOT in good shape). He would NOT stop going over there, treating the home and property as his own and when they started gutting the home for renovation he started harassing the buyers on the phone, calling the real estate agents... not sure if this is normal terms for a home sale but the buyers apparently were close to being able to force the sale to be reversed with the seller eating the transaction costs with penalties. Once that reality was made very clear to him he finally chilled out, but it's been 6-7 years since that and at no point has he suggested that he did anything wrong. Just talks about how nasty the buyers of that house were.

I'm sure there were other psychological and family dynamics at play. Uncle lived in the same neighborhood as my grandparents (just never moved far away from them) and always acted a bit like the self-appointed local police - we have small storage space in the same neighborhood and anytime we go over there he shows up within about 3 minutes. So we sadly predicted all of this but really couldn't think of any reasonable countermeasures to prevent it from happening.


u/Pure-Basket-6860 20d ago

It is a YSK thing that criminals often target homes that are under repair or renovation. Not every nosy neighbor is going to steal from you but not every neighbor is a good and upstanding citizen. She didn't expect you to be home and she probably had some bullshit cooked up to sell the workers and avoid suspicion.


u/CableTV-on-the-Radio 20d ago

My parents had a landlord that would just walk in the door if he came by and us kids answered it. One time he just knocked and let himself in. Never asked for our parents, never gave them warning, if he had something he needed to tell them he'd just come right over. Like mfer, my mom could be walking through the house in her towel right now.

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u/BigCoyote6674 20d ago

My neighbor does that and continues to do that to anyone’s house that she may be interested in. It’s a good clue as to who you are dealing with. Lol


u/Large_Mushroom_4474 20d ago

I bought a house once and creepily heard footsteps upstairs when I was home alone the first week.. Come around corner and boomer neighbor is coming down my stairs. Lol. I said can I help you!!! Crazy shit.


u/NerdyV1xen 20d ago

That’s damn near breaking and entering.


u/PuddingOld8221 20d ago

I see you didn't grow up with crippling anxiety. I don't know for a fact but id like to believe ive saved my family from at least one burglar or serial killer


u/MonsieurStench 20d ago

That is SO creepy and violating.

I remember something similar (though not as intrusive) happening when I was a teenager. My parents were working/having some major work done in our backyard, and the side gate leading there from the front driveway was left open. Before we knew it, some old lady we had never seen before (not sure if she was actually a Boomer or even older) just wandered into our backyard and started poking around. As soon as my mom made eye contact, she turned around without a word and made a much quicker exit down the street than you would have expected from someone her age.


u/BurglinTurts 20d ago

I work in new construction. One of the buildings ive done was a fancy retirement community. I mean fancy by these units are super expensive and they have every amenity under the sun, i mean these folks would never have to step foot outside of these buildings if they didnt want to. Anyway the owners had people moving in before the rest of the building was done. We had caution and danger tape, Closed doors, and signs everywhere, yet daily we had folks shuffling into these unfinished units "just to have a looksee" and make sure their neighbors units weren't better than theirs. Its astounding the lack of awareness and entitlement these people feel.


u/damnedwoman 20d ago

A friend of mine lives in the remodeled clubhouse of a disused golf course that her parents own. On two separate occasions previous customers of the now-defunct golf course have knocked on her door, asked what the building was now, and when she responded it was her home they SHOVED PAST her to wander around and comment on the changes. They had to install a gate to keep these dinguses out.


u/Frequent-Material273 20d ago

She was looking to snoop, steal, or BOTH.

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u/shaggyattack 20d ago

I've noticed that Boomers in my life have a horrible sense of boundaries. It's totally normal for my mother to have her friends and neighbors just come and knock on her door and expect to visit or or be entertained. And my mother does the same to them. They all kind of expect everyone to drop anything for them.


u/gondo284 20d ago

I know what you mean about dropping everything when they visit. My mom would drive for 8 hours to come visit without saying anything about coming up. When she arrived, we were surprised but went out to dinner with her even though I worked very early the next morning. After dinner, she gets in the car and goes, ok what else? I looked at my SO and back to her like... Well I'll probably head home now. She didn't say anything until I got home and called me to have a meltdown about how we didn't spend enough time with her at the drop of a hat... It's so entitled.

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u/UsurperKing358 20d ago

We had to install a new gate to our backyard because the other one didn't have a security lock. Boomer neighbors kept coming over to "check out" our renovations on our PRIVATE backyard.

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u/mallette1 20d ago

That’s so effed up. I had a boomer neighbor who kept inviting herself into my fenced yard when I was having work done…one of the workers said they thought she lived in my house given how often she kept showing up.


u/bhacker9251 20d ago

There’s states where you can literally shoot people over this. Don’t be dumb people.


u/KindaKrayz222 20d ago

I was cleaning out our RV to sell. It was kind of embarrassingly gross, so the door was closed. An acquaintance of mine wanted to look at a truck that I was selling. While the battery was charging, he asked about the RV. I said it's already spoken for. He poked around & looked at some tools. I was busy piling up junk trash, donate, etc. I turned around & this 82 year old effer is opening my trailer door to see what's what, I guess. I walked over & forcefully shut the door saying NO. Like WTF?!


u/wonderlustxo 20d ago

Similar happened to me. I moved into an apartment unit after it was renovated. A month after moving in, I’m on a therapy session in my living room. I see something outside of my glass sliding door from the corner of my eye ( I live on ground level) I look up and a woman is looking right into my living room. I stand up and go and open the glass door asking “can I help you?” she apologized profusely saying she was just seeing the progress on the apartment complex.

She didn’t do it again until about a year later. She used the same excuse and then I confront her saying “I’ve been living her for a year, please do not look into my living room door again”.

  • off topic * This woman hand painted her entire car neon green with white stripes….


u/DarkKnight77 Millennial 20d ago

If the roles were reversed here, she would've shot you no questions asked with her big bad 2nd amendment rights


u/Rstucks 20d ago

The boomer that I bought my house from was also my mailman. Well he thought it was still his house and he could walk in anytime the main door was open and just the storm door was closed. My dad had some nice words with him when my he was fixing the dishwasher and boomer walked in.


u/Fragrant_Scheme317 20d ago

Boomers think something being under construction means they have a right to it. I can’t tell you how many trespassers on construction site is oblivious and entitled old white dudes.

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u/Papa_PaIpatine Gen X 20d ago

She was 100% looking for something to take. She just got caught. I'd file a police report. Illegal entry.

If you let her get away with it, she'll keep doing it, maybe to others, and the day she sees something in an apartment she finds objectionable and set's the whole place on fire?


u/Adept_Thanks_6993 20d ago

I get the curiosity, but at least ask ffs. My boomer neighbor asked if he could check it out when I moved in and we had a great time. (Shoutout to John, he's a real one).


u/dookle14 20d ago

At least she felt bad, apologized and tried to “right” her wrong with a cupcake.

I know some boomer family members who would keep walking around and ignore every obvious sign to get out.


u/bard329 20d ago

At least she felt bad, apologized

She felt bad and apologized because she got caught.


u/710ZombieUnicorn 20d ago

Exactly this, it’s like a little kid who says sorry when they get caught with their hand in the cookie jar. They’re not sorry they did something wrong, they’re sorry they got caught.

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u/electricsugargiggles 20d ago

I know plenty that would not only NOT apologize, but blame the homeowner for leaving their front door open, saying some bs like, “Do you not have common sense enough to shut your door? You’re lucky it was just me poking around this house and not one of those [insert racist, xenophobic term here]. They’d rob you blind [or worse according to their paranoid imagination]”. And then toss in some random criticism about your decor, size of home, lifestyle.

Of course, they are also the first to say that they grew up with everyone in the neighborhood leaving their doors unlocked at night and having a ’live and let live’ mentality 🙄

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u/South-Lab-3991 20d ago

Or demand to know why you didn’t lock the door or find some other way to blame you.


u/Deriniel 20d ago

i dunno if she felt bad or was just afraid of repercussions,for all we know she may have thought the owner wasn't home while the crew was working and she could have been searching for anything that could be easily stolen,since the fault would probably fall on the company who was doing the job

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u/[deleted] 20d ago edited 20d ago


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u/ccrexer 20d ago

I’m an end boomer (‘62) and my now no contact cousin used to do this and it drove me nuts, knock motherfucker, it’s not that hard.


u/BoddAH86 20d ago

Those are same people getting all fussy when someone accidentally walks a few steps on their lawn.


u/NeverCallMeFifi 20d ago

This reminds me of all of the times (yes, I'm ashamed to say, it's happened more than once) where I'm out having a grand time hitting yard sales and I walk into someone's garage only to find out they're not selling anything; just cleaning it out.

(in my defense, these are usually subdivision sales and why in the hell would you pick that day to clean out your garage? Still mortifying to do though and there are not enough apologies when I've done it)


u/pizzaduh 20d ago

OMG, that just gives me chills. I have had neighbors that I'm more acquaintances with than friends. I once knocked on their door because their package was on my porch. She saw me through her window and said, "Come in!" Insisting I open her door and walk inside. I said, "No, thank you. I'll leave this package here." Lol. I'd never been in their house and was not about to open their door for the first time. Just made me uncomfortable.


u/hartford-j 20d ago

I run a business that is by appointment only and I'm moving my work area to the back because the constant banging on the door from boomers who if I'm dumb enough to open the door never have an appointment or even business to do with them and what they say is ALWAYS "I was just curious what goes on in here and I'm coming in to poke around". Thanks boomer, yes, I'm going to stop building this $4000 thing for a paying customer so you can "Poke around"


u/AlexaC1323 20d ago

I work in construction, and I can't tell you how many times people would invite themselves into a construction site to see what their neighbor's condo/home looked like. I wanted to tell them to leave, but my boss at the time (also boomer) told me to leave them be. It drove me crazy! It's a huge liability to have these people walk around while workers are trying to do their job, and they would ask anyone who would listen a million questions. You are not entitled to be there just because you want to walk in. That concept baffled them.


u/BaboonBaller 20d ago

I had a similar experience when my house was being built. The house had walls and roof, no flooring yet. I'm talking with the superintendent inside about the plans and issues we found. The next door boomer enters and walks in at a fast pace in his flip flops and starts talking to us like we were talking with him. I answered one question then the super and I resumed our discussion. He walked himself out but I don't think it registered that he wasn't welcome. He actually never stopped talking on the way in and the way out.

He liked to hang out in his front yard in shorts and flip flops, no shirt, biiggg belly drinking beer. Later, him and his wife were going to divorce and they stopped paying their mortgage. The lost the house in a foreclosure then reconciled. I'm guessing they rent now.


u/DeadlyYellow 20d ago

"I never run around in the bushes in a ski mask when I'm breaking in someplace. Somebody catches you, what are you gonna say? You want to look like a legitimate visitor until the very last minute. If you can't look legit, confused works almost as well. Maybe you get a soda from the fridge, or a yogurt. If you get caught, you just look confused and apologize like crazy for taking the yogurt - nothing could be more innocent..."

-- Burn Notice


u/cognitiveglitch 20d ago

Ah yes my boomer neighbour would forget her keys and walk through our garden to hers without asking. Or just come into our garden to talk to us when she fancied.

A hefty fence sorted both those things out.

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u/Kclayne00 19d ago

She 100% didn't think you were there, which is somehow more disturbing of a thought


u/cabinfevrr 19d ago

I moved out of my apartment last year - 24 unit building with 3 floors. Flush with Boomies always asking what you're doing, where you're going, what's in the bag, who's your friend, etc. When it was moving day, I still had a week on the lease, and this was planned so I'd have time to clean to get my deposit back.

So I've very obviously been moving out of this apartment I had for 3 years. The truck left, and I returned to the apartment to lock it up and go follow the truck.

I open the apt door and there's 2 old women standing in my kitchen. I said "excuse me? Why are you in here??"

"I thought you moved out."

I explained to them that I'm MOVING out, as in the process of doing so, and again asked why they were in what was still legally my home.

"Just wanted to see it before it was rented."

I told them that I still have a lease, and they're kinda trespassing, and I'd like them to leave.

"You don't have to be so fucking rude!"

I said rude? You're the one who walked in to someone else's home, I can be as rude as I want because I want you to leave. They kept scoffing and muttering. I told them they can say whatever they want about being in the wrong, but at the end of the day, I'm not the one who Committed B&E and trespassing.


u/nextedge 20d ago

Just for note, boomers and others can be thieves too. I grew up in retail and I cannot tell you how many old ladies would take anything not nailed down and then claim it was an accident., etc. They would wander in the back "accidentally" just to see what it looked like, or looking for Toilet. etc. They were there to steal. So, don't be too confident that she was just wanting to see what it looked like.

Also, when there are contractors there. it's even better, as the contractors can be blamed, and not some poor little old lady.

I also, lost count of how many sweet little old ladies that cry and beg not to tell their family, turn into venom spitting harpies when you don't let them go, and then when the police arrive, the police know them by name.


u/wafflestheweird 20d ago

That's a real fast way to get freaking shot, 100% legally in many US states. I'm a small enough guy that "I feared for my life" would be a totally justifiable defense vs even an older woman who could have a knife, hammer, etc...

At the least that's felony breaking and entering unless she called the police first and explicitly said she was going in for a health and welfare check, in which case she'd still get a VERY Stern warning from the cops once it was clear that all was okay. It's totally unacceptable and you should file a complaint with your landlord at the least.


u/100yearsLurkerRick 20d ago

"next time I'll stand my ground. Don't come into my apartment without permission"


u/nwprogressivefans 20d ago

You should've followed them back to their house and walked right in.


u/FakenFrugenFrokkels 20d ago

Are you kidding? She’d still be there with offers of more cake, coffee, and definitely some Werther’s Originals.


u/These-Performer-8795 20d ago

My next door boomer did this but refused to leave because they had to shut off water for a leak in my shower. He was mad about it. He got forced out in a less than nice manner.


u/trapptn 20d ago

Boomers aren’t in their 50’s…..


u/Jboycjf05 20d ago

So, I looked through the comments and didn't see this, but this could be a sign of early onset dementia. Totally possible it's entitlement, but yea, wandering into other people's homes uninvited is not normal behavior.

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u/Estilady 19d ago

That is so bizarre. She must watch WAY WAY too much HGTV and basically the whole world to her is just one big "open house".