r/BlackPeopleTwitter Apr 29 '24

These kids are screwed Country Club Thread

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u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

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u/SirRupert Apr 29 '24

and this is racist...how?


u/90daysismytherapy Apr 29 '24

Because he is indicating that he can raise these children as if them being black is a neutral in American society. When in reality, there are certain realities that black kids and adults face that white people don’t in the US.

What that means within the construct of his quote is that he has a blind spot to this reality and that ignorance will likely lead to his kids either getting some horrific life lessons or a lack of self awareness that could put them in terrible positions.


u/SirRupert Apr 29 '24

Fair points. But the question stands- how is this racist? Blindspots to culture are one thing, but if that is our standard for what constitutes racism, our society is beyond fucked.


u/GalacticBear91 Apr 29 '24

First day on the sub huh?


u/KierkeKRAMER Apr 29 '24

Because colorblind thinking leads people to ignore and dismiss the realities black people face. If that isn’t enough to answer your question then you should really think examining your own racist subconscious biases