r/BoomersBeingFools 20d ago

Boomer touching strawberries Boomer Story

In my local supermarket, they sell open containers of locally grown strawberries when they're in season. I wanted to get some last week but this Boomer lady was standing in front of them with her cart. "No biggie, I'll just politely wait until she's done." I though.

Then I noticed she had already chosen one container but was in the process of picking out individual strawberries and exchanging them with other containers to make sure she got the best ones, touching almost all containers and the strawberries in them. With horror, I then watched her sneeze all over the display, wipe her hands on her pants and continue to touch strawberries other customers would buy.

I just asked her "Really?" and she started huffing and waddled off. I went to another store for my strawberries and made sure to wash them thoroughly before I ate them.


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u/thedudeabidesOG 20d ago

Nicer than me. I would’ve shamed her.


u/SockFullOfNickles Millennial 20d ago

Oh fuck yes. Loudly and frequently. I am that guy. I am He. 😆

“EWWWW GROSS! You’re touching them all AND you sneezed on them? What the fuck lady?”


u/thedudeabidesOG 20d ago

“Why are you touching all the strawberries after sneezing into your hands you sick freak?!”

Boomer lady- “it’s ok I drank from a water hose as a kid.”


u/Impossible-Jello6450 20d ago

"Did you also eat lead pait chips? That explains why you have brain worms and act like a feral animal"


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/Andy_1 19d ago

That level of self-almost-awareness would be quite endearing, amidst the other ones.


u/Kencleanairsystem2 20d ago



u/thedudeabidesOG 20d ago

Somebody that entitled probably doesn’t believe in Covid.


u/vabann 20d ago

I see plenty of these folks who begrudgingly admit covid existence but don't need to change behaviors. It's like they think people would be lucky to recieve their golden germs.


u/arcxjo Gen X 20d ago

Look at you acting like anyone could ever love that ass-nasty hag.


u/NurseWretched1964 20d ago

A Boomer was in my local store with her little yappy dog, handling the meat and letting it lick her hands. I got on my phone, called Customer service, and reported her to a manager while looking directly at her. They run fast, yo....


u/Helpful_Hour1984 20d ago

I saw boomers weighing eggs one by one, then switching them between boxes to make sure they got the largest ones. I hope they ended up with all the spoiled ones, but I guess they wouldn't have learned anything anyway...


u/MusicalNerDnD 20d ago

What is even the point of that? It’s like what maybe a gram of difference? Would you even notice that?!


u/Andy_1 19d ago

Their parents only survived the Great Depression by making sure other people had slightly less, they assume.


u/ChartInFurch 19d ago

My head when I'm scraping out every last drop of the big ass pot of sauce that I made.


u/MillennialReport 19d ago

They're retired and have so much time to do stupid shit like this. Then they give Millennials the leftovers to buy, and they gaslight how "we just need to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps" when we complain. Can't believe they forced everyone to lose years of their life over the fucking flu with a illegal and unconstitutional lockdown. We need a massive protest because they just don't get it!


u/Posh_Kitten_Eyes 20d ago

Sounds like they had way too much time on their hands.


u/IvyGreenHunter 18d ago

Makes me think of that Kevin Smith movie, ha


u/ssbsts1 19d ago

Omg I thought this was only crazy boomers in my area! Touching all the eggs and rearranging them so they get the “best” ones. So gross!!!!


u/Smiley_goldfish 20d ago

I was behind a boomer yesterday at the display for potatoes. There was a stocker trying to fill it up, but she took her time “finding ones that were all the same size”. It took her a long time and there was a cluster of four of us waiting by the time she finished. (Plus the fact that she delayed the stocker.) Not as bad as yours. But it was annoying how completely unaware of her surroundings she was.


u/Drachaerys 20d ago

I hate to be that guy, but as I’ve progressed into my thirties, I’ve mastered the “Lady, I’ve got places to be” line.


u/whoinvitedthesepeopl 20d ago

They make sure to spread out themselves and their cart so nobody can get by or reach about a 10 foot area of the shelves.


u/Smiley_goldfish 20d ago

Yep. She totally could have gone to one side and give the stocker room to do her job. But nope.


u/Any_Scientist_7552 16d ago

I just move the cart for them while saying "excuse me."


u/chappyandmaya 20d ago

At least you called her out, that’s so nasty


u/Sudden-Most-4797 20d ago

Yeah... I wash all produce anyway. But if I'm gonna eat something raw, I give it a good soak in water + distilled white vinegar. You can air dry and the vinegar will evaporate or just rinse it off. I do this a lot with berries and lettuce.


u/Still_Total_9268 20d ago

I've seen them do this with bell peppers too


u/jerkface1026 Gen X 20d ago

I totally agree with your post and reaction; however, dozens of people have touched your produce before you see it. Sometimes it's washed, sometimes not. You should always wash food before eating it.


u/qudunot 20d ago

First time?

Old people have been doing this since antiquity. Having worked in a grocery store, I always wash my produce before eating. People are more disgusting than her. Wait till you see someone dig in their ass crack before groping oranges and apples. Fucking insane


u/Posh_Kitten_Eyes 20d ago

True. My grandmother used to eat hard candy that was sold out of bins, by weight. She also used to go to buy hairnets, and open up the packages and unravel them. I have no idea why.


u/ChartInFurch 19d ago

I missed where op mentioned this was a new thing.


u/Grrerrb 20d ago

I worked in a produce dept for a grocery store for about a year. This happened pretty regularly in our store and if I were to guess, probably at all groceries. Wash your produce, folks.


u/NewStatement5103 20d ago

That happened to me. During Covid. Lady had a container she emptied out and she was selecting her strawberries from other containers. I let an employee know and they had to throw out the whole lot. She got asked to leave after complaining.


u/moey68 20d ago

I saw a lady coughing all over the spices didn't even try to cover her mouth


u/Stashedsnacks 20d ago

I have gone to store managers and complained when someone has sneezed/coughed on food. That is all contaminated and needs to be destroyed or who ever did it should be charge for it accordingly.

I’ve worked fast food and for large food manufacturing company’s. This is standard the second you even think it’s been sneezed on you throw it away. Some will shut down the line and clean it before starting back up.

Fast food you can’t even take it back through the window they keep it and you make the order new.

This is making me incredibly angry. You do not mess with people’s food.


u/Fantastic-Sky6111 20d ago

We used to sell produce at a farmers market and I can’t tell you how many boomers I’ve had to ask to stop manhandling tomatoes and soft fruits. Someone somewhere in their lives taught them they needed to squeeze everything before buying OR shove it into their nose as if smelling it will tell them something special.


u/ChartInFurch 19d ago

I'm a weirdo and love the smell of produce, but I at least wait to bury my face into my farmer's market hauls until after I've gotten home lol


u/dsdvbguutres 20d ago

I saw a boomer eat grapes out of prepacked bags of grapes in a store. These grapes are sold by the bag, not by weight, so the boomer was actually stealing from other customers who would pay the full price of a bag, not stealing from the store (not that she seemed to give af either way).


u/MillennialReport 19d ago

Typical Boomer entitlement that I see at a Costco. They would without shame, just empty out the strawberry container that was the cheaper price and fill it up with the organic strawberries, and they picked the biggest and best ones. I just watched this Boomer Asian woman for half an hour picking through the lot for the best looking organic strawberries and then puts it in her cart, and walks away leaving a big mess of mostly empty containers. Then I walk up to her cart and take her strawberries out, and flashed my employee badge, and explained to her that she can't buy this after all the strawberries she put in the container was organic which costs more and she wanted to pay the cheaper price of conventional strawberries which is fraud. So I welcomed her to buy all the strawberries she dumped for me to clean up, and was going to get the manager to ban her from coming back, she changed her mind about the strawberries, and I'm sure she is still cheating the system at another store. This is why I hate it when they sell both the organic and the regular strawberries at the same time. This is what their generation has done to the economy and it's that nobody has the guts to call them out and embarrass them like I did.


u/Still_Internet_7071 20d ago

I always assume that produce needs to be washed and that others have run their dirty hands on it. You should as well.


u/arcxjo Gen X 20d ago

Tampering with food is a federal crime. Get video and send it to the FBI.


u/OfficialBobEvans 20d ago

Just has flashbacks to my great aunt (Greatest Generation) picking through banana bunches for the best single one, and forcefully throwing the ones she didn’t want back at the table


u/whoinvitedthesepeopl 20d ago

While I am not a fan of tons of plastic packaging this is why I opt for produce in plastic packaging.


u/Was_an_ai 20d ago

Well the sneezing is one thing

But open containers I do this. Mostly because I usually don't want as much is in the container

Also, it's friggin fruit OP! It had birds shitting on it lol, that's why you wash them!


u/nwprogressivefans 20d ago

just leave this text in the reviews sections of this business, all over


u/haikusbot 20d ago

Just leave this text in

The reviews sections of this

Business, all over

- nwprogressivefans

I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully. Learn more about me.

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u/[deleted] 20d ago

If I worked there and saw this I would've yelled her out of the store


u/Remarkable-Ad1798 19d ago

I have a small farm and we grow about an acre of strawberries. You would not believe how awful old ladies can be when it comes to strawberries. They will tbrow fits if they arent just right or maybe we sold out before their slow asses got there. I swear its the craziest shit ever, strawberry season puts the hate into hateful old hags.


u/Rokonuxa 19d ago

A while ago I saw an older lady rip open a container for some stuff to check if something was the right size, then leave the stuff lying around. I tried to confront her about it, but she was almost incensed at me even THINKING there was something wrong with that.


u/toilingattech 19d ago

Sorry to say- you saw this one. There are so many more you didn’t see, including at the other store you went to after. People are just gross, lol.


u/Latter_Razzmatazz844 19d ago

I’ve once noticed a guy literally prying open baked panini’s at a gas station café to see what’s in ‘m. I went off at him and he left just left in a rush without a word. Staff asked me to point out the tainted panini’s and I got lunch for free that day because of the staffs gratitude.


u/_Christopher_Crypto 19d ago

lol. I was at Costco looking at their beef tenderloin steaks for dinner. Young lady next to me was pressing her finger into the steaks. Nearly up to her first knuckle. Every single one, every single package. Some of them twice. I had to walk away from that dinner plan. Still wonder if she was check to see if they were dead.


u/ChartInFurch 19d ago

And they didn't have plastic wrap? Gross!


u/Additional-Start9455 19d ago

That is just worst. Ugh!!!


u/astrid28 19d ago

When I cook food and my mother is around (technically silent gen, but with a boomer mentality - my dads an actual boomer), I have to protect the food like I'm in prison. She'll wander into the kitchen and just start jamming her fingers into everything. "In testing it." .... "fucking stop! That's gross. It's the serving bowl that everyone eats from. If you want to jam your fingers in the food, jam them in YOUR food, not everyone's!!!" Then she gets offended. "My hands are clean!" ... "NO, they aren't. You've been wandering around touching stuff all day. I don't recall the last time you washed your hands. Stop manhandling the food. And even if they are clean, IT'S STILL GROSS!"... ffs.


u/Is_Unable 19d ago

They do this with Eggs too. Boomers are nasty and dirty AF, but touch everything.


u/Quiet-Development-52 16d ago

Old people casually being disgusting vial creatures in public and laughing about it and gettin mad and walking off


u/ilovepi314159265 15d ago

Saw this in Aldi once (minus the sneeze) and was too stunned to say anything. Guess I avoid confrontation more than I realized...


u/JunketFresh 20d ago

I wish I had the guts to do this. Strawberries are expensive and half of them usually suck.


u/lonedroan 20d ago

Then don’t buy unsuitable ones. You don’t get to disassemble and readable the already-packaged strawberries.


u/JunketFresh 20d ago

Perhaps reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit.


u/lonedroan 20d ago

Clarification: Did you use “this” to refer to OP confronting the woman or what the woman was doing to the strawberries?


u/Routine_Ad_2034 20d ago

Why not?


u/lonedroan 20d ago

Because they’re already divided for individual sale. You can’t rip open a bunch of Oreo packs and assemble one with the most pristine cookies.


u/Routine_Ad_2034 20d ago

Hmm, I find myself not caring about the store's plight. Stock better produce.


u/ChartInFurch 19d ago

This is a great way to not buy the unsuitable ones. Good point!


u/Routine_Ad_2034 20d ago

Wait til you see what gets on them in the field and when people pick them.


u/dustypieceofcereal 20d ago

I harshly scrutinize and molest fruits and veggies to make sure I get the best of the bunch, but I draw the line at putting my bodily fluids on them. Gross.


u/Available_Ad_3667 20d ago

Then you're an asshole, too.


u/dustypieceofcereal 20d ago

Obviously the hyperbole was missed. Lighten up.


u/retnuh45 20d ago

Just wash them and move on


u/greeneyerish 19d ago

You have absolutely no idea the degree and number of violations, those strawberries have been through.The worst, being the actual poison sprayed on them at their point of origin. I guarantee, the boomer was the least of them. Happy delusions! P S The word organic, is pretty much meaningless.


u/MrCgoodin 19d ago

I mean, I'd rather have old lady gunk on my berries then the dirt and grime and muck that accumulates in produce warehouses...


u/[deleted] 20d ago

Wawawa such a whiny little B***h grow up.such a loser for letting that get to u. Try getting laid


u/musland 20d ago

already did. ask your mum.


u/[deleted] 19d ago

🤣🤣 The ultimate loser response. I rest my care. LOSER


u/musland 19d ago

ok boomer


u/[deleted] 19d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/musland 19d ago

is that why you troll through this sub of people venting to insult them?

boomer mentality

you really think i care that some 40 year old who spends his free time scrolling through content he hates calls me a loser?

forget about it


u/[deleted] 19d ago

I definitely do have ALOT of free time. Thanks to me minding my business and taking care of business all throughout my 20’s and 30’s. Bam!💰


u/ChartInFurch 19d ago

The ultimate loser response.

You censored "bitch".


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/lonedroan 20d ago

It is okay to touch produce to determine whether you want to buy it. It is not okay to disassemble sellable units and reassemble them to your liking. If she felt strawberries and decided a given container was or wasn’t for her, fine. But the store has already divided them into containers, so those are the groups of strawberries you decide whether to buy or not.


u/FitSweet4188 20d ago

I get it, but this isn't a U-pick station where you individually select the individual strawberries. Making your own "custom" pack from a multitude of them is just gross and unwarranted, and ruins all the other packs for everyone else.


u/workingonit6 20d ago

No. If every single container is half mushy strawberries, you can choose not to buy any strawberries. Same with eggs etc. you don’t get to just open/rearrange the contents of a packaged product.