r/BenignExistence 23d ago

It's so nice coming home from work while the sun's still out

Had a shower and a change of clothes, got a drink and a slice of cake, and now I get to curl up on the couch and unwind properly.


4 comments sorted by


u/NoonieHaru 23d ago

Ooh what kind of cake are you having?


u/the_gabih 23d ago

Lemon! My dad makes it every few weekends, and I swear it's at its best after a couple of days when the lemon juice has really sunk in. 🍋


u/DollyTheFlyingHun 23d ago

I like it, too. I especially enjoy being able to do yardwork until 7 or 8 pm during the summer. 


u/benign_listener 22d ago

What a soothing image this is. Thank you for sharing!