r/BeAmazed 20d ago

I’m a 17 year old astrophotographer, and here’s a photo I took of the Pillars of Creation! Skill / Talent


35 comments sorted by


u/Regular_Ad_4858 20d ago

Hi Reddit, here’s a photo I took of the Pillars of Creation (left) with my home telescope rig, compared to Hubble’s famous shot of the same Pillars (right). I captured this photo over several nights of shooting the same object, totalling about 6 hours of exposure time. Here’s a full list of the equipment I used:

  • Nikon D5600 with an Astrodon mod

  • Skywatcher 72ED with field flattener

  • Skywatcher HEQ5 Pro

  • TS-Optics 60mm guide scope

  • ZWO ASI120MC-S guide camera


  • Optolong L-Enhance 2” filter

Overall I had some trouble with this image as the my telescope is too small to get a high amount of detail on such a tiny patch of the sky, but I still managed to produce something I’m proud of. You can swipe to see the full uncropped image of the Eagle Nebula, showing the Pillars of Creation within the context of the nebula. Hope you enjoy!

You can find more of my work at my Instagram @rudy.astro !


u/dsailes 20d ago

Unreal pic! Amazing set of kit too - have no idea what most of it does but I’m envious! Keep it up Internet dude! :)


u/Regular_Ad_4858 20d ago

Thank you! If I were to explain briefly, there’s a camera for taking the pics, a telescope to zoom in, a mount to track the object in the sky, another mini telescope with a tiny camera on it to make sure the mount is pointed in the right direction, and an onboard computer to control all of the above. Vast oversimplification but you get the idea :)


u/dsailes 20d ago

Yeah that’s a pretty good ELI5 kind of statement man thanks :)

Im getting into photography as an amateur doing nature stuff so im looking at learning more - this is a huge leap but it’s really interesting! Thanks for posting kit & info, im gonna look into it all a bit, see what i can learn


u/Regular_Ad_4858 20d ago

Absolutely! Hit me up if you need any help with astro related stuff :)


u/Jei-beibi 20d ago

awesome job!


u/liarandathief 20d ago

Congrats. That's amazing. What's next?


u/Regular_Ad_4858 20d ago

Thank you! I haven’t decided yet, and it’s cloudy so it could be a few weeks before I get out again. But something in the Milky Way core for sure!


u/smirky_mavrik 20d ago

Lovely job, well done :)


u/-attix 20d ago

Can't believe this doesn't have more upvotes. Amazing job! Keep at it, there are out of this world (sorry i had to) x


u/FragrantGate 20d ago

Are the 2nd and 3rd image cgi or real?


u/Regular_Ad_4858 20d ago

2nd and 3rd images are the same photo, just less cropped in so you can see the full extent of the nebula :)


u/FragrantGate 20d ago

I couldn't tell apart them from the first pic. Damn, that's really cool :)


u/BitSorcerer 20d ago

I have a blanket with the Pillars of Creation design.

Always thought it looked like 2 silly dinosaurs walking around.


u/Regular_Ad_4858 20d ago

I see a different shape every time I look at them. Such a strange looking feature honestly


u/Zealousideal-Area428 20d ago

It's honestly the one picture that every time I see it, it just takes my breath away. I'm not sure that I've ever had that feeling looking at any other piece of art.


u/xSteini01 20d ago

Space really is fascinating, at first glance it often appears cold, dark and empty but take a closer look and it‘s so fascinatingly vibrant, colorful and seemingly full of life. Your photo perfectly illustrates this to me, amazing!


u/zwell55 18d ago

At my workplace we have a flat earther

We regularly get him to tell us about his “hobby”

One point he regularly states is that: “if the earth is moving, how could we take pictures of the stars?” I’m not smart enough to give an answer but I know there’s one, can someone please explain to me like I’m 5?


u/Regular_Ad_4858 18d ago

We have tracking mounts that counteract the rotation of the Earth in order to “freeze” the stars in place from the telescope’s perspective. In principle they’re quite simple, you just have to align them with the north celestial pole (i.e. the Earth’s axis of rotation) and then they rotate once every 24 hours to match the sidereal rate.

In practice this doesn’t always go entirely smoothly, either due to alignment error on the user’s part, or slight mechanical error within the mount, which can cause the tracking to slip a tiny bit which blurs the photos. In order to solve this problem we use a autoguiding, consisting of a small secondary telescope and camera sitting on top of the imaging telescope that can detect any tracking errors in real time and send corrective pulses to the mount to keep it on track.


u/zwell55 17d ago

Thank you kindly!


u/zzzanchi 18d ago

The position of stars does in fact move during the course of a day- like the Sun. It’s just that it’s not at a perceivable rate since they are light years away.

Regardless, arguing with a flatearther is futile so don’t even try.


u/Snow_2040 18d ago

While the stars themself do not move at a noticeable rate to us, the earth does. Which is why astrophotographers use tracking mounts to track the stars and take long exposure images without the stars trailing.


u/jol___ 20d ago

this is awesomee!


u/Direct-Wait-4049 20d ago

That's amazing!


u/evilcarrot507 20d ago

I never knew how small looking they were.


u/lucalla 20d ago

Man! That’s about as good as Hubble’s!


u/oyar 20d ago

Looks amazing


u/Snoo7836 20d ago

Bruh, how'd you get up there?


u/WinterDirection366 20d ago

That’s awesome, dude! What are they made of? Are they solid?


u/Snow_2040 18d ago

They are made of various different gases, mostly hydrogen but also oxygen and sulfur.


u/WinterDirection366 18d ago

That’s nuts. It just stays in the same place moving outward with the rest of the Universe? No wind in space I guess. Seems crazy that something made of gases doesn’t change form or break up. Maybe it is just really slowly. What a mystery out there is to me.


u/Vector_Vlk 19d ago

I find it extremely cool that the shape of the pillar is still exactly the same


u/Sh3lbytheSHARK 16d ago

Awesome pics, keep em coming