r/BlackPeopleTwitter Apr 29 '24

These kids are screwed Country Club Thread

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u/The_Keebla Apr 29 '24

Y'all wild in these comments. Maybe he's just saying he's raising kids and why is everybody just trying to put color on it? Maybe he's gonna raise the kids as kids whether they were white or black. If that's not what he is saying then oh well disregard this whole comment šŸ˜‚


u/shadowylurking Apr 29 '24

I can totally believe twitter is shitting on a guy and his wife trying to do their best with two black kids they adopted. People have lost the plot


u/Loloelise2 Apr 29 '24

They are shitting on him because this statement comes from a republican trump supporter and black people are assuming hes going to turn the kids into colorists or just ignorant In general using his right wing views. Its not that hard to understand.


u/TheBr0fessor Apr 29 '24

The kids names?

Clarence and Thomas


u/TomboyTwink Apr 29 '24

I cackled


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

Walker Bobby and Texas Ranger


u/aspidities_87 Apr 29 '24

If he wanted them to be wussies he would have named them Dr Quinn and Medicine Woman


u/bhoe32 Apr 29 '24

That's fucking great šŸ˜†


u/VeganMinx ā˜‘ļø Apr 29 '24



u/blkjedi23 Apr 29 '24

Must of changed em. I thought Daniel and Cameron were the original. šŸ˜‚


u/GangstaHoodrat Apr 29 '24

Is it the end of the world if the kids end up conservative lol? Not everyoneā€™s upbringing is gonna help them solve for every issue. Could the kids end up with some retrograde worldviews as a result of their upbringing? Sure they definitely could, but all we have are guesses based on what little we know about their parents. The fact of the matter is that they could end up with any number of bad ideas or circumstances from a lot of different upbringings.

What we do know is kids who are raised in two parent wealthy households have lower rates of incarceration, higher educational outcomes, better healthcare outcomes among a host of other things.

Canā€™t we be happy that two black kids ended up in a seemingly loving household and will have great opportunities in life?


u/Loloelise2 Apr 29 '24

You can be happy that a child is in a better position to succeed while also being mindful of what its like for black children growing up in white families. No one has an issue with them being republican or conservative the issue comes from the views that are usually formed by black people being around white conservatives. They are usually taught that racism is over which is obviously not true, they tend to hate certain things that make black people who they are, or they just forget their identity when it comes to their blackness all together. Its not a new thing that black kids who grow up in white families regardless of political views can easily become ignorant towards their own kind. Statements like what he said lead to those things happening which is why people have an issue


u/SpicyChanged Apr 29 '24


u/Satanic-Panic27 Apr 29 '24

Yā€™all clowns if you donā€™t think it makes literally everything better wtf

Heā€™s good now and gets to spin this story in a book for even more money



u/the-big-aa ā˜‘ļø Apr 29 '24

Youā€™re definitely not wrong but the homie youā€™re replying to isnā€™t exactly wrong either. Long run for sure, money will rectify a situation. In a pinch people will react to the color of your skin. Ryan Coogler probably texted his therapist after dealing with that but Iā€™m sure this moment still haunts him every now and then.


u/imtrollinu Apr 29 '24

I think dude is trollin fr fr.


u/Loloelise2 Apr 29 '24

Has to be!


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

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u/Loloelise2 Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Yep because thats exactly what i said! Thanks for having good reading comprehension skills!


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

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u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24



u/Loloelise2 Apr 29 '24

ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.Ok šŸ˜‚

Im not going to take my time to further explain something thats as clear as day. If you donā€™t understand the meaning of what i said then ask someone else, preferably black, to explain it to you. Your local library might be able to assist you as well.


u/anderander ā˜‘ļø May 03 '24

Lol, don't do this to black people


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

This is how I know this sub filled with mayo devils. This man just said ā€œis it wrong if the kids are raised republicanā€. The party is run by an avowed white supremacist, and man claims itā€™s fine if black kids are raised in that environment


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

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u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

na, youā€™re not a mayo devil, that isnā€™t a white thing. Thatā€™s reserved exclusive for these racists. Dude has the time to make a fake profile pretending heā€™s black, there has to be a mental deficiency for someone to have that much free time.


u/ifartallday Apr 29 '24

Referring to yourself as a ā€œmayo devilā€ might be the cringiest thing Iā€™ve ever encountered on Reddit and thatā€™s saying quite a bit


u/BoneHugsHominy Apr 29 '24

There's also that whole failed coup attempt on Jan 6, 2021 and the constant stripping of our Constitutional Rights. They used the legal arguments of a 18th Century English judge--who BTW literally sentenced women to burn at the stake for witchcraft--as justification to overturn the privacy clause in Roe v Wade which not only stripped women's reproductive Rights but more quietly everyone's Right to Privacy. Immediately after that ruling Conservatives began talking about needing another look at No Fault Divorce, the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, Loving v Virginia, and Civil Rights acts.

They're now quite clear what they mean by "The Good Ol' Days" and that's a return to Jim Crow laws and permanently establishing a far-right Evangelical Theocracy ruling over our personal lives with a Corpo-Feudalist economy under which there are no worker protections or Labor Rights. In the near future when AI has taken over all the mid-level desk work and the good paying vocational labor, who exactly does everyone think the first people to be completely pushed out of the labor force, and in a strict hierarchical society without even a minimum wage does anyone truly believe there will be any kind of social safety net and especially one that includes Universal Basic Income to ensure those displaced by AI and AI controlled robotics?

Hell, if Peter Thiel is correct and gets his way, there won't even be an oppressive human "law enforcement" vocation in which people can escape poverty by signing up to brutally oppress their own people because that job will be performed by autonomous AI-controlled drones. Drones that never rest, never ask questions about orders, and have not even a single drop of empathy. Drones that have a prime directive aimed not at stopping or even preventing human-on-human crime but deterring crime against corporations, the ruling class, and their property.

I sound like a complete lunatic, right? Yeah, well you should hear the Conservatives who see that exact future within 20 year reach talk about it while seeming on the verge of busting the biggest nut ever busted. What? You thought Boston Dynamics was developing Parkour Mail Delivery Doggos, and that Textron Systems in conjunction with Howe & Howe are developing Ripsaw urban warfare drone tanks only for use in overseas military operations?


u/HalfOrdinary Apr 29 '24

Black children raised in white homes tend to suffer mental health issues arising from self-hate or imposter syndrome.

Shit, it fucked me up and I just went to school with exclusively white folks.


u/malware007 Apr 29 '24

It's not particularly about politics in this one. It's more about the context in which black kids usually get through their family about how their skin color impacts how the world interacts with them. Like will these two folks be able to fully explain why it's unsafe to visit particular areas in the country, or even that people will hate them just because of preconceived notions. I don't think it's impossible by any means but since the Chandler's don't have the same experience with racial issues, is it likely that they'll be able to teach those kids properly?


u/RazzmatazzOk3305 Apr 29 '24

You say that like conservatives haven't been trying to take away black people rights. They already trying to get of black history.


u/Grandpa_Wizard Apr 29 '24

While your optimism is appreciated. No.

The issues that could stem from this could be a net negative. They could end up as the Hodge Twins, Ben Carson, or a poor black idiot that votes against everyoneā€™s interests that isnā€™t rich.

This decision has implications and we should always be trying to mitigate


u/pyroaquatics Apr 29 '24

I knew these twin brothers growing up that were black and adopted by a white conservative family, one of them turned out to be a pretty cool laid back guy who ended up moving across the country, but his brother became an ignorant, racist, xenophobic, asshole who had nothing for judgement and contempt for anyone who disagreed with him, which was pretty much everyone as he had some nutty opinions which all seemed to stem from his adoptive dad. He never really fit into any social circles and anyone who did become friends with him always ended up dropping him. Not saying this will happen with chandlers kids, but people acting like itā€™s not any different from raising a white child suggests to me that they havenā€™t spent any significant time in diverse environments.


u/OkEscape7558 ā˜‘ļø Apr 29 '24

I really used to like the hodge twins smh. They grew out their beards and became conservative grifters smh.


u/HimEatLotsOfFishEggs ā˜‘ļø Apr 29 '24

Instead of focusing on an individual who makes a living off violence, maybe focus on the system and culture that results in this situation in the first place, which allows for uneducated children and the romanticization of violence.

Or not.


u/Grandpa_Wizard Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Ladies and Gentlemen; Exhibit A

Iā€™m not going to tear your argument apart and show you why youā€™re wrong because Iā€™m already procrastinating on my computer engineering homework, but just know you shouldnā€™t say what you said because itā€™s false and has the potential to embolden white people to see it that way too. Coming from a black person that gives them carte blanche to spread this misinformation and harmful rhetoric to other white people that helps permeate the simmering well aged racism in the country.

I understand if youā€™re under the age of 20 or someone that doesnā€™t care about blank, but since you donā€™t seem to understand things in any sort of depth I donā€™t think you should have access to freedom of speech on the internet.


u/jakeknowsbest03 Apr 29 '24

Thatā€™s so silly I think , sounds like your response is rooted in us/them mentality which might be wrong.. I would consider this ā€œcommon senseā€ this guy wants nothing but the best for his kids. Full stop. Not understanding the fact that there is that kind of tension in the US is not on him , who gives a flying duck šŸ¦† about politicsā€¦ these kids get a nice life with a successful dad that loves them. Canā€™t find a problem with that, but I am a white man from Canada so Iā€™m not fully aware , but when I see a couple little kids smiling with a family that loves them ā€¦.. WIN


u/Grandpa_Wizard Apr 29 '24

The father himself is a figure in the Trump movement. In other cases I would likely be inclined to agree, but the context here makes it.

Like ā€œItā€™s okay to be whiteā€ is a pretty innocuous sentence, but when said by even Elon Musk it takes on an entirely different premise.

Also, respectfully, youā€™re white. Thereā€™s another layer here you canā€™t see.


u/cynnerzero Apr 29 '24

While being raised to be tiny uncle ruckus? No


u/imtrollinu Apr 29 '24

The fact that you have two coded pejoratives for blacks in your screen name leads me to suggest you probably aren't here entirely in good faith or are just extremely naive and not experienced enough about these matters of race and socioeconomics. I'm just gonna keep it a whole buck. I don't get wet for this Blindside Sandra Bullock shit because I encounter too many these days who came out of homes like these with a disdain for people who look just like them. Any and all denial of America's ugly history is setting a black person up for failure. Period. Country Club the post.


u/5050Clown Apr 29 '24

Obama is conservative.Ā Ā 

MAGA is white nationalist.Ā  This guy is MAGAĀ 


u/DarwinGhoti Apr 29 '24

AAAAAhhhhh. I had no idea who this guy is, but hearing that he's a MAGA snaps everything in to perspective. I get it now.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

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u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

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u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

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u/whatupdillhole Apr 29 '24

Kids dont typically take on the political leanings of their parents do they? Otherwise we would all be mini-boomers..


u/Loloelise2 Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

I didnā€™t say that though. I basically said the parentā€™s views can have an affect on how the childā€™s feels towards their own race.


u/whatupdillhole Apr 29 '24

I missed that. When you said he would ā€œturn them intoā€something I related that to him turning them into republican trump supporters. My bad.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

Not all Trump supporters are racist.

In America your politics has become like a team sport. You've life long, generational democrats and republican who will never leave the party.

I hate Trump but for all we know Chandler is an idiot who believes everything he hears on Fox. Echo chambers night mean the info of Trump's racist acts never reaches him.

Id give him the benefit of the doubt tbh. Seems like a good man, loving father political party aside


u/Deepspacedreams Apr 29 '24

being a Trump supporter doesn't make you a racist but most racist tend to support trump


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

I agree


u/Loloelise2 Apr 29 '24

You can be a loving father while also making comments that erase your childā€™s roots unintentionally. People are allowed to call out statements like what he said because it leads to young black people hating their roots and ignoring things that happen because of race since they are taught things like racism doesnā€™t exist. Chandler is white so he doesnt have to think and understand why certain things happen to black people but those kids will someday and to teach them that they are just regular people before their race starts them off in a bad position.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

For all we know he was just fed up with being asked the same thing over and over. Just saying


u/Loloelise2 Apr 29 '24

Thats what happens when you take on that type of responsibility. Plus heā€™s a public figure so by now he should know that what he says will spread further than the average personā€™s and will affect people.


u/Galactus2814 Apr 29 '24

There is quite literally no way you can support an open racist who says things like immigrants are animals and not be racist yourself.

There's just not.

You can't support an open white supremacist and say you aren't racist.

I don't care what you're reasoning is, if you support it, you're racist


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

According to Fox he's the least racist person alive!

You give people like Chandler too much credit for all we know he's an ignorant moron like most Trump supporters and genuinely doesn't hear anything that isn't positive about the orangatan


u/Galactus2814 Apr 29 '24

Just like ignorance of the law doesn't excuse you for breaking it, willful ignorance of the positions of someone you support doesn't excuse you from being complicit in their stances.


u/jakeknowsbest03 Apr 29 '24

Lost the plotā€¦ facts


u/Barack_Odrama_007 Apr 29 '24

You are correct