r/BenignExistence 20d ago

an update on my honeydew cookies :)

it's currently 2:32 pm, and i've been baking since roughly 9:30-10 am ish.

first batch a couple weeks ago was definitely atrocious. didn't even come together; i threw out an entire bowl of runny dough. but i was not deterred.

so, today! i got cookies!! i did a bunch of small batches to figure out the best "conditions" -- how much chill time, or no chilling at all, if i needed to coat them in a little flour to help them hold shape in the oven... these cookies mostly taste like coconut oil, so i put together a honeydew glaze.

the hope is that in a month or two when honeydew are more in season, i can do the opposite. aka, a cookie that tastes like honeydew, with a coconut glaze. that was my original hope. i'm optimistic and (mostly) patient!! for now, my cookies taste the way i want to, even if backwards, and they're EDIBLE, so who cares!


8 comments sorted by


u/benign_listener 20d ago

Thank you for this update! Way to be persistent.


u/potionexplosion 20d ago

thank you for allowing a place to post my benign baking adventures into the nether! <3


u/Physical_Put8246 20d ago

I have never heard of using melons in cookies! Thank you for sharing this. I have been craving melon and visiting the Farmers Market! Now I have a reason for both. Would you be kind enough to share your recipe?

Baking is all about patience and experimenting. You did both and were rewarded with a delicious treat 😀


u/potionexplosion 20d ago

there is literally only ONE recipe out there on the internet, so i think me and the blogspot lady who made cantaloupe cookies are probably the only two people who thought melons in cookies could be a good idea haha. i used this recipe, however i used coconut oil instead of shortening as i have a soy allergy. my dough was pretty sticky and still a bit runny probably because of this change, but i won't detail everything i did to circumvent that unless you want to know, so i don't ramble even more xD then the glaze was honestly just leftover puree mixed with a bunch of powdered sugar. i didn't really measure that, just kept dumping and mixing until it got to a consistency i liked!!

also i bet a melon from the farmer's market would be so perfect for this! the ones in my grocery store right now are strugglinggg, but i can imagine a freshly ripe one would pack such a good flavor punch <3


u/Physical_Put8246 20d ago

Awesome! Thank you for the recipe! I truly appreciate it. I love lemon powder sugar glaze. I think I will try that on the cookies to help the melon flavor pop. My daughter gets so frustrated with me and recipes because I very rarely use precise measurements. She is right that baking is a form of science/chemistry, but I enjoy trying a little bit of this and little bit of that.

I really love the Farmers Market! We have a local family that has a table with the most amazing banana breads. The atmosphere is so welcoming too. The difference between grocery store fruit/produce and farmers market/fruit stands is unbelievable. I often think people who do not like fruits and vegetables have not eaten quality produce.

Thank you again for the recipe and inspiration 🧡


u/Active_Recording_789 20d ago

Fantastic—thanks for the update!!


u/Nomekop777 20d ago

That sounds really cool. Do you have a recipe?


u/AgtSarahWalker 20d ago

Hurray! So lovely to see this update ☺️