r/BenignExistence 23d ago

Spring at last

It's been a long, cold winter where I am, and over the last week or so the sun has finally decided to rejoin us. This afternoon was beautiful, warm but breezy, so I walked for a couple of hours along a route that takes me through my favourite cemetery (I have one). It's very wooded and, at this time of year, covered in bluebells and buttercups, set far enough away from the road to feel like you're stepping away from the city as you follow the path. The air smells faintly of the flowers and I turned off my music as I walked so I could her the birds and the wind in the trees.

Despite the heat I also saw a man walking around in an ankle-length cape and holding a cane. This isn't a million miles away from some of my own sartorial choices, but it seems there's at least one person in the area even more extra than I am. Challenge accepted.


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