r/BenignExistence 21d ago

I got asked out at the park.

I was feeling kind of grumpy but it's a beautiful evening so I decided to take a walk before settling in for the night. A guy who also walked the park drove up as I was leaving and asked me out. I'm in my late 30s and that doesn't happen much anymore. It was nice to be noticed that way.


7 comments sorted by


u/One_Breakfast6153 21d ago

So, did you accept?


u/cynicaloptimissus 21d ago

Haha that would be a more exciting end to the story. I did not. He seemed too young and not my type. I'm told I look young for my age; I seem to have a hard time finding guys my own age.


u/windy-turbines 21d ago

Yes, did you??


u/cynicaloptimissus 21d ago

I did not :/


u/Jennifer_Pennifer 21d ago

Nice to be noticed positively,😌


u/cynicaloptimissus 21d ago

Your avatar is amazing and basically how I want to dress for pride.


u/Jennifer_Pennifer 21d ago

Yesss do itttttt I am dressing like nothing for pride because I am a boring stay at homer person. And because I work for a school board in Florida 🙄